Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, June 14, 1805, Image 4

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I > 6tn the Ptwidenie Cczette. ? unit! ftJrtcJt toraihir. ABhll, 1 ha -e ol wi h„d ■l ■’ fruits t fell’ fame kind LtEre ; %ul and nnt, and, , t 1./rjk so fad, ni:; “ r g! it; ilr'if hf. rr.e more. 2. l,e "'” a *. v in in *,* tsfte, ■ 1 Jh-idt/, it si, Zips uf ’ Jt ihivg ; ■* *’• not tin in tco mu h haste, Tin fruit u fully ripe ( r picking. ’Tin downngh’ avarice, 1 know, Vi ha e’er p itbfopber* avow, *1 luS’er lech fweer fruit t > grow On)/ to wither on thr bough. O 1 it would pi ve a y y to me, •A j’<y >■ t all n.y mealurc ; If 1 f„r i>ft could own tf*e tree, And p uck •n- Ir ,1-ly sci - at pleasure. But dcarell i mu,: have a pair, And there s Hill another left: ihe one b prnmife fair, a he other (had be mine by thrift. Amvn tor. EPISTLF. I O A MISER. 1 would not—no 1 I weald not be In heart ami life ally J to iliee, In all the g’ Id lU.u bail in, FUr all thy la-d % and ten times more ; For thou can ne’er tliyfelf <ru j >y. i Who ne'er thy wral h dolt well employ, Am! )•< ••• emit ’ll u n,joy th) pelf,; \Vho, f r i . I ike-, and 11 itarve th. fell ? Goto—pull ou tli multy bags. And litcto. r Vmu 1< i’ii in ra; . Go, felt the 1- , il < y diftt. Is, And le ~n ’he hi vtm!y an Pull - ui tlr, bag", and H ike them Ihiuc. , lit *.v*.|h;. Ilf ch IVI I Jt di\ :,e 5 I i'i t rant r. fkiot I On sot ; ’ F * 11 th.- i. ivc-, that riiufe to, And fn and their creditors to jail; (Let. liu ih laugh’ in lileur’s le'iool, Ffo mei - to play the knave or fool,) ■‘tu fe 11., t lime the liberal pence, The Cghi’ig ions ot Providt nee ; The mid It | r, the. upright main, /Wh 1 ha ret can live tin ad he can ; (And fuoh, hl.. too oft arc fund Am ’ git u 11 .eliug wretches round !) IV? i f’ 1 tune’s thildrci . heirs of pain, Wh , fuller moll, yet h all complain; A ift to Inch, in time of need, Is Ctu ill ian churn* indeed. The weeping widow, and tie child From fnnune, fav ui, fi lends exil’d ; The ruin’d wre'ch, by power oppref ’d, And pride, that makes ins wants ajelt, On inch ell > a thv hoarded llcie. And led a joy u ifelt before. Pullout thy bugs and pour them for h On generous plai of public w >riu, In public works, of noble 1 ame ; 3n private deeds i I Chrillian I .me ; In woilcs which He.iven vviih love regards, Which men admire, and G and rewards : Thus (ItOu'nl rli\ g Iden angles liy And fetch a binding from tin Iky. But, Mule, forbear—thou fing’il in vain Thine is a harlh, uupleafant ltrain T s f irnethmg coming,” was thy long, The grub would liiten al! day long ; ‘h ‘ •• fu.nethin, ; gmg !”—’t ! * not right 'i’hecaie, you fee, is alter’d ijuite. Go,lt; ike the rock or hardened ileel, And make the nether milftone feel , Then lhalt th >u reach the mile, ‘s heart, And generous princip es impart ; flu', till of power like thin polled, TVm’lt ne’er uni ck thy- m.fee's chell. Thus, acl ud of barren clay, Tii? foftelt ih ‘vvcrs are thrown away ; A mi, by the kindly fill ring fun, ‘Tis only harden’d into If lie. ?t the ¥dttor of ibe N. T. Dai¥ .'idvertuer. lhlt nation of Or Leymerie upon the coin tuillien of .1 worn u) coiled Boyer. I'hcrc have ta;lcn into my ■ hands several numb rs of the I paper entitled l.e Moniteur Uw -1 venal. This Gazette bmg recognized as the only ofli ial one in France, thefafU which it reports fliould be CwnfiJercd as the mull authentic poiLble. The following, which I find in the number tor January 10, 1805, appea s to me capab c 01 fixing the attention not only of your r a lers, bur even of all tht people of the United htares, for the two-fold region o* the ititrrc rclt it infpues, aid the rtlatior K l;as to the Yellow Fever. A relation in my o inion, more im mediate than one could imagine Paris. 