Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, July 02, 1805, Image 1

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ueorgia tvepubucas & state iintdligeucer. Volume III; No’ y 7, Six Dollars a Year, hair in Advance* FOR ? IVERROOL, “pHE win JU>!'.>. Wm •.gySpaUhV 55 LI .m.cit.'.i. mailer, “ I S'”'-'* *mip, h*-v\ .rWn ■: compete y in I. v, rpoo 4 id having 500 kales vr v’ - to go on b--H illC will n* ’-l \vi'll cl if; ‘ 1. For if .■ - . £ ‘it re'-iawier, or jVilY.igs ajv'il/ to Captain Male trio Mein. Mackay & Cos. 1 J'.tneio v. 8> UNITED STATES,? District of Georgia,) IN the District Court of Georgia, leav ing and holding Admit alt? fin ■ 'sdied-’n. “j HE President of1 hi United States, to the Marsha!, of said District, Grist luo : V. S.) STH C,, % J HERE AS.; libel hath this %/y day hern file! in the said Court, by VC!Earn il. Buliocn Attorney of the United States in and for die District if C orgia, in behalf of the* 1 Stares, ag.-tinftrone pi• -e ot French Brandy, brought into the no, t o* Sr. Mary’s in i kediftrictafores tid, from Savannah, in the- Diltrict aforesaid, *n*the loop Roll yof Sr. Mary’s, George Stewart now, or later/ maker; fLcinr, that the pip.e of French Brandy, so bre eight as aforesaid, was not branded os* otherwifie marked, and unaccompanied with a cer tificate, from the fhrveyor, cr other chief elncer of inspection, within rbe port, or Di hicr of the United Suites, in which the said pipe of Brandy was landed, in direct viol uioa of an act of Cors greis, entitled An act ro rey i jate the collection of duties on imports and tonnages, passed the second day of March, one rhou -1 and Even hundred and nenety nine, whereby the said pipe of Bran iy has become forfeited to the United States. Now therefore you tl e sa’d Martini are hereby commanded to cite and admdnifh ali \ erlon> having, or pretending to hive any right, title, or intereff, pro perty, claim, or demand what soever of, in, or to, or upon u. laid srdcle, to appear at a special court to be held at the Court House in the City of Savannah, on the fifth day of July, to an swer the United States in the premises, and to (hew cause if any they have, why the prayer of the libel fhoidd not be granted, and that what appeitain to light, and jultice be cone in the primises. Witness the Honorable Wil liam Stephens Esquire, Judge of said Court, at Savannah this fifteenth day of June in the year cf our Lord, one thou find eight hundred and five, and in the twen'y ninthyearof the Indepen dence of the United Stares cf America. W. 13. BULLOCH, Difirict At’iy. NO TICE. r "j'* , HE Sul.Uriber intending to be absent f > A f-'rr.e rronths has appointed the Hon. Edward Telfair, Charles Odaingf.lls and Law f n, EsqYs his attorneys, who will ra ; i.' : j y buf.nelshi ■, during hi sabU-nee. Matthew M’Ajlifter. April i;. ts KILL hOli b-Ai-U. EV MEAD U JENKINS. No'-i'nhjr r ts to. City Sheriii’s Sale, ON the fir ft Tuesday in Aueufi next will be ‘old at the Court House in this City betwixt the hours oi ten atvi th:c ■ y c '. dt one Regr> man iia.. c.I PL NON, feizsri a* the pro perty cf KPHXAMAM NILE -., to sat: iy it ! ex* -'‘'.ciif, po rued out by cue < i ft’s, tv.,!. irm Uifi. TNO. WILLIAMS, S. C. S ’ *4 f s is’2 TO L KT, A I.ARGIS and commodious Dv<vl ing House in the moll healthy p.ut of the ! city,*'well calculated fora boarding house The furniture may he purchased on easy terms Enquire of the printers. June all. ts. 35. IVant'd to Hue, ONF, cf the l>e(l COOKS in the city. * IVagta no object. Enquire of the Prin frs. June a.'