Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, June 14, 1805, Image 3

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State. be ‘.vi fecnre Loui-uan* ag-.unft kp-ig - at! •: .;i:r Cy mean- of aftanihngarmy, t: (*t te dtjtni it. it ma'ters not whether ’ a tcrri orr ora state, for n nei *| ( -r case *l.ey have a right to oecop\ Inch yr-.u.ids, ■■■ Hey intend either to fortify or na i •!• purytTes < f national lal'ety. But if it be coniidereil, in this inllancea:. in all others, that a It .nding army, would be, not only a bur hen to the public, but also a dangerous engine in the hans of ambition againit liberty, then of course Louiiiana is to be fecuvei agnnti firit atempts, is all the other parts of the union, hv i-s own strength and p.-pjatnn, ip its militia's patriotic zeal This is evident and uuquettiu. able VVe then brought t at nvicti n that Lmn fiina has no other i mmediute defence thuv the Louifianiao* themselves. Lei us now Confider if that defence wifi be lei's itrong when Louisiana ihall be eieited in o a iiate, than it is now ? In their present dependent and painfu! situation, it i reafmabie to esneil nothing from the L'Uifianiai.s but a le.naaut obedi ence to the orders f the chief placed over them. They have no b!ier:y to defend ;no political rights t > preserve. \s is natu.vl ‘for mankin 1, they feel m ie keenly the pri vation of the advant tges winch they have than they ej y the h me of thole wait it they are u certain to acqm.e They have changed maters already several ttm--s, and mav be supp d'ed very indiitevent ah ut chan ging once ii ire. It is to be hoped thev may be indi tie rent \ it is to be hoped their Ueoa ted hear s may not carry ‘hen, bey. nd indif ference it is to be hoped indeed, but can it be depended on ? Will my man (tep forward ; ,nd fav : The Louifi niaus are fuffering uw-nher. less inconveniences, they are unhapp-, th*:r aiTebiions are alienated ; but 1 aufwer f,r their conduct j they wll never listen to the insinuations of intrigues; they will rema-it attached to tne United States; they will fjghft f*r the liberty of others, thmign tnty do not enjoy it themselves. If there ,vas any person so confident and lo bhd as to hold that language, would he be behoved? Would not such an assertion appear pvefump tuous and extravagant ? Moft certainly. VVe will not therefore venture to fa\ whr might be the conduct of the Louifranians in their present situation if any attempt was made against their territory. How dHft-rent v would be, if liberty, if felf-government was given to them, we leave those who enjoy the bleiTmgs of freedom to determine. Let tiem confcit their own fe lings and pr jounce. be coaclu Jed in our next.) PARIS, Sip,i! 10. We hav; r.ow ajiertainca the (ru b ref feSing the fleet failed ft om Sri .ft, by an account from th :tpott, cl ,'ed March 31, containing the following flat-men Admiral Gantheaume, wfling to male fame experiments with his fqua h on, for the purpcfe of exercising hi - fearner, in csr . taut manauvres, put to fa ; on difcove r ,ng hi< movements, the Engi h /quad/on toJi their leave, t ough their force conftfled of eighteenfhips, among which were eight thict dtekets. /itlmral Gantheaume pufned them in line if Battle * but finding that they had quit ihe co fl, probuby with a view to obtain a reinforcement, h- returned into Bre fl Harbour. During three days which the fquadronimployed in anesuvring no accident happened to the Jle t, and every movement was executed with the gi eatft txaßneft. Admiral Gantheaume has ex prtfjcd the highcfl falisfaSion at the good order, Hill and harmony of his officers and feumen. * •antheaum’s force confifled of twenty-on* fill of the line, fix frigates and one Brig. April 13, Information arrived two days Since, that ihe