Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, March 14, 1805, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer, Volume III: No. 47. S k Dollars a Year, half m Advance. For Liverpool, Intended as a regular Trader. V ‘VSuN , T''HE fall failing Imp DIS t iT7S\> J. PATCH, capt. Aimes, palfage only, (her freight being all engaged) apply on board, or to benjamin Maurice. January 14 ts 43 For Liverpool, • THE Coppered Ship ihe vfrill take freight on very reafonabie teuns. Apply to, Roe & Davies, Dcember 3 , tf* 35j For BOSTON. The r, £ ELEANOR. fm Commanded by Nathan Peaks. FOB freight or passage app y to the matter 011 board or to Machin & Macintosh. March 4. . 5< ts - For BARBADOES. ,The Brig tfS&bp si /antic. WILKINSON, mastf* having g r od accommodations ft r &p jl v r to Hunter Sc Minis, or to the limiter on board. March 11 * 2t 55 IRISH GOODS 4 boxes 4-4 LINENS, affnrtecl 1 ditto y 4 Sheetings, Childrens Diaper and Diaper Table Cloths 50 pieces Ticking 60 ditto Brown Linens, and A small alTortinnit ol cut and plain Glass Ware, JUST received and FOR SALE BV i unis Bolton & co. M vr clu 1 ts 5o For Sale, ANelfgaut poli theft (led GRATf wj h a fender {hovel and tones en'iriely uew. Enquire at this Cilice. August 24. o 4 Freak Butter . 20 begs of BU i’TLR, 6 boxes cf CODFISH. received \ tit brig ELEANOR, and far /ale by G. &. F. Tufts. March 4. 53. gt Five dollars Reward, I— jj AY. gro GIRL by | ‘sv, | ihe name of BECK, ! sand is supposed to be | \ |j harboured by iome ‘-©\ ; ‘ !| white people in this ‘{ ‘j town, as (lie is not ac cutt'ined to runaway. .-•ua—sai J 1 forewarn all peif ns f-om so doing, and Ihould it be proved tgainll any one I will profeeute them accoiding 10 law. Jno. Williams. March 7 jf _S4 FTTT 1 . t- , A LL Perlons having any demands againtt J\, the ettate of John Huberiham and-ceased, 1 are requested to lend them m properly attes ted and these v. ho are indebted to make pay* r.tent to Joseph Habersham. Adminiflrator. January 10 ts 3^ ffcj* NOTICE. All perlons indebted to tl e city of Savannah for Groun Rent are requested to call and pay the fame without delay. J. Cuvier, C. T. Jan. 17. 4°* Wanted, TO load immediately for Jamaica two or three vcflels of IJO or 2CO tons each, and to hire twelve coopers s Uoe & Davies. December 31. ts 4J. A” STORE M VvO ROOMS, LARGE YARD, STABLE AND CHAIR HOUSE, or the St .re feperate, to bi rented in a convenicn fit oat ion. Apply to the Prin ters. BILLS, ON London be New-York for lalt bv K. ti J. i>< lcon. f). FOR SALF, Acomplcte fadtllc liorfe. App y at ii.c prii.tii .- <. ffi ’c Dec. 31. 33. RiCl. FOR E/..LE ir MEAD is JENKINS. November j. ts. ic, NOTICE. THE fublcribcr, with pro'ound res pei‘t, iniorms the citizens ot Savannah and its vicinity, that he ac complilhes all nianner of Ornamental and Coach painting, with Vlantlings, Arms, Cyphers, or any other kimi ol Ornair.e. ts that may appear mos In,table to tiittc and fancy. He alto profefies, Sign and H ■.."Jl’e, togeiliei with Hiding and Chamber Chair pain ting both Onnuneinal and plain, Giff ding &c. Not wishing to tire the public with a tedious llniig of felt belt owed prude or extravagant exaggerations whici ■re often very prevalent