Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, April 04, 1805, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Volume 111: Ne. 53. Six Dollars a Year, halt in Advance* For Liverpool* JxJK2 L V THE Coppered Ship £*S3IVANN, (he will take freight on very reasonable term*. Apply to, , • . Roe £? Davies, Dc ember 31, # ts. 35* FOR LIVERPOOL. eTH HE fnin DR V ADE ci pt *"> A Davi’% will take Cotton 3T*g^£ljTv>on deck at low freight, this tifVii ■” * ‘is 327 tons and her deck s wellcafcu'Med for conveying Cotton with jkfety. for terras apply to ROB r. & j OHN BOLTON. March** 5t 61 * . „ . a IRISH GOODS 4 boxes 44XrNENS, assorted t ditto 5-4 Sheetings, Childrens Diaper and Diaper Table Cloths jo pieces Ticking 60 ditto Brown Linens, and A small, aflortraem of ciit and plain Glass Ware, just received an* Jton SALE BY Curtis Bolton & co. Mar cbtt ts- 55 __ {£s* NOTICE. All perlorwt indebted to the city of Savannah for Ground Rent are requeued to call and pay the fame without delay, J. Cuyler, C. TANARUS, Jan. 17. 4°. Wanted, TO load immediately for Jamaica two or three veflels of 150 or 300 tons each, and to hire twelve coopera Roe & Davies. December 31. ts 45. 1 ax Collectors Sales. On Tnefoay 33d day April next, will be fold at the courts in this city between the hours of jo and 2 o’clock, the fol lowing pi operty eras much thereof as will be iof&cient to difeharge the taxes due thereon with cods, for- tne following yean—m. * One Lot on the Bay No. 4, Carpenters Tything ward, returnd as pioperty John Love—Tax ißcn - - 43d. 30c. One new two (lory house on Lot No. 9, Franklin ward, fron ting on \Yeft Broad Street, fouth wardly by Bryan ltreet and near the Baptist meeting Lot, proper ty George Henly, Tax 1 300 and 1802, -, - - ad. 69c. A fing'e tenement or store, on Lot No. 5, Drayton ftrec*, Jeyk-ll T ythmg, L)arbv Ward,! occupied bv Henry Cajun, ch<- property of John Williams, lor the balance or Tax due on a Bil -Ikro Table.” for 1801. found! inpoffeflion of Lid Williams. *’ C-300, Acres land on Savannah'j River in Scrrven County, retur- i as tne properry r ,f t phraim Hunter, Tax due lor ißcct. - - - - 6d. aac. Tax Co ! jerors office Chatham County Eavannoh a?, 1805. jfames Alger, TANARUS, c. c. c. Erbr a,5 - NO 1 ILL, ALL perlons having deir.cn4 a the eifote ot Samii'l Val e a merchant oi this ory, rtf tt&*td,wili be pi- nfed iq tr,d ihou i* foqltliv atteited&'.i’ofr wbosre indebted to aid eftete vr-it’be 1c hx'od j** immediate patutent 10 ii>* luofcribct * NIC(?LL, -rtiß >Su£L 5 . WiL'JAM MhlN, l D pri’t I-. 51. ts. fax Tutu. ns. TTtIS is'the foil day that eefaultm in re turn* fol- i8."4 cm be'urneuiedi by their returt is to thtS othce. Cur. Sue*. Cixvats orrtet, Chatham County Anril 1, t’- 1 5* | -~ ||< 1 No i 1 Li-. Jkofe *4 vi*g /iv ctiint agamfl iKt btttr’ AIN XV ire -cotje lied to prefect ttxra ironedfor .'