Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, June 02, 1803, Image 2

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From the National Intelligencer. A VINDACATION C.F the Me a farts of the Present Adminiflration. BY ALGERNON SIDNEY. a Whcre'Libtrry is—their is my Country.” j No. HI. A violent efFo't has been m.<de to produce an imme , diate wtr beiweu the UnucJ biases, France and Epain. ror this pnrpofc the celebrated refolutiors ot Mr. Rets, authoiifing ihe prelnlc-nt to embody tit tv t ontand- men, and to f izr on few Oilcans and Eoiii/Hua, and appropriatin'* fi>e n i.lions ot dollars for fnc expences, were presented ro the fernte* Ihe Ur:hn ha* ocen d* uuckd from one e-xtrtmiry to ttie < r*t me union The oppoiuioii, true to their oki Iyltem of war, (landing xrtries, navies debts and pa- j fron.-gc, have been tremblingly alive oc ids iuisj Ct. ko means have been oiuited to effect their obj-ait.—- brttli a m offi rs have been made to the Wellern pen pie i tii*ir paili ns played upon, their fptrit and re solution, at one mi n cut, admired, the next doubted': ly u etui in preventing war during the tail uhinmi ft> a ion, who fi*U i.ikrtcd the rigius of Ireemen, ana by their bold andmmly r foiu.ion* tlifci to the ruler or the njrion *< hus lar lhU tbbu no and uo fv-rth-r’ here ih.iii thy proud career be Itayed, hive rear'vol mnoved and nrintv -attaced to •Iv intertit, he pcice, the bappitiefs a> and rue government of the country. v farprife-ev* .he conduct of ttve oppoll ‘mt is in-I cie tied by their vote proclaiming” tln i ‘ v nt of con fidence in the Mircmive—Charity leads me to admit this .riginated in their belief mat he was delhtutr citner or taUri'S or itut griry* it the iird, then ti cy have evinced n re dii:els in evpole the nation to the. evils of a milumo*- \ and ip-coodtufted war. if the (ot, then they nave m .niwfted a w illing ins to hazard, ibe liberties ot the country, b\ eottuling *o a man, ■whom they believed unpriocipL and the Iword and” tr a lures of the nation. I hey moil dut between tlielc al tves, or admit whr.t is generally hehtvtd that tide extraordinary vote nni nut lpck the language ui the heart, bur was the child oi part) brought imo cx ‘ illei cc to toller tlie fptrjr ol dd IfVclmn. Became the government refuf s to resent riie un.uthoriUd aR oi ot a i'panifli intendaut by a declaration ot war, be fore it lies demanded an * irotu the crown of pain, i‘S waul of energy vs daily proclaimed.— Notwiihtt ‘tiding the SpaniOv minilter, and the French Charge de Affairs .have in the mo t foiemii maiutr ailnred government, that the rights oi deposit will he Tenured-and ourinttreft cheriflied , not wirhttandiuo they have united in an endeavor to pro cure us immediate redrefs> (and there is jolt realign lo hope that at this moivent the prohibition is .aktn oil; till! ir is re to u ruled in our ears, ‘ but ior me fracsot the prefideut we thou let foou hr in poll ffion of New. Orleans, wt Ihouid teach the nations of Europe to rcfprtl eir rights ’ f lie prt-iiueit undoub edly hps his tea. s ,- but ‘ears ot a perPmai- nature he canno. have his high ihuion and t e duties of his oflii f p ace him above . ’em. He fears to do v.r ng. He ka.s ro create a binding army and thereby jeopar L. ii- w liberties tiie comtcry, to incre.if ... executive pmvers i > h:s own hands and thole of nis fucceflors.