Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, June 18, 1805, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. V’o-cme ll\: No* 73. Six Dollars a Year, hair m Advance. FOR • IVERROOL, mpHE (hip JUNO. Wm X Malcolm, matter, a & (launch good imp, having been *'>~w^jEii.complete i y tilted in Livetpon ami havins go., !-ates r’. •'to go <"> hoard she will meet with liipat* n. For tie ht *d the remainder, or padage apply*to Captain Malcolm, or to /.vJcin, Mackav iS Cos. Jurte ro nn. 8t F 011 .\ fg vV -f <J RK, AN D 5 NEW HAVEN, r ( t x HE fait fading tloon fcr,>ta*3E3V' ! * RUTH. G. Phippsjunr. m-ller, will fail •iiwweseSe# the firil fair wind For freight or passage app'y to the ntahcr an board at Eurkes wharf. jnue ip 8t SALE BY THE SUBiCKIBERS, 8 Pipes 4th proof Cogmac Brand/ of a nary uperiur quality 8 Pipes j“(t Holland Giu Rice of a m pot ior quality Ditto litc.Lv interior Freih Cracaais laelt taper tinc PhiUJelpnia ft u*, in WllOie hiid 111 il-ftf hiilWiS American p ner in calks Bed Meet oil in oa(k' ! s C/J*e-u Led coituii gianed oy the rcliers Sea island ditto Waite slrnec in boxes of id hot tlCa 2ACO iLft Loudon nmftarJ in boxes of 16 doz. each Brown aiid rtlined fog : ,s Bt it gicen Cottee Fijrence oil 1 r b,.xes at jo flacks Petic Cf ileingcard. Fans 7 4t 8"> FRED. <3 JA-Jd ollrvErCix Sa idlers & Hamels Makers TC VR r.U JiXJ.I kN3E. o E'TCTFULLY inform their friends jLLiad me public mat they nave taken the if ,re ,atel/ occc,cd U_v I’. G [. VViiltirnfo n 6 Co.audit'pc from their aili .nty a..J atten tion to merit a part of me patronage of a ge nerous public. May it. if. -78 Marsh a l’s Sales. WILL be fold at Ihe Court- Hmile in SavannaH on the lit it fuelday i.i Jj'v next between the hoits ot t.i arid 3 o’ctocis:. A /rack of land in Eflir.gnam Cour ,t\ coiEtun.r 1149 acres craa/ei t &>loiYioa Pendleton and a w-art lot in aoj ining Lincoln ftrect dome on die Weft- Seized on to fa. tisiy a judgment obtained by Hamil ion Gatdco Sc Cos. again A Alexander Watt Lien. Wall, M. D. G, May 31. 78. tc C i Y SHERIFFS SALES. ON The nr A Tuesdav in Ja'y next will 02 fold, -/ the Court rLu;e in tnis City, oeiwee.i t ,e Rou.s of 10 and 3 o'clock, a Negro b*y, named Jupiter to fatisfyan execution n fav r of M A ft. THA MELVIN, and poi.ted out oy /ne defendant. JNO. WILLIAMS S. C. S. Miv 31 rs “8 Cl TY SHERIFFS SALEs. ON the find Tuesday in July next, will be fold at the Court-home in his ch) , bo t .veen the hours of ten and three o’clock, A negro vVu.ntn, named Sidney, .•> the propercy of Henry M’Nifti. join \Villidais, s. c. s. Mav 17 ~ f ___ jN O l i C M, \ LL perf~<s having any demands agaii.u Y"X the estate of JO ‘I AH fA TINALI. ju.r. esquire are requeded to render them properly a.teited and thole indebted are tie med to rnaiie payment .J Eoeneaer dtark Moore’3 Wharf, GEORCE JONES, ? 1 E. JACKSON. 5 Aunl 2j <lB i\ oiice. VLT. Perf-jns hav.rg de nands agairH the eil'ite of Stephen &■ inu ia eof ~va:.- Bah deeeafec, are .equelied to ie. . er them pr ijjerly atteited, aun ~ioie iimeb-ed -o ma.vt immediate payment to cHAKLOfTE S. BLOUNT, Exu's. May it ts 7 5 no l ice. r Subfcri uer intending to .e abfentfo jL lonie .until, has appointed thf H-n- Edaraid Telfair, Cliques Oad;i.g‘-e..s ar.a John ha-f.u, E.q'rs h.. attorneys, who a..i 1 auataany uul.iuiisn. 1, uri..g Matthew ML-ul:ilcr. Aoril <5. ’f RiV-tb tJ R ALE b Y INF \D •*:•? JENKINS. V'l * t if 2 0* LIFE OF WASHINGTON THE Suhfcribers to /he life 01 WASHING TON wi!! receive /he < vnl. by applying a: George Ear; ral’s fF*re, ana pay four dollars ii advance for /he 4/h volume. Abou/ nine hundred if me /hirJ vol. ir/en. dcd for 6’avannan and Chailelion (üb. fcribers was .