Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, May 31, 1805, Image 2

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R’.NC'i EMPIRE. M K S S A G E, Os lit My fy the Fmfi-ror, to the Coffer* va ivt Senate. St^SATOP.*. Wr fiafc appointed our brother in-law, Ma>(hal JL a’, grand adniral of the F mpirc 11 fas been our desire not on ly to ->■ : \rwLrdge the f triers which lie has the country, and the particular he has displayed toward* our oi rffii, in every circumstance of life, but 1 hr wit to render what is due to Uk fi)’u ndor anloiipr.Ky cf our crown by eh rating to the Prince, one v. ho is to nearly allied by the tic* •i blood. At the palace of the Thbq|toiee,.iath Pluvo’fe, year 13. t (Signed) NArOLK7f|^ By ‘hr Emftrcr , the Secretary of /? ites*m l (Signed) H 13. MARAT. m AMESS A G F. from hit Mnjefty the Emitter. t the Confr votive Senate. Pen at as, Wc have <p minted our son in-law j Fug. ue Btauharnois, arch-chancellor ( f fiat., of the empire. Os all the a£ls of our power, there iu no one more grateful fct* ur hrari- B ouj ht up by our carts, and under our <yn> iiom hit infamy, he has render eu himfelf worthy of imitating, and, by the aid o’ God, ot one dy fu,puffing the xsmples u..d lcffoni we have given bun. Although flili younjr, we confider him | from tins day, by the experience we have i had “f him, under the greatest ciicum ftanees as one of the lupporters of our throne, and one of t e moit able d< feed er j of the count y. 1 n the midst of the can • and folici.ude infeperable from the hi„h ranks in v.hich wc a;e placed, our heart has ituod in need of the fofttr ass dtions in the tenderness I'd conitart friend (kip of the child of our adoption, a confutation, no doubt necef faiy to all men, hut more eminently to ourfrlves, whose ev.ry inftaat is devoted to thcaffat sos the people. Our paternal bendafftion, will accom pany this young prince, throughout his career, and fceonded by providence, he will be one day wo thy of the approoa lion of poller.ty. At the palace of tne Thuilltries, 12th Piuvoife ; yea- 1 3, (Sigurd) N A POL FAN. Byte Pan/), tor, the secretary of Jlaic, 1 (Signed) H. B MAh AT. Yarmouth, March 29 On WcdnelJsy tlve Boadicea >rigate arrived from the Tcxrl with a number cf men, being part of the crew of his M j fly’-, (hip Romney lately (branded on the Dutch coall ; they (peak very highly of the treatment they received from the Dutch, which was not only humane, but even liberal to a degree beyond cred t— every man had more than he could eat, and they were peimitted to fell what they could not coufunie. Leghorn. Feb. 13. On the 91(1 inst. came in here two English puvateers ore of which the Ox carried four guna 24 and 18 pounden, j they had f,nailer guns. They bn tight in with thrin a French brigantine, car tying fourteen eight peunderg. The fu Ecriomy of the English artillery of a eavy calibre, had alone forced the French to surrender, after a molt cbltj nate rdiltance. The fury with winch they fought Jufficiently appears iroai there bring no Ids than 60 men killed and wounded on board three (lops The two piivateevi landed the French crew here, and linn put to fca with their priz,. the biigautine. Newbury port, (m'.ss ) May 3. Wv u*c tt at a suit ttorm was ,x- JefirtHcd ia the fowtheriy part ot New lau.plhircon Fi. y Lit, unprecedent ed in its violence by any lince the lettlc- Went ot our country ; at Dcci field, the gluts in the Meeting houte, and that in tne dwellin ’ liouten, was very much bro ken—hail ilones wtre found next day the bignefstft a robin’* <gg. STOCKSRIDGE t [Mu/s.) Extraordinary Phenomenon —OnTuef day the 9th iiift- the inhabitant* of the north part ot Alford wrre alarmed by a found tome what tefembling thunder, but much more iutenfe than any ever experi enced in this part of the country. Those having a pro ( p’ Cd, and immediately turn ing their eye* the direction from whence the nolle appeared to proceed, were atto niihed to bt hold a voiume of lire to ap pearance, 8 or 10 feet in diameter, dluing ciredily lrum the earth, & to the height as us supposed of 150 te t accompa, led with vail quamuses of Intake tqual to that proceeding from a large buiLtng on fire. Conftuitt tucc. (Eons ot fi e