in adveni.e ments ot this nature, prefering itiotv. legal means, and wishing to beware Os such impofuions, Ihe subscriber being as vet a (Gauge here, i willing o produce Ipeciniens of iii?. wotk.nan (hip lor the ceh\hieing fatistatfliuti )i tffole wno niny be plea fed to iavui iiiin with their commands, Michael Canavan. , Tobe heard oi dppolite the dwel ling huufc o; Rlcllis, Jlcin and Mac. key. ■iept. 18. ior rs to~Tkt7 A vON V ENIENT one Story T Iloufe with neceUary rut bttiL ■hags to it in Ewingfbu-gh. For iur. tlier particular* apply to iY’r. Jona. irttA ( line, oppnfue ’he iiouie, or to the fubfcnber ai Indico Hill, C. S. liLGUNT. Oiffoher ;6. ts. j 6, ROE &f 1 ) AV r iS. Have removed to the ttorcs formerly occupied by Messrs. Hunter Ist M ni*, where they offer for falc impotted in t ic Itep Warrington and otiierlate arrivals, jo hhds. Hew—L. rum :jo Boxes foaj and caudles 40 Barrels eider Loaf, lump, ftnd,brown sugar in birds. Cognise brandy in pipes ‘•'lridcira wine in pipes, and quarter casks, Holland and country gin in pipes 2: 0 Barrels beer, bread, beef and pork Claret, fruit and oil in cases I aiieut, (hot, shear moulds broad hoes Spaniffi iegars in boxes, a few Packages eoarie dry goods, December 31 ts, Trime I obacco For Sale 13 y Pbinizy & Barnett. January ts 43 ’notice -1 Otlic citizens 01 Sa vannali, and inhabitants of the Sea Islands, White blufl, Little Ogechte, and Cherokee Hill dis tiu'ifs. Mhe iubscriber being appointed Tax Collector ior the coun ty ot Chatham, for l.dl yea-, one thou fa nd eight hundied and four, “is ntdw ready’ to receive the. taxes at his f).hcc, near | Mr. P. Miller, aid Mr. Gardner's new white house now building, be tween Jelfeifon and i:nr nard flreer, South Broad street, fronting theicuth com m on. k) ffi ce hours, from 9 in the irorninq, unti’i two o’clock, in the afternoon, those that do not avail them Lives of this public notice, and come forward and pay their tix by the firft of June next will have ex-j ecutions issued again ft them indiNcriminately, ts the law dire Os. PETER DEVE VUY, C. G. C. ‘ax Col efto's Office, i%:b h'etnu r ) F 52 SAVANNAH, Printed by LYONef morse. THURSDAY, tMARCH 14, 3805. EDUCATION. A N afliffant is immediately wantef J - * in the Sunbury Academy,capabb Sf teaching reading, writing, Arithnn ■ick, Englifli Giraminar. and Gcogra by. Such a Gentleman, with a good moi al .character, would be employed, with a falaty, ol five h ndrsd dollars per annum, aid his board toind him— Application, to die coinmhiioner# ol me Sunbury Academy, cr to Mr |. lines Morris, principal of the inltitu tion, will be noticed, und duly attend, to. Sunbnrv Mav 3, 2 ts. U tTo’n^ THE PUBLIC are warned agamtt tra ding tor or receiving a certain note, given by the Sublcribers 10 Jasper Huffman, purporting to be for do lars, an[l bear ing date December a;, 1804, as 110 v' has been received therefor. i hos. og J. Payne. March y 54 INLIGJm-ED, F>r Sale by CURTIS BOLTON Cos. March 7 31 54 ’ FREaH BUTTERj, BUTTER of a fnperior quality, in small keg,, received and for la e bv S. Williams Exchange Wharf. March 7 3 f 54 1 G l> u. LLrtoFL), FOR. FHE ‘TERM OF FhVQ 2 E ,R >, IHE Plantation in Countv known by tlid name of ban j Sonet l it- icreine n is lo pay all taxes and allell uents incurred during die term 10 keep the buildings which are or ihe pi-ce, .01 unv be ere&t-d thereon, in repar, anil deliver them In, at the expiration ol the lease lie is to pay the rent annually. He may cut and law timber lor the rredtion of hull !in,*s on the plantation, ami for plan* ‘an.