Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, July 31, 1804, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer & Volume If: No. 87. Six Dolinrs it Yczr, half in Advance* Received on Consignment, And for sale by the Jubscribcr , vie ; London particular Madeira Wine by the pipe do. do. by the half do l)o. do. do. by the qr. cask, Claret by the half pipe JBottied do. in boxes Sherry by the quarter calk, Sicily per ditto jNew England Rum by the pgnchcon IMolaffes by the hogshead Loaf Sugar by the hogshead or cwt. Pilot, Middling and (hip Bread by the barrel Superfine and fine Flour pr. ditto Pork by the barrel Flax and tow Oznaburgs And en affortnie- t of Tin Ware W. Y. WEMYSA July 27. ts. BUTTER, io i kegs imported BU TTER, firfl: quality, II do. do. do. fecund do. In kegs of about 25 lbs. each, just re ceived pr. Dispatch from Boston and for (ale by BROODS &DUNNING. July 27. 6r. #6 MEAD, OF an excellent quality—Sold by ffV.iiiam Wilkie, south of the old Fe deral goal, at 12 1-2 cents per bottle, and the bottles return’d,cr empty cnes tent in lieu. WILLIAM WILKIE. July 27. £6. *3r. EDUCATION. Mrs. MART DEW S, Bryan ftreel, on Mrs Levant's lot, near the South Common, having open ed a School for teaching Reading- Writing, Sewing and Marking ; So. licits the patronage of her friends and the public, and hopes from her alii duity and attention to merit the ap probation of tbofe who may entrud their children to her care. July 27. lm. 86. ~ INFERIOR COUR TANARUS, July Term, 1804. Ordered that all default mg 2nd ab sent Jurors be fined in the sum of twenty dollars each, unless they do ihew fufiicient cause of excuse agreea bly to law within twenty day;. Ex trail front the Minutes, this 2 Oth fuly, 1804. J. Bulloch Clk. July 27. 86. * INFERIOR COURT ‘ Chambers, 2 6th July , 1804. PRESENT their honors Edward Telfair, George Jones, John G. Williamson. Justices. ON the petition of Robert Burris dating that he is routined for debt in the common Goal ot this county at the suit of Ann Gibbons and tine he is nn able to fatisfy the fame, hut is willing to and liver up all his proper!v lor the bc*ie fit of his creditors, and praying j to he admitted tO the benefit of the act in Inch case made and provided. IT IS ORDERED that the laid T\oHevt Burris be brought up before lie justices of the inferior Court, at the GourUhoufe, or: Taelday the 3 1 infT to be dealt with according to law. And it is farther ordeVed, that notice be served on the creditors, or the peti tioner, in order that they may attend, and shew cause, !f arsv they h ive, why the Lid Robert Burris* fhouM not he admitted to take the benefit of the a<R, entitled, An acf to carry into ef fect, the seventh le/Vien of the fourth article of the conftituuon> according to the prayer of his petition. Extrjcifrom the Minutes , this 2 6/-? July 18C4. J. Bulloch Clk. ’ STiEiTIFPs ’SALES,” On the fivlf Tuesday in Augo it next vill be fold at the Court-house in the town of JefFerfon, between the hours often and three, the House and Lot laid to he the property of Ciarvin £; M.-ers. lately occupied by John H. Harris, as a Coffee.houfe—Sold to !atistv a judg meut obtained agaialt the firm ot Garvin k Mcers, in favor j of Minis &Bovd. Conditions C ifli. ( D. G. JONES L> SCC | JuH f tr> 8l I3W/C NOl'lCiL ; The term of copartnccfhip between Thonv ‘ ar *d Alexander Boydfuuder J. 5 ™ ®, C K* * h J tills day ctpira- 1 —pc.