end fm- ke of this ditcription continued tor the space of 10 or 15 minute*. The Wttle and other heres ot the adj uni g ti-Ids were thrown into the gteauft aniaauneiit and ec; ft. rnation. The fa tnily ot Mr. J Hi. i s, or. whefe Lnd the phuicir.euoti happened, accompanied by a great 1 umber who had ailemblcd at a rad to extraordinary, imme lately repair ed to the place fr> m whence the fire illii<d, t ut iound coutrary to their c xpcc taiio. s. that no r,uption at a.l of the earth had taken place, but that the com mon rubbifli fealtered around had been c ■'vevcb tu a great e ill— Let the Cttihms dcttuniiac the cause. New-Toil, P>P“y * Capt. Williams fio:n Cape Fr nee • informs us, that on the 19'h cf Ap". ! about 40 miles to the north ward on the Mona Pa Rage, a.) engagement took p’.ac* between the Frerch privateer, formerly the Lilly (loop of war, aid the British (loop of war Reynard, which continued an hour arid a half, and terminated with the blowing up of the Lilly. Her cr*w confifttd of 160 men ; of whom 60 wen killed during the action, 60 peiiuied with the vcffel, and 40 were preserved. Capt. W. confirms the account that the return of Dt flhiincs and Chriftophc To the cape, with a part of their army ; but thetr re turn, it was reported, was in tonfequence of their expecting 1 v fit at the caps from the Rochefort squadron. ALEXANDRIA. May 3, Prize Ram ■ — Tuesday last being the day announced lor the of lambs, at Arlington, the eilitc of Mr. in this vicinity : the prrn'it'm vn.B ad liudtred t@ a larrb bred by Col. Thomas \li c, of London.—This beautiful year old, is certainly a nig g eat fiz” - h'* ind fl o, . 1 graftCrdK - “'■> * iwffiixii.i . :> in llvf race nf llftfri • , nm i b ciitytmi’ • ir: : intention ;t- •. 111 crdTs hir wi’h lome fiMpPwjPtfib Mount V r non improvcdpHiwy'ind also fome bred irom an imported ram, a prefect from Ruflel, Etq to the late General ! Walhington.—This brnb pofTcfTesthe I great coniideratum of very (hurt legG j great body, and a fleece no lels retna ka b e for its quantity than the ier gth of the lUp'.e. The lamb will remain in his paddock, at Arlington, un/horn, till the to h cf this, for the gratificat ; oi of th fe gentlemen who wi(k to fee him cloathed in hi. fleece ; at the expiration of which time he will be (beared, and we hope to be able to lay before our readers an ae cuiate account of ks wrighs, and the gross weight of the carcals. RALEIGH , (n c J May 23. A HUR RIG dXE. On Stturday the 15th irllant, about noon, a terrible tempclt cross and the road leading from Granville court house to this city, nearly at right angles. , It was an hundred yards in breath, and t xtende. as far eaftar.d w< ft as can be traced l - s violence can only be imagi led from is which hsv been tru'y dread fu’. The largi ft trees blown by the roots or deprived of their tops, fenci-9 deflroyefl ii'd hoaks laid with the ground. The road at the Hody spring, on Monday, w-s mp lfiole Jtcarrttd off that a c. Ik r.l tar. 1 belonging to Mrs. Robin G’ o.iloe, and Lft no king of Mr. Pat terfon’s dwelling-hoofe but the floor anti fills, although on each fide the rain poured in torrents, net ~ne drop fell where the tempt ft went No lives have been loft that wc have heard of, but the injury done to the timber, fences and tlandin corn, is incalculable The ram in the vicinity of il\t Ho‘ty Spring was so vio eut, that whole ficlusof corn were des troyed and the ground rendered utterly unfit for cultivation during the prefent’ f .son. Many p'anteis for eight or ten niiks around, have been obliged to re plant tink whole ere ps. In this year of uncommon scarcity, the efftiPs of this whirl wind will be nioft ieverely felt by the neighborhood. CHARLESTON, May 25. Extrait oj a Utter from St. 1 homas's da ted 1 g h April loji, “ It is with the greatest fatisfadlion th3t I inform you, my dear fir, of the ex pedition of the brigand army from the Spaui(h part of the island of St Domin go. After leveral forties, always advan- tagecus tor us, the General, pressed by the works and eftablifhm'r.ts by wiich the brigands appeared to be defiious of investing the place, determined upon a geneial sortie ; it took place on tne 28;h of March at 3 o’clock in the