Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, July 04, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republican c# State Intelligencer. Volume 1.- Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance. For freight or Charter, TO ANY PORI’, The hc'j) and well found ILOO1 > FRANKLIN, r s Front 60 to 70 tons ; fornu rlv p belonged to S >c Le no Malicr, and if chartered |^]Sp||p r trey may find their own. For furtherparticulars app ,v to JOSEPH hill, Market- Square. 7*ine 17 -e>_Tr7 5: . Offers kis Jerques to bis friends and the public, in the Fa&orage, Vendue, and COMMISSION BUS IN US S. JSs bemoans to confine himfelj ftricliy to tic above A/finefs, be flatters bimfelfbe fa all be able to give satisfaction to thebe who may employ bun. JOSEPH ARNOLD, Commerce Row Nov. 3. Sales tor taxes ! WILL be fold at the court-house in the town o< Brunswick, on the 27th dav of Novcrnbet next, tile lollowinp trails of land, f./uate in me county 01 tilynn: or <0 much Iherecf as will pay for the taxes due and colls, repicfented as being in default from vear 1783 to the year 1801, mclufive, uiims tne proprietors avai l themselves of the tax law m such . ife made and provided : lf>s° acres, originally /ranted to Thcs. Smith, tax 185 N cents, and costs. —icoo acres, granted John Joor, tax in dollars 15 cents and coifs. James Povveli, c. t. g. c* May 1 ith, 1803. —1- • rvTTTI lilitly young oew tcilow lias on * ck ii rit with yellow binding. O-naburg fnirt and ® r ;‘ w fers his upper foreteeth field cannot tell his ■ yvho lie belongs to. I!a “ e 0 j. p. OATES, G, C. C. Saz % annab June 21 1803. - iTryllGt bT toGoal.a negro Itilow fays his name if n HOP!- he runaway fromV.r.Corbet inSouth fr v nVa r Georgetown, and formerly belonged Caro ma, * m * lito n 0 f Columbia county in Geer to Thomas lu > j. p. Gates, goaler 6< Savannah. iOt o Kt. IMS. (57) Notice. A l I. nerfons ha ving demand* againfl the estate of William tfiep* rd. late of Liberty county, deccaf ed, are requcilrd to render them properly Hefted and those indebted, to make immediate payment, to |ohn Jones, Adm r. Liberty County, Bth April, ISO3-g 55 Just K eccived, And for sale at J. /IR.NORU s } ciote 10 erdk” fid quality London l\n< r 5 qr. calks Mudtirt> V> iue half pipes do. do. f hhds. N. E. Rum barrels pickled Herring, i\k.v_i ‘ f ‘ 4 Robert & “John Bolton, ” ?'.:rc received /-’ torque Nixon* captain Shaw, from Holland, 1 - 1 ASE> Glass Ware, aborted for the country-, 3 400 Matted Fla Iks, 120 pieces Ofnp.burgs, a j- 0 ditto Bremen Rolls, i Brown and colored 1 breads, 1 ditto Brushes and Brooms, 1 ditto colored Oil Cloth, 2 bales Sail cloth, 6 dozen Bed Bunts, oC . reams wrapping paper, N 0 ditto writing ditto, rvife bird cages ; 1 case drums, du.erciu uze.^, 1 cade tapes, bobbins and laces, . •I ci.ail Toys, 2 clieftsfinalllooting giailcs, 1 cafic Coffee-Mills, ?l caflc containing flints, fate pencils, marbles and beads, aiTortcd colors, Rating cloths, No. 1,2, 3 and 4, I case lYnbrellas, with can and croo&, and paralo.>, aborted, Warfie lroO* ‘• Scythes, 1 case hat cove.-. g™ “""‘•‘l* . ICO i--3 Sclttvra. and Rhcmfti wmein bo.tles, 2 calks lampbkck, , 6 nests tranks, Leadin'*, hanthrn ar.c ki. .ng >i..>, Sein, tewing ani whipping twine, I case and I bale fenil’.i lV^mg, I case velvet bindings crape anJ c.ieek .t , 1 j I bale Nar.keenetts, f C2*lc Camphor 18 oakea hquor calcs, * and white platdlas, R* . ‘ and memorandum books (Qiorc v ;; n pk*ces f double and ungle barrel, cafes so * n ;„ <r ] a f s> by JO and 10 by 12, jo cases wriuo.. 30 casks V nil v - 0 gj a cafe'?