‘oft it feu last w.ri/er, which compelled Mr. Wavne (/he proprietor of /his ■. <n-) to reprirt/ f e ‘•looks—and inuit be his apology o /he delay. If is expected /he vvhfolc wojlc will lc comple/ed in five vc Ames ; me iall to be accompanied wi/h an A/I.'fs, which,wi 1 ! deiive r ec to /he subscribers gratis. Ipne 4 6/ ;q dU FFRiOK dTuTT Chatham County. January Term, ISOS. David Joiujiton, and Petition VS. _ ‘or i-ioberc Wooditfjufci J UPON the petition of Divio Johmion praying the Foreclosute < ‘.he Equity of tedeinjition of a.l t'ria la: ofland, in the City of Savannah, known py the number two [2] in Je kyl Tyihing, Derby Ward, contair iaig hxty feet in front, and ninety set 01 depth, tnotfgaged by the fa id Rnbei vVoodimufe to the Caid David Johnftoi for securing the payment of two (eve tal iums of money mentioned in twe fcv'cral Bonds or obligations, bearing even date with the fa: 1 mortgaae ; thi one given by the said Robot t Wood nnute to the laid David Johntfon, art .he other given by the laid Robert Woodhoufe and one George Wood iou(e to the (aid David Johuftnn, ant upon motion of Meilis. Davi-s ant da 1 ten of counlel for the pc itioncr, it it Ordered ’, I'Uat the prir cipaj ititereits and coits due upon the fail two Bonds or obligations be paid inti court w 1 rhin /weive months it out this •ay, and ..list unices the fame tin nil bt in paid the equity of redemption of the said mortgaged premises will from thenceforth be fozeclofed, and othei pi oteedmgs t* kc place put fuant to the t:;e art ot the general afletnhly, in such caie made arid provided And:t is further Ordered, In putfu ante of the (aid act that this m e bt pubitihed inoneot the public Gazettes A this itate at leall once in everv ... , u../il the time for the payment of cue money at n-efaid into court, o. Itrvedon the mortgager or . • ip agent at ieaft fix months ptevn us 0 the time of pavmsti/ ..s aforefaid. Exit aft from the minutes 31 st fan. 1805. j. Liuiluch, elk. ram. txp/. SUPERIOR COURT, n Camden Count </, > OAtober fsrm 1804.) WHEREAS, James Mair and Robert Meanr. of the cityuf Charlcfton in S urh-Ca rolma merchan tshave iiiedapetition in tins honorable court setting forththat David Gar vin and .Samuel Meers, late of the town of St. Mary’s merchants, are indebted to them in one bond or ob igation dated the seventh day of April, 1803, in the sum of two thou tiand five Viundred and leventy two dollars, and whereas tofecurethe payment of the said sum of money, did mortgage all that divided moi ety of lot, No. 3, in the town of St. Mary’s particularly deferibed and font for in the said petition. It is therefore ordered, on motion of Mr. Clark attorney for the petitioner, that the Said David Garvin and William Meers do pay into court, the principle mterefts and coll of the money so due and owing within tweive months from this date hereof, or a decree will pass agatrdl the mortgaged pre miles for the payment. Ailo ordered tha- this ru'e he published in one of the gizettes of this (late, at leall once in every month, until the time appointed for payment expires, or ferv edonthe iaidDayfd Garvin j. Samuel Meers fix months previous thereto. Extrt>S frum the minutes. Oft. isd, 1804. ll'aac Ci ew-, c.'s. c. c. c. ;am. ts. 18 N O T I C F, VT the expira'ion of nine Months from this date, application will be made to the .tonorable judges f thelnfe ior Cha ham Coumy, for leave to fall, for the benefit of the and creditors that lot of land known bv the number five (5) Third Ty thing, P.eyno