Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, April 01, 1805, Image 2

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Georgia Republican, *NU fATF IN ITLUGFNCft|< JST ETON and MORSE. SAVANNAH, April i, tcs N O T 1 C £, AT the rtpiritioa of nine Months from ti.ia date, Utplipnon will be made to he honorable judges of the Info ior Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell, (• r the benefit of the heirs and credi’or., that lot ol Jaud known by the number five (y) Third Ty- Ihjng, Reynod3 Ward, Savannah, belonging tothe ellate of John ilattpr, Baker, la-e < f laid place, containing sixty feet in front and ninety feet in depth, more or less, adjoining A lot of James M’Conky’s. THOMAS DOWELL, Aum’r. ELIZABETH DOWELL, Adni'x. Savannan, March 11, 1805 <m. pm.* 59 Fire Wood for sale. Apply to JOHN WATERS. January 3 ts 3^ ALL persons having demands the ellate of THOMAS NE 1 HERCLIFT deceafcd will render them in to the lublcrjber, iavanr.ah, CHARLES HARRIS. Admmifirater. Febuary. 7 w. no net. Thoft having any claim again]) the SHIP ANN are requeued to prefer.: them immediately for settlement to Roe & Davis. Jan. 31. 43- ts Goods. * SALT, Crates of CROC Kb RY, well iflort cd for retailers Cases of GLASS-WAR*, confiii ing of tumbler?, wines, decanters, crewits id fall cellars ; they ate well packed and the boxes of a convenient free. NAILS of all sizes. Dutch and American GUNPOW DER, Dutch'LINSEED OIL. GRIND STONES. QUERN or handmiil STONES, 23 inches diamcar, SHOE THREAD ; writing and wrapping PAPER.- While and Brown PLrtTIL LAS. Half pint MATTED FLASKS, pr dozen or grore. BOULTING CLOTHS Nos. 2. 3.4.&5. Blue, brown, and Oznaburghs THREADS OUNCE THREADS, aflarted. WAFERS, ELATES and pencils. Black CRAPE ; VELVET RIB. BANDS. Beggars LACE, DEMIJOHNS ; GIN CASES. Mill Stone? (ic*\ Cu’len?) viz. 3 feet dutnei-ir 3.6& 7 in. thick. 3 do. 8 in. d:im. it 1013 do do. I 4 do. 8.; do, 12 t) 13 do. dp. !tc. For file by Curtis 13okon, £ic. FeS. 25, t\ 51. UNION SOCILI Y, THE Members of the UNION SOCI KTY uv desired to meet at the Fil.i ture on Monday the tirtl day of April next Prccisbly at ten o’clock in the forenoon it being the Quarterly meeting preparatory to the Anr.lverfary. peter S. Latiitte, Secretary. March 25 60 An elegant Puseton for Pale by J. BOLTON. M arc’ll e$ 6t btores to Let Sio-es No. 1 8c 2. Commence Row to let, apply tu K. & f, Bolton. March 25 60. 6t fix couJUrs*s sai ks. ON MON DAT 13 th Jay j\l:y ntxt null be sjd it tie Cou.t House in the City of Savannah before the tours of IO and i J cluck , the follow.n% property of as much th ft of as %rV be sufficient tv da (hinge the Taxes due thereon, for the fob lew tug years and costs i r 1Z - *4O Acres La.ut hi Charhuu County, returned us .he pro,* r of the eibme of Benjamin Pox, tax doc tor year ISO 2 4d. bae. 0.. C half or u idivuled t otet\ of 600 Acres Lund, in two irad in M’intoth County, so. merit J. hn Gra>s, adjoin.n ; George M’lntofh and liugfi Clark, re-i Bapelo cridge pom ed cor as ciu property o. Stephen Files, ta> itol and 1802 - 1.4:! jßc 100 Acica pine Lokl 111 Kt t.ngiiain County, returned as liic pji er r v o* Andicw Snider tax Cot I?3I ‘ -OQd. JOi-fir. JA.ViJw AL3ER, T. C. C. C. 1 via cu 20 <2 A per Q;i who uiue 1 a ’ is -he *.a . *♦ C *n **a Rx. th; •'t ar •, ar. 1 CarjH era uunnrls, :i> ~h c. 1.1 p oae. • t, •'a*tian .j- , u ii •- ed 1 an overicer. w.v.-iey v ilu- t tier k,.c. .