-lon. hv., \ i><r demands agaiuil laic h M ‘*HK tequea- ] ted to present their accounts lor iettlc— 1 mtu:; and ail thole indebted are hereby iiq'.ificd to make immediate payment. T. & James Btggt. Surviving Copartner oa 2h__ _ tf : _ bilCs Qn hhw*Yoik lor sale I>V R. Nr J* Bolton. “ 1 ti Union Society. Hi. July 1804. _ [B4] HFFOL V c,U that notice be given in the papers, that uniels all debtors to this society orthe reprefentetivesof fuchdebtors do pay the amount due orfecurethe fame by note on or before the next regular meeting, that the Laid ieveral amounts will be recovered by due ccurfe“of law. ExtraS from the Minutes. PETET S. LAFFITTE , Sec’ry. T. M. W ood bridge, Has received on consignment , the following Articles , which he will fell low for cafb or approved paper , London particular Madeira WINE, in pipes, half pipes and qr. rafks London particular Teneriffe fa pipes and qr. calks 50 hhds. 4th proof Jamaica Rum 10 do. 3d. do. Sr. Croix lo pipes 4th do. french Brandy 20 qr. calks Cogniac do. 50 kegs bed-Dutch Gunpowder 10 hlicls. prime Molasses 10 barrels do. Coffee .> pipes Country Girt 12 do. Holland do. fupetior i { hhds prime Sugar Bar Iron, fiat, square and round bats Loaf Sugar in barrels Brown do. in do. Lin feed Oil, White Lead Cut and wrought Nails by the calk 5 bales Humhums from 2 dolls. 50 cts. to 4 dolls, a piece 3 Cables, front 7 to 9 inches Boxes Cotton Cards, No 8, g, and 10 Superfine Flour, Groat and Ship Bread Cotton Bagging, Cordage afiorted Window Glass, 8, by #0 and 10 by i? Sheeting Linens. July 20. 84- ts.. From BORDEAUX, A few cases Medock Ciaret 4 years old 18 pipes brandy 200 guns, fine and common, double ‘ and tingle barrel 240 pieces paper hangings 2nd border ing Fans--40 dozen aflorted quali/ies Artificial flowers, differe 11/ colors For sale by CURTIS BOLTON & Cos. May 25. ts. 78. CLARET; Ten Calks of excellen/ Claret for (ale by the tfubfriber at his (lore <South East corner of she Exchange. E. HILLS. June 8. 7 2. ts. k7r SALE™ Two complete patent machines, calculated for grinding corn culfee or cocao, with directions for nfino- the lame. Apply to the fubferiber*. JOSEPH PRESCOTT. Tldv T7 ’ 82. ts At a Special meeting of Council’ TUESDAY, 24th July 1804. FT appearing to Council by a return received from the Managers of the elec tion lor an Alderman in Heathcote Watd, that no had place, there being an equal number of votes for John H. Morel and Green R, Duke. Resolved, That an election for an Alderman to represent Heathcote Ward, be Held at the Prdbyterian Church on j Friday the 3d day oi Augull next, and l that juhn Eppingcr, David Guglc and j Frederic Shaffer Dc, and are hereby ap ! painted managers to superintend laid eitc } tion. j Rf.soi.vfd, That an election be held at the Methodill Meeting Houle on Fri- I day the 3d day of Auguit next, for an | Alderman to represent Green and Colum jbia Wards, in the room of Solomon Shad I Esq. who has rehgned, and that Philip jD. Woolhopter, Edward White and j ilham A. Moore be, and arc appointed • managers of laid Election. } Resolvep, That an election fie held ;at the new Building next Mr. HarlkinV in Carpenters Row on Friday the 3d of | Augtm next, for an Alderman to repre lent aihington V\ aid, in the room of 1 joieph Welichcr, Elq. who has refigned, l | and li at John Thomas H. Miller,, ’ and joieph A tkptt be, and arc up i pointed managers* said election* * , w , \ Extract from the Minutes, ; [B6.] J. M. WILLSON, Ci 0. TO RENT. Two thirds of a. large Pew in the - Pielb} tcrian Church, ALSO [ A commodious dwelling house ir | York and Montgomery llreets, with evc> y neccllat’y out Building with £ coru.cnient yard, Garden &c. For uriher Particulars enquire o‘ Samuel o i’ WILLIAM RiGg'S- Taly 13. . ga. t s . BLANK BOOKST t For L-e at this SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON &f MORSE. IVm. POI7IIR$ 9 agent for Richard Lee Cos. has jufi re ceived from their medicine (Rare houfe, New-Fork, and for sale a: the Circulating Library , the fot j lowing valuable MEDISINES, which are in high