Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, June 21, 1805, Image 3

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■■-H'ia Kepublicui^ AMD ;v i! ; vg:R. ~ r Li LY qnd MOURE. ’ * -i-L ’AM June 21, 1 r.^s. e telh.wing vr.r pat into ou r hands •c-.* cure in the city, in the ff.ape - ‘ .aiicbkti ,- , O fhf C’ • T 'l 2 i *. at SA V A NNAfi.l •’ Considering the. great grievt, th cit; oi S'.ira'.i.ah labors UfiUrr, at<- , m:*ny opprtfiivc ravafuves affopteii ; l- tt.ok iv p ov r, tt is cooteutpbted to! r*pe the rvcicul city afln i> : t. • t. :uch as will more ■ qunlly and in.par- : t :'y admioiftt. jufce to the vtop they reprtfeiit. ; I ft. The grefcv : v of lupofi.ig c r* - rrou* prices upon Ru-necs, vv.i, L now c “r ot he obtained tor less than ncru ‘■ !’;sdollars. ad. Tlie intolerable grievance rff re t-riving the money into theeffy treafiry t/? a license, ahdthough the perfonihnuril h-: obliged to remove from the ci'y or | d’e within the term limited for dfiraticr. 1 * i “V- t cannot fueh perf&oAtnd or exchange j fcS license with any other person, r>r rati it he turned to the benefit of the fart vising relatives of the deceased, nui wii! ■ the treasurer return the money paid For j iiacxptred balance of time io fueh perfdri i r-moving, nor to the executors or ad in • I r.iffrr.tors of those who die. ’ 3'J. The growing evil r.’fuktng fi oni the criminal conduct cf <■ ffieers.x-ho. under the pretence of vigilance ou thrir part, take occafiun to inform a gain ft people who b.3ve paid every reqirlition, i on the molt trival oecafio'ns, ana f-veral l charges against the’ innocent citizens, j wholly unfounded, whiid even the truth’ is not adm'tted in evidence, but 4? if ine- j vitably doomed to ruin—nc pita will avail those once acculed. “ 4th. The great partiality <h?wn to njeh'violating the laws, though in ether reipedls equallyfituated, fining tome five for a greater, and feme forty for a lefiVr “Wherefore taking the foregoing into feri jus consideration, it is i’uggeftei! that the following plan of regulatioud world Safwer a far better ourpofe than the present, as it would tend to IriTru the tsmptatior.of poor people to tra.i3i.reid toe laws of the city, Sc even ileT th \ ugh the violence of eppreffion, evetj way calculated to make them defpiir cf gtt fine- a 1 ‘-ring for themelves and families in an honest way, ■ ** ift, That the price 4: iicer.fc be reduced to twenty-"five dollars, exclusive of tfce’fces given to qb‘da them, for fcl- Eng ia ar.y O’-tintity. “ 2d. That any perfoa or pc Tor 3 Vhd may fell withoutlicei.fc afrer this iaw, fh.ii forfeit for the fi if offence, ten ‘dollars, for the second twenty, for the third fifty, and for every other time 3- 6 Jve three, one hundred dollars, Provi ded, that filch person or persons have not petitioned, given fu-.eties, and paid the price of the license into the treasury, in which c?fe he or the* may j fell in nay quantify set forth in sue h pz- j tition as aforefaid, till the petition be granted or reje&ed. <s 3d. That the price of license for retailing spirituous liquors in anv quanti ty not less than a quart, be fwt-d at ni tren dollars. “ 4th. That all ether Jicerfrt, badg es £t~. be left to the diferetion o. council. “sth. That perfor.s pt ffeffed of li cense who cither remove fem, 1 or Vac in the cify, have liberty to dispose of the tin expired term of fueh licer.fe, the par chafer being obliged io give security for his own proper good conduft, iu felling nnderj them, Jnd the executors or administrators of perfous so;, may nlfo vend the unexpired trim of inch H ccnfetotUe use of the heirs or legatees of the said deceased. “6:h That ail pofilble partially be ftuiioufiy avoided, except