* 40 pipes Guv —t.k * aco Demijohns, ,^ 0 i o(rne h.till-Stcnes, 36 inches 23 pair Cmlea cr t diameter and 7 1 1 *. inches diameter, *0 rair Quern-, 2 a“• ‘ ,co tega®d half kegs gun iowoe , -5 000 red Hearth Tiler-, - -i. \ . - „ (beet aron, Ttat and square iren, Shirting Linens, > barrels Cotton baggm*, • b T a B-f. Hiaodr. L _ T_ Hills 01 l . Ml nrc [aic 3t this OlHce. | j| r JacKion & Hartftenc, Raw receiv'd by the larque Nixon, captain Shaw, ft on Hcllax, ), 3 pIPES GIN, X 15 kegs Gun-powcc"-, 10 pair Quern Stories, 15 j'ieccs Bed Ticking, 24 Liquor Cases, aborttd fize>, ico draws hall pint Tumblers, (plain and flower'd 1 6 calks Linfccd Oil, >IOO lb. Sein 1 wine, 40 dozen Wine Glasses, (plaih and flower a J 18 pieces Mieeting, 12 hurpen ine 1 ortars—6oco (Quills, 40 reams wrapping Paper, 40 ditto faolfqap and letter do. 10 dozen Quire Books 6 lb. Camphor, 300 lk. Lamp', tuck 6 Fowling Pieces, 6 dozen quart and pint Decaliters, 12 lets China Flower-Pots and Mugs, 6 pieces Lh-tn Cambric 1 1-2 doz. silk She.wls, Black Satn: af.d Florentine, Sec. GN HAND, 80 barrels frt'fh fuperfine Flour, 500 bushels Allurn alt, 20 kegs 2cd, icd, and 6<l Nails. 50 ditto W idle Lead, Yellow Ochre & c paniffi Brown, Loaf Sugar Coguiac Brandy, Jamaica, Well-India and N. E. Rv.m, Madeira, TcuerifFe and Claret Wine, Kegs Crackers barrels kin Bread, | Crockery Ware- Bar Iron, Ilyfon and Souchong Tea, &c. June 27. iot. Cl IJ 0/Ido 11 h S’s ssi LES. Qn the firft ‘Tuesday vn \uly next, will be sold at tl c Court-Heme in Savannah, between the bouts cf o avi 3 o'clock, A wench named CBLOE, oca CM AlSL,ftized lo taken in execution as the propei/, YDr. j bn Love, fune 16.74 h. ROBARTSONj C. S. Ac nuai ftralvi y s Sales . *—Bnj an County. WILL hb* luiti LU l übliv S do, A 1 the : iantatiotl r,f Captain Jeflee lil’Call cn 13m k c.t U in mid couniy, on 1 uefday, I9 r h July uexr .aii tij. 1 eidonal, hltate or James Cook, late of laid county, cccealtd—coiifilt ingot the tollowing, viz ; ‘f wo nc pro men and one women, one of the forme: fubjedl lo a mortgage, 1 hnrfe. 1 bed and 2 matrafles 3 rugs, 1 pair old chair wheels and old harnels. 1 click carpenter’s tools* 1 death cbell aod wealing apparel, 2 ten gallon kegs, 1 pine table. ; Bar ! edftead, tl ree i narrow axes. 2 broad ditto 17 books. \ w:~fh tub, 1 pAvtcr ink (laud, t grmdtloue t collar hantes nr.d traces —i'undry articles of b:y Fell old fntriture Ccnditions Cash Ldw. ( 00k, Admr. Brv'-n eoumv, 6th 7une. I?c3 —B**7r. ~ Tn uJUWCTI, Savannah, ‘June 13 tb y IGO3. WHEREAS the Election of Aldermen for Lie eve'al Wards in this CEy will take place on Mon* day the 4UI day o’ July next, it is Rejohcd, Thai the following nerfon? be, and .hev are berebv appointed to iupe'rintend toe Election of Aklet men, viz ; Richard Jonathan Cline, James Alg?r—'—* For Ogltuorpe. John Cain., Ebenczer stark, George Mofle, for Frd.-'khn. Sheftall Sheftall, Thonaas Miller, Frederick Herb—- For Decker. William Gardner, John Erpinger, ThoKigs Dt cheneauK—— -For Heathoco-.e. Thomas M. Wood ridge, VViiii’am Cuc’ec, John? Wi ]I i a mfon —— For Darby. John Brickel!, Jeremiah Cuvier, Robert Greer —- For PcVcival. Richard M. Stiles, Benjamin \V all, Archibald Smith, For Reynold*". John Y. V/hite, Williem Spencer, jun. William A Moore -For Anson. fngrai mM. Monnox, Sctriuel Howard, Thomas j U. P. Chirk on,— —For Warm. Thomas Smith, Jofepn Wc-fcher, William \V arring- j ton ——Walb: r,qt m. Edward White, Zacbatiah Hofkins, John Lycft— G reene and CGumoia. ‘leo"ge 7.1. 1 roup, r rcdcrick Smck, Cnriftiasi Guirei Liberty and Elbert. And at the following be the places for kJding the etc oil quo . v'■ iz. Oglethorpe Ward,Ac Andrew’s Meeting Hoote. Franklin Ward, At the Laptiil Meeting Hc.Uie. Decker Ward At the \hAet Houle* ILarbco e Ward, At the Prefbvrerian Church. Darbv Ward, At the Lxcharge. percival Ward at rhe Court House. Reynolds Ward, At the Filature. Anson Ward, At Mr. Port’s Scnool Room. Warren Wards,at Be Marker House. Walhington Ward, At Mr. Warring.ords \V*uk Shop. Green and Cclumbia Ward, at the Metr.odifl Meet- | ing House. Liberty and Elber/ Ward, At the Roman Catholic j Church. Ordered, That notice be given in the gazettes, j all perlbns having any demands againfl iM Corpora- j tion, to bring tnem in to CouiiCil tjn Mloncwy tuC *, i inß. for payment. LxtraM from the minutes THOMAS PITT, C. C._ j h er safe. AN excellent wo t \se wExPtt, being a good ccok, ’ talker &c.