* . b. SUPERIOR CO UR T. Chatham County. January Term, 1805. David Johnston, *| petition vs. lor Robert Woodhoirfea J foreclosure UPON the petiiii nos D.vid J ihnflon praying the Foreclosure of :ie Equity of redemption of all that tot of land, in the City of Savannah, known by the number two[zJ in je tyl Tything, Derby W rd, contain mg sixty feet in from, and ninety fee/ m depth, mortgaged by the laid Ruber: ‘Voodboufe to the Paid David Johnston t >r securing the paytT.en- of two fcvc ri! !um* f money mentioned in t.wo t-.veral Bunds or obliga'ions, bearing tvet. date with the said mortgage ; the nt given by the said Fmeu Wood houle to the said David Johnston, and the other given by the’ laid Robert Woodh use and one George Woc*- noufe to the said David johr.fton, 4 nd upon motion of Mefli-s, Davies and Berrien of coun'el for ‘he pc itioner, it ii Ordered, Tiiat 7e principal, ntereft* and costs due upon the faiJ wo dot.ds or obligations be paid into court vt /liin/welve months from this Jay, ar.d that uniefs the fame shall be lb p id the equity of redemption of the said rn rtgaged premtfles vt ill from t lenceforth lie foreclosed, and other proceeding?ral;e place pursuant to the the a6l o :hc general aflcm >ly, in such case made and provided efndit is further Or<i r e d. f n ptn fu ance of the laid act tho t'.r? m e be publiflied in one ot the . u .. G .-settes of this state at least once . eve?’ month, ui./il the time fur the ; ..yr t of the money a'orefaid in r> ,if or served on the mortgag r 1 1 i *p-cia agent at iealt fix mon.hs p .vn us to ttie time of payment as ,-U’ rHaid. ExtraA from the minutes 3tj Jan. 1805. J. Bu.'toch, clk. ,am - txpi. FIKLD (J HARUANDy ‘ ,f - S. Civ Equity. George Hektvc.S THE deluadant George Hening having been lerved with Subpoena m tins cause, but not entered Ins appearance and in appearing to the court that he left the juris diftion of the United was Charred, That unl els the laid Gei rgc Hening appeared and anUer-'d tothe above bill of complaint mi or be lore ’he next term to be held on the iixth day of May next, that the court would proceed to pals iuch decree as the nature cf taecale required You the laid George Hening are therefore lioreby notiHcd to appear and anfv. tr to the taiU bill on or before th* day afotefaid or the court will pals luch decree against vou as tne nature of tke C.aie will requite. Clerk’s owce ol the Circuit Court of the UnirJ states or the dtltriel of Georgia, at Savannah this irtieth day of January in the year of our o<d one thousand tight hundred and five Stites Glk, January }i la t6m J 4 G BORG 1/4. By his F.xcdlency John Mil ledge, Gt*vrrnor and Co;urnan- Jtr m chief of die Army and Na vy of this State, and of ihe Mi litia thereof. A PROCLAMATION . VI/ HERE AS I hive recei \\ ved official inlonrution of a molt wilful and cruel mur der having btea committed on he night of rhe 19th of Janua ry last, upon cee O'jdy of Ro bert Knight, in me county of Jeffcrfon in this u.itr, which ap pears from a copy of the verdict of the inquest held therein, 10 have been perpetrated by one Mrzekuh Goff, who. ins repre eiited has made his escape. In 01 Jtr (btrefjit, that the laid H-zekiah G its m.iy be trough to exemplary juilurr, I iave though trto ilTuc this my reclamation, ufieri''g a reward >f Oi\K HUNDRED DJL *. Ak 10 any peilnn of pcrlons, •vho will appre end and loJg: nun in fomc secure jaii within his hate. —And 1 do hereby charge and require all officers ivil in 1 n.ilit iiy, belong ng to his State, to cS aiding and as >isting in apprehending tne fjd licz.kiah G. ff, lb that he iiuv or Oruug.u by a due couife of law, to aniwerthe charge alledg ed avauitt him. Given unaer my hand, and the G ent ->eai of me Si'te, at the State Houle in Lou 1-ViLLE, this cwcctv-cight day of February, in the year