to the “poo old and infirm people, who ought not to , be d:fcoura,red to get ihtir living fcone.l- j ly, though they rr.fey not in feme cases comply with the law, as being unable to pay for license, and much lei's to pay fines and peraltiss of the law j “ 7th. That all negroe3 Ihculd be prevented from Tiling merchandiae, fpi- i rituous liquors, or keep houfts of er.trr- ; tainment, or (hops wherein they expoT for sale goads, wares and merchandize j t any kind by wholesale and retail. { “ Brh, The citizens think that can*! didates at the erfuing eiefeio? :n their i Tvcyd wards, wbo refufj to silent to, j a<'d sign tbit iijlrument* arc ua worthy i their luffragea ; those who do will cog lider thcmleives bound co promote much as in them lies, fucb laws, and the repcalingof others, as will completely en force andcarry into execu:;co tee fore-c *dg plau of regu s t ioc3. 1 j much the v.i <r, ar.d iuterritof the c.rizms at .‘B-3?. j “ A CITIZuU.” RE I ARKS. The ‘j.cftator.a l fi e c pl-yed in th s produdion, is iiigll/ ; proper tor ar.y j individual j v;d - cnly ore “ Ci-j t.zcn,” we can call to mrd, 1-ls coacdt- j ed enough to cr. ks us: uc ;* I-.dtii,. tt is har .'y aiodelf for ♦nth o-opofitio'is ’ See. tocncuiate in tiitfc p, u'l.-j- ig.-ra * i (iz •u.ords in I S.c a-p.^ed on i /• in .v'; <u s v tre trcf-j'i */' ./ -co : • “ tbeje and fim'.jr t Y TANARUS, v ,’ 7 ic’d. .an ly a rttfiSaok num&tr ts. the citfotm iati't < hd. However, it is highly indiscreet to rcituft the good which an intlrumcnt con tain-, from an i-bjedfion to the lhape in which it it r -U-ntcd. We (hull there fore offer feme comments on die prclcnt, without recalling its manner to view. 1 The prices of licences are tinted as a grievance. If it enn be proven that gcod men are exc'udcd by tbe prefeot | tax, and had men obtain licences, and J that reducing the tux would exclude the 1 luff and encourage the fir ft, then \v<- will ‘:■ wee that fueh reduction is necessary. dut on the contrary, we now find that 1 ; e'-en ficenstd tippiir g boufes have become j j'O n-merous, ~r to 10. in sn aiticie 11, tii. . • prt tentmoirs of our grgnd jury. I!’ then. \ ‘■r ‘he f’: h price of a ,'Hn ■■ u com plained of, we and icover fu. h a relnlt, why i 8 reduif-on in the tax take place i a£ 3 f .rtTci t . to their j a . ettafe ? l .*• j* may operate eppreffively ui: ionic j-Cor pi ■ ■ v.t]> zyc unahle tt jp.vme puce c . ITerce.aM whefe nc !cr times it. -/ ice them to brake t.i.Cugh the ■ -v- . j certainly ti-ue 1 but wc cOiiccivc the? rtf -viv pr>pofed to be I far than the disease. Let the price ; of a licence remain the fame, or be fixed I2- fueh other’ sum as a fait view 0* cir j otunfiaaces trr.y cause Count ! to think p* >tur, ..rd let toe paymeuts'be made in. j half yearly, quarterly, or, in fomfeaffs, | monthly',., .ns. The evil complained i <>f that of obliging the port- but honest | -trailer to e-ivuuce 0 s um which may ex | ceed h:capita), will vanfih, and the e nciindus profit made on r<. ailing i,v f,n;..l’ mcaiu-c,.. ’.ho bulmefg i, worti* purfuis *, wiii enabipThem to pay the t,:x, Bv tms ,'i eans, wO f one hail of the second j coinpldifit would vaniih direftfv i f>us e?e;: it ar? in tae price c f ; 1 !loenc '- 1 w - take plage, the difference ! tm'vvt m frr.vU a: and large retailers iu the j ‘urns propped by much toe trilling, and entirely d;f;;roportionatc to the-’- 1 profits. The second complaint is less founded .uan at fi.lf 2.jpc.3i3, since we know s. ; iu.e of licences daily does take plncejonly, the original holder futfers his name to ■jntv.ue on tae sign, and the bufmefs to be fit traysaded. But as to perlons dy ’ug, il rts!:y is an evil, since frequently limy have