Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 20, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. x o Volume I: Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance. Remove/. The fuhfcnber lias just remove ! fro n the corner of Jobnftofs squire to the f.>-e, two doors weft of Marqumd & Paldii&s near the Market Iquare- where he ft *II car ries on the diff-rent Ranches o’ h's profeftion with his usual pu£tun alicy and nearness. a t. S. MULLER. Gold and Frver fmiih. ON H \NI), A Small parcel ready made flrong Spoons of different kinds with other silver vvoik warranted A constant Supply of Jewellery ©f every deferiprion. A few brings of beautiful real Amber Beaus for laic low at the above Shop. Ladies i uition. Mrs HI halON, 11;? of Charleflon, refpecttully informs ihe inhabitants of ha. v nnali and its vicuiin-, that fhc will cmv. Whence a BCMkIH NGand IMY CHOOL. n n the tii (f rs November next, to he if’ ft'udtion oj Yount!;Lad es, in ihe Englill and French, grammatically; Writing Arithmetic, Geography, and the use m the Globes, Drawing, Varnish ng an- : forts of Needle Wotk. ‘rambour. Em., broidery and Straw Work , Killigr'e, Artifid;,! Flowers, with maiiv other fan cy works. bhe pledges herfelf to parents an*t guardians, that every attention ill'll b< p?id • she health, morals and improve wenr of her pupils. Only one vacafiotn annually ( lo commence in Aug'dt, will be given. bor terns plea r e enquire of her fidci M** . fulia Fs;l, v,t. 7ulian Hr C et. N B. c; t*owi • p ladies will be nffriv-T- i ed in anv of the above accomplilh nmr ! by.tiie letfo*. Approved makers will be em 1 >yed t. j teach MuJic aud Dancing* Sep. 9 0 9 Board of J ir'e Mafier s. Savannah, September iota 1803- Resolved, That notice be given in the <i zettes of this city, that the Board of Fire Masters will on SaniMao nexr the 17'h i-ift. proceed to LG the following officers viz : A Clerk A MclTenger, A Supenntrndant or the puolic Wells, and that the can didates make application in wri ting* Itxtraift: from the minutes. ft THOMAS Bir r, clerk. 20 Dollars Reward. rt n> ..rr” n Ran away fro” the fublcriber, neat ForqWilkinfon, o the loth Inst. a Negro man Gilbert. Having only the day before purchased laid i am at a loss to give a full defcnption, Therefore, can only fay, he is a flout, well built fellow, about 3 5 years old, and has feverai fears on his bread where he has lately been dabbed, he was fen yetferday near the long Bluff on a black mate which he has itole at Fort Wilkin on, going on down the river, with a pals from Mary Baily to hire himfeif out to work, I fufpeft will make down the country. He is remarkably sen sible and capable of deceiving al moll any credulous person. The above reward and all reafonablc charges will be paid to any person who will apprehend said negro io that 1 can get hi n again. *1 had dens Ido It. WaGiington Countv, Augud 12, rs. Ihe Subicribcr, INFORMS bis friends in general , and the citizens of Savannah, that he has opened a HOUSE OF ENTERTAIN MEN f, on a plea- Jant Jituation belonging to Mrs John Moore, on IVbits Bluff read, within one and an half miles of Sa vannah ;on whom they may rely that the jt rift ft attention will hi tc give general fatis faction. &m, BINDER. January 19, 1803. —:f* IN COUNCIL.. Savannah , AuguH *7, S°3- IN FORMATION being la : d bi-fore council that the yellow be ver has made its appearance in tm city of New-Yoik. L is rtlolved, That the healt’ oftker be directed to order all vel 1 Iscoming from the port of Nev. York, i r any other inlcCtcd port 1 or place, to he brought to, a-’ Cockfpur, and theie to peiforn • quarantine of fifta n days inclu c ng their days of laihng, and th u Hiring the performance of rhe fain quarantine, the Woolen an 1 Col on goods on board fnall De on eve ry far dav the open an, and the holds oftheveffeis vent;.! lated in the belt possible mannrr, i and that alter thit tmnr they t-e j permirred to come up as ni as! hve fathom hole and there remain, j innl they fna’.i receive a ct rtificaie | of nr airh fro-n the health olficer.