Toulon fleet hud again put to fa. BOSTON, May 23. Extract of a Letter Jro n Bordeaux, to a Merchant in tits town , dated April Jyth 1805. “ Since writing you on the iffth ult. cur market has undergone no alteration, except a trifling augmentation in the ar ticles of pimento—A new law has ap peared under date of the 30th Ventofe, (ift March) authorifing the feisure and cos fiscation of all colonial produce, imported in foreign (hips, which (hall not be accompanied with certificates of the French commercial agent, cirtifying that it is not the production of any colo ny or country under the domination of Great Britain. It will be ngourouCy enforced, even against vessels coming from port* where r.o such French agent rt fides. This law is supplementary to one cf the fame nature of the 1(t MelSdor, ttth year (20th June 1803) but more severe in its dispositions; as there was a modification in the latter, by which an exportation of equal value in French mv imfa&ured goods within the three months following the importation, was to he eonfiiered as a:i exemption from all pe nalties, ftizures or confiscations ; but this privilege is no longer allowed. Ai though this new regulation 1* of little confluence to your port, where you art in bibrs of accompanying every (hipraeut with the document here enacted ; yet a kflt'Jedge of its exigence, may be rse ceffary to the neighbouring porm, where bo commercial agent resides.” May 27. Kish's* ImportantJ — Mr. Law juncc Keene, an orxucr of the American ship Can cn, (whic i sci* 1 dt*rrd 011 the 2id of Dec.) came patter ger m the brig Acorn, hom Lifbm, and informs us, tnat a transport dispatched from Admiral Orde, est cape St. Vin ienr, ar/ivsd Aprd 16, with in* teirigence of the Touon fleet c m Aiding us .0 fa 1 of the line and 3 fr -gates, having arrived o f Cadiz*B?y } they were j uned by an tdt: hpsniflj vtff. s jn rea- Qir>ci>, U..J put to fca—deflina tiou unknown. ’ A nfvri# re vailed at f.ifbon, that the French and Spanifli fleets were bound r o Louisiana ! and that the A i'nericin affairs were a serious as jed at the Court of Madrid ! ! ! Extract of a let' <r from the com mander of a slip of this po t da f ed at Listen, April 15 ib, 1805. 1 am just informed that dis patches an ivc*d here yefterdav fro n the Engl’lh squadron off Cadiz, which Rate that on -he () h, twelve saii of {he 1 of, (Frn h) had made their appear ance off emt port, and thac the Englilh were oh lift'd to quit the ftaci m ! The French Iq ladron went into Cadiz, to join the Spa niff; fleet there ; so that a large force rourt come from Eni,d.<ni ‘J to keep them in, as they have none to spare from the Mediter ranean : the Toulon fleet kee, s them in corrinual oblervation.*’ May 30. TOULON’ FLEET OUT.- Captain Foigier, a - rived at B jfton o 1 SatJiuay, in 35 days from Ldbon, ib tne bearer of the very imereftiug inrel* French fleet from Toulon. He fires that, on the 14th April, >he Doric iranfport (hip, capt Lamh, arrived at L'lbm, with dispatches from Sir J. Oide, off cape Sr, V-ncents, to the Bn tiih minister, with -news of the Toulon fliet off Cadiz, confiding of o iau of the line, and four frigates; That the De fence, of 74 guns, narrowly cf caped being taken as flic lay with her yards and to- mafE’ down w ,e.i the French fleet hovt in light. The Fnglifli minister at L;fb ?n immediately out two packets, the Orph't Us frigate anff a gun brig, then in port with dispatches or U.:d ; tie brig however wts o bi t . j d to put back, having sprung her bowfpri: arid so in ait ih crossing the bar. Forty-fix hours after failing captain F. spoke the Eritifh fl et under fi J. Orde, confiding of 2 jfs & 3 frigates only, Handing for England. Captain Foigier, further advi ses chat the French minister h;d arrived at Lffbon, & was escorted