as Ward, Savannah, belonging to the efta eof J/rhn Haupt, Baker, la! of said piece, containing sixty f>-et in front and ninety feet in dep'b, more r.r left, adjoining ’ a lot of Ja nes M'Cooky's. THOMAS DOWELL, Adm’r. ELIZABETH DOWELL, Adm’x. Savannah, March 2,1805. * am 9.11. <l9. NO I iCIi. VLL perfins having demands again ft the efta e of GEORGS HAIST deed are requeued to render .he fame to the fub feriber wlth.ut de / | o Machin, F.x’a. J jie 7 *3* 8a SAVANNAFI, Printed by LYON & MORSE. TUESDAY, J UNK [B, ISOS. NOTICE. THE e ipartnerihip of Mead & Jenkins was Defolved cn the 14. U .nLant. by mutual con tent. John Mead. Wm. Jenkins. Ailperfons having any demands and those indebted will please call m John Mead efq.— who is fully authcriftd to fettle the aifairs of the concerns Wm. Jenkins. April 13. 65. ts. CAMDEN COUNTY, Superior Court, March Term, ib'oq, IVn. fours, attorney in n8 for Hays fj Vkk- \ f Fcrcclofuri cry, ft. Petition for Thadcus Part ft. Upon the petition of Wm. Jones junr. of ihs town of St. Maty's attorn* y in fad: for Messrs. Hays & Vicktry, lectin *; fort, :hat .1 part of lot No. 5, in the town of Sr. Mary’s had been du ;y rnorrgaged by one Thadeus Farkifs to the said MefTrs. Hay 6c Vickery, for the confederation of fixiy-eight dollars and eighi cents, which had never yet been paid, and praying a foreclofurt jf the equity of rcdelv.ption. On motion of Mr. Jackson, it ;s entered, 1 hat the principal, incerelt and colls be p.dd into ourt within twelve months from h.s ate —and urlefs the fame hail be so paid, the equity of re iemptiqn will fiotn thenceforth >e foreclofed.—And it is further irdertd, in pursuance of said acd that ihts rule be publilhed i„ one of the public gazettes of this date, at leall once in every month ‘ or lerved on the mor:gager, or, his fpccial agent at leall fix nun l hs previous to the tune the money is'direded to be pH J as aforefaid, Extract from the mi nuses, rhis zoth day cf March 3oj . IsaacCßEtr;,& 3 .c. Ap il 17. ~~TIO LICE. NQ i ICR is heieby ve i tha :e Su‘ji> r her wif at tae tx; ir t f afnie *aort ths fro rn tbe A.. , api f m> the IFx.o ab 7he j c 1 ihi Inferior C iurt cf :hts ci,urty f t eavc to left and difpi (e of a 1 tha’ Ida.’ J or trnck of land gene a'K known and tailed Busnside, t<gc ht > vi'.h all iti apputcnanccJ, contain ing -b t two nu'*d>ed and fixiy 1 cres, of hign < land aid a b< dy > marl'd! adjoining thcrcHi, !vii “2 ■'Ci.i.y n this county and situateu 1 e t wet ;j Be wile and ikidawy Islands o In fold as p?i t of the estate of Ja cob W.i dbtirgher decea'eJ for ih< •cm fu of the said estate. JOHN MILLEOGE. , Ex’or. of said Ellatt Ann! 8 ramq o. 6b. ED WARD TELFAIR,^ Ales. MeTk AdmV. f B.BIn Equity. Wm. Th*m;os. ) I T appeiring tims defsndir.i: in 1 thi -Ciufe is cut ol'he JuriidiSion of this j luue ami ha li impleaded ‘he c iii},l:iiuant cn | the c<.nun -11 law tide >,t t>.■ c. art, and it is neculury for k: purpofvs .f juilice ’hat the ■ laid defendant appear aid unfwer to the bill of the complainant. Therefeie Or need, That ‘he defendant's it torncy oe ierved with iubpeexa m ana < ml’e, a copy of this hill, and 1 his ord. -, and to it notice be ]iuhh(li ‘i 4, “ . mo;. .. in ~e ‘of the Gazett . of the C*; v savannah ami :’ nce ot r(ie Caz'tt sos Aagulla, requiring j die defendant 60 aufv or 1* >l:e bill of th* I comp ainant m or l> fore rhe 6rll day of Ja. nuaty next n herwiletbe l'a’d hi 1 will be ta lker jiTOconfrJo and the court, w 1 pass luch j (nr i.eri.rtiei a idd* 11‘he c.