famine* to whom every dollar ■3 a.l object Let it then, be provided m case of decease, children with the right of .ale to fueh perfoo as Council (V.ould approve ; and generally, the right of lale fubjtci to fueh approbation, Ihcuid be permitted. ilure is another evil here whita our cuiztn has left u..iaoticcd. and his is a regulation which is underltcod to exit!, that no retailer is permitted to ha e the benefits of his licence except in the ward where he icfide J at the time it was giun-, ted . For this we fie r.o pcffible reason, and believe none can be a:(edged ; certain ly j office requires that a man llioulcl have liberty to remove wherever Lis interest invites him. V h'*.her r. lie aceufitions are frequent, not having an opportunity to ascertain, v.e k :ov not. There i fome reafo.i, 1 however, tv sucii things may have oecn, s id that credence was rather inch-. -- =*> * “ “t of the a icufer. Every one will join iu laying inch thinys oagh ( not to be. However, the ingenious back doors ot aulicenctfed retailers are rather calculated to excite doubts cf fail dealing. vVeare equally ignorant whether par tiality has exiffed, and no way disposed to make loferious a charge without good evidence Certainly there has been a confidently disparity in the fines, and vve believe Council would willingly be relieved from this part of their refpaii fibility uv a uniform fyffero. A portion of discretion is howev-r, necessary cm the fide of mercy. If two thirds of the Council were required 1,3 reduce a fin-, it might not be improper. With the proposal ‘or rest re.h, in,, ne groes from iliop.kcrping we chct .fcl!” amec. Do not fuc. reunJationsair. -. [exiff ?We believe it.’will be found they i ; are not of recent date. Theyousht to) : be enforced. We will conclude our remarks on thi * fingnlar paper, by observing ; every ‘■ g lund of policy and principle affords an i argument for loine changes in our city rep-efenation. Undoubtedly foiue ea : eeiitia! improvements remaia l<> be mad * jin our police. We tincerely hope the, n.:::t beard of aldermen will be composed l of men better, wi rrarvi enjov:ng more ;of our c#nfu'.cr,ce than the prefect, not unending thereby, d-iparagement to any But the candidate who would fetk to obtam his election by fubferibing the ; anonymous diciu.n of any felf-coi ceited •• citiz-.0,” would not merit a fuffia •: ;or the place of fca/sngcr. For tbs Georgia Republican. [Messrs. Lyon & Mop. -t. Ihc lass “ Patriot ” coat3in a rt commendation to the ci.-.zeo, to “ ir -t in their wards,” on Satur-lav 1 i.txt tofefidt car-didates for Alde'rncu. ‘ I With ali du: defcrenc-, thi? is con-j ! ceivcd to be unnecessary trouh j It is not to’ tl*e el-cto-s, but to men j ’v.-ho are beff to fer-.e ur, ad ; monitions fhaudbe addnffd. ! Tne polite# of this city are decidedly rtputl'Csn, and 1 am convinced there ii I not t w* and bat bn a majoriiv of th? ( C All O. Way th'n have We ever ha 1 a city cctrnci! of d.urer.i pol.tic, l * The ani'wer ii to he found, not ir | the votes, but in the cavdidatea. Men whose information charader and influence displayed ability and commanded rrfpeff, have interestedly fiirunk from the facri fice of their time where no emolument was expedletl, Rnd compelled us to feck fueh men to take care of the city as would content to accept, without tegard to po iical opinions. The consequence tvas experienced luff year, particularly in the earlier purl of it j 0 that experience will not men to offer on whom we can iciy, we nuiil hereafter acknow ledge with regret, the republicans want t public ipirit. j Without the fatigue of ward ’meetings, let iuiti'.ble candidates offer thcmleives, and we need not doubt they will be sup ported. _ At the fame time, it is proper to im press on the minds of our citizens, that the politxs of ourbrrrd of aldermen, are not a matter of indifference. Wherever a republican candidate worthy of their confidence does offer, let them ftriiftiy attend the polls, and we Ihall once mote have a city Council who will be the re presentatives of citizens. AN INHABITANT. For the Georgia Republican. TO THE PUBLIC. The edito'-s of the Museum, fome time since defied me to expose them, feeling confident, as thay said, that my “ ntve&ives would recoil 01 nryfelf” I have now to offer an ettrad of a letter received by a friend of mine in this city from a perlon in New-York. But in or der to make it more plain, it maybe ne- C i- ;ry to Hate that Mr. Seymcur, one ot those moralized editors, in the years ISOI —a paid his addrelTes to a Mil's W. then of this city, and obtained the prori ife of her hand, but for what rcafon I know not, a short time before the day appointed for the celebration of their nuptuals, he went to New-York, made iuic to a lady returned to Savannah quit the lay to whom he wa3 engaged ; went again to New-York ar.d aftaily got married! About this time the former lady arrived at that place—prosecuted him ; he compromised the tmfiuefs by paying thief, bundled Dollars / React the following and fry impartially whe thet this Mr. Seymour not a very pi ous man ; fay, is not his private chamber unim; "tic bab/e —was he rot juffifiable in publilhing the Calumny of Juvenal, Quiz, and (the Afs-rider} againft Morle ? Surely Morfc mull be an infidel ; he muff have negle&ed his duty to-ward god aud man.-—He never facnticed an amiable virgin to the {cchlure of thousands, or permitted a friend, to juftify him by tra ducing innocence-—and a man who would tcorn to do so, fnuft indeed be a very impious one ; he who wou'd not be guiltv of the like surely canbot stand in the fear of Gud ! ! Seymour is the man whose virtue never permitted him to bend to an immoral aft ! of which, here is ample tc ftimony, -The following is extracted from a letter received in this city, from New-York. Speaking ot G. I. Seymour, the writer fays “ You'll ohl’ervethw the time he w as appre j .-.ended w h'a writ *.£ dafnag -s for three thou!.*:* i j “ Is, was on Saturday evening or rattier 01-. v. u oclnck at night. He then had to knot... up hig .friends for bail, whom he with difficulty obtained—they contitled of h:s brother types. On Monday morning the bail deli vtreil him to the sheriff, who car tied him to the pi, until S attorney The at torney waited on the plaintiffs and informed them ttiat Seymour had told Jiim l'uch a pi •nous ’"tie of poverty—nay —that h? expetteti in a few days he fmou'i* be iulolvcut—that he CDu.d not proctire bail fufficient to keep him from prison ; but woul ddo as much as was in his power to mllce amends, by paying three hundred dot art which he would have to borrow: (t) unof. this, the lawyer, (fttppo kng him in reality a poor wretch) interceded forhim—la ihe had no doubt from the let ters :t: ,-n yy Seym, tr to the plaintiffs that he hart beta gu.: 7 , a breach of protnilc, for which „ judgment of at leaf! two thoufaiti pound i scald bo got; but what would it a -Iv. 1! >.’hen ’. ■ ■> a,, ah> to pay nothing. The | plaintiffs at length dire<S a the attorney to ■receive the three hundred dollars r*d retain ; one hundred *Ol his tr Co 1 1 astbeirchief oh* j jcfl was to expose die villain I eneffo ledyou three* out not of, to much com - j fequince as these ho£Se mou/'.oiv j'.ned from the plaintiff; sttorne On com*rim!ling the J bufiriefs. One of thole was a Voter written to Ihe you;, J 1 plain*! ‘ winch was i>in*oet tedl; amt nearly in ihefe word. . “M •.