— Provided Never theft s, That rhe a oovc g'-ods sh ;d be expo r ei*.o the air, and the vedeis at lead three digs, before ne said vtffcls be permirted to to oe up to the laid Salt plaie, norwithitan lin.. rhe fift'en Pa- s ilom the failing of the la u vtfU Is r.jjy have before ex i.ired. And it is further ordered , That he health (fib er corned the m if tc 1 r or ’ jii! :’un ‘rrs oi ve ’lds com ing o tn:s !.:oa-r, w.ih any artit Fs l• and io fica..-v:action an*:’ ft sdiui. ec ed und • to Ijiiu such at an<. place hie* the laid mailer or * o nun- tier may tnink proper, Jo ; *at the l iul p-.Hf be not higher u he river fha:-• lathoui hole ; and ihar m in <h the the laid vefielj fhdl be wist ventilated, at !ea ; , j dafee days after the dif-haree oj ! •m h decayed or unsound articles, ‘afore, she is allowed to lad up 10 Savannah. And it is further ordered y Tha l ill ptrrlons contravening these or ders, lh i! he profecu ed as th quarantine law direds. hxtrafi from ihe minute\ 1 BOM AS Plf I, C. C. / —— HEALTH OFFICE. Fort of Sav mnah. The Pilots are hereby ordered to am g all veftr's coming from New York to an anchor off Co- klpur chete to remain and form a quaran tire agreeabi# ro the above ordn of th<- Cuv Council. WILLIAM COCKF, M. D. Health officer I ill t UdL, I G ii\ vJi.t\L i\ Aft RE bet eby informed, that t~ %. oubjctiptiotis opened for tak ng We likeDels of his Excellency General James Jackson, ana the Ho nor a hie General Lachlan M'in tolh, 00to of toe o tale of Georgia. CONDI i 1 0 N S. Each cf them to be taken in their \ It lit a ry (Jx if r m. Each likeness to be well engraved, set in a frame fifteen i ches b\ twelve , g’lt in burn .shed gold aha. the glass ena melled-—to be executed by Wiiiiam Gardner, ti Cos. and de liv ere a to tach sublet ibcr by luci person or persons, as the said IViiiiam J (3atuner isf Cos. shall from tinte u j time appoint within one year from j the date hereof. Each suufcriber io pay eight *kl 1 half dollars on deiive<y of each likeness for which bt fball subscribe N, />. Gem Ernen who wuh to sub- will be pleased to apply t u Mefjrs, Lyon & Morse, primers, Mr. Moses Cowles , at the old Coffee- House or to Messrs. IVtlltam Gar dner Cos. tt. Savannah, 2 and Mas, 11103. 67 Blank Checks, Fer £a/e at this Office. SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON fc? MOR'.E. SEPTEMBER. 20. 1803. To the Electors of Chatham Couity. I OFFER myfllf a candidaie Sheriff ol the C<, and ref- J J p-est nl! v solicit your votes and influence at ti.e en luing El ct ; on. JOHN LYON. Sept- 1 3* 99- For the Georgia Republican. Mtjfrs J yon id Aforfe , Oifetving the name of John J,y*n emong the candidates jot ffertff the enfdrty eleflion, Ifnd fault of none—Bit if rifting If- anti all in the late war between America and Bti tain ; honejly in! grity, punctuality to his du ty in •whatever office he may he placed And again if required , hims sand his all , in his country's cause , will be cheerfully tifhed ; Who better clef rves <ivell of his country. / /eel perfua led he will meet the approbation of his fellow-citizens. CO SIDERATJOV. Sav. Sep. 16 1803. 