Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, June 21, 1805, Image 4

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ZHQM A LONDON PAPER. OMNIA, ’ N’ from cu-ruftion keepi the constituti on ” This aphoncm’# hue, experience backs it ; An'l it: voids avr y fair #oltiti'in V<.- j . rfters of late *6 highly tsut it. TO MR. WINDHAM, ON THE SALT* TAX. Pitt from no fnvoute *cherr.<’, rclaxer, Ve‘ vh’ vhoujd you his budget heed ; It is not jiitu -salt he tares, For tr.La you might complain indeed. •< Befriend the poor,” the Premier’s boefted *ratt,-. y .ire It nor/ turn grant flit. The r.‘ T? r -ro unde salt combin’d A” v i- yoke. Tim ,r, I veiny it express ; Wtit sim injrt unity, wc ind, Ox- vy.'.kc it mean o; preluon and uiftrrss. *<•.*<. ~10; at. 0..1t ts bis porridge,” we Wav tlic satire on Indolence’s utmost ex * cets ; But 1 : ti >•’. • elf vith porridge trull go, i!; it v.’.- •••: • . to earn vital ihsuid saaton *1 he mess. •Sait imd! be ;■•/.!’ it- be g<;- and, I nov.', The Devil’s i ,<’t li.Pit* ha’n’t made it *•. j4m’t t>ftcVfi. apathy had seiz’d the nvitn, Pt it r:i! r d *> • It to season t’>-n taxation. Tax-. fc.-eS, J in ■ tci-t., his rurhltis swtr to tickle, Left is tboubi take your very hearts to pickle. Ourcc n rni men in modern life. Have envied I •'<• h s metamorphos'd wife; Pitt leaves, no prudent s.irone like this to thrive on, f.uth a dead v. ic would cod more than live one. Tax on fsiei.t! Pitt, be bold ar.dblu£f, In p >wer arid plunder mic, le , Jill : Bill v/'.'u f It find. Halt ’enough To keep a rod in j cKle, EVELINA. (At trnHiUUdfrtm Me Iruh.J The so Jovvmir b. utitui Son net is Lid to have been writtto lometime >n the Twelfth Ce-.fu- IV, by a Btrd of the Deasy’s Country now part tit the County cf Warerfn’d, and uanfl ued, as Mr Francis l odge, jun. in forrr.s us, ; 1 a Gen 1 man foil led in the Larn'Uige and Antiquities of the Counuv. histo be ro j retted that no temparary Bard has given the Authors name ro fame. It was on the white hawthorn, on the brow of the valley, I law the rifin- o f day firft break, the young the so t, the gay delighc ful morning j it kiffrd the ciirr,- son of the rose, mixed with fi er fmiles,&laughed theseafon on UH . Rife, my Evelina ; lonl that informs r. y heart ? I>j thou rife 00, more lively than she morn in her blushes, more mode ft than rifled role weeping in her dews, pride of the weft,.rn fhorcs! The sky’s bare fare, when cleared by dancing fur,-beams, loo!: nor lerener than tiiy cjun terance ; the richness of the Wild honey is on thy lip, and th y breath exalts fweec like the ap ple bloffjr:;—black are thy locks Evelina, and poliflv j as the ra ven’s imoorh pinions j the Ivins silver plumage is not fairer than thy neck —ad the wtreh-ofiove heaves all her enchamineats from xhy bosom. Rde, my Evelina, the sprightly beam of the iun defeends to kiss thee, without enmity to me, and the heath rUWvys its blossoms to greet the with its odours,thy tim- Ared lover will pluck the ftiaw berri- n from the awful lofty crjg and tob the hazel of its auburn pride, the fweetnefsof whose kt r nal thou f*r exc edeft ; let my berries be as red as thy bps, anu my nuti ripe, yet miikcy as fthe love begotten fluid in the bnda! bosom. Queen of the cheerful fmiE, jhali 1 no: meet thee i. the ~kts£- £ round cave, an 1 press to my lieart thy beaudes in the wood of Jniscother i How long win! thou leave me, F-vel na, mourn- Iwl as the lone son of therofk y rcllirig thy beauties to the passing gale.