Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 01, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Volumi: ll.* No. i. Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance. P PH 9 T PAT TA\T jv • CM * , bUb ivl n • Have received by the Columbia) Fofdick , jtem Live’'pool, z hales plain and ir. xecl cloths, fwifls clowns, ciai is laches cionis, cafluieres, and fha.v cioiiis. 21 bales Briliol and London duf fle blanketing i bale k* and J role bknkcts, 20 ba t‘ while and colored plains, L•: ;ic ; , l .* ze ana Welch hofv. £2O : “(r be ft .cor'on bagging* 3 caiei* and t I,i(h linens, >6 trunk* hoficrv allotted, 1 bale in ;.;incd and common carpe.ii fg, 15 rru;x!>:s ladies* gentlerncn’i and youth's hats, afibrfed qualities, 3 t ur ks booibafetces and du^nrs, 2 caie ho übaHnes and white and bL< k (bawls netted, 1 caie black gauze and brocade 1 handkerchiefs and white kit 1 flip. pel's Plain black and white and doored; cam bricks, muslins, book an 1 , jackonet muslins, French c-m ----bricks, and handkerchiefs, J p ans, .Amities and factinets, V **d f cotton counterpane bed quilts, •£o*con umbrellas with walking flick?, 2 bale linen and cotton check?, apron checks, c )t?on >LI rtine- r -- 1 v . 1 • - L> | oiac tv ana white knitting cotton i thread, track m* ; tv. nitc *. c. t.■ y ferrets, taper, threads, and nce-j dies, velvets, veivetteens, and .thickfetrs* „ i-! co rs, roiPuH handkerchiefs j I t i _ 1 i* 1~ j UiUb> ‘iHlll *v wi ‘1 i;j r V * V- A * ders. 2 r.erce (hoc thread, desk ink floods, i % c:-fc ov.f ;nd fqu ire Long * . esj 2 c ilk dn lamps ihr i'Oiliv s, foo ginn boxes, diftercut cz ts, r. i and * ack Haditr trucks, briis nxi ‘ted, 200 grpi.. et cc ks, ao crams . - T’ci ■ O-tles, Uo box- s mi t 4-vCs, uj iiiion and | doubles, i 4,) cwt. parent hot. aflbreed, dS calks n a 1 iizes, * calks vkavviog and (heati.irg | nails, r cades iron w ftges, cart and black L)'ifh ‘S a.4 ij. 1 irons, s j bundles biidered lucl and (licet iron, double and Angle, - bar 20 i milieu meet lead, bed cad, whip and cross 1 cut'Jaws, corn | Etc, a.,,;fra wtiVtmeot of fmith’sj and c trp ntei a tools, coopers adzes ar..: axes, locket spades, frying pans, lei va ’ 3 kynzed girtg web* j binr, gentlemen’s fukik-s, I 4000 bufnels common flne (loved ‘ lair, 100 bafk* 5 fine table fait, £0 tons belt houle coal, elegant black and gold chTrs; with ora n backs, glue, .fllu % and glmbcr copperaq. cnaik and ciumoniiie; fl )U s, hand lead, log, falling and chalk | lines’ rce neves, cinder lifters, cuff c biggins, and copper tea ire.c cs, ditrderi, different flzei, Ana a variety of bther articles in the Lard ware and cutlery line. &c ----*. #* T . tC *” ‘ :'k> f> A Urz 5- 1 ate f w lot No. 6 with g.j r* .n vk, , i V owciaw, takent i >.v the lrv ; j Faftii far Ground K t f.if -u .• nence on the pn ifut *2 a Ti? u.. of 11 and 2 -n l V 6 ’ of -VT Rex . L n able. C It Jji 0 } CHI N T AO IN AM ENT S • | Kccieveh on Cofignrnent, j 400 HandiortT Clifna Figures for Mjr : lie piece,, at the’iow from i * Z 4 fu 75 c-m?s fn ?n,J from 212 10 7 1-2 kdiars hi ietts. Afo a ferv carved pieces for holding vratches. Llivt.Vv ISK, A f-vr feta cl ir.tiia China costaiip i ,;? o dy’ pieces ar 1 ~ tiiliars par -t-u TO LET. j he (hop and premiles lately occupied hy s he fub/cr:ber on ti;e corner of L .icc. and Bu’l ui'eets. IAS, MILLER. near the Market, 1 aw. / 104. yr, BANKIiU PfC Y. ~ s n ; okiubUlioh of J) ;:;kpicv F • aWM-rh c! agaioft Charles G. IfTit. copiiri ncr of Hi?