Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, June 18, 1805, Image 2

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It: 1 ,{Ck-.c has h'tii received here, that the Ruffins have concluded a truer ‘.r four anftnths with tlio P< rfi. r*. After •V s*pt- •r.uo of this ttrrr, Feth- Ali- ( Chr.ri . who. is employ, and in,organizing a ■■in.- i arpiy- ‘’ !i match in person mil the entmirs of hi States. It ppcars, that the plan of the Ruffians i6 o poflefs themfclvcs of the bed provinces of J'erfia, and to eftabhfh tltemfelves there ’tv the fame mean* which the Englilh I ul.d at Bengal, to secure their pos-1 fcfliens in that country. It is a plan v “lc they conceived fine? 1790, and have attempted to carry into execution rt and err :• m • It is very doubtful whether they '1 ! hi. able to carry ir in j ,*ie£.i in a’l its poswit Btfides, •tao’ a ,rij 1 ‘.rdcrlent nation, I;ks | *’ -to* Ft I r are, 17.ay nave been hid-j L. .vc y ol the Persians, tbe ; .. v of tl.-.ii country. and, above ail, the, r\ j . and great refourcel of their j f r.i bovticign, veil! always place ot>- ’ ’ . • 1 ti c way oi the conquers whir h . t K>;fi. :r? w.!c to !c] to teat of Geo-’-! , “... arii! ,'t fcvcial other cries on tl 1 <. it he Crisp nft a. The Ruff- , t , j f hich v. ere upon backs of t-i . ... 5 hilt retired to Teriis, ; at-d j it l halt 10 a? present at Cabin, to j k :tr j rmrria. f oex of his M oi-! 1 : - to v;bctr; ft j. vis one of hi.t near r i •c In A Mascste, Sod Suita a, • r • nfiy ‘i.Jde n treaty cf Alham e 1.-V; al bin,by which he band ;.t: if 1 . p.., ti annual tribute, to fecu e 1 lu'nr : the peaceable pofftlfii-n <{ .is'.s. But the Chief of the latter height to fubjedl him to othui he , tome ctiilributiuna, he lias preci • ‘■ j‘j ia ed his refideiu.t , an<l repaired ->r, to demand fuccoura from the . sos ilia! place : and after receiv. , I oraiilc unfwci , conformable with ’ ■ -.fill ,! i . come to Baffora, with I;"‘ded con ties. Fr m thence be . w . -n to the Pacha of Bagdat to \ ,11 1 f- iii. forces with his own, and march • . regether to fight the Wahabis —Ali Pa ct a is accepted the proportion, and as hi: re parations were already complete, be fct out from Bagdat the SUI of No ,t mber, at the head of an army of 35 ©OO men, and proceeded by land ajmiuft X'treie, the chief place of the Wahabi i, .vhile the imnn returned to Mu cate, to march on his fide against the fame pla t. We cannot foreiee the result of this expedition. It is probable that the Wahabi. will avoid the risk of a ficge, which, from appearances, would be fatal to them, and it is thought, that upon the approach of Ali Pacha ami his aliy they will evu, uatc iheir cantons ami iftreic, arid retire to the heart of the iefarts, ‘.here it will uot be antafy matlti tt> lock them. ALEPPO, Dec. 20. Char Chegda-el-Mulke, already m.t fter of Ctbaui Pichavel and Cachettitre, who, v?e know, had previoully marched with all his forces against Caudahar, has taken that place. There remains now only Herat to conquer ; and if we believe the lat.