Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, April 28, 1805, Image 2

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fr'r e / <. . t ’ .? •• •*. cv.'.- /, A* -• ‘• 24, t^Cy * V fir ;;*t/ tie 5Va Lrn t’tal- ! m* h;w ‘.ci : v?-n wh* ft o- srd pr vs tuv ‘rh-v'-w aK'T ?r:T” Bah’ rot ws* it ft aw;v it the mtta'ce r tbe tiarl ot r. ;d n v-i ti flour. ’Hie! ar twovefT.-w laden wim fi>>ur bouo fr< t fire to St. Thoms* ; Mr. C —— has hat* therffcrof 16 <li>".r*, a bbS fm f. nr aJ 34 du’.k,rt< for nine, for w>tubU fuuc 1* idling at p’-efem.’’ CHA R LI STUN, Ana . A gentti rrsn esfre psfictifer in th* tiri/ /'o,.r, from Si. Thomas, i ---f nm. tti*t :i t dy before !* let that isl. and : pa>ket b >ar arriv*d in y days #• it ? ‘V adoer, with tfv irt'J’brerce ts (be Ii red f -*t had returned to J urt P-V.l, Martinique fr J Cou-'s of ih* ! irifh fl r had r ached liarl** ducs &n lie ill mftant. fjf nu, (S C ) rril t* The ! n. !o k A for ar-d *tij o ‘ant irta', o’ t eharet of forgery, between tt e ftat* E'.d A. I’ atk.efq. was thi day again brought forward in court, by Thomas li Egan, e q attorney for M*. Bnyi k to bm g thr feme t 1 a conrhjfiort Robert S'? k,tlq. folicito , in behalf of he ILitr, f ,otl ef'.r pr*fef)ted to ‘ll f ‘riuiif jury tbr bill of ir. idtinent. The Hon T homa* T aylor, Ifq senator of the lime and Beniamin Waring, efq Jati t/raforer, were biought fonwaid as v iti ■(T ‘on bihHf of h ftatr t tbr j. y H •'g called over, retired The Hun. TL tr,a T yli-r and FL rj War’pjr. rfii bring du v fwoni, prove to the full fan ‘aAion of tlejmy, the validity of thr f 1 aturt of on rooe-T* A. Oitlon *iT’ j :1 y f <>r pf'er brought tn their ver diet, “NO 11! L.L on which lii.a lion or judge Wi!ih tl fmiff and Mr. Bnyik frm the p'ofr* u ion. Air Egan then mrved the c* Ui t ter a copy of all the p oceedit.g* agaiiifl Mr Boyck, and to T 1 re to h’a Buy k the orig nal cer tfi ate ort v\! it h m prof, u ion was fount', and. Mi Sts k'h ii moved ‘hat thr trr ifi a r fhr u'd r.ot hr up to Hr Rut Ik, !?ut that hr would feud it to thr Cou p lol’rr Cencal t on vvh rh htr. I uvif fldd (T h mfrlf to the hoDOthblr j i jr, 11 a p-thetie Bud fee ling mantle of th > legality of the pro crydiuga ngaiuA him f..r near jy month*, witlnut bring ah e to obtain a trial, and In pell that the eeriificate wuu'd be re tuned to him. Mr. St.rk then said that he had rrert’ ed the certificate from thr Comptroller Get ral, and that it T 11ft 1. again returned to him, Mr. 3>vi\ 1 k > lie ved, that at the time wfitn j ~3 . tin.: td to J, n. that the c te wa* c (i t rrd fpitnoO*, he v.ilun* ta iiy, vit u. delay ami without being cvd rd on, hi ~ the et nitii.ate prelr nteii to M.. Han ikon, th n tin Comptroll* 1 ge nial, vloth he rt-tuled to accept of, and that ultimate y Mr. Itc, the prtfeid 1 .Tptr.'llsr gn erai, at .hat time Cerk'd t ehetorahle htiufe ot reprefr...tativea, t\ 1 le> 1 drd to it in 1 hyrgr *1 i 1 t bon titabh I ouf. fh> uld call for it I*- Pujck futihir 1! ft'? and thnt he ha l, . ong dttai ■ and Ttom Ids :t T tilt flair, t.hsit htß fi’:m Were exiiautt aidtha m eoui qornee ot the prof-ett t on. i* 1 and ii ci i iav uriri” to obtain h rigl