* D eiii —. ——-, ‘* ’.Vith what rapture did I rc-drs the mt n.'aturc aftd w.lhedithad bcen*be original It 1 :ve ire, I for t uc.i i.;ryjt mao v . )‘l> and ♦heading tears 1 have i> m , and nv >*•/.; -’ • never flail t.itc it from my W-. .m, tiii dcailt) lutzes ine or till iam £0 ieu 111 ..our user 1 arm , ami v.-e become •. •• ’ **•,(.■ mutt infirm you that l iiatl an itivi* .>u t• : dripk tea yefterda;. wk'.re >"•<?>- ■...■ .l.itrtc* ij you* glatlie.*,, but .c w-% ti.e i retju-.-lL ‘*.•.* f j jth'c 1 leave tot mini cure kehf . A;: ~< 1 the rest vise a Mills S.— ■ , 1 I'ltt.ade -! ph'a. I chatted—but h.-lic nte nyd.j. , I ther enjoy one hour <TT our <■ 1 ,*;>*. 1-. tl.i. 1 , all l*.e women in New York t . * mm: j “ At tins very time yen’ll okl.-ive he w.*.• 1 courting fcj* pref nt wife, and iw.i.j the I mi.haciuu as that ol his filler 1 “ I remain, fir ymtrs with tile cm ( NOTEd. (ijf'.ur PttlGarlitk ; hit*/ 1 ■-■ ful fruit nave -<_ 1 lir: tituati >0 in the nv ■ | |ot an ofl *ci for a Ur**’ It o—. 1 jitter/ than a pram lit . the r, . . to , ,* a.nt OA *HS he tiii * .... . ole .rr i* I money, bad chanre forbad, a ! cxpacte-i f*. j,i I to b. insolvent —i iii/a! ’ ‘ (1) “ fuT/'t thr mu.. ”--V. n;. - * Pc'. *he could ! have ha* I the auda.ity to ca. nimivif aha ‘I Proceed, leader, a;.u ,'et if you cut and any thing in tiisc-jiul i‘_ that merits and:?. tide. (jj If titer:* is a’.r ng uu !:• Hex vi* • so !>ai, Itd-tigm g, ’ d’ ec ful - ifUf. dos so h.*nor, io l*uic buTianiry—lb fenfe iefi to e aeelirigi oi ~ 1 injured fcmaU. i r I j there is v r-an in the \rrM v’hti could he i l >i ‘y ot a tranluflion to equal thi:. in villai ny, (Seymour excepted) niay God aim:;. !;• • ftrever keep him l:om among; civilized :uo pie ! ! ! . 1 1’ this does not tcli .fy every impartial reader on the head of private charafters, 1 ain in poffefnon of further evidence, which cau be laid before the public with out much inconvenience. CANDOR. By Lajl Evening's Mail. L 6 NDOnFaphT 10. - Letters were ye tin day received fi-rn H >|. land, of the iß:h intt. They confirm the account which we have already fitted thai tiie Dutch merchants at Rotterdam, ’ havt : cone to a rcfclmion of no; niippinr- any more merehandn-e. 0 7 The - avquts Cornwallis's tnifi.m to India, * s *F e cial, by the Kind’s command, for the fa ouary puipofe of conediatmg, 11'pofllbU, the native Princes to the altered, and thus prevent the calamities cf perpetual war fare ’ ]i is fair! that a certain pet fonayre has or uered the lilt of privy Councilors’ to be laid l),Tore him bv I. *rd Sydniomh, the next time t o comes to the Qii- en’shoule, 111 order that iif may make an erase r y with his ov/nhtitid. hir. t.arrow, the 1...-rifter, has been clc.'l i> 1 a teprelcnta'tve in Parli uhciu, fr the Borough ot Gatton, in Surrey. April q. An ebu'.'iilon ot popular fentinient burfl * ora * f ’riiry'-Lane Theatre, on Naturday evening.\V ivnCollms in them ,cl. T>.*r,(tecla. reotna:, c.hct great rnei,, lie would not quit his poll until he had made the mod cf it ” The sentiment was eagerly feiy.edby the ati • ,encfl arlt * -Ppfiuded with threediftiufl and vehement rounds of apTtlaurc, A meeting of the wholesale merchants and mamitaiSurers of Hubl ~, vrs held on Toes ay.i.t, > ta.te in;< co.,:i leralion the. propri >ty j! 1 viv-ug; a Chamber of Commerce in the metropolis of Ireland. A Tii 34, ‘tie high iituution ot 1-irftLord of the sd miralty ii, if uaaccupied. His Maieltv’s Mtnittms evidently labour under great ditfi uitica n finding a iuecefiorto Lord Melville, who can enter upon the arduous duties ofthe office w Ti the good opinion and confidence ot the roundiy, iiut, indeed, if we may ere dit thole whole fixations