from Bcliifle -“afflc t 0 this cry by the Nobility and Piincc's hot le guards jer n e Bon - parte had set out for France, by t c way of Madrid ; and his lady was a passenger on board the E rin, which cam* out of Lisbon in conpmy with captain F. bound for Amfterdain.” Accoirs had been ieceived at Lisbon Oi the capture of two va luable iiiazi! fliips oft the isle of Corvo by the Algerine lqua dron.” I’i corroboraiion of rh? intel ligence brought by captain Fol gier, we learn that captain Tre (ethen, arrived at FortfnViUth, on Thursday laid tr m Merla 10, reports, that on the S h April, about ten leagues E. of Gibrai t r, he paded the Toulon fleet, of i j lad or velTcis, viz. n fhius of the line, of which 3 were So gu is, 6 frigates, and 2, brigs, having on b >ard 7 or 3co r.hok n troops, coalmanued by genera Laurdton ; on the 9 p, he again palied the fleet in the Gut, then itecring W, Norfolk, May 3 s. Captain Spencer Drummond, of the brig F*iu , arrived h're on Tuesda ', in 16 day., iro.n Uummiqur, informs that afrigae d.s palcheil lrtim sir j .hn Orde's Squadron, had toucaed at Barbadoes after a passage cf 7 da,, s, with accounts of the Toulon tieer of i<j tan ot the line navi eg arrived at Cadiz, in conleq.ience of whiui Orde's lquaci ,n made f <r G.oraltar. TiejdlaxMing from ike Bxiiitet Murcury, tj the 4th im/hat, tonjirmi the aim account. Dispatches wire yeitr.rday received here, brought by his Majtffty's (hip Murcury, capt. the hon. D. P. Bonverie, from Vice-Adrmmt Sir John Qrde, dated “His Majeft/s (hip Glory, at lea, April 10‘h, 1805,” Cati.ig theimpqi ant intelligence of the sud den appearance o;t Cadiz, oi’ the Toulon Seep Confining of from io to 24 fail, ti or 2of herfi of .he 1 me, and the rest heavy frigates This fleet, it appe era, v/aa, on the evening of the pih, ciofe oif Cadiz hamour, v/.nerc oi.e FrtucW (hip of the line and fix or fe/en ‘paiih were then ready to join them, ir.l t irt eor four more w . ili ho m ab ,at twertty fjur hours. Wheiuat an/ rrr>op s were <n btvjr<3 thefr !-u,is w ( c , not ki\o\ ti, n r hid tliedeftttiatifit, cft’ii . f afti r is junc tion, been ascertained, but it was judg’d tn be to the weitward ; a-.J it was reported thai I the Snnn fii {hips weicb and lothe II ivanna. From this lutelUr-nce, it i.; very evident that the fafetv of ihe Well Indies is again threateneJ, and that we ought not to be ul lured into lnadbvity. The Mucuvv, after the dispatches were delivered, immediately -proceeded to feu, and Hood to the weltwurd Sir J Orde, we im ilerilaii!!, Uad aifo sent advicesof the entra; ’s smpearance otf Cadiz s o England, and to Lord Ne son, up the Mediterranean. LOUISVILLE , June 5. We understand that his excellency the | Governor ha<? reqiii-ed the attendance ofi the Commissioners of the Laud Lottery,, at ibis place, cn the 10th initant, in or-1 derthat they tnay give the rcquift'e no-1 Lee- ad make the nettfiary arrange ments for the drawing of said Letter -, which, it is preiumed, wii! conuntnec about the middle of next month. SPdRTJ, June 1. ■ANOTHtK. JNWIAN TREAT Y. BY late accounis irom the Creek Na tion it appears there is a Treaty now holding or ah >u* tohe held, for the pur pose of obtainin ‘ tne Land between the Oconee and Q-kmulg-e Rivers. From authority which we cannot doubt, w. aie informed, that the Supcrinten lant re cently received inftruSlions from the War Department, for holding this Ttea ty, tn which there was a broad hint that he was but TRHPOXARY AOENT. If this he corrcft, t is highly probable the Land will be obtained on more advanta geous terms than those rejected by the Senate of the United States, and no mistake as to the compensation being transferable ; or, perhaps, he may exclaim, with a faden minister in days of old, “ farewell, a lopg farewell, to all my greatnei’s,” Georgia Republican, AMO >TATF INTELLIGENCER B i fr) \ and iVIORSE. S.iv.xN J Vit, June 14, 1805 The Englifli ne*’fpapers sum up the pub lit m ne received annually by the family and cmineftions of Ltri Melville (Du and q t.