9 A ivose t cn. 13. — The public prints of this week make mention of a burning to which a woman • Ted Boyer, was a victim ; bur, from the imperfedt details they give 01 this event, they Item to conlider ii in the cale of oremury-burn ings. “ Having been a near witnels of this clVcdting Icene, 1 conceive mylelf right in regarding it as comparable in every thng t<„ thole events of which irlla ice are cited, and to which they have < iven, very 1 nproperly, the ia i,t sfontan .us iambustiat. “ i wilt content u.vl If by da ting the tads Inch as .they ar pc. ed to niy r\cs. On Wcd nr. hay, 31 N ivoie, towirds noon, head that a woman had been found amioft entirely redu red to'a cmJcr, ulth ’ flu nau no fire in her chamber, buc wmt I])C hail kindled in an earthen {gjt, l doubted that tin* woo-* , hsa b.-en tiie vithm of human umbudion, aid >he inverted ;- mis. 1 afterwards nude very ‘ 0 loon t’.is anticipate!; opinion. The woman Boyer j was aged 68 years, and was so fat that she weighed more than 100 pounds, and, according to the preatert: number of pe.fons I have questioned, was very much given to drink. “ 1c is to remarked, that these circumstances have hither to characterised the phenomenon of human combustion. “ Wifning to be certain o r the fad:, I went inyfclf to the house where the woman lived. After making every inquiry poflible J learned that many neighbours living on ti e fame floor, and who had retired between it and u o’, lock, ;he preceding n ght, had heard no hing; that it was not till t- wards three o’clock in the morning that the porter of the house, had perceived the dis ditrr under conliticration. “ Having entered with him into the chamber of the woman, which contained two beds, and was incumbered with otner mo veables, I remarked with furprile hat, with tiie exception of a lit he table and a commode, none ;! the articles were damaged by hr fire ; even the commode was ahnofl entirely prelerved ; the frame of the widow, though hurt by the flame, was not totally de itroyed. “ One part of the chamber was swimming with a very fetid li quor; all the moveables, the cot, the glass, &e. were cover ed wirh a giofs foot. “ I'he remains of the body presented only die pelvis and the right in(erior extremity. “ 1 saw nothing tiiat could be long to the head, to the interior extremities, to the superior pan the trunk, or to the left inferi or extremity. “ I have said that noth’n v ? of the matrei was perceived at midnight, (though the odour of an animal in cc nbuftion muff, as every body knows be very fetid an i penetrating, and that it was not ;di > o’clock in the morning ;hat the remains of the woma vere sou and in the state which I luvejuft deferibed. Three hour* appear, then, to have fufficed 10 operate the almost entire deftrue non of the body of th’s woman. Can this event be attributed to the ft nple adtion of fire ? May nor one presume that it was cauled by the ciicumftanccs which con di'Utcthe very remarkable case o! human ctnnbuftion s’ 1 may 1 tfe ly fay that this phenoinen|>n (up on which legitimate medicine fias hi'herto made no very pro ‘ound tefearches) merirs all the attention of medical men and phyliologifts. “ It is this which induced me, ‘■fir, to .sk you to initre this let ter in one of your next numbers, in or ter to ascertain, in an au thentic manner, afadt more com mon than :s luppoied. I have th ■ honor to lalute you, A. Di.SMARF.ST, Jun. V- c may poifibfc bn censured for clafiing among't the p ce 10- mena of the age a person for having horns ; b-<t however pre valent