Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, August 15, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Volume I.* Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance. Georgia, By Edward White, L. S. Clerk of the Court E. White. Jof Ordinary for Chatham county, in che state aforc faid, WHEREAS Elias Robert, ad ministrator of the estate and effects of Robert Elliott, late of South- Carolina, trader, deceased, hath this day made application to the laid court, for lectlement of the accounts, and that he may be dif mified from said adminiflration, agreeably to law, these are there fore to cjte & ,adrnoni(h all and fin* gular the creditors of said deceased to be and appear befor me at my office on the iotli day of Septem ber nexr, toreceive their dividends,, and to ihevv caule, if any they have, why letters of difmiflry may not be granted hirn. Given under may hand and seal in the city of . Savannah, this loth August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three, and of the Independence of the United States the tweniy-eio-hih. August 12, 90 iaw. 4 t. Twenty Dollars Reward\ l j ABSENTED him felf from the Sub criber, a negroe man, named John —on wednefday the 6th Inst. John is a bout 5 feet 9 Inches high, about 40 years old, strong made, and re markable in his walk, from his right knee turning in, toward the left, which makes the left appe&r to be bowed. He speaks good English, sensible and artful. Thfc above Reward will be paid for Lodging him, in any Goal in this State, and all neceflary expences allowed in addition to the Reward for deliver ing him in Sunbury to. J. MOLICH, B . Sunbury , July 16. tot 86. For Sale, A PRIME piece of LAND for COTTON , equal in quality to djf/f in this county. The tract con tJm between fix and Jeven hundred ■acres ; one hundred and fifty , or thereabouts , is prime inland fiwamp, • and the balance , cotton land. This property is offered for fiale to obtain negroes , which will be received in payment . allowing a liberal price for them. Said trail of land adjoins my fa ther's Egypt plantation and lends the property of the fiubfcriber. The price of this valuable foil is at the rate of ten dollars per.acre. Apply io JA AES BENJAMIN Bryan county, or EBENEZER STARK, Savannah. Bryan County , July 20, 1803. (86tf) NOTICE. THE fubferiber about to leave the itatc for a few months has ap pointed and duly authorized the following gentlemen his attornies during his absence, viz.—Jc-firi P. Wiliiamfon, James B. Maxwell, William B. Bulloch, and John H. Morel, E(quires. The bufincfs wdl be carried on asulual at his itore on the Bay, by Mr. Alexan der Irvine, and Medad Hanners, under the irJ peel ion of the above named attornies. AU taolc wno nave open ac counts, and neglected to close them on the firft day of January last are requefte'd to call and fettle the tame previous, ig* the firft of August next otherwffe their ac counts will be placed in ‘the hands OL an attorney for collection. EDWARD STEBBINS. Sav, June 3. 87 BlmK Hooks th#r Licat this Office. Taken from a run-away negro, late ly apprehended, who says he be - longs to a Mr. Smith in South Ca rolina a small CANO E B O A T ANARUS, painted red, rows with four oars, from fifteen to twenty feet tong —the owner may have her on proving his property and paying charges. . R. WELLS, Savannah, 18. 8 4 A BOAT STOLENh Was S’olen from off the fubferibers wharf, on the fj’ rs-t of the sth in{l. a {’mail (hips YA VVI/BOA f, painted black Yellow ; about fix inches of tin* top I*4 her I‘fTn biohei.—foe is fuppoted tr have been taken by louie failmo, for the convenience ofdeieition. and may he pro bably leit at Ton i>ri;ige> Union Ferry 01 f T ur it)hurg —A Durcii fail or, by usme Card, <?r, Charles ■S’nui'rhei !i, who was Che of the manners on board the schoo ner Lapwinr*, to which teijel the Y;f\vL belonged, is fuppoleJ to be one of the thieves he is about 20 years of age, Hour, clumsy made.—ls the said fellow is apprehended in pen ITTon of the boa tv and is brought back with the boat, and fuffeient proof to convict him, can be produced—l will give a reward of fif teen dollars, an*! for the boat alone five dollars will be rewarded by THOMAS FLINT. Augult 9, — 89 ts. JUST RECEIVED Oh Consignment , by the barque Nix on, from Rotterdam , The Following Articles - Which are new offered for Jale by the fubferiber , at his ft ore North East corner of the Exchange— viz—. _ One case Entry Lamps One ditto Flower pots One ditto round and square flop bottles i One ditto Medicine phials Two ditto Fleimfh Sheetings Two bales eZnaburgs One ditto Ticklingburgs One ditto Sail Cloih One ditto Warrie Irons Five ditto writing and