Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, May 02, 1805, Image 2

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AUCTION.’ | tN ’d'.rdiy • h infl uit />■ fU at tie Vendue ’ /lore Moriel Jja’:. j Tw> t,o'l tunury we-rirg tp- j J-.U, j*i nying to tV* c£l,ite cf Henry J. C MUgc decl i> * order of tie A d-nrx. , Job T. holies. M .v •> y ! u V",( J CO SAI KS. | OV F.iJry nrx‘ <rjl T.t, will be tollon t (■'.}’ h u<e tub rs <u/it hoist reserve, j ’ ’ 1 p i e T-bacco. hale to com meace ti uVi r 1:. C n lit ions Crjb. j ;J. i\ 15o'!=“S. ¥’y 2 7° AUCTION VXTIi-L b- f*d at Airli ion Wed eMiy Vi 2.1 ini. it ‘Of V'cn. ue .tore, ct Sqiare ecct -m tore r parcel of iam; in t: • pi- fti ■{"■’ ri.t Chu-rh b’ u* two 1u v d.-ed t ■ 1 • f “ w’- K * * fame mwe oriel* b-u 1• 11 ‘he ,; me : survey na • fide* by vaci'tt ‘i i, plat and grant n.y be feet at any lime previous to the Lie. Conditions caih , b . An ii. ’ 72 P-'ivate ‘‘ale Lot NT a. i. Green Wrrj 5 F co r .tisr Dr u.hton Street, 6o fert on Broach, ton ftrcet, 9D feet on Ifaft Bran,-’ ftr.e'. With a neat on: and half ftjry honfe, kitchen, Garden dec. te ms eafa and price moderate. Job T. [5 ilts. May 2. lit. 70. r ur l x V ~.. <v . >L, , et Thefnip * vr>'> B'umv.i c h. N> Jf* IP ns. Callahan , maftjr. to fall on nr hfaorc tbc ayu inltant. C.e gbr o; paffgs apply on board at Finn's . whorl, ar to i hos. & Wm. Smith, Market /pare. May a. at 70 i o be Kenred. Aknufe in Oglethorpe fq'.nre. VH* a Si tthern iron',cut buildings ar.Jg.od )*ui 10urn, apply to Curtis Bolton. May a 6t 70 20 Dollars Keward. B’dOK open on board ‘lie fch’r. Three Sillers, .11 Monday ni;;hi. a trunk c >n tafaingthe papers of the V< IT:I aul fune \vr irinr tepjrarel of ‘hr cap nius, all of svhici. werecarrialolf ; as the pipers w 1 1 be of n ufc ti any perl'on, the el “ht. and alive re ward will oe given to any per foil returning them to cup;. Ste w art “ b u.d, rto • >li'> I ad. May 2 [(_ I'l f or La I V r.'VKb’ * i ‘* Ij'vnmediate appV:eatt:n -r mads, i ‘tibH-r'V Ths Brig ‘USING b 1 ATF > JoHK L ICKEY, niafter, 158 tons hurtlien, ll ivrs well and fails fail. For freight or paflage, apply to John Mead. M.:<r .3 t s ro <■ iV ‘.J 1 PJRiU VMT tc order f the l.tfcrie. C oct the credit'. - s of u ta l “ Gild >n are informed that U nda. the fl.t h Mi., it sffignel as-he da;- fir g; anting him the fit of the Infolvnr la ’■ ac ids ps ti ti n, unit fa c 1 if.- - ins all to the r •..trary $. Morse, Aliy, for Pci'r. M IV2 2 t 7 J DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, J i hi’ A1) *U tali {. f <t STI Tl'.S, I'lrrk. J yi,. P a', lent of she (f'tiled Stales, to the Marjh / of tbe D: <t)id of Geos g.a, Grebtiso : JCH* Rt-lS a lihel hath been exhi bited ami filed in this C idrt, a the schooner Laura, her Tackle, apparel and Furniture, by Asa L'e'nap iate mate mid J >!in King now nate, ami Peter aigo qii ft a men and mariner on board tiie fuid f, homer : Now therefore, ymj a ce commauded to cite and admoutih the imfi-r and all perfous who have or pre tend to have any r fght, tit e, intrrtft or claim, hi to or upon the Lid schooner, now lying in the port ot bav. nah, whereof afa Bel nap. now is or late was tr,after to he and appear before the hon orable William Stephens, esqr judge of the t.iuT court, at Savannah, 01 .ne ucond dayot May next, at io o'clock in the forenoon of the fame d<v, to ant ver the fiid Libellants on the merits of the Ltd Ldiei. so that juilict rosy be done itt the premife*. Wit"efs honorable W,ilium S:e jpHcrsi efq. j 1 ‘ge of the feid court of admiralty, fir the ditird of