h iriis are iupp >!cd to be at prelenr, they a e not lb con !p utious as one of which we arc informed by a In ter received from Ireland. It Hitts, that Elizabeth Weltle , now upwards of 70 years of age, and refi Ting at Macroom, 11 the county 01 Cos ke, about lcven years lince, fulic <n', f>r lb r.e ti n,, a conli derable degree of pa.ll a r one fide of her head, from which a ho n, rclcmblmg, in form and tubltauce, that of a ram, has grown to the length of nine in ches i and that, from a fimih tude of fivlation, (he is led to ex-cd another horn at the other fide or her forehead. The fame iciter fta.’ s, that a poor woman aas a tew dais fiacc* delivered ot a chnd, whole head releino e tnat of a 1 at. This extraordi ry and diigutling objedt. having oeea ucaj born, was lent from he 1 .ying’n Hufifal to rV -* College us Oublm, where it now tremains. —London Paper. Another new planet has been discovered by H. Harding, of Lilienthal, neir Bremen, to “hich he has given the name of Juno. It is of the eighth mag nitude, and attraffed his attenti on while comparing with the Heavens the 50,000 Stars ob served by Melfrs. Lalande. It appears to have a peculiar mo tion, and afrtr observing it for ftveral days, he clearly afeertain td that it was a placet. Its right ascension on the sth of Septem ber was 1 min. 52 sec- us north , declination o deg. 11, min. The larr.e planet was obeferved by M. Burchhardr, on the 23 i of -September, at 351/ de . 7 min, and 40 deg. 6 mm horn which he inhere and that the duration of its revolution is*f*ye years a half. The following particu lar have also b* tn ascertained : its inclination is 21 deg. Its excentricity is a quarter of its radius. Its mean diflance from the lun is three times that or the earth, or about an hundred mil lion? of k3p.ies;it is confe qucntly farther than Ceres or Pallas, whole ddlance is 96,000,000. Its distance has not yet been ascertained ; but its size appears nearly ,?.e Time as that 01 C’ res, or the planet dis covered by Piazz’. This is the twelfth planet difeovered within a few years, Herschell having difeovered Uranus and its fix fatellices, and two new satellites to Saturn ; Piazzi difeovered Ceres ; and Others difeovered Pallas.— ib An American Ciptain, on approaching Cape Clear, having taken a Pilot on board his fhg from a cutter that came alo 4 fide, the pilot accoafied him with, “ Indeed new but l have been looking for you -tide three weeks,"—” What,” laid the A meri inCaptain, “ismy name ?” •* Arrah !” r joined the Irfh man, “would you be after a iki ng oe your name when you know it so well yourfrif!” One hundred dollars REWARD. ABo’ ■ ■ P ,The night of the ith uift. my iiiumto voman MA RY. hhc has been my dnineftic fer. vant from her infaifcy, 3nd is so well icnowr. in this city as to require ro .inscription of her perf.’n. Tiiere arc strong reasons to be ! ir ve that Mary’s objedt is to leave this fiarn, if (he has lot already tffedFd it. She had a free fellow by the name of Johnson for 2 husband, who now lives in Boston and it has transpired fi::cc her elope went that ihe has lately had meetings and conferences with feafarng persons fro n that quarter. The above re ward will tre given to any one who will couvift the person orperfons who carried Ler c(F, or areafonabie reward paid it apprehended in this city. ALL persons are cautioned agiinft harboring or aflifting her to make her escape. If (he returns to me (he (hail be forgiven. M ry Bulloch. fune r 1 t s *K j Oat; hundred dolllars reward RANAWAY tne .