affoyd them the bell means ot information, the quellion which at the present moment divides the opinions ofthe highest political circles is, „ot who lhal be Lord Melville's fucceflor, as firft Lord of the Admiralty, hut who flull be Prune Mmtfl.r if Greet Britain \ 1 CHARLESTON, June 17, french and Spanish vlest. Captain Merchant, ofthe Frrtnllw, arrived at quarantine on Saturday, in 14 days from St. Thomas’s has obligingly favoured us with the following highly in teresting ioteiligenct That the united French aniSpaniih licit had arrived at Marlin.que, about 10 days before he left ot. Thomas’s. It confided of 12 french !hips of the line, 74 to 90 guns ; (> French fagates, from 36 to 44.; 6 Spanilh ships ofthe line, two of 90 guns and four ,of 74 *J and 6 Spanilh frigates, iu all 30 fail. Admiral Miff.ffis, with the firft French squadron, has alio returned so Martinique from the Continent, with provisions for the (*ornbincd fleet Tin Britiih frigate Cyan, in a paize to the united sq udron. The Ferro I squadron, of 11 ships of the line and 6 frigates, were momently expected. Martial Law is in force in all the En glish Windward Iflaode. The inhabitants of Tortola have fled to St. John’s. The Br. tiah ships of war have been ob liged to fedc proteftion in St. Thomas’s. Accounts from Lisbon, state, that on the iff April, a I’ortuguefe 74, a frigate and (loop of war, failed in pursuit of fbrre Algerine cruizcrs, which had lan ded and -carried off from the coast of Al gefiras, about zoo of the inhabitants. FOR CHARLES TON. , J ifdS-’ The Brig PALLAS > . Ephraim Wilcox, mailer, ; ‘.'-ill pofitiveiy fail the firft wind, and will take freight, or prifuigers on reason able terms. Apply to Samuel Howard. June z t 2t Two Huudred Dollars REWARD TJU.4AWAY ih ii:c me ter: 1 of January 1 LV, (iurinv t!,e fuLfcribu/ *:i abfeuce in i LniTnd, two Negro Fellows (Gaddy and’ r.iMfco,) the fmmerof . ;..m was my ava:- ting man and jiarticularl; ve|l kno .v in this ci v and its’- iviron . C.inr.y is well made, i-vc-. y.-.e en year* of aye, 9, 4 about five 1 i’ ‘ ’ Lven inches high, r ■ * .1 - .1 with a L ,/n call lu;k ‘ • -vlu-n [ fj-t.-fftentoo, and tnsft cotnmo., } air. .'.t upon 1 ua cni.airiiance. RO ’tEO is a r ugh Cars' '.t-r. nd was ( i *,.*• i. srly well kn wi- ab it tin* -I 1 , • ell nia'le, about .1 lee; fix 1, u gii, I | i.r.irty fix years old with a is: t m?u;.l and j I '■ •; r..:y, when fjnfinn tc , .n his I.xi.df. 1 I ml- ; Inc .be;-, pnek't, and ..1 a., air o! I cs. ‘eqoertce. The 1 i‘t ‘in;.. 11 ./ ;■ tre seen ; life liiufF l i,< c tih.!’ j nu, >my plaiUa’i n>■ -. St. C*iiieii.ic*Xfluiid, j fir- iog.-eat j.rohaoiltty that they b-.v ~ i.c TI sir y/ay towards Horitia. WU nsvcrlc; -. j ! i'C-ffl feitow* in any Coal v th - l!-*‘c, o>- u, 0/ wha'loever, ‘ (’A •ibex may p -fi'ets them, th.-.;‘l I,* -I to 1 ajjve reward, ,r one li'ludf.i .! ‘c . fn [ either of them.- Owen Owe v ■. j J.:- 1 “L r . <4 Take NOICE, | A T Nme months aX-this date, I 1 * dix ua .... apple, itwn 19 the Juft;-- lof h<- in fur; or cmr of 1 he. • vm r, fir leave to ieii the land*! proer'y oil! ‘ Jhr M- G'Jifi f, r 1 c i t.-o: I'.aizSA. „/jmy f , ? rt .'■ J. ■ -Id-' ia- > Libor*"’ Cf.-. •; .Lr.fiT? f y- TKL ORPHAN'S PA AYER. i he frozen streets in mootithins glitter, The midnight hour has loitg- been past t s’ u rue : the wind blows keen am. bitter ; i link benea'h the piercing blaff. 