-.ft intelligence from Pliefts, that city mult soon l'urrender. The late k letters from Pci fia appear to confirm the news of a tignal advantage gained ovei the Ruffians by the Peril ans. It has been known here for fome time, that ahmr foui n: nths ago a Ruffian army already mailer of Teflis, pofTcffed itfelf of Envan Since that Fetch Ali Chah himfelf, at the hen 1 of a tlrong army, has fought the Ruffian* near the city, and completely dcfcßted them. It is laid, that he has (then Eirvan, and even Ttflis , and that Lcfore hie return to Cafbin, where he now is, he built a fort at the Thro. Churches, for the purpose of oppoiing a’ Vurrierto new incursions on th. ir part. — This inttlhgeace has been confirmed by the SaMas of the Janissaries at Aleppo,; •vho is a native of Ttdis, and has received j ut aeri'iirt to that effect. Although the i and tail of the advantage gsinctl by the Ptifianti is called in sjuctUon, the retreat j of th< Ruffian* is not to be doubted.— ; All t e Irtteis agree in Hating, that they! have retreated into Georgia. There a-e i fonae report* even of a truce concluded t between tite Ruffian* and the Perlians j ‘l’hc lman of the Mas Arte, prefled by, the Wahabis, who in concert with his brother, had pofleffed themfelvesof aimed all his territories,&thrcatened|to lurpri e j him even in Mascate, withdrew to Bas. 1 aaro, where he remained fome time, with) the intention, as is supposed, ofconfultir.g t with the Pacha upon the war against the) Wahabis. The last letters from Bift.iro,! received at Bagdar. the 14th of November, announce his sudden departure and his 1 retu-nto Mascate. Ah P aeha, Governor of Bagdat jj maxdfcJ or; of that cil) on the 14th of Novembe., with his troops and artillery, ior the vicinity of Iman-Ali, where he wai, lo pais the mouth Ramaza*. f'e .; tend.’ to go and attack the Wabab.i even in then own country, as appears from the unmenfe itorea and provtiionr which he has fsot to that tide. Hit artillery conlifts of 14 pieces of cannon, four raoitais, and 60 imall guns of from twt> to tour ounce bails, which are carried ; hy Camels. CONSTANTINOPLE, February 39. TURKEY end ‘PRUSSIA. As the king of PiuSUa i*io fnend.bip xid. the Porte, but bat concluded no rrtaty with the Barbary powers, the G a,. fiignior ha* ordered that all Prus fia't ifepa fitibn* in the Meditcrren mi tum L?nl f, lUU he proridrd n:ii ’ It. 1 ‘ r.r:/: X •. ‘ ‘ ‘ ■ “ K the aAcr k-. of Corfa'r,->f the follcv-iiig troor : “ Illustrious Coptfirs rj r’ Suriary “ ships of'W'zir's ‘Tunis, ind Trip </?, “ soiling in the Mediterranean Sea ! “ Know, that between the Xing of Pruflia and the Ottoman Porte, there ex ifta firm peace, continuing ftiendlhip, and intimate ccnnedtion, by the moft sacred hor.d3 whereof, it is perm tted to I the fnbjefls on each fide to tiadr by sea j or land, without the flighted hindrance— and confeouentfy every Prussian ffeip un der the credent-ah', and H-ig of it* fi ve reipr, with ’*•' ■> ’ a its com i* i dttie* and eSeQt, ifnay anjxr the Tu'-Jcffij barb s -'sr fs ‘he-e. repair dam.sgi'S.pu'ch .seal 1 •* • eff- r ” pro’ ;fi mis, aml.ruh tie ai (its ple-fure. a.’. “V T.r.-,i h?..c:ranee j Underfia’-d a’.f.v, vfa'.'Mns of re ihip of t Barfiry I ..bat v.’ :> y 1 meet 9 inip j corar . .nd*d b\ a Pierian err-ain, y. ’ fiial” not permit hi -c or r “ crew, or ca-- . 1 .. n . . V “ • 1 ! £0 TO C-.iUs-Jr**.. , rlt Win frClsCr lend.- ”.’ to pr-fecr tr.'.ir. Wfcct ycu , ft..!! f. :c ri i; ord; r, ’ r :\r tbet such i-> , rny v."