<st:.n:ent to Hoe & Davis. Jan. 31 43- 4 LL perfms bavir.g d# against the A - B te •t } HOM..VKL XH> .'CLIFT • > ; *4l n c4erti.e;;. .a tv the/'oefenber, ..vawoan, CH ,RLEi ir : -R(< is. Arfrr.mif'ratOT. NOTICE. THE fblcriber, with proft -nsd r pect, iirmg the citizens o( Savannah aid ‘h vicinity, that he ac contpliflies all manner cf Oraair.ental and Coach painting, with Mantlings, A(ms* r Cyphefs, or any other kindot Ornaments that may appear moil fuirable to taste and fancy. Ha also profeffes, Sign and House, t|rethei with Riding and Chamber Chair pain ting both Ornamental and plain, Gil ding &c. Notwifliingto tire the public with a tedious ltringaf fell befterwed praise or extravagant exaggerations which are often very prevalent, in advertite. meats.ef-tfria nattire, -prefeiins*more legal mean3, add wilhing to tv?ware oi luch impolitions. The fubferiber being rs y-t a stranger here, is willing 10 produce l'pecimens of bis workman (hip for the convincing fuisiartion of those who may he pic u fed to favor him with their commands. Michael Cana van. Tcbe heard ot oppoiite the dwel ling house of Meflr*. Mein and Mac key. ■Sept. if*. tot ts TO LET. A CONVENIENT one Story House with neceilary out huil. dings to it in Ewingfburgh. For fur. ther particulars apply to MR. Jort.v. than Clin?., opposite the house, or to the fubferiber at I.idieo Hill. C. S. BLOUNT, OtSober 26. ts. 16. ROE e? DAVIS. Have remov'd to the (lores formerly occupied by Messrs. Htmter W where they o(Tr for falc imported in the (hip Warrington and other late arrivals. 50 hhds. Ncw-E. rum 150 Baxes soap and candles 40 Barrels cider Loaf, lump, and brown sugar in hhds. Cogniac brandy in pipes Madeira wine in pipes, and quarter calks, Holland and country gin in pipes 200 Barrels beer, bread, beef and pork Claret, fruit and oil in cases Pattent, (hot, (hear moulds broad hoes tapauiJh fcg*r* in a few Package* eoarte dry gocJ, December 3K ts. Trime I obacco For Sale Br Phlnizy & Barnett. Januar.- >4 ts 43 NOTICE TO the citizens of Sa vannah, and inhabitants of the Sea Islands, While Bluff, Little Cgechce, and Cherokee Hilt dis tricts. The subscriber being appointed Tax Cclledtof for the coun ty of Chatham, for Lift iyear, one thousand hundred and four, is now re ady to receive the taxes at his Oiiicc, near Mr. P. M'Uer, and Mr. {Gardner's new white house now building, be tween Tefteifon and Par nard ftreer, South Broad ft net, frenting thefouth common. OfHcc hours, from 9 in the morning, until two o’clock in the afternoon, those that do not avail thcmfelves cf this public notice, and come forward and pay their tax by the fi.dft of June next will have ex ecutions issued against them indiscriminately, as the law diic&s. PETER DfiVfiXUX, c. c. c. ■Tax Celleffers QJfic <?, t**'*- arj i%oc. ts & SAVANNAH* Printed br LYON{if MOUSE. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1605. EDUCATION. A N sfßlinnt is immedfonly wanre, O. in the Sunbury Academy,capabl. of teaching reading, writing, Arithm tick, Eaglifh Grammsr, and Geogra ‘ihy. Such a Gentleman, with a goo* moral charafter, would be emploved with a salary, of fiv hundred dollar per annum, and his board found him— Application, to the o, the Sunbury i**v*Jcmy, ot to Mr James Morris, principal of iße intlitu. tion, wili be nutiusd, and duly attend, to. Sunbury May y, 5a ts. ■\L’U BE LEASED, FOR THE TERM OF TfFO 2'£JRs % THE Plantation in Bryan Conn* known by the name cf Sam Horn the terement is ro piy all taxes • .