efieem and gene ral use throughout the United States, many of them (independent of their superior efficacy) being fold fer Ufs than the drugs of which they are compounded, could be purcbofed at a retail flare , *Tbe y have been ce lebrated for fever at years pctfl, for the cure of tnojl ci cases to which the human body is liable , Particularly, Worms Coughs & Colds A (Hima Conlimtption Gout Kheumntilm Di lea Its of the Eyes King Worms Tetters * har the prevention an,] cure cf Bilious *nd Malignant betters, is recommended. FI aim’s Ajti-Billious Pills, The operation of these Pills is per.. teftly mild, so as to be uled with fafiety, byperlons in every fituatiun, and of every age. j They are excellently adapted ‘to [carry offTuperfluous bile, and prevent !its morbid secretions—to reflore and raend the appetitire— to produce a free perfpiratVon and thereby prevent cold?, which are often of fatal conffe„ quences—& a dole never fails to re., move a cold If taken on its lirll sp_ pearance—they are celebrated lor removing habitual coftivenefs—fickneJs at the Uomach, and fe verehead^ache. Infallible Ag'ue& Fever Drops. For thfe cure of Agues, Remittent and intermittent. Fevers. Tlioufand? can ufl.fy their being cured by these drops, after the bark and every other medicine has proved ineffectual —and not one in a hundred ha< had occahon to take more than one, and numbers not half a bottle. Hamilton’s Elixir. A foVereign temedy for Colds,’obftinate Coughs, Althma, Sore Throats, and approaching Consumptions. i I o persons who may huve chrildrer ! alllnfted with the Hooping Cough,this ‘ diltooverV io of the firft as it aierds immediate relief, checks the and in a flu>rt time entirely‘ removes the moft cruel disorders t., which cbrildren are liable, the Elixir is ij agreeable, and the dole so iinaii that no difficulty arises in taking it, j From LUTHER MARTIN, Efq*, At torney General of the Hate of Mary.* land. Gextlkmen— l comply with ydui requell in Hating my opinion ot H;*mt lion’s Elixir—lt has been tiled in rrr. family for two or three years palt ; ’ with uniform success, whenever colds [coughs, dr iirnirr complaints have 1 rendered the medicine neceflarv—J j have myfelf found it an excellent and j agreeable remedy for ftverv painful ■ and troublesome affection of the bread, i accompanied with iiuenel’s and with j oblh ncted and difficult breathing. lOn tbeie accounts l do not hesitate ;to recommend Hamilton's Elixir, as a valuable medicine* and delerving public attention. LU I'HER MARTIN. J ; Hamiltoh’s Grand Reflorative, Is proved by long and rxtenfive experience to be a’nfolutcly unparalled m tile ctlre of Nervous Dilorders j Impurity of Blood Pains in the limbs | fnward Weaknefles ! ‘ eminal AVeaknefl'es Loss of Appetite fndige-iion Conlumptio.t Melaneholly 1 font in the (lorn, j ach Obilinate Iu cases of extremity, where the long prevalent & obdinacy of difeale has on a general impoverishment ot the l\ item exceifive debility of the whlo frament and wafting of the flefb which no not lifhment or cordial could repair a per fevercnce in the ufs of this medicine has peiformed the moil adomih” cures O Hamikou’s Efjcrtce Is Extra A of Milford A fafe and effectual remedy tor Acute and Gout, Rheu run lie Gout, Hal I v * Lumbago. Numb JULY 3 t, 1804. Hooping Cough,&c Female Complaints Nervous Disorders Inward Wcaknefs Itch Corns Tooth-Ache Head-Ache Palsy Sprain's Hyderical .Affec. tions Violent Cramps 1 in the ltomach& back Lowneis of Sp'u rit s Floraibusu (or whites) Relaxations Involuntary Emiuions Gleets, See. neOq White Swelling, Chilblains Sprains, Bruiies, Pain in the Pace S Neck. Rc. 1 his valuable medicine is prepafen 9oth m a fluid Rate and in pills, and noth excellently