Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, June 27, 1803, Image 2

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T-IOUSS a; and T.OT. j be fold, ct the sv.bfc Hens’ Au^icu-Here, fredjeiy at iz A clock, cr. IVED HE: DAT, ;bc Z th infant, r j'h .* pUaf nfiy foliated HOT nE snd LOT, r*f p*e*ent cv-mq-.iebby M*. John i. CLa., Brou h ’ .n-Krter. Ihe hctTe rt nerdy fofil&eo, ?*>d r <>r>- •/•'Vr; cut houses. ir"hipi?ab ! < r *!e. ferns: a cJifcouf table nor 60 c'j-v*, wbr r LgproVei enuoricr. T. M. WOG.OcRIDGF & Cos. June 2 7. 76. Aufiiopxrs. o‘'ici oj JJisccvtti cr L) if opt. * heirti.try I^o7. A T,T n*rfiops!ran Giftw f htdir* ft cr the Bat)V. ■?,*.it ~|eaD tnolilovp. thn* a‘tf-r?br > yrh Client, n<. vi..s or of a leis Cum titan one hundred dollar --.vii 1 tjc received for difoonut. Thomas Mendenhall, Cn flier. n A N K. FROM the fir ft vs J tic ’xrt. mini the firfl of No ypfr) {icr, t’ ** hours for tr iiii.’t. .rg boXO-ls at lf*i~ oifice will be fmin 9 o’clock r.rri! 2. T v ord r r>f the Foard, Thomas Mendenhall, Cashier. 7v7ry qorh, ilojp ‘ C-9 WILSON & KNOXT Have row landing from or beard tie Prigs Hep tune and Amu Maria from Hew- 2 erk and for fate at their .fore, Wayne’s wharf, it pipe* real 4*. h proof Cogniac brandy, *2 ditto Spaniih do. 4 dirtc An. Herd am Gin. 1 hr If bit:~ ( del I,or don Particular Madctia V/me C nr, Casks bell Part ;! *tro la do. Sherry dit.c IG do. Malaga -dittc f> dn„ ,Lisbo n riit< a dn, Toner iff ditto 4 Chest PL'fon and IfyfoT) STin Tea, Ju Radius 12 Paxes Bloom and Mufc&tell do. 6 Frail* foft fiell Almonds, 4o Kegs frefh Crackers. Alio on Hand, /V General {indy >i oilier groom ies which tape Vi wit'n the above itt.btis their Gfortment very com jdete. jure 2 tPc3. it. 6c J. BOLTON, Have jujl received per the Mljjfdfppi, from Liverpool , 8 cases Hats, fifitable for lummsr wear, 1 \ pieces lauics C!o h and fine light Caiiirr.ere, 3 trr.nks muffins, plain, white and black figured, and handkerchiefs, 200 pieces heft cotlori Bagging, 1 cask pewter baions, places and candle moulds, 2 c.ifes Iriflil inert, l dozen bcft curled hair mature fids, 12. bales ofnaburgs, ioo calks nails, flat and finrp points, Striped and silk nankeens, quil ings, d;mit:e6, &c. Color'd, white and black cambric, Kegs white lead, yellow ochre and Spaniih brown i 1 tying pa: s : hair brooms, Carpenters’ tools: cutlery: Ircnnsongcr-y, Portmantua trunks, Gentlemens (addles, and plated chair harness, Servants glazed hats. May 9. 69. Notice is Hereby Given. THAT the in h fieri her 3 have been duly ap pointed Aflignees of the estate and wheels o L Rich'src lVtvfne, junior, and Renjfw in Sims , of Savannah and Auguftd, in4he dittrict of Georgia—Bankrupts. A!’ persons indebted to-the said Wayne and Sods, a'e therefore requeiied to make immediate paymcr.t, arc ail thole who have any of their eftecis, are requo cti to • deliver the fame to David Reid. | of Augusta, 7 homas Gardner , J or /Lillian: Boyd * of C/ear!eft on, February 14, 1803. (40) WILLIAM A/ELISS & Cos. Have imported, in the barque, feAxon,and flop Daphne from Liverpool, and (Inp Margaret, ironi iScQt-and, a very hantiibtr.e and General a Cor:men: of GOODS, Which they will dispose of on the lowdi terms by the piece or package. Jamiry 15, I doe. (?2tf. ,* The Suhi'criber, VNFGIvMS his ft ends in general, and the 6 citizens of Savannah, that be open ea a j HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT, on j a pie afan t fitucßon belonging to Mrs. John} Moore, on If “bite Bluff rt ad, within one- and i ti-i half miles of Savannah ; on when they ma\ < rely ton! the j*‘ icfl GffeiutO/i ■ .a.. be cc-.ti <.