Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 04, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Volume II; No. jc. Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance. Jttfl opened, A of HYSO'J <|f a very fipcrior j|j 1 ity, and for fait fey the iub„ scriber, wh'i in;*nd *eping a tonftant supply of tliJ firil quality. R. JACOB J. VJr>r r . <>. Marltot-fquart. Sale. A handsome Top ChalfeOne ditto with* •'i r top, one fulkey, three iiril rate Chair nd CuldH Horfis. Apply to Ji r tpb Arnold: No-/, t. 4f. 9. Fa:7o> agz Sf Commission ! Bufmefs . The f bfcriiicr.i having toivcaieat Hores on Bdtiin’* wharf, forth* recep tion of Produce, offer their lepiceito the and other", ia tl e FAC TOT- Au£ a nu COMVI :s>ION BUSINESS. J KSON& HARTS miK. November 1 9, \ On Ccnfignment, At -t to be Ibid at the Vend tie s'O'c Cos pmerce Row. A Ev oil s Kendal Cottons cne Daie coarse Cloth, box 3 Cotton Cards No. 10. chdls of bell young hyfon and hy fon jk;n l eas Suputinc Flour L iaf by the barrel bols Write and Brown Sugars calcs of finr and Coatlc Hats. aEbr ted pipes belt Cogniac and Common- Brandy hhds. Country Gill a few pieces elegant Mahogany Furniture with a variety of other articles, which will be fold low for cih, or approved notes a: 60 days HILLS Sz MONNOX. Nov. i, 18C3. 9. 4t. TANARUS& i,et y •If Avery commodious Stand, on a building leak tor a term of years ; A lot or any part of the fime front ing the south on Johnsons square, pearly cppcfitc trie new Church, and extending back to the lane between that and the Bav. En quire of E. HILLS. Commerce Row. Nov. t. 9. ’ “notice. Tl ofe wi o have nry business t trans-st wit h the Itiblirribe ♦ vvi ] plcafe zo cj I it the ilore of Mr. Thomas Scott Maikei.Sqnre. O f od r JAi Lc iJKU . jtf&vemter t, 1 803 9. // Receiv'd^ Verb G Di pntcbfrom Bofion. Boc° p. ir -v g. <•: (Hlacnjlhoes jo d'ito men’* fine ditto jro a w i;i ‘ /s (’a ditto 5 ton* c'.ar it*o.t .llorted l ditto G, r’fsn fe i r ()UtO • ; - ‘U.ds J- £ ditto S'!, rt ’>• 1 r C -fi i ! cut N<C’s , , fit .ion :e;i Ivt-n ts *4 Grind roues gti cI / vx ‘I k C.. oGIC S ti f (i v.r ft*>red Tobacco, Jte* |AC res -N 5c iiAi-t TSTEENE. N >vr. ri. <)■ tC__ /? Kirdinr Hcufe . *r~j. Sul)C b:v, having undenlood that a jOti La-. been propagated, intimating his j jtcoUon of £iv:n up his houie in Louiivilic, informs hi friends aH the pubic that he 1 .• A-o.*. kd ov'v .lecefsary and proper ac g , mT'.o to me*.. vtiine* ot tuoic attend the approaching fcdlon of t !-c Uaturcati federal court, and \v 11 fh : n w ith tfieir patronage. L assures the pr.cdio that every endea tt will b; ir.j le to rend ! fc s uccomniodad 1 r.s ; ecnide to boarders ami ether* aiul In o-s In* on former occa it lI4V fue’i as to give fatisfaft on iw. t: e p„.. and ail'-u* £..ce for the iutarc jOSEh*’ 0. rOo EH. ■ cnfvii: * uX. 2\ y bi. L i\C c.. a: from this State until |J > x . : <’ .'hard M. Stite? Jf ; Ti r\ \Viliams are Huiv •;. . ..i o .. * c. hi? atturaies tlnriajj .c*. R::bar.l Dfffj, Jauv f $ - * 7^- NOTICE. THE f.jbfcribei haring, dhned Ihr buf:rcfs tequsits iiicil* in debted tu ciiieharge their accounts; and the/* why have any demands ajuiiui him art fuhcUcd to pick at the lame foj payment* CHARLES M'KENNA. N. B. A tandfoni pair 15 jw Wifi diwa for faie- Och 25, jScj. 7. 4t. > __ . IN COUNCIL. Savannah, Auguji 27, 1803. INFORMATION bcin- laid bttore council that the yellow Fe ver has made its appearance in the city of New-York. It is rcfclved, That the health officer be direclcd to order all vtf frls coming from the per:of New! York, or any other info&ed port or place, to be brought .ro, ai Cock!pur, and there to perform \ quarantine of fiftetn days includ ing their days of fairing, and that during the performance of the said quarantine, the Woolen and Cot ton goods on board ihall be on eve ry fair day expefed to the open air and the holds of the vdlels venti lared in she befb pofiible manner, and that after that time they he permitted to come up as high as five fathom hole and there remain, until they shall receive a certificate cl health from the health odicer.