t, he had been put to ui m |,k cX pu ft, that h a fan ily needed hia aitu t'on at futiu.aiid .hat tt was inc i,\e n.cnt for lim to 1,0 to the comptrollt r gem ral in Cher.eilnn, for the certifi a hit 11 w want el hire as his right. KiUiaid Coat, ilq tt , n atitireiTcd ii tn 1d to ‘he honornl 1 j: re, and laid tfiat h 01 lidirul the cut ficate to b ■ Mr 1. u\ck’a ptopr t y. and tint he was en titled to it, on which Ila honor tt judge ord 1 0 the certificate to be givu, uj i> Mr. Bti) Ik. J “XI CT •Kn March It. h t. ■ 0] /'. t i l O Tu fi.jr e v p lafi, 1 nun bit of ‘hi t z< ns of tin Ii w ; Wth til* Muglftrsti lid fill. - nfl I roc 1-id totfie houi. 1 wimh i t j;nn 111. trt ! hc beci f. 1f mt tmii cx- I .titl’d ;Lx on and > utility burnt ii 1 1 the com ItiuL y t.l Kcpurt lay thst cl ut ‘cut tin u'iud dohiiia tin bed. taken ty the } n pruiors ot tn s> till *1 i.unng the lhi-rt tipic it was play ed in L-ixm^tou. ft cm tl. I *t vi* tJI bey, Thete ere, in the trailitii n* of the Cfn-piv yan li ihanl, ftiug allufiotis to Ivive o* ti.i (ta tt leti i- k.ibit v.nis, r cur • 111 in itu early pnii u o’ tuned lull ry. T nen notion* ot iln cie linn ot the world Ii fall of nan, bik. he o ftiutti pby th. f I'd, mutt bV’ ongiuaicd fiotu a Coai j.if urce wilfmu.-s Tht Bcfciipilon <1 Iti lc ivtnts. given in t.ic loliuaing cx latt fr* m M,EKf"’sv, ygn,tlou„b tii dir rff iftit B ut a, rc lin f tbds ti t’ly v.-ry difiimi rto ibof giveu ta the Mi l) Liipturc* t— •• Ti e m non which tl. .fi people ( tie C licptwy*’ -) entertain of tli • crcat'cm *, it * vityii .u ar itaiuix. Th< y be. In vc dial,si ti. ti, tuc gibe wa# oik-vatl t 0x iiitire ocean* hii -bncd b no Jlviiij; vii-'U-t, xc< pt a ui.hiy lar;-, v ie cv> wrre b.e, whefc gtai’ cs wire Ivhtnti g, ltd ttic ulappii j. ot v hole w'i.v* v*cii tl on* er. L‘u ins del cent t„ 1 c octiD and tv.u>hjiig it ti* trh u !’ ti y <r fl and leinaiiied on itic lur farot <i..'-ii. Tin* i.rmipot.n ]'rd cslkd finti aif the ammala (roar th: c .ti, cxceyi tb. Clitj .vrjans, whower ji. -oced from a dug ’ ‘i Li cxwm .u.iiaiy -rsd.uoo pioctco* |* e-t*e <* bs *".* F ’A. . . r, a wr L e an a no, v nicn o bc.p.nfe s- t)i goat n", and to eaei uritou b<-o ; out tb.At the Chtpo •y': were so id af Oiderflanding if to carry It away ; and that ti e fieri ir fi enraged the j„'reu Baid, that be ever finer apnesretl. “ They beliiv: a!fi>, that in ancient imeathrir anCtftors livrdtid their feet were worn ont with walking, and their br’oit* with easing. They deferihe a hlttge* when the vrate-j Ipread over the wl i*ft nrb, except the loghr.‘t iroun a J ne, on the top* of which th’ j prtfer ved tbcmfclr'6 ” Their notion* of immortal *y are fc-h * trufi have a powerful i'fl -eree on thr cofdod of the living; and ex’ pt’.ig •heir ftnfuaii*y, conform to the Christian doftrine of a future R.-fe. Th ir r-~ wards are bestowed, arid ptinifhmttHS in flie> and on the farrt pnncipl*. “ Thry belitv .hit inmu'diately after their ’eaih tl ey p*fs in o another wor'd, whi re thry ;mive at a large tner, cm w'-icb th>y -mh'irk in a ft me canoe, and a gerit l - corrrn beats them on to an ex'ei fi e lake, in tlie 11 ntre of which i* a -1 it beautiful isl ,r. ; and, tnat n> view of th' deltghtfu abodi , th V r ceive that judgement f>t'tsri ’fnir londutt 1 11- ririfx l.fe, wii cli iftmiuatis their fi al Hate and unalterable all Hment. If \ki ir good nr declared topredonmia e, h y Brela-dcd upon th,’ ;fl‘i:d, where ..