wrapping paper , One case elegant Umbrellas and Parasols Onehoglhead Twme of different kinds 50 Dimijohfis (large) 40 boxes window glass 8 by ic and io by 12 10 pipes Holland Gin 100 kegs best Dutch Gun powder ALSO, From other corfignments , Sugar in nhds. and barrels Loaf Suga- in do. and go. 4th proof Jamaica Rum ift, 2d and 3d go. Windvvaru lllar.d Rum N. England Rum in hhds. bids. 4th proof Brandy in pipes fir ft quality Super fine dour Bar Iron Ship and Pilot Bread Kegs Crackers j Cut and Wrought Naiii Allum fait Cordage of all sizes With a general aftertment of Dry goods Also, several Field and House Negroes. T. M. WOODBRIDGE June 25 85 ts. T. M. VVOODBRIDGE, Has just Received ON CONSIGNMENT, 100 Kegs manufactured Tobacco, 40 Barrels Ship Bread, 15 do. Crackers, 10 half do. ditto, 20 Bags prime Cofiet, 40 ps. very wide Cotton Bagginp 2 Pipes real French Brandy 4cl proof. Which will be fold low for cash. June 22.—84 —ft. Blank Checks, For Safe at this Office* SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON M<jßaE. AUGUST 15, 1803. City Sheriff's Sa/es. \ J ILL be fold 6n Xuekl&y the ! V V 6th day of September next, at xhe Court-Fioufe in Savannah, Dctween the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, one negro sfirl named Sophy, ieized on execution as the property of Alexander Watt dec. Conditions Cash. J. WILLIAMS. C. S. C. Aughff R (88. 3t) D. D. WILLIAMST~ itESPEC r F V L L 7 Ihiorms il*- pnbiiA, th-- he taken chit very piea’Tiiit anj airy room, at the Solomon’s Lodge, in Congrefs-ftreel, oppoh>e thr Fi es byu rian Churcfi j and has fitted i: for the reception of Ichol-irs. He lolicits the patronage of his friends, and a (fores dietif, that the ftridelt attention will be paid to the morals, and improvement uX his- pupils. August 9 89. jr U. D. WILLIAMS, Receives fubfcciptions for the DOMESTIC ENCY'CtOPiEDIAj And has for /ale, 10 sets of Ruflels Ancient aid Mo dern Europe* do, ct Toots s Life of Catharine the third. A few dz. papers es exceiLNit Ink- Powder. An elegant picture, thefubje£t,lmmortality receivin'. General from the bends and Time. In the fore ground, are Libertyreclining on iiafr, .weeping over his ind an Indian crouched in fuilea (orrow In the back ground the me at ft vir ue Faith, Hope and Cha- ify. August Q, g 9 Jf. LOTTERY. * IN compliance with an aB of the Legislature cf the State of Geor gia, authorifing certain Commissioners, therein named to eftabhjh a. Lottery for the purpose of raising THREE thousand DOLLARS, for the purpose of improving the navigation of Ogechee and Canouchie Rivers. — A majority of said Commissioners having met on, the 1 %th day of Feb ruary, 1803, adopted tie fellow Scheme of a Lottery for the purpqfe above mentioned, which they leg have ; to present to the public. THE SCHEME. t Prize of 506 Dls. 500 Dlls. 1 200 2 JO 1 100 - - IJo 2 50 - - . 100 50 .ro - - rr-o 200 6 - r 2CO | 4°o 5 - 2000 ; 866 4 • 3465 813 3- ’ 2436 Prizes. - ‘<•353 ■’ 10500 Dolls! 7000 Tickets at two Dollars each, are 14000 which leaves for the Navigation, and expeuces cf the Lottery, 3,50 b dollars, - Not two Blanks to a Prize. The commissioners flatter them selves they will be able to com mence drawing the above lottery in the month of May next. fyj* TANARUS: ‘ket& *0 be bad at this Office at Messrs Seymour and H'otuacpttr's Booh-fore, Savannah and of the Commissioners. Elias Cassels, M'Cafl, { . James Bird, f Fcmmifstoners. bamuel Smith, J From unavoidable circumstances the drawing of the above Lottery *.s postponed until! the 15th day of December next, at which time the uawing wiil poficively commence .n Savannah. July 26, l°Q\ Wanted in all September, 20,000 prime, Rice barrel STAY K S, for which a lie oral price will be gi ven. WILLIAMSON & MORE.L Atgvjl 9 —89. 3t. Office of Discount tr Dspojit. Savannah, February i, 180;. IGF* ALL perlbnstranfaSbmg bnfinefs at the Bauk, will please to observe, that after the 15th instant, no bills or notes of a lets sum than one hundred dollars will be received for difeount. Thomas Mendenhall, Cashier. Notice. J \ Lt. persons having demands again ft j L -i. the eiir.te of William dbepard, late ; ot Liberty CPLT.ty ,tiecea! *d, are requeued ‘to render them properly attested, and tnule indebted, to make imuediate pay ment, ro John Jones, Adm’r. Libertv County. Bth April, JBO3 Havannah Sugar. The lubferiber has received on Confignrnent, 200 boxes White and Brown Havannah Sugar, enti tled to drawback. T. M. WOODBRIDGE. July 30. 