■ e_f 1 tc gi:e generalfatisfißLn. ITm, BINDER. ] umary 19, 1 Soy.—rfe • Ai\ V pet ibn wi filing to rent a DWELL i u 3 HOUSE suitable for a brail ferniiy, ands rimed in an eligible u*t of the cirv, on an Improving; ieaie 0 f 3, 4 ui 5 \ears. may meet with good-terms by any:'vine; to Mrs. Mary Zki.ioch. ‘ Mav *3O (f'~ j notice. F ‘ l Is gate for Europe in all this ■ v’ ; s those indn ted to him to v ii,:y^cat ; and those to \i rye r a netted to pre fer (ett tenant. E ‘ldF ivk. * J , , * u v • / f All C 7 ion. ‘Te-Af rrcw, the zstb h!>* t :ii re told he jt re -? v Anchor Sto*e MarketA-ntr e, dale to cewinenic at 10 r> aocc. JVJ'gnoUT RE?ER VE. 1 fife real French Brandy, ylh trca 2 Tires Ct, l! ofshe ads Run, parrels fyr.ic Sugar, I exes Soap, CLoooiene, Severs, r Ac. j\ . uJliflS, Clo.Lii.ces, Hu • ’ bvms , h,.7 at u y as, } [Alans mid u Mabcort;? bun, .Ore cj various P iv a jot Chars, Axdavu'nef ts ufe* C- OODS as ufuel Credsti'ns Leif', L- A A •; • H • V. O A:---7 T > r b { a r r n-rrH-f -r j C\ IvJ* i c// i •it i livLiiLt Have received Iy tie barque 1 >r n, c: * at a Scene, ft oik h OLI UD y 3 T>IPES GIN, J t 5 ireps (1 tin-powder, 10 jmir Sl'me-, 15 pieces Bed and u C 4 I.iouor Cases, it iorted, ico liraws hall pint. Tumblers, (plain and. flowerV.} (i calks Linseed Oil, ICO lb. Sei t Tv UK , 40 dozen vVine ‘GBfTcs, (plain nnd flower'd } id pieces heetrog-. 12 Surpen ine x o: trrc—Coco Qt dls, ao reams wrapping Paper, 40 ditto fuoJfrap and letter do. jo dozen Quire Books === i=.-i6 Campkor, 300 to. Latrpblacd: 6 Fowling Piece., 6 dorm c, is art and pint Tecatiters, 12 lets China Plowcr-i’ots and Mugs, 6 pieces Linen Cambric T 1-2 doz. dtk Gbawis, tlack Satin and Ho“cnt*.:;e, Ac. VN HAND., So h* r- 1 frefh • upeHme I lour, ‘too k.ifliels Alium alt, 20 kegs 2od, icd, and 6d Na£s, co ditto White Lead, Yellow Ochre & fpaniih Brown : Leaf Sugar Cqgmac Brandy, Jamaica, YvTtl-Tnuui and Is. I . Bum, Madeira, Tenerife and Claret Y\ 1 1 i\h j Kegs Crackers barrels fliip ‘Bread, Crockery Ware Bar Iron, Hyfon and Soucbong Tea, &.?. June 27. t ct. Robert & John’ Bolton, Have received per barque Nixon, captain Sha<zv, from Holland, 1 - £ S ASFD Glass Ware, assorted for the country, 400 Matted 1’ iailvS., 120 pieces Ofnaburgs, iro ditto Bremen Rolls, 1 caie brown and colored Threads, 1 ditto Trudies and Brooms, 1 ditto colored Gil Cloth, 2 bales Sail cloth, 6 dozen Bed Bunts, 200 reams wrapping paper, 40 ditto writing ditto, 1 case bird cages ; 1 case drums, different ftzes, 1 case tapes, bobbins and laces, i died Toys, 2 elicits small looking glasses, 1 cask Coffee-Mills, i calk containing flints, slate pencils, marbles and glass beads, assorted colors, Bolting cloths, No. <, 2,3 and 4, 1 case Umbrellas, with can and crook, and parafels, assorted, “W arfie Irons ; Scythes, t case hat covers, green and brown, lop pips Seltzervvater ami Rhenish w ine in bottles, 2 calks lampblack, 6 nests trunks, 1 ending, hnmhro and hiking lines, Sein, fe’.viug and whipping twine, I case and 1 bale fievnifii fleeting, 1 case velvet bindings crape am. check shirts, j bale Nanketnetts, 1 calk Camphor -i-8 oaken liquor cases, Brown and white platdlas, Quire and memorandum books, 2 cases fowling pieces, double and Cngle barrel, 20 cases window giais, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12, 30 casks paint oil, 40 pipes'Gin 150 gin cases, icc Demijohns, 20 pair Cullen or Cologne Mill-Stones, 36 inches diameter and 7 thick, 2a pan- Quern-Stones, 23 and 2<5 inches diameter, 3co kegs an half kegs gun powder, 3000 red Hearth Tiles, Fiat and square iron, fueet iron, 6 barrels Cotton bagging-; Snarls nig Linens, i case archangel Diaper. June 26. O * ___ T wenry fd .