Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, May 17, 1805, Image 2

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BPTTTSTT JUSTICE, fxf.mpi mm. 187 THE CASE OF THE OLIVE BRANCH. Captain Bryant. The case of thi* (hip ha* afforded ma terial* for Newspaper dis uffion and for volume* of controversy thro ‘gh the pre ' and at law ; it haa afford; and a theme lor federal declamation it the reign of terror and for jo licial insolence and inlulr a p*inft the people and the revolution of A'ra from the hench of the British admiralty court ; it las hem tlie medi um of, the mod ex'raordinary intrigue* brth in England, France and America, and has hern in f£f'the medium of one of the molt in'q ‘itou* land fpei u’.atione, that l ;<<i ever bt en ealtihited in this coun try, failin'* fb- t only in’t* magni'ude cf theinfarnom Y,.%oi —and finally i'. has af forded one of the molt ix-mplaty com ’arie* on the kind of jult ice. afforded by Fririfh cetn'ta- On these various accounts ve have whenever the fuhj. it is lalli R tn cur way, take fome notice of it; for its Liftory m:y serve as a ti xt book for men who a e farced b y tl eir purfutt vitliir. the vortex, of American (peculators, nr i British naval con irandera—in British admiralty court*. Our purpose is now to give a more COmprche nfive account of tne case, that’ ha. yet appeared ia any newspaper or j urtal—and to dtvr'np; such pa its of i tie fpeculatmg. end political hist iy of the case, as propriety ..d op port unii y will adn it. It is in geiMttul remembrance that from 1791 to i794 B.itifh by the ftiiurc cl cur IMps iiniitr an Older of the Ih cabinet, and by movement* on our north wcHern fr- nti< r*, manifes ted a dtfpfiuon ve y alarm,ng to the blit and btati 3. The incu fi m* of the Indian* and the retention of polls within ojr territory, were of themf.lvc* o’ j itr moll fciioufly ala ruing It ia difficult to determine the whole scope of their intuition* toward* us at that tine; but from the confidence with which the co’t’bined powers entered France, it is rot an unrealonable fuppoiuion that our humiliation wa* ty follow that ot Frailer. Conviction of this knd whither will founded or not, prevailed in our inline! ; they led the way to the negociation of a treaty, and may i t fome degree ccctmt for the (liamriul faciicts made ly tiic negociator, and for the ait f eial alarm spread to promote the ratification. Mcafure* of auo h-r defeript in were Dot mverthtlcf* omitted. 1 Ite ixecutivi cf the United States, ei mmunicated with thi.fe of the Itveral fi -tea, and rtcom mended the Heps nccifTtty to be taken, in providing timely ard ad< q uate supplies of am * & ammunition, hi iha upon any emergen y the yeomanry slight at once ov-rwh im any force that might be em ployed todillurb the peace ot our from In is. This v ; ew of the date of things t the lb. vc period i* ntciffiry 10 a right un detHanding ot the case of the flip 0 iv. Branch The ion of the Hate of Vermont in a military view forming a frontier to Ncw-Ynik and the raflern flat, sand acciffi <ie by laud and water to the British colony of Can id*, neceffi tily sailed the peculiar care of the go- Strum, nt, at a moment when Ctnada was the focus of Indian intrigue and the depot of Britain. W hile our government was <nod sin cere and anxious to pnf.rve durable har atony and intercourlc with Britain ; h r •onduiib by sea and hy land, indicated very different dlfpofitioas It appears from authentic documeut*, that the British had made fome encroachments on the territory of the Hate of Nevr-York ia 1791, which haJ oecaliuned a corrtf j poi deuce bi t weed general Woolley, of, that Rate, and governor Chittenden of Vermont Hate, that there wi* an alarm , ing fcarrity of arms in D >th those Hate*, Ihould