>n me, l>u not for lule On Ihe rirlt ot January he may lend negroes to pm 11,) the lances, negro li. ulcs, prcpaie iui-is tor pi nting, Ccc. Sic. and lull pofieflinn will be delivered 11 all niGiui m l bruary. J l - ] Jan- Cation may Ic- viewed and the plat seen on application t > Mr. < u! , p ,jr child on the pre-miles Wit,eve, willies to hire the place will pittite u> lend ia their proposals in wriiing on or before Ihe first day ot I n . her tn-xi, to f \MES YWL. AC fsq in Savannah. November 12. ts, 21 John P. Williamson, RLSPEC I I L !,L\ Informs the ! L’ictds of the late comcm < t Wil mams-.n U Morel, that John H. Mo ei, Lsqr. having reiiit-d from mi. linel , he continues the FACE (JRAGE & COMMISSION BUS!MiSS, 0l Motti’s wharf, as formed , and fob cits a continuance of their favors. H vin r la; e fafo and convenieo/ (lores for the recep-ion of pre-du e, he hope.', from his experience.ju't u. at, vc biifirefs, lugeiher with his prompt at. tention to their orders, that he fhu j e.idu the nighefl latisfiZfion to a!/ 1 wh ; (hall favor him with their uffom. November 12 if. -) # J .. f\ 1 llols c_J (.’o. licit Manufacturers Respect fully the i’u he th_t they keep conHaiit o hand, a’ tin ir .Stor'q jVlaike’ q me, aconpxte a i .rtment of lit n ,11 UfhionabSe American and Engiifii ma il u Taft u red Mens Beaver Hats Do. Do. Do. Caffcr D Du. Dj. Do. P.r.ted Do Dl. Do. ! Y>. Y elt D<> Also, Agrcar variety of Childrens t-t cy Hats, al! which tney offer boil vVholefa.e and Retail, upon tne moil eafi.-nai'le terms As he abov? buftnefs occupy the whole attenteotion of the fubferib rs ney hope to meri', and would there fore solicit the patronage of ihe Public. F hi uarv 4 ts ~CITY - Sflfcß I F’B SALE. /~VN thefirflTuelday in next, will v he !■d at the Court bot.fe i.i t 1,.., c i 1., between the hours often and three o’.loel a negro, mmi-JC ariffa, k-ized as t,e property oi CLAUD SIMONS. Condition of fair CASH. J -j! 111 Williams. tLt Strayc I into the fubfe. i jers enchfure a I gin bav sum, al,au 13 h nds high, no brand., visible -he owner i rcquelled to grove his or her pr-p er v, ra. for this advtr ifement and ike he. a vav. Natal. Aciani-i, jun. W March 2d. ts. j THE SUBSCRJBERS , BEING appointed Attorneys to sht late concern of WILLIAM DIXON sCf Cos. give notice to all those imieb/ ed, that if their notes or accmintb art not fettled by the firlt ot april next hey will immediately be put in fun for recovery. JAMES DICKSON. GEORGE PENNY. November 19. ts. 23. THE SUB SCR /BERS, HAVING taken into part net (hit Mr. GEORGE PENNY, beg leave to intoi in their friends and the public in genera’, that their Bufmefs vvili (fib ■e conduced under the firm of Jamet Dick sea & Cos. WILLIAM DIXON. JAMES DICKSON. November 19. ts. 23. NOriCE, THE Copannerfhi p oi’ScoTT,Fi*H n k. and Lcott is this day tlisolved by rnutuai conient, thole