■ aflen-nenis incurred during the term.. to keep the building* which are o I he place, or may be erefted thereo* in repair, and deliver them so, at l . expiration of the lease He is to ; thereat anraaily. He msy cu- m,* saw timber for the erection of bu dings on the plantation, -tnd lor nUr tation life, bu; no: for laie \j iiril oi January he may tend ne,;n to put up the feme's, nesrs him'e f prepare lauds for planting, &c &c. and full pefliflinn will be delivered in all mouth of February. The plan tation may be viewed and thr pi jt teen on application to Mr. Catier Fair child the prernifes Whoever wifhr-s to Tire the place will pjnslr io fend ia their propofols in writing on or before the firft day of Die em ber next, to J/VMfcS WALL Ac FI. Lsq. in Savannah. Nd-'emh-r u, rs. j, John P. Williamson, RESPECTFULLY informs the] friends of the-'iate concern rs Wrt. MAM3PN y Morel, tbit John H Mo, cl, Esqt. baying retired from bu. tnets, he continues the FAC T GRACE V COMMISSION BUS IRE AS, on Morel’s wharf, as formerly, ?nd so!,. crs a continuance of the ir fovors. Having large fafe aid ccr,venient for the reception of ptc.ciu'-e, he hopes from hirexperieuce in tne above Oufincfs, together with h>s prompt at. tention to their orders, that he flul! render the highest fotisfadiion to a!) w ho {hall favor h:m with their luftom, Novemher *, ts. jj. L. Nichols dst Cos. Hjit \ltiiv.if'ailurer /, RESPECTFULLY inform the Public that they keep constant. 1, .11 hand, at their Store, Market •Stuart*, a complete aiiurtment of the mtrft fathionable American and Engliih ma nufactured Mens l>eaver Hats po. Do. Do. Caller Dc Do. Do. Do. Plated l)o. D>. D'*. Do. Felt Do. Al?-', A great variety of Childrens far cy Hats, all which they offer both iVh.ilcfa e and Retailj upon (lie toft ‘rafon*,bie terms A 3 he abovp huaoefs occupy th whole if the fut ferib rs ‘hey hope to mcri’, .nd would *here tnre folic if the pattona,.'* at the Public. it J i lO \LI- pi:/.|ns iit l. bred to the eltori ii tilt* id i: dr .'for .cl Mr. .miimK rre r.'tj.ielicd t indKC p:iy u.nt and tbofe t. w iicni thf eti-te i wi.i p ft*u ;h:ir<, dcmn Ji.iiti Liw.'vL Eitjwho > a tip ut ti red a’ torn*. y tor t.f . Xrti.i-n b and ts i-ttieUn att--virs £ ik eltint. )OS. MILLER, r. U. F, CHAaLrpX, VVm. CHhio i in. Ette tutors. Jan. a*. ts. tV bounty to itoneity ! If the person -who dole and rode my horse on TvecMy night, wiii return the faddlc and Urn**, Iwi 1 gave him twod< liar; tor his hon esty. He wiil accept ay thanks for not kee ping the hone. Sami. Morse. A‘ ‘ YI'WKE. TWO 1 ROOMS, LAKU YARD, STABLE AND CHAIR HVUSE, orthe Store be rente tnaconrenien (jiuation. Apply to the Pried H KiCfc. FOR salf: BY MEAD &? JENKINS. tf. 1 r> ?UK SaLF,, Acompleie saddle Horse. Apr < at (uO-piintuig office , ilt 4<* THE SUBSCRIBERS. BLiNfy appointed Artorpei-s to tl late concern of WILLIAM UiXO Cos. give notice to all those inden. .