Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, July 09, 1805, Image 4

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*: r \7 —IT.EE a rele’.irated aitiftj, i 1 • pi. r. vi 1 rn Charieitor. v m ‘a ; pVi 1 at !,r ‘•'hpatrc the en fi -- jin Tn;rl with ihc greateft.ap j - —i ■•> •.-i c *<> ‘lie inhabitants of tt:i* i.iwii f ’■ nr 1 ’ i nfh's talents, it is t' hi li .pilth. he anateurr. ni arm will vr ; ill ? It'oi e icmirm'f ent as far a. lit’ t- .. , c:i perntif. The artiH ‘ i:t endi ‘R n< t i■ f i mre than twice as his palPatje is ti ;i c J * 1 ‘he Northward. Ju’ e 2 87. SUPERIOR COURT, v Ccum * CorN iv, > f) nl t form 180 ■, 7 V/HERE AS Jimis Mair and Robert Me ■ f the cit> of Charleltnn in S.iuth-Ca rdi'fi merchants have filed* petiti*. 1 in this h'i- rahlecou-t fettitift, f'-r lt ha’ David Oar vli and SamuS Meets, la - e of the town of St MarvS tnerrhan’s. are indebted to therr.l ir o"e li nd rir - h ignition dated the fcventh <• f April, 1803, i *he sum of tv o thoti-l fan.! five hundred and seventy two do *rs,andj vh. , eas to secure the pas men* of the fwid film of mopes, did m< *• ifte.r all thn* divided moi r • h". No. a, in lb • town of St. Mary’s pnrrii.ularly deft shed and lent for in the said pc. i ■ irn. I- is therefore rrd-red, on molten ■ of Mr. Clark attorney for the petit inner, tha’j the lid 11 avid Garvin and William Merr do | v into murt, the principle interells atwli est of the itiiii.f v so due anil, owinfr within 1 ’ ti’ ‘ vc month’ from ’his da*e hereof, or a’ lie 1 r v 11 pa's aRar.U the m wtgaged pit-’ miii ■ f .’-the nayment. i ( A fi ordered tha this rule be pnbUfi cd! m one- of the gazettes of this ft ate, aj Icall once in every r.nn'.h, un'il rlirij t rue mo >in"*d f< r payment expires, or fmvf el on t’ .'>! Davfd Garvin &. Samuel Mecrr J fa months previ 11s thereto. Extiact jrom the minutes. Oft. Z'-tJ, 1804 H*bwCre\v , c. s. c. c. c. iam. ts. 18 FINAL NOTICE TC tlucitizc;>s of ca vannah, and the Inba’ i t nts of the f< ur diffe rent distr &<, in Chat ham C ali ty. Vo 1 ael call and cn tj o;n 1 forward lii.J oav y.u k . J tax, ivhi h has teen due f r it me time p ill, 1 y 9 * ! ca a gat. my office indj paying up, y uwiil find t e c pence two t; infs’ Ids than it otherwise . may be, thi/la \ requeff will end on Saturday at 2 o'clock, the 13th Ju ly into, and ait r that time the Uw ffiall beinv guide. Peter Dlveaux. ■ld- c. c. c b, Tax CollsAo"s Ojfic Silt .v ('lr;. 8 L ■ I ‘.'ii iP r'S SAi E.S O h-, a- Tuesday in August ncxtwi;. ‘a’ .he C m'-H-usc ii this c ;>, s t h is tc and 3 ockv <, ;.-'gio G.rl 1 actit Suv seized 1 .-.I -.criy ui J It. J. to v -tisfy scvc’M c* u 1; t. jo!in vVihiiun ;• *. c s fti'v 1 87 NO lICEI A EL Pviious wlit> fin vp dfinTtidt! agiinft d\ t'.ie ciUie of JOHN HE HU, iK-\i are reqiieiisJ to render tiicm m a* e t .1 . r<ea b!.’ . aw. and those who as* iudenod to tin- fnd efUtc are defiled to nuke payment to the fubferitiors. FREDERICK HERB, Aim'r. CATHARINE HERB, Admix. Ju'v l Av. 8- NOTICE. WILL Ik- rer.tvU .ti Satuu.a. u v -.