indebted to liiem will therefore please call on Ro’ Bert Scott, ai Moths. Mkin,Msc_ kav & Go’s counting house, & eithet pay or liquidate their accounts im_ nodittcly ; and thole to wimni they are indebted will ajiply to iiiin tor payment, he being authorifed to let, tic the affairs of the concern. George Scott, Kobe i t I iflicr, Robert Scoft. November r # TO REM. S I ORE No. j, in the Exchange, •rooting the north, and ifore No. 7, the eali, for the lean ol twelve months. Jf ly at my office in Jctferlim ltr<et, or to John Bolion, Eiq. one oft! e Fiultees. I UOM/iS Pi I ! , Sec’ry. Novcuiber 14 ts. 23. M A K SHA ITT s \TTs OtV the Jir/l Tuesday in Abril next , null ie fold al the Ci.urt house in Savannah, A l KAC IOT IcAMj, coiuaimng 475 V at:res more or L is, I. mate, lying and U -11 ‘ 1,1 llle county cl Libet'fy, bounded on the n 1. 1 l>> ti.e town ot Sunbury, eaJt l>\ mar* Hies - i Si unv i ■ river, and on tJu* w’eit by lands ot Adam Alexander, evied on as the { r F er t) ol the eit ate ofj, hn Ton-kin;, deck!, j by virtue ot an exeemion obtained by Adam and v\ m. 1 unno the executors ot T'omkins. IL-i). Wall, M. 13. G. March i FIELD £jf HARLanDT U S. ( I'j Equity. Grom.). 111: \i\ 1, Hu, dclcndant Gcoigu Ilening havin ‘- been lerved with Subpoena 1,1 thi:. caule, but not entered his appearance and in appearing to the court, that he left the juris ill,'.lion Ol l lie I -liic-il States, it was Ordered Chat tin el- ‘belaid C -nrge Ilening appeared and aufwercd kj tin above hill of complaint on cr betore die next term to be held on the Lath da ; of May next, that the court would p* ‘< - in p" 1 ’ Inch decree as the nature of it,,- eale required, \uu the lai a George Hujing are the rafore tierehy n iti/„.,| to appear an d answer to the *a ol nill on or before the day aforefaid, to d‘- ‘durt will pilsl'iich decree agmult you a the nature ~| n.e cal'e will require. Clerk's ■ 1 die Circuit Court of the United Sta'es lor the dihritff of Georgia, at Savannah tiiis thirtieth 1 1 :t y <-l January in the Year t I our ard oiieihjufan 1 eig ht hundred and live tites Llk. January it ia t6m. 34 NO J ICE 1 , \ LL perlons having denisnils a gain It the ellate of Samuel Wali Eiq. t .ie a mercliani of this cily, cle ealed,will he plealetl to lend them in ieo .llyatlelted&thofe whoart indebted o laid efface willbc so good as totnakt onmediate p. ymem to the fublcriber s. NlCOl.l, TUK.VBUI.L, C , WILI.IAM MEIN. I Admr * rtril 1 y 4 5 ts. JUS 1 T Rl’CLl VL.D, PR R Brig Eleanor from Boston, at he Savannah Eh c S ore, an aiiort ment of Slices. Also, firff quality but ter, Clu-cfe, Soap, Mcfs Beet, in half barrels, 4 - h proof Biantly, Sherry ina, ukJ N. Rurn. A few barrel-. Flour. JAMES WILLY. Jammy 17 ts 40 Ceder Timber an I do. Foils for la!e apply to THOMAS FLINT. I‘utnaia‘s H'hur February 18 3taw AUG 1 I ;N KUUiVx7~*~” MARKiCT SQUARE 2-1. .Match 1805. 