—cor particulars, apply to 7 osepb ArxmlJ* Hay 26. “ “ * s * SAVANNAH, Pbintbd bv LYON cs? MORSE. ‘JULY 4, 1803. DOCU M N T S accompanying the REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS, ON THE GEORGIA MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY, Ceded to the Untied states. (Concluded.) Captain ROBERT RAINES, being du ly fwczn, faith, that a day or two before the adjournment of the Lit ieg:ilauue> be was in AuTLta, and in comoanv with John Kins, Esq. a member of the Senate in that iegii iature j that this deponent introduced to the’ laid John King, captain James Lucas ; that laid King then asked the Laid Lucas into the house where he the laid K : ng lodged, to drink Lome uxor with 5 that when the laid Kin.e came out ot the house, he informed this depone .: that lie had given the laid I micas a fli a re, by which he underflood a lhare in Lome of the companies who pir chafed the weflern territory, and obfci ved a: the lame rime with an oath, that he had more lands helices than he and his foils knew what to do with ; and that the deponent afterwards asked captain Lucas, whether the Lid King had given him the Lid lhare, and was afwered that he had, but that iie, the Lid Lucas, was to pay the purchale money. And this deponent further laith> that during the fitting of the laid legihature, and jirevious to the pafOng of the act for the sale of the weft cm territory, Philip Clayton, Esq, treasurer of this state, called <m this deponent, and in formed, if you could prevail on Mr. Mitchell, a member of the senate in that legislature, and the bro'her-in-law of this deponent, to bo home, he the deponent might naye 500 dollars, pounds, or guineas, this deponent does not remember which, and any appoint ment from the lerjd tore he wou’d ask, which Yves in their power to give. The Lid Clay ton ebftrved at the fame time, that the depo nent was the brother cf mr. Mitchell, he j thought he might have influence enough! with him, to prevail on him to go home, as the ad would be pasted whether he went home or not —to which the deponent made lome small reply, and the Lid Clayton then Lid, he hoped the deponent would not think any j thing of him., for he was author!fed to L> j whac he did. And this deponent further; faith, that Lme time on or about the ill oi AupUft is ft, he was in Au gulls, and Lw Richard War (ham, a member of Lit leg Ma ture, there, who had a lhare in the Georgia com pan v commonly called Gimnks company, and was offering the Lire for Lk to Mr. Maher j that this deponent alio law Reuben W ilk info ri, a member of the Lit icgift-iture, In Auguih, at the fame tin re, who informed this denonent, he had ftiates in ihe ourchafe of the weltern ianur, and that lie wiilied to fell them. (signed) EGBERT RAINES, Sworn to as alert laid. ANDREW BAXTER, being duly (Worn rnaketh oath, tha: fome rime previous to t’> pahing of the nr ft bib for the ddpoiai of the western territory of ihis by the lift j iegifiature, the deponent being a: Auguita, and conceiving it a step hurtful to the country, j thought it duty t o iz-vz his t.'iough.s to the! re prefen ration o Bis county, which was H.i:i-j cock, and accordingly c-alied on lenatorj Roberts/Fhomas ar.a repiabated the ad", j width laid Thomas vindicated—that the de- j ponenr toM him that it won Li be generally th A j he was interested, if he voted in Lvor or cMe | bill, when it was so generally cm approved oi j Dy his coidiitvienrs; to which the Lid Thomas! replied, that lx did not know he was intereiE [ ed, bu; that those who voted in favor of the bill were provided for in the arr Lies of the dbiereot companies, upon which the tie pone m replied he (hould confidcr that as indirect j bribery. (Sifted) ANDREI? BANTER, i r-i <* r Sworn to as aiorciaiu. William Sallaro, of the county og Hancock, being duly Ivvorn, maketh, tha: on cr about the 2 ad, 2jd, cr 214th days of January, 1795, he the deponent w„s a 1 jAugufta procuring fome articles and d:f- Ipoling of fome tobacco, and that during the laid term he was at general GLfcockb, one of :he grantees cf the western territory, that a . Denver Loon took place between the general Twelve aud ci Im!f Gents o pn.! himWf relative to it, and concerning 1 Thomas, the senator (in the Icnifla | r " r f wnich