Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 27, 1804, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & Stare Intelligencer. Volume III; No. 26. Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance. NO 1 ICE, PERSON wilhmg to contra# for repair ing the {fairway* of the public Docks, and to find all materials, will give in fcaletl prop Ca*B to eith r of the Subscribers, on or before the firft dav of January, enluing. LEVI SHEFTALL, 7 EDWARD HARDEN, $ Committee. Savannah December io. 32. NOTICE, ALL perions having demands a g.iinlt the ettute of Samuel Wall iilq. late a merchant of this city, de cealed,will he pleased to fend them it legallyulteded&thofr whoare indebted to said estate willbc so good as to make immediate payment to the fubferibers, NICOLL TURSIKLIIL 5 . “WILLIAM MEIN. £ ADMR * April 17 57. ts. * 1 NOTICE. ALL perlons indebted to the etlate of the la*e doctor Samuel Mr. Curmick are reqnetted 10 make pave ment and those to whom theefiate is indebted will present their deman to John Law Ton E!qr. who is appoin, ted attorney for the executors and to fettle the affrirs of the eflate. JOS. MILLER, T. U. CHARLTON, Wm. CHRISTIE. Extcutors . Jan. 24. ts. .*3 ‘*” —— GLASS’S STABLE. THE above (table being doled for a few weeks for want of Provender, Cccafioned by the iate (t\>nn, is again opened for the recep ion or horses, *s ufu&l, and is well fupphed with forag, and a carefu! oltier. ihe proprietor will be /hankful /o the public (or 1 generous pa/ronage o&ober2 3. ts. Overicer Wanted A Mm vvi h a fm 11 family tha -j can be recommended tor his honeily sobriety and in4u(try and knowledg. in managing a river fwainp plant*, tion, will meet with good encourage Hient by applying to John P. Williamson. None need appiv that cannot be re commended a3 above. Nov* 15. ts. 22. The Subscribers, INTEND to enter jointly into the Practice of FHYSiC. in tne coun. ty of Bryan ; thcrciore iniorm \ i.e in habitants that they will at all time be ready to attend when called upon it the line of their ptoleiliou 7 , ci.her *t Phylicians turgeons, or Acouchenrs. Hardwick, Bryan countv, JHHN MAXWELL JOHN I. JENKINS. Augufl 2S. ts. For Sale, AN elegant poliflied It-.-! GRIT! wi ll a fender, fhovei and tongs, euuriely new. Enquire at this Office. Augulf 2 1. 94. ts A STORE, TWO ROOMS, LARGE YARD, STABLE AND CHAIR. HOUSE, or the Store federate, to be rented in a convenient fitaution. Apply to the Prin ters. Dec. 3. ts. 27. ” SILLS’ ~ ON London cc New-Ygrk> for Lie by K. Cc J. Bolton. October 2. 9, ts. DENNIS & WILLIAMS, Have received from Ncw-Tori, Pbi'a deiphia, and C bar If an. pieces cottou Bagging excellent qualify, b'jftiels bait, coar r e line, a part ot which is in Sacks of two buflr eis each. *B2O B libels Cum, I> hi ids. Sugir, firft quality, St. Croix, 5 1 Gisks affhrled Nails & sod, 20 half hbls. Flour, 12 tuba excellent Butter, Fork ar.d Guu-powder. November?. ‘ ts. 20. WANTED. A person who is acquainted with tIK C/ilture ol cotton, and can produce good vouchers o! his honeftv and ablT Ities—a (ingle man will be preferred, John H. Morel. Oft. tf., 7 . Cabinet Funirturefor lale. THE Subscriber begs leave to ac quiint the public that he has importer, pr. the Ship Thomas from New..York a general af!br:nient of CABINET FURNITURE, which may be seen at his Ware R om * n tiie Bay, weit of the Excharge, ironi the quality and p'ice of which he hopes to merit the pjbfic favors f r e daily expects by the fir ll a t ia.. from New-York a lurther supply ot Furniture of the very beff workman fh;p and at the lowed prices. John Scott. Nov . 12. ts. 21. N. B. Orders will be thankfully received, and ftriftly attended to. NOTICE. THE fublcriber, with profound res pe&, informs the citizens ol Savannah and its vicinity,that he ac coiuplifines all manner cf Ornamental arii Couch painting, with Viantlings, Cyphers, or any othet kind o Orname. ts that n.ay appear mon suitable to t a fie and fancy. He alio proftffes, Sign and Houle, together with Hiding ar.d Chamber Cnatr pain ting both Ornamental and plain, CJii** ding &c. Notwi filing to tire the public will, a tedious firing of felt belto paife or extravagant exaggerations which are often very prevalent in advertiie merits of this nature preferring inr-r v Mgal means, and wishing to beware ,i inch impofirions. The fublcriber being as u t a in anger here, G willing o produce ipecimens of his workman (hip for the convincing fatisfa&iou of those who may be pleased to lavor <iim with their commands. Michael Canavan. To be fieird of opposite rhe dwel ling house of Meflrs. Mein and Mac- Key Sept. 18. 