7 MfE SUBSCRIBER having taken the hire aijoit.itig Mr LEVY AURA HAMS intends tranyaflirig Vendue and Comnri'fli'in business and foheitu the patron- ol his friends and enemies. JOB T.BOLLES. March 4. ts 53 Whole Number 2 0; TVV c!vc anti a half’Cenra ft. pie. NC > TICK, T I,E Subfcribcr intends praAiling LA’.Y -I- His Office is on the lot - , t J bv Le vi Bheltall Ei'qr. 1 Morel. Shti'tdJl. Decembei t r NOTIFICATION. THE honorable, the Secretary cf iheNavy,Robert Smiih ti.qr. Sla ving mltrucled iheNavy Agent to talc* immediate meafuiesfor building a yua boat at this port j ptr,';ti , who may bj deiirous of uiideitskir.g rhe fame, wifi nave att oppoitur.-iiy jf fortnii ir tftimate ol tfie.ternis upon vvhichthev can contrad by feeing the plan an I nlhudmns 10 the hands of u.e* tub er,her, wno will receive propofol* on the tunjeCt until die 25th of the etilu mg month. A. S. BULLOCH, N. A. D. Gj Au rtl| l <i. y^- Tor Sale ~ A CONVENIENT two ffory noiiu-, litu.tte in Broughton tficet an \ oppeine to the heu/e- built |, y jV[,. M Nnfh, the out building* appertain to laid house uic complete* An accommodation vvilj be- given ta the purchafe’r fuificient to make ih e irrnis eaty. Poflel'ion will oe give a omhe iStli int. For parucuukcu quire of roe & Davies. _ N ovcirheT 15. 1(. .J. J m ALL perlons havino-~~7TJL man and agaitin the ellate cf Thcmar. Ul budge, dec 1., are requeilcd to lend them in proper y atielled, and those who are ti.debtei 10 make payment to h. 13. F eti cde Villers, T Ad* mr January 24—i a t> 7 A nrianx’s wl. ,rs A Few dozen of real old Whitr Conflantia WINE, for sale by Dope & Wilson. February a 1 ts TO HIRE, TWO accomplilhed hou e Icr vanes a icliow, and a wench.—Enquire at this Office. Huffuft 14. t s. I ake Notice, I 1 URL\VARN all persons from giving • a -* C,^ ,t on my account, without my written order. 7 Stephen Britton. February 7 ts 4 (, for sale. THREE buildings Handing on a part .)! a lot belonging to Uic lYdbytcrian 1 °"grcgation, fronting on two llrcets excellent (lands for bufmefs. The ii_’ maiion is to well known that a further defeription is thought unneceifary. A bargain may be had if applied foi im uieelintrly, as the owner is in want of cath to aulwer a particular ptjrpofc Apply to THOMAS PUT. November 8 ts noTTge. ‘ ALL perlons indebted to the citato <>( the late doctor Samuel Me. Cormick are requested to make pay ment a ul those to whom the estate is indebitd will present their demand to John J,a\v(on Ivlijr, who is appoins ted attorney (or the executors and to fettle the affairs of the estate. I OS. MILLER, L U. L\ CHARLTON, Wm, CHRISTIE. Executors. __ lan. 24. ,f. 4, NOTICE. THE fulferiber reyucjls these that art inti bird lei him, lo come foreword anil fettle their accounts on or bejore the fir II ot Ft* br uary as to enable him to fettle nitub las ci editors, other wife they will it tut in Suite. r Henry Dcnsler, Jan. 10 jR ,f. tfij’ Came into the lublcriber i in< lofure, fnme time fitice, a fmal light coleuied BAY HORSE, about 14 bands high, branded M. S aboit 3 years old. Ihe owner is requested to prove his property and take hiniaway, John G. IVillicemfon. Nov, i j. ts. 22. \ o hire out. T WOnegro fellows and one ditto women i A who a good plain worker washer and ‘I he above negroes are recommended u laidilulgood tempered and foUer.— The ow n, r wiffics diem m a family where the will be kept ,n Heady employ, Ennu r at the o. j-ail corner of the Knthange of F. Hills. finuyy ts. 4 , i ire Wood ior lale. ‘ Apply to JOHN WATERS. January 3 t s