\t the vu I CMi; l'£WS in the Bapuß Church t;„ hrit d&\ of December-next,.; 1 the the Gallery N. twenty onr I*l >w i. rnnnt im • ciufil. Sale will rommeiicr t q v’e'v’ i l< IV’M. PVI i’ERSON, ) JOS DAMS, C* “ liEN. BROOKS. \ I V Am pei loir dcfiruu |! r.’ *..,sfi.iv a fvhomier of!>r>u* , ao toil?!’ I- ‘ ■ bunding tm uie Cir- Jtrlani'v • . c pi nd *.:d deliv. . I next . t'v 1 *’ t-r half m call! m.A hii'i'ir ;- nr . ..• , .U. nqiuii.l to dare propofols b I* tl. . ior othcrvule,to the euitorc* this pa-! tf _B S .|; * > ~~'j i !ii. swv.rn.wrs n-t dir- to be ab-ent • lit lit .--.ate I-r •. few m nrhs, have >..f I . .1 .!r j. -i 1 BOLI I.S tht -v at tonic. ‘ v ! ‘ ! c* Vu• at all in eri’etN Jtcceunto iu ‘.aa Jute y . 1.. Aichi Is, £? Cos. J Ba v *s■ 1111. 65 ,j. Liit of DeadLeUetl t t.ming ir. th. Pcs , 0S- a ‘” Arnold Sweet h Cos. I'e'er Ailary, Mrs ► LovemavU'i A ig< 1, Ccpt. I jar if! Anthem J (hna Allen, Avery, Fleming Ahir !:, Edward Ai l*e , Chm Ses Abcr, Htsvct f itAnllcv, Cupt. John Adams. B Capr. l)er;.if ti IPunchard, Aron F.l Dor.*. lieun 1>• ti.qmn. Sami. Iliichard a,! John ltd:t. b', S\lvefier dowers, Sunil. Bn ck, 1 Jilin ix.wman, I’.sqr. Belcher & l)ickinfon,l Major Brown, l:.dv. and. Bourquin, Edmond 1 Bacon, J .. Brock*,<!apt. Perry Bafictt, John Ji gi Ew)’’. Mr. Brainthwaite, Geo. Baliirj E i q. Matthew Barr, Capt. Job T. Br lies, 1 Chs. Baldwin 4, k>hn Briggs, Peter Barthel ! mas, JofepH I. Jlridgcr, Catherine Bontair,! jAdam F. l.rifbair.e 3, Wm Brailsford, E*q. is, Dai.l. Boatwi, Jonathan Biant, John llirt keney, Joseph llacoss, Cup*. Isreal Bul hocH, A.T. ri, Capt. John \V. Brigham, :J. A T. Beggs, Capt. John Bockins, Wm. K. Bull. c. j ihn C 4. Cox F. ir. 8, Caig u Mitchfll, Manila H. Cook, Vm. Chafe, Peter Cesar, John Cooper, Wm. Chrytdn, Hannah Cooper la, If. Carpenter, John White Copper, John iE M. (lharlton, J'o the County Surveyor, E.'Ungham, Alexr. Cutrie, Wm. Campbell 5, Jas. Clark-.-, Mr Carbe, Mrs. Catharine Coo per, Pa’.- ,-k Cr .okftianks, p.tifs Mifcmeit iCrook, Wm. C> ales, Phineas Coyne, Isaac :Alexander Cliovin. ja: Comeron, Benju ;Crook, Crook & Seamon, Jonathan Clme, ii .dvv. Ci nwell, jas. Carr Capt. \V. Cbipman, Ijolin W. Carpentei , Jas. Cianfton, Prosberry jdark, Ca],t. Lemuel Clark, Catherine Car-’ ipe.irer, Wm. Clink, John Carnweil, Thos. Clin , Conrad a, Juieph Clark, S. W . C. ChaL, Eihan, Clark. IX Jme Delegall, Caj't. Sami. Davis 3, Na than Delano, Duobam APl.cod &. co. 2, .apt. James Davis, Richard Davis, Mr Da vis, Nancy-Daly, Nancy D..vis, 3, Dcnm; St Williams, M'alter Dougherty, Ca]it john unbtp, I hi s. liollagUan, capt. John David son (care Sami. Howard) *, Sabui-y I) iwfon, If >U 1 Dawson, Lovmaii Dudley, Benjamin |Coo|U g e. K IWm Elliot 3, Thos. Englift], john Eil •vir Is 3, B“nj. Egbert esqr. Nancy E and, EiLvd. Etftoti a, Henry Everitt, joliah El dri age. F. Henry Fiftier, jacoh Floncliiem, F. Flint, vlilk Era’i It, Tli .s Fairbanks, Geo. Fuller, iios. F ulke, DoHr. Sami. Fylor, Sami. Fic iiu, :, fpr. V . icr, j. For re ft 3, Charles Fin tit.; , J 111. Fauch, Mrs. P..IE- Eauili, Wm. Flan gall, J dui Fox, Lorentz I.eutbvig, G. j Nath"” !c! Green, Halftead Greenwood