morning. The attack was dire&ed against the en trenched camp of St. Carlos. Not with- Handing the* obftinatc rrfiftance. we car ried the two firft entrenchments ; it was at the moment of carrying the third, and moft cot ft lerable, when a tquadron ap peared under Englilh col sirs. The Si gands, believing they were auxiliaries, redoubled their audacity ; our army re fund all their efforts but when the French &:g was displayed, ana they had proceed ed to a debarkation, the fccne qharigcd, the entrenchment wa carried, the night feparsted the combatants. The biigands took advantage of it to evacuate their camp in difurder. leaving money, plate, amuuition, prowfionf, medicines, &c fome white furgeoi $ took aivantage of the to join those c-f their own colour. The uay after the de eat, the Spaniards were ordered to purfuethem ; they followed them on fevers! routs, and every dry they found in the woods fugt tives, and at St. John’s have taken a I’rcat quantity of their oaggage and 1101- (■ . The fchconer of the gov rumen 1 the Amide, was sent to Cico, where ihe anchored with Sp ings on her caoks anJ fired grape thot on a column which made a forced march along the Ihot ; 50 dead bodies were reckoned the , 1 5 00 in the environs of the intrenebroen ot St. Carlos ard their loft in the retreat I*, without exsg;rrticn, counted a: (ran three to four thoufar.d. The squadron has left with the general 500 barrels oi flour. 150,0c0 weigat of h‘fcuit, 10,000 weight of powder, par■, -ri'• *• a -rn*-fv cf f!’ 7 10,coo rr- C'’ iSC.OCO banes in j nnonry, a-.d a mii n a.-.d a half in b ‘ls . on the public treasury ; c'vdage, blocks, anc'i'.'*, and in a word, articles of eve y did nectffary about toco men forming a hattalioo of Pietfmontrfc, and 200 artii lerifta, with the promise of an addition al number of t7CO in a (hort time. You ] will fee by the letter from the mii of I war to general Ferrard, what interest the goveinment takes in our unfortunate colony. 1 lend it to my wife, who w l deliver it to ytm ; I pray you to make it known at well as thrfe details to all cu r countrymen, :.r.d give it the greatest publicity. We loft 40 men in the entrenchments and had 80 wounded ; the psrnfh comma dant Baron is the great- ft amongst our loflfs. Unfortuna.ciy the 1 Irnalicft wound tends to l ir.g on the tetanuj; it h therefore feared, that a number of the wounded will die ; from this you may judge the loss of the bri gands, txpbfed to the inclemency of the climate in a retreat of too Itaguts. j They have loft a great number of chiefy ! ar.d feperior officer*. Philippe, the gtm ! eral cf one of tbe'r divifunis, is the moft ! noted ; they hat’ 14 generals exciufivc of ‘ cfTa ines, 32 demt brigade Aiand one or t i-o rg ments of cava'iy 1 . amounting toat dyftidxop awn. There was found in thefbft ebWenchment with the plate, the order of 0 ffuines for a retreat. Th fe are the accounts ws have from St. Du mingo.” PROM THE EEE. V :rset written tm readn% the acceur.t cf the battle of St. Amand, 1793. by JOHN L M Alt RlOT—omitted in his works. GENIUS cf Britain ! was it thou, From whom th’ admi'ing na:i ns caught That sense of right, that patriotic glow, fnatlove of science, force of thought, Which o’er oppression’s face diifufe Guilt’s wild p.lenefs, tenors dews? Ctnius of 3ritain 1 is it thou To whom the. vales of Gallia fair, The benureous banks of Delaware, Their dearest best of plants, the plant of free dom owe ? It as nut thou—the hand which fow’d, W uIJ ne’er wirh impious hate have driven To blast the b >Cn is love beflow’d, T iof bl (Tims dear to man and HeaiXic The natural mother will lot so Direct the mo-'d’rousd.-fpera e b’ow Agaiiift he offspring of her w mb ; \s when ac ofs the Atlantic wave, _ r h ■ vet’ran legions, vainly bcave, Were feat to cruih the birth they idoliz’d at home. I is not thiu—~from Amattd’s word What means the dire c >nfl cti"g found J Vnge's of mercy !—is it b ood That cl. es so dreadfully the ground ! Vhat mighty motive thus has join’d ‘he butchers fierce of human kind. The lull rs pow’r, or uft of spoil! ay whence the murd’r us phrenzy springs ? Is this the favorue gime of kings ? Are these the bled effeds of consecrating oil ! Tut who are they whose timely aid Che rotred ranks of llavery cheers, Vlidft Kofis if tremblers undifinay’d ? My country! do they call tliee theirsl ■ Ah ! whs are these !’ exclaims the boll Os puriots in amazement loft } Can freemen, freemen wish to enthral ? Thir b foms heave with generous throes, Their hearts refute to call them foes, And not a Briton drops but France bewails his fall. Source of guilt and a'l distress. Detected war ! whate’er thy plea, The v tariesof the prince of peace No fellowhip can have with thee : But when to introduce again Oppreßion's harpies, slavery’s chain And fuperlition’s giozing crew ; When to ferpetuate vice and woe Thou'oidd'ft the streams of crimson flow, What words invented yet can paint th’ ab horrence duel Sweet tiufe of biftory ! as thy art Th* lamettahle feete displays, I fee the workings ofthv heart, I fee’ the iight’nmg of thy phrase, Oh! hide it, hide it, raufe lublime, Where the keen eye of future time The irfmjd record ne’er may find : Nor in the nhmber of the year Let that opprobrious day appe <r. Whenfretmenjiin’d the league of esurts a gaiiill mankind Coil mine in IVeadflock —In -ligging a celhr in Woouilock, a fcw cHys since, c .e workmen ansxpcfledly came upon a vein of coil, at the tirpti} of two or r hre'? feet, which, according to the in r ormation we have h:d, ;> v*s of an excellent quality. The size o th j vein has not been s ettaii.edj nor have we b:en able 10 learn the cjire&ion of its flratmt, the quality ot the unrounding Hone, or the local fi.uaiion of the mine. C •<*! has oeen often found on the sur rounding mountains, Dut not in luch quantities as to induce ef fectual learch. A Mechanic at Bombay has dilcovered a proccfs by which to extract from the saw dult and lkavings made in budding a v’ IF as mu. h tar as ,s fuincient :o- be outfit. Times. FIVE DJLLARS ’ be paid to ar.y perfir. who wii! Vv roturnti the fubfcribrr hii I‘iddlt av. i bridle which was taken efi his U rle or. • e i:’gttol the mtlant; The fiddle is eru e ., rh pi -ed cantle and tUrrup t ’r.s—The hr die a double reined fnatfie of a very lingular canluueiien. 11. Carsan, M.y 31 -8 Georgi a f tJtJl.itnr. j House of RrprelVr’atives Fr No vt Tiber 16. Cent n. tied, Mr* Eat*s, 1 hope the committee will rife, the sense ot the houfr aspi-are to be now a gainft the Li!!, and perhaps further infor mation may alter thei* minds. Mr Bulloch, The ger.tkman from Columbia at tempts to exi ite an alarm by f undtng the tor-fin of fpecu’ation, i>ut l trnft he will be disappointedf if he is disposed j ;*0 weigh candidly/the ground* of the i | (fare’s being concfrned he ci rtaiu'y p.*f f;ffe-i gnod fenfeJb fi >d the lv rage. | I will explain the grounds. O t the U pi ted States dock of the date, (he is re ceiving bin 6 per cent dividend. 1 his it to he paid in pa-t of her fubfeription, f at ptr. For the balance, a ‘certificate is! ; to by issued beaiing fu per cent 1 ,ieitft. ; The (lock of the bank will produce a ! pj-plus dividend, which of itftlf will re | deciii the certificate in a fetv year;'—! ! The plan proposed is the Lir.e a wai 1 i pursued by the United States t thej J eftab ifturtent of that bark. They have | a large profit Lv it and I think it ! would be wrong in us to rij.di unotiar| advartav ■. ( Mr. Simms, , I have no doubt but ”the uate tt'ould receive ten or twelve per cent 00 her (hares ; but where will it come from l Surely from the pockets of the citizens Why then is it any bett :r than taxes ? t is burdening the citizens and indi-j rtcftly taxing them lam against the j state having any thing to do with it—j If individuals have amind to have a bank, let them have it; but let it be altoge th r private property. The citizens are able a id willing to pay their taxes, and the Hate is able t a pay her debta. Mr. Bibb, I am (otnewbat surprised at the ac knowledgment of the gentleman in the fame breath with his oppafi.ion to the liate (hares Ha cannot be ignorant that the e is a material difference between the citiZ.