-u'e as wil *nf* cr ie put polo of j jit <e. J Atari j/n n tie ftlinultt, STlltS C k. May 17. i*<-,3. ian;6m. 75 Take iNOICE, r PHAT Mil* mo- ’-** afer ‘Ms <!a‘e, 1 A fl all make application to fir Julliee-v of the Inferior court oi t his coun t, f■ >r lc ,vets• | fell the landed pr/pi *>.y of the efla e ,f Join J). Guardc aulined. for the benefit of credit'"-;. hTza. Mary A. Girarcle.u. Ad MX, ‘y-.r /C -a I--- 1 il ts <- it N OTI C E. NOTICE i3 hereby given that at 1 the expiration of nine months iron, this date, the fubferibers will apply to the honblc. thcjulkices of the Infe rior court of the couiuy t f Chatham, ior leave to fell and dispose of the fol lowing tracts of land belonging to the estate ot Jehu I’. Ward dcccafed. Ail that track cr pared t f land “ containing three hundred and sis “ ty acres, be the fame more 01 “ left, late the property of George “ Baillie decM. iitcated in the ccuu “ ty of Camden . unde.l on the r ‘ call by Gtc.n barilla river and “ on all wfticr tides h y * vacant lands 11 at she rime of the survey therer f u ALSU one oilier u ick or par’ 11 cel of land containing three hutt “ died acres, he lire fame more or “ less, !a; 2 Ihe property of George u B<:iiiie dec’d. iitualed in the “ County r. f Camden bounded b) “ the ea.ft by the said George Bai he’s !ahd and on all othe r lands 4 ‘ by vacain land at the ti.r;e or “ the fu r vey-~.a!fo all that trail of ,s land containing five hundred a “ cres, be the (ame n.ore or less, “ originally gra.rteJ to Robert “ Bailiie /ituated in the county of “ M’lntofh bounded feuth by the river Alatamaha, east on lands “ originally granted Catherine “ Douglass, nor/h on lands granted ‘ c to VVilliam M'ln/ofh and weft “ on lands gran/ed to John M’Cul “ loch” which said three reacts ol land were fcverally fold At fhc Tales oi Confitca/td propeify and pur chafed by rhe !a/c John P. Ward deed. ‘1 he said lands are intended to be fold for /he benef./ of /he heirs and creditors ol /he said eiL/e. N. S. BayartJ, E. Bajard. Administrator and Administratis* oj said estate. Sjv. Apr 1 n/h 18:5. iawqtn. 65 BRYAN COUN I’Y iurExiOß Court April Term 1805. ON the peiition of John Fray and Elizabeth Holms Ad min i trator and Adminiflratix of Sio beit Hu’rris deed, on behalf of the heirs ot the said Robert, Ra ting that the said Robert in his life time to wit on or about the fevemh day of April ; n the year cl our lord one thouland seven ‘Ji.drtd and r : ntry live, w.s in ;dFifion of title Feds for a radofland on great Ogechee ent ining by ellcmation one hundred and forty two acres Bounded on the north by greD dgechce and on the ea.d by O gechee causway. A copy where of as neatly as the petitioners could obtain is annexed to the ;)’iiii< n now in the clerks office I .d the Superior Court of the county of Bryan together with an a/fedivit pursuant to ihe law f 1799 & oth'-r circumßantial p:oli Demglaid befoie thecourt. It is ordered, the title .’ceds be cftablilhed as direrflecl by the fai l acd. ’ The Lid John and Elizabeth p blifhng a week ly iiotice ia one of the pubii< Gazett't c f the {late for the space f fx calender months, unleL, Aood and fufficiei.t cause hr lit ’wn to the contrary within thr feid fix months, or o'.hrr mat ter ih;<.ll appear 10 the court a g.-iir.R the fame. Extra. I fro 1 the minute:. , Geo, I. Waters, C. S. C. fk c. April 8. 64; P o ’ r < r bar* A CONVLn'IEN ftor houfc, futute in Buuui'h ‘on street an oppofire t> the house fult by Mr the out buikn'.rs appertain in* o f--;d house arc coinpict . An accrrrrn Euion /.;l ,r < vrn t he pu chr. .;r jurfit.iene to ir„.