of our lord, one chou fand eiehc hundred and five, and of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, tne twemy nioth. JJIT\ T iVHLLEDGE. Pv tli- (jovtnwr, ii.l . A S’ VY| v '’ •? rv ct ‘u-z me Gro sdV ; 1 if- > r.iTE. \ “TORE, TWO ROOMS, .LARGE YARD, STABLE AND CHAIR HOUSE, crthe Store be rented in a conveuien situation. Apply to the Prin ters. Commissioners of pilotage. Savannah, Jan< 4, 1801. IN conlequence of several persons aft- 1 ing illegally as V . to rs. I Orbeset, That the ferretary do I j uhlifh monthly the names of tuch Pilots as 1 pofiefs branches or certificates from this board. Exit ad from the Minutes, 1 homas Pitt, Sscttiary Agreeably tothe order of the Board do hereby give notice, the following <pe r sons 0 n ly, are duly authorifed to aft as Pilots Richard Wall, branch Pilot, W.lliam Wall, Certificate Pilot acting un . der him. Thomas Not rage, Branch Pilot. Elijan Broughton, Brancn Pilot John Major, afting under him. George Philips, do. Gtor"e Conner, -j John flransdy, George Morgan, Certificate David Brown, Jame? Brown, Pilots Aftjng Peer Ceafar, Jamc Johnllor.,. f or themselves. Ifnam Clay, James Scranton, William Wylie, Hansford Bailey; Thomas Pit;. Secretary. Cabinet & Chair Matin'* & K~> Uphot ft cry. THE fuboriber return? that ks tr, Sis *rlends and ’he public for past ■at informs (hem rh.u he car .cs cm /he a ‘ive huhnefs ‘ll i/s vari u’ cranenes, at his fho;: in Bernard J(rei,r.ppufite Job T.Bo Ls%bOard ftg r.uule. VVoik of ail kinds will be -xeetted -,vi'h difpa/ the mofi rea. w ait term, and warranted of the uelt lity. Otters from town or country will ae thinkfully received and faithfully scuttj). WILLIAM RIGGS. STL 7. Qb. law CAMltiuN cOUNTT, Suferior Court , March Term, 1804. Wm. Jones, attorney in | tail fir Hays id Vick- l Foreclosure ery ’ ( n .. vs. 1 Petition for Thddeus Parlifs . Upon the petition of Wir. Jones junr. of the town of St Mary’s attorney mfadtfoi Messrs. Hays & Vickery, letting forth mat a part 01 lot No. 5, in tiwn of St. M-tiy’s had been du lv mortgaged by one Thadeuj Parkils to the laid Meßrs. H*. 6c Vickery, for the confideratio of sixty-eight dullars and eigir cents, which h id never yet beer paid, and praying a loreclolur. of the equity of redemption. On motion of Mr. Jackson, it is ordered, That tne principal, interelt and cods be pnid int< court within twelve months froiii this i>ate—gnd’ unlels the lame thali be so paid, the equity of rt demption will from thenceforth be foreclofed.—And ii is furthe. ordered, in pursuance of said ad thac this rule be puoiifhtd i. one of the public gazeues of ihu date, at leuftonce in every month or lerved on the mortgager, o, 3 his lpcciai agent at Jeait A* mon 11s previous to the time tht money is di reded to be as aiorcfaiil, Extrad from the mi nurcs, ilus zoth d-y of March 1804. ISAACCfiEIVS, S .C. C. Apt/ rj DlSTttlC’l O* v/^OR(jlA t ) Decc.Tiber CIRCUIT COURT S Term , Bj 4 fames Cruden id tVm. Hannaj, “1 y.s. i Jn f 0 ,vcn Owens, Samuel Douglaft, Patrick jf’ J and Dear man Jar- j ‘l 1111 )” dain id Shaw. J 11’ appearing; that the defendants in this Caufe-pue out of tue jurifdiftion of this date and nave imp! ‘aded one of *he complain’s in this court, and the Inferior court tit the count;, of Chatham, and it is necetiary for the pur poll* *i that tile laid defendants do appear and hntVrer to the bill of the com plaints. Wherefore ordered, tha the defendants a*’Ornin in this date, tie forced wrh t _:uli p >em, in this in this cate, amt a copy of this order, and that notice be puMithed for to ■noiiths in the Gaaets of the city of Savan nah, requiring the