any emergency require thrm ; and this fadl b co- tug know,-., and thr want mo-e f nlibly felt in 179+ the govern- ; tneuU of ifu fc ft a tea wac j by the general governm-nt tej mak- the neceffi ry prov'l'un of aims. Governor Clinton obtained a tempora- : ry supply f teoo Hand foe the ule of, .liis (late, from the United S ates ariei-; alt ; governor Chittenden had applied to I general Km * le retary at war, and frnt i ti Bo 1 ’ >u and.other places in the United 1 States to in ,ke purchafe*, and tevcral j Ugiflative acts had been pfLJ to pro-i mote this necessary end. ‘L’lie olj.d 1.01 bring aceomprithed ; and it b nig known that the different na tion* at war usually tiifp use ot the arm* which they tak in bittl-, on account of j the inconvenience of and fffrent calibre, it was propoled to fend a:i agent from Ver- Burnt to 1 Uropc to purchase arms.— Th'* plan was adopted, and general . 1m ( Allen, who had (•* well as hi* br- ther | the celtbrat.d Euieii Allen.) beentliftin gudhrd during the revolution by this (pi nt of entetpnxe and judgment, was du reded uadrr written tnftruclions under the fral ol V. rmont fiom g ivernor Chit tenden to piocecd tei Lar.-pe, and to rnke -he purchase of arms fuifi.ieut for the militia of Vern-o >t and of otter mdi tia imphinent* tunable for the circumstan ces ot Vermont. Mr A len proceeded fiift to England, •oinbini's! other mrrcanllle ptlrluit* with bit m 111 m j ami having a'certained the price* ot arm* 111 that country, determin ed to pr c-ed to France where hr arri veil m Jtf.y 1796 , a °d win coniidera ble dfS oil/ wa* at length enabled to pui'ct sic fiuin in- l‘i**nch arfer.ais twen ty thouiaiio Hina of arms with bayonets, folir brsis t-ur pound field pieces, f-nae ?un w • -JUS. Tide purchase was made a*m*! that had been taken in the various bat tles that had preceded that period; &vrrr r | obtaiaed on that account at a iu.ll of 51. j 000 dollar* lefi than the like arnr,* could | be had in England, Upon effedbing hi* purchase, the nex 5 J care of Mr. Allen wa* to apprr.e his - conflituents of hi* success and he ,c I eordiagly advised governor Chittenden j and other friends in Vermont of lis t'tir cliafe, and notified tire militia by public 1 ftdvrrtifement in the pajxr* of that Hite. |ln November 1796, in confluence ol 1 this Communication of pen Allen, which ’ w laid before the leg’flitu e, a ’aw for ■ levying a penalty on m'iiux iritn for not !*rm;g, wa* fuperceded. About the 12th November, Allen l aving laden the Americas (hip Olive R>anch with his purchase, failed from Odend bound for New York, and lock his pafTage on board. We have before us official copies of the printed cafe* laid before the cotn j miffinuert of appeal in London, cor.tain lug the e 1 t nee of the case, and it is therefrom that we make an cf the fafls. It appears that this (hip 0 ive Jl one/) wrs an American (hip, owned by Melfu. Butl r and Eadr* of Boston, and commanded by Americans, ti laden with a cargo lor Americans, and bound for the port of N- w-York. That on the 19th November 1796, ia 8 drgreia 3 minutes w It, ?vA latitude 46 15 minure* north, being tin the usual track tor her deftiiitd port, j ‘he waa overhauled by the British man of I war Ziudacious, and carried into Poits ; mouth—the detail of proceedings would fotm fevetel columns, but to the progress of a bufinrf* of this kind, and to i xhibit the ex er .hie mu’ ure of farce and robbeiy, which is califd law— or Biitjh !avj, we fliall note the pro mi net points. The proerft against th* vr ff 1 and car go, wa* commenced in thr c urt of admiralty an the 23 1. 