j, iCap*. j bn Gilpin, Wm. Gardiner, jno. G!a j/.er, Arm Gibbons, jno. Guv 2, jno. Glas |:i’ J c. .Wm Garbctt, A, Grant, j Hah ;G it -’-n, Hach .cl Grigory, Catharine Green, [iiPK.ian C ten, Felix 11. Giibbert, Kuirell •G lodrich, Chs. Gib ions, john Gibbons Thos. jii irtlncr Elqr. jn Gooidwire Jr johnGlafs, ’jDavid Guglt, Alexander G tides, DoEtr. Dani. 2, j dm Gr.eve, Air. T. Gor ] Aou, E. GiUet. j H. ■ Causpartls Huffman, john Howden, jas IHood, ‘Enos. Hylton E’q. Hurtlock Huddy, j Howell Hires, vlary Henley, jona. Hamil •n, Suson ?I -uston, Hannah II ujt.on, Asa llartfie'd, Hemphill, Thos. 11 Hindlev, f liavrils Ik Burroughs, Mrs. Sarah Hopkins’ jas Hillm .11, Wm Hamilton, Hoht.Hillman, 1 tint r, ik C s. Francis Hopkins j. Capt. F. Hathaway. Wm. Hunter 3, julticc |Huile, Davis ltovve, I‘atriclt liamiUonL Cos. j•, R, t Hole Sami. Hammanich, john Hill, Pm’ er Hamilton, Thos. Hunt, Mtjor I* • • P- IE b, Wm. Hil,| Galvin Hilton, dobt. Hulfack, Hill, Williford 3t Cos. \. &. J. Alexr. jolinfon 3, Hsnbl. Wm. johnfon, Ebengr. jenckes, Mrs. Eliza johnfon 3, Wm. Irvine, Peter ja.llet, Francis jorijain. jas. Jones, Geo. Jones 2, Wm james, Philit- S joUnlbn, Wm. N. Johnson, Benju. james 2, jas. johnlton •, Clarity Jenkins, J.ewis jolmllon. K. john Kittles Mrs. Eliza Ka.r.Edwd. Kell,’ Capt. Gt’ Ker, jar. Ke\s, Wm. m Kennedy, Danl. Kempton, Peter Kittles. L. nenj. S Lamb, Peter I.efie, ITaac Laroach i a vlary Lavender, Loving Sc leaver, Tfios. LnuLey, John Lowry, jos. Luce, Nath.Lun i\v. Moles Law,jas Law 2, Franci&S Lav. ion, Michael L( i<g } jno. Li u ad,Thos. Lanches ter. M. Ferdinand M’DoneH 5 , Capt. IfaacN. Mr lene, Capt. M'Connell, lohn Mont ford, Mils jenny Mil nald, Capt. El. M’lutolh, •jllenr. M Tit, Nancy M >ore, Wm C- Mead, ID.ivid Ms ht tv , John H. Miller, Norman iti i.e ”■!, Gallic,me Ai’Clain, Dodr. M'Leod, |Ch’ M'Keuna, Israel Mofcs, Wm. .VFFar ait, O ufit VEI ean, Capt. Donal M’Dona !*, Ltancis Ma'lorv, Patrick M'Ko- fie, Danl. ■te , Michael M’Kee,Surah ji ,j j Morris, Edmund Morfnrd, Th >- i'i.. . At Call 2, jtn B. Maxwell 4, Mar lb oil, Eimothy M'Kenny, Dr. E Leroy v > Gal!. Mr. M'Koonger, Henry Mathewl'on, jl M'Cr.diiri, Mrs. M’Cormick, Geo. Ma .hews, Kiity M'lutofti, John m'Niele 2. Ann, Im’liu,> .1 j, j, c . H . Mlmolh 2, Geo. B. ! M 'L.iui , ji,. yj ji’Cready, job. Mead, jno ,m NI.II, j as, M’Kay, Mathew M’Calltfter 4, ■.l imes m rris, Mary Maxwell, Geo V. M l Mur- ‘ ■phy, Henry Meaiou, Witliam S- N T - ‘ ■ : jno. D. Neifon, Capt. A. V. Nicholl, Tj Si r ■ it, Jacob Jfdsley, Ji.o. Norton, j .oj NT 1-r, Mr. Nightengx e a. jorgia, Norris-f Newell, joim NieltVn, Wm. Nie 1 n, c °. Thomas Osborne, John Orme, P. Diul. Purcell efqr Wm. Pearce, D vis i’lnvt, jno. Pric*. jas Peck, Koswei! I’aire.J : Wm Powers, \V’m. ratterton, Sam . Parks,'! A• E . er. I ?,:he-, Pierce, £i!aa Potrc-j ■ , I. i r. , V.lizr. Plummer, Wir.. G.| .P rter ~ M in. Pi fey, jas. Potter 7, SasaJH ’.. Paremorc, J P.erccy. • j, & li. jar, Robfr'fc ~ Thomas Roliertfon, Win I, if •hcrtfon, Royle, John Honolds, Her.