dKenuants to hnfwcr to ihe bill of the compi vnams, cm or before the tint day of August next, utherwtfe t'.ie fait! hill to be taken pr* confctfa <t ‘Ve coart will oafs fuoh further orders and de-ree u'f the o-afe, as wll answer the pnrpoies of juftlce. Extraß from the Minutes. Stites, Clerk. Take NOICL, THAT Nine mouths after th ; s date, itoatl maiu. app.icat’-0,, t 0 t h e j unices of the inferior court of this c ounty, for leave to fell the landed property of :he eilate of John B. Gaarcieau deed, for the benefit of credi tor *iary A. Aim* T.*i.*r > G -y. i* ts 57 i 9 surnrjop vdxv'.tj Camden Ccur. y,. > Oftouer Term ISO 4 j WHEREAJames Muir and Roior-rrMai -.i of the City of Charieftpn in-South-Ca nlinaj merhants, have sued a petition this honorable court setting forth, that Dav'n Garvin and amuel Miers, late of the twnici of St. Mary’s merchants, are indebted to tberr in one bond or obligation dated, the l'eventb day of April, 1803, in the lunrt o thou.- sand iive hundred and seventy two dr liars: and whereas to secure the pavrrem of the I said sum of monev, did mortgage all ’hat di vided moiety of lot, No. 5, in the town r j Mary’s, particularly described iud sent fs.r. in the said petition. east onre in every month, until the time ap p anted for pa_ ment expixei, or served on the laid David Garvin and S-muel Meers fix months previous thereto. from the Minutes, OS. Zsd. 1804 Isaac Crews, c. s. i . c. c. iam 27 ts ■ iiouuty to Monefty ! If the person who Hole ar.d rode tayherft on Tuetaay night, will return-the fiddle and bridle, I wi I give him twud- ilars for ;.la han ifty. He will accept my thanks for not kee ping the horse. Sami. Moipt . ALL those who have tie mands againfl the estate of Thomas Bour'ke, Elq. dec. \vill prelent them to JANE BOURSE, sidn'trix. March u ts 55 GEORGIA, l Effingham County. _S Txj the lionoiable judge Jones pre fent.’ The petition of Iff a ! Ki jf r. Humbly Sheweth, Tiiat sometime in the year of our Lord one thousand ftven hundred and nine’v l’even, Joshua Zant of the county of Effingham, did make his certain note in writing for the sum of one hundred and twenty eight dollars ar.d seventy five cents, to lfa'el Kieffer, which to the heft of your pe titioners recollc&ion, rerds thus, “ 6 day. after date I prcmtfe to pay or cause to be paid unto Ifarel Kieffer for the use of John F. Kieffer minor, and son of the said Hard Kieffer the sum of one hun dred and twenty eight dollars seventy five cents, for value received. Fat and 1797” (Signed) JOR. ZANT. On which said note your petitioner received fifty dollars, fmee which time’ the said no'e is loft or rmfl.ud, so thst your petitioner believes it is entirely loft. Your petitioner therefore p’ays yotlr h >nor to establish the said note with a credit of fifty {dollars thereon, •md your petitioner as iu duty bound will ever pray (Signed) ISAREL KIEFFER. GEORGIA, Effingham County. PERSONALLY appeard the said I farel Kieffer who being drily sworn fay rth to the belt of his recolle&ion the •vit in is a rule ftatrment. ISAREL KIEFFER. Stvorn to in open ( ourt before me, December 1804. H. W. Williams, C k. GEORGIA, J Effingham. £ PERSONALLY appeared before me Gottleib Ernst, one of the justices cf the peace, Mr. Federick Neflerwho maketh oath and faith that he feefi Mr. jolhua riant give a note ol hand unto Mr. I’ratl Iv’effer, payable in fix days, the note of land amounting to 00 e hundred and Wi uty eight dollars frventy five cents whi h luiu he heard Mr. Zant lay to be justly due unto Mr. Kieffer, he aifo t.