-rs paying taxes and voluntarib contributing to bank dividend. lam in ravor of a large iutcrcll oa the p-art o the (fate. Mr Clr^k, If banks are fppculation they are ho nest aid laudable fprcu'ations It i true the bank note is not specie, but it is an evidence of debt to be paid on de mam), and which ‘here are always funds to pay There isne uncertainty attached to it. There is no danger of the'date being dragged into courts of juilice, r,s has been Lid ; Ihe will nit be It iowi in the bank, any more than ar. individual The causes of the odium again ft the bank ot the United States were tne dis honest purchaf sos certificates and the funding fytlcm which involved the bank. The United States gained nearly one million of dollars by her fubferiplion, anJ parted with ttieir do k with great re gret. It is a faift well known that the (hares will rife when the books are clo fed 5c if the (late does not choose continue her concern she cau withdraw at any time to great advantage. Mr. Simraa, I have been convinced that advanta- 1 ges would aiift to the state from a coir cern in the bink. But the bank of the Unhed States was instituted very i iqui toufly, and render* us afraid of similar institutions. It would at least be impo litic to put the charter oiit of cur pow er. Wc ought not to vuthorife an insti tution which, when found by experience to be irjurious we could not epea! I hope a provision for that purpofc will be inserted in the bill. The state is rich, and the yit z'ns understand taxation as well as the h if Urure When taxes are nece ffy. they will always be found to pay cheeitu i The fyftcm ofbankir.g they do not u derftaml, if they did they pofli.iy might approve-it. They are ready to defend the country with their lives if ne ceffary ; though it is tiu.t, tn-.y cnucl believe evtry idle talc. Mr. Flournoy read a letter from the intendaut of the city of Auguftj, to him felf and colleague expr.ffi.ig tilt opinion of the citizens of Augusta, in tavor of the bank, and of a branch in Augusta ; together with their belief that the p au ters will be particularly benefited by th. measure. He then observed, that there had been much faul cf speculation ; that that word carried with an idea ot in propriety, but that the bank was a per fectly fair dealing and ought not to be ft) charadlerifed. Mr. Bulloch, Those that pay interest at the bank, have the use ot the money they pay for } on thi3 they trade and it mull be a dull trede that will not clear more than fin. per cent. The borrowers, therefore re ceive an aivantage from the money they , pay towards the dividend. Mr. Simms, The gentlemen in favor of the bii have had an opportunity of difcuiiing the ; bill for months. Ti c gentlemen from I R ‘cnmond, however, have not ventured to ! upon it without appealing to liieirl conltituents ; and those were aiv-_ea on the question. JLct ethers have th. feme opportunity to enquire . to the fubjeft and confute the opinion of their’ conliituents. it •< *iot puuible to make j up cur mi ds so soon. it i> that j the citizen* pay the band dtvideas w.t lingly ;fo do they p\y their taxes The grntl mrn have iia.ej lint th t money holders w re oppnled to itbecaufe it would c-nefi: the pti-iters tuis ]l caunot b.itrve. * If the Ousted oUt-s ~.*ve received * 013 <? M ’.r* r”'n e v • ti‘- l , was the funjir.v l>M(Cu.f . t | No it was r.ot ; it was tlj ft, a ‘ people were indignant at h a ment. I have *0 obj dftion to at - a! AM the bank, but I wifli to retain the ug M of repeal. S Mr. Wa'ker, ■ The representatives of Richmond fe J no diffi ulty tn making up their mind* on the propriety of a bank- I w I not on that point we wished instruct • ions. We only desired to aid—'tail 1 their wi (be* as to a branch in Au uft a. ; In doi g this we have found only the merchants opposed it, and tha* b- C3uie lit would creme additional circuiting rrcdium, and thus tn upon their monopolies and be, efit the planter? This is one great argument in tavof ot the bank. ? The Rewtlertnen has that people wire willing to pry thrir tax- s j b'ut h tve we rot newfpaptr# croudeC w m j £ (vertifcment* of tax biles which v oved ; the conirary ? The e ‘8 no city on ’ continent where a bank cxifts buthas be* ne fitted by ic, what (hall from doing the fame ? When advantages are evident, (ball we, as guardians of th) pubha welfare, nj,& th.fe advantages merely we are afraid to recew* them ? The gentlemen has Rated the 1 tveal'li of the $ the ability of the ft te to pay her debts, 1 am sorry i iky the related rejeefioo of the molt righteous claims, and the refufai to make any appropriation for redeeming the out (landing debt, is no proof of the curre&nefsof his affertions'. It ii well! ! known that he has been foremoft in the I ranks of opposition to payment, ( Mr. Crawford, The measure about to be adopted ts of great importance, and one in which the state is ‘iesply interested. The only mode of aLertaimng die question whe ther the bank will be beneficial or not is by difeuift ig the merits of the bill.