Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, August 08, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Repu bfican & State Intelligencer. Volume I.* Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance. Hills & Montiox , Have Received on conjignment. 8 Boxes Cotton cards No. lo 6 Pipes 4th proof. Bourdeaux Brandy, 1 pipe Hollands Gin 5 puncheons Nothward ditto Claret Wine in Casks, 6 Barrels loaf Sugar, 33 do. white and Brown Ditto ao bags Green Coffee, • quantity of Ship and Pilot bread, an aflbrtment of Cordage, Soap in Boxes one case German toys, 6 Cases mens and youth Black and'Colourd Hats, 2 bales Gznaburgs I do'Humhurrrs, p trunk Irish linens aforted* 3 diftoofdry goods, ditto 30 pieces Indian silk handkerchiefs 1 do. India cotton cambrics, mulmuls ao pieces £ Tambour’d Muslins, Black and white 1 silk hose, ’Ladies White do. do Lady’s & leather gloves, Anelfcgant Gig with Plated harness And a handfomc riding chair 8 doz. windfbr chairs, : 12 Likely Negroes mostly young All of which will be fold on the lowest terms fbr Cash. Jiily 29. 86 4t For Sale, A PRIME piece of'LAND for COTTON, equal in quality to any in this county . The'traft con tains between fix andJevea hundred acres ; one hundred and fifty, or thereabouts, is prime inland Jwamp , and the balance, cotton land. This property is offered for fate to esbtacU’ negroes, which will be received] in payment, allowing a liberal price for them. Said traft of land adjoins my fa ther's Egypt plantation and lands the property of the fubferiber. The price of this valuable foil is at the rate of Un dollars per acre . Apply to JAMES BENJAMIN MAX WELL, Bryan county, or EBENEZER STARK, Savannah. -Bryan County, July ao, 1803. (86tf) Taken from a run-away negro, late ly apprehended, who says he be longs to a Mr. Smith in South Ca rolina a small CANOE BOAT, fainted red, rows with four oars, from sixteen to twenty feet long—the owner may have her on proving his property and paying charges. R. WELLS. Savannah , Tulyiß. 84 ” NOTICE. THE fubferiber about to leave theftate fora few months has ap pointed and duly authorized the following gentlemen his accornies during his abfencc, viz.—John P. Williamson, James B. Maxwell, William B. Bulloch, and John H. Morel, Esquires. The business will be carried on asufual at his (tore on the Bay, by Mr. Alexan der Irvine, and Medad Hanners, under the infpetftion of the above named actornies. All those who have open ac counts, and negle&ed to close them on the firft day of January last are requested to call and fettle the lame previous to the firft of August next otherwise their ac counts will be placed in ‘the hands •f an attorney for collection. EDWARD STEBBINS. Sav, June 8, 87 Office 9/ Discount £r Depvjit Savannah, February 1, 1803. KT ALL perfonsCraniaAing bafinefs At the Bank, will pie ale to obierve, that after the 1 fth irritant, no bills or notes of a lets turn than one hundred dollars will be received for discount. Thomas Mendenhall, Ca/bier. United States,") In the Di/lrift Diftriift of ]> Court , of Georgia GEORGIA. J having avd holding admiralty Jurisdiction. The Prft dent of the United Slat**, To the Marjhal of the [aid ffirJlifi, GREETING: tL. S.] J VYTHEREASa R.M.Stites y \\ libel hath Clerk . J this day been filed, in the laid court, by David B. 1 Mitchell, esquire, attorney for the United States, in and for the di flrift of Georgia, in behalf of the United States, against a a certain’ fchooneror vellel Called the Cor nelia, of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennfylvania* one of the Uni ted States of America, now riding at anchor in the port of Savannah, whereof “one Eliphalct Geddings now is, or late WuS master, ftiti;,g that the said schooner Cornelia did fome time on or about the twenty second day of July, in the prsfent year of our Lord, one thoufamf eight hundred and three, arrive in the river Savannah, in the diftrid aforefaid, from Cape Francois, in the island of St. Domingo, one of theWeft-India islands, having on board one Mulatto man, or man of color: that the said Mu latto man, dr man of color, was, on Or about the day and year a forefaid, landed from on board the said schooner Cornelia, in the city of Savannah, or fome other port or place within the diftrift afore faid * in violation of, and contrary] to the ad of Congreis entitled <c An Ad to prevent the importa tion of certain persons into certain states, where, by the laws thereof, their admifiionis prohibited and is contrary to, and prohibited by the laws of the state of Georgia * whereby the laid schooner Cornelia, with her tackle, furniture and ap parel, hath become forfeited to the. United States. Now, therefore, you the said Marshal, are hereby commanded to cite and admonish all and every person er