Georgia, this fifteenth day of april, in the year of our lord one tnouLnd eight hundred and iv*e and of ‘hr Atnctican I..dtpeu dence the t„ ‘ntv ninth. j) iCJES ij BERRIEW May 2 70 Per LV. ell.nts Wanted to HiKe,, AlJejfro ffrann, t-< COOK and V<TASH fi v a vor■ fma 1 family. To one whi y tiTI honeit, foocr aadinduArn id v. will b* >'ve • Nae need p p.y. lir.T->re ai thuo'Sce. S.n>! Hirtrs at Fir-t, In cases of arts *n liable*, it is very d’tfieuby to remove horn*, as v. ry few of their, will fan; the Himes A gentleman wh# has ref'atedlv fueceeded in fii those valuable a.timuUiu (u.-h circumit*n cc*. ls- >t*. that if me haruefa betarowii over a dr*u dit, or the faddie pi iced or •l h .k o'faddie horse, tbac he rair be led avsaltly out of the ttah'c, as o- occafioi.s Should there be u luuiv UU’ a bridle tor the hiiter,| lUc Uvi’. to nan will be litii more certain. NEW.YORK, April, u. We learn from the of t’ e Bing', Capt. Anrrflv, arrived 3t Pniladelpi'ia, f-om Canton, that, rn -unday the 24th ult. off Guadalou -, they difeovered aL I in ch tce of t - fa ip which was continued until IO ■ i>l whn ihe fred a ihot to windwa !, and a second through the ringing a-.d t ter hailing and ordering the thip’s beat orj bo .rd, which was refufed, coutii.u and to follow the ship during the nigut, and n the morning commenced a fire of muf quetry, was rtturned from t ie B"~gham. fter rxcl'a"g’r'g feYera'faat the ship fiidhip h’r of much fuperi ar force, being a Frerch p ivaretr fchoorer of 14 spins, and no men, the colours • ere struck, & they boarded theßmgham On examining the P'prre, they lett t.oe fa p to puifue her course. No other injury was fuftvrted on eith.r , fide, than so ne mutquet balls palfit’.g th the r'gging and fails. Nus.rolx, April t 6 TiepAp Crntor, belonging toßahi more, commanded hy Capt. Andrew Sierra, of the American Navy, fa lo g > xptded on a return voyage front Mus cat, we now have u in our power to give i irr.e account of. We are truly forty, for the like of tl.ofe concerned in the property,but much more fiom our know ie .gc and eftet rn tor the relatives of tome of chufe on board, that it is not of a more ajrct tiafp.r?. i Ihe B it.'fh brig H .pe, ciptain M’- G'orge, arrived here this morning, in her passage from Greenock, on the a 6th of February, lat 32, N long. 43, 41, we fell in with a ftvp, which bad 101 l all her maths s on boarding her, found that ihe hid been defertea by hercrew. Si,t p a vtd to be tiie !h;p Canton of Baltimore, lately commanded by Anprlw Ster ret, from Muscat, loaded wkhCoff-c, Medicine, and Salt Petrc. Every move able article of furniture had been token out of the Cab'n. She had 101 l h-r rud* hald. After pumping hrr out and 5 id. i.ig (he was quite light, took, otft 116 bag* of Coffee, 12 hales of Medicine, and k.-pt her in tow for three weeks, while preparing anew rudder. On Mon day the 17th of March, then in lat. 24, 20, N long. 50, we got the new rudder (hipped, but the heel rope giving way, .hey woe obliged to hoi ft it onboard again by the (hip's davits ; and got a ft >ut chain in place of the heel rope, when they found the rudder answered very wcli to by. “On the iSrh, apt. M’Gcorge sent h's mate, carpen ter, and imee men on board, with pro vtfion# ad water fuffirient to take them to Antigua t k pt her in tow ttii rrid light, when it la.nng calm, call off the two lines, and lay to until 6A. M n xt morning. He then gave orders to his mate to carry the Ihip into Antigua, and parted with her. The foregoing is an abftratfi of the entries in the Hope's log book ; the fol lowi g papers were found on board By this we have the fatisfadiou of knowing that the liv.s of the offierrs, and those of the crew who furvtvcd at their date, have at leal been prcfai ved. “, l3c s—Lnt. long. 3? ( “F is -hip Coiuoa, Andrew Sferret, malt-r trm Muscat, bound to Baltimore, was difn.’