Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, July 29, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republic in & State Intelligencer. Volume I.* Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance. R. &J. BOLTON, Have just received per tie Mississippi fn n L iverpool, S cases hats, suitable fvr fiuromer wear, j . pieces ladies Cioh and hne fight Caftiaitre, 2 trnnfcs muffins, plain, white and ouck figured, and handkerchiefs, • 200 pieces belt cotton Bagging, 1 .caffe pewter bafous, plates and can dle moulds, 2 cases Irilh linen, i dozen best curied hair matrefo, 12 bales ofnaburgs, 100 calks nails, flat and (harp points, S nped and Uik nank.’-cit*-', quilting s* dt mi ties, & . Color’d, white and biaifc cambric/ Kiegs whiU® lead, ytilovv ochieand i)pan* iih brown Frying pans ‘. ha>r brooms, Carpenters’ tools i cuueiy ; Iron mon> . ge-ry, Pe%na r tua trunks, G emit mens faddie-, and chair harness, Set van's t>lazed hats. 6*3- . Bethelda College LaicL. To Rent for 5 Years, ioco Acres valuable Rue and Cotton Lands on the South Branch of Turtle River , also 1000 acres, in traits of 500 acres each consisting of Rice, Cotton and Provifien Lands, boundedtafteriy by the river Aitamaha, and lands of Harry Munro. The above lands , were on the Gib Augtift, 1765, granted the revrend George iVbitefield for tie endownment of Bethesda College . The plats and recent Purvey, may be fan by applying to Judge Stephens, Pref;dent of the Beard, or Mr. M'Kinnon, survey, r, a St. Simon s IJhud. Per fens willing to lease the whole, ‘cr any part of tbefe valuable lands will fend in their propo/als , sealed up to the Preffdeni, or the fubferiber , by the Ift day of August next: All petfans are forbid tttypayjtrg on tie fan a lands , the lines of which a j e well known, and aftermined. W. 13. BULLOCH, one of the Trudees and Sec’y of the Board. June 23. 76. ts. PHILETUS HAVENS & JAMES BILBO, Having entered into copartner flip under tbs firm o f HAVENS & BILBO, •Offer their fervicss to the planters and others in the J 7 adtorage £c C ommiiTion JBufinefs. For which purpose they h ive taken ‘the wharf and part of stores lately occupied by Messrs. Belcher (J Dick dnfen, where any fpecics of property errtrujlcd to them for fate can be favfeyffored: They have also pur chaf ed Messrs Belcher and Dickinfons remaining Stock of Ship Chandlery , A general ajfortment of which, and GROCERIES. The intend keeping . May 2, 1803. ‘ 61. SHERIFFS SALES. On Tuelday the 6th ot September next Will be fold bv public outer) dt the o>?f House in this city between the Hours cf 10 imd.3 o’clock. One Negroe Fellow, % Seized as the property of Major Wil liam Brown. Conditions — Cash. T. NORTON, S. C. C. June 29 l °O3 7 8 • J hirty Dollars WILL be given to any perfon,\vho will deliver-he under menuoned fellows to the k ej>er of Chatham goal; ]JAAC a stout •nula*to, well known about Savannah, and CYRUS a well made black fellow about 25 years of age, •lovenly in hßdrefs and of a very dew if call, forbidding appearance. Twenty dollars will be paid for appre hending Ilaac and ten dollars for Cyrus, t>v appiyirigtn A. M'Queen at M ><Wgoiii* cry, or 10 YV iliiamion Sc Morel. ts. June 16—tf74 if Blank Checks, For Bate at tbit Office. Assize for July, 1803. The price ot I* * tir ten g 7 do” a.