10 r ts TO LET. A CONVENIENT one Story Houle with neceflary rut buiL to it in Lwingfbu gh. For fur ther particulars apply to Mr. Jona_ than Cline, eppufite *,he house, or to the fubferiber at Indico Hill. C. S. BLOUNT. October 26. . ts. 16, TO HIKE, rifAW O accomplilhed house servants a fellow, and a wench,—Enquire ac this Office. Aufrift 4 • tin plate worker “ r S ‘'HE fubferiber begs leave to inform his A friends and the public in general, that he carries on the alnfve bufiuefs in St Julian ilreet, a few doors tail from the market, where those who favor him with their cus tom will meet with punctuality and dispatch. From the experience he has had he Hatters himelf that he is capable of perfeeling any article m the above business Upon low and fa tisfadory terms. TIIOs. STEWART. *.* An apprentice wanted to the above bti li net's December 6. ts. 28. GEORGIA, J By Charles Abernethv, j Clerk of the Court of ( L. S. ) for tbeCoun., Chas. Aberne | ty of M'fntolh in tne thy. j State afoieLid. WHEREAS Mr John Oe Montale: {of Sapelo island hath applied for le‘ | ers of Admitvßratton on e'Ht^ |i and eftreis of Mr. P:cnt de Buisfcill-t • late of M’fntolh County deceased, } i'licfe are therefore to cite and ad ! >ioui(h a>l and lingular titc kindred nd creditors of the said tleceaferh—r. file tneir object ions (if any they have) ; n my nilice on or before the 25 rh day of DecemSe*’ ncx r , otherwii’e letters ot \dminiilra. Ton will be granted him. Given under my hand and leal th* ft- day of November 1804. arid in the 29th yea’ of American Independance. November 22 ts 24 TO RENT. STORE No. 5, in the Exchange, Venting the north, and (lore No. 7, fronting the east, for the term ot rwelve months. Apply at my office ; n Jfffeifo.n street, or to John Bolton, ii(q. one of the Truffecs. THOMAS PII TANARUS, Sec Vy, November 14. V. 23. Came into the fubferijber's lV*me time fmee, a fmal light ‘olured BAY HORSE, about 14 lands high, branded M. S aboi t 8 vears o’d. Fhe owner is n*quelted to rove his prep-rtv and take him away Job a G. Illtltamfon . Nov. 15. ts. 32. SAVANNAH, Frinthd by LYON Es MORSE. THURSDAY, DFCEMBFR 27, ISO 4. ALEXANDER POPE, having entered into copartnerthip with Stainbac •* tesox, the business hitherto carried on b\ Rim will be continued by them under the fin t POPE &, \V II,SON. They offer their fer vc l ' 1 ’ in the factorage &, coiiMissiox b sixess at their Sure, Coftjte-houfewharf. N ‘vembcr 26. ts. 25. Nu ! ICE. ANi person wi lirg to undertake the buil ding a heuie on Tybee liland, 24 bv 16 feet, with the neceiXary brick work will plealt apply to Thomas Johnson, Cu flom- House. December 17 18 4 ts 31 St. M try’s Stage, WILL m future llart from tin house of Mr. JcHnT. Stewart it the fig;; of the Ejg’e, in Brough tun SrteeG As there are two brid es between this and Darien Kill gone ■ 1 * particular time f r Karting cr re. tu • ing can be (fated until they art et u 1 ; yet any information relpedt. mg the tame, from week to week can be had by aoplying to Mr. vStewait. Sav. November 19 ts. 23, EDUCATION. \N afliitant is immediately warned in the Sun bury Acadrmy, capable and teacliirg reading, writing, Aritiitne ‘icK, EngVilh Grammar, and Geugra. ohy. lach a Gentleman, with a good moral chyra&er, would be empLoyed, a salary, ol five hundred dollars per annum, and his board found him— Application, to the comnfifiioners of the Sunbury Academy, or to Mr James Morris, principal of the intf itu_ tion, will be noticed, and duly attencL to. Sunbury May 3, 62 ts, Shcrifi s Sales ON the firft i uesday in January next will be fold at the Court-house si, the town of *e(lerfon, between the hours of ten and three o’clock A NE GRO MAN named Antone, seized as the property of John