>Hvr. Rewarci. . .".gjj.'.HEMiw Ran away from the lubfenbcr, Lv |j Q b irg in the town of V tufbingh J’ || (f. rgin, a’ N t Man named I J J EM AM CEL : 25 veers of age, 5 ji •gg ./LA ‘ - j feei Bor 9 ku*he’ hih. wek n.ade. f v- ■ Hyj ver>’ liotit complexion, has a fear on | > a? ),;. s (eft-cheeK orcaffooed ova ode | J hks remarkable llvaiph:. h?V, and j wca: s r:rg>s in his ears- He han a’ rhft (ecinne tel. nr, has bt.’u laulv brouglii from Tirgioia, wn;te i; ex v and ‘d w wjii uiui to pet to bv the way of Savsn Gh cr Chur left on. It is lihefe be will endeavour r> Ipsfe as a lite man. Anv pet ton tec.tiring him in any ,• ft {., that lie v be not 02.:'. a ffi -.d be ei.*t! hsi lu j u;o >.bove reward. ]VH:’er c of veffe’s and others are confirmed o <• :• inf! b”rt e:f or liaroor n:y him. as they \riu 011 couvferion anfever ir at ;he'r peri! Le HOY POPE. pe’-erffvr G®o.J Tu’-e A 7J. tr “ “ EankluJPT gy. Jr* r\ c tmr*®r of Cm 1 infeia n he'vsfi a m*iorlt’ ■vfthe r end c red’tors o 4 -Le br.nkrnpj tint in 2fi ;ned ? cerrifica*'? .* the fime be allowed •>V -be feiuoe on ibe fir ft I'neidav in y iffy n?xt, nt she Court Home, if no cl.d; arc fifed to the contrary. RICHARD Ivi. SIT fE>, C;k.’ tun® 2? 77 Will -be iclet at y M ITooatrudge C&Lcd. Hu ..on Store, at 12 o'clock . cn V/edncfdy ice 29 tb Bij! ant. A small and convenient hoofe, and kitchen vd-ohvng end ot he route*. n ve niences.ff: uateJin *Y s fimv,- o vard . and ar rrefej't occob* -ff *' V l a nlers Nintra—Aife b imexpircd term nf 4 vears and 2 months ol t e t. 11 ! of the Lotov, which tm above hr P dings sire ereflrd. ; i r-r.'s made known at the time of fe.e t feme iG fe'G3, j it; j Lcite Fcrc'gn IrAcUifexcs. Received at Chat It jon per the Jl'ip fOHR c.< FRA A CES, Capl, Butts 40 days fn :n Rordeal x. PARIS, April 50. When difeuflions, of fucb momentous impo-t, as now exifl. between the two Governments of Great Britain nd France, are protracted to any considerable length, we mull always expect, that public Opinion, Far:atr., ct wtcbVte semper , will fluctuate and waver, Bom one extreme to the ether. Thus theQin ft ion of Peace or War, as far as it rclpect current rumour, may be fa id to be playing a game at j lea-far. One moment the general cry is lease, tne i next, tiie io-Er. of alarm, is founded with equal r fluarance. t A mid it the continual variation of the political 1 ner nriO meter, we it 11 peri tit in chen flung the hopes we liave j uniforruly Announced, that Peace will be the jre fid t. And this hope wc ground, not merely on our own ■ feelings ; but from a general View of the relative filiation of the Countries, and the avowed Sentiments and Inter i cibi of the different governments of Europe. As the iole p'’~ef‘X<‘, even, for War mu ft > ’ ..manate from th rufr.fal of the British Cabinet to ful - g pz V'tdntior*- and Covenants, into which it has idemrdy entered by the treaty of Amiens, it affords us v-lea ome bo perceive, that ■ misters have at L'-gth been induced to take the proper rx fures for difeharging the . o; h ational Fa : th