.fted in a gale of wind off Cape Henry, having prcvioufly 101 l more than iialf iter crew, by scurvy and fevers— On the 27th of November, bore away for the \V r . Indies. On the 6th of Ja nua y, we loft our rudder, and hove the ■hip to ; the Captain and officers only able to (land the dick. Since then we hare made every exertion to get the fttip into port, and found our endeavours fruit ic-fs. We made a rudder after Packing ham’s method, got it along fide, but ionnd OuHelves too weak ‘.O manage it, end of cou fe loft it. A Swedish India man taken us off the wreck, after trying ail in his power to tow us into Lis bon. ” “ This ship is the Cinton cf Balti more, lately commanded by Andrew otcrrtt, which is tro n Muscat in Ara bia, bound to Biltimore; on the Amei ca 1 co lit was difmafted, and loft her rud der. —Theft, added to tic death of 17 of litr ertw, and tried f eaie of iuc i'curry oi eve y other pert,in on beard, except one or two, have rend r ed it impracticable to navigate the ih'p ; T.iey have, til..cfore, jut being in this foliation two month.., def.-rted the lhip, and have gone on board the Swediih ih'p Minerva, from the IHe of France, boupd [to G>te ibu. gh, as tiic'.r al’ eras 1 ive from pvriniing. Site has on board 400.000 wt. coif e, 50.000 w’t ta’r petre, aid 30,000 wt. drugs.— I'tie v. Vei and car. go belii’gs to Man S Smith and BucUannan of Baltiinore.—At fa, lat. North 31. — Long, iVed. fcd—FvD. 21, idoj. ALEXANDRIA, April 17. A COMMUNICATION. H nnrrHi e iit it fohn “I-Jrr y. Tins to iomile gentleman, who behaves f ohmuraHy in his particular attrut.i n ot imprefting na.ivr Auuneai s, i, neither more or Lis than an own lon to i_.urd Dunmore, the tali royal g.ifer - or of Virginia : the bsnorah.'e gentlem-n was lately in this country, and wr. net’- , pita Sly entertained wherever he w rt, , nl in pi: ticu’ar by Mr. Jefferfon. a J j .. vinci by hh. faiisfadi: n 4: their civil;- t> -g to have iaid a .ids that uiv or which t teems to be hereditary iu h<- laaii’y. 1 As fun a the ia e war commenced, ie 1 repaired to his datum, ia the chain , 1 but unwuimg to loi'e the opportunity oi . lift :!sny the re 6 e?. / •at-ieatti, he L lirlred a p-l obtained a commaod in ti’e Watt Indies, thit the’ inf rior to the tv’e h'held before, ifc fufftc fnf’v coiva-ula ttd by rhe cppor.un yit arForr* of fa ;s ----fy’rsr that tbie'y pv ege w’"ch is c’tia rrflt-nftic of the wore ; how .ar ana t< what exten’ hia ex rentitiea will ext<*rd ( if he is net retailed, cr in other receive a f;:pcr;or command on fame oth*r fiatinn for h 3 regular fervicc ) w<* may form an idea from what he has atrea y done—May fame of the Toulon f!e.*t take him into Imperial keeping i. the w h of aa AMERICAN. - -v*r A From the Harturt Mercury. LMTF.R. Frm Gid-on Or>rger, Fsq_ to a gtn man in Hartford, ** Vv’ashjngtoh, March to, 1805. “SIR, “ I have to acknowledge the receipt jof yours effthe t2‘ho! Feb uary. It. ;s j truly difirefling to hear that our politi j cal opponents reprefant me csdiffati fted with the leading meafa'es of the Gene ral Gov.rum nt or vvitli the political pjr fuira of my fiiends in Conn■ iti ut. “ i affu.c you nothing can be farther from toe truth. I hsve -ever j nor entertain*d any fach fentimem*.