— He tears to opp;els the people by tax upon tax, u. dellroy our commerce and hiheries by an ua.uectflaiy war He terrs to tratifmii to pollerity a debt eu cieafed to such degree as to entail fhvery upon them to de iioralile the people, ro bnrv in one common grave in the ticktv regions of Florida, the robui yeomanry, rhe nardy tillurtneu, and tiic uieful nv frantic mothevs and it'd f arc re ffanne* wivexf ing tn* lots of their enddren and hufbmds. Iv he fears to ode mi the majekv ot haven by mfiicl ingm.iicry and vuetchednefs cn f'/e niilliotis ot peop'f inirulttd to his care and protedtion. FronnLc conui'i.-ncemeM of the governniem to the inauguration cf me piefient executive, though tJu eaitei n Rates have conlUmlv hoalted of their fbperio? ftreuglh. nut au arfemt! or tadforv of milba"y lltces has ever been eflabdfhed vn tie wellern couu'trv, ot sou hos the Potomac Ot the monies expended hi fortifications and (or not one dollar in fix has been applied in these (tares Now the members frorv New* England dates, whose representatives heretofore, vote ! t > lock up the MiUiHippi for iwentwfive )C2i:., express the molt tender concern tor that past of tin union.— Happy will it be tor this coent>y. if experi ence (hall prove their pretend on s fwcere ! bur I ca. sot nave lu It owed upon rue people of that cumin y, the cpi. .v ;i ot ‘ the w.ld men ot the woods of Ktlucky, ’ - * the i aiidttti of w.dlkey boys,’ ‘ the fverp ng oi the i earth.’ ‘.enemies u reunion, oul r and i>overnmen? •/ I who have t.ea ed with contempt aid i, dignity .he,, i lef ; fl-t.ion, and who have .proclaimed their wah ‘Ol a fcp .ration, now challenge tlieit fi.'; curthdeu e s there no rcaton robeiicve that, irt>ia ted mi ch’g iiied at iheir lots ot power and ot ti e confidence ul the people, they have iciz. and upon the mi conduct of the intemiant ot New Otleans with a view to embarrsf government, and, in a moment of patfisn to puffa the X'eilern people to fonie acl, di! w graceful and ruinous to thendeUes and to the nation r for let me anfe. from whence lies originated in tin minds o', thr onpbfiiion this ass cin*n tor the welter n cou ry, at .once so novel and irit tidable, id vast ana unbounded, so tender and glowing, that burns like tiw crater of htna. and .hat threatens, by the hurfßng of its lava, to overwhelm ihe honr, the peace and ihe happinels of the nation ? From .the bleak •mountai; s of Nova-Scoiia to the pefti'eniial lie at* of Fioiiua from the recedes of the torcft to the billows of the ocean, not a. me,mncr of the oppoftTJon ivu he f-u ml high, or low, great or small, rich or poor, learned cr ignorant, whole mind is not touched with this aru< in flame, who docs not ‘mbtor relic of this burninti lava. Not one, who has rot insrd the hoarie tlvun” <ler of war rumble through the weikin, who has not iee.i the moor dyed wiia blood, and the * fnige. ci heaven potming to war.’ Ail ixciaim tor it imnicdi aiely, and for -he capture ot New-Orleans. What charms does rot New Orleans jXjUcfs ? She is indeed a taltlmun. Scice upon her, am! the mio! ry power of France, of Spain, ol Italy and cf Holbnd’ *ani(h like fphits at the approach of light, Tht ‘U.. fitted States become iiiipregoub.e ; no p.iut is ieit foi attack. *1 lie AJojnie, tf* 1 ombigbee, t).e Atlamaba and the St. Ma, > , ate dried to to their fourths. Our commerce, our fifheries, oar cities and our tcwr.s, iit . all protected ft out at?*ult. and the wa is ended ere i is commenced. Cmu to fclxe upon iur. shJ hdtjurtt Jy. from the to the foeth sea, the haunts o? beafts ate t'*P f orn-**d ohi pi'ncelv palaces, lofty towns and richly cultivated rie a nd... Ihe the sycamore ami the cypress, become toldieta , u ml. happy race riles np among us and tui.h iS oa; wives and children. The cucigtea of the uatiun are p-ifud and (he forever ruined. I tremble as i write. SutHv this c-nrot be the c’.'dd of fancy, it muff be a reality ; in fome h'xlceu :- f ; he b~ek of fate it was was registered. 