— Provided Neverthelsjs i That the a bove coods Ihall be ex Doled to the air, and the vellels ventilated at lead three days, before :he said vcfTcls be permitted ro come up to the (aid iaif place, notwithdanding the fifteen davs from the failing of the laid vdJHs may have before ex pire J & And ii is further That the health officer compel the rruf ters or commanders of vcßt-is com ing to this port, with any articles! lubjeCt to putrefa&ion and findino j the fame in a decayed or unsound date, to land such articles a: any place which the said master cr commander may think proper, so that the laid place be net higher up j the river than five fathom hole*; and that in such case the said veil'd shall be well ventilated, at lead three days after the dill harge of such decayed or unsound articles, before fne is allowed to fail up to Savannah. And it is further ordered, Thai filperfons contravening these or ders, ihall be prosecuted as the quarantine law directs. Extradl from the minutes; THOMAS PITT, C. C. HEALTH OFFICE. Port of Savannah. The Pilots are hereby ordered to b.:ng all vessels coming from New York to an anchor off Cockfpur f here to remain and form a quaran tine agreeable to the above ordei of the City Council. WILLIAM COCKE, M. D. Health ejficer Health Off :e, Port of Savannah+ Information having elfo been deceived thst the Yellow Fever prevails in Philadelphia, 1 and Alexandria, Virginia— It is ordered , That the Pilots do flop all vessels centiag in from thole ports at Coek : spur ; there to perform a qaurantiae in like manner as those do corning fropt New-York. WILLI \M COCKE, M. D. Srpt. 25th, 1525. Health oilioerc BANKRUPTCY* PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, th;t th- meeting of the CoffinsiHone rs ol BaULroptcy ia the matter us Charles ‘J. libit, a Bank runt, appoir,t-d to be held ->n the a7ih da> ot inlt is poll >oaed until the 23d day 0 f November —An erder for exic,dingL the time Gr the laid b* .krupt to finilh his exam, nation having been doly obtained fion’ , he hon. Wiiliam Stephen#, j£lq. Juog’ f the Did rift. i JOHN LAWSON, f flicitar. Sav. Q&acer 22, 7. SAVANNAH, Printed 4 LYON & MORSE. NOVEMBER! 4 , 1803. For ‘Lr:c\j m * j ? hrdS K The fliip MiNERVA : |g^§s£wauain-CaiLhan, mailer; to fall with all pc. fa ole dis-! patch, (one half of her cargo being evj-; S a I 1 or freight ( r pipage apply ti 1 the capt.-on board at Putnams wharf, 01 O TANARUS, k W. SMITH. Market feuare Q&. 21. If. 6. SHOES. Receive ! at the Savannah Shod Store, pet brig E-IsariOr, from Boiton, 41? trunk.’ i of which together wth their former dock, enables them to uFer tile larked and molt complete affortrient ever olicred for jale in tins city. Also, s pipes Brandy, 2 boxes codon curds, and 20GQ pair Negro Shoes. G. TUFTS, fc Cos. oa. 2 r. Br. 6. ‘Twenty Dollars Reward. Stolen from the hoHter fit the fubfcii ber, iail evening, an elegant iron bar relled pistol-, highly finfided ; marked on the thumb piece, G. ?. chequered butt. ; itiS very probabie it v#v a negic •and Will beodared for (ale. Fo 1 of the thief and returning the pHol, 1 will pay theaboye reward, or fiveloliars for the piltol only. N. B. ir left with the prinhr',cf thi. paper, r.o queftiens will be afk/J. G. R. LUKE. oa. 21. ts. 6. Prime* Inverness Cotton Margin** 1 100 pieces. Also 40 Boxes India China containing 49 bz pi. pr. fer. ard, 10 Bbb. fhipßread. “just received and for\Jah hp—~ Georgs H. Davtdfon. Sep. 2d. cyS ts. Edwin H, Boltony . lias tor Tile at his ship yard O P RUC E and Yellow pine fpari gs? and malti- from 25 to 73 feet long which will be ibid at a moderate price in rough or