*► is n<- end to their hap’ ,t( ; which, hmv ever, accordirt to hi- ro'.ioiis consists r.i an et irnal enj, • rrw of fenfud pba f i e an cari ai , a h “ n. B'it it thur bud abtions weigh oown the ha. Igi ee, tl'e ftonr canoe fi ,k at, and ’ Uav-s them uu to thsir chins in t he w ttr to b hold and re .ret the r .warU t j .yui [by the good and eternally [with uuavailng tnf nv, n to toe th ils u fl <nrt trom which they arc [cludeu fbicvr.r.” FROM THE MUSEUM OF DELA ware. NOBODV— ye,Nn’ ody—and why ; not F— As for tny fmglf fclf 1 fee 1 0 just taufi-or imp-dimc it why r. y name and a newspaper fhomd noi be j nned togethe-, j in theltcnuou* bands of fcublmg wi di'ick ‘as ary other ai v body. There is Iy< ur Busy body, and y >ur A ytiody, acd you r be'm body andyrur Everybody tach.each in his turn iuns the race of typographical uotoriety ; W hilft I who j bualt a pedigree as great, nay. (Seing the <id'ft of the body tamily ) of uieaic an t quity than either, am count and ;o i*roup 1 tlitough labyrinth* of nt 1 r e verbal con (> quvuce. Against fuel an unequal dif trtbu-ion of rights among beUrco if tbe Line principle, of thr lame lc* ure, ( ; 101-mly pmtrft—and moie tfpreial y |aga;utt the unhallowed profanation of my good name and character. \t a in my own proper capacity 1 %-n refoiveii to defend both 5 and contrary to a ctitam o. TMiifopher*. bu v, tnai I Aw body. pi fT’ it the fun ianuntal priu v puiof *<Tra/bdy, ormittir ; 111 *f l ucb SB [ oictipv fj> >cr 10 wit ifn tn and br..t Jtti liiwugh as tor ot curimtni. Ab urv eucnv s—-that if, nil the world utter daily calumnies o i y tame ; ught .not then to avrrii; 1’ ? bays Guo ,y Lall r, *’ J • f.r ! y <:wi l a: the iuio ot vuii is!’ y —carouG g ■ rv ‘ i,i to t -Yti ■ was v.’ it’ y 11 lad i,ah r*’With m., me, suit her—no o •7 t’ Little mailer lets fall n i^Etfs— >’ bn k —hi comes the i.urfe d.rrati 1 w tio tJ t is F; No b dy (* Miss b* alovt i— *i;. f. y late—lit X’ aortiiinr n female h 7 and i o it, (JOt tie B ‘"ty {,'/> a <ehl/f>t*S trj thingt • •thefete,J Tie ctdlu on her, Sr after fume hir eh,>t d-y'y obs. rv.s. wr.y reall M li-.-i'.a, you it w indilpnfed to-o y—l t..r you r. lied ill last ri ht—Qh 1 while l il'iiik oi it,prithee what rudeireaiure k p 1 y. u up so U'.fcafi!r. ;k!y F” “ Ru e ! in 1 1 ((lirntneii'ic'and crirrfonin,') hy ; w ~y ; Nobody 1 (Z tin ti 1 when I’d iw ar b\ the jrholt ot 4 thadgw that I nev r saw ib hurvy.) 7 Uti diah Primryfe is a be*u—he ft'Ut* ,b>.ut big with bitr.felf—wears a fnza .-d crop—b-’ Iter cravat t 3 inch veil ; taik pan eioott 1 Nijutow knots with taff-.i* ; carri. s a fix inch rattan, and vifita the ladies- Thu ether day ir a la*ye circle w ilfti fficicufi/ aCtirnta lady to takefom* eßionaiK wh . h the hnd repeatedly de dined, he tumrd a part of it upon her gowa. A foetid but cid nut at the'noment fee the trinfidion ihortly after obs -. vii.g he gown foiled inquired who did it ? Maria, twitting Ut> the tip ut her note sad glancing at j Oiadtah. replied with bu'drfq'ie fo'-ou.i ity. “ Al*. 