Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, May 28, 1805, Image 2

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CONSTANTINOPLE, Teh. fi. The Wechabis arc far from being de stroyed ; thrt is not even a hope that they may he so, for they hud partisans eve.y wheie. Letters from Aleppo, of the 9th of January announce, that after th- battle which the Pacha of Bagdat had with them upon the Tigris, thryre aflembled on the frontiers of and Oman, on which the Pacha of Bag<lat and the Iman of Nlafcut went to Baffora to conceit a p’an of operation againfl the banditti. The Wechabia obtained a knowledge of this conference, uud attack ed the I man, at fea', upon his return, and hutch red him, Sc fifty of his suite. His loss is so mu- lithe more to be regretted,as bu f-ci I fibt has always been a f.-cr-t parti san of the Wcchabis. A part of their difpeifed a. ray has again foun I meat,* to reaffemblein Romania where they had burned the city of Hei aclee, and a vills-;- in theenvirorns. The Grand Seignior was adviled of it, ard immediately sent au order to the Grand Pacha of Adiia nooie, to march agaiuft the brigands wall all his forces } and the Grand Vi. *icr, to a dto the flrength of the Pa cha, has h nt a confi leraide body of ca srahy, with a park ot artillery, who have 0.-Jcrs to join him by forced marches. GENOA, F b. 14. On* of our newfgap ra mentions the following important piece of intelligence S •< according to letter* fr ,n Madrid, ne <r< iations are actually Hill going forward between Spain k England ; & it was ho ptd in that eiiy that a general peace w old take place in the oou.fc of the current year-” MIL N, F b it. The French G&rrif n in Mantua will be reinforced with fix battallions of infantry at and a ftjuadron of cavalry { and the rr<a giftriey of that city have received orders to prepare quarters for 240 officers. Vienna, Feb, 27. Acc""di"gto account* from Naples, the king of the two Sicilies, at ttiere queftof the French tmperor, has granted M. Dames, the general in chuf cf all the Neapolitan troops, his Uifmiffi >n from f rvice, and has dilarutcd the Neapolitan m.iitia. FR ANKFORT, March, 6 The la;l let'.etsfront Turtle lpe..k of tune Ruffian transports whjch have late ly arrived with troops at Lorlu,aud which frrtn to he the fame that pul in,o a Pur kifli po-t to be repaired Anew con v >y of Ruffian troops which were to foil from Scbaltiponl, is cxpefrtrd at Coifu. These is hoped that peace will will not be interrupted in Italy. It is cmifidered ascertain that the Kmg of Na j’cs will be able to maintain his neutrality. HANOVER, March iS. Tire Dyke <f ‘he Elbe has burll in five pla. aes, inthe bailiwicks of Demienberg and Atiuacfier. Ninety villages have bevn under water. The ruins of deitmyed hrafes and drowned beaks may be seen every whert. The diftreffe* of the poor inhabitant* are in describable. The ice, which the Elbe has carried towards Lenzen, Whitienberg, Na velbcrg, I’angermunde, Magdebourgh, vleis fen. Dicsdea, kc-has done confiderab'.e da. Stage. COPENHAGEN, Match 2. Theie are now fiat* lUutihlhips 1- irg in the bn bar of Cadiz, which aie reduced to g r .. , t dilTu ul’ its by the bl< ckade of that port. *fhe Damth consul has applied to the com jnauderot ilr Euglilh fquauron cruizing lie c me haib'ur, to know whether thole fliipl which were provide l with proper cer tificates and were on v laden itli billalt or fd ” would be permitted to fail 1 bur no in fwe* hadbssn returned on the „iU cl lull month. March • 2nir*3 <4* private litter frtm Paris Ji'rJ Ware* ‘J • < pio s at'd arrests are once more the sub. 1e& of conversation. the M. M. P ligttar iave been transferred fr mtheirprif n ro the temu e, and leveral other pet funs It ive man air*tied. S’ me fay that n.- w branch?