Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, July 26, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. x Dollars a Year, half in Advance# mm R.&J. BOLTON, just received per tie Miffiffiippi llj| fnm Liverpool , ||||B)feshits, ftiitable for summer wear, lUlKfeces bdies Clorh and fine light . wk Caffitnere, muffins, plain, white and raHßlack figured, and handkerchiefs, bed cotton Bagging, : pewter bafons, plates and can H die moulds, . Spiles lrifh linen, HHlozen bed curied hair matreffes, JoSaales ofnaburgs, Jgflfcafks nails flat and (hirp points, HH>ed and fill: nankeens, quiltings, mM dimities, &c. ■Bor’d, white and black cambric, white lead, yellow ochre and Span- B tth brown pans : hair brooms, BAgnters’ : cutlery : Iron mon gery, HKmantua trunks, Igßitlemens saddles, and plated chair harness, glazed hats. 63. Department. |fS Louisville, yth July, 1803. |||Hhe death of the late Governor Br General Josiau Tattnall, jun’r bublicly announcer), and the Ex- conceiving it but a just tribute to .Bcharadler ot so good an officer anc! that a fenl'e of his loss fliould all officers in military H tmiffion, and calls upon all civi ’ within this ft ate belonging MM'eto, and recommends t every cet wmstion of citizens within the fame, to Mfryfor the /pace of fix weeks to l Ufmena the 20th inflant , a black mp* round the left arm 5 as a token of mLaffeftion and efleem they had for Bn while alt ve, and the deep affliction Bi’ regret with which they are pene- Ufted at his death. wL• CEO. R. CLAYTON, 2) 4/ Secretary ■LRerhefda College Lands. WYo Rent for 5 Years , Biooo Acres valuable Rice and jmtfo/r Lands on the South Branch of gmrtlt River , also 1000 acres , in mfis of 500 acres each consisting Wmßice t Cotton and Prcvifion Lands, Wmndedeafterly by the river kit amah a, md lands of Harry Munro. The move lands , were on the 6th August , 865, granted the revrend George Im bit est eld for the endownment of Wmhefda College . The plats and fmnt survey, may be seen by applying Wfudge Stephens , President of the Woardy ft Mr. AYKinnon, Purveyor, I St. Simon*s Ifland* |j Ptrjons willing to lease the whole , Rr any part of theft valuable lands , mill fend in their proposals , Jealed up , m the President , or the fubferiber , by we \ft day of August next: All persons Wre forbid trespassing on the faia Winds , the lines of which are well I rtown, and aftertained. I W. B. BULLOCH, Hie of the Trustees and Sec’y H the Board. P June 23. 76. ts. fPHILBTUS Ha VEN6s W JAMES BILBO, Waving tnttnd into copartnerjhip under the firm of ■IAVENS & BILBO, Vffer their services to the planters I and others in the ■ Fa&orage & Commission | Business. ■ Far which purpefe they have taken tbi wharf and part of ft ores lately Occupied by Messrs. Belcher Ift Dick. MnSon, where any Jpeaes of property Yntrufted to them for fate can be \avfelyft or ed. They have also pur chaf ed Messrs Belcher and Dickinfotis remaining Stock of Ship Chandlery , A general assortment of which, and GROC ERIKS. The intend keeping . *-May a, Bod* * lilank ijiiecks^ For Sole at this Office* WILL BE SOLD, On the 2 day of July next , at Csptc. STEPHEN MITCH ELLS, on TayUt's Creek * Liberty County > ■ > 550 ACRES LAV D, (by original survey,) LATE the property of Israel Bird, Esq. decefcfed,in four tra&s lying and being on Taylors creek and little Canouchie. Two of the above tratfts lays on the main road.