-d, that if their notes or accounts a lot fettled by the firfl of apr 1 ne hey will immediaiely be put in so or recovery, JAMES DICKSON. G.vdßGli PENNY. ‘November 19. ts. 23. THE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING taken *n'o partreilh Mr. GEORGS PENNY, beg l e .o to inform their friends and the pub. in general, that their Rufincfs will <f e ronduifeJ untUr (he ti m of Jar* !Dickson Si Ct. WILT IAM ■ r > |A\ ‘L\ > ’ . ‘ . Novembri tr<, roTT,FItH’ ~ . • . ay (tisulved h < ■ c iiOrlutd . 1 v icii e t .11 on It o h • , cllis. Mkin, M ‘< KAY L- . lur* hi'llfo, either pay or ,q . ie * heir accouios ini. tnedls.t< 1y ; and thole to whom the ar indebted will app l vto him (**> ptiyrnenr, h (_” auiluiriled to fct. tic the alT.iirs <T ilie concern, George Scott, Robert) ifber, Robert Scott. November *, ts. 19. NOTICE, ALL Perlons bavin* any ctamands againh the ellate of John Habcrlhxm deceafcd, arc requelted to fend them in properly attes ted and those who are indebted to make pay ment to Joseph Habersham. /ldminijlrator. January jo ts 38 RILLS, ON London & Niw-York for fuLe bv R. & J. B olton. 9- To hire out. ’ £ ’ \’v Otirg-o fi-llnws *rd nrc ditto women A who a good plain worker washer and Ironcr The above negr** . are recommemled a* faithfulgood tempered and fobar.—The otv ner wilUes tohire them in a family v lirr” the will be kept in Heady employ. Enqy r at the S. Ealt corner of the I’.nthaitge of h. itills. Jarfliar* it ts. 4r JUST Ri CI"IVED, PiR. ling Lr'iio* f, 0.. , he Savan’t, h cb c So't, •>: n ment ofSli-e*. A r o, fi-l! i;-i ter, Lforde, Y-inp, 1 , barrel*, 4TI pr.,of Pr. . Wine, iN. Ruin. Ai w Klciur. JAMES WILLY. January r 7 ts 4,0 Good s 0 SALT, Crate’ of CROCKERY, wellailnrt td f or ictail'-rs Cafs *>( GLASS-WARP, cnrAiH ingnf tumbler *, wines, defaiite.s. crewits. iA tih cdfon ; >hey atr well i>a* ke<( ami >hc boxes, of Ct*nven*ent fixe. nail.-, at ii Owt. Duuh j*kj American GUNPOW LH.R Dutcn LINSM DOIL, GRIND STONES. QUERN i-.t h.’indiciill 0 1 ONES, 13 inenes oiametstr, SHOE THREAD; wriurifj an wrapping PAPERa Whceaiid Brown PL.-s’ PILLAS. rlaifpint MA ( I ED I‘LrtSKo. pr dozen nr grore. BOtfLIINGCLUTHS Nos. 1.2 3, 4.<Jc 5. Blue, brown, and Ozoaburghs THREADS. OUN( E THREADS, affoited. V AFER.S, SLATES and pencils. Black CRAPE; VELVET RIB- Ban ds. Beggar* LACE, DEMIJOHNS ; GIN CASES. Mill Stones (rcA Cuilens) viz. 3 fed diametar 5. 6&7iu* thick. 3 do. 8 in. diam. tl to 13 da. do. 4 do. 8.: do. ia to 15 do. do. Su. For sale by Curtis Bolton, d*c. Feb. a5, ti. 51. Whole Number 1611 Twelve ami a half Cents fi.igie. NOTICF, Sdbfcriber intends praAifing LAW t Ht's Office is on the lot occupied b* Le, 1 Sheftall Efqr. Mord. SheftdU. Oeeemhei , ? , NO IIFICATION, rH E hnpprablc, (he Secietary of* thcNavy,Robert Smith Elqr. ha’ inlbifoted theivjvy Agent tn t<ke tiiirdiate rrcafurcs for a gun -at at this port; persons aho mav Sb (irous of urtierfiiking rhe fame/ will tys an opportunity of forming an dimare of the terms upon tvhichtitey