persons, having or pre tending to have, any right, title, interest or claim wh&tfoevcr* into or out of the laid schooner Corne lia, to’ be and appear at a special court of admiralty, to be holden at, the court-house, in the city of Sa vannah, on the thirteenth day of August, ac ten o’clock in the fore noon, to answer the premises and to shew cauie,. if any they have or can, why the prayer of the li el lhould not be grunted, and that what appertains to right andjuftice may be done ir. the premia. Witness the honorable William Stephens, ejqutrt, judge or the laid cou/t, at Savannah, this thirtieth day of July, in. the year ut our Lord, one thouUtid eight hundred and three, and in the.twenty eighth year or the Independence of the United States of America. D.B. MITCHELL, Dijtrift Attoin y. (37 40 Twenty Dollars Reward. ABSENTED him -1 felf from the Sub- I ! criber, a negroe man, named John —on wednefday the 6th Inst. John is a bout 5 feet 9 Inches high, about 40 years old, strong made, and re markable in his walk, from his right knee turning in, toward the left, which makes the left appear to be bowed. He speaks good Engliih, sensible and artful. The abovt Reward will be paid for Lodging him, in any Goal in this State, and all necessary expcnces allowed in addition to the Reward for deliver ing him in Sunbury to. J. MOLICH, Sunbury, July 16. 10c 86. SAVANNAH, Printed bv LYON & MORSE. AUGUST 8, 1803. JUST RECEIVED On Conjignment y by the barque Nix on, from Roitenfum, The Following. Guides > Which are now ojfe, cd for fak bf the fubferiber , at his ft ore Ndrth E'ift corner of the Exchange— v.z — One case Erpry Lamps One ditto Flower pots One ditto round and square flop bottles One ditto Medicine phials Two ditto Flemifti Sheetings I wo bales oznaburgs One ditto Ticldirgburgs One ditto Sail Gbih One ditto Wards Irons Five ditto Writing and wrapping paper One case elegant Umbrellas and Par a ibis Onehog&ead Twine of different kinds 50 Duru.joh.ns {large) 40 boxes window gfais 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 10 pipts Holland Gin 100 kegs best Dutch Gun povder ALSO, :From other conftgnmenis, : Sugar in hhds. and barrels Loaf Sugar in do. and do. 4th proof Jamaica Rum ift, 2d and 3d do. Windward Island Rum N. England Rum in hhds. & bbls. 4th proof Brandy in pipe* firft quality Superfine flour Bar Iron ; Ship and Pilot Bread ‘v- 1 Kegs Crackers Cut and Wrought Nal!% Allum fak Cordage of all sizes With a general aflbrtment of Dry goods Also, feverai Field ancj ; Hbiife Negroes. ’ T. M. WOOD BRIDGE June 25 ‘ g s t s. T. M. WOODBRIDGE, Has just Received O N CONSIGN MEN 7, 100 Kegs manufactured Tobacco, 40’Barrels Ship Bread, 15 do. Crackers, 10 half do. ditto. 20 Bags prime Coftee, 40 p*. very wide Cotton Bagging 2 Pipe.’ real French Brandy 4tl proof. Which will be fold low for cash. June 22. —84 —ft. Havannah Sugar. The subscriber has received on Confignrnent, 200 boxes White and Brown Havannah Sugar* enti tled to drawback. T. M. WOODBRIDGE. July 30. 36. - ——a- „ Notice. ALL persons having demands against the estate of William Shepard, late of Liberty courvtv,deceafed* are requelled to render them properly arretted, and those indebted, to make immediate pay ment, to ‘ John Jones, Adm’r. Liberty County, Bth April, 1803. NOTICE. MR. James Powel, Tax Col lector for Glynn County, is hereby forbid felling a tradfcof land containing 600 acre*, advertised by him for sale for taxes granted to Richard Fox. The taxes being regularly paid as can be ieen by receipts in my pofleffion, as the representative of Richard Fox dec. SAMUEL SANDERS. Augult 5, (88 3t. *) RICE THE Subscribers, offer for sale too Tierces new beat prime Rice. WILLIAM ON at MOREL. August 5,4 c. 83 Richmond Baths. JOSEPH G. POSNER, Begs leave to inform thoCc who may be disposed to visit this Plate, that he flatters hirnfelb he (hall be prepared to accc mmc l a te them, more fatisfa&oriiy 5 n future, than he was able to do during the last fuaimer. Having then recently removed here, and having no funds to draw on other than his own, which unfortunately for himfelf and friends are far from being ample, he mud own v he has not been able to put this place in a fi liation to accommodate his boar-< ders equal either with his own willies or their expectations. But by a perferve ing and licady attention to this object, he ha so far accompliihed it, as to authorife> a well grounded hope of giving fatisfac tion to those who may hereafter favor, him wiih their company. To avoid, however, as far as maybe in his power anydifappointmentsormrfreprefentations in regard to this place in future,the feels i/duty to publifli a-candid account, as well of the buildings, as the nature and extent of accommodation here, with the prices of each article. BUILDINGS. One framed house having five rooms. Five others separately fituaied having two rooms in each for the accommoda” ti >n of private families. One large boarding house (framed) 60 by 36, t/vo Rories high v having two spacious public rooms, and thirteen lodging rooms. This latter building will not be in rea diness earlier than the latter end of June. Comfortable Rabies and carriage homes. Cold Baths: Two immersing and two shower baths. Sixteen warm baths in separate apart ments, wirh dreflmg rooms. PRICES. dulls. Board—Constant boarders per week, 6 00 Servants of ditto per ditto , 2 50 Horses of ditto per ditto, 300 Tranfunt perjons per day, i Servants of ditto per ditto , 50, Horses of ditto per ditto, 62* .Separate meals.