100 * 6t. 7 0 the Ele&jrs ofi ■ hat hum, | TAKE this errly op pertunity, fellow-ci tizens, of informing yw that I offer myfelf as a candidate, lor the office of hchen/\ at the next ge ncral tLdion; I tiuff y n ur knov\ ledge ol me,my long Handing in this my native country, will be a pledge to you, that if I met your Suffrages, the duties r mured of a She jL riff, v ill be dHcharo;ed with integrity ; under this impression, i thusrefp.ft imly solicit your v-tes. i'h. DFVEAUX. Ait guff ;6, o’ ts- V U 7 L E E lecl or sos Chat Lam County , I take tntr Liberty cf offering myfclfas a Candidate for the She* nft’s Office, at the En!uin<2 Elec tion, and solicit the Suffra es of he Electors of the Lid County, fo* that appointment. Peter Shick. Sept. 2d, 1803, 96 91. !Twenty Dollars Reward , j) AN AW AY trow jf I tile Sub- cribei !’ C. .*r> i ailout 1 iwtiant. a l fellow named \ ‘ FELIX, about 21 !• years of ape, 5 seer if . 10 indieihigh has a flat nose and thick bps with a very prominent mouth, and ipeeks bad Lnglifh had on when he wen off an ofliaOnrgs fltirt and tiowleri and a chip hs*. It is ruppofed he vrHl ir"mpr to hire himfelf on board fone Wflel bound to rfie Weft Indies. Anv person delivering Tiid fellow to the Sib frriber. or lodging him in Savannah Goa! fliall receive the above reward. Robert Jordan . Vertnfton,. ’fle ot Hope, fu rS h 1• T 4 ts City Sheri fs Sales. Wlf L be lo!d on the id l uelftiay in October next, be ween the hour* of 10 and 2 o’ clock at the court-house in this city, a dwelling-house situated on the ane back us Broiighton fb eet ; 25 fct bv 16. aifo a work shop oi Broughton-ftreet adjoining the nouie occOpied by Mrs. Glen, 4s teec long. The Lid house fazed tie property of John Anderibr iecealed, to Ltisfy a judgment re covered against the Adminiftratoi it>y Benjamin Anflev and others. L WILLIAMS, S. C.B , ‘ August 12, 90 31 Jackson & Hartjlene . Have receiv'd per the Coiumbi capt. Foldick, from Liverpool. 8 Bales while blue and brown plains, i ditto red [cartel, white and jel tow flannels . 12 (fz coarse yarn hose 6 do woolen caps. 4 bales London duffels Blankets 1 bale lupt rfine , m.xed , cor beau, ohvc, bottle , green blue, and black cloths. 1 do. elajtic flripr ; mixed , brown blue and black kerie\n<ct es, 1 do. fine cloth, sea coats trimmed in black, I ditto jackets and trowfers . 1 case dr ah, /car let ana blue cloth cardinal trimmed with ermine 1 do. confiding of white and black cambricks, pur Ic C? fancy col'a (bawls narrow cor ded dimities tamboured j and jaconet mufti us GY. 1 case black bar ct lona handker chiefs 6] shawls white & blaik camel 9 s hair ditto, plain and ftrip'd silk flor. ntine ijc. 2 cases .J. and p wide Lnjh linens 1 do. Infh faceting 1 do. di iper, diaper table cloth* huckaback , pavillion gauze GV. I case fine bordered l-wn handker chiefs , pullicats, threads and sowing silk 1 kbd oejl green copperas I cajk cu r ry combs, marking irons and bellow/es , 1 do. iron wedges. 15 boxes Bby to and io by 12 crown window glass 1 $ caffs bottled porter and Burton ale, 1 hamper hair brooms , fcrubbmg brujhes, ftsoe, clothes, and hoije dii to 5 coffs (hot No, Ito 12 1 do. swan do. 1 do bar had i ditto fait petre 1 effes jrelh m “ftard in /mall bottles 36 kegs 20, 10, 8 and 6 penny clasp head fharjp point nails, 60 pieces Inverness iat ton. bagging 50 ditto flixen and tow Gzna burgs i 2 dcz. club axes 50 aozen bfi jleeled hoes 1 cask locket Jpades,hand and fledge hammers 50 kegs white paint 25 ditto bp am fa brown 15c fione jugs and jars 450 Iron pots from /# 15 gal lens t 50 camp or Dutch ovens 7 2 tinned iron tea kettles 6 crats aforted crock’ry ware conftfting of plates difaes tureens , elegant pitchers , 1 case mid and cross cut , and whip saws 1 cask rice hook s, 2 bundles frying pans and ballast Jhovels l ditto rice sieves 1 cask ft eel nrn mills, ditto, bocks and hinges'heEAd hatchets t grubbing hoes, fafhionabie round and (qu ire brass fire dogs with Jhovels and tongs to iu / I cask box) ptce mills , bottle (lands glaz’d Hats