..i I “C- V, n'll. C'srf -.tiiK-p}-, the year j of;! ‘■ rleg ir , 1 a dc> ” AMSTEtDMH, April ts. ! Some inbiibitanti of the Department | iff U* ,-echt have ; * ■ tied the .Dir- dtory j i,f • • flat- v.gaif.'* he f:cv plan of the j C'r>:;ilitiitio:i ; she tiTue of tLi- attempt ;.y > ,t. f beret i vtU; ;d. On Saturdy 1I; me prupi to. of Jbt Viretcbl Ga z(h r.'nr'.cf'l the'r intention of p>ih jlill. r> l 1 petition in an extraordinary ini ■ .roftneir paper ; hut it was for 1 < . w ’ll bv the Magistracy of that city. At Milan, the tre-s of liberty .bieu rioted up; r.r.d endeavours wer ufi.ig to destroy every mark ferviog t, rma! liberty and anarchy to thc>r rcco) 1. ft ion. P A P.IS, A pri! 6. We l-arn nv It-tteis from Madrid, that hisCaihoTic Majesty has not only aban doned his right in prizev which may he taken from the Englilh,* hut decreed that the captors fibril have the privilege of difpoftng of capture t propeity with out paying any duty to the crown—So that the whole amount captured, will go to the captors. The C-iptain General at Catalonia and the Prince of peace have informed his M„j- sty, that the i mtr.andant* of the city of St F-linde Q_n'xols had offered j to every family that would fumilh a sea- I man for his Majesty’s fquodrbn, three reals a dry, during the"prefent war. His j M. j ‘ty rxprelTed vhe u.r.uft fatitfaftion at the generous offer, and fanft'oned the engagement. DUNKIRK, March 23. Letters from Lisle of the 22d inst. j date, t-iat, on the 17th of the fame month, t!te female cottoD-workers threat ened to break the great machinery ‘.nacle on the English plan ; that they had pos ted op mvny hand-bills, by which they all their comrades to jE’ciri'it , thv. fame dav • that they did afiembltj and had declared to draw up- a petition, ! or the purpoft of dbolilhing these nil chines, f 1 rseceffary to rival the Idngiifh mi c'adures. On the 20tb, they : forth in a grr<.i body, to deftrey the ma l ines, ft:r up in the neighbourhood cf ’ l.i- ]: j that dii the garvifon wei# imme i rtiatr-iy under arms, to difperie ttot j ers ; that the Cavalry haitentd to the , affiib uct of rhe neighbouring m ‘':ufa£lu | i era, a-iJ tranquility was again reltored —____ LON DO V, April if. ! A gentleman just arrived f rom France, j Dates liial Lticien Bonaparte, who L.d ! uni,e time been 1: a ftatc of arrest, had 1 ilied suddenly a S> * Pichegru. I L <ft iSc ;cl;,y n’ght, or ear’y yesterday j morning, a b:.r c gold, value 50 000!- wds fti ‘.e-i nut of one of the Spaniili : pri 1-s lying i,i Me. Perry’s deck, a; i Black wall. | A G Htenbar* Mail a-ri“?d this r,or j nir.g ; by which w; liave the following r letters ; j StoclkT rA• i! 4. —''Fe have been ‘or f- ne time pait m expeftatio-i that the em ugo put*upo 1 our ihips in th harbours of France would be taken eff and the two Coun.-” would be rccotn modated ; but to oav we hear that or-1 tiers have been lent to ChavU’crona, to fit out immediately too Frigates and two Cutters for the cotc-ftion of bur tiavle. Gottenlu g .<{•• UB Ruffian Cou-: rier, charge,! vita important ; has embanaed to day in the Packet for. England. Proteffar Rabinfon, who now s.t S - . Petevfburr p-apof-s, m the fecoad vo. ; unic of the Archives tin Ncr.l to con- ] tfru.'i a balloon which will me .Jure 13: 1 feet 111 and tunic ter, will carry pou.'dsj and in which fifty perfon#, v ith praviti- j ons aad other neceffavies, may for any months, in order to make re- j l'eaiches.