wrought. White pine Boards* Ranging Timber, Tar and Turpentiae, He is well fixed for heaving vessels down and dolor* all kinds ihio car liters work: ts. December 22, (26’ Sales for Taxes. WILL be fold at the court-boufis in che tov/11 oi Brunswick, on the 27th dav of November nex% the following rraefs of land, fi/iate in the county of Glynn; or so much thereof as will pay for the *axes due and in default from year 1753 to the yeas iSci, inclutive, unleis toe proprietor avaii therafeives of the tax law in such case made and provided : 1650 acres, originally granted to Tfeos. Smith; tax iiis dollars 4.8 cents, and coils.—i©oc icies, granted John in dollars 15 cents and costs. lames Powell, cl* r. s. c Mav nth, 1803. is frß. Wilson and Knosc % Havejud received by Hoop Sally, from Philadelphia: 12 calks bell talt-pet red Hams 8 pipes excellent Gin 4 calks Annifeed Cordial ?o kegs Gan-Powder *lO Ci’ks Lr>af Sugar (iniall k>av£s) 5 tons Ear Iron and Shear Moulds icco v/t. German Steal i®.)o do. Orawiev ivl.Uington do. 2 line kej Negro Head l obaeco Also on hand, A genera! ajj*rtmen C of GROCERIES, All of ahich, will bel'jld low lor c*9i cr ihor: credit. Wayne’s wharf. Oft* i r, 4W 10 7 Brought to 0 o’ eiioa who ca : is hioilelt I’d tib, auout 5 leet S inches high, lays lie beiong? to a Mr ihiniel Parkier, ot Edgsdeid count}, bouth Carolisia. . t Aifu two New N c g fces > °“ e l,ke y young fellow about twenty years oid, tht nher a very tl-ch Ikin dtc'lovy wi.h oearj cn hi*chin tn ly. abou*- tu’.rty year. c ild, cannot tell their owners uume, iu’ call themfcUes Billy oan^o. , J.P. O k TEt, Goalcr, ti. < Thirty Dollars WILL be given to any perfor,tvho wiii delivering under mentioiTeo cllovvs to the keeper of Chatham goal: SA/\C a lu>ut. mula: to, vve.’i known ibout Savannah, and CYRUS a well nade know about ytjis ri dovemy in hisdrjfs and of a very cown taif, forbiddi ng appearance. } wenty dollars will be pxid for appre lei'dmg Baac and ten dollars for Cyrus, feyapplyingtoA. MQ u een at Aion/gom wm vV iiliaiiifon ‘lz More/. ts. June 16—1/74 K. &J- BOLT ON, div.'t jujl received ter the Mijjp+pi j7 J ;; Liverpos', 8 caws hats, luitable fur i'ummer wear, 1 4 Cio n and fine .ight Cafiimere,. 3 trnnxs imnlujs, plain, white and Black figured-, and handkerchiers, 200 pieces beit cotton Bagging, I talk pewter baibns, pfatta and can - die moukiji, Ml , A &K& -■'* calcs lrlih hne.T, 3 dozen belt curled harr mat/effes, 12 bales efnaburgs, roo calks nails, fiat end Hi3rp points, Striped and nankeeus, quiltings, dimities, &c. ColorM, white and black cambric, Legs white yellow ochre and Span- I*** brown Frying pans: hair brooms* Carpeiucrs” tools : cutlery : Iron rr.on fiery.* Portmantua trunks-, Gemiemens faddies, and plated chair bar nets, Servan r s “glazed hatj. “'WaFtoi; A Rita of mdufery, sobriety aiid bonefty capable of cultivating a good kitchen gar- Qcn,, ana luperintenaing seven or eight hands in the vicin ty of this city, will meet good encouragement by applyiag to the printers hereof. Savannah, October 28, 8 ts. Assize for ftev. ißo^. J sJ ‘1 he price fiour being nine dollars and fifty cents per barrel Bread for this month mui. weigh, : viz* 12 4. cts. ioaf, sib. j oz. 6 A crc. loaf, ilb. 1 4-oz* Os whica all Bakers and Sellers of Bread ?<re to take due notice. JJ JtXMIAH CPTYLER, CityT/eafurer. Thomas ® William Smith , Have received by the ihip Minerva, from Liverpool part of their FALL SUPPLY,\ which will be d;fpofsd of on their ufuai | hbeial terms* N. IS. They have received I by the above Blip sc hhds. cop peras which they will fell on rea janablc terms. 6kv. October FEN DUE & COMMISSION. BUSINESS. Lhe Subfcribcr having once more efla blilhed his health, again offers his i'ervi ce’s to his friends and the public, and hopes by ftrief attention to th-i above bufinda to merit rheir confidence. JOSEPH ARNOLD. N. B, A bandfome varmsl INy SULKEYfor Jale . Q:t. 24/h, 180;. 