-. of h la'e conspiracy have be* 1 dil'c ver< and O hers are end hat it is the fur.e jl lermon | ihe I)uke < f Anghien, unit ed at Lmd m, and *r vateh circulated in Fra h is c:uif cdthefe arreits. — I'll* police have hitheito sough in vain toleizeall thee pe , a id to dtfc >ver th? perlons who have cuculu ed the articles.” HAMBUHGH. M >rch s. We are assured that he Prullian ambvffiu'ar at Paris has delivered lately to the Fee nth ITiiniUir ot f .reign ailaiii, a note c ntatui ■■ g an nul'wer to the pr p ‘U s m id* oy the court of Berlin t* that of Peters >urgh, in regard to the difference* which e.viit hr ween RufSa and France They speak here alf >rf a let ttr written by the Emp*tor of the Fiench With his own hand, to the Emper >ri f Ptutia, at the time when overture* vvCiC made by Crauctf to England. March a. Sver*l Siffiotioitttd bi.ais and a dtvifiort es marine.', let out o the lyin from the ajiagu*, for Dunkirk. MADHID, February !• It is believed that after th* arrival of tit* new French ambadador. general Ju.tot. at L (bon,the court of Portugal will declare more exprefdy again!! England. February ro. Ab'tUt eight thousand troops are atread ’ eo UeleJ in the camp of t Hoch. To provide as much as pnflihle for the ex it aerdiaar) which will be incurred ’ b. the tilting out es our navy, rectmrfe liaa been had to the Commercial dal's. Cad z and Madrid hav** each contributed a mi'lion of pi a tiers, and an equal lum is exit'd from the v.hercommercigl cute*. By means of tbcie and other conttitn*ttons, *• dmll be able to titoot twenty thips of the line. 1 here is however, a want of tailor* ; as within the lail two or three years since, more than ’ IO.OO* “f them, to avoid f.l tug v Aim* to and famine, have been obi.gcd to in ter int* foreign ferviee. _ Ihe neg ciatiens now carrying on by the v ,... .. , ; .•uvifttr at Aranjuex, are very ao , ve anu w< ar* titfurei m*/ be caueeltd to k ~i vit. tv ...t*o tor lime. The Duke ie F!eery,late firft ehamWV-’ t- Louis XVI. and who has hitherto refifa'd a he cour- of the Count de Lille, is He ha 1 , as is well known, (*nt h s fnhtr. u f to Paris, and received penrtiffinn to return. LONDON , M-ch 23. The article from Frankfort, which . we gave yt fterday from the foreign ! Journal*, relative to the determination | of the king of Sweden not to he diefa-j ted to by Pruffia.or intimidated by any , threat (he may think proper to hold out j in rtfpeft to the treaty which his Swe- j difhnajefty ha* judged it neeeffary to ; enter into with this country, we are well I assured, is pv r f'& ! y authentic.—We I have now the fatisfaAi** further to (fate 1 that the court of Petersburg}; has tx preffed its hip heft approbation of the spi rited determination of the virtuous young j Monarch o f Swcdm, and assured him that in so just a cause, he may rely upon the moll prompt and efTdlual support. This magnanimous proceeding of the Emperor Alexander, so coufonant with the ur iform equity and wTdom of his council?, has already, we believe, produ ■ cad the molt fa'utary off ft to the com mon caufe—for we understand the Prtifiia in corf quence of it, has completelv re ceded from her imprudent detetmination and expressed a resolution to remain per feftly neutral in the present contrft.— Wc are happy to add, that the Swedish nation it unaninr.oufly disposed to support the cause of its spirited young Monarch; and Europe w;!l k 1 >w.s that the Swedes are a brave people ! The raiaifter produced last night, hi” f.ipp'emtutary budget, of taxes, to make the defict occafoned in the ways and means f the year, by the r<j ftionof the propofu) tax on horses employed in hus bandry. The new taxes it will he seen by our parliamentary report, are to be laid cn glaf”, brick, and tiles, coffee, oy e'er, and perry, vinegar, gold and silver wire, auctions, slate and Hone, iron, ba rilla, turpentine, and other article* im ported. The him proposed to be raift-d by the whole of these additional imposts is 411,000!. which is in lieu of the 32, cool- intended to have been raised by the hurfe duty, and the dtminition in the produce of the fait tax, by abandoning the duty on exportation, estimated at 8,0001. It is rumoured that Holland will foonbe evacuated by the French troops, but we attach very little credit to this rcpoit ; & ft.ll less to another