> Ihe enormous amount of 6i,8j0 pounds Stirling or *74,800 dollars. CORRESPONDENCE. “ Caxdor” wil fion have a place. The cerutpmti'nct which he cites appears to he so authentic, and the transaftions it exposes so far beyond the reach of common turpitude that however dirk the picture, we cannot think it unlike the original. George Hammekin, cfq. and brother, who, we aie informed, isappointed by the King of Denmark, Consul f r the Eaftcrn Hates,came pafferger in the {hip Lydia. Capt Trrdwe , from fonningen. We are alf > informed, that Mr J F Eckhart, formerly Vice Confu at at Philadelphia, is appointed by his Danilh Majcity, Consul for the m-ddle states. Ncw-York piper. Georgia lire. House of Reprefer.tatives Tuesday No vember 20. Continued. Mr. Bulloch, The mind of the honfe appeared so de cided yesterday that I did not intend to have spoken again on the fubjeft when the getieman firfi brought forward his motion for reconfcderation ; but the di. vision of the house has induced me again to rife on the queftiort. The former difculCon of the bill hes been every nbjedion the gentleman’s m- j genuity could devise was urged, and i: | would seem to me no new light could be thrown on the ful jt-ft at this late pi-rtod. The gentleman labored hard in his opposition yesterday without itating an objectionable point ; to day he ap p*‘ars to have read the bilf, but his argu-1 menu arc tquady weak and fallacious 1 The point of iecrecy which he m-kos such a bugbear, has been fully and ably i replied to. What will become of the I fu.- dircdt'irs or. the part of the ft ile j which all th. mifehitf, the ill-boding I of the gentleman fears, is ahting i is it I not their express duty to watch over the I intent ft of the ftateand report ail devia- 1 tions from Propriety? Does the gentle-j mm suppose we cannot find 4 men of whom one at Icaft will do their duty ?j He has f-ize-i on an expression which ; fell from my colleague, and attempts to ; m ike it the alarm post of opposition by ,’ iofinuating that we are making the dtf tiuction between up country and ! w country* but it was used with no such! invidious view—it was m-.-nt a. a reproof j to that, gentleman for attempting by in- ’ li-uation to ‘d'aw aline he prcteuua to difciaun. B/ tne provifi ms of the bill, the fta e is placed on the noil eligible footing reipe&tu,, the certificates. At all events (he can lose nathing for the inter it can uot exceed the divideti i. it a private individual could pay tor this stock by gi ving hia note at fix per cent, would he not prefer it to paying in specie ? Sure ly he would, and toy so doing wau.d make : his fortune too. I'hc terror of the gen-1 tleman left the ba >k fhouid be burnt dow-n, is ridiculous. The bank caimot be destroyed bv fire for there wnt ba vaults built under ground, wbjch firej cann it reach and human ingenuity can scarce divife tie means of breaking them °P‘j• The q i-fticn cr. o’.(agreeing to the re port of the committee of tlte n hoL was then taken and loft. Ayes 2j, Noes 25. A mrfTsge fi hu Senate was received and read, being a refohition for respiting the execution of Smith, oi M’lntofh county, conviftcd for murder. Mr, C<fbv presented a petition which was read and referred. Mr. Clark moved to teke up the refo lotion from Senate. Mr. Welfcher, I confvfj, I am for executing judg ment in mercy, but I would not ex't ivi j mercy too far 1 can with great thill lenity vote pardon to a murderer, and the ■ cirrumftanc-sto mitigation mult appear ‘tiring to obtain my iiffuit. I wnh j that the