?. ts. 86 £OR, to ‘ P AAUSI.S white and brown Havan 1 1J naU SUGAR. JOB T. BOLLKS, Jne i3. 85. ts. _ t.Urka-square. R t M O V a L. rHE fubrer-i-ers have removed to Mr. A. Kr-x’s ne-,’ llqre, next to Cumming 4 Ha-matt’;. EHINI2Y St BARNETT. June 28, at. 8(i. TO IiETT. ASM ATE Convenient House in Brough ton ftreer. For terms, appiyto ELEA NOK MORGAN. .Line J 8 Ct 85 S U P L UIOR COD RT C/.hUbtnH County, January Term, 1805. David Johnston, 1 Petition ■vt, v for Robert Woolh.ou(b.- j UPON the petition of David ( J-jfirtflon the Forcßostf? o* j the. Equity of redemption of ad thu J l(?t of'Und, in the City of Savannah,! known by the cumber two [?, ] i:; L hyl Tj r th‘ Derby Ward, contain mg Uxtv feel; in fro o', atv! nirierv fry in depth, morigaf.-e ] hv the f*i i Rober Woodhnufc to the f.ud David Johnson for Lcuring tL payment of iv> feve. rl ft."’*.- of money mentioned ip two frvcral Bonds nr obligations, b> t,in even date with tiie laid mortgage j the one given by rite fai l Robei c Vv ood boiiie to the Lid David Johnifor*, *r*d tt ’ other given by tbo i A Rf.Neti Wood house andxtse George Wood ncufe to the said David Johnftrm, and upon motion cf Mcfirs. Davies arid Berrien of counsel feu the petitioner, It is Ordered, That the principal, itiierfGts snd co ; L due upon the fail, two Bond*, or obligations be paid int-. court wi.iiintwelve month, from this iay, and that unlcl's the fame (hall be o* paid the equity of redemption of the Lid mortgaged premifies will from thenceforth be foreclofed, and othei proceedings take place pursuant totht the act of the general aflembly, in u:ch case made and provided, Audit is further Ordered, In purfu 'rf ■ ! .*“ said ■r r \ that this rule bt pubn-ii.vd 1.1 ey ; e wj'dic fr: ; r; ‘*v* of this stale r * leaf! once in vm , : month, un/i! the time for the payment of the money af'orefaiJ into court, or served on the mortgager or his fp-. ;.v agent at Icafl fix mon.hs previ us to the time of payment as afor-fai j, ExiraT from she minutes 31;? Jan. 1805. y, Bullock, elk. sam. txpi. SUPERIOR COURT, CamdenCountv, > Ofltober term 1804.) \VHEREAS James M;. ; r and Robert Means of the cityof Charlplton in Sonth-Ca rolina merchantshave liledapetition in this honorable court letting forthtliat David Gar. vin and Samttei Meers, late of the town of St. Mary's merchants, are indebted to them in one bond or ob.igation do oil the seventh day of April, 1803, in the liim of two thou, sand five hundred and fevenry two do ar.s,at-,-l whereas to secure the payment of the fail sum of money, did mortgage all that divided moi ety of lot, No. 3, in the town of St. Mary’s particularly deferibed and Pent for in tits said petition. J: is tke-efore ordered, otr motion of Mr. Clark attorney for the petitioner, th?.* the Said David Garvin and Wilham Meers do pay irno court, the principle imerefls and colt of the money so due and owing within twelve months from his date hereof, or a decree will pais again!! the mortgaged pre miles for the payment. Ail'o ordered that this rule hr; puUiflied in one of the gazettes of this Rate, at leaf! in every mon iff until the time appointed for payment expires , or serv ed on the said David Garvin It Samuel Meers fix months previous thereto. Extract from the minute:. OS. zyd, l3cj Isaac Crews, c. s. c. c. c. iam. ts. 28 N OTIC E, \T the exj iratlon of nine Months from th.s date, application will he