# and experiments in natural j philosophy and aftrouomy at all sealons in evtrv point of the earth they think proper. ST. ROCHF., (Spain) March t. Camp Bsforb Gib*altar. j IN Purfuai've of order# ulu and r-v th Coetnandact general, ibe batta B-r , ballrt e.-” ith the company et ca’ t; . n jad a. lit • 1 ‘dj. proceeded ytucrG-y to *.h Fnt ; anu 1 < leginienis of Geroca j(. autabria. *;:<i U-at et the cavalry, k p: liLcs-feS-ts ii- TJ’iic-t to inarch jo th* i’h.. •. ■;■; ’ i fevpps JC ca-aLisecr? njok pc * n t.'.re j the tower of Mohnot, from .the tlrand on the east fide, to the oppelite fide ; 120 men, armed with hatchet* acd other warlike failed f*om bort S:. Philip ; Root those were commanded by j Do?. Vandefs, and the remainder by Don 1 Certates. The latter, ht the hrad of his j small party, conducted to the stone piles I which are situated at the foot of the i jyt .jnt the North tide, and Don Van— j ffi-f* marched direcily against thr Fngtifh ’ gusto of the De ‘ • r.-eev, v hicr iie ‘ furprffied. Ihe Eng! fb post was inchojkd t t e 1 • -pJ rt !? : !ar;cc 25 sHenxp -1 : ♦h'* cr^r^f 3 w T th tke cvf. dcc ; of T.d i*i o t r ‘, l O* r? f “ijndl • r - *o of the Ec •: H(b !wo e ki'led. 7 he rruflitt m tied fire ; and the remainder cf th; gß3> fled to th c-UJel, and ala-rred the os iff n ; f.f this h ti. the ° te'bmenje rttu I td r ‘''—>r lines, taKing | ivith th m the Tcn'ifn cffi’'.er and three soldier?. one cf • bon vu mortal'v ! wouudtd. The Sps imfre ihips had 4 gone cur cf the rivet ; bit the i bein? too clear, th‘ 7 ecu and undertake ; o nhmg. i , , ST. JAGO DE ; \ VAGA May 11. We re ini vrit'S l-t'i it'n *i;m: r, the litut. I- ‘• ..>rnor apn i l .VT. ‘ .Jay, the loth Cl. rev.;, fir if co ■. .’ir;; ‘lie peutionto c ’ft. :ue the intere surfe with th* United ‘••a; r-„. A pr.vy council is fnmrr.or.. cl, we •.!■ t'er ’ ft-.r.d, to meet on Wall •■.(Jay ts r 4. af a letter frotr. vice a l<rir?i Sir j o J Orfir, Jaaronet, detnd his Vlajefty’s tin > j G or. ..t tea .• -J l~ r 8 ■>, ‘ liu .f ‘. t c .\,/-vcury frigate ’ wi‘h this to iqoirtrca, ‘hat yei.eniiy I i war compel ed to quit m; ilation bttore Cadiz jby the fmldr-n .. ,>pe.ranr<* cf the T.rul. n j fi-'cr, confili'rig of eo m , i fail cf the line, the veil iitawy tV’ga es a* iratl. , In i’ • evening the fleet v-’as close off th hn-b- ur cl Cadiz, v.he e one French ihip . of the lure cud fix or set on Spauiih v. ere rea dy to join them m ...nhenr, and tiiree or four note “I th.- latr. r i t twenty four hours tVhat the dettinat on of this force, after its j juntlion,mo: he, I cannot tel', but judge ic Ito be welti .ri! ; It.was reported that the J SpaaiQt ihips were bound to the flavanna; Vv'hether aiiy troops ara on board the fie ships I cannot teli.’’ DGN 15 iEGO MORPHY, COll fu! of his Catholic MajMy fer the states of South Carolina. North Carolina and—Her'by gi /ta notice to 1 the raerebants and trader* within his con fiular i-irisoicli -n, that in future they may put in one invoice all tlra ir’ieles fhipptr 1 1 lor the ports of Spain only ; that each j thipper tftuft have my Crrtifi .-ate cn the back of his invoice-—-hkc.vvile, that the firwe method is r-ec-lTaiy, for vessels clea.