—* The real obj id has been toil fight of lit the present debate. The funding, whica has bten called forward, has no relation or connection with the baaking fyftcm and never had. Fuftding and banking ire totally diff rent. I hope gentlemen *c; ieave the funding fyffemout of the q 1 -ftton and not make use of the word igain in tlii3 debate. It has been asserted that banks are ‘ vd a in tbcmfclvc6 *, but this does not , pear to be corr <ft. Some inconvenier, ces have undoubtedly ariferi, but the ad vantages have been far superior We a-e not however, at this time tn difouf* hat q 1 ft.on. Banks ar; eftabuftted j they are in operation anting us, and the only 0 qniry now is whether vve will par* ti pat i-i the advantages ; (nice wc are unable to control any banks no .v ejt.fting". Bank bii.s, it is true, are rot wealtbA but its repretentative } whenever they! exeted the demands of the country where J they circulate, thiy become injurious but as this will produce a consequent dc preciaiionin the fame proportion, it is am evil wbi-h will regulate itfelf. The true criterion by which to judge of their scarcity or _aoundance, is the interest of money, Tested bj this rule, what is the result in this state f Our legal inter | est is eight per cent a year, and it is well known that money cannot be procu red at that rate. I hare known one hun dred per cent given. This proves in conteftibly, that the preient amount both-! of bibs and specie in circulation, is no: c 1 ’ qual to the public wants. Can any man be ifjured by the ir.creafc of circulating medium to the amount required for pub hc convenience ? cm any one but the u surer beoopofed to reduction of interest to a fair equivalent ? In Enghr.d mo :ey \va9o-.icedt ai interest of i 2 per cer.*; now it p a jtiree and a half; which is a proof hat the circulating medium has r.OV r.. I : .1 !-vi iin that country. ■j h has been la’d, and much a!3”rQ ‘X. r d on the of fperulatioc. i ‘I ite tha* (übjidt in the f nfe st at- oven used aa mu-ih as anymunberof this house, bat not ev ry thing to which that name will apply ,g criminal. The dignity ft ihe Uaitch Staes ‘vas net com mjited by her i-ite-eft in the bv k, itwas not thought a .criminal matter by that g vtrnmtnt. in fome measure, every thing is a fpcculation where pr->st is m.'d *. i'ht honest merchant is a fpeCo. iater in this feafe, and we ought not ta be borne away by prejui ces against the bad meaning of a word. Some gentle* m-u seem w.iiing that a back thouid be i...i. rated if thw ftatv is not intcreftej ; but llhouid be against its eftabltfhment if he interest of ihe date is taken away.— L dividend is not a tax cn 1: 5,* oecaule they profit by borrowing. Would not the gei.llemaa from Golumb'.a hi inf elf, be more willing in his neceflky to borrow at 6 per cent than at Csty ? \nother bank will bauifn usurers who are tle pelts of society. livery mio .knows that mom y cannot now be pro. cured fer per cent; whiit not) then be beneficial to have a deposit where men car, borrow at fix per cent in those | circ urn Stances which render borrowing an advantage ? Trie letter from Au [ gufta ftatea that the merchants were op* ! p.icd to it. Why ? B- caafe it will put I duwn usury and moi opoly. No doubt they would as soon fee the devil rife *as a bank for taeir, five percent a month would vauilh immediately before ir, iuc ge. ile ncu i.i oppolhbn ta'k cf 1 lawyers unicrftar,diag t .c fubj.ft, xxz:i . time to acquire informatiju. Legal ■ -:.a banking knowledge have very fit tie ccancClioti, di *vl itxtre iie very ftw attor ! it ftiat, ugh tbi tun 30s . ‘f (IS VJS . p JiU ty tky P'ubuC tS t-1 h j ...k. viuvjit? £ui;or.