1 l —Wna. an iafuit ion my name! A y wursn make* a f He fi*p ; jit le:k* cu: ; All the world wh’fp-rs [“ Wfcale- is’: ? whose i**t ? and ihc f-m world malicioufif unfair*; “ Xibt.y inen-e’ (’ lud nl 1 when 1 know noth Uj> b u’ is.j Bu tU.fc are on’y fin “R thr ft’ ; tut ipetiy ia ceaiet ou ir.y icput itton ; In ifutu’-e number I may exuolc frmc of s jmo e htinou* m ut. Mcsntitre, If T.inter, as lam wu.i’ gto b-ar all that |be-lonjj to n.e ii'ou'd my coutii, nv. body ik >ou iv 1 ,1 w itc* lbi, y iu’rc vt.. coatl to tell ti Ul It <8 NO ‘GDY. Ft on the (K: ht. iv ) ti e ‘rm ,*nr !•; HOI’SEHULU 1 vIPjCOVcsMExv L LMVrrptio* of t'c Clof* Fre Place, in * vcuuu by h. Q- /tea, C*ii h-v, ?• t*! tr 1 r v * | 7 ’ * i.t :e netifcil 10 uer. a.cor .itg tr law Th I fi e tlac • re either f.—med entire of ea'i Ir 0, or they may b- >'i h o’ c .ymit'O' l are jb -hav 1/ r*A ir>n . j mbs the man |e r the fame height, j Th : s j mb projc&t .beyond the front of i thetrmtif, fc ata pltte of fhset ir.n or 1 tin may piay u,r id oowri by and before . •i he front of the tnatitle, v ’ u a groove ( ,n t l e iamb*. This plate fi’ted careful ly in the er;>v‘, nnc to tr.c -.vljo'. f-Z<- of ; the front jrth -fi e place, plays op and rwn it* tr.ti e htsgh? btbiu* the rafting of the brtaft t rk or tin piece, lufpmd • ed Viy weigh 1 * foa*- to form anequiiiVium atv i* di.figned to dole the whole ep-r- , tu*e of ’he place at r'eafure. It this ; place near ike bottom. i a fin a”, door 1 for admitting *••. Th’g pLce so, <m in , fad a mev able mantle, and is the m-ans ■or corvetri-’g th • opto fire piace into a j ch'fe flovr at rdeaiure. t The conftrutftion cf afi e p’uee, rrga i ding enventnee tn the prepar.tion o f fuel, culuit ry uuipofes.and ? ming a 1 room, l br’teve to b‘ a fimi ’ man- . \ t*l, a half tnitr j irrb, a‘ft much hi h-r | ! than they ate I'titiMV fu” in Ame rra Th-s j bie 16 t U'l’y gaiarde agaitift fnt"ke, and it - u -tan *ne higher the mant-.l I*, the greater b...tfh wili be derived from ti- ris.itt When wood is L'd on which it is de- 1 signed to k cdle by lu ing d"iwn the plate to the In a-th, ?.nd opening tlit fcrall do> r at the b,ttool, t’ a rorri.rt oi air be tomes f contra(Stcd a>o j r p c s lorethly in thr fire and occafioc it to b tra very rapiaiy. When th*. n-e in k dec, afe the plait as high as may be ad yet !cntinu’ to th. chtmnay. Ii dry vea- j the plate tpaybe ratiVi mu*h hi .h;r 1 th.ii cotmr.''n roar-te's; tn wiudy and damp w a'htr it v;tli L/s luWirse. us oc cafl.m may t q ire. I .At the option oi tbs fa ider, either ft >ne, buck i r iron, rcay be Ulrd in the con tl ruction of thofc firt places It ot j 1 iron, the whole sd y be fc. apart from the ’ wail, and derive additional, from ! the fceat; if ot duns, or urn k ‘he aper. ture mas be on any rouftrutt.on, only v'tth tn .ir'.h.’d mantel, and the p!a f e playing up aid down in a gro-v; tn the ij-iniiw formed of th< fe materia a. It ■ evident that a bed ot coa's will wjV as fiawly b hiiid this p ( a?e when let d-jwn a* in the dole hove, and it i; and. munii’ a ble that ih- heat fper.d* a* prcfiiab y The front pia e may he painUd tonfor m„biy to tnc rcon, and be • utrcmely or nam. ntd, cfp.ctal ytn fuoniner, when it m y tie wt down ana con.pletdy uUc the ti e p *e. Ge T>;id Re, übiican, u 1 y > FATF INtVu T-^rNCER If 1 a. I Tv u *l.l ft/ U,XA A. S h v'’ . NivAu, April 23, if $ COMMUNICATION. N fins ti JingJntnll He’s lirV •’ Jidd -f-Mcjjurts itier j earn by hit own beihd - rii .suvi. cne al ar UecuDe hr is lia hi-nfelf up ; d fe'l'w, il'd nor M >rfe tel! | thep h 1 c n rbur-dir lad 7 bv - he had n~ hi ft n writing tic pr-duftion* figneJ “ Cana r?” SPECTATOR. CONTMITNICATION. Th* gmveft tosveis eererdl • the firft to ! rr\ u thief t so it is with fyis’’ in SaUr ,li ’* Mutium Hs his plainly disc'verts, hw i deb'y to ihe worli, by refnring thofc in Vr‘ puri'ui., of ruth to the fSjUnce” a r r nor .riruftv knovm f-r fla'idemus and libellous publ catiens, and fsr wh’ch ‘he sdi •r has already boon severely pu ifhed. Was I fuiti a pre *"d r r,, B ty—fueh a pie'e dd ißvocat* of fitly I v-u'd ret'**-my fHeads to the Bibtv for thife *nu■ lis eh uh Qtju” w c'.d mike tire public be ’ if jve hi* h Ids m such hteh eftimati it.—l irotll in it advif* them to advert to that infa j vn us v. hiele of h ackguardifm, th File of ! Ha 1 rv C ofwe’d’s Balance. Mr thirks he has eompletelv eim ! de-nned .*a- a S'w u ••nrj'chi’ language* f ; Mr M isg ir Se.jte'f.ber t I, and haw he ex til* sir his vifitry- ButrecoileA Mr. Qji2, rha t ,■ dMr M :rfe never foffed a! Yorn M\ He ijn ; ! ftiil assert that he never hid, A i r jUvimjj reafisus—hee-iufe ynt never had rv. M rfi-has fcoffej at th 1c impafters who C ‘nteai utmer the cloak of religion, the great ell vi Inns hi’ everdtf raced human nature— the greaieft despot that ever tTinsn ed a free pe-tde fi and l. You are not euftiken in v cr idea that I coincide with Morse in this pa'ttcuiir Noril„ Ibe leve I widely mis taken i” an cpimon. that yoa, u.iiUr t'ne cl akofpietv Would fair, h—l e tl, public pi efet the Balai ce to the Bibe—th .t under ■he cloak nf piety you would oppreG the wi dow & the f t h-r e> —*hv under the cloak of pie y, r u won’ d-nr ved tne hu’band nun of his hard earn> v .a under the cloak of pierv you would r u th* Virgin oi all that is dear to h-r, and brand her a'ine with e;e -m! infsmy. I for.iesr to *n ’r into a further tion 1 f your p iv r cir laE'-r, f. r p ameuia i .’jfor.s, knowi < tlmt your very ful w uid tl,udder a. the u ; kuswing hat ycurcha r—•*•*, as an in lividt’il w uiu tiy Infers in veftugation, ‘:k* chart’ be{-rt the wind Bu I donut deem r; necctlar. to take ficther nice f y;u V u have, like iO”ci d-mve! > ourfeii—Y u have condemned v u tclf, by pre eni ng to be a warm ai'. xae t r-’lipon ana referring rnrh-hurueri to he Farewell. C-truoa. s* Tr-n'-b canfcrip* lately f ‘tin l irn*j odifcrt, none &f tbe p fT.s ot the Py nn „■* hr was ftopp dby the French nftitary commander, wo tdV-c! h ; m whe ice he ca n l F'-’m Ma'a a. rcp'itd e man who fiaa never be u> beyond the li ft Spanuh viiiagt. The comm .after, I.armed at ih. name of that c iy, where ‘ie yellow tever w a then *• it he pht, .nt t tie irr.xrdiatcly oer tn* ron'jtr into Spain, u..dcr a.i tfc.iri, 2-i .0 h i uu luiaii m . a. v.t‘i>u —ic-on .