— i y."i ell kn w that ground I took wLn arreog you. and mould I ever a;ain take an ac.ive part in y.ur pol. ics, expert rce will prove that I maintain and chertlh the faii.e opinions with thv body of mv repub'icai fti* n ( i s . ‘* The me ifurrs of the national govern ment meet try higheff approbation and have my brff support. “ To the admin.ft alien lam ardently attached by principle and atfact'on. “ Tne integrity and patri itiun oficon- I grefb may hereafter be rivalled but never’ jean tie excelled. “ those reports have origi nated in of the repea ed attacks w'uich for tne two la ft sessions I have exptrienced from a member of Con gref3, and which 011 the 3ill of ja iuirv Lit proceeded to such unparralled lengths, a3 to render it necessary on my part to bring Jthe Lufiaafs to an uTue by setting this member at defiance ; which was done by klter adurcfki to Congress. “As this extraordinary transaction and the feenes which grew out of it will probably come betore the public in ano ther fnape, I forbear any further com ment . “ Your affoftiorat? friend, “GIDEON GR ANGER.” From ths American The fallowing has been received by the Ediior, as a tranfiation of ths rerent edicfofGen Ferrand. 7 ho,’ as a trans lation itraay be incurred, it is not doub ted that it is in iubftartce authentic, as the source from which it is re fpe viable. L. FER.RAND, General of Brigade, Commander .in Chi f of S iint Domingo, aiding as Catnaia-Ge nerd 1 , and a Member of the Legion aj Honor. Experience has, for too much time, taught the general, that all kinds ox re gard of modification towards theis fcoun drels, who maintain the reb’.Uion cf liis paniola, by turniihmg every thing ncces fary to the rebels, again 11 the will and approbation of then- refpcfiive govern xsnts, and who, by thole ads of cupi dity, dilhonor the fligstUey fail under ; and fi iding the necdliiy of putting a Hop to rapacity, and to treat them apitutes, has proclaimed and proclaims, Article I. All individuals, whomfaever, found on board of any vtlfai ur vcffcls, allies or neutrals, bound to any port in Htlpani ola, occupied ty tiie rebels, lhail iuffer death. Those found on board of any vcffcls, allies or neutrals, co.ning out of any ports in HifpanioL, occupied by the rends, (hall fuller deafai. Thole found at two leagues distance from ports of the coalft ot iiifpaniolit, occupied by rebels, on boa.d of aides or ucurrals, ihall laffer death. Article 11. The general informs that all p-ifoners made in those different cases, (hill be brought into one oi the ports in Hifpa iii.ii occupied by the French, to be in ec by mi .'ary cvuacunuon, which is to pronounce Lot.-me*. Article 111. 1 This proclamation lhah be put into cx 1 eeution on the 1 f Fioreai (21st Ap ) 1 & until that time, all the preetding p.o ----i clamatien* iuorder to prevent al. kinds of 1 communication with the coasts of Hdpa | a.o ! a, occupied by the rebels, (hall be • ftnetiy executed. Article IV. Os the present proclamation, rc jift-w rd at tue colamal inipeftion, one hun dred copies are printed, pubikhed aid polled up. >n ail ihe cheif places round the eait part of HilpauioL, and ail uec sa lary ilcps in dl be Ultra to its puo.ici y, in ait tnc tilanJ* and at jrVme dD ms at lit J iherf -rs of the Gt *■ ra t.J dr. t 4.611 y u v year; u I yd, (5 aFIO ’ u.. ry ISOS ) The General Commanier in Ch : rf, afi'ng a Captain Gciv-ral, end M m. er I oi the Le ;iua o. Honor. (digaedj L. FLC.I viO. 5M RSI r's PStIUaDE f HIA G-tZETi E D.t.ovi yor uftin?ar.e (ui’- a” jh. j A FE A dive U ’ce, Mr. C. uni, -of ; this city, put into ray ha., .c i l. ci.i .n ‘ of a black co-loorcd fiauu.d-', - . c ■ g >e onorce. wHfcV‘wa* fmr. ’ in rite f .