36. =g— ri i~ag~MKia—i — London Fajhions for June. Full Dbessfs*—l. A short robe and petticoat of white crape over white sarse net, the petticoat /made very long and trimmed round the bottom with silver chefs ; the robe made short in front with 11 handkerchief corner behind, the fronts drawn full across the bosom, and looped down with a diamond ornament ; the sleeves short and plain withfiftl epaulets, the whole trimmed with filyer or gold cuffs. A bandeau of diamonds or pearls through the hair, with a whole bird of Paradise feather fixed ou the right fide.—-sr A dress of pate/it net worked with gold, the body plain and very low in the back, drawn round the bolbm with a lace tucker the fleevcj ornamented with gold cord and taflels ; the whole ornamented with gold trinitirng ; the hair drefled & ornamented with a gold ban deau and flowers. Promenade Dresses.— 1. i A round (ficL of white muslin, I with a plain habit shirt of cam one:, (hawls or variegated fdk net, it raw oonnet with a flower —2. Round dress of plain pink Italian farfenet, with a habit ftiirt of worked muslin and lace fhavvl of white muslin, hat of white silk turned up in front, and ornamented with a yellow fancy flower j the hair drefled full over the face, with a dia mond or pearl comb in front. Nine head dresses. —t. A bonnet of pink silk, with a vvhite front, with a full dou ble crown finilhed on the top with a bow, and tied under the chin w ith a pink ribbon — 2. A ribbon and straw hat, die ribbons in diamonds and i the straw in beads, turned up in front and ornamented with 1 flower; —■ 3. A turban of white satin and crape orna mented with a plume of white ostrich feathers. —4. A hat of white satin trimmed all over with beads with two oitrich feathers. —5, A hat of yellow silk covered with black lace, a yellow oft rich feather in front. —6. A cap of pink silk, and net tied under the chin Twelve and a half Cents finale o with pink ribbon and covering the left fide of the face.—7, A morning bonnet of ftravv or chip.—B. A cap of white lace with a bunch of roses in front. —9. A draw hat with a ble front, turned up before, and ornamented with a flow er. Obs tRVATioNs. —The pre-* vailing colours, are blue, lilac, roses, and pea-green. A hand kerchief has been introduced called the Nun’s handkerchief (fichu reltgieufe) made of em broidered muslin, with open work in front ; tied round the neck and. trimmed with net. The shawls pelifle, de feribed in the last, is much worn in Luftre straws, ei ther all luftre, or mixed with chip or Leghorn, chiefly of small Obi work fliape, are a mong spring novelties. The other hats the ltioft ge neral are the Ample gyp fey, called the merry gypfey, of plain white chip, trimmed with puffings of white or blue ribbon and tied under the chin; also the converfadoa hat, covering one ear, made of farsenet or muslin of various colours and ornamented with a wreath of flowers. • FkoM an Irish Paper. THE following whimsical cir cumftahceHappened fome time ago in Kilkenny. A man who was mar ried to a very sickly woman grew enamoured with a young girl who lived in his neighbourhood who consented to grant him all he could wish provided fie would give her a promise in writing to marry her on the immediate demile of his rib; in consequence of which Mr. Snip palsed the following curious note of hand: c< In two clays after the demise ot my present wife, I promtfe to marry Mary Mouran or order, va lue received, under a penalty of nfty pounds sterling. Given under my hand, this 16111 May, 89. Jer. Sulivan.” Shorly Mouran received this note flie died; leaving it en dorsed to a female friend, who also chanced to take a fever and die before the man r s wife: however/ on her sick bed, she also endorsed the note and gave it to a coufni whom the man absolutely married agreeably to endorsement, in two days after the death of his wife. Our correspondent aflures us he k.iew the tranlaetion well, and that the man and his wife are now div ing happily in the city of Kilkenny. WHEN Mr. Orme, theHifto rian of the war in India , resided irt the Export wafehoufe of Madras , one Davison, who a<sted under him, one day at breakfaft was asked by Ormf, of what profeftion his father was ? Davison replied that he was a jaddler . <c Ahd pray,*’ said Orme, <c why did he not bring you up a saddler V* I was always whimsical” replied* 1 Davison, “ and rather chose to try my fortune in the East India corn-; pany s iervice. But, Pray, Sir,'* continued he, C 4 of what profeflloa vnsycur father V* u My father/* answered d,e historian, ra'herfharp ly, “ was a Gentleman /’— <c And why,” retorted Davison, with great simplicity and biuntnefs €t did he riot bring you up a Gentleman?'* A NOTORIOUS miser having heard a very eloquent charity fer mon, “ this fermon/* said he, lt so strongly proves the necessity of almSj I kad aimoft a mind to begff NUMBER 91.