0 r guard! n angel made the difeovery, w’ i|e -d tt i r hr ear ot A best jr ends. H e wh it -ro laimed, rch.ed and reechoed, from o e .f rht mi on to i lie other, by ihotc who claim a itperor re. ‘lard o religion, order and hap pi nets f ly are w> urged to in lant war? Why is the g >vc-ntenr cer-. litred lor making one eiTort to preserve p'ac> ? Ir ha spoken to the nation imerefkd, in the Vrfpefttu’ , Hr mg language ot Irei-men It has folem* Iv irfelt ;o mi nuin inviolate, the rights ot *hr peopk | and nation. It has provifi>n ior the Jelnier re- Lrt. an jipocfd to ytus. \rt delpair should not drive us to niadnefs. It if pothole tnat the advocates tor war have taken the ev (rejiiui of j&Kicrica tor her guardian angel.—Tbi lights of our wes'trn brethren are facted, they ne'er wi! l>r ne/ltcli'd, fu're nder.d or liartered. On tile mhe* jhind. in the estimation ot e-very good tiidn, tie pre ter-vaiioii o’ peace important. In difciilTing fubjeftr. so mreres’ing ; fl: c 'hts oi fancy Ihould give pkvce to coni rtflection, and the a dor o‘ paißcn ro the cticTatcs ot found dilcretion. Whenever tie liglits of a nation are vhdaied, i hreo ties ihe duty ot t’t.e rnleis ‘o leek eedreis'. \V'rer< the fifety of me stare will admit, lids red refs n to be fought, lirst by amicable c>. nfi-rence ana negojalion and in calc these laii. by re fori to 1 his rule laid down by a\l the wri ers upon natural l u, ant praCliled by mod of the nations of the earth. It itomiiaiure itfeit, and lr*'m the obligation* ceatv under to coolVr, cs w>ell the happiness ol or rr-. a of tiud’e'vts. Whoever refietfis upon the n-if-ri'-s o war. will ag’-ee with the writers nom tint lubyoct, ihat it is j u’itnd by extrtndries. Not to iwl- ; { .he vt>l uiii” of liunwn woe, is a duty we ewe to mr ‘elves Sc n inkind it large. Now the lately ot l!.e flat* was .ot end bilge ied hv denving the right of depoß’ at Nc ; a n’tMt derived frou; treaty alone It was .therefore the duty of government, as it iivaf the in?.-rtit of ti e people, to endeavor to regain-tin cxcrcil? ot that by neg n era rum “1 li- obligation upon goveijiment to adopt, thik conrfe, was ‘he conlideratiori, that the nCt ot was.not the aft of the governaitmc, but of a lulxjrdi natt of that nation. [To be i onnniKd. j VIENNA, March 9. Our court has entered again upon a negociation with Bavaria, reioecung an exchange 01 territory. V\ e pro pose to give the margravate of iiurgna, for the ciilndls of the bilhopwric of Augsburg For the advantages of commerce his imperial majesty lias determined to enlarge and feeure the port of Tnelle ANTWERP, ft arch 17. The ex-miniller x>f jnarine, Forfait, Las arrived with orders to prepare for the necelfary rneafu-es co retcore tins port, and to examine the itorc3 of JDutcn Flanders, cn tiie lice of She cheld, and all the fhoi e as far as Gi tend and New-Pert. Fie is alio to have m charge the opening and cleaning ail the canals for the internal com munications with the country, ana whatever may be round uminlto our commerce. PARIS, March .20 The chamber cf commerce at Lyons was installed on the 14'h arch. V. e have-accounts from Ancona that the Vifir Ali Pasha has ordered all the general officers of his troops to meet him at the time of the Bairaim, in the city of janin. We know not the ddign of this meeting A aI Hi c-R u A i Hfcla arrived tium last night, iVr Hunter, a king’s meflenger, and a French messenger, came in the former, and each of them brought dispatches The meflenger continues to report, that the general | b elief ami conversation at Paris is that there will be mo war. BERNF. March 19 \ eflerday the general in