&pouringouemy complaints to the grey Hone of the valley ? Ah i doll thou not b-ar my songs, O virgin! thou, who shouldest be the tender daughtei of a meek ev*d mother ! -Whenever thou corned, Eveli na, thou approached Ike fum rner to the children of host ; and welcome with ra, cure are thy fleps to my as the harbinger of bgh.c to chv eye of Wai t )*rt tb'u city on the 2 iji j 1 injlant, Mr. Rafhaell* Peal ar* lift, late of tie tiy of Philadelphia; the hit of this young nan will he gene rally regretted. UPSIDE DOWN. of *;r Mi eut.r *tpui Z i H otpnnpr.i ?av ttwvjf ynfl so tituf oi/jy *ff •// •ft ptfjtifjp |js; ton iriPtf fact; ft ‘(iff Ttr/f so S JOUI3J jtpj :ijt /ssuto; Sr’ftj utvSo so 3jnfn?)f 3a,B(j of nlocj >a i loajeijd jfthu ?qt tjo ‘tStinoj jjqean .itjj*j ifo/i r,tj! jof'uifoq? tjnoq tip tv up figojif iq qjnut pse. jf'ut S'ttmrq • i urn op unf ftfun S uic :f uo ujfffv tqi j lUt pop, *' t t \o £ -run ifu uhfutojj u I J , 1 f/, ‘•.> . ;; vitfo t 44 3 j I eqt V t pi uiofuz sit? |3 y curl fjCff ‘.y; \.l ill! ut Sit) fir/f taMOMMNaiHn GEORGS HARRAL Sig/i of the iv an and Mot tar, Market Square ft/IS recc : , ly the la'(ft arri vals J; an L- don f\ ta-Tcrk and Jart/diiu, a ivy ertrfite ejfirt- FRESH DRUGS, Valent Medicines 6cc. Vv’ ich !.? will dispose of by or retail very low for tafn ; or his ulual credit to punc tual cu Homers. Among't which art the following VIZ . ( 25 Barrels Gi-uher Salts, 18 do. Penned Sak-Peue, 12 do, Copperas, 10 do. Root Ginger, b do. Powdered do. 12 Caflcs Spirits Tur pentine; 500’ib. Crec.mof Tartar, 13 doz, Ftclh Castor Oil, 281 b. Turkey Opium, laoib. Refined Camphor, 1 so lb. Root Rhubatb, *SO doz. Patent Medicines of every kind, 47 Oil of Vitriol, goolb Boil pale, yellow and red Barks, tooib. Magnesia, ax Hhd , white and green Engl lh phials assorted, 2 do. kr-torti and receivers, jo do. Shop furniture, Tinc ture and specie bottles of all sizes, Iso'b. Rtfh arrow root, 561 b. Calomel, 65 Neds, black lead and land sr cibles, 561 b. Sweet spirits nbre, 30 S.trs copper feales and weights of all sizes, Bolus and plaifter knives, Graduate mcafures, falap, Hippo, Ihirtar Emetic, Senna, Pearl Barley, Pot Aft 1, Fresh powder’d sago, Cammornile floweis. Peppermint E-ozenges, folu ditto &c. Surgeons Instruments, Amputating and trepanning in firm ems, Accourhere inlt ruments, S nail and large fees pocket do. Lancet calcs, Spring lancets, . Bell London crown and common do. ** Silver and elastic cath.”<ers, Flak and c-orrmon bougies, Beil and common teeih drawers, ! Surgeons needles in calcs, Gum lanceir, 1 rocars ami canula’s, Scalpels and felon needles, Cupping i nil ru men is, Abletfs lancers, Electrical machines, low, lint, and sponge. ALSO, ~ A complete ajfirtment of Ccnfeftimary, Fcrjumury , LAMPS, night lanthorns, SPICES & PAINTERS COLORS, Medicine rheits for lea and plantations ule with direc tions. * June 1$ ts 8j CUR ns BO LTD'v Cos. T T AVF. received very Liteiyfctr e additions tc their STOCK C? GOCOS which mikes theiy ifT.