rumour from the fame quarter, that a negociation is about to he opened between England and France. The trifling rife in ourfuuds yesterday was aferibed to the latter r-port. The Dutch force in the Trxeb now preparing for fa, confilL of five fail of the line, four frigate* and brigs, and a bout a hundred and thirty tranfport*. The Archduke Chari sos Air*Ha is shortly expefted to set out fortluVenitian territories to infpeft the different for trefles and review the troop*. His high nef* ha* resigned the office of prrfiJent of the council of war in which he is suc ceeded by his brother the Archduke John. The French papers report, that the Austrian garrison at Neviee has of late been reinforced, in cotifeqiience of fome disturbance having taken place there. A conspiracy has been difeovered ia the eleftorate of Wirtemburg. The number of perfont arrested is confider ab!e, Bari as, the for.nef keeper of the tm prefs Josephine, is said to have died sud denly at Bruffitls. He applied, it is said a few days before his death, to the little nan, whom he put into commission, for an appointment as lord to the bed cham ber. March 25. Another Hamburgh Mail arrived on Saturday. The private letters received bv thii conv vsnee are of fame impor tance, and leave no doubt of the Ruffian forces being, etc long, actively empl ‘yed in the com not cnul’e. An article from V t una Hates, that a general movement ot the troops in Poddichas already ta k n place ; a column of i j 0)0 men is now proceeding down the LPheiftcr, and will embark at Chx.k.'w for the Medi terrancan ; another divition if (hortly to take the fame route ; and the whole of the regiments in the Ukraine are un der orde-s to march at the (hortetl no tice. The imperial armies in almost e very direction have of late been conlithr ably reinforced j and 3 camp of I*o,ooo men will Ihordy be formed o the bord es of Galina. The number of troops dtflained to take the field, tarly in the ptefent spring is immense, and a few w cks, we doubt not, will prove the accuracy of our former ftatemerms, rela. tive to the determination of Russia, to take an aCtive and decided part in the war againit France, lu Italy, the tlran and French troop* continue in moti on, and the gar ifons on the Venetian ft Tyrollean frontiers in, particular, have been confidersbly reinforced The Nea politan fortreffes have also of late receiv ed a great addition to their ftrengih; and mil the efforts of the enemy to inauce his Sicilian Majefiy to declare againit England, have proved The oppressive conduct of the French ha% in confluence, beepfae more severe than e and the king has been iuduced to remove to Caferta, whithci the *pieen is immediately to follow him, Tue Tur k:ih amb uTmior at Paris is said to have been recalled. The city of Lubec con tinues to refute compliance with the un just demands of France { but there is no confirmation of the account of the enemy having actually entered that place— Private advices from Holland state, that the French general has caused five lhips, with fintiih property on board to be con ■rested. T ANARUS! ur cergo?* v*lueA at 2c;.c00 florins, v.nich lum is to be paid hro the French mi'it ary chest. The German paper? rontain r.o intelligence re lative to the Touloq or Rochefort fqna drons. The troops on the latter are commanded by General Regnier, wb formerly served in Egyp*. The p azttie of Saturday contain* a proclamation, dated the Jift, ordering, ‘that the quarantine on ships from South I Carolina, Georgia, and Lniifiana, fhoulc icrafe ; in canfrqucnce of information be ling received of these places being in a I healthy flare. A private letter from Hamburgh j Hates, that the obj- ft of the late confpi 1 raev at Stutgard was to carry eff the elec ) tress, Priticef* jloyal of England, and a | number of other perf< ntn high credit | with the court. A fptciai ccmir fli. nis < -"pointed to examine the prifont.-s.