and Integrity, m. the m ftaiu-c of Evacuation of Alexandra 3rd the Reuitution lo’ the Cane fir Good FT ope to F)ut< n, But, at the fame i fine we cannot r tram from remarking that incle acts ].of ]cilice ewe rather tardy , and in many rdpecls, j <rvtth ar RUrace. We have, hkevrife, to express our j Tvilh, tLcv hud not been partial repnrationsof wrong. The ifuae re*ga=-d of FTonour, the fame oblcrra.nce of jof Good Faith.. which required the Evacuate mos j and the -of the Cape, demand, likewifc, the j evacutat'on of I Jaiia. I ipon w’ at piea ot right can tire j Britifli Mini dry peviift in making this place the “jtu > l-\s L-’.’z, and roe 7 , of efface ? TBv have not even the fa fdr-u of riyht. wutftiftcnffon of their conduct—ior all the Convenants ?. and timilatior.s, relative tr Malta, and the Guarantee of that Ifhrd are fulfilled by France— Enpjand Is the cif'; pourcr , that has not made good her part of the Contra If. In adverting'to-the nccctrr.F, given in the Meniteur, mfncCdinr the evacuation of A lex ar. arm, we cannot but ft-’ r ? g| ?t the cirenmfiaace of the embarkation, on board the Britifa feet, of an / mbaffador rarv from the Beys., to the Court o’ London. As the Beys do not constitute an Independent government, but, on the contrary, are recently returned to their allegiance to die Ottoman y ovle. we cannot conceive upon what princi ple, they have either the right to append an Ambassador to the British court, or the Britiill court,to receiver per son in that •canacitv. Pei (uaded arc we, that, were France to harre acted in its manner, the London Journals would have been replete witli anima J .vc. hon an invedtive and have held, forth such a transaction, as a proof of a vvi.'h and intention to interfere in the affairs of Lgypt, and to disturb the tranquality of that country. But, as it is not cur wifli to irritate and inflame the two Govern ments, but on the c ntrary, to harmonize and conciliate, we fn all suspend farther animadverlioii on this topic, for the present. Argus. X e have received Engliflt papers of the 26th April, but they anived too late to afford 11s an opportunity ci giving long extra As. \v e are therefore, obliged to confine our Lives to an out line of the principal particular In the heufe of commons, on Monday, toe 25th, Coionel Patten poftooned his motion relative to the uate of the nation, tiH Tueiday fen’night, in coufe-quence of the ft ate n ;ent made by the Chancellor of the Lxcheciuer, tluit li his Majefly’s Ministers would not be able to make a “ communication to the Ffoufe, refpedting the c’ifcufhons <k between Great Britain and France, before I'nclay. ’ We have hkewife, the plea lure of adding tnat the general cemplexion of ctrr-laft arrivals,, are pae je . Mon day, being a holiday, republic briineis was t ran facte and on tiie Stock Exchange, but private bargains were made at higher price than on Saturday. Kis Grace, the Duke of Bedford, arrived in Fans on Tburfday evening. Fie is accon pasicd by fir id. Xea tl-erftone ; his grace travelled in an elegant chariot and four, with a numerous retinue. As is it known, that his grace lias for iome time pall, deferred his journey, tiil he should he allured of the amicable adiultmeiit or the cur .fevences between Great Britain aiu France, his arrival is naturenv couoc’crcu as a lavcural/le fynaptom cf the con tinuance of iii ace. .. We learn from MarLTes, that the Engliib troops evacuated Alexandria on the 26th Yentofe. They