- ami Willi'-uqi, of Savannah, fiirp?<ccpcr .• c\U v amt chapman 1 aud Uc hci.ig r. i.hntd Bankrupt, is iiereby required to fur render 1 imltif ;o the coon n.Liicwre iu aid cnnirui/xion named; on Bie t v?i i), ,{a-- 4 f Septernbpr in?t itand twenty-seventh o* c ”- at ten o’clock of the ft?rr„ ’n;on cB eac!. day, ;r the Court-house in q >c cu y c ,; Savannah, at which meetings \i,-. cti liars -are ro come prepared to yrntt* fco’ clil, and t the fee nd mcer„ met yo choeC:* afsigne#* : and all perloas ind..bled to frM bankrupt, or who have mpy fio ids t rl ks of Ids i their hands, arc dtiiivij -o ys .f notice thereof to Mr. O J-T C i -Ti', if>t *iyer of the cot>uv.ifi. I:oncrs ’ ]• h LAWTON. ,J°°- Mcijtr . KA NKhNJPT - SALES.” On Monday 10th of Oftober next, at the lU.'e cot toe golden key, corner of nv.nce the laic, and will continue from day . diy till tue entire Stock in Trade and : ioMM and Furniture of Charles G. Ifljt, •M” n q MS! r aval WILLIAMS, * oL The tertna of '**•; oi'2t :,i and under three, six ty days ; over-three hundred dollars, for ■•sdii.. 1 lie credit pay meets in cvc ;y ;t aauccto \ j iceur.'d by approved In a.K . i.q/oi-h r of-the* rifiignees. ROBERT GREER. Mcij;ng:v to Ctm. LI ink. Sep. 2®. JO4. ts, ‘lkirty Dollars \ 7; 7 ILL be given to any perfon,who V V will deiivorthe under neu- o rd rtiiOWS to the ; Sm AG a fb-ut rnu’attn, well known ut Savannah, a- J CYRUS a well iTiade bmck Rllow about 25 years of ae>', sloverdy in his dreis and of a very down caff, foibidili ng appear^n^e. Twenty dollars w-H be p,.id.for sppre enduig and ten dollars for Cy; u; v • applyingm A, M 4 Quctn at Monlgom r v, or o Wiiliamfon A More/. ts. June t6—tf 74 *f. ‘ 10 Ltcajefor a term cfyears A VALUABLE trad of oak i \ Hickory a \d rice lands within Seven miles of S a van ah equal in quality to any laLds in the County of Chatham. For. terms apply to . Fran is Courvoifie. November s.u_ _tf (ts) Marsh'aCs Sales. Qa ‘ r hurfd.ty ;!;• i’Xt’i of October next vid oe fwd at tbs court b.oufe in the City of Savarrn.di, A fir-R ot had containing 2100 acres ii “U’hrteiii cauii:y 5 2 proportion of vrliich *S 1 cotton Lndf, and a part adapted to Vise ccdtqr* cf rice ; levied on as the property •* T w iiliayr Timmpfon, by virtue of ah enfcutiGn in lavmr ct the United Sates. —Sale to commence at ir o’clock. KEN. WALL M. D. G. j 2'aH ‘•fr. re? ; jjrost r kft to hoc fOi,s dv-ns I R U K A IV A T. 1 A FELLC * \V v. ho calls hims 1H: WfL fays that he belongs to ani Indian King by. the name of John,! of the Cherokee Nation, than he run avray about April last, he is ■g likely fellow about 22 years old, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high and well made, tells a very plausible {lory, has a fear or bump onr his right cheek, lays'lt waa ccc.rdoned by a burn. J. P. OATES, G. C. C. |_ A- gust 5, ( 8S ts.) . *UCtK 1 ,anegroleuow,lajs |X) hisr.air.c \s HOE h that be ranawar I from Mr.C rbet in ScHUh-Carolioa, near j jeorgetowni and formerly belonged tu Vbomax Hamilton, of Columbia v,ouni> j. B Georgia. I P. Oatis, goal-r Savannah, 2\>i.a Nav • 2 c *'. \i savannah, pointed by lyon c? morse. Twenty Dollars Reward. J< AX A WAY from the oul .briber ner Fort- iViikinfon, on the <o?h ulf, a i-egro man GILBERT, former iv • cue prf.perty o Mrs. Bailey : He is a /tout vvril fellow about 35 or 40 rears cf age. Ls large beard and wbiik ers, and very wide forehead, and has several fears on his brraK. occasioned by his being lately (tabbed. He store a mare at 1 ert \Vilkinfon, rode her do van the Alatam..ha and fold her at Milligan’s Bluff j be . then went on down the read to Sanfavtlo Bluif, vvhe?e be le.t the river road, and I suppose has made his. v ay to Newtown, bt. Mary’s or Fio : Fie has a pass in the name of John W oten, (hating the ilim he is to give for his hire for tv/alve months. He is a very artful fellow and capable of deceiv ing any credulous person. I hope mis is a. caution for any person hiring, or in any manner concerning with (aid negro. 1A hoover will take laid negro and heve him confined in any goal, giving notice (hereof to the Printers i.o SavariYah, or the fubfcrlber near Foijt Wilkinson, (hali receive the ab ve reward, and ail reason able charges paid by 7Joadeus Holt, September 20. 102. tl'. BOARD of FIRE-MASTERS. Savannah, Sept. 17, 3803 . Relblved, That the Cl. rk publish the tstb, 161. h anJ i7th feci ions of the Ordi nance entitled, an Ordinance for pre„ venting as much ay may be, accidents which may happen by fire in Savan ill, (hr preserving the Fire Engines in laid City, ani for rend uing the lame as uie fat as may be in case of fire, and or other inirpofes therein mentioned.” And that the inhabitants of this city be no.. tified. that toe Fire_Ma(lcrs will proceed t-> carry the fait! fe&ions of the Ordi, nance into effefi. by pvt^ry ---v..—. ii ul wiiianTTTerein, on the oth day of October next. Ex trad from the minutes. Mo2] THOMAS PITT, Clk. EXTRACT From u An Ordinance preventing as much as may be, accidents by hie.” Section XV, and be it further or dained by the authority aiorelaid, ‘i lia* wutbin three months from and after the palling of this ordinance, every boulc within the limits and. ju iltliftion of t!;e City, occupied and tenanted, fliall be fnpplled with buckets, at the ex pence of she owners of laid premiles, to the nuirt her of at lead the number of fire places in the fame, including finch as are in the out buildings, and the Fid buckets mail be equal jn goodness and Ate to those procured foe the u(e of the City, and painted, on which fliall aMo be painted in vifiable charadlers, the name ot the owner to whom fa?id buckets belong, and in case the owner oi any house or te nernent ftioulcl re/ule or neglect to have pie said buckets supplied agreeable to this ordinance, it fhai 1 and may he lawfbi for tits tenant to procure the fame deduct ing 11 out of Ins rent, and furthermore, it fliall be the duty of the fire-mafiers each to go through bis ward rt lead once in every three months, an 1 examine the date of the buckets in eacli houle, and ki case “of and heiency, to summon the deliquent before the City Council and oh conviction he, fee, or they, Oiall be lined tyro dollars for every bucket he, fie, or they are (hurt of the num ber required by this ordinance, aad no person lhail make use of ny bucket (a procured, for any other purpose but that of extingnifiting fire, under tie penalty of One dollar for each and every oihnce and in case any person or per fops fiiai) Wilfully detain or secret from the law ful owner any bucket procured as afore, said lie, file, or they, fliall, on convict tion, icrfstt n sum not cycc-dmg ten dollars for every fire backet -o