ciapted both for exie. rnal h internal ule. The pills operatt mildly by urine, and by infenlible per spiration expeiiirtg the'fuperficiol anti morbid humors ; they are highly cor dial to the Itomach ,create appetite* and and 2 gelt ion, remove flying pains, and cold or windv complaints in the stomach an and bov els. The eflence is a wonderfttl afhitam to the Pills in RLeumauLm, Gout, Lumbago and Tally—and by its pacu liat penetrating and difperfmg quali ty, remove the molt violent sprains, bruises, numhnefr, Itiffrrets of the neck joints, &c. witli jed faces, head ache indurate breasts with fwelTn g, frozei limbs, he. an and infenlibiliiy preveiv. tiie ill effefts of wet or dan p in the feet. Sotr.e maybe fuYprized that this nie_{ dicine fliould oe preferihed with eqiui I success in iuch a variety ot cases, bur j this furprize will case when it is re_ ] collefled that all thole complaint?,! refuitfrom this fame caule—a fiownefs 1 in the circulation of the lymph or ob 1 flructions in the lymphatic vellels. From Dr. Weatnerburn—-—Wythe! county t Virginia.) Gentlemen—.l put chafed at your* shop to thfc preparations vou call I Hamilton*! Eflence or Extrart of Multard which I believe has perfefl’ ly removed a Cronic HI eumatifm (oi that kind and med Sciataca, or of the hip joint) under wbuli I labored lor a long time, and which had baffled every article in the Materia Medica and every mode of treat u nicut received into practice tor the cure of this ob ffinate disease. If von thmk thi3 let ter ule fill you are at liberty to make it public* Yours &c. P. WEATHER BURN. For SALE. 1000 acres, of land on Great Swamp, iu Saint Peter’s Parifli—■South_Caro!L 1 a adjoining lands of John Riding & ethers. 1000 acres in the Fork of Elbow branch Saint Helena’s Parifli, adjoining land of Lancaster. 644 acres on the waters of joneper branch, and Black Swamp, in St. Pe ters Parifli adjoining land of Stephen Huff and Elias Robert. 500 acres on tlwf waters of Black fvvamp, adjoining lands of Wall, Do- i rahee and others. AU of which will be fold low and indifnutable titles made by the fubferiber, wlio is about to move to MifliflSppi; Should nnv demand, exill againlt him. the claimant is requested 10 make ii known as loon as poflible. Grim ball Robert. yuly 44. 3t. R 5 ~A~ BARGAIN ! A valuable Negro House WENCH, a complete Cook, Wafhcr and Ironer, found, sober,, and fold, for no fault but to raifeCafli. Indisputa ble titles and further information giv- O en, by applying to W. Y. WEMY£S. July 21. 85. ts. REGIMENTAL ORDERS, Savannah July 7, 1804. Ordered that the members compo sing the Chatham Troop of Light Horse, aflemble a/ the Court.houfe, on Saturday /he 4 th of Augufl next, at 4 o’clock, P. m* and (hen and there proceed to the eleulion of a Captain to command said C*rps in /he room of Capta/n Gordon, deceafed* the said e lecFon to be conducied by and under /he directions of t\Vo or more Justices of the peace, who are directed to cer tify to me wi/hin twenty days after said election, the Ita'e of the poll. By erder of s*. Shad [BS 1 G. R. DURE, Adj’t. LDUCAIION. An affillant is immediately wanted in the Sunbury capable of teaching reading, writing, Arithme tick, Englifli Grammar, and Geogra. y>hy. Such a Gentleman, with a good mot ai character, would he employed, with a ai'larv, of live hundred dollars per annum, and his board found him— Application, to the cominiliioneiß ol the Sunbury Academy, or to Mr. [antes Morris, principal of the indica tion, will be noticed, and duly attend ed to. Sunbury May 3, 62 ts. ALEXANDER. S. ROE having entered into partnership with ED WARD f,. DAVIES, the business will in future be conduced under the rirm of ROE 8c DAVIES. They offer their Cervices as I Factors