-übsrriKer his mulatto fe; va- 1 ROBER T commonly called ROBERT KENNEDY. He had 00 when he we ir oft a (hart blue coat and b.ue overhalls and a glazed ha’, bou/ five fee t ten inches ft ait and well mile. I is ni re ,'han pro oable he will make i*#r the up country as ne was farmeily owned by Mr $ m's of August r, The above rewaro wi i be paid to any pel fan who w,li give in‘9rma/ion ot his being narbour cd by a w 1 cc person, or a reward of twenf • dollars tor apprehending liiui and de’ veri-ghim so the lu f nberoi depoiiung him in tae coun.v goaf. All of are cautioned from carrying the ¥:d fellow crF. JOHN H. MORELL. fu'-e to ts 8r NOTICE. V? L perf.vns having deninds i ’ Mi the etti.e of GEORGE HalsT deed ;ire receded to rendei the tame to the ljb ib.iier wuh.-e: delay. Joseph Machln, Far. Ja: 7 tit bs ; A VIS ATT Vi FiIAMO All- I Let front .it qui cut Its - \ flirt, dcivtnt dcrenavent, It: ad ttstr cim n/tsdiret ties Rtlattont comreu.ales de. France; altcn u que tilles q : terent auressces a- orrwit and S. E. * Ministre - Pieuipotentiare, resteront Sans reputnt. S. Commifjtnriat a Suvannuh, it 17 Pruned lar. 2i. de L'Empire Fr Meats. Par It; S. Comrrbsaire. Lt Chanetiliet, P. DU PON. FOR~SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, 8 Pipes 4th proof Cogniac Brandy of a very superior q jality 8 Pi es best Hoi and Gin Rice of a luperior quality Ditto liitle infeiior Fresh Cr2cicers Bess fuj>eifiiie Philadelphia flour, in who's and in halfharitls Amarican porter in calks Bali fv/ect oil in bafle-ts Gften feed cotton tinned by the rollers £ea fland ditto V/hite claret in boxes of 12 but tles each Best London muffard in boxes cf 16 and z. each Brown and refined sugars B ft green Coffee Florence oil in boxes of 30 flasks Petit & Reingeard. June 7 4t 80 ~ , 1 . r.. 1- 1 ■ .1 . . Administrator’s Sales, BY Permission of the Honor she the Ju stices cf the Court oj Ordinary. ON Monday the 171 b inriant it ti o’clock positively, wilt be told on Pcii Sc R.eingeard’s Wharf, the goods and est dts belonging to the estate of THOMAS LIeLIBRIDGE, doc. consisting principally of 48 Bmels Provisions A Very handfanae assortment of French paper Hangings 197 Sweeping Brushes 192 Cloth Brushes A Parcel of Weeding Hoes 3 Mattrafses ad BI.A ftc FS Seme Printed BO- KS 1 Pait ble Writing DtiK 2 1 junks and a parcel oi wearing APPAREL Conditions tc be made known on the day of sale hy order of the Administrator. Joseph Arnold, Auct‘r. June 7 3t 80 COFFEE & MOLASSES. LANDING this day from the Schoo ter CsteoitNj, at the subscribers vsharf s$ Hftdi. Retailing MOLAbbLb j Bags Prime COFFEE For fa!e low if taken from on board I homas Lawrence, May 6 ts 7 r RICHMOND BATHS. Joseph G. Posner, FINDING it impolCble tngiveperfontil at tendance at the Richmond Baths this sea lon, is induced to offer them for sale, con lilt ing of 400 acres of Land, with 12 Frame and 4 Log Houles. For the accommodation of purchasers this will be divided if found expe dient. It is ur.necelfary to enter into a deferip. tionefthe above Premises, as they are wei known, and bid fair to become a source of in calculable protit to any one who will purchase or lease the fame, and is disposed to attend tc their improvement. April 28 ts 69 VENDUE STORE No. * MARKET SQUARE, March 12 1805. THE SUBSCRIBER being duly appoin ted one of the VENDUE MASTERS, for the city of Savannah and having taken the flore adjoining Levy Abrahams Lsqr. solicits the patronage of all good ctU7 ns. Regular days of falv WEDNESDAYS and S ATURDAYS. Any practice to the con tri._ notwithflanding. Job, T. Bollcs. March 14 tt 56 One hundred dollars rewardi RUNAWAY 1 n FROM r L "“ Sub ;! a I feribur, JOHN a A I fad u'lout 19 yca r 51 f v v age, about five fee ’ V -tES fix inches high, darb .... c.