* 5c drents per barrsf, Jj< an for mooro inuli weigh vQ. r X t -2 cis. loaf. -Jb. 9 oe. O i 4 c;s. loaf, i in, 4 i-z oz . Os which all Baktrs and Sclicis of B-ead. are to take due non e. lOHN GIBBONS, Citv Treafutr-. Stolen, FROM the plantation of the lubfcribsr j in Columbia county, on Friday I nigJit the sth of No member l all, a brigl.i-j bay Ware, eight years od, lour sett tc-. ; or eleven inches high, her r.tar hind foot I white, with fever*l bLck spots tnix’c therein, afio a feur In her forehead occa sioned by her being cut for the well gated, pace s ;, trot ar.d caatus Thirty dollars wil be paid by the-f b fertber hereof, to a*!y pes fun who wifi deliver the laid mare, or on giving such information chat fhail enable the ioeden get her. The said mare is ibp posed t* have been ftoien by a cert: in man who passes by the name* of foi:r, Williams. Benjaiirin Wil’iams. CCU ’ ’ ,lf ;>v o r, i 1 B “’ 7’ 13 hi*; name is HOPS; riiai he ranawaj from Mr.Corbet in Soutb-Cafoiina, in-a; Ueorgetowo, and formerly belonged to Thoma's Hamilton, of Columbia count) in Georgia. J P. Oates, goaler Savannah. 20th May, jBOS. fj7 f ~NoTICEi Copartneriiiip of R. £c John Bolton. rHE death of mr. Robert Boltor, renders it neceilaiy to inform the fnetids and correfpondcntfrof./he firm, b >th in the United S/ates and abroad,that the funds and ftocfc in trade, remain as heretofore, and tha? proviiion is made not only to preserve, but annually to in crease the capita! ; and they are also in fornied, that the bufmefs oi rhe house will continue to be concluded by JOHN BOL I ON, under the firm of Robert & “John Bolton. Joseph Habersham, William Wallace, George Woodruff, John Bolton , Executors. - avan&ah, December 10. ts. Net ice is Pier eby Given. IHA r the fubferibers have been duly appointed Afiignees of the ell ate and etfeiSls of Richard Wayne, junior , and Bnjamln Sims, of Savanna! and Auguffa, i> the diftrid of Georgia —-Bankrupts. Ai! persons indebted to the laid Wayne and Sims, are therefore requeued ro make immediate payment, and all those w ; ho have any of then effeds ,are required to deliver the fame tc | David Reid , Thomas Gardner , of Augusta, or William Boyd , of Char left on. February 14, ISO3. ts. (4c) Notice. ALL perf.tns haying demands again!* the eflateof Jolhua Stafford, dectaihd, are requelE-d to exhibitthem legally au thenticated for payment on or before rh fir!* day of September next, and all hoie indebted to make payment by tha day, to Margaret Stafford, Admx Glvnn county, May 26. od.t'. To be Sold, On F iday the 1 9 *b infant, A HOLT>E and LO \\ Fio 6, the property of John M*- Clagan, in Tama craw, tojiii.fy lie claimed John Tafh, aue for ground rent. ire sate to commence at 10 o'clock cn the premises . JOHN F. WEBB, Cos able July 19. 84. x\ OUIC. A LL perfooo having demands aga’mli lY the estate of William ->heparfi, late of Liberty county,deceafod. are 1 -q .cited 10 render them proper!*- atteited, ar.c thole indebted, to nuke immediate pay ment, to John Jones, Adm’r. LiHer;y County, Bth April. 1803 I (hall be greatly obliged to the gentleman who borrowed my Survey ing Compass and Chain, to return them as soon as pffible, as /cm in j mmediate want of them. JOHN BARRON. St-jannab, Ju!y-{B. i8o?. Och \'‘ ‘ ‘ I SAViVN: \ilj Erinted BY LYON fc? MORSE. Commercial T dice. j The VideCortfed re of Spain ‘ Savannah, ioi the lia-eoi Georgia. F. MAX V F.L RX. N Gir, th P bC i fkg rom thR day fuprrtdMc y bv order i his of Catholic F’ .-icily the com ira icial gentiearen diiJ traders in h-” laid if cite, and i-i ’he Hate ol North-Carrolin.7, will pkne to take | -once thereof and -apply at the I -on Elate in Ch ii itJen. South Ca ! rolina, which only is au'd.crifed for dudi papers, certificates- and ether do cm n nits as th cy sh all vva n t from Lid office. Given at this *2th day of julv, 1 So j. * tfIEGO MOF PHY, 84. CcMiful of Spain. T< ken from a run away n. pro, late ly apprehended, -who says he be Lugs to a Mr. Smith in South Ca rolina a small CAN O E RO A TANARUS, painted red , rows with four oars, Item Jtxteen to twentyfiuu. long—the owner may have her on proving bis property and paying charges . R. WELLS. Savannah , J ui y 1 $. 