— | Mull of them have beep confined in the : c; a lei. We are concerned to find that the P ince of Peace has triumphed ov r the party of Fparnlh Noblefle, which had hern formed to refeue their country from the defttuftive influence of poii. tks ; many of them had been obliged to retire to their country feats, and othtis, including the Duke de lnfantado, have been baniflied the capital. March 19* Private advices date, that the Empe ror of Austria has fully fanftioited the arrangement* relative to the new Sove reignty of Bonaparte in Italy. The late Gottenbourgh Mails brought advice that the French troops continued to occupy all the vihlages in the neigh bourhood of Lubec; and that for the supposed purpose ot Hopping Engbfn commodities, not a waggon or cart was permitted to come unmoleftcd out of the town. Against these violent and unprin cipled proceeding*, the king of Pru flia is said to have ordered his minister at Paris to remonstrate, feeing, as he does, that the fafety and independence of his i own territories mlift become equally ten dangered,it he does not in time interpose. March 28. The language made use of on the oc c;fion of Bonaparte’s assuming the throne of Italy, is •onfidered as having banilh ed every hope of negociation. The modern Richard and Duke of Buckin ham tell us, that w- mult not only ava cuate Malta, but R iffi-i must abandjr, Corfu ; by which means Bonaparte would have the greater part of the Me diterranean to himfelf They fay that it will be inconfillent with the fafety oi the kingdom of Ia y tdr Bonaparte ti dived himfelf of rhe Italian Crown, ft long as we poflkfs Malta, arid Ruffi Cotu. It will be of little and ff.rence. we he lieve, whether one Bonaparte pofftff Fiance aid Italy, or two Bonapatlei- Italy will be equally tinder the controu atd command of France. The menac therefore, of keeping this double crown upon his own head, till we g ve up Mai ta, so far from inducing us to relfi q nlh the possession of it, will rot only mak us cling more closely to it, but will ain encourage a desire to exten t cur power and puffrff .ns, and tn nfftfl R’/ffii in exten ding her power andpffffons in the Me. diterranean. The troops destined for the Mediter ranean began their embarkation on Tue*. day at Plymouth and Portsmouth. Two companies of the Royal Artillery, and the 81 ft Regiment embarked on Tues day oil board nine tianfport* at Hamo aze —On Tuesday and yesterday, a large body of troops embaiked from the Gosport and Portsmouth shore, and more will embark to day and to-morrow. Sir James Craig and futt go in the Dra goon of 74 guns.—The fleet is expeft ed to fail on Sunday. There is fome talk of an expedition to Egypt —lndeed we ought long ago to have occupied Alexandria. Now it b - com s more ncceffary than ever as a ba lance to the maronvres of Bonaparte. The French w raid give much at any time to induce us to abandon it. March J 9. The report of frefh disasters in India, gains ground. It rests on private ac counts that have reached town, and we doubt not is well k iown at the India H iufe, though end avoured to be kept secret. The division of our army which fuffered, is that under the orders of colo nel Sheppard, which was sent by general Lake to clear the vicinity of Agra, where Holkar’s cavalry is Hated to be in great force. In this service be was unfortu nately unfuccefsful, and report fay*, that his loft was eonlidtrable. Hoikar has proved himfelf a more formidable enemy than could have bee 1 apprehended at the commencement of the war, a id private letter* represent his troops as combining courage and difciplinc with avast supe riority of numbers. The plan of the campaign, on our part, by which our troops have been so widely separated, is, by fome of our bell cfiicemAs bavin; given great advantage to thffgfltrpriznig.foc with whom we bare to ceNfeid ; while the policy of the war it felf*nflcli mold con versant db India affairs. For our own part, we are not without serious apprehen that cuGdentions of permanent national interest, and of generous en lightened policy, have, in fome refoeft, been merged in the allurements of present partial advantage, and the fpiendor ot iucceffive conq ;efts. In diredt departur. from the wife iyitems adopted by Lon, Cornwallis, to preserve rather than ac quire, we regret tofiid that the f.von: has been too readily appealed to on ai recent occalunsT It is true, that in fome .uiUcc::, lcrnaos provocation* cave been. g‘ven ; but it :6 it* cerhi’n*. tin? V others, the ofterfioie grounds ot dispute have keen such as might eafilv have been f justed by a conciliatory policy.