1) cem'oer 1796 ; and dtfpofitioii. pro and con weic ta k. n. On the 6 r h January, 1797. a claim was laid for the flt'p. indepenJent of the cargo on the pait of the osiers in B >Hon, On the jth of February the claim of General „ Alien was put in for the C rgo. The dept fr ions v* re here voluminous; on the part of the B itifh captors it was aif.rted that th ; * vtfLl wasbound fe>r Ire land ! On the part of general Allen it, wa* (hewn, from avail volume of evi dence that she was bound far New York and tfiat the’ fftuation in which she was ta ken proved the faiS. However, the judge of the admiralty (Srjamta Marriot) on the jth July, i 797, directed further proof, to be ira. c 0y plea and proof. Gen. Allen applied to have the cargo delivered on bail to louble the amount, but was perempto- Mally refufed. On th- 1 ith December following, s irw allegation was male by the cap tors, and tlie cargo wa* actually cuu demued. From this f.ntence tlie general imme liately appealed, and the matter lay be fo e the court of appeal to th; 31H Mirch, 1798, when the sentence of the aimira.ty cou t was reverse-1 aid the claim admitted ; but the claimtn: wa3 ilirette 1 to produce nr >';fi is to the pur chase ; and on applies i'n *h* cargo was gien up to M.ff a Bi and, Srvag; and Bird upon their rtfponfioility to answer the final a ‘j idi a i in. The Hate of war then and the cha ‘ges of power and authority in prance appeareJ to present difficulties iilfurm runtable ; but genernl Allen with perfrvcrance truly rmertcati, pal Ted over to France ; and thrre is everv reason t > beli ve that measures were taken to ex cite fafpicion of bin in France, for on his landing he wa ft z - d—and detained 3 months at CJravelincs, —hr wn< thence j transfeired to prison at S'-. Q/es, but j contrived to mak; h's way to Paris, but, th-re was thrown into the public of the temple ; whence ne was rileifc i and again arrrfted and thrown into th; prifonof St- P I “'e wlu nee he wa* ic Itafed in conltqicnce of applications which he contrived to have addufT-d to the directory. In thtfe prifon*, howe ver, it appear* that he uarrowlj efcaptd being poisoned ** appear* by the civitri va.’.ce of the perfon* who had caused hi* imprisonment ; anil L.s health was so much unpaired a* to place his life in danger, and detained hun a year at l*a 11. • During this period from his departure to his reteafe from St. Pa agie, rruani were uken to intercept ail co relpon dcnce with him ; and no advice* were received but of the geatral fatd that he wa* imprisoned in Paris, why cr where i or-wherefore not known. The fait tn the court of appeals was ft’.U pending ; on the 9th application wu made by Mr. Allen’s agent ; an ! further j appl cation on th; 24tti November and ( again on tiic ti'.h January 1799 for de lay. Meanwhile general allien afit. h: re lease, proceeded to ob am evidence mi d:r a commission ; and cxatninri ip were canted on in Ragland aid in ihe.Uattcd biatei for th-fame purpose. Tne witnesses 111 the United States, all corroborating the fads, amounted to 14— those tu England nearly as many. Th; witncffes eximincd at Paris, were Rufus King, efqr. eaimiucd in Novem ber ißo*. J. P. afrchambal, ir.fpedor of mu Hers and fccretary general of the war offi.e, exam tied fame month. Aa attempt was made to e&atuiu: Car r,.:‘ c - . r :h? at ‘-vsir, from w -err toe i U/'-’ afts were , mad,-, they rcknoijledged the t-uth or tlie tranfsdion as Hated in the dcu m-nts ; but it from an affiiavt of and. 111 Chevr er, that the ch es con* ful had re'uf*d to oermit the examinati on of Carnot and P< liet, thro’Lm; un known caprice or policy. Gmers! yfllen was under th; reerffiiy lof comuig to th • United Sta'es himfelf |*o obtain the dynafitions r: q'tired ; and | here an attempt m made, an.d fuccess | fill y, to interrupt their transmiffioo, hut j a duplicate had b*en sent by anoiher medium with (uccjfs in 1801. lu December ISO3, g‘ ;n - Alien