8 4 Just Received and Jar Sale, By the Subcriher at his Store, No. 5 Exchange, fucing the River* 1 box yard wide drifts Linen, very fine barrels Loaf Sugar boxes firft quality Turpentine Soap ON HAND. 2 boxes 787 1 do. 4-4I IRISH LINEN. 20 boxes long cork Claret zj- dez. per box f s ‘ Black Muffin G’> dez. Gin Jun A Jew pieces of Chocolate Grcuvd Calico. Tie above will be fold low for Caffs or good notes at Go days. — RALPH JACOBS. ! July 20 3/ 84 Robert & John Bolton, Have received pet barque Nixon , captain Shaw, from Holland, 15 ASES Glufs Ware, afiorted for the conntry, 400 Matted Flarks, 120 pieces Ofnaburgs, 150 ditto Bremen Rolls, i case brown ar.d colored Threads, I drtto Brufties and Brooms, 1 ditto colored Oil Cloth, 2 bales Sail cloth, 6 dozen Bed Bunts, 200 reams wrapping paper, 40 ditto writing ditto, I case bird ca<res, 1 caie drums, different sizes, i case tapes, bobbins and laces* 1 chest Toys, 2 elicits brail looking glasses, 1 calk Coffee-Mills, 1 cafi< containing flints, slate pencils, warbles Stglafs beads,aiTorttd colors, Bolting cloths, No. 1,2, 3 and 4, 1 case Umbrellas, with can and crook, and parasols, assorted, Warfle irons : Scythes, T case hat covers, green and brown, 7 jugs Scltzerwater & Rhcnaih wine in bottles, - 2 calks lampblack, 6 nefis trunks, l eading, hambro and filing lines, Se:n, sewing and whipping twine, 1 cale and 1 bale flemifii sheeting, -1 case velvet bindings, empe 6c check shirts, 1 bale Nankeenetts, 1 cask Camphor, iS oaken liquor cases, Brown and white platifias, Quire and memorandum books, 2 ca les fowling pieces, double and fmgk barrel, 20 cases window glass 8 by 10 and 10 by 12, 30 casks paint oil, 40 pipes Gin ijo gin cases, IGO -Demi;oh4:s, 20 pair Cullen or Cologne MilLStoncs, 36 inches diameter and 7 thick, 20 pair Quera-Stones, 23 and 26 inches dkuiieter, 300 kegs and half kegs gun powder, ; 3000 red Hearth Tilts, [ Flat and square iron, lheet iron, 1 6 bales Cotton bagging, 1 Shilling Linens, k 1 case archangel Diaper. June 26. ffULV'zg, iSxt CHAMBERS, July Is, 1803. IVefent lV r Kot or®, * EDW. TELFAIR, j. C. W ILL I AMS ON, Wm. SMITH. j WHEREAS, this day of • juiv, ldoj, was alligncd for let’ up to the lowelt bidder, the public roads withia the county of Chatham ; and no bidders for the fallowing roads appearing, that is 10 fey • the road leading from Ti o-ts Brick-Yard to the county line, commonly known by the Newing ton Road. 1 he road leading from the inter action of the Newington, com monly know by the river road to the country line. i he road leading from the toven common ro Ogee nee river, and bridge ere fled thereon, commonly known by the Ogecfue road. T he road leading from the town common to Skid away Feny. 1 lie road leading from ditto to White Bluff. The road leading to Coffins Bluff from the Skidaway road. _ The road leading to Turnbull’s ferry from ditto. It is therefore Ordered and diredled, that the overseers of the leparate and !"everal roads within each division, be empowered and authorized to hire laborers, with im plements for the making the several roads pafiable, and chat the labor to be performed, be in the firft in stance directed in that manner, and tne fur ft us of each appropriation, in purfuanee of the order of the 28 th day of June last past, be applied in other -necelfary repairs, on each road as rheoverfeers or a majority of the said Overseers fliall direct. The overseers ofthe several roads, Ihall keep a fair and correct register of the labor of each day, in which Ihall be inierted the number of laborersjihename ornamesof whom iuch laborers may be hired v/ith a column for the daily hire, and to make due report thereon, on or before the firft day of November next. And whereas a mistake hav ing originated in the resignation oi Mr. David F. Bourquin in whole piace Capt. M’Lean was nominat ed. It is therefore dififted that