made to the honorable juilg--. ,f the Inferior Court of Chatham County, fur leave to fell, for tT.e benefit of the heirs and creditors that lnt cf land known by the number five (5) Third ly tlii'ig, R*-yno tki Ward, Savannah, belonging to tiie estate of John llaup*. Baker, laie of said place, contriving frtty feet in front ar.d ninety feet in depth, more or less, adjoining a. lot of James M’Ccnky’s. THOMAS DOWELL. Adm r. ELIZABETH DOWELL, Adm’x. Savannah, March *1,1803. * amym. 59. Blank Manifells for sale ?c tins chi e SAVANNAH, PrJited by LYON fS MORSE. riJSaD.V, JU l y 2, ISOS. JC IM MEAD, C'IOVTIVTJ 8 TUP. T TIMBER, FACTO. ’ M AGE c COMMISSION BUSINESS * the Dock titely occupied b> Mtad A Jen’i ns, and hopes from liriA at tention to rncr a continuance of past favors He has large at l fafe stores for the receptioi ol every f|>eci ’jf produce that may be com mitted to hi., civ • on llorage. April ts 67 NDTiCE; THE copartne lifr> of Mead Sc Jenkins was Delolved on the pit inflant. by mutual cou fent. John Mead. \ Wm. Junkinf. Ait pc frm; having any demands end tbofe indebted will plct.c call on John Mead efq.— who is fully authoril’cd to fettle the all airs of the concerns Wm, Jenkins. 4pfil 13. Oj. ts. CAMDEN coumr , Superior Court, March Term, sSob, i! m. Jones, attorney in fad for Hays cf Pick- Foreclofurs cry, . \ vs. Petition for Thadetts Pat-lift, Upon the petition of Wm Jones junr. of the tov.n of St. Mary’s attorney in fad for Messrs. Hays A: Vickery, setting fort, that a parr of lot No. 5, in the town c,r S r . Mary’s had been du ly mortgaged by one Thadeus IVrhifs to the faitl MefTrs. Hay cc Vickery, for the consideration of (Try-eight dollars and ecru-:, which had never yet been pdid, and praying a fcreclofure of the equity of redemption. On motion of Mr. Jackson, it is ordered, That the principal, intcreft and coda be paid into court within twelve months from ‘his uate—and unlcfs the fame lhali be so paid, the equity of re demption wiil fren) thenceforth be foreclofed.—And it is furthei ordered, in pursuance of said acl that this rule t-e pubhfhed in one of the puhile gazettes of this date, it lead once in every month or served on the mortgager, or, his special agent at lead fix n hs previous to the time the nriopuy is direded to be paid a i : aforelaid, ExtraiT from the mi nutes, this 20th day cf March 5804. ISAAC CD.EiFS, C * S .C. April 17. NOTICE. NO TICE is hereby trivcn that t!*e Su uiC r ber wiU at the expiration of nine month', from the dale, apply to the Honorable the just ices of the Inferior C urt of ‘this county for leave toicii and dispose of ail that Island or tract of land general!’ known and called Burnside, together with all it; puitensnces, contain* ‘ng i.btiut f.vo hundred and sixty a rcs, of high lapd and a body o marsh adjoining thereto, lying and ein.* i>) this ccunty and situa'eu be tween ihew'ie ad Stidamray Is*?.rds, io bes. id as part o’ t h e estate of Ja erb V/a'dburghcr deetafed for the benefit of ib* said e! are. JOHN MIELEDOE. Kx'cr. olYai-i Ehatc Atmii 13 ramqrp. 66. Onciiundred dollars reward RAN A WAY FROM the Subscriber his t nVto fc v,n< RARER T common!*/ ta'.ed ROBERT KENNEDY. ih had **n when he went off a fhnrt blue coat aod blue overballs aod a. played ha*, .hour five set; fen inches high, ftrair *rd wesi road.. Iti c rne-e /hari pro '.atje he will make t-r the up ‘-c'.W’y *9 he was lovr- iiv owned by f/r Sim’s of Aifgurt i. ’1 he above r**-.