111 ev’ry vein seems like to lar.guiffi, 1 heir weight n-y limbs no more can hear ■ Iji'-- no one lor,rues the Orphan’s anguilli, Bit no 01. c loothesthe Orphan's pray’r. Kavk ! hark ! for fare fome iaotilep’s near me ; I hear it press the and. fitd snow ; I die for food—Oh y --ryer hear 010 t I die for food, feme Mrns heftovv. - u ice nog...’ h implore you. No woman hi.::-, s . i ( - n and d.itpair, ; A famifh’d Or>. an ku*wN hefi-vd von. ; Ah grant as- vnn': >. ‘h.m’s rray’s. Pei apt, yon think my lips diflfembtmg, Os virtuous fir.T-iw feign a tale: Then mark nr. frame, with zuguilh tr'nThling, Mv hod. w e es, ad features pals. E'en (houldmy fiorv prov* ideal. Too -.veil the is -z Ucd limbs declare, M\ wants, at least, are. not uteal : Then, : ■, uy,,-- , -..rant the Orphan’s pray'i . He’s go I no mercy man will fhetv me ! la pt ‘rs no more I'll spend riy brevh ; Hereon tne frozen car'h I'll throw me. And welt, in mute despair for deaih. Farewell, thou c.-uel world, to-morrow, No more thy scorn my h art will tear, The grave will Id the rlul i of sorrow, And heaven will hear the Orphan’s prayT. But thou, preud man, the beggar I'cevnin;-, Uumov’d thou law’ll me kneyl 1 zr b. ■ au, 7 hy heart (ha I ache to hear at morning, Thar morning found thi bc#xtir dead. And when the room l-fetinds kuth laughter, Mr familh’d cry the mir.h if tllfcatc, And olion fi-.all thsu wish hereafter, Thou htd:l nat fcorn’dthe CVphan’c pray’r. THE FLAME WHICH NE’F.H EXrißEff. A.” heautioim Emma mi'd'y glatlcM, Her looks diffus’d feraphre fii-ev; I felt my glowing heart entr.o r.c’d, And caught a—Flame, which ne’er expires. Her name, the fubje ft of my long, l ove's energetic theme infjsi.cs, And dwells. Hi I iremhling on my tongue. While hurrls the—Flame which ne’er ex pires. Beyong th* precinflof this bread, Mv ardeni paflion ne'er tvar.fpires ; For there, unfnl i< and, it will red, And feed the—Flame which ne’er expires. Ye fav’ring Muses, deign to move Jn duleint notes your touching lyres, W hite lweet mellifluous itreams of love Increase the—Flame which ne’er expires. Her charming form, and graceful mind. My raptur’d lenfe alike idmires; For her, alone., f womankind, Consumes the—-Flame which ne'er expires. Why thus in tones of leva I grieve, When Emma mutually inquires, My I rom the fierce—Flame which ne'er expires. A NEC DOTE 3. When Colonel Thornton otta asked his coachman, if he had any objection to go abroad with him? “To any place that was ver created.” laid rhe fellnw ve y eagerly “ Wouldyon drive ne to h“H ?” said the Colonel. £ rhot I would. ’’ “ Why yen yould find :t a hot birth, and vou rnuft go in Jrst v M.irfelf, Tom, as the bnx js before • the irnly of the coach.“ No, ro, i would back your boner in, and vvait at the I knows my place.*’ On the late Dr. Johnson’s re - turn from a town in Scotland, a lady, at whose lioufe he caile i had got ready what is, in Eng land, a botch potcb, for dinner. /Ifrer the doilor had tasted ir, Ihc took an opportunity of asking him if it was good ? “ Very good for hogs!” anf’wered the Doftor. “ Then, pray,” replied the lady, “ let me h*ip yoit to 4 little nio^e!” PORT Os SATA''TNAH. ENTERED, Brig Rabat, Wdcnr, St. Croix Schooner Amerdan, Moncton, Martinique ■ fare, Burrough, do. i Sloop AnJrrrila, Gerritt , Beaufort (l 1. E A R E D, Schooner Ruth, /’lifips. Reiv-Ynrk Cos umbia, r', Bojliti EDUCATION. T.KIn CA\M'i"T, \/ intern) ih< • >*?■ r.s o; Sav n r ‘ .st he r-v-T ■ >OJ, O’- i'< ‘,A.y *h:* n ;v>?. ; -'t <f.~ hit •/! ‘ 1 v ,'C r. VJD oi Yf.-k 3 l’ t —--o'! w?; ‘f” n s'. i<t “ Aft/iur ‘.if.-cl f-.n-.'liff! . •r. r ; •’ . k-f Iv-t., I’-M/ion > ’ r -■ : ■ t\tr-/■: k.n<- lui-i’- tv*,r emu’csj i.i.o ;hs I,a.'ill an If C. • I ti/e *- Having ’• hm,/in/.;c priOiec of !'c;iri h-. < ,t.i f<- ry ‘KB *:.V fact-jry ut !.;’ >il i*. Hi :i ----it chir-T r ; fhi*r ‘-> fUff-p 1 nv.--.if he wiJ nice# i'vi; Oaf f . / e c .ivl su;.-;.4/ fr.'>;n,fts u. if ,vill b-- hi- ft v- ;o merif. Jmv /[ v? ’ I, McrcN -.ut• £; it lues, i<t ’ a'a: ’iu * + ■