-rttnent very eater.av e and is cde.ed by wholesale or retail. They have aifo for sale Rhode Idsr.d STONE LIMS. j'.ne 18 t6t 83 EDWARD TELFAIR, ) Alkx. Mini Adm’e. r | iUln E W Wm.T h*mson. } IT appearing that e defendant in this cause is out of the Jorhdi&ion of this Rate and hath iir pTaded the complainant on the r.mmoi; law lide f this court, ar.d it :s r.dceifiry for the purposes of jullice that the said defendant appear and ar.fvver to the bill cf the complaiittrt. Therefore That the defendant’s ■ touiey oe IV .-yed . !; fubpetaa in thiscatae, a copy nt this hit 1 , ; r.d ol this order, and that notice be pu id td fOrfx months in one of the Gazettes of the City of Savannah arc in one cf the Gazettes of Atigufta, requiring the defendant to ar.f -■ r to the fa'll cf the comp Jtntnt on or before the tirft day of Ja. nuavy nen* o'herwiie he said bi 1 will be ta ken pttcon fejo a 1 "! the court veil pass luch further order and decreein the caule as wu anl'wer t'-e purposes cf Jnftice. Extra3 from ihe Minutes, SXITES C.k. ?fiy 17. x?oj. ?am6fh. 75 j LAND LUr.VKK.7r” Tr N r rvrft'snce of an acl of the gere* Afen bly cf ifc-s slate, ue nfh of M •> :Boj, for Hiaking di; mbotion of r he lands ob/ained from s he. Creek ration ol Indiai s at /he tre.afy 0? Fo’f Wilkinson, we ‘he com m ffioner* appr,inted tofupeiinrend the wing of v . L .titty hereby au'ho -■i ed and eftabliihed, do heieby NOTiCi, shat the drawing of the .'for-'fa id Lottery will cotnme ce a he Kcuie in LOUIbVILJL-L 1 on Ivl -nday the 3rd. of [a y next , snd thar the diys ot’ drawirg for she natne enro ied un,der ea-.-h letter of the F habet, will be aa follows to wi t 1 — A. Monday 22 , of July. B. Tuesday 23d, V.Vdne*day 24fh and Tburlday 23th, July. C. Friday 26th, Saturday 2jth S: Monday 29/h of July, D. Tuesday 30th, and Wdn f. 3ft, of j uiy. E. Thurfd'iy nl of August; F. Fiiday 2d. of Augufl. ■J. Sara day 3d and Monday sth of Auguil. H. Tuesday 6-h, Wednesday 7th s', and Thurday Bth of Augutf. f. krfiday 9th ot August ail the j names under I, gnd part un- J. ba/vday loth of Au | puii, the rtlidue of the names K. J under J. and all under K. L. Monday I2ih. ar.d Tuesday 13th of August. M. VVedneiday 14th, Thursday 1 jth and Friday i6ih of Au guft* N& O. Saturday 17 of Auguift. J| Monday 290! Augult part of P J the names under P. ft Tuesday 20th of August, the | relidue of the names under P. J and all fonder Q. R. Wedr.efday 21st and Thurfdsy 22 of August, S. F iday 23d, Saturday 24th & Monday 26ihof August. “) T uesday 271 b of August part T. jof the names under T j Wedntfoay aßth of A’. U. teudue of the nam s j under TANARUS, and ail under U. V . J and V. j Thursday 29th, and Fiiday VV, j 30th cf August, part of rhe X. j 1 antes under VV. and Sa/ur Y. jay 31st of Auguf!,/he tefiduc Z. jof rhe names under W. and J all under X. Y. & Z. JARIDIRWtM, GEO. WATKINS, EDW.MOUNGER, GEO. ft. CLAYTON. Ccmmtjf.onrs Lnuisvl’le, June 11. I tn. 83. TAX COLLECTOKb bALi-o. WILL be fold at the c- urt h use in the town of EftUNSWiCIC on the 171 b day cf Augalt uexr, the following property m arre-* so: Taxes or so much thereof as will futitfy the Taxes due there-in, w-ttn cults for/he vea s lSoi and 2803, VIZ: 251 Anres land ietu,-n:d by H. D, 1 Stone, tax 3 vj '“’ • For 1803. T*9so Acres land retuined by John i’a.mer, tax yd. 37 1-2.:. 1000 Acres land re/urned by Jchi i\i’<ntofli tax 5Cd. 97 1 *2c. 2$ Acre* land te/umed by BBt ron Bunk ley, tax 2,'. 41 14c, a.5 A; c’ land returned by Robert i ?