■ r * T the Rr. U* ![£*!• Ta*. NsLArro. IIOAACa, aO£ BO'AK I. Nn-v pi* eng- . In er insl.g mv, Aud cia ‘g’.'ii or ur -1 inii'es m .c gay I F.ivo.iia urtere* fan the plan And ‘hip. ir launched t.i o the nmn. N” cat le vw t - italls rCirt it “■ pi J.hiriiii hovers o'st bi fire, N r h ai r .t in near nvs teen, fi in ys -.iieit m intie green. N v i th* a <e >y Vet us ied e moonlight ihining overhead 1 Trt • - n*K u.'-no is and ti-ic - r'und, With ee iiteriiaie, fuake tie gr .uud. Tiie heavy Cvcl ips round heu fi ,g To’ arii-ut V'i cn n \v and i h urge, hoar fi a, he f,lining t pa. t- bird la rr r-le le ,vas with d:ii e,. win’d 1 O: with th le flower he brows ad'ra Wh'di of .ue 1 ii.e ‘d earth are bora To r a ut'is ..jwt sac i..ce, A ,and ir- -&e g-a efui luce .fie rife Be earh -ti“ sh .de, or fb uU he c'atm I A nirrV* l.'d or ten dor lamb. iMe d*a h, with the dec*etes of fa e ii.nocks at the pr.ud cr humble gate, W’theipial frce : vmh fieidy pace fi 11 tints a king or beggar's race. Then happy Seftius, i. a hefor.g— ----j W hife life is th r , h jew i’t be 10-g. Ah ! so n ppreffi dby fr. ‘kd ghoft* Ad night, and P aVs fhadow* eo.-fts Y u thal m in m wn h die* divine Who 6s and 1 be*thewi..e 1 Nor tender Gyctdas admire, firm it'm the youths receive new f-re, jL en now -and f con each rip‘mng charm. WiU every virgin boforu w aim, PHILO. r r th* (l- VBhtCAK. ! pt ~M -bo f-"otrinrr feeble attemnt 1 w-tl ro w apyri-bition, tbr autl.or woali bj obl ged by i-* ln fertua. f hzz Sye mournfully nrv.itnr, *nft loosely a< ray'd, . F-iizn <j*ji tte 1 , 90 l bafcly betray’d, . her bead to the earth (heir!* clinea, Wkilt uf compofureberbofe® lefigna, Tlie nr. mfter, who wrong’d her, tbe wretch she believ’d, Soon wt'. her t£c4tion,as fi&on asks <V civ’d, For love, and efteeta, ererUfting fc” f.viite , Stic vow’d and cnnCftcd, L I coriijuifi waa u’er O ! wrong’d anft much i ju.’d tr.o cre dulous fr ir, ‘ Tis ruin he gw.-8 thee for foadcefi Cn c re, fij* k’ elt, sad be fig h’d, thy eFc€Uc& he won, Ks*6 fl > i frier ’hy fight, and bit Jest thee_ nrt co . And ft ii to add mars to the height (rs her pain, The brother who lov’d h r the villiar. has Gain. .•fad tie liv’d, the disgrace cf his.fitter for ora, Abandon’d deforted, he ne’er cou'd have borne. , VFar relort bapltfs maiden, is n>ve to you Is ft, ”y kind ed r j. Aed ; of brot-her bereft, The midnight ex -efe* ala, sos the stew, A'cne ar: ncr.v open to want, and to you. But aHho thus a mark, thou art fettled for from, Yet fay not, ‘twore better thou r.t’cr hau’tl been borr., Sine* a caourufni example, thy drftinyM be, Tovitgina hereafter, i’ng Ike thee The smile of eonten ment, Etixa must Wir, While her bosom’s corroded with ai guifh and car*,. Each lmiic on her cuc.k is a pang in bet heart, New skill’d, in r. c pic , and pra&>* > and m art. : Affix’d o* the name of the wretch m blot, j Who wrong’d and feduc’d her ; no this is tier lot, The ficuccva caress’d ai the blame is I bet awn, Tae feriuc’o is tae vieftim of cenfu e a one, Unable t o combat the torr- ni of grief, i SheflLs ‘o the gooiet alas far relief, Poor ia xa’s intuited and Ico-ofully us’d, j U arumiy treated, end vilely abus’d >No longer now able iXtftencc to b?ar, . dihe fai s the 14a vijiitn of glojir.y dtf * . * M,r - Sue B-its in the grave, and her asm; is forgot ; Such, inca i>, aid! t the poor proftftuti’. iot. w. B M. A.