—breakfaft and Dinner, 50 Lodging) I2r Relish, 25 Madeira Wine per bottle, 1 50 Port, 1 00 Claret, 1 00 London particular Tenerife, x 00 Sherry, 87* Brandy, per pint, 50 Rum , do. * 50 Holland Gin , do. 50 Porter, per bottle, 37 4 Punch, per bowl, 50 The Cold Baths are free to vifiters. To defray the ex pence of keeping the Warm Baths in order, the price to tranjient perjons is\ 25 To constant Boarders . 12^ Note. All ordinary metis furnifhed elsewhere than at the common table, one fourth more than the above prices will be added. Dinner for fele& parties, 75 cfcnts It is to be clearly under/lood; that this is to be no TAVERN, but a private boarding ertmblifhment lor the accom modation of such ladies and gentlemen as may Vi fit the place. * The promotion of Health, Harmony and Happiness, du-ing the ho* season, being among the primary objedfs of this inlti/ution, J. G. P. humbly recom mends a temperate use of such comforts as may be afforded. He hopes therefore to be pardoned, for declining to furmfh liquors at unfcafonable hours. July 18. 1803. 83. law4t City Sheriff's Sales , WILL be fold on Tuesday the 6th day of September next, at the Court'Houfe in Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 2 o 9 clock> one negro girl named Sophy, l'eized on execution as the property of Alexander VVact dec. Conditions Cash. J. WILLIAMS, C. S. C. J. (83 31) Twelve and a halt Cents Tingle LOTTERY. IN compliance -with an alt ts tin Legislature of the State of Gear, autborifing certain CommiJJroners, therein named to eftabltfh a Lottery for the purpose of raising THREE thousand DOLLARS, for tbrs purpose of improving the navigation °f Ogechee and Cancuchie Rivers.- A majority of said Commiffioncrs having met on the 18 lb day of Feb. rttary, 1803, adopted the following Scheme of a Lottery for the purpoje above mentioned , which they beg leave to present to the public . THE SCHEME. 1 Prize of 500 Dls. 500 Dlls* 1 200 - - 200 1 100 - * 100 * 5° - - 100 5° 200 6 j 200 40Q ;.<■■* g - 2000 866 4 _ 8,4 3 * 2436 Prizes. - 1 333 10500 Dolls 7000 Tickets at two Dollars each, are 14000 dollars, which leaves sos the Navigation, and expences of the Lottery, 3,500 dollars. *4* Not two Blanks to a Prize* The commiflioners flatter them selves they will be able to com mence drawing the above lottery in the month of May next. Tickets to be bad at this Office at Messrs Seymour and tVooshcpter'i Book-ftdre , Savannah and of the Commiffiohers. Elias Cassels, 1 Jessj M f Call, I , . James Bird, f Ccmhtfsmers , Samuel Smith, J From unavoidable cirrumflances the drawing of the above Lottery is postponed untill the 15th day of December next, at which time the drawing will positively commence in Savannah. July 26, i^oo. Georgia. By E. White Clerk of L. S. the court of ordinary, E. White. Chatham county, in the said (late. WHEREAS Frederick Ball has applied for lettersof administration on the estate of John Fbrd, late o £ said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and Angular the kindred and cre* ditors, of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have in my office on or before the 25th of Au gust next, otherwise such letters of administration will be granted him. Given under my hand and seal this 15th July* 1803, and 28th year of American Inde pendence. July 26, 1803-. iaw. 4*. 85 AUCTION. On wednefday next icth instant will be fold at the House of Mr. William Chauvin his entire stock Confiding of a large and General assortment of Groceries, —Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, Condi tion Cafti before delivery. T. M, WOODBRIDGE &Co< Au&r's August 5, 1803. ” “*” 1 1 ‘ ‘ ■~ ■■ !~i, -rs Drunkenness . Messrs. Pitt and Dundas, when so intoxicated with liquor as not to be able to articu-* late their words engaging avast majority in the House of commons to precipitate their county into * war with France j the fed 1 vines of Brighton, Hoi wood, Whimbledonf Gordon House, Downing-street, die Duke of Norfolk drinking common gin with the iioycl Sove reign, at her lodging in Strand ilanet Pi got* numrer 89,