■>***,** 74 E i 20a A ,as land returned by Geo Ttllot, / x a. years, 2J. 44 i-Bo’ 675 Acres find returned by Jacob C. Pares, tax 2d. 61 i.xc. 45° Actes land returned by Rlchd Ward, ux 4d. 7 t-2c #> For John Jirrotr, Ward’* and JarrotPs is 4 years 2d. 60c. William Gibs one !•/ house, — tax 6J. 87 x 2. JAMES POWELL, c. r. g, c. June t 8: 83. /s UliOK btuS Oi o-i-, Powsta Oi j Attorney, Checks, M*aifetts, Merchant Entries, See, Arrows ti lilrihedfar she reaching £<-.*,• isvr!e r.i i dvgv ta roads in aciavit with tie tommitsiovert appointed to ap propriate the, Dr. Octotei t 1804. D’s. C’i. To cash paid M. Rof.gnol, (voucher No. 1) ° 37 50 ’ oa. ditto paid Jus Gainey’s order, (y. i.) I0 ditto pH and Mr. Procter ( v - 3 ) xU 75 o ttc paid Ale*. Vcune:, (v 4) . 21 JO citto |-z and Wep. Griffin, ( v - 5 ) 10 50 CaobeT 3, ditto paid Dennis &. Wiilia rs, fv. 6.) 18 ft < :■ ( -id John M. TAr.all ( l -7-) 2362 ditto pa,d Joshua Leper (v. H.) 50 Oa'jHfr I B,* ditto paid James Platt ( v - 9 ) , 15 November , * dit-o pi;d John Mead (v, 10 ) 25 70 d’tto paid Alton pJmbbrton (v. 11.) 5 Amount ouiftan.'ltng per cortri 28 J? lance in the bar ds of T homas F U'piisrßS 112 ditto <r the hands ot Col. Shellman 13 Dollars 39 p Cr. 1804, By amount rolbcted by ThOmas F. Wiiiiarits 343 Amount collected by Col. Shellman zj Anacunt uncollected, which") accounts i- r (he tom total 18 itibfcribed pr, origirsal sub, j Dslls. 394. ?!y balance unapproor.a.ed 79 67 May 2 , To zmrun; paid Joshua Keefer (n. 12.) i3 Mr. MfTse’sbill for j ointing (n. 13.) 28 Errors excepted. folm Shellman, T P Thos. F. Williams, > | £d, Harden. S S’ This account is pvbiifhed ccnfor mab?y to a refoludou entared into by rhe fubferiber* to the Louisville and Augusta r*zd. It vis prepared for publication on 31st December, but as the bills bad nut all then been preferred, it was postponed. The vouchers are ledgfd wi ! h the editor of be Republican,for thecxaminat ; on of all persons inVerefted. A meeting *i /he subscribers is tequefted at Cos!. Ghel/man’s 2/10 o’clock 0 the morn, ngof/he 12/h August to de/ermine in what manner the balance remain, inginthe hands of the commiffisneis lliall be difpefed of June t j 2in 82 One hundred dollar* -REWARD. ABSENT! Don ftie night <>f the ath inst. mv mulatto woman MA RY. £he has been my domestic fer. vant from her infancy, and >‘s so well lcn*wn in this city as to t quire no description of her peTon. There rre strong reasons to belieVe that Mary’s object is to leave this flare, if she has net already efiedfed if. Sh*. had a free el o<v by the name c f Johnson for a husband, who now fives in Bpftr n, and it has transpired Tee her elope meat that flit has hotly bad meetings and c: feiences with ‘far-r-g persons from that quarter. The at-ove :e ward wih be j-.vfiii to rsy e who wil Cunvjct tee peri’on or prefoas win car. red her cfT, or,on-file reward paid if apprehended in this city. ALL persons are c* A en and against harboring cr aflift.-tg ner/o make her cfcar-.e. If she refUiots v > m-i she fliall be forgiven. Mary PuHoch. Jur.e ir ts 81 DFsqlution of Cupa-tru*. (h(). THE C partrerfinp of John GAis r. id Frederick Skaffer, trading f Jer ■ irmcf Giais and ShaSer, is duTclved : a i tons indebted thereto are requeued -o u | invr-ediate and those to tvs. (11;;., j are indeb'ed will please cad upon jeieimv \ Cu der, Esq- in whose hanas the Boc ks, si and acct'rppt* are p teed and who alnne is TU.r u rlfcd to fettle the adaira of the cor.cem. t * L tc.S’S. F. Shafier. May 6 ts 71 FOR SALE AT CO?T AND CHARGES. HP HE STOCK, of a rest! fore, cr-filling A of a great varieir cf DRY GOODt and IRON .