- ing out for the Havanna and ether ports in tht ifknd cfUuba. The certificate a property as usual. The Consul General tefidieg at Phila dtlpbia has received efixeial information from the intendaut of the Havanna, ac~ quaii’ling him cf the aamiflion there of dry poods, fiquors and proviiicns in neutral vessels, under fimtiar reftriftion# ,v thole imposed 011 the commerce of Spain, ctfevving at an indispensable cir curaftance, ;n ertirr to he a imitted to an entry, that finch vessels rnuft have them clearance# direfift for laid port. Ccnfub r Office, Tune izth, 1805, >T V \V VOJiK. Msy re. Gunboat v.~ cv ririandea by Lien-ena-it Ogdvie, le;urned ‘et rday from the i'quvd ron vh ieh f'ded jp n n i-iftarit Shi hd proceed* i t cc-npa*;* with the Gun boats, ands- ■ :■> e J-'hn Adams as far as !.:r. 37, and long .',5. when she tprung her mall and was forr-d to put back to procure anew ■-ce. The accident occurred curing a ftroug breeze < f wind, and whi e under a piefis of fail, : cb 4- v were ne-reiStated to earry ro keep up with the fir.cats. Noli nt Linger . —The publication of a bio graphical work, contain! e -he genealogies! i and revolutionary kiftorr of new princes of j he ltnpen?.’ crart of Borsprrte, having been J la*elv ann-uiced in the i'le’-carui e Adver j tifer, cn A’d-de CaT.p of general Turreau, I Treu’ o M'v'iit: Plenipotentiary in the U ! nired States, came poft-hsfte to town for the 1 \ irefs p'irpofe of preventing the fa'd publi -1 canon. The Min ;*er foreleeing that this ! work wmid eccafion many polemic diicus j lions, and cf tourt'e highly d-fpleafe the new irtiperia cour, thought it aavifeabie to j ft.-p the poh. ca-ion by buying the manufeript ; T>e b->-gai;i was accnr • ~-jlv made, and Mr Jftau ie*. the au h>r b rid work, who , lodges a* \i> < B ‘cquet an f -effuiet’s beard-1 j ing h “.iIV, ii Greenw-cn ftr- -, gave up his ‘manufeript to the laid A'd o. Camp, for the j confidernu 11 of toes d-llar-, and a f. t e pas- I fag? to Marunico, where he is h'uad. I We are informed that the gentleman who j 1 to trinfl; *e the fnd Work nearing of tin j J tranlaAioa offered 1500 d-'llars f>r it, but j I thrr M- I'u-iet who had pafTcd his wc.d] j dee med the oiier The public curic-Cty w:uld no doubt liave I been highly gratified by the publication of . ’ ‘be ‘aid work, as ic would have provoked I j criricifms and replies, bv which thefife upstart j ! i'i uKCS wrai and l ave t-opeared in their true 1 j ight The *'*icle c'>n.trnii'.g Tsalctran de- { ;■ g-ord, 1 - ;*okar.T, would have furnif I ! tttrt tir r.-.a.*; critical obfervatit ? U.TIMOHT. June 4- Arrived, brig Thtee Bmtiitri, M’N'-i.f, i if.,.-” Grails’- upe, via Antigua. 17 days imra i ne itrtet ji'a-.C. Ua ’he rb'.h uU. the Go-, r- 1 or of A i gui rtif'.-td difpatclies fr rt . Baibadces, It - ing. that ri ? combined fieet Or ‘ Front 1 and Spatuacdr. c,m!.r ng of jz fa.’ I were seen w. ard imm n.i- rtai ! af Eurorjc. ” T-sc-. . I Cap*in Neale, imm. i'*~ in 17 ) d.y-'s from I’c.rto Kic.-, , ‘■ * - ne accour.'t. j ■.f b -fton, of arrival in rr * Weft indie- f T.e French a.l l-pan.iii <• - 1 .0 lire'. 1 - 1 • gos 10 fad of ’be li ai .