documents relative to this case ; might be r ad, that we may not vote pardon where it is undeserved. Sundry documents relative, to the case were then read, when the house con curred a resolution. A resolution from Senate, appointing the flute house a place of meeting fir ele&ors of president and vice prefidenl of the United Stales wa® then taken up. Mr. Hall, I think the resolution a good one as far as it goes, but it ought to provide for filling vacancies. Mr. Flournoy, If any amendments are made in the resolution as it now Hands, the concur rence of the Senate will be neejfTary.— This wi 1 create delay, and as the time it. near at hand when the eleftors arc to vote ; as several of them are to be noti tied and refnle a considerable diflance, it may create fome embarraifment. It is highly probable that the filling of vacan cies will not be neceflary in the present lallance, but if tt fhouid be requiliie, I conficer the governor as constitution illy authorded to appoint without a fpecific resolution. Mr. Adame, I agree with the gentleman from Richmond, but I think there fhouhl b a period pointed out when the ab'ence ui the elector fhouid be conftdercd as crea ting the vacancy. No am ndment being moved, the house concurred in the resolution. Mr. Bibb, Reported a bill to grant certain privi ledges to James Pace, legal reprefenta tire of James Pace, dec. Mr. Mabury calhd up a resolution ap pointing a notary public and interpreter of foreign languages for St. Mary’s which was agreed to. The house then went into a commit tee of the whole on the bill to prevent the importation of slaves, Mr. Dranc in the chair. [The bill provided that where a man was accused of having inhis pr.fftffion ini ported negroes, he fhouid be bound to prove of whom he had them, and that the burden of proof on a plea, of not guilty fhouid be on the defendant The penalty, 1000 dollars. The other provisions of the bill will be gathered f-om the debate.! Mr. Wcilcher, Os all the opprcflion 1 ever knew, this hill is calcuiattd to produce the gteateft. That the tax collector fhouid have a right to fe’ze on my negroe at any time he thought proper, merely because he chofc to fay he was imported contrary to law, is unprecedented. It is contrary to tin guarantee of the constitution, and a vio lation cf aIL private right. Shall a citi zen He compelled to give oath againfl birnfelf ? Shall the burden of proof be thrown on the negative ? Must I run the danger of swear ing fa fely in my cwu caitfe or being deprived of my property ? The house ’ very properly r*j r.ted a similar attempt I laftyear, St l I ope this will share the fame fate. It is a facrcd principle of juftict as well as law, that if a m?.n denies a charge brought agrainlt him, the profc cutor must prove him guilty. Would it J not be dreadful in its cons quinces to lay j such a temptation to pcijury be ore our 1 citizens ? Shall a poor man perhaps j friendlcfs be compelled to give fecunty , for his property or facrifi:e it? If a , man fhouid attempt to purg. r himfrlf by {oath, then in addition to the forfeit : u e, the pains of p j ry must be fufl -r ----jed In the name ot Gt and never let such ;a inquisitorial power be given in our j country. It ffrikes at the root of liber- I ty, property and iuftice. i Mr. Caffels, I dil'agrce with the gentleman from (Chatha m. Many laws have already been I pal Ted to maintain the constitution on j this fill)] <fl, but will out effect. I set iit my uu y to endeavor to supp .rt it. We r.z;.n*t pas. laws to restrain the trade | wi.ich will be too severe. Many mgr ■ s j arc imported yearly in the face of ex ft jing laws What will be the u.tinrt te coi-.f’ quince i i liey certainly are nit friends, but wiil 0.. c day Ciiuaugtr our fufrty. Mr. Sunms, The bill has been a long time H'fore the legislature, but never in a fii -pc to anf.vir the at its friends Whole fhtp Lads inay be purchaied for little value, and thefeconcerned vtr.ft com plain and ttiU3 evade the Lw, and the i trade hi there ,y legalized Jf -.he t.n 1 porters wer: compelled to Ihip them away | again, it Wt uld operate a preventative, j Putting the purcu ,f-rs tj fw-.ur tfolly| ; fur how can they tell whether the H.