Howell to fa tisfy a judgment obtained by Benja> min Burroughs and Ruth Armour, a gainst the aforefaid Howell. Condi tions calh, or the properly 10M in half an hour a/ /he risk of /he fi/ il purch*- fer D. G. Jones and. s, c. c* Nov. i. ts, 22. JOSEPH DAVIS HASj.ifl opened an elegant and cx ten five aflbrtment of GOODS ntted to the fealon, at the next door to Meflrs. A. Low He has, at iari is former (lore, 200 pieces fuper fine Gallicots at ss, & 2s. 4d per yard l bale- fuperfine Cloths and Caffimeres, 17 pieces of blue, red and green ferg<? tor itrvants A chell frefh tea, at 1 50 cents all which will be disposed of or cnili or approved credit, on the lowed terms. October 2d. tfi. 209. JOHN MEAD having enter ed into Copartnerfbip with William Jenkins, the Business will in future be conducted under the firm of MEAD & JENKINS. They offer their services as Lumber Factors Commission Merchants, it the wharf, (lores and dock lately occupied by Coi. Ambrcfe Gordon. November 5 ts 19 f£j* Six, eight or ten good ’aborers are wanted on hire, for one -r two Months, for whom liberal wa will be punctually paid. The place .vhere the labor is to be performed is, within five miles of Savannah. En quire at rhis office* November i. tf* 18. Five dollars Reward. runaway •1 V II 1 ocia rom the fubferiber || \ Burk connty, on 1 the J 9 th November ! last, a Negro fi?l tib-.- J low named Simon about twenty-five years of age, five feet four f.x five inches high. The said fellow is weii ki own in or about Savannah. Whoever will debver him, to Mr. Geo. Lewis Cope in Savannah or to the fubferiber in Burk county ihall receive the above rewardand a reasonable charges paid. William Bounelh D ccmber 24 ts 33 f ELSTOB, HOUSE, (hip, sign and ornamenta. painter, Gilder, Glazier ane lumber. GlFers his services to the public it ue above branc'nts of his business, at is {hop in Gibson’s buildings n*ar the .xchange. By elegance of Work., manfhip, punislual!ty and dispatch, he ujpes to meet encouragement. N t B. Ornamental Fan-Lights,(cou polition metal) made to any patteir Maionic aprons painted to any order.. Fancy chairs ornamented and varniih J ed. Gilding on glass executed in the belt manner. July 31, ts. 8? WANTED. TWO apprentices wanted sot the painting business, Apply tc ELSTOB. August 10. qc THE SUBSCRIBERS, -BEING appointed Attorneys to the late concern of WILLI AtVI DIXON id Cos. notice to all those indeb/ td, that if their notes or accounts art not fettled by the firft of aprd next hey will immediately be put in (uu for recovery. J AMES DICKSON. GEORGE PENNY. November 19. ts. 23. THE SUBSCRIBERS , HAVING taken into partnerlhip Mr. GEORGE PENNY, beg leavt to inform their friends and the public in genera', that their Business will stilt : 'e conduced under the firm of James Dickson Sc Cos. WILLIAM DIXON. James Dickson. November 19. ts. 23. NO LICE, THECopa rtnerfhip of S'cott.Fr*H er and cott is this day disolved by uuuual consent, thole indebted to them will therefore pleai’e call on Ko‘ bert Scott, ar Melfrs. MkiNjMac. Kay Sc Go’s, counting lioufe, & eithei pay or liquidate their accounts ini* mediately ; and those to whom they are indebted will apply to him lor payment, he being authorifed to set.. ide the affairs of the concern. George Scott, Robert J ifher, Robert Scott. November r. ts 19. Wharf & Stores, TO be rented the wharf and (lores ac prelent occupied by Mefirs. H u.ter &Mini=, for terms apply tc either of the lublcribers. Geo, Jones* Jas, Glen, * 03: o. it. ts. ~noTiceT THE Copartnerfhip of Menard am. Brewer being expired, and difolved by mutual content, the fiock and book? remain in the hands of r’eter Menard, who will fettle all concerns relating to the late firm. Brunswick, nov t ts. 22 Final Notice, THE Subscribers observe with. re„ gret the little attention which has been paid to their reasonable requett of obligations to close rhe open ac„ counts in their books—and they no a give noiice to all perlons concerne. that, unless they come forward dily and either pay or liquidate iht i accounts, they will be handed over to a gentleman ot the bar without a. ny discrimination ’ ROBERT id JOHN BOLTON. November 24. ts. 24. NOTICE. THE term of copartnerfhip be. tween Thomas & James Begg , Sc Alexr. Bovd, under the firm of, Beggs Sc Boyd has this day expired— All persons having demands against said firm are requested to prefen/ their ac Cos un/s for fettle men t; and al! those indebted are hereby notified to make immediate payment. T. & J. BEGGS; Surviving Copar/ner. 0&. 