*. will be paid to a**;* p. Da who w i. Ave iifortr.a.rjon of his being hart-cur* *d by a white p-.rfen, or a reward cf > wenty dollars for app;dsen-!ir>rr him ,nd deiive.isrg him nthefu.f ro eror jepefiting him in the county :?oa'. All malt. ■< <* veil 1’ ?* : r?. i r.p from carrying i ‘** laid felh w off. 4 jotij’ fAoro. \ -J” : ka '^xzjrxsrwJ N O LIC E. NOTICE is b-'cbv given tbt a! the cr-’ • ition cf nkr* •icn:b> fr*r;>- (his d?ti', the fnbfcribers v.'tll applj :o (he h nble. flicjufticcs of the -.* N rior court of the county of Chatham, for leav? to lc<! and difpof? cf the fn\- ’owing trt.clsof land rToncxg to the Hlaie of John P. Ward dcccafcd. All that trT or pr.rccl of “ containing liucc hundred and rif “ ty acres, be tl? * fun 2 trwe nr “ less, h*t(e tl:e property of George K BniUie dec"d. fituateu in the co'un “ iy of bnuo.h-tl on tbr “caftly Grc.-t !!.: river ‘-u. “ on ?l! other sides by vacant lands *** at fbc time of the furvei thereof “ ALSO one other tradt or par* u cel of land cos aining three bun “ dred acres, be fbc fame r rc or (t less, !a e <be property of George “ Millie c’ec'd. liruated in the “ County cf Camden bounded bj “ the c-l* by the fail Gcc- .c Dai lie’s ‘and and on all other lands “ by vaesni laud at the fir:.- of “ the fu r vcy—a!fo A.\ that (tv-tfl of “* land containing fiye hundred a “ cres, he the tame more or less, “ originally granted to Robert “ Baillie situated in the county of “ iVrint >fri bounded south by the 14 river Alatamaha, east on !a::ds “ originally granted Catherine Douglass, nor/h on lands “ to William PA’lntctfh and weh “ e.n lands granted to’ John M’Cul ct loch” which fai*J ihree rradds oi iand were feverady (old M the Lies of Confiscated propei ty and purchased by the late John P. Ward deed. The fs and lands aic intended to be fold for /he benesfi. of the heirs ami credt/or3 of /he said cfi.i/e. N. $. Bayard, K. 13a) ard. Administrator and Administratrix oj said estate. bdv. Aprilit/h 1805. iawgm. 65 BRYAN COL T N I’Y kupcaioa Court April Term 1805. ON the peti'ion of John Pray and Elizabeth Holms Admini trator and Admi iftratix of Ho beit Holms deed, on behalf of the heirs of the fad Robert, lla ting that the said Robert in his life time to wit on or about the seventh day of April in the year of our lord one thouiand (even hundred and ninety five, was in possession of title deeds for a tract of land on great Ogccliee containing bv efiemation one hundred and forty two acres bounded on the north by great Ogechee and on the call by O gechce causv/ay. A copy vv,here of as nearly as the petitioners could obtain is annexed to the p-tition now in the clerks office of the Superior Court of the county of Bryan together with an aOcdavit pursuant to die law •jf 1799 N. other circmn(lanti?.l profF being laid before thecourt. It is ordered, That the title deeds be eftablifhrd as directed by the said adt. ihe said John ■ ud Elizabeth publifnng a week ly notice in one of the [ “.blic Hare for the (pace of fix calender months, ;*n! !s good and fiifficient caofe be fhev/n to dm contrary within the frid fix mom'or other mat ter Hull appear *0 the court a : gain ft the fa ce. Exiratl from the ‘'Ar.uirt. Geo, Water", r o (’ ;> r ‘►vi *• -7 1 V* April 3. d4; I? fi Tor oa;e A CON VP NIB NT two H.-v ‘eufe, fit rate ;n copOEie to the houf; hui!