* a fi'e which took p!aoc iq dc’pbia ou Sunday iaft “ Th- aia-m was c'> -fift*r, hle hft .-h: ■ cncd by f ne information ol the Ocvupi jrr of-he ft ire, tha- aqu rt*i kg, com | ta’ -ing 25 oonnd* of pvai-.r, ivai tt.i j red in t * iofi, on Friday !itt, fit bving I thp trt ft fecire p’ ice, as n litr can le, 1 nor lantbern, wssever p rniiteft to b I canted there ) Let t S t;.f -ina ion. j which a’ a iv oth r lime w -u'i have ert ated terror, had bu v little,etfeft <>•- to R.ta*; x ■ ions, in wtiten ■/ 1 Piters dnt 111 gu ,n a irimfe f, by * lL.nt iv a- ji iog to tbe Lh f.- p ig tnc keg, cavtr-i with a nor: le •a ,v t< ba< , men on fie in f*v a’ p 1 1 . b*a mg 1; ctf with c'Jttfi.ciapi- n. aari.” Pv Intel* T * c ff-.'ter owf'V.'i (’ ‘ a fe* - T.c or. Tori 4j I ‘IB V- £ l E.. 11 g I I’ ® who will be fospr ti and of a v-* f£ - 1: W tor B naparte.— 8u ‘.h*r* is n t any thi: ? rro*e triacbievuca f r this count’ y # than the op’u'.on, that 1. is gem: f d-test-d ta France ; and w; hr'ft it • duty to caution the public fur\ n-freprclcntations. The tru*h h l.<e thii kino part of the people (anrt how very f.-w are they in Franc* 1 ) nay no f r li(h the fyftemef govern fr-'nt he has cftab'iftifd ; even ih. fe are divided in ttitir sentiments; fotn* fe cictiy aspiring aftrr the vrfi >nary pban tr.m ts a republic, and fotr.e deiirous o 4 ;he nft ra.iot; of the Louse of Bourbon A8 to the tm-fj of that light, and trtfirtg ration, we aan afiure cm rcaderc, on the ti ft amherity, that t,o feiitiment is farther from their hea ts, than that of difaffr&ioc to the present government. \vboev ris couverf. nt wiih the hiftorar of the French ruvcluti. n, jnuft k*ow that the French people *ea had a eirar idea of the principles of li berty ; ar.d that under the various sac. linns whish have domineered since the fail of their lawful monarch ; they have only experienced various forms and (napes of tyranny. Perhaps tbe pre- Lut L one of the mildt ft, though -he will of the government be evtry where eofor* ced by the bayonet. In other reflects, the French peopl* cc-fijgr themfclves as obliged by isona parte. He put an end to the fa&iont agitated the country before and which made every individual tremble tor his own rxiftence. After year* of anar chy, of which they were so heartily tl n-d, that they would have WtlcomeA any foim 0 defpr titn in its room, he gave then foj&e'.hir.g tike $ regular g ,- veroment. 11 e gave them a!fo cxterral peace ; he gained great credit by thaX even t and in the meat end drgradeA iate of the French pr is, he hnx had tht ddrefi* to throw ell the odium attends ding lue renewsl e>t tioftilitirs upon ua, A.bov* ail, he has grst’fird their vat. ;y t the predominant feeture in the retie character ; the passion nuS car.fift.