- 1 gr ,ca w-.rc imported or no. i j Mr. dp- w, I I have no -lea that the bill --/ill pass •tl :ali ; many able b.its have hern .. •rofiue-- jtr-.m u: .c to tone, to no potp-ofe. J tbc bill be pottpotied to f.’u tint Monrtay in fnne next. Mr. CztTels, I feel my elf no way particularly in. tereft.d iu the bill. I a;n nut alone bound by the conft tution. If th” lei. is lature think proper to poftpoue I ihall not complain. Mr. Well her, I think it improper to pr flpotte the bill. We are bound to pah fome law m •bedience to the constitution, and it is unfair to evade the question. [ be continued.] PO ft T Ob 8A V a iNI i\ A iff - E N 7 E R £ n, Ship Juno, Malcolm, Liverpool Tijipo ?ai!>, B v mm, j,,. driff _’ ,r • B’- clier Huldalt -V Ann, Daughady, Ni • Y >vlc • iloop t.'nncepuon, G -me/, ‘st. Auguftii-© Cirdaril a, Go net r, Deauf.u s c- C L E A R E I), dr-.j Walliington, Sian-, New-Ynrk /innunt S /turibedfor tie lefi.iiri.yj Lu isvi/ie and Augusta road, in mount %yiih the commissioners appointed to ap propriate th. tame, D<\ ( ‘cl 1 .e. 2 t Hoq IP’s, l To rail. ; > ■; d VI, R fl , n i I, (toucher N- ) 37 50/ oa. j, ditto paid Jas Gainey’s order, (v t.) ‘ 10 ditto p.„,d Mr. Frocl^r ( v 3 ) r tU n , <litl . paid AifX. \ 4) ° 2! SO ci to pa and C riffin, ( ,/ 5 ) Jo 55 Camber d’ttn oa'd Dennis ot vVilliams, ( v - 6 ) . l 'S 7<i ditto paid fohn M. Tutoall ( v - 7 ) 23 6z ditto pa and Joshua Lorcr (v. 8 ) ‘ 50 Ocit-ibe r td, ditto nu’d ft.ULt ( v 9 ) 13 Novemb-r >, ditto paid J cm Mead (*• 10 ) ’5 70 u-tto paid Alton Pemberton (v. u.) 5 Amount outflanking per contf* ;g H ilance in the ha <ds of Thomas K. VV’i'listm si2 6/ ditto m the ha iJa ol Col. oiicilman 53 Djib-s 39 p Ur. 1 804., 3y amount rotlrdted hy 1 nOmaa F. Williams ;ay Amount cohetted by C.T. bheiiniau r \rncunt uncollt<ft;d, which") a 0 unrHor the lum Mi;., p rd uufcnbcJ pr. ur g off fu ■. J DJls. ~ —■ l,l 3y ba’ance ur,a /propria ed *.5 j .Via, 2la, Po atn uir paid J ,'mi Keefer (n. 12.) jK M . M rSc’-. 1 ni for pimtu g (n. 13 ) Errms cx ’eptcJ. foil 11 SlicUfiiin, p r i’htis. F. W’iiiuuis, > ff Ed. Ha den. This .<c -uiit is pub!*'fhed cm.f-.r. nab'y to a rcl ftu uu e .rcr and imo ty ;he lutPcii'icf-, t > the Lcuisvi lu t and or pjnh oi;- oa ■jji.t Dvccu.brr, ut’ as -.hs till h.U rot a!i t c .i ■ eeu • G’ tc I, it vas sc.flp.mtd, Vna /.■urEcr; are Limed wi h the editor •f the K..-pn l,c m, fir * ah ficno it in *ereft*'l, /\ inecc.rtr • tn- m -ic loers is rrquelt.'d at Cm. Shcifman’s tjo o’rlot k. 0. trier iitorn. ng o: the 1 2th Aur.uft t> dct ;. . tr.e .n whaf manner fie balance remain, i'u< i t the hands of the commifii justs fhffl be difpufed of June 13 2m 87 Savannah Shu • Sto c, 1) ECEIYED at the Savannah Shoe re, J V Pr the i!io Elba -:v ir >.i iJoito. ,ui - iu. ion to al-it - 1u;,|.1/, f .urteeu :ru..k. and tliree barreia ihaes woil a{f.r;td. J.6cJ. Willy. l une ix _3t .£ 1 City Sheriff s bale. ON the ii ft Puciday m au, uff next wil. be 5 Id at the Court e in tha City betwixt the hours ol ico and three t.’ci ox one Nc<r o r q nimei PUNCH, f.ized he pi ■- icitv of hPH RAM AM NILP.S, t study (tv ;ral ex-cut'O.ii, pom ed out lyontf of the pl.ft. lift’’*, Jondi ins Cati*. J NO. WILLIAMS, S- C. S. ‘t , ts s. Will be 6/1 , ON WLDNESD YY the 1y it :r.!lmr, a; toe iiore .. J f.. . Fa T-. hi* Hock in tm ! , vivi ■..> f, 4 h. u,c ienr. ‘.Tk’ 1 uii', *. .