detail ed or Se creted. XVI* And whereat, Tfe (lores andev tnc Klufr, and others i.i the city have ft* andmaav of them no clunmevs / he ir further ordained, That the owners rs every improved wharf lot in this city, >thall fnrnifb rvithin three months twenty linckcts ter the building, or build in 3on inch wnarf.anddinribute them pro portionatelv am.rug in* buildings, &z that the owner or -very other Fore in the city that has no fire p.ace or attached r o the fame fi.aii furnilh two ixe buckets for each (lore of fbch kind, and under inch regulations, as other landlords are by tins, ordinance con’pclb'd to do. XVII. A.nd be it turthec ordained by the authority aforefaid, That etery own er ot a wooden house or boa es, or brick or Hone houfes-'covered wn’n wood, oc cupied as dwelling houses or kitchens {hall within three months after the pu >*• iication hereof provide tnc 1. me Witl; a fufficient ladder, or have a Iqittie or door cut through the roof of such house or houtes large enough fur a man to pait through conveniently under the penalty .? - _ r* t * OCTOBER 1. 1803. LOTTERY. IN compliance with an aSt of Ihe\ Legislature of the State cf Geor - 6 la ) siuteorijir.g -ertatn Cornu:ijiuncrs, therein named do. ijlabhjh a Lottery for the purpose cf raising THREE ‘thousand DOLLARS, for the purpose of improving the navigation of Ogee bee and Cancuckie Rivers. — A majority of said Ccvwiijjivr.ers having met on the iS lb day of Feb ruary , iSoj, ado pied the following Scheme of a lottery for ike purpose above mentioned, which they beg leave to present to the public. THE SCHEME, i * Prize o! 500 Dls. 500 Dls. s 200 - - 200 1 :o o - “ jco z 50 - - 100 50 * :o - - geo iOO 6 I 200 400 5 - 2000 866 4 - 3465 3za _ 3 ~ ‘2436 p * 333 10500 Dolls 7000 Tickets at two Dollars each, are 14000 dollars, which leaves for the Navigation, and essences of the Lottery, 3,500 dollars. * :JS * Nit tmo Blanks to a Prize * The commiffloners flatter thein felves they will be able to com mence drawing the above lottery in f lie month of May next. ifj 3 Tishis to be bad at this Office at Melsrs Scyihour and ivoolbopicr's Book-fore, Savannah and cf the Cos nmiff oners. Tesse M’Calk I . r . i jy , > tommfswners. James Bird, j •Samuel Smith, J From unavoidable circumfiances the drawing cf the above Lottery is pofrponed until! the 15th day of December next, at which time the drawing will pofltiveiy commence in Savannah. July 26. (Bj', JLdwin H. Bolton , Has for Lie at his snip yard O PRUCE and Yellow pine (pars and made from 25 to 73 feet long which will be ioteata moderate qurice in rough or wrought. White pine Boards, Ranging Timber, Tar and Turpentine, He b well fixed for he a vine, refsels •w? ...own and doing all.kinds iliip car eers work ts. December 22. (26’ Twenty Dollars Howard. RAN-AWAY from ;j 35 . | the fubferiber, on the I Ji 9th day of January Ia ft, oi?? f 2n * named r- MvedDi:, cA.d, about 27 years \dl yellow com- T'L: yiG.illl bv)i.d o lllS upper eye teeth of a black colour, as • f rotten about fix feethigb, (lender made talks broken. Had on when he went tway, a g *cn cotton negro cloth jacket and trovvt£is and took with him a blue coat and white trowfers. The was formerly be longing roof j arnica, ha? been 1 reachand it is believed, defign* to p3, Mi board fome vdTel in fiarboyr cf Savahnah tor the purpose ot returning that employment. All captains of veileis