Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 06, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Volume I.* Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance. GEOKGIA. By bis Excellency JOHN MIL LEDGE, Governor ana Commander in Chief of the Arm\ and Navy of this /late, and of the militia thereof . A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS at the Gene ral Election held on the fir ft Monday in October, one thousand eight hundred and two, John Milledge was dul) elected to represent this state in the house of Rcprefer.tatives of the United States, for two years, to commence fi o:n and after the third day of March thousand eight hundred and three ; and by accepting the office of Governor hath madevacant thatappointment; And whepeas in and by an aft, entitled “ an Aft: to 44 regulate the General elefti “ ons in this ilate, and to 44 appoint the tone of the “ meeting of the General 44 Aflembly, ,> parted the eleventh day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine ; it is among other things declared, 44 That all * 4 Writs of eleftions to till 44 vacancies that may happen 44 for members of the Gene -44 ral aftembly of this Rate 44 or House of Repreicntatives 44 of the United States, fliail 44 be direfted to the Justices “ of the Inferior Courts of 44 the refpeftive counties, €t who are required to give 44 public notice thereof and 44 cause the lame to be held 44 in manner and form as “ herein before pointed out, agreeable to inch Writ:’’ o I HAVE THERE FOB E thought fit to ifl'ue this my proclamation hereby notify inMjfcrefting and ordering the ‘ of the Inferior Courts of the Yefpective counties in this state to conlider the fame as a General Writ of cleftion, for filling the vacancy of a member in the fioufe of Representatives of the United States, occalioned as herein before pointed out —And 1 do hereby require and charge the laid Justices to give cue notice that the eleftion for the purpose aforefaid will be held in the refpeftive counties ot this Hate, on the day of the general annual eleftion, being Monday the third ot Oftober next. —And I do hereby fur ther require that due return of such eleftion be made to the Executive Department, as in and by the said aft is pre ferred. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the said Hate at the State House in Louisville this seven teenth day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and three, and of the Independence of the Uni ted States of America, the twenty eighth. JOHN MILLEDGE. By the Governor , Horatio Mardurv, Secretary of the (late. God Save the State. IN COUNCIL. Savannah, August i~j, 1303., INFORMATION being laid before council tint the yellow re ver has made its appearance in the city of New-York. 1c is reivlved, That the health officer be directed to order all vcl fids coming from the port of New. York, or any other infefted pon or place, to be bro to, a. Cockfpur, and there to perform of fifteen days inclu c mg their days of failing, and chi during the performance of the said quarantine, the Woolen and Co:-, ton goods on boaid ffiali be on eve ry fair day expoled to the open air, *nd the holds of the vcfl'els venti iated in the belt pollible manner, and that after that time they be permitted to come up as high as iive fathom hole and there remain, until they lhali receive a certificate of health from the heaich officer.— Provided NevertbeUjS , That the a bove goods lhaii be expofedto the air, and the velfels ventilated at lealt three days, before :hc said vcfTcls be permitted to cone up to the laid latt p ate, notwithttandin 0 the fifteen days from the failing o: the laid verteL may have before ex pirtd. And it is further ordered, That the health officer compel the mafi ters or commanders of veiltls com ing ro this port, any articles fubjeft to putre aftion and finding the fame tn a otcayed or uniouruj (late, to land lued articles at any place which the fai l mailer o, commander may think proper, lo haw the laid place be not higher up the river than five fathom hole •, and that in ludi caie the said vessel lhaii be well ventilated, at leall tiiiee da)S after the diLharge of iuth decayed or unlound articles, before Ihe is allowed to fail up to Savannah. And it is further o v dered, That ail perions contravening thefie or ders, ii: H be profecuied as the quaraniine law diieCts, Exirabi from the minutet, r l HOMaSPI it, c. c. HEALTH OFFICE. ifi.rt or Savannah. The Pilots are nereb) ordered to brii.g all vcffe.s coming from New York ro an anchor off Coeidpur there to remain and form a quaran tine agrteable to the above ordei of the City Council. WILLIAM COCKE, M. D. Health officer Eastern Koad. FROM Savannah, to Sk idaway Ferry on the main: • sum of money by an