chief, and minister plenipoten tiary From the French republic t the Swiss cantons, Ney set ont from Berne with his flail’ for Friburgh. It was reported that fonie seditious persons had been | fufiered to commit 1 - trageous agaimt the landamman j D Affray, and that in the night ol the 15th inflant they had pelted his 110 fe with Runes. It was aide that on the next day fcveral persons were arreltcu. Thcle cir~ | cum dances have beemnuch exaggerated, j Some persons who were intoxicatd pafling by the ; iioufe of the landamman, a diipuie arose between them and j the centinel when ievtval flones were thrown at the latter | 3*.d attnc node; tile centuiei vvus dangerously wounded. 1 -*■ guard having arrived, tieie persons dec! but there was ! nothing in it of the fpiril of party. The French officer who commanded Fribourg having been informed of w hat had pa (fed, preceded immediately to the house of the landamman, to concert with him as to the means ci procuring information with refpedt to the au thors of the iniult but, citizen D’ Affray did net wish to make the affair ofirryortance. B LiRDFI LXi ATarch 21. To the eaaernefs with which sugars coffees, and cot !ons have been bought up (or tiuee da\j pa: , bes fuc ctei eel the moss perfect calm ; the txchang* ife da before yeilciday was remaikable f.*r the inadtiviiy r . he demand for produce which, 24 hours-hetore, w?;* in object of the greateii avidity. It appears that 1. t rrdour ot tpecuia*ion is cooled and evtrv thine now pro'cs tha. ir was our political (Euation with refpec l ■ o England rh-u cau'ed here those orclers cf v*> so few people knew motives. % BALTI.viORE Vay 18. ExtraS cf a Utter from an offc, ran board the Exited States frigate ffohn A triads, laying in the lay of Gibralter dated Itletrth ZX). 1803. “ On the 23d of February, we came to anebo; in the I bay of Tunis, and ihortly alter the American coaful iu-. j lifted on our commodore’s going on there and waiting on j the balhavv conceiving it to be a rcfpcct due to him.— The commodore accordingly went on shore, attended by captain i odgers ; a however could not be had with him that day, but the next day it wris obtained, and the commodore and the baikaw hsd a dis pute, with refpAt to Tripolitan brig that wascaptured by the Enterprise, having Tuscan property txi board ; the particulars of which. 1 cannot pretend to alTe-t. The day’ following, the commodore and captain Rodgers, tTtcr paying their rc.pecli to him n second time left him with au intent son of returning on board, when thtv were owertakeu by a guard and arrcited, who demanded cf the commodore, 3 j ,000 dollars, to be paidinvned ateiyv e wished to know what was their reason hr making tbs demand, w hen they produced an -account w ith the fVi of the Faired a :atcs affixed thereto, and upon tnou ;r y he found to be a private debt, due br the Ame rican coului to a merchant in that place, which the com. medvre was obliged to difekarge.” SAVAN N A H, THURSDAY MORNING, Jim J, ISO;. There is no public eftabhYhment in the Union which requires greater confidence from the citizens tlian the polt-ofiice. It ought to be so coi ducted as to insure tiiis confidence. Abuses in this department are dii covcred with more difficulty than in any other, and of course, the greatest reliance is placed on the integrity an 1 attention of the poit-mafter : if from idleness inat tention or voluntary epirture from this duty, abules occur, he deserves ptiblic oenfure, and it fo.i etimes i ap pens that evidence appears of too unequivocal aspect to be disputed. We are led to these reflections by information from one of < ar fubi'cribers of too great respectability