■> .1 or twelve i t"’gi es. \ fee da- J d-'t'-r ... INr . laned, a fipan'ih g vc. . ... u r . ‘< i 1 r‘ -r . R co.w.rhthe iafonna.i rnof. n . ... ilied it days in c anpan . *•. , ;e.i *k- :tz ic the witidv ard vs s. ~■’ it ic* 1 ,er - r., . tavf-i>na,aiicli'>xf J at ijuavatitine ground th - •mhrmng. C-i y ain Marsden dates, u at tl-.ere had cot bten an arrival at Hav.mna, from any port :e America, for fifteen days prtvioufi; , to his failing. F ve Bi hifii frigates were cruising off Ha vanna, when captain Maisden came out. - LF.XINGTON. (Ken.)May 21. Col. Burr passed Cincinnati ten davs afjo, an and w * under, has arrived at Louisville, whet be if e’nployed TANARUS, viewing t- • ; rou ’ —i r>• >■” i'• r ar. tr,r’ lor 1 rnTvhf'e,.cir(g the tu.iu! ;-j -J Fails o Ohio. ! UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA s., FR ANKLIN CO I.I E ■ G”. Athens, yum i. if; v. | On Tuefdny lati the bo;. ! of'l’Muttee 1 convened .n the college, a,- 1 > . | j 0 ’ ! clock a. v. a Sermon'c! pzitlcu j lar'y v o the candidates o A* res. was delivered by the Rcv;reii-d A bra‘’.a*n | Manhaii. ! la the afternoon the bond ?.i.*.-iKic’ t thepv.bitc t*pc:.t>fs for tire ••. which ’ h*.d been proposed by the r. Ji k it and ■t!;: authority of the r.'!’- ;rc, to th, .three iowtft cb ffo*. anti the grimmer i fcbbcl} The hor,- Early :and John fo;f yt , r,, .• futieg ur. judges’ j O’j .‘lie trorr’nm cf ‘T •••’neFJav, the i dty of the eommtTces.itit, the board of |"J rupees, the executive r ihceis of the j cei ! "ge ant! a number of gentlemen con j v.ened at the P.cfidents h'ufe ; from ” whence a proctffion was formed of the jfehotars cf the'grammar r.hool, the Ju- I nior, Sophomore, and dafles, j the board ofTruileee, See. ! Af: . e under an arbour, was placed jin frorg of the College, ami the exert iier> of the day were. 1. Sacred Mafic. 2. Prayer by the Reverend Abraham Marl hath 3. Latin Salutatory oration by \¥ilfon 3; rd. 4. A humorous dialogic by Wflfon I Bud, Stephen VV. Harr s, Gabriel Ma this and Rowland Sherroond. 5. A fo'cjific difputatlou on tb* qoe ftion viz ; —Have mcrr.l causes greater irfiuence than pkyfical in, tie format on of national chat <icier ? 0. An Eugltfh cratiou ty G". H:*- TIS. 7. A dialogue by Wilson Bird, S. W. Harris, G. Mathis, and Roland Thurmond, 8. An Eaglilh oration by il. Thur mond. 9. Valedictory oration by Stephen W. Harris. The ptefiient then, with the cenfcnt of the board of Trustees, ccnfeired the degree of Bachelor of arts cn dVilfon Bird, of Warren County. Stephen W. Harris f Green. Gabriel Mathis, of He:,cock, and Roland Thurmond of Jackson. The prcihlent then delivered the deci flun of the Judges, of merit in speak : ing, who Lad been appointed on the i lay hi fore which was : That of the Ju nior class, the prenitim was due to ! ben Hill, cf Clarke county; that of the ! Sophomore data John Douglas, of Burke ! and Samuel W. Meigs of Clarke county, were equal in merit; —that Charles Da vie, of of the Frethman ciafi, and Wm. Mitchell, of Savannah, of th? Gram mat fchool, were entitled to preui um. The exsrdfes were closed with prayer J by the Reverend Abraham Martha!!, j M. Petit, of Savannah, formerly an (Officerin the fquatiron commanded by ! admiral Suffrcio, in the East Indies during the American War, is e lecied profefTor of languages in this U nivertity. A very numerous and genteel compa ny attended the escerciles, and exprelted j their approbation of the