took on board of the fleet Mohammed Elsy Bey, ambassador extraordinary, from the Beys to the court of London. They embarked all the pieces of brass ordinary and every implement of artillery which were at Alexandria, —thus the poriev. ill be obligated to font anew artillery for the defence of.he place. tx 7r f r ‘ / ■journal (jyuiei. They write from Conftantismple under date of the-?, cth of March, that a Courier had arrived from rahia, bring ing dispatches of a difagreeakle nature. According to public report, the Dacha of Mecca had marched with a body of troops again ft the rebels about Vv ecliale and alter a vet v olvft.inate an b'ooH affair, the troops oi the Pacha were defeated .and < ifperfed. j Letts -:s from Fefe riburg of the 30th March ft ate, that, ho consequence of the arrival of Couriers, from London, J Paris, Vienna, and ILriin, a conference was immediately ■ held, at which ttie attendance of various nuniftcrs* was inquired. We have tverv reason to hope that the result of these negociations will be iavorable to tile repcie or ii.u rope. However, the proposition made twowards England to ; evacate the liland Malta, which fhoufel be occupied jb v Ruffian troops has r.ot as yet been accepted, j Letters froth Constantinople, dated the 18th March, I inform us, that a revolution has ja if broken out m Arabia j which, imleio vei v prompt measures are immediately ta ken to, promises to become of fences impor tance. A perfen, named Aboul Wechab, taking advantage of the credulity of the inhabitants, has made himfelf the | Chief, of a fed:, and by’ various fanatical fiiggefeions, and jar. dices, nas 1 ucceecfed in leducing the multitude, and I gained a conliderable number of pa-tizans, who have been 1 rrcatfe’ augmented by a crowd of wandering Arabs and jo j o _ # . V, j v.i -abonds. Kis do£ilines are diametrically eppoht* |to the religions conltit ition eftablilhed iu Turkey and | Arabia. He preaches again ft iflamifn and its follower* looks upon the-supreme Chief of the Mahomet a a religion as an us and calls for the massacre of all thoie, who prefefs the ‘ ahometan faieh.(o) )o'kr Inters from Corfantinopk give a very different r'ccuoi of ibe D'Prize trof-ffed by Aboul JVccbah ~i b- vfate that raves him fee f cut it be a aired defendant cf -Mahomet fil’d that his hiienrton is to j-.aleeJon e reform :r the Maho-nc an RiHvion and to cfablfb at Mecca a far* of CcHbat cf which he is hi’ :eL J 10 be the head. 1 ; ittoei uas aniu rntcm oir. z : ■ , ) Medina and Mecca, where he means to eibll • 1 i. t. it.:, t is even flared, that lie is at present on uis inarch, at he head of an immenfc body of followers. Terror and :.ath precede him, and the Mahometans fly on all sides to scape the fur r of this sanguinary chief Tiie fubbrnc ‘orte it is said received the above intelligence from the ‘Lelia of Meca; this Governor fends word at tree fame •:ime, that lie is assembling the greatest number of troops >ofill>le, to march ngainli the rebels. They write from Befcncon , under date of the 2d. in ft that Toufaintl ourerture, who was detained at Fort Joux Jivd there tight days before. Cajh received ond paia by “John Gibbons, as Treajur er of the city cf Savannah. 