disposed of it) for the said coimtv p‘ rianco i tltet the general asked the ar- P'onrnt what th”peo P !e of II incock thou, hr J ‘ uomas , if they would kill him th<i i 7: c-piied he did not knovv they would him, bu: that he would Hand a good CTmA c !? :, 2S !n g a lapplingr, or words tt> j eircct ; fer they had an idea that Thomas was bribed—the general replied that he did out know that he was bribed, but he had a. p-od deal of tne land, that he himfeif had pm-ch iled fome of the (hares and had paid .lmlelf with a mr. Nightingale, to Thomas,. I Lvfnteen hundred dollars, to the best of the { ‘p P onent: s recollcclion ; and four hundred uod.irs .0 John i hoaias, as he believes, Ko v‘crcs bomas's brother, for the land. I'hat I lL fb ncral further laid, the other companies on slfo paid the Lid Roberts 1 bonus as much money for ia ids or fliares as* !)e down, met with John Thomas, the Lid Ro x nomas s brother, who acknowledged so the deponent that lie had received money from general Glafcock. (Signed) WILLIAM SALLARD. Sworn to a.: afbrcfa’ij. Office of the Clerk of the House Reprejentativcs. CioxGiA, Louisville, 25111 a-iuguft, 18c 1. I do certify, that the annexed eight ihects contain a true txtradl from the journal of the house of representatives of this state, at a I'ef (ion of the general aftembly ia January, 171,6* Gfq. R . Clayton, fdr HINES HOLT , Clk. 11. R. (HO To JAMES MADISON, ALBERT GALLATIN, and LEVI LINCOLN, Esquires. Commijfionei s cj toe Lniied States, appointed in pur fiance nW f l phi of Congress, entitled, {C An aci for an mineable jitilemsni of hefts wUh the State of Georgia, and author A rung the ejlahlifhmtnt of a Government in the Miff r Tn rhoryf and of an afi ftpplemetttary to the fafne ad, GENTLEMEN. i he undersigned liaving exhibited claims to certain portions of the lemtorv, lately ccdeA by the State cf Georgia to the United Statera and tile vouchers m support thereof, whik*. they trust are full and Ltisfaclory, do now, ia conformity to the further provisions of Li 1 aexs of congress, submit to your confideratio and opinion, ihe lollowing propositions, whiia liiey offer as the terms ot a con prom ife of >h ; clanr.s of themselves, and their lefpecE.o corjftitucnts# i he individuals, and companies oflndiv!- duals, whole claims Ihe undersigned re;: - icnr, will reieaie to the United States, dll th r fight, title, and interred, in, and to the ter. - tory, lands and foil by then claimed * on me toliowing conditions : that is to fay— Firth. That the government of the Unm l States will* during the prelent fed:on ot cc - grefs, provide bylaw, for the appropriari i of five millions of the mod valuable acres ; the land, ceded to the United States bv i ffute of Georgia, in such manner, as no r ■ interfere with their engagements to the ft.r-j of C orgia, in their late act of cedion, or \ c grants therein recognized* to be disposed f under the authority of the United Sr a for a sum not iefs than two dollars per a. clear of all expense or charge, for the purp of cornpenfating for the claims, for whh: u the said rive millions cf acres are therein i\ - served; and that said five millions cf ac- mail be the firth fold, after a quantity of oth of the ceded lands shall be disposed cf, sum - cienc to pay the (late of Georgia the one million two hundred and fifty thousand dV- I rs, contracted to be paid in their fain m:: of cedion. Second, In order to make a complete ‘•>- deaient of said corn pen fat ion at this time, u. to vest the title of the cluimaivts in the Urn States, as soon as may be, the under fig::- . for themfeives and thole whom they rep lent, pro pole and consent, that the pre.-t of the Ikies of the fa(i five millions of a : • :of land be now el-imaced ac tire -* • •'f ten millions ot dollars, and ch it the U oe and a rted and apportioned between ; : Uniceu braces, for the purposes hern i ... express and, and the individuals, and comp:., ot individuals, whole claims the under:.: , 4 rt prrfenf, in the following manner i hire. The United States shall retain u l of the laid lum ot u.. u.i or.- -i ... - number 79,