—The vident wa t of this policy of iate, has ■•endered it necessary for the prudent and amiable Cornwallis, notwithflanding •he very advanced age of that oiftin- veteran, to return to the govern, ment of India ; and it will be seen by the oroceedinps of the House of commons last night, that there ;a every likelihood .if his being under rhe necefii'y of plac ing hin.felf at the head oi the army o u his arrival in India. April i. On iVednefdaY, about dre hundred 3nd fifty of the ecemy’s gun boats and large praams, came into the outer road of Boulogne, and ptactifei f, veral ma roeuvres— \n offio r who lately landed at Deal, ; ffirtns, th.t the whole number of vefftis aflkmbled at the above port, amounts to upwards of 2000. A cuttsr arrived on Saturday at Ply* mouth, from off Bftft, with ti t intelli gence that during the abftru,e cf cur fleet, the Brtft, corfifting of 2J fail of the line, bTidea frigates, Lad got out of Brtft, and proceeded to the roads of Camcret Bry, where it anchored, and where it now lies as cl rfe as poflible 10 the ftlore, which is prstefted by batteries. Our Sect, arm ttiiting to a bout 23 fail of the line, is now off Breil ; but ihou and it be forced to quit it 8 Ration by a ltrong easterly wind, the enemy, w*.- fuppole, will immediately lake advantage of its absence, and put to fca. April 2, No further official advici s have, we understand, been rectivrd at the admi ralty, from off Bi'ell , but we ihali not be lurprized to fi :d that the French have taken advantage of a favourable east wind and put to sea, and that our fleet under Sir Charles Cotton is in pur suit of them ; for the Speedwell brig, which arrived yesterday at Portsmouth, from Ldbon, passed Ulhant on Saturday (a day after the cutter was dop ate tied with the account of the French having moved into Camerct Bay) but did not fte cim fl;er. It may be laid, however, that if the weather was hazy, fbc would not be able to dilcern our ih ps, tno’ they might be on their station. The intelligence of the Bred fleet having at iepgth made a movement, indi cating is intention to put to sea, produ red “ a pleasant alacrity” and eftivity in Portsmouth and Plymouth. Lord Gardner, who has hwiled his flag on board the superb Hibernia, ot 110 guns, would have failed on Sunday, had the wind been fair. In conLq uuceof a fig ial from the Telegraph, the Queen of 98 guns, the PL.ntageret and Dragon, ot 74, and the Di idem, ot 64, Lilcd at an our’s notice from Spithcad, to reinforce -ur fquadroo iff Brett. A Hoop was, lowever, aftetwarels difpatchtd to recall he and the Dragon. li e Expedition did not fail yesterday on account of the intelligence received t’roin off Brest ; the Dragon- which was to have convoyed the Expedition, having been ordered to reinforce the Channel fleet ; she has been however fi.tce recal led—All the troops are embarked anti ready to fail at an bou-'s nouoe The transports which failed fiom Plymouth on Saturday, were forced by a gale of wind to put back on Sunday; but tiny were ixpeCted to fail again in the evening.—Tile wind to-day is very favourable for the Expedition to put to sea. NASS AU, May 7. IMPOR TAN T.— THE FLEETS. By the Windsor Castle Packet, capt. Sut ton, via Jamaica and Crooked Island, we have received the important intelligence'< f the arrival of a Britiln force in -he TV’eft-Indies, fufficient to rive a good accouat 01 the enemy, fhruld the;, fail in with them. \\ e fear they will have taken {belter in tlie Havama, pro tp&ed by the Moro, before Rear Admiral Cochrane has au opportunity of nri.iging them to aftion. Extraft of a letter from Crooked Island, dated May 1. The packet fifteen days from Jamaica un der convoy of a frigate has j nit ar ived They have with them a French schooner priva’eer, which they had taken two days 3 70 at Heneaga s the is a very flue veflcl, andc .r ----ned 9c men, Alphas tak ‘ti and sent into Gut daloupr several prize?. A British ffct enn fiftmg f fix (hip- oftheiine and fame frigate--, un.'