-: Hy Mr, Al’NlJb, th” o_*t bu-:d : n;;; ‘r. ( r r. i in* to said noufr are complete. An accomodation will bs g’veti it •hep* ‘ -i'er IU: r :cic*W ‘ ■ r~k? 1. . erms *•.;. •* • • on bed- ’ ‘ for 0.1 •: _d.o: cn* quire r’ N \ - X .v.l: G. V'.'w; VC NuM-lEIt 287’. * ‘.v c'vc atm 3 U?nt smglc* John 1\ Williamson* ~ pSPECT* ULI Y informs the inerds ot the lace ct nctr-i of Wit uamscn bf More*, that John IT •Li re!, c.sqr. i> >v;i’g retired from bu, m-cis. he rent!nties the FACTORAGE di COf. if: li3 S lON SUSINESS, o - UOrel’s wharf, as formerly, ?i*d fdx t its a continuance cf their favor**, Having lert'-s frae and convenient Itoies far the rsaeptian of produce, he hopes from his experience in the aN •*<• buftnefs, together v M his proir-nt ter ttr.n to .bv>r <■ ’/••'•*, rr.s; js *i ‘ 4fr ■ bi.-heft Vs:: dien"'Co'*": il who fhail favor him with their cuficm. May *• 1 rs js N o xTcIT, A peiT-iis bar:* g any srni t'l LX tin eftateef JGSIAJI TATTNAI.IL, cfquire i.qiii’tlcil to render ti.r.-t properly atteiled and thole indebted are do ititd to make payment to Eljet.c/.er Stark Moore's \l lia. i GEORGE JONES,? . E. JACKSON. S hx ns * April 25 *’ r,3 NOTICE. A F, rfcr i3 kr.virg any demands acnieft the ellatc of John I lake Wham deceaicd, 3.1 c requeftfd to lend tlicrn iu uroDPriv n’ tet ted and thole who are indebted to make rav* ment to 1 ; Joseph Habersham. Admit,tjlrafcr. January 10 ts t 8 Georgia, Liberty, Superior Court, March Term, *Bo<,. On the pennon cf John Bol ton, executor of Rob*, rt Loiton, praying the foreclofurc of ike c quity of redemption of ail than lot of land Situate in the town cf Simbury, containing fevenry see r front, and one hpridi ct! ?.;]<’ thir ty feet deep, knowsi * rho ori ginal plan by the number seven ty-eight (78) which said lot of •Mid, with the improvement, thereon, was mortgaged on the twentieth day of June, one thous and seven hundred and ninety five, by William Hunter Tor rans to the said Robert Bolton, for securing the payment of the sum of forty-two pounds fierlirng equal in value to one hundeo and eighty dollars ; with interefc thereon, due upon a certain bond or obligat.ion from the said Wil liam to the said Robert bearing even date with the laid mort gage, ll is ordered, That (he princi pal, intcrcfi and cofi. due on the said bond be paid into court with in twelve months from this time and unless the principal, intereff •ind coir be so paid the equity of redemption of the said mortga ged premises fnall from thence forth be fbrerjod I, and such other proccedi-i'i’s rAv the law dircdts. Ar.d it ujttrtbcr,ordered, That. * copy of this rule L rubldhed n o.u- of the TUTc (iazettp of ih:s (! At a: least in ‘ every montn ti, t-'.* nj -., for p iyi, cr served on the jmo V, at least fix tnontlis iu ‘**a>us to f.:h time of j- - J I t “dfl from the JAl—sfc, fits 2 6th March tßo*j. •A. Norest elk. c. r.. c. <*. ! pktrch 28 ran jx 6r . EDWARD rzl.l.Uii,*) ‘ v/.. 1 ’ *., ;i ’he cicTffrdvnt m this , 4 * r ’” : ’ •’ : < • yh*r j'!riw.dicon'>f *!;-2 flat a ! B "'• • i'•'•.* ti t: •"* g •,*, . corpm<*n B#v- n<’♦•/■! c’- :ii t ; ; -H j? *-■ /< (••*- 1r • c pxu, Ros j ivieif -tit;.* tr a f-vil gv.iiinEi-u Rp!,. :ir {! ani.vcr to :he 1.l ot ?n? c.orr.j 1 iioant. I ‘therefore,„d‘r:<t, T’ -• ‘k* ik r.-,-!v a‘- j 1 r c'lpy t ,i, .-. ■ t ot tin- &: “r, -• J ]►: - * I.- ice hr , - --• k-'iv t.ot.U. iin oi.o ‘of.’ :’ A 1 ;• ‘a ~-i S>.var.,,;.k r - qu.rni!; •'u-.’ * :• - r.i - - i-, she bill of if- on f* ."ore‘l- HtllEiyof r o'li f. 1! - - h>: * -i b.k vi.'i’i irtken pro-f-yno.. ! il’i h Sir ■ ’>-r . ■ , ..d ■- , I V- ll! ■■■; .; h> - ■ •vA; tar •*-- -r /.. ,v : -■*/.>.*. . V’