-l th tntfi-S -y. , Phifcil’op v/.i! be jc;Vt: m he For ; armu!..n. en . ; ui:e of ROE V OAVIP b. Kwamber 2*. Whole Number 28?. Twelve and a half Cent single, John P. Williamson, RE! PLCTf ULLY inforrr.s chs Fiends ts th;: late Concern of V/il. mams. n O Ml RE/, that Jof>n If. More', Esqr.having retired from bu. li n efs, he continues ths FACTO HAG .3’ COM Ml 8$ ION BUSINESS, ox Morel's wharf, as formerly, ands li cks .1 continuance of rhe : r favors, slaving large trie and conv-ive; f ftercs for the reception of proftme, hr Hopes from his experience in tr.e above bufmefs, together with his prompt tr. teniion to their orders, that he iha'l reader the hightft fatisfadkiou t., who ftta'ii favor him with their cuftorp. Mav 21 ts >l 3 FIVE DOLLARS WILL be paid to any perli 11 who v. i'l rctamto ihe fublcrihrr his fit.ldl: and bridle which was taken oil his horte <..i ih nijht o£ ihe ;Bih inilant; Ihe laddie i: neaily new, with plated cantle and Itirru , iiolls—The bridle a double reined fnaft ‘o cl 1 very lingular conitruaion. 11. Carsan. May 3’ 1% no 1 Tog ALL Persons having any demands again!*. the eltate of John Haberlham decea'e J, are requested to fend them 111 properly attec ted and thole who aro indebted to make pay ment to Joseph Habersham. Adminijlrati - fantsary to ts q?, Georgia, Liberty, Superior Court, March Term, 1805, * On tiic petition ot John Ful ton, exccctor of Robert Z?ohon, praying the foredofure of the e - quity of redemption of ail that let of land situate in the town of’ • Sunbury, containing feven/y feet Ironr, and one hundred andti ir ty feet deep, known in the ori ginal plan by the number fever, ty-eight (78) which said lot of and, with the improvement, thereon, was n ortgaged on th • twentieth day of June, one thoiT. and seven hundred and niret,- five, by William Hunter Ttr rans to the said Robert Bolton, for Retiring the payment of tha sum of forty- two pounds (leilirng equal in value to one bunded and eighty dollars; with interelt thereon, due up on a certain bond or obligation Lorn the said Wd !iam ro the laid Robert bearing even date with the said .non // is ordered, That the piinc ‘- pal, inteicil and cofl due on • L • said bond he paid into court wi;- m twelve months from this ti, ■: and unless the principal inter l n 1 colt be so paid the equity cf redemption of the Lid troitga ged p*emif*:s /hall from ibnci forth be foreclofed, ands ch other proceedings take place : 4 the law dire£ts. And nif further ordered, J h c 1 copy of rbis rule lie publish-; t 1:1 r''f of rl-c Public (iaz*:tte r this Rate at Rist once n r v 1 / month until the time a; po , u ! for paymtnr, or served on - mortgage, at 1? lit fnc rnont * prrv-ous to luch time of p.y. (icn’’. Ex (rad fr- m As Minutes,. This 26/E Mart b \ lor. A. Forest elk. c. s. c. t. ! . Mar h 2 } lain lit ft /. is VAJUf . i.Li A in, t V. S. C In Lttvn , j I'hom J’ on, j IT appearing hat the defendant >n . ; caule is cut of tie jurisdiction of th:; :'a •* ■md hath impleaded the complainant ~r. i.iir.wn aw fide of this court, and it j cidTary for the purpTes of jultice that s led defendant appear and inl'wor o :.e i. of ihe complainant. Thertfon, That the Jefct dan ■> torney he served with tubpoeria in ;hu ; e e copy of this bill, and of this nrd r, a 1 and, at nonce be published sot (Is atom ha in o. s >f the Gaze- s<.f Augillta and Savai hre pairing the to ;mfwer to die lull • :hc complainant vi or before the ‘ rtt lay r [ notary ne.t, othcrwife the said, h.i! wli :, ptnan} sto, and he c urt will pals i a nr het outer and decree in ‘he caul-: as . i.dwer the pnrpofes ofjcUice. J'xtn.X from the filir u ,r. I vannali. 17 May, 1805. ’ j m,s, c.i,- . Vay .1 tar./un ,