.er the command < f Admira C- chrav v, was in fight, off Jamaica, when the packet left tthere. Ten *•? kefo e he p ket elt Jamaca, the Fke cu fleet had been Ren in the Mona p us: g:, and are laid to be bound forth* Havznna. KINGSTON, An il tj. CAPTURE OF THE HJ.Z IRD. Tbs Diana an.l Biachs fr gates, Captains Moling and * fudge, La S'lfficrame s-'dißa'i can brigs, Cip .us Lar. cite and ir'’-al arrived on Saturday at Port-Royal, from a cruise, withtheFreuehprivateer lchooner L ’• Hazard, captured by tue Biache after a chafe of twenty-fix hours. LMlazard privateer wa? engaging the Al fred merchantman, fr rr. London bound ti •he N rth fide, when the Blache hove mfigh” and captured her. The Alfred afterward; pioceeded to her port of tied .nation. [Tin lehr Hai ti * he • men ione i. i? f\u iole lto be the Haza-d of this port, conman ded by W. Wilson,which our reader? mult rec I ft w .sea mircdafter a .ery obliiuatedefenct in Jan. :B'4, by a French ve hiv :.g c; bowl upwaras of 300 men, g part of : force a: lime deitined to a..*.„ thi pkCv . J Th* Hazard’s crew confined of 67 me” I j the action the Captain -..d 17 ntei. .. e. Kids i amt 3’ wof ded. ‘! • e kfs ft!e S: - from and ’uuied account* am.anted to- 1 1 \lui.‘vi kSU* iVi’iulCu, p-r: FT fi’r hrsbee- eruift < having eeer. rented by ‘he F t icn *n a net ral p*r-"i the lfiaiui --f, a.K: has err •luted van a- a piiih'i as -r ?■ i.ii'n as American v r.nau.e —c ;uq n me r cap-u.e c :hr vcffV . parti;ut. y fore* andc'.rft Avrn. is a f ‘tmM*- ftauej. On retO’-ni'i.: to the pavricnl-r* r.i 1” afl l n, and eov(id*.-ing the g'-ea? .':lp-.rjt, ■ f numbers it appears lie Hazard was not sur prized and boarded, in the manner as hated in public diipatches from this The Smrk floep of war, Cspt. Geyt, aiTtved on ThursdaV. The Du .h fchnoner Antelope, nvir to ‘.hs Stork lliop cf ar, cut cut of Hockfand Bov, and the Danifti schooner Flung Fifli, detained by the Snake fl op of war, anrivfi ,he fame day. Bv tu* Antelope we learn that the French fqutdron were on the ift ir>ft. it a. idiig to the N. \V while ihe la>at anehor in rhe Mena Paffuge. L.formation receivedhr the Stork floep rs war Hater, that tnev ipke au American ves fat, in th Mona pafTage, from which tuey learnt that the French hrd archcred at Poto. Rico, and) in confequer ce cf reiiltaiiCe f ora the inhabitaivshad landed 8 o troops, who had ravaged the to a u and eomrauted many ether exceiies The tiired fchdtmsr Ceres, Capt. Dennis, arrived on Saturday af-ernoon, in eight days from BarNld< es, with diljpatches for his hx- Ctiih'.cy tht Commander in Chief, enaulled ; to tile charge of Lie U-. Roy, of the ad VVeil.-** I India Regiment. They were forwarded to * , that island by a fchnoner from hrgland, and 1 of inch importance were they soniidered 1 that the Ceres failed at an hour’s notice, ana | or. ho account wha-ever could further time be | allowed her for obtaining proviii ns, water, I and other neeetfary articles cf which ihe ws in >v4m. By the f ‘flowing official letter from j Fart Camden to Lieu er.dnt Geutial Nugent, i wilt i>e much gratified to learn, | tliata u ,der ‘be order of Jtear-Ad • mirat Cecil ai, aid fufficient to copa with - French ft ice in the e fees, has bca de ached from the Channel fleet ior our pro* teifii^n. [OJicia/J “ Downing Street, Feb. 14. “ .*,IR —Intelligence 1 avtug been leceived that fix ail of French tine of battle ships had en apedfr m Rochefort 4id hai been Cnee seen off Ca e St. Vnicenv, his r> ajcity’s Mi* mil.,rs have judged it expedient to death Rear Admi a Cochta e, wi 1 h a Iquadrcn un der his c.'mn ad, f r the prcteflion of his Maiefly's coi.nies in the VVen.lndies This sq- eiror will int rend Zvout at Ear’-ad es, ii*>m whence ->ir \V n, a u Myers fas orders toforwaidto yvu this ie-'er, together with any in-elhgence he may have reccved. “ I 1 ave the honor lobe, Sir, ycur mo 4 obedient, “ CAMce:?