%creth that he was one ot the tvi fen ces that signed the note and did lee one Mr. Ewing and Mrs. Ewing sign .the note, the date of note he forgot, butts sure that it was in the fall before the high trclh. Signed and sworn to this 17 th day of November, jßoi. (Signed) FREDERICK NESLER. Before me Gotleib Ernst, J- P. Copy Dec. 1 t-rni, 1604. On the petition of Israel K'effer ftatin? the lois of a note of hand of Jolhua Zam. It isordered that a copy of the said petition, 1 ote and proof, be pubhlhed tot the space of fix months (at Itaft once iu eve ry month) in one one of the Gazettes of this state uniefs objections a-e filed within that time, ft is further ordered ‘that the said note be pubhlhed A true copy, Dec. loth, tßoj. Hen. W, Williams, Clk Dec. 6m. 1 am. 33. High Gout of Impeachment. ANS (PER of SAMUEL CHASE. (Continued.] And in this !a!f place he contends that the law of Virginia in qu-ttion, is, not adopted by the above mention ed acl of Cougrefs as the rule of deci fion, in such cases a* that now undn consideration. That aA docs indee provide, “ that the laws of the fevera dates, except where the conttiuit'oryte - tics of Ifatutes of the Ui Slates lh?l otherwise provide, lhall be regarded a rules ot decision in trra s at cuimno law, in the courts of tne U. States, b cafis wh-re they apply” But tht prortfion in hb opinion, can relate on! to rights acquired under the ftate.Fws. which come into queftionoif the tna. ; and not to forms of pmetfs or modes o proceedings, anterior-or preparito'V 1 he trial. Nor can it, as this refpon dent apprehends. Have any appl.catio .0 ;.id.ct.:.c.,ts for OfTenc'es againil th, i it*. h r IT. Si ites, hi. 1 ciaa*‘t •vivo any prop:u<y be c’ded “ tr>uiai ,V law” It re’ Its’ m< k, in h.s opii irn, to civil rights acqtr, cd Lin ger the state laws ; which by virtue of triis tpro'vfion are, when they come ra quest on in the courts of he U. St-te?i to br governed by the laws under winch t’nev accrued- If in tttefe opinions this respondent b e iveorrect, it is an boneft error; and fe contends that neither such an iri>r in th • conftrucfion of tbc law, nor hr* iijr\yrance of a local state lew which he had no cpptm>prty ot knowing, and of which the ccuntel for the party whose < afe it is fuppi fed to have cfft’Cttvl were : qua !y i,;norai r, c*n be confiJercd at ao offvi.ce ‘liable to, or to any fort of pumlhment or b ame. Arid for plea to the fani sixth article i-f imprachmtn:, tu f:d amuel Chafe • faith, that he i.- not guilty of any high crime or misdemeanor as in and by the laid article isallerjgt and against him ; and this he prays may be enquired ot by this honorable ionrt in fuvh manner a*- iaw and j ilhce shall fetm to thctri to quire. Wt Ihe ffven’h article c.f iinpßc’r>mc*t ■elate* to dome conduct of this refpoo dc t in liis judicial capavi y, at a cir. emit court ot the U Stacep neid Netv aftle :n the state of Delaware, tn June 1 Sco. The ftate/nent- made in the article, is aitogethsr er ra- Itttuis ; but-if it were true, tliis refpo,id cut denies, contains any matter or tt'.-.ich he is liable to impeachment. It alledges tiiat “ disregarding . ihfl. du ties of his office, he did defeend from the dignity ct a judge, and itoop to. the level of an informer.’* This high of fence consisted, according to the article, Ift, in refuting to di C rg’ the grand js ry although inticatelby fwerat of the said jury to do so.” zdly, in “ ohfrr ving to the said grandjury, after the said grand jury had regularly declared thro* their foreman, that they had found .n. bills of indi/ftment, and had no prefer,fc. ments to m: ke, that he the said Samuel Chafe understood “ that a highly fedi. tiou* trmpet had mamfefted itfelf in the 1 state cf Deiawnr., among a certain class jof people, psrticuli .lv in New Castle county, and mine e'pec aily in the town of Wilmington, where litd a moil se ditious printer, unreftrainetJ by any prin •f'cipJe of virtue, and regarefiefs of facial ‘order, that the name of this printer wah f 3 dl y- “’n then ebeefe ing kimfelf as if fcnfible of the indeco rum whicti ne was committing.” 