afieflment, and ap propriated for the purpose of re pairing Roads and Bridges, by the Hon . the Justices of the Inferior Court, who have appointed Wm. Stephens, Charles Odingsfells and Joieph G.ant, overleers to tuper intend, u.e eailern road and brid - ges. Notice is hereby given, that proposals are ready to be received, for the whole or any pirt of the work to be done on the road and bridges fiom Savannah to Skida way ferry. The road requires but little labor, and the only heavy work, is the bridges and causeway, ro the isle of Hope, Aflive, indus trious persons will find an objeft, vO ccniraft for the above work. A careful and attentive man with a good flat, capable of carrying a chair and two horles, is wanted for the Ferr/, on the skidaway fide of the river. August 2T —93.--3 W. ~~ ‘Notice. ALLperlons indebted to the Ci ty are requested to call and pay the refpeftive sum due. J. Cuyler, C. Treasurer. August, 26 1803. 94-tf# SAVANNAH, Printed bY*'£YO& fsf MORSE. SEPTEMBER 6, 1803. 7s> the Eletlors of Chatham. I’ TAKE is arly op portunity, fellow-ci tizens, of inlorming you that I offer myfelf as a candidate, for the office of Sheriff, at the next ge- neral ele&ion; I trull your knowledge of me,my long Handing in this my native country, will be a pledge to you, that if I meet your fuffrages, the duties required of a She riff, will be difeharged with integrity; under this impression, 1 thusrefpe<3> iully iblicit your votes. PATER DEVEAUX. August 16, 91 ft. . TGThE Electors of Chatham County, I take the Liberty cf offering myfelfas a Candidate for the She riff's Office, at the Enluing Elec tion, t anu solicit the Sufflaces of me Eleftorsof the said County, *or thatrppointment. Peter Shick. Sept, ad, 1803. 96 9 r - To The Fie SI or s oj Chatham . The fubferiber being a Candi and ite for the office of Sheriff at the enluing eleftion, solicits the luf fi ages of his fellow citizens, and if elefted will exert*, himfelf to tht utmoll of his abilities to difeharge tde duties attatched to the fame with punctuality and integrity. THOMAS R. BOX. September 2. 96. ’ FOR LIVERPOOL.^ THE ffi p Colum yzfPyi*’ bia, capt. Fosdit ft begin to load, in a few days, wili take freight if it offers j but not be detained for want of it. R John Bolton August gift. 966/. For Philadelphia. THE fall failing I —freight or passage apply lo me master on board or to Jacob Idler, laying at the said wharf. AUCTION. To be fold on Tuesday the eleventh day of Oftober next, a vouog negro fellow named Joe, belonging to the Estate of John Peter Ward Esq. deceased. Conditions Cash—by order and direction of the administratrix of laid estate. LEVY ABRAHAMS. AuftV. Savannah, August 26. (94. ts.) ‘thirty Dollars WILL be given to any perfon,who will deliverthe under mentioned fellows to the keeper of Chatham goal*: ISAAC a flout mulatto, well known about Savannah, and CYRUS a well made black (ellow about 25 years of age, sioveniy in his dress and ot a very down call, forbidding appearance. Twenty dollars will be paid for appre hending ltaac and ten dollars (or Cyrus, by applyingtoA. M 4 Queen at Mon/gom ery, or to Wi!hamfon& Morel. ts, June 16—tfj4 ts. THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL ARE hereby informed, that fa Sabfcr'tptions opened for Uk tng the li kernel's of His Excellency j General James Jackson, and the] Honorable General Lachlan M’ln toffi, both of the State of Georgia, CONDITIONS. ° Each of them to be taken in their Mill t a ry Uniform, Each likenefsto be well engraved , set in a frame Jixteen inches by twelve , gilt in humified gold and the gla/s enamelled—to be executed by YViliiam Gardner, & Cos. and de livered to each sub(criter by Juch per [on or per Jons, as the said William Gardner & Cos, shall from time t( time appoint within one year from the date hereof. Each subferiber to pay eight and a half dollars on delivery of each likeness for which bt shall subscribe . N. B, Gentlemen who will to sub scribe, will be pleased to apply to Messrs ♦ Lyon & Morse, printers , Mr. Moses Cowles, at the old Coffee- House or to Alejfrs; William Gar dner & Co s. ts. Savannah, 2d May , 1803. 67. Twenty Dollars Reward\ jrmmw . 1 TT AN AW AY from j TV the Sub- criber I a hout 1 3th instant, a j N e ftro fellow named FELIX, about 21 years of age, 5 feet 10 incheshigh has a flat nose and thick lips,with a very prominent ‘mouth, and fpeeks bad Englifh,had on when he went off an ofnaburgs fliirt and trowfers and a chip hat. It is supposed he will attempt to hire himfelf on board fome Vessel bound to the Weft Indies. Any ptrfon delivering Lid fellow to the Sub (criber, or lodging him in Savannah Goal, (hall receive the above reward. Robert Jordan• Verington, Isle of Hope, June 16th 1803. 