-nt with s cation cf (laves, and aim oft tne only p*ffion (th; icnfaal oaes excepted J; whiah Caves are eapabi* of fteliag. He aas called theta the Great nation, and it mu ft he cunfeffed, his victone* have made thtm fuch-*-Whatever complaint* tray be raiLd a air.ft bis uoverutneatf hey arc enfwered at once in the (Bind of a Frenchman, ty the recrlleCtion of his vi&oms, ar.d their cnsn.grrfttaefe r a nation He f.s prt.tiStd another ru big pr.lfion of this eantemptib'c people* h: paifion for f.-ftivitica uud fpediaclca. He has exhibited proftrete end captive princes in h’S train,and has conciliated :he fuperfttticuf by the medium of the .i oft (vrvilc of all inftruaients, but cne of the molt powerful—the pope ; and by holding timHf forth as the tempo 'a! Head and Piotedtor of the Catholic Church. F.vcu the title of emperor will ftreiprh*n sis claim in the eyes of r.o mall portion of his adopted country, men t and the oceafional fevsrities of h'. Jiivsmtneut are calculated, among a peo pie cf their ahj if character, to excite a Lie'.ary ferro,, rather than disgust er ja dignacon. There is, indeed, r.ot virtue enough in Fa net to admit of thtir cherishing a kg tims'e 1-ve of freedom. Pleasure is the idol of ive y Frenchman, and if h canoot have it as he wj*!d, ha will have it as he e;ii. Thr patronage wicLicd by the Freceh government is un.nenk. It extends to all ‘he apppiutments in the ftarc, in the i giflatire bodies, in the ar. iny, in the church in the law, ev*n tp the mnyors of municipalities and juftice* of the peace, who a e innumerb!e. Thus above thir(lt> of what the. Trench called, U idi-r republican rtgwten the cHive cit z+it of the nation, are ao* tuallv pensioned by the government, amt this patronage is not lkr that of eur gevernment, u and t akgdfc live i fl ience to be distributed among those woo p -f ----fTs parliam-’'ta'*y infl-.eiKe. It is m the u'urp?:’i own ab£ciu?e d'fpofd, and for his own pu*pof es. We have Rated thi-fe fsiSe, tn fhrw the futility or eve the danger of rely ing on fallacious repo-t of the prcbahiU j ity o a ehange of gnverowent ting amoßit the French ptGpfe Eugliftimen not deceive tnetr.felv?*. If any thing ia to be effeded for Europe* or fur Fnmce, it ur.aft b* by their own vxlov, fecondcd by ar. upright and cor. co operatioa of the great power* of Europe, at wmich, from force Ute e vests, w* r* dtfp ; i{?d not to defpa r. To ncou-ag; a co .trxry Bpiaion, w .u’4 b■ to encm *jr* falfe hop , ra'h pro j Sid rui-ou expeditions Frron th* Da'ch, and poflply from the Ita [Mans, an apportion msy reafon’hly b# lexprft'dto B -mpirte’s govrrem. nt, fn case they feel themf-Jv j llrongly iqp. parted by England ani the treat pow er ; but tmhiiiT is t i b- ixu*cfed fron tn* French, but ;., a a; ,4 ci sap. porntiuciit i We r cor ’ the folio’s ing ass -are j(j, ft nee cl bcroifm. which has Mcom brea in-palled, a .ii which m.ris enumeratiofl i am ing tiie many d'fplays o! cool and cot, icctcd c u.a 6 e via sod by oar cr ub r. [*=• C y Cz;u, \ grr.'l Ti .i, woof* veracity tr.av bu Heo nii - o , (uy; a late Njf'olk ile ;ri.u) nan ico us tn-: fohowing .iti of tn* : ’pamth ‘N ay t>u th ijth of ja..u*ry. -ail.-.;x a 1 ttiips of the utt ana C rfi s .u fctroi, 16 ffiijis of tU line c 4 f -iga-..5. 9 j at Cmhagena. u ffiy, w f tti fc M *0- 7 .'„a cs.