pref-n ----ted a H’tement of h'S case to the tx r* u . tive of the United S'afrs, and infirudti ons were given to Mr Munroe to attead to this hard cafr. Ip. Frbruaiy 181-4, t^l£ ’ tCrfe court of aopeals was made for rtftoring ti c cargo to gen *!!en, but tax'ng him with the t/jlors c'f.'t Before this period, and with the know ! ltdge of the curt of appeal*, Mei Ts. ! Savage & Cos. to wham the cargo had | been delivered in 1798, for security, af t;r having lold it, had become anirujt. We Hialij iH - xhibit a fpecimenof the • proceedn>,',B in the couit es admiralty on }tf : s occafioti—we have heard on British icurtj andjti ’ges, until we were re'-ulv to cry out njfjjatida —and we have heard patirygitics on ccrjlitutiina! do£l riiies ad moderation ana drin.cj recom mended by < xamplti the moll mean and i insolent and (Xrcrah'e—however, we h ve in a Brin k ‘Judge, something to match any tiling that has been thrown out agaiult cobhrs and clod hopneis, and revol ulionilts, here; there is fume cunfoldtion that we do not monopolize what is called conHi-utional moderation and decency. in the course of the argument* on the cn fe of the Oiive Branch, Sir Jamrt Mirriot, a man who was an enthufiall for the cor flit ution ? thus expreffi * him felf, interrupted Dr- ‘Ncholl, the cou..ft! for gen. Alirn. “ Wl v, Doftor, 1 am furprized you M will attimp 1 - tofuppart fn ii a cause ! “ O hat ! The Hate of V'O'nv'nt want “ 20 coo (land ot arms ? No such th n,-; “ four or five hundred would be “ for them ; why they are a vung “ fucking Hate ; the people were a ban “ ditti, tranfportrd lor crime* from “ Franccznd England r.ow well fct.led “ in government ; these i-nvi m y be “ intended against WaHungton : this “ here claimant seems to nie like Ro “ mulus and Remus who fucked the “ wolf, full of fight and revolution; he “ i* a military man by his fl-p on the “ floor, and his very name (l <.) dtnotea “ rage, revenge, and ma.lmfs.” In another place—l am very sorry “ to f e ma kind tailing into such con ,l fitfion ; but thtre 19 so much of the “ fi H born Cain ttifl-ves every mind in “ the Hates of America.” In another place he proceeds thus—i‘ l “ am extremely furpiizei at the coun “ fel and proctor fee king to saddle bis “ majcH)’* 1 fficer with costs who did “ very well wi at he did ; if there arc ; “ suspicious they mull br chared away; l “ l give my opinion perhups too freely, “ in speaking of the mode wt.ich causes “ are to be carried oti ; 1 do so, becrufe “ American* in general [find -xiremciy *• ignorant of genera'j ir fyudence ” “ V\ hy fame oftlitlc parrie* are cob. “ lert, fome are Jloe-malerr, fome are “ t iylcrs they are all forts of thm .-s, and “ no wander that their ideas arc not “ very nice ; but is Fiance to have a “ f-ttltment ikr Vcrm-tnt ? If she fho’d “ fry Mr Allen ’as r.ot paid me, his “ lands are fuhj <$ to my cimtroul “ 1 will fend a b -uy of troop*, I wi 1 go “ through New-Yotk, it is a very tafy “ thing, ad if Mr. alien never pay “ them I don’t fee how the devil they “ will fore; it.” We have only to rematk that these , extracts are from the t anferrbed report 1 ot Ho Igdon, a sworn fli irt lisod wmer We fha!l offer in a tew days fome obfrr. various on this extra irdinary case—and a ! W oleJpteck ojthis learned and mod./, e cioifian. Fr tie Ge*<gi 1 Republican. vv. Horace, Ode ij, £rk I. Ad Lydian*. Whn yen. O Lvdia.pra'fe Telephus’ rely neck ard waxen arms, My roughetl wrath you rule, My bunung Iver fw !s with love’s charms. j ,My cheeks change* teel | ttyrambl n; t 1 tights to re*l >n cin’t return, I Tears down mt face to iteal j And fyeak the hidden tires with which I bura. 1 feel I am on fire, ‘.V lie.her t tccirive quarrels in your wine Have ftain’d with marks of ire Your ih. ulders fur, tmriva