-nii ftxion, both nts and ft:ters. He used to be a waning boy re* the fuhicriber ar.*l i • of. wc Iciown ibeut Savannati. Tie abovs reward will be paid to any perf in who wii rive information of his being harbour ed by any white . G. a le ward ct r en dodais t r appretieiwin. him arid and I verutg him to tne lu > leriber ui dep. flung bun in j ail. James E. Houston. Tine 7 3: 80 Di S” in >n of Coparcnerfhip. rHIi Ccpartr.crli. p of John Gill's a-d Frederick fchi.ier, tnrdi: g drier the rk~n >f Glai's and ’r, i'. diir, ‘ved : a ! per f.'-is i>. kSted -hcren arc reqaujted to n:a : .c -rdi. -p:.; :r, j dth i’e to v. hcir: the ac ii- c.’. v.Ti phife call upon Jeremiah • . ‘ • ••hole hands the Books, ar.d . t . i.t placed and vh alone :s auth{- icl .. •.•’•-•le the aiairs ot the concern. j. Cjlass. F. Shaffer. May 6 ts 71 RE'’; V/E?* ■ • a :?Hv . •*, /ten CLdsfJ , h \ andfy. -A by 0 f ij.. ~ , *, an extin ’v a*}J : . .t it ■* if of SCOTCH ‘if -D>s, >-. Flaxen Osnaourgs Brown Sheetings hid fh' 347-8 a.d 4-a L.i, a In trunks and ooxe assorted 2 Boxes White P.'atiiias Rtv ale White, B u and Grs-n, PAVI LION GAUZE Tamboured ami Lappet MuOins Pi echeck’d and Lee cambricks Cam.brick dimit es f rue corded and fancy Dimicif3 Blue, audpink check'd ginghams,. Piinted calicors afP.ji ted Pine laces and low priced edg-> mgs Coloured lappet and fprigg’d muslins Ladies cotton hofr ; open clocks 3-4 g 4 &5-4 diaper# and UOie cloths Tea towels and tabic napkins Ounce threads aflorted No so to No. 40 Csnaburg and W. B, thread No, 10 Mens and boys coarfc hats as sorted in bvxcs Mens placed ha’s in ditco—"do Mens drab hats and green undcf in ditto 1 Box COTTON THKEAO white and colored 1 Cask girth webbing 1 Bale of brown duck Hardwa* e and Ironmon* ge?y , VIZ: iod. i6cl. and 20d. nails 1 Inch fpriegs Ca.olina hoes, broad axes Pitching axt s—clab axes Digging hoes—grubbing hoes Trace chains 130 Ovens and 200 pots 14 Fair fire dogs and 50 skii* lets <SO Boxes 10 by n crown glafls 20 Casks Lo.nuon bottled por ter ■ And 20 dozen port wire Gun powder in barrels, half bar rels and quarters. June 4 tf‘ 79 JUST received] By the Jbip Lucy and Eiixabetbs , Stusk jtom Liverpool, Sheet Iron Patent (hot from No t to 6 Iron puts from 3 to to gallons Dutch ovens from 9 to 12 inches 6, 8 , 10, 2od. and (heatlnr.g and draw ing nails 6 and 7 inch spikes, Flax cznaburgs Irilh linens from 13d. to 2-2 prime cod Sewing and Sein twme Lines and Marline Butting I T.tced o' 1 in Jugs Vvin ye.l -r, gieca and black paint Fi &c. i r s*, -1% r afonable terms by T ‘• If Ci. Scarbrough. xO 7s’ and a. DAVIS. TANARUS” or 1 to the (lore3 fo rmerty oca. • ? 8. Hunter & Mini.*; (hip Warrington and otheriate arrivals. 50 hhds. New-E. turn 150 Boxes soap and candles 4c Barrels cider Loaf, lump, and brown sugar in hhda. Cognize brandy in pipes Madeira wine in pipes, and quarter calks, Holland and country gin La pipes 200 Earuis beer, bread, bttf and pork C.iaret, fruit ar.d oil i.r cases Latent, (hot, sh tar moulds broad hoea Sparnfh (egars ia boxes, a few Packages ccarle dry goods, # December 31 ts. 3?, Administrator’s SaJc3. ON Monday, the j-h day ts Jul) j.ext, will lei., and. alt Uin lot cf 1, . ■i, j. i the impr.veir.ents tliue.n, i:n>-v , plan .. Savannah, b) the ;.* r ■ j F Revnclds . . p; lent occupied by Mr. H hudd., _ . Le t >!d as ti e property ol .v,r3. Lv . ra>, for the ber.c .c cf Cli : v: -N\ • JOHN X, 1 , f Siv. .Wava 4. 805 76 *ts. JOHN MEAD, ’ CONTINUES the LUMBER, T ‘ r V AGE Li COMMISSION P.V ar the Wharf a. <■. Dock lately c , • ‘.e to Sc asd hopes . *er.tion to r*.cr:. a continuance He has fafe stores for *. of every f|.c:es of pr.-ducs th . rTi.: : ed to h charge, •: on f s. ra tl 6.,