performances. I The president was eleded profdfor of i Mathematics and Narural Philosophy, & was direfted to a public course of Le&ures at such time as he Gall judge proper, after the a-rival of the re* ina’mder of the apparatus, which is now daily expe&ed. The name F.a-ik’ia College, was gi ven to trie collegiate Building 111 this place, which vd! hi completely fi.iilhed in the c.jurie of tue present summer, LOUISVILLE, Geo. 12. We uiiCeHtai, i that there w !, be 4G,**s bav-s r Tickets in the louc.r l<ji ; J nd obt.i'rieJ from the af the u .ty; of Fort Wilkuii- .of W.;;ch lidt I more than g /.• o\ii bs o.'trtca. { From thf LofisitNA Gasetie. REFLECTIONS t'n tie e.ssl ,f the Low damans, ref pc 8 jullf ‘fut’mthd6f*tfheir agents. (Conl^uded) The*laft polr.t to;couiid:r k, whether ‘there is mur* car.gtf- to be appreheneso j 1 uw the 1111 trJ Sra effTrom iutesnal ftiftur- J S . f- - | ..'iir; CriP OI U-v IGt( . ! Del -a,- Tc* ‘ 1 • j to .. it; ie, ♦::: ;• Ttu'uiua g ,t w r.*cd it. J any other tut me- r. V.’il V . . ir f'-ra, .na’l*’.- lu;.-| ,c£r.,, , - -y. j ! r >i *• * t:\ 1- c. c ■ lp caa ..aav I .rcbzt'Y r yrt t'L.t U \ fitouii but ert'cmrlf ‘ • ’ * >• * ’.lie public h:re ar.J tor obe i ow * who are satiated with huan.; >u< - Therefore, as the moft part of Uie*c eor.ncded with the fubjeit in q v/e will take notice only of such i- have - a tendency to (hew that internal diiatuvr is likely to take pUae in Louifisna it c eded into a date, and that this suppo sed future diforderis likely, to aS.ti W e tranquility ani iaftty of the United Btaus. The principal and more generally a *• pted (itij-Aiun against felt •/:■ rnrn< nt r> [ ouifi ‘ns, that t)ie Louitiauia 5 ’.have neither the e>; ere:*.-, rvr the i iaatioii 1..-1 ri) ,ry i r govern thc.r era •ft ars ! R.:-i!y, cue .v"o is thrive-.’, bly j .;.MH3in*ed with the p-eient hs ■: . f -f ----r-t ■ . ~r SI • . ;'i ‘ft'lfl 3DU US touri j L. . i 01. refrain ft fm b % g, when te .n • ■he otis in cf th-. 1. curious cct.oi.s o: vi'V >:.( future g’ men*, ic it a', esc if. v •’ *vv uf.t til. qikt i .-'it to ai. v . in fe f, an. , above reuo pn tudice :—I- it C? be ! ri:ijpr"..i mat the it-ou fia ians cannot ! brtttr ‘or-thcciftivi* than men who ■ txe ‘■ hrowp am ng tnem, without kow*\ lirgth.-iv cn ati/, their mxnnevs, their enftotr,*. tl,-. ’r laws, thir language? Is ‘ f t ■ be <• , r-'tfn.j that Loutftana is , dee. j tit-it? of a fitfa..ietit number 5F torn fuf* -cteutly eoligutehcd to s'overn it ? Shou.d .: be b-ei:cved as other humtliatiqsj . eports by w nch u. y hive been degra. deii ir. -,c eye or tfic federal govern •r. rat, this, u. fieri, cannot be disputed, -hat tixeic ?aea, whatever may be the li .mitsof thnr talents, are poffrifed, for the purpof? of govei-aiog their country, of the moft precious quahiications, to wits —Local kno-veltdge, excellence and [patriotism. But admitting that pretended iafuffi ciency of talfiir*, in the rulers of Lou diaoa to emit, it is r.ot ail yet. We mult find out h"w it would produce tifedV-s which might affect the tranquility and ) fafety of the Umted States, and affedb jit :n a mar? dangerous wanner, if Lou (ifiana is erected into a Rate, than it J would otherwift do. We know of two things whieh might produce this effect; : fb. Want of tur mony atici a care in the