to be doubted, who expected to receive his papers at V\ aynef borough, and to which office they- ha*e been regularly \cnt for him. He fays that he has received but a small proportion of the papers due; has had delivered to him, three or four directed to anotherfiibicriber, an 1 at one time, ieve‘*al of one date. If the post-master did his dutv, coul this be the case ? If it originates in inat tention. is not that inattention aveeffive, even to crimin al)t v ? V'. ere ail port -mailers guilty of the fame conduct, there would not long be a diitant fubicriber to any paper in the uion. Where papers can be sent but once a week, or not so often as printed it is the universal cuflom of printers to direct cue, and enciofe the other numbers for that m&il in it. The potl-inafter has no bufmefs to feperate them, YYeknow that in many offices, a pernicious custom prevails; that of permitting perfbns to read papers directed to others, without their permission, and before their receipt by the owner. T his is s much a frau , as much derilection from official-duty, and as evil in its oonfcquences, as to break open a:id read the letters of o her people. Nevvfpapers are printed to rend, they are paid fur t ready arc the man v.-ho would gratify his cu ioiity at the expence of his neighbour, and .commit a sneaking frau on betr the iubfenbe and printer, should at least m-eet no encouragement from the poll mailer. We are told but we hope it is not .true, that this ungenerous and unmanly conduct is.practiied on us by a knot of tories at the Glynn county pc lb office ; and i true, we hereby rcqutil the keeper of thet office to remember that he is under oath, and to corr et the-preecdure. Better would it be to have no poll-offices than those in which no confidence can be placed. Wanted to Hire. For fi* merit a t>-nge*, a Metro Boy , sujfi cun'y ingenious to leatn PR : . s.> WuRK let :iol'ars a v.ontb will T* given, (knitact u.h &e tor,usd with Use metier cniv. LYU N & MORSE. June 2. (70) For B altimore, The fait tailing SHIP COMET, W. STEVENSON, master ’ l a ins exter five and clegaac ae c inmcdaiions for paflengers. ex & pe&ed to Fail in eight days. For frnght or p; (li>ge, apply on ben'd or to JOHNS TON, ROBERT- &co—who have received per fa id ftiip, and offer for laie, w g-- rL -h Indian ('urfi* !00 earrels juperfme Flour 40 barrels prime Herring* 10 ao Ginger (fresh) 10,000 EajF India Sedans, 5 pipes 4tb proof brandy* 4 do. i// pruof, country Gin 0 yttne i, Ibe u 2 azvff y.o -For Ncw-Y-o: k. c i iiL E L Ul AR y fk FA i SAILING s‘- v vy;<d-.\ v BRIG ana .Mary, - M ARR Mailer WILL 4 ail on eufilav nex* For Frrigin or pJflagc. Appiy on boaro or to Henry Knee land. Vy Cos, 2 “ r Morel’s wli irf AUGTON. * l * — * Fq r Ih f benefit of ai;l ccn cr.rn ed. On Friday ike gd of Jure, wilt be,old at pubic {ole ai the wharf occupied by Robert Mit&di. The da ip Cafuiladad, , oiririMinku oy capt Matiiial Oarci; , £9 ; :\v s r materials—inventory of wh ch, a t_ey:~'~- ! **j *'*>’ ic\-ii at .he c Lom incice Ro w. S ale to commence at 12 0 clod:. Go editions Cajh , HILLS o MOSNCXy Anct'rs June 2 v On f UE*i)/if next , 7ih mjt wiU #efold at Mr. E. c lurk's Ti'bdrf.y jer the bet. fit of ail con urned. 