I’d in delign; Or if the in rage H. h, with his teeth,up ’i rourlips imprefs’J The marks of chitdi'.h aj*, ! In rr.enury by whom you was enrefs'd. Hear wha ; Inowiepeat—■. —— ; H pe not f r corutaac/ from him whs wounds gt | Lips f > divinely sweet, 1 Wiiere Venu>'s ewa neitxr m i abotwbs. I hi re -han thrice hap,:y they Whom an unbroken bona vs faith retains, C >mai*ints mark not their wa. ‘T.U the tan n--ur of life chcir lore r: nam- PHILO. Merchants Entries, tor falc at this Olnce. T ar-: ; Ne** s. Received ly the t ip Mtssiidfpi, ityt. D-VWS n, ir: 50 days from Liverpool, to Charleston. CONSTANTINOPLE, January 22. The report that anew reliance has been concluded between Russia and the Porte, and between those two Pow ers and England,-has beet* officially con trad fled, as the Porte means only to continue and fulfil the Conventions (he enterrd into with those powers during war after the attack of the French in Fyypt. Hence it appears why the port; could not rcrufe a passage to the Ruffian* to Corfu, and why it wa* necifiary to trake certain communications previous to a recognition of the French Imperial Dignity. FLORENCE, February 2. An amicable Convention has been con eludt and bctwcen*l~a and France that, no more troop* {hall, on either fide, be j sent to Italy. The anointing and coronation of the King of Lombardy will be performed in the Cafile of Motif* The Electoral Colleges of the Italian Republic are convoked for the J H of March. NAPLES, February 6. A Dunifh fitip, which arrived here on the 3 fill of January, reports, that file met in the Straits of G bialtar a Ruffian squadron, and that she had fern a Riifii an thip of the line not far from Mcffina. MESSINA, January 30. Yefitrday morning an Engiiih brig ar ved here with intel igencethat the French Toulon fleet had put to Cain the absence of Admiral Melfan, and Ht-ered iucou-ic tothefouth- In tne afternoon an cx prels a 1 r.ved from tlie commandant of the fort of the Faro, with advice that a nu merous fleet had appeared off the L'pari islands, the colours of which could not be biiiin-n.fli and. A great commotion was txcited amongH the populac, as the report was spread that it was the Toulon, which was to land 1C 000 men in Scicdy. An Englilh corvette that lay her;, immediately failed to ic conm i re ; anti the tranfports, Nos. 39. 40 41. and feme Mcltele ves sels, gut reaoy to fail with all expedition to avoid, should the report be coutirnKd, ( falling into the hand* cf the enemy. Ir, the evening the brig l.kewife put to fea,but returned early in the morning,'with certain advice that Admiral Neifon, with twelve Hups of the line, and five frigates, had ar rived off the Lpari fluids, in the hope of finding the Toulon fl:et. To-day, at noon, he endeavoured to pass the Strait, but a firong foutheafi wind prevented, and he now lies at anchor at the entrance of the Faro. Os the Toulon, we have not the lealt intelligence ; *nti it i now believed that it is a meie report that it has failed for Egypt. Fib. 13 The Tng'ifh (quadron puffed Faro the sift January. It was detained tome time ab nut i the HI. id., of Lipari. It is compc.fed of two three deckers, two (hips of 80 guns, five of 14, four frijntes, a cu'ter, anu a bug. 1 has experienced very ftrmy weather ; three flops teak. After drub inf Cape Sparti'. ento, the Admiral appeared to lhape hi* ccuii'e for Malta. AMSTERDAM, February 2. The Italian Republic will now soon be (upreffed, and the Kingdom of Lombar dy efiablifhed in its Head. We have re counts here, that hi* French Imperial M ‘jtfiy has confentea to accept the roy al crown of Lombardy. Prince Joltph having made difficulties with refpeOt to receiving ir, the Nephew of tne Emperor, the foil of Prince L ouis, is to be the eventual iucctflor to the Throne of Loan bardy. BERLIN, February :©. There is but little doubt negociation* have tommenetd through the mediation* of our court to tff.4f a reconciliation be tween France and Kuffu We have no pefitive idea of the nature of the relations which txifi between the court of St. Pe tersburgh and that of London ; nar do we know what foundation there is for the report that a subsidiary tieaty txifis be tween Ruffin, England and Sweden.