*> >. yof No't ‘a uptou, cn he :ar ,>t tie. Veiss. abettt thirty trhlcs fro.n 3 A.fa- , ■tm, in the neighWuOe I of he Le- i ‘■gh —and in r ued lie t.-iat i r nsighr e ea!i y procureJ, in quantities, j it thst phme. j Hav’ojr fa )j'’6f-d this fubfisner to a 1 ‘artery or exper .acts, it wm hfaovcrad o be * f ‘.<-g3nese of tha firft q a! y coi- j ‘aiti'n-r f-B-cely s-y (orei :n mvtor ; a <d 1 ar In peri or to moft of that which is fa id j n rhe th ’Ps of the druggists., confidera— ‘ I K le q a intlties of which I have been fae- ! qucntiy oouged to throw away after ‘ ourchati.ig it, from tuc impurity ot tne materia. , i The oxtgen air obtained from this ra- j tive 01c, was .qia! i t puritv 10 that 1 which was olfareu by a ipvcimen of the ‘Orcsgli, leut .0 m . by the trie Lie. Pricft, 1 7> ti'..,. ctiwovcier o! .i.i.- ges, who mfov nied me, that it yit.dtJ an air as pure is ] any hi had ever procured hurn.g the courfc of his lile. Manganese > ufeful to the p’’yfici 01 in confcquence t.t the air it ass r<l>. and ‘o which fame of'.h” in..ft vi ■ er,t < l; t. .s ----is to which the human body • fahv et, | have given way sto the b‘ *rh r, -i ;r ----j maker, and iranuiacfurer o’ gf ri:, es a defiroyer of colouring ira‘.-r, vhen com bined with the marine acid ; t( h? n.-t ----ter, as giving a black colour, and <r Gi. ..ig in gfaaing his earuie.i warcai ’ to hc phi'ofopher and artftl, 23 contoinirip a gas, whici combined with certain cr its buitible bodies, with gcaerate degree of neat, uaattamabie try other m-aiis. As the of mineralogy is li tie attended to in the United tuates, the intention of this ccmmuuicatfan is, to induce gentl.rmen rtfiding in the coun try to pay f me attention to the mineral (productions of their fields, by which j means they may great’/ be .fit th. rn- Lives, aid render the moft important farvi.ea to the ayt,, yet ia their infancy i > * m me v&jritt. Any p.rlon desirous of information concerni’ g any of our native foffiis, by applying to me, (hall be gratified as far as is in my power ; audit the material lent ro rne, is thought to beef any ufa to society, an accurate anal) fa or it fa all jbt made tree of expenses I atn ii , with refp'.tl, Your hnnrble fer.ant. JAMES WOODHOUSE. Fum ihe IVihtu.glon M:n<.r. /J dife/ip lnn of .he Mountain S.lfaia- I ra, and of she eitum and iridp ur works, ihete by a Mr. Saunders. When in Italy we went to vifi: a curiofuy not retorted by traveler , and as our guides teld us, nor worth our fae. ir.g. But as 1 have an old maxim, when j I ana come a great way to fee things, < always to fee them, ail, I would go,— And this proved no final! continuation to tne of the utility of the m xim ; firce, bad it rot be n for that I bad not faen this, which is, in my opinion, cue of the molt stupendous feenes in the world. We were told that there were pvop'c, that lived on the top of the mountain Solfatara, and got their bread by making alum, and ftilphur. I hed before faen the alum works of England and (favita Vecchia } but having sr ver seen r.y lulpner ones, I happily resol ved to fee toefe We travelled for many hours, and with great fatigue, up thi mountain, over rocks of fu'phurand ither tmttrals, ard in many placet with out herb or tree for valt spaces, till at length we arrived near the top. We found this furmur.ded v ith deep and wholly and inacccfiib'e hills of twenty or thirty faet high, and with their fidvß either as deep as a wall, or doping in. wards, and their tejes hanging over.