*ONERY. N es with approved4r.d'rf-rs m Savati nah payable 1 It. January next, will be r ceived in payment, of produce, sos winch generao* price will be illctfed. Apply • • J YKES WALLACE 1 17 ts RECEIVED pt ikf ft pom GL Add Oft , c>,d.jof ■- •; G Buchanan, &C 0: ON their usual loos t ‘ins, an extensive and well selected as -of SCOTCH GOODS, ViZ Flaxen Osnaburgs Brown Sheetings and Plat.lias V -3-4 7-8 and 4-4 Lines la trunks and boxes assorted j 2 Boxes Whit- Platillas Royals i Whitt, Blue, and Gre-n, PAVI - LION GAUZE j Tamboured and Lappet Muffins rr i r e check’d and lace cambrieKs Carr.brrck dirnic es •ee co;dt* and fancy Dimiiies 5 aid pink check'd ginghams ; B and calicoes aflforced v i kioc laces and low priced edg ; „ i"g • . v Cotoui i, lappet and fprtgg’d muffins Ladies cc-nSn L<fte, open clocks 3-4 S'4 diapers and table c lorh? Tea covycis ar.d table napkins Ounce threads nTorted No. 10 to No, 40 3n.)burg and W. B, thread No -10 Mens and boys co.nfe hacs as foned in boxes Mens placed hats so dittp-—>dt? Mens drab hats and green under in ditto 1 Tox COTTON THREAD white and colored 1 Cask girth webbing 1 Bale ot brown duck Hardware and irontnon geryy VIZ ; xod. i6d. and 2cJ, naii'9 2 Inch fpriggs Carolina hoes, broad axes Pitching axes—ciub axes Digging hoes—grubbing irses Trace chains 130 Ovens and aoopots i4 Fair fire dog3 and 50 skil lets 50 Boxes ro by 12 crown glassy zo Casks London bottled por ter And 20 dozen port wine Gun powder in barrels, half bar* rels and quarters. June 4 ts • 7£ JUST RECEIVED, By tie ,/htp Lucy and UUxabeths, Caph Siutk from Liverpool, Sheet Iron Patent (hot from No i to 6 Iron pots from 3 tc xo gallons Dutch ovens fioni9 to 12 inches 6, 8 , to, 20ci. and Ikeathing asd draw ing nails 6 and 7 inch spikes, Fkx oznaburgs frith linens from :3d, to 2-2 pkute cost Sewing and Stin twine Lines and Marline Bunting Linfeedcilin Jug* White, yeilc/w, green and fchek’ in kfg* Jtc. Jhr sale on rAafonable terms by 1 ay lor 6c Scarbrough, May 31 t 6 78 ROE &f DAVIS. Have removed to the dares formerly occupied by Messrs. Hunter LA Minis, where they offer for sale imported in the ir.ip Warrington and other late arrivals. 50 hhda. New-E. rum 150 Boxes soap and candle* 40 Barrels cider Loaf, lump, 2nd brown sugar in bi ds. Cognise brandy in jApes Madeira wine in pipes, and quarter cjfks, Holland and country gin in pipes 100 Barreis beer, brerd, beef and pork Claret, fruit and oii hi cases Patent, Ihot, il.ear moulds broad hoce Spanish fegars in boxes, a few Package* eoarfe dry good.-, - . Dee Tiber 31. ti. ■ tr, C() FF E KGMViOL ASSES. LANDING this day from the -Schoo /.er Qj ycLin a, at the si/iter tiers wha,f Hhds. rletailirg MOLASSES 30 3 ags Pf me COh FEE ‘ i 01 fsle low if taken ircir- tn beard. Thomas Law rente. Vftft [L 71 Administrator’s Sales. ON Mrnday, -h i s thday of July neat, will be so and, all that lot cf land, and T.e improvements thereon, kt-ewn tn ti e plan ot by the number {/) ight, Fourth Tythtnj, Reynolds Wa -d, at occupied av Mr. H. Hudd>, and to >e fold as the property of Mr*. Luna l.'ur ra/, ceccaled, ter tilt benefit rs the heirs. CH: WINN, AUut'tt. JOHN WINN, bav. 18.5 -6 -t*.