7. if. ! Thomas Scotty Has j’jjl retSved and fo’ fa is, . hluis. and barrels Prime Sugar ( barrels and bags Green CufLc pipes Holland Geneva hhds. and barrels Country do. pipes Cogniac Brandy . iduia. and barrels N. E. Rum quarter casks Malaga Wine barrels Mackerel ditto Pork boxes Boap and Candles Engliili Gunpowder Nutmegs, Sic. See. Which lie will difpefe of low for cafli or approved paper. da. 35. ‘ 6t. 7. 7 0 Lcajefor a term of years A VALUABLE tract of oak hickory and rice lands within Seven miles of Savanah equal in quality to any lands in the Couqtv it Chatham. For terms apply to Francis Couryoifie . November 24* t-t iff) (VtiCLl N'JMBU J 14. i weive ujiß a nail Ccnc3 notice. The term ofcopartnerfliipbct weenTho'ni uS Sp James Legg&, aii d ./Wander Boyd', uuocr the firm of Beggi & Boyd hts thia oa/ expned^. —//]! persons having demand* aguiuli laid hrm are requeued to pvf nttl eir accounts for ; and all tliofcin- C^LV " V a,c hereby r.ot.*ied to izake imnaedi it; payment. and • U Pfutnes B *fs. p . f Od ourvivihg Ci>aii.ier9 ts. 7 . * Phe fubfclibers, further inforni vLois* ‘' icl,a ' s hum the iibeial fuppoit vviiicli, they have experienced under the late fmu of Leggs L Boyd, are nduced to forma new comiediou with Mr. Rignal }*. Grovea fur the puipoic of contiuuiog the lacier age and Qcmmijjion BufineL* underthe firm of BEGGS & GROVES, who :10m their determined attention to bufmJs, <-md the security of their flores, flatter them *t“v*3 ‘- y a continuance of former favour;* 1 hutr.uS Nr Jan es Betr^s. K. N. Groves. Coffee |joufe wfiuif. CT. 24th, ISO3. 7. tf* One Hundred Dgliars Re word, LAKd VV AY from the fubferiber, orj the loth oiApaji,* Negro Fellovr named, RUBffV. | s a /mart sensible Neg,ro. i born, about 5 stet 6 ioclies high* “i or 22 yen rs of age, or a light complt ‘ ot L generally I'niUs when lpoken to He is by trade a jobbing carpenter Ihe above reward will be paid en hi# being delivered 10 ilie or coa flntd in Savannah goal. SHARROD McCALL. Pnvnnnafi, October 22. 7. —-“■■■ 1 _ FINAL NOTICE To ill those that are indebted to the late firms of Smith, Sons Si Anderson VViliiarn & Charles Smith—that if theii’ accounts are not closed in fix months from this da e, they will without except ticn be put into an attorneys hands for collection. Sav. October 24th, T. ft: i. t&bi tQ Jail, the following runaway. A FELLOW who calls himfel£ Will, lays that hi belongs to an Indian King by the name of John of the Cherokee Nation, that he run away about April lafr, he is & likely fellow about 22 years old, g lect 6 or 7 inches high, and well made, tells a very plausible story, has a fear or bump on his right? check, fays it was cccahoned by a barn. J. P. OATES, G. C. C. August 5. (88 if.) i philetus Havens & JAMES BILBO, Having entered into copartnsrfbifi under the firm cf HAVENS & BILBO, Offer their fervkss to the planters and others in the Factorage Ik Ccmmiflion Business. Fcr which purpefe they have taken the wharf and pai t of Jiores lately occupied by Mcfsrs. Belcher £5? Dick in fan, where any species of property entrufled to them for fate can be (vfely flared. Lhey have aifo pur chaf ed Messrs Belcher and DickinfonS regaining Stock of Ship Chandlery , A general assortment of which, and j GROCERIES. Yhe intend keepings May 2, 1803. 6is 1 Hugh RofSy Take* this early opportunity of intia£ ting to his friends and the public, that | intends directing immediately hi particular attentiu* to the Factorage & Commi/fion Bufiiefs And for that purpose, has fate and •onu modiou* Stores provided oa the COFFEE-HOUSE WHARF for the reception of produee. He is ia daily expeftat*.oa cf a fvefti fuja ply oi Fall Goods, Which he hopes to be able to difptvfe of on liberal terms, at his ftorc in Hogg’* Buildings, corner of WhstaUcr aai St lian-ftrects. Oft. 4. ios’ &