—Conditions: credit will be given until the firft day of January, 1804. Also will be fold, on Saturday the 30th of July next, the late residence of the f a jd decealed, on Great Ogechee, Bryan county, Two Negro Women and” one Child One Rifl'e Gunn and two smooth bores, with sundry other articles, being the personal property of the Paid deceased. JAMES BIRD, j qualified Jr-SSE M’CALE, | Executors. Conditions Cash. June 9 72. laW gardens bjront. This excellent tra& of LAND con taining 13000 acres, lately advertised by the ftib&ribrr, will be divided f diiFer eat trails ; it will be an obje& for put chafers to come forward. Plats may be ieen, and pur ticulars knownbv applying ot LEVY ABRAHAMS, Broker June 19. taw 6w. 7 4 6HE RIFE* 6 SALES. On Tuesday the 6th of September next will be fold by public outcry at the Court HoUfe in this city between the Hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. One Negroe Fellow, Seized as the property of Major Wil liam Brown. Conditions—Cash. T. NORTON, S. C. C. June 29 180* 7 g Assize for July y 1803. The price of Flour being 7 dollars 5® cents per barrel, Bread for this month mtift weigh viz. 12 1-2 cts. loaf. ilb. 9 tm. 6 1-4 cts. loaf, xlb. 4 1-2 oz. Os which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread, are to take due notice. JOHN GIBBONS, City Treaforer. Thirty Dollars WILL be given to any perfon,who will deliverthe under mentioned fellows to the keeper of Chatham goal : ISAAC a flout mulatto, well known about Savannah, and CYRUS a well made black fellow about 25 years of age, slovenly in his dress and of a very down cast, forbidding appearance. Twenty dollars will be paid for appre hending Isaac and ten dollars for Cyrus, by applying to A. M‘Queen at Montgom ery, or to Williamson & More/. ts. June 16—tf74 ts Stolen, FROM the plantation of the fubfc. iber in Columbia county, on Friday night the sth of Novemberlaft, a bright bay Mare, eight years old, four feet ten or eleven inches high, her near hind foot white, with several black spots mix’d therein, also a fear in her forehead occa ftoned by her being cut for the flaggers; well gated, paces, trots and canters. Thirty dollars will be paid by the sub feriberhereof, to any person who will deliver the said mare, or on giving such information that ffiall enable the fubferi ber to get her. ‘1 he said mare is sup posed to have been stolen by a certain man who pafles by the name of John Williams. Benjamin Williams, Columbia COU rv. \Tavo?h. 1803 ?m7T i (uooai.a negro ici.ow,idy s 13 his name is HOPE; that he ranaway from Mr.Corbet in South-Caroima, near Georgetown, and formerly belonged to Thomas Hamilton, of Columbia count\ in Georgia. J. P. Oates, goaler Savannah, 20th May, 1805. (57'tf. ’notice. Copartnership of R. & John Bolton. THE death of mr. Rober/ Bolton, renders it neceilary to inform the triends and eorrefpondents of /he firm, both in the United S/atcsand abroad,that the funds and flock in trade, remain as heretofore, and tha/ prcvifion is mad, not only to preserve, but annually to m creafe the capital ; and they ‘♦re also in* formed, that the bulincl*-. 01 /he house will continue to be conducted bv IOHN BOLTON, under firm of Robert & John Bolton . Joseph Habersham , William IVallac% George ; f John Executors. - Savannah, December 10. ts. SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON MORSE. Notice is Hereby Gmn. THAT the lubfcribers have been dt Ay appointed Assignees of the eilate aad efled* of Richard htnm, and Benjamin Sims, of Savannah and Augusta, in the cfmri£l dfr Georgia “—•Bankrupts. All persons. indebted to the said Wayne and Sims, are therefore requested to make immediate payment, and all those who have any of their effe<Sls,are required to deliver the fame to David Reid , Thomas Gardner , of Augusta, or William Boyd , of Charleston. February 14, 1803. ts. * (40) Notice . ALL persons having demands against the efta'eof Jolhua Stafford, deceased, are requested to exhibitthem legally au thenticated for payment on or before the firft day of September next, and all those indebted to make payment by that day, to Margaret Stafford, Aamx . Glynn county, May 26. l o be Sold, On Friday the 29 tb injlant, A HOUSE and LOT, No. 6, the property of John M c - Clagan , in Tama craw, to fatisfy the claim of John Tafh , due for ground rent . Vbe sale to commence at 10 o'clock on the premises. JOHN F. WEBB, Con}able. July 19. 84. T. M. WOODBRIDGE, Has just Received ON CONSIGNMENT, 100 Kegs manufaftured Tobacco, 40 Barrels Ship Bread, 1.5 do. Crackers, 10 half do. ditto. 