4tiilj, in adding * that it might be affumiug too ! much to mention the name of this per— . J son ; but it becomes your duty, gentle. ! men, to inquire diligently into this nut jter,* or words to that elfciS,’ Ad i cth’y, ‘ Jn authoritatively enjoining on. i the (fiftrict attorney of the U. States, i with intention to procure the prosecu tion of the printer in queftipn, the necef lity of procuring a fife of the paper* to which he alluded, and by a rrtnet .exa rr.ination of 1 hem to find fome passage, which might turnilh the ground work of a prosecution against tbe printer,* Tliefe charges amount in Jubilance to j this ; that the respondent rtfufed to dis- I charge a grand jury on .their request, ; which is every .lay’s practice, and which Ihe was hound to do, if he believed that |thedue adminiltration of jiiltice required ! xheir longer attendance ; that he dirtct !cd the attention ot tlie grand jury to an offence against a Astute otthe (J. States, , which he had been informed was com— -1 mitted in the inltuct ; and that he defir ei tfie dtitrift attorney to aid the grand jury, in their enquiries concerning the 1 1 X'fttifce and nature of th s oifen ce. By \ th. fe three afts, each of which it was his | duty to peri'oi m, he is alledgt and ‘ to have j degraded his high judicial fuoCiions, and 1 tend:U to impair ttie public confidence j in, and refpeft for, the tribuna's of jufttce, so clietitial to trie general wet tare.’ That this honorable court may be able to form correctly us judgment, ooncern ing the transaction m *tioueu in tins ar ticle, this refpoi>d?n’. tubruirs the follow, ing It.itement of it, wmcr. he avers to be true, ana extracts to prove. Uothez7th day of jure 1800, this respondent, as cur of the alfteiat, juili ces ol the United States, pr fiord in the circuit court of > the Uiiiuv States, then Held at New CalHe in and ior tht diftuct of Dele war.., and was alfiitrd bv G nailing . 3edh)rd, elq, then dutnA. judge ot .loc . U. States tor ilia, diltriJ. At tne opening of the c. urt on mat day, this ref. pondent according to his duty and his uniform practice, delivered a charge t® the grand jury in which tie give in charge to them ltaiuies ot hie U. States, , M and among others, an aft of Lo igrefs _ palled July 14th 1 798, entitled ‘An a “,t in addition to the aCi for the-punifh m-nt of certain cii nes against the U . States,” and communly caned the *fcui tionlaw.’ He diretted them to en. 4UII - concerning any breach of thole itatutcs, and elpeciahy of that commonly called the sedition law, within the dittnct j! Deli- re. On the fume day.btfote the hour •it adjournment, toe grand jury cam* into joint, and informed tne ouur, naS they ia.i trmnd no indictment or prefentmenr. nd haJ no buu.iefi. b.iore them, tor winch reaton they willird to be dlicarg d. l’los re lied, that it vis earner than thf ulual, hour of dis-. cliatging a grand jury j and that bufi neis occur during tne fitting ot she’ ■ourt. He alio .aikeo'tncm it they had i lidorniation of publications within the :ill ict, tharcamt under tiie sedition law, md added, tiai he had been informed, mat mere was a paper c.. eJ ,'ne ‘ Sl;r. *t* pubhlhed at VvMmmgtoi, which oct iiea u w chafes again A the ,