74 ts Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY froir, the fubferiber, on the 9th day of January lali, r.egro man, r.amed MM, about -7 years of age, yellow com plexin both of his upper eye teeth of a black colour, as if rotten about fix feethigh, (lender made talks broken. Had on when he went tway, a green cotton negro cloth jacke’ and trowfers and took with him a blue coat and white trowfers. The above negro was formerly be longing to /he island of Jamica, has been much at sea, and it is believed, fig ns to ge t on board fome vessel in harbour o( Savannah tor the purpose of refurning that employment. All captains of vefiels are ftriitly cautioned against carrying him off and all persons are for bid to harbour or conceal him under the severest penalty of law. The above reward will be paid to any persons who will return said negro tc or ten dollars if lodged in any goal, and information thereof given so /hat he can be obtained, William Ogle tree. Washington , Wilkes County , Feb. 7, 1803 ts. Two Hun r ed Dollars Reward. WHEREAS Richard D Croucher, has llolen and Runaway with property and mo ney of the fublcribers, from Rich mond, to a large amount this is to give notice whoever will appre hend the aforefaid R. D. Crou cher and bring him to Messrs. Lamprey and Muthews, at New- York, shall receive theabove reward. The above R. D. Croucher, is fix feet high very thin failow complexion with grey hair genteely dressed but ill looking large black eyes and long nose. The different newspapers in the United States are requelledTo republiffi the above, LAMPREY & MATTHEWS Richmond July 13th, 1803. Twelve and a halt Cents single j 20 Dol’arsßeward. B* BSS jJ Ran away from I the fubferiber, near P i'ort|Wilkinfon, on Sal Negro man called Gilbert. Havh g only uit oa> before purchased said negro 1 am at a lols to give a fi ll delcription, Therefore, can or'/ fay, he is a flout, well built fellow, about 35 years old, and has fever* 1 fears on his bread where he h; s lately been dabbed, he was fin vefterday near the long Bluff on a black mare which he has Hole : t Fort Wilkin.on, going on down, the river, with a pass from M,ry Baily to hire himfelf out to wodc, and I fufpeft will make down me country. He is remarkably fi ?> fible and capable of deceiving :b ----moft any credulous person. 7? e above reward and all rcafonat e charges will be paid to any per fin who will apprehend said negro so that I can get him again. T haddeus Holt . Washington County, August 12, ts. TO THE PRINTERS OF C JHE UNITED STATES'. LEFT the Service of the fub feriber, on Monday the 18th mil. an apprentice to the Printing business, named JOHN ELLI- O FT, a native ofSagharbor,(Long Iflnad.) He is a little part: 20 yea< s old, about 5 feet 6 inches high, thu ;c set, brown hair, and his eye a danc hazel. There is no mark on his countenance by which he can be particularly designated ; but it is one of that peculiar cart: which i‘ - spires neither refpeft nor confi dence :it is at once indicative of fome strength of mind, and of the *.niofl ungovernable and wicked pof- As he furniffies an inftante of ingratitude, difhonour, and mean - nej's, Cvhich has but few parallels, the fubferiber trusts that every per- I son in the calling to whom he may apply for employment, will treat him with decided and deserved dis approbation, His capacity in the line is considerable, for he has had the meft liberal opportunities. His privileges have been unusually great; but they fell far short of those ideas which he had formed of his own confluence. His per quisites (independent °f being genteelly cioathed) have probably exceeded those of any other appren# tice in the United dates sbut they were very inadequate to the preffi. ing demands which were occasioned by his constant devotion to a cer tain chajle class of society with which it was his delight to associate. He has affected to hold all autho rity in contempt, and disregarded the mod friendly admonition ; and no treatment, however liberal,could appease his murmurings, nor deter him from exciting frequent disor ders and mutinies among younger apprentices. The fubferiber will be thankful for any information con cerning him, and will reward any person that will apprehend and con fine him in anvjaii in the Ur.rci States, and give due notice, of lie lame. GRO. F. HOPED S. New-Tork, June 27, 1803 Notice. IS hereby given, that application will he made to the Court of O. A. .’ . for ‘tie county of Camden, in ! > * :anUiS rom this date, (or leave so i- * J me fßeal Estate of Thomas Vv > laic of said county> decealed.— . y having demands agaiaft -f.t.r are requested to pre fen t ven, to the fubferiber s Da vid Gofivi , ad A. M. D. 7 t'lrictt, A gen t, for Samuel ir r g bt , Ad m. St. Mary's, May 1 < am. (4^ number