20 Bags prime Coffee* 40 ps. very wide Cotton Baggihg 2 Pipes real French Brandy 4c! proof. Which will be fold low for calh. June 22.—*84—ft. ♦ .. i*- Commercial Notice. fjfij 3 The Vice Consulate of Spain at Savannah, tor the state of Georgia, Emanuel Rengil, Esq. being trom this day suppressed, by order his ot Catholic Majesty, the com mercial gentlemen and traders in the said date, and in the date of North-Carrolina, will please to take notice thereof and ajply at the consulate in Charlcdon, South-Ca rolina, which only is authorifed for such papers, certificates and other documents as they shall want from said office. Given at Charledon, this 12th day of July, 1803. DIEGO MORPHY, 84. 31. Consul of Spain. Taken from a run-away negro, late ly apprehended , who says he be longs to a Air. Smith in South Ca rolina a small CANOE BOAT, painted red, rows with four oars , from sixteen to twenty feet long—the owner may have her on proving his properly and paying charges . R* WELLS. Savannah , J uh r 18. 8 4 [ (ball be greatly obliged to the gentle man who borrowed my Survey ing Compass and Chain , to return them as soon as peffible , as fam in immediate want of them. JOHN BARRON. Savannah , July 18, 1803. (4 t# ) Notice. ALL persons having demands against the eftare of William 6Lepard, late of Liberty county,deceafed, are fequeOed to rend'-r them pronerlr attested, and those indebted, to make immediate pay ment, to John fones, Adm’r. Liherty County. Bth April. ISO3 The Subscriber WILL be absent from this State until next. Richard M. Stices *"fq. and Thos. F. Williams are duh la lifted to as bis attornies dnrinp <iid absence. Richard Dtnms . June 2,1803 ts 70. JULY 26, 1803. CHAMBERS* July i5, 1803. Preletu tfrfir honors, k ; £DW. TELFAIR, ’ ‘ J. 4 G. ‘•WILLIAMSON, Wm. SMITH. WHEREAS, this 18th day of Julv, ido3, was assigned for set ting up to the lowed bidder, the public roads within the county of Chatham ; and no bidders for the following roads appearing, that is to lay : the road leading from Ti mes Brick* Yard to the county line, commonly known by the Newing ton Road. 1 he road leading from the inter ieftion of the .Newington, com monly know by the river road to the country line. The road leading from the town common to Ogechee river, and bridge erefled thereon, commonly known by the Ogechee road. .The road leading from the town common to Skidaway Ferry. The road leading from ditto to White Bluff. The road leading to Coftins Bluff from the Skidaway road. The road leading to TurnbulPs ferry from ditto. It is therefore Ordered and diredted, thas the overseers of the leparate and several roads within each division, be empowered and authorized to hire laborers, with im plements for the making the several roads passable, and that the labor to be performed, be in the firft in stance directed in that manner, and the furplps of each appropriation in pursuance of the order of the 28 th day of June last past, be applied in other necessary repairs, on each road as the overseers or a majority of the said Overseers shall diredt. The overseers of the several roads, shall keep a fair and corrcdt register of the labor of each day, in which shall be inserted the number of laborersjthename or names of whom such laborers may be hired with a column for the daily hire, and to make due report thereon, on or before the t firft day of November next. And whereas a mistake hav * ing originated in the resignation of Mr. David F. Bourquin in whose place Capt. M’Lean was nominat ed. It is therefore dirdted that the appointment of Capt. M’Lean be void. It is also diredted that Mr. John I. Bourquin be appointed overseer on the Ogechee road in the room of Mr. Bennedidt Bourqin resigned. The receiver of Tax Returns is diredfed and required to furnilh a Statement of the amount of County Tax for the years, 1797, 1798, 1 799* 1800, 1801, and 1802. 