1802, T)r. n. c. Dec. 3t. To balance in ! th’s day, 725 393-4 rt'et, Received of Samuel Howard, June 2C. for the valuation money of Lot No. 25, Warren Ward 00, cr 27S 57 Received for ground rent of city lots, 3462 41 1-4 Received increase money, on lets fold in Elbert Ward, 615 50 l)o. licenses to retail fpiritu* ous liquors, &c. IC 7 3 Do. licenses to follow the ven due business in Savannah, 600 Do. for negr< > badges and wag gon and dray licenses, 2ui po Do. for itall rent and extra mar ket fees, 457 81 r-4. Do for fines, 295 Do. for theatrical and other exhibitions, 350 Do. of the Tax Co-LAor of Chatham county, for the years i 79 > and 1799, at different times, 681 3 1 Dollars, 8,819 5° I_ 4 Cr. Paid officer's salaries, ftationarv Ac. 1940 77 i-z the board ofiirc mailers drafts amount- f ing to 731 C 6 on ac 4 ount of the court-house and goal (Chatham county) 2171 64 i-z on account ofth( Exchange, Savannah, 24 70 —-- for printing, making badges, wood and candles for the patrolls, and other contingencies, 566 77 informers aga nil persons tranfgrefT in-j; the ordinances of the city, 25 Returned to fiamuel Boyd, being so much (kpoliteu by him for a license to retail spirituous liquors, (not granted) - 75 Balance in hand, 831 85 1 -4- Dollars, 8219 501-4- Certificd, Treasury Office, Savannah, June 23, JOHN GIBBONS, City Treasurer NOTICE To James Powel, Tax Colledhor of the County ol Glynn. Ton arc forbid felling a trail cf land original/ granted to Geoppf Kincaid, for 500 Acres , as ad * vertized by you in the Republican, dated j uner loth or any part thereof, under the pretence fn 3 collars 25 cents tax being due thereon-, — Lie tract, is mine and has been regularly returned and t'H tax paid in this cranfy for Tears prior to the Tar 179©, and Mr John M'Kinnon cf ft. Simons, is authorizedly me to 1 efurve. $ that y and my other tracts in Glynn,and Camden Counties .. JAMES JACKSQN. Cedar 11 1 1 , below Savannah, June 2 and, 1&03. 6/ 77. NT a\ ’ r T C’ IA c. s S'4 1* S x V’ “ Copartnerfliip of (*. & John Bolton* 7pilL dealh of nir. Rober t Bolton, tenders it ne~ T *u If.! yto inform the friends and corn-fpondents ol tv.z firm, bnth :n the United S/ates and abroad, that the funds and ft-.-ck in trade, remaiji as herctnore* and ’hr/ pr-wist >n F made not only to prefer ve, but innuAiy to increase the capita! 3 and they are aifio in formed. that the bufmefs of /;e honfe will continue to be conducted n • ! B-!N 30LTO \ T . under the firm ROBERT o JOHN BOLTON. Joseph Id ■ ter sham, IT V llia m lVa llace, George Woodruff, John Bolton, Executors. Savannah, Deeemb-.r jo. NOT I C E. WILL BE SOLD, On the 2nd day of July next, at Cnpt. SI F~ THEN MITCHELLS, on Loyhfs Creek > Lib city County, 530 ACRES LAND, (by ori gi nalfu rve y,) “jf ATE he property of Israel Bird, Esq. decease-L ft j jn tour ti .as mgr * u o and ;inle Can,oucne. Two of the ah°ve fa fes lays nr? Lie nas in road.— C ‘'”c" ; r’ : cred.t will be given until the ilrii of ternary, jffO.p A! b will be fold, on Saturday the 3C.ii of July next, at the late ••cfid®nee of the laid dictated, on G r ®st O. °d-:e, Brvan countv, Two Nrgro Women and ore Clrkfe Ofe bill’■ Gunn and *rvo fwoofe'. bo-es, with fundrv utlirr articles, being ilo* oerltbn prupcr r v of re Paid dreeafed. JdH BiiU), } qftaiifiedKx.- 7S F. ‘I’CALA, j ecutors. Condi':rns Cafn. Jure 9. 72. 1 1 w E win H. Boltsiz, Has fir file at Lis (hip yard O PRUCE and Yt-llow pine spars and masts from 25t0 73 ficet long which v.ill be fold, at a moderate price in rc-’jgh cr wrought. White pine Boards, Ranging Timber, Tar and Ttiroen tine, He is well Fixed for heaving vefisels down 33d doiop all kinds shin carpenters work. D lls ol L Tiding for lale at ilfs Office*