ao eortr*£l: by -ftreii.g it-. c pi... •.,,7 .ilhudlior-s in the hands of ,fte tub r;ber, wn will receive propofols on e fubjeit until the of the enfu g month. A. S BULLOCH, N. A. D. G: ,\ugud IJ. p-j ----tfor Sale A CONVENIENT two fiery < u>, fnuJte in Breugh'etn (ticct and •jpp-cJi c to the heufe built by Mr. v l ’JNi: frj, the out budding* appertain* .1 g to foid house arc complete. An acccn*m*jdtion will be given fe* he purchufer (uflicient to make the (‘miserly Poilcflior* will be given .-it Ihe ibihii if. For particulars tn* q-'iiie cf ROE Si DAVIES. November 15. ts. 22. A few dozen of real o!J White Conllantii WTV2, for tale by Pope Cf Wilson. February *t if JO FOR SALE. I HR.EE buildtnjfs Handing on ap 1 w of a lot belonging in the Presbyterian Congreftatinn, fronting on two |> rrer9 nxcelltni Hands for bufintfi. The f/ rtmioa is lo well known that a furtbe ilefciipiion is thought unneceffory. bargain may b*- hud if applied for im nitdiately, as the owner is in want of ca/li to anfner a particnfoi p U r ro Je Apply to 1 MOM.AS PIT I'. Vovftnl-er 8 rs i’wenty DoUarslKewarcir -..m f.i'i.nat.’ftn 1 HUN AW AV TL Q ! ’he the 3d. ’ftr, j fntlant, two negroes x and, ’h-i Kffi&LjLxi, name, i* p \ about ‘5 feet S im.hes -T hi,eh and hi* wife JU. I*- LET ab: ut 5 fj t one - 11 ,mi or two inch's high, hub of them drcTi.liu blue c'ch ar th’ lime o{ tin ir el ijaancnt wi h rbeir blank, es, bo’h of them fjicai-s French and Eng. Mb, and each of them arc branded on the bread with I). V. O. Whoever will appre licinl said mtvrrcs and odge them in Savan nah 01 5i ice Boro J a iU, or deli r i h-.n 10 me inM’lnuflic nnty, <li*il u";ve the abova reward, wi'h all 0 af-mabte charges p*Vi by Edward Dervcnfrcr., March 18 tl 57 ’ RAN <a WAY, - FROM tbp SuS j ;r. >he lid. ’ r* I inffanr, A BLACK ~ ‘ j BOY,it ventrci v< arx . ab* ut 5 fee t 4r 5 inches high, ‘••• narntd Starlido. (!c a (so J c unrenaiue *rd tweaks goed F ‘ij; bit, s Country hum. IDI n when ho went awav a v;h :e olein j ark' 1 a'd daik v-Lct ns.n'a- In -ns, ru’ r.i h. t, ihc-re is ro drurt rs his hfii'j in ro u r S vsrn. h ax he has h'en seen there finer his elopc m-nt, Any !’c ton de tvering the a '* ve defenbrd n< oro to Mrilrs. Wainwripht Si Cos. or to the Jailor, (hull receive fix dollars rs ward. Jamrs Graham. I.ibefy County 15th Feby. 1805, ts. 5* Georgia” By IjHar: Crews clerl of tie court of Ordinary for the County nf Camden im the Jh<te nforefol /. WI-IERE/tS Kicnard M. D. G. Elliott and D-svid Lewis of the cijuti y and { ln e aforefaid, have applird fir letters of Ad-nii.i(tratioi 01 t! e eftxtc and effedfs of Peter Madden o said county, Merchant, deed. Thete are thcrefoic to cite and ad. momfh all and singular the ki dred and creditor* of the laid deceased, to file their objedions fir any they have) in my office on or before the firifc Monday in April next, otherwise let ters of Adminthraiion will be gran* <ed them. Given under my hand any (eal at Jeffcrlon, this ninth di (L, S.) of Februaiy, in the year eigh teen hundrcJ and five. ISAAC CREW. February 18 49