— Our guides, who wts not acquainted with the mountain, told us they were sensible they had brought us to the wrong place; but that there was one way and only one, into the plain within these hills, which was not Ly climbing over them, but by a cut through them, and,that we. Had nothjng to do but to go round till we came to it. It hai* p. ned, that this patfage was then w itn. none hundred feet of us to the nght nand ; but we. g - ing to the left, wtie orced ‘o wa'k rcui.i the whole fun suit. At Irng'.h we arrived to the cut through which we were to enter . s psace. Hear whitwssmy furprifa at the imaztng profp- £x before tne ! The top >f UK tr.uU-.tain liirrounded in this rr an :ter by hills, vas fu >k also twenty or nirty fret dee >, into s monstrous baton, of half a mi.- in len. rf h, anil nearly jtr.ucti in breadth,'nhcb a. it then ap jp ared w.tu fi.. & ‘..rimflone, a.J with a !m ’ke thatialtn. 1 ft ff.icai. Ac-, as we ituoC 1 1* the edge, r eem r nary people, |.„ m > I ever, whe seemed verv easy and w*-!l at the bottom, we detet mined to go to ji .cm ; ar.d with fome d:ffi:u :v r jdavsti. We Lund tnc lmt'ke “r.d feent j i .fs ilrong Ibe u wer v ■: went fie at len. th I . .i'.-rd a’ s olaer where we brrat .eu f 1 re tty freely ; but where ti.e toil ail a (about, and the prtnptCi on eacn b nd if Ui, was'a tiam 100 ana hr * Ale or words to defe-ib-. e t: od upon nothing but lirce, made oy ihv Huoteran an fc c., a- -ed with calcii ro ! Aitrol aai fu’phur. Thi° a>kis* rj | ‘juftly called Vulcan’s Ter s. Fr mi it’i'.s we had a p.ofpcct of tut[ whole ba j non. Fne hue* lofir.ed by wic defect.'. lof tae fnrroti .ding hil *, tern to hi j cicen ‘?d bv a itnev t '?ve now njen fi* ‘-'•'rn . J splice hy Volcano’s that they are of pi . Jpeot. too rude for Jtl - p.,orr - I V 2Tt “ )Vfc; Ac, At... C U -li. titti lvx K. Uif i.*nan3€ral flatter, and vai. i. p*j w- ;c; iCriol float roi * b4.ou &• ’ fa!y‘ r. G< .. ■> mere an- !vg- cr , k- t t ■ ‘ar rou id (hasei-ur s J.*";• t of these st once, tnere ,’ t act ■ ft? . Vg tin a (rn is! Hi “f‘, 4C ‘• r up a clou* of imokv t,. t’i* fit t- ■ -ft all those that arc ha- * a> fart of eHri-nney round them, far-ned tiy tht lui.i, ra’ matter they cast off. In the nvJft o'” th- plain there ia> 3 Urge pow.i of water, from which the fuaterraneoutfi-er and emaeijns toss up conti'u-fty vast columr.s cf wit. , ra mi” fathoms in height 1, which as -the winds hnoneu to blow, are tcfT-i in their drfeent, into one ~r other of t!iS fire h ues ; and add to the horror of their n*.Ural, by a roaring or hi ing noise, as more or lefa water falls in, ana as the fi.c is more 01 lels 11 ’ct ; and by fending uo anew cloud o fm ke to the n- g ikies. At fame dist ince behind there is ano j t” e < ’iTC!tc?.fc"de, but Ca.aller, this pond not_ fT .riling fa Urge body, of v>ter , ?s the ft:ft. Befi.'e* these fire ver. ts ia t’v fi 1.-* every pew and then bu ffs cut rev one in the fiior o‘ ‘he plain, of"* h ‘ttrm of the- bafon. Tb-re wtre two fu-h bnrpinq up when 1 va there, and the-- had hen two tr.ore within, a fevf w -fVi, b-fore. In the mrlft of all thi# fr-- and lu ! o ! ’ur, h;re are seen muhitudea : of onnr creaters at work, tearing up the earth hifli g hot from the fide*, and carrying jt to their work hot) fit, which a-- p : ac (l on the nr,e (;Je of t!ia . bcr'om for fulphrr making, and od the \ O'h-r fide fur the alum, * i- Thofa employed in*’ the “alum woVka I heao no vast piles of the matter that i contain* that i’ak in and fferent places.