25. ts. FOR SALE. THREE buildings (landing on a part of a lot belonging to the Prcfbyteriao Congregation, fronting on two streets, excellent (lands tor business. The li. tuation is so well known that a further defeription is thought unneceffafy* A baraain may be had if applied for im mediately, as the owner is in want of cash to answer a k £irticulat purpose. Apply to THOMAS PITY. 1 A T overaber 8 ts 20 Whole Number 254; Twelve aful a half Cents single. IBy the particular request of some o en ter! families, THE WONDERFUL FEMALE WILL be exhibited from 10 to I o’clock, A. M. and fiom 3 to 5 P. M. and from 6 to 9 in the tven ng in order that Ladies and Gentle men may be better accommodated. Wheie 8 perlons come as a family, the head of such w ill be rn filed tar view her gratis. The l*ub ic may rell afbjied that an inltance has not occurred 01 a fingie person being Satisfied. It is uncertain whether she will continue mote than 9. or 10 days n this titv. December 4o 4t 32 NOTICF, THE Subscriber intends nraiffi finij LAW* llis Office is on the lot occupied by L* vi Sheftall Efqr. Mord. Sheftall. Decembet 1 Adminilrraior’s Sales. ON the Firff Tuesday in February nex will be fold in the town cf Saint Ma r\’s. ihe perioral ellate of Antoine Suares, late of the town of St. Marys, deccafed, con filling of household and kitchen furniture I hive negroes together with tuudry other articles. Radid Suarcs, ) Admrx. Jas. M. Lindfej. C Admr. Dec - -4- 33 Female y-lsylum. AT an election held on the 17th i n st. at tlie baht iff Church, the fofioiting La dies were chosen as a board of direkflosi for .he ensuing year Mrs Ann h Clay, Mrs Elizabeth ‘Smith Mrs.H. M’AI Her, Mrs Rebecca Newal Mrs. Aletliea Stark, Mrs. Sarah Williams* Mrs. Jane Jacklon, Mrs. Sarah Evans Mrs* Mary Wall, Mrs. Swarbreck, Mils Martha Stephens, Mrs. Graham, Mils Mary Mjllen Mrs. Elizabeth Rice. * On the 20th. the board met at Mrs. Swar brecks and voted for Officers when the foi* ! low ing were duly elected. Mrs. Smith, Y First and Second Mrs. Clay. $ Directrefles. Mrs. Evans, Treasurer. Mils Millen, Secrctarv. The members of this Society are requeue to pay in their refpeitive fubferiptions G n o before the 2rh Janua y next to the Secreta ry who is duly authorifed to receive the fame. Fubililied by order of the board. Mai y Milieu, sec. Dec. 24. 3. notification! THE honorable, the Secretary of dheNavy,Robert Smith Efqr. har vmg intruded the Navy Agent to rake immediate measures for building a gun at this port; persons who may be defircus of undertaking /he fame, will =iave an opportunity of an tftimate of the terms upon whichthey ‘'an contraa by feeing the plan and uiftrunions in the hands of the iub ‘.riber, who will receive proposals on <he fubjedt until the 25th of the ensu ing month. A. S. BULLOCH, N. A. D. G; Augufti*. 83- For Sale A CONVENIENT two (lory house, situate in Broughton theet ar.d oppofne to the house built by Mr. \\ N sh, the out buddings appertain ing 10 Lid house are complete. An accommodation will oegiven to ‘.hepurchafer fufficient to make the tsrms ear V- . Pnfleffion will be given on t**e tStbinft, For particulars cn v quire of ROE & DAVIES; November 15. t s. 22. /iS SIZE for December 1804. THE Average price of Flour oeing 1 3 ao Jars and cents per Barrel, weight of bitad oiuft be I2 t cts. loaf, ilb. iioz, 6 cts. loaf, ij Os which all bakers and Sellers of bread are to take due notice, JEREMIAH CUTLER > C7/y Trtaurcsr. _____ THE fubferibers to DUFIEF's GRAM* MAR or NATURE DISPLAYED are requested to call at the store of Petit & Rinegeard for their copies of that work, and pay their fubfeription money. December 20. 3t. For sale by Lyon 6f Mor^e. THE NEW PRACTICAL NAVIGA TOR, AMERICAN PILOT, and A NEW SYSTEM of ARITHMETIC pai* ticulariy adapted to the of schools- * December^