the appointment of Capt. M’Lean be void. It is also directed that Mr. John I. Bourquin be appointed overseer on the Ogechee road in the room of Mr. Beanedid Bourqin resigned. The receiver of Tax Returns is tiireded and required to furnifh a Statement of the amount of County Fax for the years, 1797, 1798, 17993 ISOO, 180 r, and 1802. i hat the several Tax Collectors do on or before the firft day of November next render an account of receipts and payments of the county tax by each of them, and execution will i.'fiie immediatel, thereafter against each defaulter. Ordered th .t the above arr ne --o ment, be pubiimed three times in each of the city Gazettes. Extract from the minutes, J. BULLOCH Cik. JAy 18, 1 SoN . . Edwin H. Bolton^ Has lo- sale at his snip yard PRUC£ and Yellow pine spars fy and mail; from 25 to 73 feet long which wiii be iolc at a moderate price th rough crv.rOaght. t “White pine Boards, Ranging Timber, Tar and Turpentine, He is well fixed forheavinsfivcfsels Os down and doing all kinds ihip car -11 ters v/ork ts. Gy..s of cx D ■ 6” . Savd/itj.ib, February j } ißo'. td* AL L perfosis tranhetmg hulincfs 1 at the Bank, will pieale _to oklerve. that atterthc I h nt, nfi oil is or notes of a lets funi th iff one hundred dollar? will be received tor difcoont. a hvliidS i At'tidcnfJiUl, Ci%fklCTt\ Twelve and a halt Cents fino-fe * o JUST REC El FED On Corfgti mart, by the barque Nix*, on,from Rotterdam , The Following Articles > Which are now offered for sale bd the fubferiber, at his ft ore North East comer cf the Exchanged v\z — One calc Entry Lamps One ditto Flower pots One ditto round and square ftot| bottles One ditto Medicine phi Is Two ditto Flemilh Sheeting's ‘ Two bales aznaburgs One ditto Ticklingburgs One ditto Sad Cloth One ditto Warfle Irons Five ditto writing and wrapping paper One case elegant Umbrellas and Parasols Onehogthead Twine of different kinds 50 Dimijohns (large) 40 boxes window glass 8 by 16 and 10 by 12 10 pipes Holland Gin too kegs best Dutch Gun powder ALSO, From other ccnfigmncnts, Sugar in hhds. and barrels Loaf Sugar in do. and do. 41 h proof Jamaica Rum ift, od and 3d do. Windward Island Rum N. England Rum in hhds. & bbls* 4th proof Brandy, ir. pipes firft quality Superfine flour Bar Iron Ship and Pilot Bread Kegs Crackers Cut and Wrought Nails Allum fait \ Cordage of all sizes \ M'lth a general aflfortmeV t of Dry goods A!fo, several field and h- ou f e Negroes. 1 . M. WOOD BR j qt? June 25 85 ts. T. M. WOODBKIDGE, Has just Received ON CONSIGN MEN 7*. soo Kegs manufactured Tobaccci 40 Barrels Ship Bread, 15 do. Crackers, 10 half do. ditto. 20 Bags prime CoiTee, 40 ps. very wide Cotton Bagging 2 Pipes real French Brandy proof. Which will be fold low for caflr. June 22. 84 —ft. jackfon & Hartftene, Have received by the barque Nixon, cabtafo Shaw, from Holland. 3 -piPES GIN, X 15 kegs Gun-powder, 10 pair Quern Stones, 13 pieces Bed Ticking, 24 Liquor Cases, afiorted size, 100 ft raws halt pint Tumblers, (plain an# flower'd) 6 calks Linseed Oil, 100 lb. Sein Twine, 40 dozen Wine Glaffes,(plain 5c flower’d! 18 pieces Sheeting, 12 Surpentine Mortars—6ooo Quills, 40 reams wrapping Paper, 40 ditto fjolfcap and letter do. 10 dozen Quire Books—6 lb. Camphar, 300 Ifc. Lampblack 6 Fowling Piece? 4, 6 dozen quart and pint Decanters, 12 sets China Fiower-Pots and Mugs, 6 pieces Linen Cambric. 1 1-2 dor, fiik Shawls, Black Satin and Florentine, &c. ON HAND, 80 barrels frelh fu per fine Floury 30a bushels Allum J-alt, to kegs 2od, iod, and 6d Nailr, 30 ditto White Lead, Yellow Ochre Spanilh Brown, Loaf Sugar Cogniae Brandy Jamaica, Wtft-India and N. E. Rurr.i Madeira, Tencrilfe and Claret Wine, Kegs Crackers barrels Ihip Breauf Crockery Ware Bar Iron, Hyfon and Souchong Tea, &€; i June 27. iti NUMBER 86.