forferzants, /addles aud bridles , pound pins, double t nd/ingle bri dle, gun locks 1 cask pev ter dishes, plates , bafons candle moulds, and ink funds, 1 cask square go/fie irons , round waffle ditto, caf [enters sin gle, jack and fore planes, wag gon jack /crews, feel plate hand fa ws tiu baking, pans x ond feales Twig end loadsi crop whips 1 caje dreffingglafses wiib drawers Twelve and a half Cents firw! I cask iron ti ned table an fpoonr, japan and coffee pot r , i. ticks money feales , bell mettle ke Aid irons, powder flasks, an pouch-s, japan waiters, square round I ait in w ,rk tea won e traps 2 ca/ks fpo'tman's f pen knives. Table knives and ■ Carving ditto. Sciflats , cork ..a.. screws. September 7. 06. Aft EOR LIVERPOOL THE flip Loo - bia, c ipt. F ■ YwtoSv t w, *l begin to h. in aMavs, • T - akc freight r offers ; but no detained lor wart of it; R Iff John Bolt;* Augufl y\(l. 966/. City Sheriff's Bairs, Will be fold on the fi ft tue i . > in October n<-xr, between the H ?- - of ten and two o’clock, at the (hr Hbufe in this City, one nego ft ; low named Fortune, Seized as th property of Julius H. Scheuct; Elq. decealed. Also at the time ar.d place, a house anvl kiu th en, the house 70 feet by 20 in Ia ingfbarg, Ogletborpe w.ird, Seized as tiic: property ot William Par kcr. Conditions of Sale Cafa. J. WILLIAMS, S. C. S. August 3 f. 96. ts. 7 ax Collector's Sales. WILL he lold at the court house in tb* own of Brunswick, on the third day of Vl irch next. the hollowing trad* of laud, ii lifted in Glynn county, or so mub. thereof a* will fatisfy the taxes due and ‘olL, reprelemed as being in defiuli: • nltis the proprietors, or agents, t'leu'felves of the tax laws, in fudh catx ’nde and provided, viz. • r t f a- 1 o v)ho?tt origin- fax it art cars cres a f ly granted. In\&o\inc/ufive 1 000 Granted to James Poltell, tax eleven years, 9o 52 400 granted to 1 hurras Garter, tax eleven years, 33 22 600 grained to Collin Riddock, tax for twelve yrai s, 59 16 tooo granted to John Pierce, tax eighteen year*, 145 to aoo granted to Archibald Me. Brown, tax eleven years, 18 o 4 3000 granted to W illiam Harvey, tax tour years, 6 75 James Powtll, C. T. G. C. Augult 24 ißoh N. U Having observed fome forewarn, ings on fome of my publications o! iand, this is requelting ail perlons that hold land which is, or may hereafter be noti. ced in any of my adv-rtifenv-nts, where** on the tax has been regularly paid ibihat it will not Conte under the the r x Ja*r in fucli case made and provided, in luck case, to forward proper vouchers from the receiver of rax returns wheie Inch tax may have been pai 1. ! observe one trad: forewarned of ?oo acres, for 350. Probably k-remay b indances of great part of them being in fowe part paid.- Sept. 9* rs. *7 ax Cos lie Bor's date. WILL be fold a the court house in the town of Brunlwick, cm the sth dav of November next, the following reads of Uud u naied inGlvnnc unty, or as much ne thereof as wiil pay the rax due, and co’l*. returned by the following persons ‘or the years 1800 and ISOI, agreeable to tax return. “'Jo */ acres dr by v)bom r t rned. Ter. 97 fair marffi. aOO lea-i Han I nov. modi, by Raymond Demmre jun. tax. 2 12 i-2 200 lea illiiid hommoch* iotO pine, by vichard Ward, tax, 2 91 1-4 tax. Ward for 1801, do. for john parrot, 1 351-2 150 inland (vtamp, 550 pine, by John Hendricks, tax, 52 j.j Jtrvfs Powell C. T G.C Aagujl l\lh, ISO3. 98 ti Assize fur September 1 8 03. . Ihe price of fl >ur being n;nv i )llars and fifty cents per barrel d r eiil for this month mud wemh •mz. 12 4 crs. loaf, 2’b. 3 oz. 6 * crs. loaf, j]b. i 4. oz. ) ! which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread re ‘o fak-’ doe noti r. JEREMIAH CUYLER, CityTrcafr ~ number ioi