and Commission Merchant's Anctaux': war/. . Ma . v O §4 li Twelve and a half Carts lingle. THE SUBSCRIBER, Being a committee appointed by the Chatham Academy tv- taife the sum o* SIX l HOUSAND Dollars by loan, to enable said Academy to proceed im mediately to erect fuitabki buildings for the eflablifhment of said infiitution*— Notice is therefore given, that the fub feribers, Or either of them, will receive p;opofa!s of loans for any sum not less hart One hundred dollars and not cxr ceeding fix to be secured by mor gage on Lotts in this city , exceeding the value o\ the Loan intended. 1 crlons wifhp ,r *opromo/c laid infiitution and ’ my to furnifli inffruc- Jicn to thtTynuA of this city, end i/s neighbourhood, will have an oppor/u ----nit> of advancing the measure, and be iecure in the re/urn of any money their benevolence may induce them to loan. Thecondition upon which the money 1 s len/ to fct liated iu wrr/ing by the [ lender. The objedt of the Academy i being beneficial and ufifful to every j head of a in this city, will pro -1 hably induce Loansa/ very low mtereft |if any. Donations for the foregoing purpole will be acceptable. I Sigiitd> CHARLES HARRIS. G. WOODRUFF. J. BOLTON. _J ,jne 5- 72- NOTICE. Sus subscribers have declined the DRT GOOD and GROCE RE l usi ngs, and eurnejliy r.quejl those indebted to make payment. The unliquidated ac counts they <wljh chafed, and those which remained open cm unrcaJonalU time will be pul in suit, unless speedily Jlitled. They will in future be engaged in foreign trade and dealing in doinejlic product. Rob’ r . & fohn Bulton. Sav/ffyijh, March 31, 1804- (y 3 CURTIS BOLTON, Having t-i Ken Robert & Join Bol ton’s STOCK of GOODS, will con dud thebuiliiefsheretoforecarriedon by /hem, under the firm of Curtis Bolton & Co s. and will be thankful for the cuftorn of the friends of his predeceflors—he intends confining his Lies to the Icgv p r country and will endeavor to iur nifh cuflomers who are habitually ponftual with cv-ry artitle usual iu in dry good an I grocery (lores. Sav. April 2, I*o4. c,7. -■■■■* ■ ■——■■■■ ■■ ■ • ■ , f*m Just received and for sale , by CURTIS BOLTON &Cos. One dozen jars preserved Ginger, and twelve dozen bottles Callor Oil. July 5- ts. So. Curtis Bolton, St Co* Elate just Received. 20 dozen l\ice tickles fi do. Wheat do £0 thoufartd Fifli hooks aflorted. May l. ts. 62. A BAT LOT FOr TaIIT Adjoining George Jones, Esq. 5 lot tothe Vveftward, No. firft 3, Tything Reynolds v/ard, formerly the property of the representatives of John Dart hiague, deceaied, now occupied byMr Edward Griffith, Watch-Maker. Apply JOHN BOLTON. Apri. 17. 57. t £ Practice of Law* The fubferibers having enteredirr to copartnerfhip, for the purpose of oradlifing the law, take this method of an nouncing thefarfie to the pub ic, with the aiiurance of giving the moft punctual attention, to such bu linefs as may be committed to their charge. I hey will praclife in the court.* of the lower circuit, general ly* and in the federal Court. Their office is kept, at the house ad joining that now occupied by Nieh* las Anciaux and John M. Berrien. VVm. DAVIES, Jno. MACBHERSON BERRIEN, J- U lr 3- ,'• 79- WANTS A SITUATION, Either in a wholesale or retail store, a young man who writes a good and expeditious hand understands accounts and has a perfeil knowledge of the’ grocery and dry goods bulTnefs, cart oe well recommended. A line addrefD ed to I, G. and left with the editors will be duly atten ;ed to. June 29. 78. ts. Drought to (jOdl, 1 A negro wench, who lpeaks tt little French, and Come Engliih, tho’ neither so as to be well r.nderftocd ; hut ir li believed (he culls herlelf iVrcn, and her matter Mr. Savry. j. P Goiler. May w. WHOLE NUMBER 191.