adnainiitratioß> by which thudsfordcr, confufion, ard ft. oFiv, irfurrehtioa might be caused. ad. Tl;e adoption of a government, (as has been hinted,) which would be iucompa— tide with the laws of the United State#. Or. the firit ofthefn two points little -.Sid* be laid, for it is obvious that the Loiufianjans, who have already given fa matry proofs of their love of order, once * having in their hands the means of fe curing tfiei. own tranquility, property, ibfety and every thing that is dear ts iuem, will take much better care of them, than ethers have hitherto done. Indeed the iaefficacioufncfs of fome of their present ruiers in several important branches of adiainiftration, hu been one f their ioudett complaints. As to the government which they* would adopt, it i* really not a matter of doubt. They wsfh nothing else than to be assimilated in every refpeT, to tiie o ther raciflbers of the union. They cam friiow no belter esample, imitate no better model. The materials for the great, the uhpcrt .ut c-bjeft of tr.rir con-* IliluUon a;-; rea; v. Why (hou'd they put themie'vts to the unnec-.fTary trou- b T <; of creating, when they can make use of what is created ? Why expofi* themfclvcs to the rifle of erring and fai lin into fome by-way, when the mara road is open hi fore them ? To rea sons, deduced from probabrnry t? add o.hers founded on India. The L- u fia rriaus are a peop’e of agricukuuila, as are the other inhabitants of the United States. There is among them no nobil ity, no diftin&ions of any kind, no rights of pitfiiogeniture in tbs o* greed idWtrtupe, no mob, no poor, non? of that kind of men. who de pend for ftibfiftence cn the ffivors or Rip-. port of the rich and powerful, and art always :eady to become the ioftramenta of the ambitious- A perfetft equality is there naturally prevailing, and seems to have prepared every thing for the recep tion of a free government. Finally, if ai! confiJerauons are cf no weight in the eye of thole who have uo confi dence in the Louifianiauc, let them re* Col Eel that the constitution of the Uni ted Stales would bind Louiftana to es | ab iih w lepub’.lcati form of government, i W< have thf-s rapidly fsrveyed the i princiful quefttons, whira feetn to have -* ;urtcd in the c. t.fe of th? Louifianiaas, j Wc v*i‘i now a brief view of their ‘[■rt :t ftae of fufpenle s:;d anxiety, I ‘ G cl th?coufcque-nces like to Stteni tie fin Ft JeciUou which they are ex l A i j.., r !r e evils, which the Louiuaaiar.s | were mdeavouiing at the time they for med ;!ie rcfolution of addreiling a reprr- Icatati la to congress, a. and which arc ex prtfled m their memor al, have been dai- * !y increriijig fines that time, and others, which did not exist then, have now aug. ■r.een and considerably the burthin of their fufferir-g. As soon as they avowed their mteu’-ion of rcir.onftratiog against the a.: vh-ch provided ior the tr.mporary government of the territory ofi Orleans, i tpirit of eppofltion mani.efted itfelf ou fine part oi lome ptrioos who had in tbe:r hands powerful menus cf embarrafling t-iei'n. alirres. It wae d<cLred in the fiiil i'd-icc that primary affirmbii.s i Inch Tey intci,.'. <>, tc convoke for ‘O’- b *V C ’- o* ti ; ‘u: , I'cmn ns ----t fii’ .4, at th. ‘t” sine s.^ -v - >- -a-dt.-.c’ r -41^V-v e atloJß