— But there is a certainty that the other powers, atiibng whom are Aufir.a and Prussia, are ttrongly refol/ed to preserve neutrality. The mofl perfedf har mony reign* between the courts of Vi enna and Berlin. FRANKFORT, February it. V/ar allured that on the loth Jxnuary, M. La Foret, envoy from France st rle-un, delivered to the PrnSancabinet note relative to the mediation of Pru’fia Between Franc-.- and Ruifia. Until then, ail the overtures ami aufweis oh tuis i'uoject had bean on;/ verb-!. ■*,— MADRID, February 2. It is said that a numerous corp* of on troop! will mar-h towards ti.e fruatiers • P mtugil en the side of Estramadura. We ci u*t know what f u’ dtti n there is fur tlu news, but 1 is not unliacly. We are without any inquietude frrthef-f tv of our id*,, ds of Minorca and Maj ica- Wekmw that the gainfons have bee 1 rei forced, iud that nthir.g ha* been* negiefit :o ar thrm in the raoli relpciUbie ka’e 1 ae truce. CAROONE, Feb. *. Th* S'JH of wind felt herewith so muc ter “ten tav urable to • far it h„ Hr ‘.ufiit in’ tins pji t the briganunc St le_ cent. Fr nu, 109 a. s from Msu.e \ur ia-eii wiiw-- - A...> and u f ]ear ’ I'/ of tc ow ; a.i into the port of C"Tiar, tr br .-inti a !.a C iildu, from t!,e fa re ;tort 71 ‘.ire, w t.i ici;,t of 4,-4 •"■> - alters,;h 74,000 are for hisMajeliy. T.OVfIOM, Mi-di t- It is remarkable, that though the fleet feetn3 to have returned to Ti ulon before the end of January, it is no* mention* and in the Moniteur till the end of Februs y. Perhaps it may have again put to sea, and this account may be intended to miflrad. Some accounts repreffintit ta have confified of eleven fail of the line ; a great force that has yet been supposed. The number of troops an board is said t* be 9000, and the provisoes, Ice. were tor a long voyage. r From all accounts it feemi certain that a king of Lombardy will soon be announ ced. One report (ay*, but improbably, that Joseph Bjuspaue had diclined the honor. The Einpcr ris to vilit Italy soon, and great preparations are making for his reception. It Is evident that Bonaparte Hill wirhe* to have an opening for negociation, and indeed our government, from thtir late answer are bound to take farther no. tice of Bonaparte’* overture, a‘ter ccm, mnnicating it t* other powers. In a re. ply to ad putatien ufth; tribuna e, and ‘j ia an addnfstothe trt*mbers of the ligion of honor, he H;ll pri fiffes pacific fen. timents. We (hail fee what minifiera propole to do (hou'.d their subsidy be rc jeAed. I’here is a report that the court* of Vienna arid Benin are nrgociating an ar. rangetnrnt t. pr frrve the peace o( Ger many. This is evidently * Parisian a*-*.ide, intended to fli-iw that neitt,rr Prussia nor Aufiria will concur with Ruffii in a con tinental war—a thing indeed wtucb dai. ly appear* more improbably. Mirch 13, No intelligence whatever is yet re ceived refpcdling the Rochefort fqua. dron. The Tax B'.il up* *’ Horfeßkeptforhu bandry ws lafi night thrown cut in the House of Commons. The tr.inift.ry being left in a minority of three—the number# w. re 7610 73 The tax wa* taken for ,000, ot course afubftitutc mult bo teund to that amount. Ic is we believe, a hit, that Soxapaatx sent to the Emperor of Russia a letter firm, lar to than which he transmitted to th* King of Kno la s and, hut ‘he