1 hat the several Tax Colledlors do on or before the firft day of November next render an account of/eceipts and payments of the county tax by each of them, and execution will issue immediately thereafter against each defaulter. Ordered the above arr. nge ment, be publiihed three times in each of the city Gazettes. Extradi from the minutes, J. BULLOCH Clk. July 18, 180 L Edwin H. Bolton , Has for sale at his ship yard SPRUCE and Yellow pine spars and mad: from 25 to 73 feet long which will be fold at a moderate price in rough or wrought. White pine Boards, Rangiug Timber, Tar and Turpentine, He is well fixed forheavingJvefsels down and doing all kinds ship car nters work ts. Oyics oj <7 u.-posit . Savannah, February i f 1803. K7’ ALL perfonstranfofting business ac the Bank, will please to observe, that a'terthe 15th instant, na bills or notes of a lels sum than one hundred •follatr will be received i'or difeount. Thomas Mendenhall, Ca/hiec. Twelve and a hall Cents (Ingle. Just Received and for Sale , By the Subcriber at his Store, No. 5 Exchange, facing the River, t box yard wide Iriftj LitoOi, very fine barrels Loaf Sugar boxes firft quality Turpentine Soap ON HAND. 2 boxes 781 1 do. 4-4 j- IRISH LINEN 20 boxes long cork Claret 2f dc% , per box 15 p s - Black Mufiin 50 doz. Gin Jugs A few pieces of Chocolate Grouch Calico. The above will be fold low for Cash or good notes at t * days. — RALPH JACOBS. July 20 3/ 84 Robert & John Bolton, Have received per barque Nixon, captain Shaw, from Holland , f £ ASEs Glass Ware, assorted so? V-/ the country, 400 Matted Flalks, v 120 pieces Ofnaburgs, 150 ditto Bremen Rolls, I case brown and colored Threads, 1 ditto Brufties and Brooms, 1 ditto colored Oil Cloth, 2 bales Sail cloth, 6 dozen Bed Bunt3, 200 reams wrapping paper, 40 ditto writing ditto, 1 case bird cages, 1 case drums, different sizes, I case tapes, bobbins and laces, 1 chest Toys, 2 chests small looking glasses, 1 cask Coffee-Mills, 1 cade containing flints, date pencils, marbles & glass beads, assorted colors, Bolting cloths, No. J, 2,3 and 4, 1 case Umbrellas, with can and crook, and parafcls, assorted, Warfle Irons : Scythes, t case hat covers, green and brown, 100 jugvS Seltzerwater & Rhenish wine in bottles, 2 calks lampblack, 6 rfefts trunks, Leading, hambro and fifhing lines, Sein, ftwing and whipping twine, 1 case and 1 bale flemifh Iheeting, 1 case velvet bindings, crape & check shirts, 1 bale Nankeenetts, 1 calk Camphor, 18 oaken liquor cases, Brown and white platillas, Quire and memorandum books, 2 ca fes fowling pieces, double and finglt barrel, 20 cases window glass 8 by 10 and id by 12, 30 casks paint oil, 40 pipes Gin——lso gin cases, 100 Demijohns, 20 pair Cullen or Cologne Mill-Stones, 36 inches diameter and 7 thick, 20 pair Quern-Stones, 23 and 26 inchei diameter, 300 kegs and half kegs gun powder, 3000 red Hearth Tiles, Flat and square iron, Iheet iron, 6 bales Cotton bagging, Shirting Linens, 1 case archangel Diaper. June 2<sV Jackson & Hartftene, Have received by the barque Nixon , captain Shaw , from Holland , 3 T)IPES GIN, - jL 15 kegs Gun-powder, lo pair Quern Stones, 15 pieces Bed Ticking, 24 Liquor Cases, assorted fires, 100 straws half pint Tumblers, (plain an<i flower’d) 6 c-ilks Linseed Oil, 100 lb. Sein Twine, 40 dozen Wine Glaffes,(plain Sc flower’d ) 18 pieces Sheeting, 12 Surpentine iVortars—6oco Quills, 4° reams wrapping Paper, 40 ditto foolfc&p and letter do, 10 dozen Quire Books—6 lb. Camphor. 300 tb. Lampblack 6 Fowling 6 dozen quart and pint Decanters, 12 sets China Flower-Pots and Mu^, 6 pieces Linen Cambric......x 1-2 doz. fdk Shawls, Black Satin and Florentine, See. ON HAND , 80 barrels freth fuperfine Flour, 300 bushels Allum l alt, 20 kegs 2od, iod, and 6d Nad®, 50 ditto White Lead, Yellow Ochre a J £paaifh Brown, Loaf Sugar Cogniac Brandy, Jamaica, Weff-India and N. F. c.* rt, Madeira, Teneriffe and Claret Y. r-j* , Kegs Crackers barrels ship Crockery Ware Bar Iron, Hyfon and Souchong Tea, June 27. iCt. NUMBER 85,