—. , This of itfelf grows hot, and f.noke* and finally takes fire. They moifttn Ihiai J with water ; and it haa burnt x j little while it begins to taste stronger of ahim, thoiiyh'lt fa ce tailed at a!! of it jat fi-ft They don’t fat it burn long for I fear of w : fting the fait. After thi# jth y put it into vat°, and boil i f in famm of the water of the lake ; they then let cut the liquor into another vat, where it ftandi s o grow clear ; and after thi* it ia put into a third vcfltl, where fa much is boiled away, that the remainder will b-ar an egg, this is their rule thas it is enough. After vh.s they fat it cool and the alum (hoots to the fide# #u4 ‘ bottom of the veffei. TT fe employed in the fuTphur worka coded another fort of matter ; which ia indeed little and fferant from common brim* ft'-ne-, r i<d r,-i"r ■* only melting let \ purif•/!,: to make it fit for pfe. Th<y pcaed th ; s to a fort of powder, and * 4 large iron vdffcls with it supported 03” : on pillars over *he fi-e, and brri <j bouts cn every fide within four inch $ of .he bottom; the fulphur meks 1 lth ths ‘ bejt, 9d pub fir s kfelf tn the vciii a without fai-tber trouble, the ccarfe tr.a,, ter finking to the bottom, and the pue biitr (tone running out at these ftoy:.§ ico viffets placed to receive it. They use ro other ft ;in all tb fe v arks but What ifftics cut of the earth under th-pf fe.t, which abundantly ferres their pur* p'.itifi. - It > ‘he moll horrible fight T atey met with, to observe a number of thef* itnhsnpw we'.cues fwea*ing at this wcrji under a fort of canopy of fire at>4 f . ki rd earning 9 iciferi.bie support, by working harder Tan beasts of bn-, then, in the- cr!y piece on earth that can represent the fjjrses of bell. For my part, I was fetree more happy uy fee king this amazing feene, than ia j- >• ting well away from it aga'n. Fts.tra/f nf n letter from a gentlemen #4 Jiunti’jdtn, to hit ft lend in Laitiafle* dated March 2s, ißbj. “ A Coal mine was, feme years fireg difeevred upon the lands ot Samuel Rid* dh, r(q on the Rayftown branch of 1 the Juniatta, about 25 mdet? fc.uh vt ft ; of it is place ; whten p-orriit* fa r to bu I s fotirie of great pretit to the phopthkbr, an copvetiie're of the jniiaQttsnik of l this anS other ‘i'cwrs on or near i River, J ‘ In the coti Tc r 1 the Aft fprlng, fomt 1 pvt fons, in the r.eighb ig V od oi ‘he aiing obtained permifijon to fiig coal, which they carried down the rifer j wd-’ ... .* the greater part of what they dug T , kcr ftr>r: tb fu ace cf th? bank ; aod # hrough vtai.t if care, r xed with and g'-av.-I ; the charafler gis> n c c thq • mol v as such, as to Mr. Rid* | to employ ai xprmnced Miner, vb? h s lately pt oed the Mine to 2 ranfi. dsrabte *x*ent,and has hfsevered n.fg, eoud ft atum oi pure oal, rn rninj. 15 • . 10.i2an.3i line, of 10 and up. waids. *” this mine, t iahoier, with % cart anu a pair oi oxc% nud cai ty r.vcr 2d buii.ris wr oay. “ Seve at b..rt-m:n have, for fertij weexs pad, t een ti s ,a e cd piepariag Crafts to car.y ’.V the coal to Marfcct, and A. or 5 Arks ‘*JT be in readirwfo to set out tor Iln;&ar to h a..d Coiuir, nia, wuii the fi'ft flood. “ I undcrifar.ii ,dr, Rid ! e f.-J'j the co.i u the Boalmi 5, up.;. l the hank < 7ot b ct'uU per buihei VVuat rit’f nry b. abk to afT.rd t at, n C um, 0* j connnt ‘ay ; but, as the neifhbcur* •-OU o', ii.C 1..ti1. abi-tICaS lL ir. bei ior aikt, which C 2.. be boil, at • eipr.ica, 1 have u.ta douoi but ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ £ • cs.s.Ow, t Vs el k to 1. Uu.e the bo-umen of the iiAah* li. no.ii jc...era ,y to ci.g e the Cl Zt .o O’ oa2 ..-lit 1 ...!ild, il) .1 r.t of tnc r.ex. Lsfo.., cc an g, c it v.rj mo—' rate