da-e of the former let. ter was antern rto that es the latter. It is certain that Ins M -jelly’s Mimlters receiv* ••d ihe firft intimation <f 4 naparte's inten 'i n to mak* an overture to us, from the Court of Fetersbu-gh, and we oelieve that rhea, iVer of the Court r-i Petersburg wa* Gommumca ed to v* before the opening of the Par:lament. It as exaffly fimi ar to the language used in hi* Speech. Th* An iments ard intentions of the Court t Petersburgh wet * cenveyed to cur cabinet by M Nnvotilrzoff. He, we understand, was empowered to en. er info arrangements with or g venrment s but the decisive answer ft m Ruifla has not yet been received, and w ill not be received i’l after M. Nnvofiltzoff’i arrival at Peter*. burgh, of which no accaunts have yet bce.a , - tight, though it is known that he leached or ‘ckholmou the lid c.flall month, and im mediately purlued his journey. It is true, we believe, that fome couferrences, to which the French wiflied togivetlie appearance and ame • f a\ afrual negociation, tooa pLca between, the P.uifian government and ths tuflian AnihaiTadi r at lierlin, upon the fub* ie£l of .he differences be ween the twepowers. Fi ufla undoubtedly was anxious to have her mediation accepted, andlhe was, i* is rumour ;d, employed by Per.apart* to feud the fen timer.ts of the Ruffian with refpeft •> the terms upon which the laaer woula con. er.t to ihe re-ftablifllment of peace. The definitive answer ofthc Ruffian cabi net was c nveyed to Berlin, bv the Baron Wine erode fi .on after M. Nowziltzoff hft Peterfburgh,—“ His imper al Msjefly could not enter into my partial or fep: rate nego* “ ciarions. but w< uld willinglj -Cent to the “ efiabliflirrent cf a G neral Corgrefs, at which ’he general (late rs Europe might b* “ difeuffied ar and rs fecu. itv and indepeuuerc* “nv re effieifluahy pn.-viued ior.” ui in fubtlanceth* answer efthe court of Pc-era burgh. March 14. It is now said, for the 501 k time, that the prijefted expedition will fail in the course of next month. Tiie troops ta be employed in it will be under the com. mand of Central Sir jamr* Craig, and General Moore will be fecund ia com* rnanj. March 15. By an American ship, which arriv-df off Dover yefierday morning, and which was one of the three that escaped from the Texel three days ago, we learn, that an embargo was then laid on all American veffiel* in the Dutch parte, and that the Dutch fleet had failed from the Texel. On the 30th of January, the port of Gibraltar was opened, and General FoX and all the troops were linded. The general gave a grand ball to the inhabi tant* m commemoration of the happy event of the termination cf the fever, and by way of introducing hi* officers ainongtl them. No case cf fever hid iippsned for many week* prior to the ‘ailing of the Prevoyante. Send order# vere given by the general on his lending .0 the inhabitants, to wiit*.wa(h thtir louses to prevent a relapse. It is said jue hundred and fifty gun-boat 8 are col. at algefira*. Upward* of tve aln ady in the neighbourhood, toge her with two hre-fhip3. Same expedi tnn i* going on at algt-firas. They a h of ten thousand of the French act ■ig in concert with the Spaniards, and is confidently fail that general Moreau ‘ among thtm. Three thousand of the in my are encamped on the lines ; and a w night* fine; we were alarmed* with 1; detains ot the garrison beating to ms, and the gurs cf the garrison bring aded preparatory to fome attack, a ovrmtiu was actually r.ade by thr ene y, but their ofcj. cf was soon abandoned. P :er of the jih, received by ’ie lift Hamburg mail, contain the fH wing ar iele relative to the*unprincipled of the enemy, mentioned in nr ’*H U--“Lubeckf*i i refufes to p,y th; French thtir demand of roo.cra i*rks on account, the