are ftrietlv cautioned against carrying him off and all persons are for bid to harbour or conceal him under ihe fever est penalty or law. The above reward will be paid ro any persons who will return said negro to or ten dollars it Edged in any goal, end informatics theic&f given so *hat he can be obtained. * William Ogle tree. WajhinglM, Wilkes County, Feb. 7>_yso% tT so be Rented^ Two Stores, One fronting cn Bu! street between the Bay and John fords fquapr, the other adjoining fronting an alley ; each (tore hns a cellar and spacious garret* For utiii* i’pply a: this Okies : .• x -^ 3 - •’ ** WHOLE NUMBER !ss. Twelve and a half Cents single. CITALL persons who 3re indebted tr : baptiil Church for one, two, and t 1 years are requested to make payment v • in ten days, otherwise their notes or counts will be put in suit without diftinc* by order of the Truflees. GEORGE MOS.SE, Treafuu.. Sav. Sep. 24. 101. jt. ” SHOES. deceived at the Savannah Shoe per th* brig Sheperdas,; front Boflo:, Cbarleflcn, 27 trunks of fiHOES -*, *,* BOOTS, which will be foH at their fual low price* 1 :. G. TUFTS, & Cos. Sept. iBOS. io#r The SuUfcriber WILL lc abient from this Stare mt the lit Ofro’.>er next. Richavd M. Stv Vfq. and 1 iiC~. F. Williams are i* qualified to aft is his attornie* 4nr>M said abfenec. Richtrd Dennis. June tf 70. IN ot ice. \ LL persons having demands aga; l~i. rl’.c dtate cf William ohepard, I of Liberty county,deceafei are requen to render them properly tttefled, <r those indebted, to malc immediate f •r.enr, to J ohn J ones, Aam Y. Liberty County, £th April, 1803. 50 Notice is Hereby Given- . THAT the fubferibers hr ft been duly appointed Aflignees of r eftale and rft eft* of Richard IV > junior , and Benjamin Sims , of Sav*-’ and Augusta, in the diftriA (3eor. —Bankrupts. AH persons indebted > the said Wayne and Sims, are thereb •: “wno have any of tbc-i etfedtSj-are required to deliver the fame o David Reid , *2honias Gardner, of Augusta, or William Boyd* of Char left on, February 14, J to3. . ts. (40} No tics. ALL persons having demands again#* the eflateof jofliua StarTord, deceafed are requeued to exhibitthem legally aue thenticated for payment on or before the firft day of September next, and all rhofe inaebted to make payment by tha r day, to Maroraret Stafford, Admx . o 0 Glynn county, May 26. 68. tf. 5° Dollars Reward. PTOL E N from the sub, feriber’s Stable at Kaes fiali plantation, five miles above this city, on Saturday night the 6th inPc. a yellow BAY HOUSE, upwards of fourteen bands high ; had a. small white fpotin hisforehead, two hind feet white, hismaia 1 lays on the left fide of his neck ; jarulhasa remarkable hole un der the skin upon his hip, on the mounting fide, which is molt conspicuous when in mo tion : trots well and canters remarkably light and easily. Brands if any, not recollected. The above reward of Fifty Dollar*, will be paid by the fubferiber ferthief and horse : Ten Dollars on delivery of the horse, either to myfelf, or Mr. James Alger ; and Forty Dollars on conviction of the thief. S. HAMMOND. Savannah, Augufl 9, ißog/ 90 ts. NOTICE. All perfo*s having demands a* the estate of Jo!in B. Girardeai*, deceased, are requeited 10 exhibit them legally authenticated, and those indebted :o make immedia e payment t® Elizdbert M. A . Girardeau. Sept. 23. la2. ts% AJm’rx. BLANK. RECEIPT BOOK* Eor Jiili at fb’t