1 11 E D R 1 G * NANCY ; c f Providence, burthen’ ico u-ns, , her ana figging —an inventory ot cvbicb n.of l ■; tec at toe cuiZihu Store, North Eafi 1 truer tjthe Exchange. Salt* t > commence *? !2 o’clock. T. M. WOODBiUDCh &Cos June 2 Auctioneers City LkenfPs Sales. * \T/H L be fold on Tuesday tne sth day of T tdy ra xr, at the Court 1 ouf. 1 in SavauD ih, between rne ’u ms sos trn ri d twn o'clock One WAGGON TEAM, fe zed on execution ua the propirrv Janies Willi- T. UORKRTbON, :>. C. i>- , June !, 1503- _ ■ * TO TfiE CURIOUi, THE AFRICAN L! 0 &. ’To be seen every d> y, Surd.vs ex.rpfeJ, trl nth “June, ct /V. r . Boucher b Pot ter -Hoit *. I'his nobJc a.)i;rt;il s between three 1 u r feet high, mealures nine feet from tne no *rt's ’o the ta: l ,’ and is of a be?.ut ‘id Hut* c dor : He is i? years old,’ and weighs6oo weight. H * legt and t.;/l aretHckcr then those of a common i‘Z and Ox. Ho was caught in the woods ol G jrce, in Alnca, ,vhen a whelp, a d b r oug .t thence to New Y c. He is u and very good command ; the p'. ‘ n who has rhe care of him can comb his mane, and make him lie down ar.4- gtt up at pleafurs. (Cj 3 Price of admittance, 25 CMts—Children half price* Jure <1 tt 70 FOR. SA L £, if application is made in the course of the diy at this Office, A smart Negro boy, About the nge ot i7, accu.tomed to heufe ftri’ce warranted honed, fold for no Inalt. • June i, — 70. G UN-FGWDE R, 100 Kegs for sale by Robert.& Jo n Bolton • June t s 1803. —70 WILSON U ~KNOX\ Have row landing from on tioard the Brigs pep tune and Amu Maria from Nevj-Tcr k and for fate at their Jlore t VVdyne’s wharf. 4 dp's real 41b pr >ot Co o niacfirsndy, 2 ditto Spn lit t io. 4 ditto A utteruam Gin. 2 halt bu-s Old Lordon Parsicular kladeiia Wine 6 qr. Casks belt Port cii:ro # 12 do. Skerry d>t:o 10 io. Aial'ga ditto 6 do. IJffi n ditto 6 do. Icnorilt ditt® 4. CHefi Hv sou ami Hyjfon Tkin Tea, 12 K gs Railtn* 12 Boxes 3.00 m anj Mulcfllcj do. 6 F aiU Aim aids, 4o Kegs frcfii C r rckers. Alio on Hand, A General fuply ol o;h c r grocej ita wb’cb together with the abov reiiders their aUortnient very com. pJete. June 2 iSc3. For Safe, .on board the Jhip Cornet, 7 RnYfi good quality hrnwo fiap 5 cio, do. and ped candles, 10 eia’ rels .2d rjunlity pilot bread and a tew Dnz, fi ;e Philadelphia porter, June 1. 1803. SoTICEj THE fubfcribtr intends from tl is ft are ror a few months, reouelts all persons ino-b dto him * Df l thi?r “ to wh 7ni b“ is indebted. !otli urd fettle ilieir ycconats with his son JohntWii. tam .ft i * who is duly audioized io set during ni v ftfcf, Balt baser Shafer. J nie ‘• 7o The Sll bfcfiber WILL be abler,r tr.-m t 4;. Sta-eumil thei*o<ffoher next pjchi-d M S.ites :'ffi and j’h o s. f*. William* irednly Qaalihcd to act as his airomies cinrinK said ihleic*. “ /. ichard Dennis . 2 T ts t7o, NO TICE. ‘The Co-fartucrJ]. Ip of L 1 N K GO J i f\ (J p, Bakers being difiolved by mutual consent therrth fiofUiu ; ihe und rfigned inform* ihe pu* lie that he continues the BAh N ) LL - *NE -S under his foie irm, and will fuppijr his rti i ective cultomers wi,h nread as usually. FRANCIS I NI pme 1., 1803.—70't War.ts Employment, ! A yorug ran rcgr.lar'y br-d to ihe garderfirg mfineis undcrCar.ds the tlie. ry, ns well as by prac ce. tan be well r-conimended .* has no obj iq bee in snv part of the Male. A jin? Jirccfrd ro VV A r o “ins office will be duly atieruied to. N. B Underfunds the cultivation cf Cotton ani a ice. p ,r, e !, — 2*70 I'vvcnty Djilars WILL be given tt any Fer:b i who will de'ivet to the go:*ter of Savannah the well k-ewri • us iVl'u’atro man ILac belonging t > Mr. A. Me Gueen. l>e reward vvdi be paid 0.1 apphc.rion to I. is ‘Mufter at M ntgoaiery or /oMcLrs. Williaoilon Si v'iord, in Savannah. June 1 ISO3, . t f 7€> ijflgUGH l negro tehow fa vs % EOREithat he ranaway from\Jr.(k> r her inSout- - ,-aroi;na, ntar Oeorgeiowo and formerly belonn ( and n Fhuinas FFruiiitoo, of Colunfbia countv in Geoi -'**• . *XT - E. Oxtes, goaler. Vivnirin. 20 r n i503. f^*’) Blank Checks, For Safe at this Office. Dii > or u> uing for falc at this Oifice.