* “ L ieut. Gen. Nugent, (Je “ May 10, The Ff.ncb Fleet since our aft, the fait failing ovig’ iw o Brothers, capt Vaughan, lias arrived liei*. -To the attention of our correfpondant at Antigua, ana fome M*rcan* til* h ,use? here, we are indebted for the files of the Grzette and J ur- al to the 2id u!t.- In one of the lateil dates we find the fallowing ttatement: St. Josn’s, ( Antigua) April 23, A gentleman just am ed from St. Barths* lomews hat. favored us with the following ac* count“ that captain Forfyth, cf the fchoo* ner Virginia, had arrived at that island from - Norfolk, and gave ini’, rotation-—that he (poke the French fleet on the £th infl.. in lat 24, long 66; that they were then fleering N£l by E. The flees had been at S \ Do mingo, and landed there, 6c• Troops, with prcviSons—alfo font m- ner on fliore to tho commandant. Captam Forfjnhtook onboard a French pilot t om the fleet, which they had taken off’ Porto Rico; they made no stay at sb Domingo, not even coming to an.anchor. ’* From the ccurfe which these Marau ‘er# were fleering, with various circurofiances uj. ! heir proceedings, we ear ’tre long to an*, (to our regret)*—The fox is corns, and has nude its prey—but with trembling fear, has l eaked with it out of the Fowler’s way. Fir Samuel Hood, we understand, has just arrived at English Harbor, jn his flrip Amfferdam. PHIL *DELPHI A, May 9. Extraft cf a letter ficm Paris, datc4> February 8 h 1805. “ The lust, efs here of the American claims is not tern inaled-, it though upvsardt of three months, tjpeiialiyjinee the arrival of General Armstrong, -we have been all a long J{ ttiertd with hopes of his drawing bill on t e t’eajuty cf th e Untied States , for the p j me’t 0 these claims, it is very u certain when it will the place. It ferns that the reef on and <e examination cf all the Claims ly ir n-in'Jltr, and by As, Mars hois, is nearly a on end. Bui fill diJfcteU ti. s may oicu be ore the jfiS'ttg of hi is cn account of many claims admit.ed by she French council genera! of liquidation, which had been j 3rd y the A meric m comm if fr n. Thi Fn.ruh rrtnf.r ppears to try every expedient to curtail end throw cut alt claims not fit port and in the juhtf manner in order t at ihe mos of the jh'uid not exceed he 20 n.ilhcnt ; but the claimants whofc demeru s nre lih"y to be thrown out entirc’y , o cut tai id only, arc vfng all their endeavors to prevent fuels lof ; for fbouhd the amount if cl ms he patby the Uni ted Slates exceed the to millions, then a 1 reparation or cor tn'utisn mus be made in cauf a dt ficit to be Juptortel prepesrUonm ally by each ’ef drive claim. “ By t e interpret, tiort which Franc! gives to the convention, they will icfjl that J.sou ‘.d the 20 millions cpprepriated for the payment of the dmericetn 1 turns cn emp'/i ----ted by the convention,-not be fffeient, :bt United ‘otates arc to make up to ihe creditors tue dfcterxy . But at l believe that cur government eon dr net it in a different manner, hhcu’J a difcujfon of this fuljtS i>e officially'tt about between ttc two ’•■infers, I apprehend that the whole bo hi nef u ilt he suspended till gen Armstrong gelS frejls irftr udirns from cur exemive on this vet y delicate fu'jed, end that in such case >e will not draw a finglebik, Befidts aft -r the whole bufitisf is fettled between the wo ministers, and every difficulty is got over ‘cn tie Em-etor must ratify all th.-ir vot hr : unhappily it is gtneraiy believe J, ha*before two or three W'ehs his imperial ajjly c ti! ft offfor It By, e: part of his rtufoold mar fed thither a incath Jinte.” 1/ J May 10. v '-a“ es a fetter from the- Mediterra nenn, “kVe tujderftanci that th’ U. S'.att* •rir Argus, capt. Hu!!, ha? sett orrLr. To E .ypt, wnt e fn. is cxcifted t.o ak? or; beard the tz Lafbuw of ’Ar-’v-'j, ■ XJ ttudtr its g'Jicac.ce a i