-, ry Ro’iph, Walrer Rogers, john Righon j [Capt. Thomas Uandqli, miss Mary I. G Ro iirrts, sufannah C. Ruddoch, Schuyler Rich ijatdfon, Eliza Randolph a, Ann Doug! as, djame Refs, Grac” Rcv.elJ, John P.awl 2, I’.-.mar.uel Ringell 2, Michael Quinn, xdv .'Quin. Jamies Smith, Samuel Snow, ■Cap:. Wm. Smith 2, Francii ,jSage, Alexr. Sinclair, Joseph Spencer, Mrs, Skepwith, JJcnjn. -Story, Marnret Scruggs, Georgt • sinions, Capt. Titus Salter, Wm. Sewell, Miss Strphens, Charles M. Shade, George •Small, Alvan Sw ft, Capt. r Sami. Smith, Messrs. Scott & 1 Maher 2, Jis. Scagrove2, Honl. !Saml Smith a, john S. Smith, r s Eliza Staten, Henry Grave, 2Sufannah Smith, Dani 1 Shear man 2, Wm. S,iiith Eisqr. Wm. ’ Sawyer, Winter Simmons, Ma bry Saunders, john Stewart 3 James Scott 3, Jacob Staats, ■ George S'ibbald, Hardman stone ; f lizaSchofield, James Stallings, - Mils Harriott i'ully, Jared Shear 'inan, Benjo. Sweet, Elizabeth Shaw, Wm. Summers, Juno ; Stevens, G. C. Schott, John , Scriven, Richard Stewart, Oliver ‘skinner Esq- Thomas Spalding 4, Edward Swarbrickz, Mih hranees Stewart, I. S. N, Smith ■ Esqr. T. RofeTaylor, John Tarltan, SethG. Thread craft, Mefl’rs Taylor & Miller, Isaac S. Tuttle | Capt. George Todd, Margaret Titus, Nicho 1 Turnbull 3, Andrew Turnbull 3, Benjn. Tidd Wm. Tliompfon. w. J <feph Walner, H* face Willcox 3, Eiid a Wilkins, Sami. Whelor, Thos. VV>|!y, Keith While, Edwd. Wrigh , vlrs. Mary Woodruff 3, Amo Whitehead, John Woodcock, Geo H. Wegg 3, Adin Winy, Benjn. Wil son Wjtlter Williams, Robert Bat L.'qr. 4, Capt. John F. Walks’ , fid mu nj Welsh, Dck3. Peter 2, Miss Maty wrigh', Capt. Thos. We.thy, Israel Woodruff, Capt Wallen W a!lh, Eman*el, Wambet ii-, Lsqr. Thos. Watson, Lisha Wil ■ kins, Miss Eliza Wi'kins, Ephrai • ’.Vel.cox, Joseph Uoderwocd, Johi . W I nt>akcr, Capt, Stephen VVadding ,ton, Wm. Wall, free William. V. ‘ Charles J. Va]lo‘t.>n U.& Y. Alexr. Young, Henry Yotioc ’ vjre:.ritc Urguhart. FRENCH LETTERS. B. John Bigar, Borel Poulaii. du Bignon. C; Vf.Chaveau, De Claville, Colas, John Cachtt. D. M. Dcfbrosses 3, Duverger De-. roner, Durrifleau 2,Delannay 2 G. Gayor, S. Guillament. M. Gachett, Charles Gachet 3. L. M. L’Harrington, Legoce, as. Lafiitte, Lemcilkur- M. Js. Magmafi, De Montalet 2. S. Mfs Sophia (a sir Chaleman,) 2. Mile The rese St. Hubert, St. Saincre Segun. T. M. Thomaffon, Theohhile, Dr. lague. V. Dudas de Valon 3, “ es et las S. Nial Chifs.'* DISSOLUTION or COPARTNERSHIP. r THE CopartneHliip of PRESCOTT ,& A KEEN, is thisdiy dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to Did con. cent, are requested to make speedy payment, and all having demands, will render them for , settlement. Joseph Prescott. : Seth Keen. JOSETH PRESCOTT, v ill continue toj arry on he bubr.c r s at his old Hand as ul'ualj June id ts g 3 ; Paper Hapytinr:. 7 ‘Jr. Ciih vs (if Savannah ere tr.cfl, I resfeftfu’y inferme-i that ly notifying to-. j Mr. Ephi-am Nils *carpentert mw, j ,-hiy <w : 'h find a perfan that will attend to \the above lufincss with tie greatefl neatness ‘and dispatch. 7u ? y 5 ft 88 KfhLE/EE'D per the ship Volant, frotn GLASGOW, and for salt bv G. ON their usual low terms , an extensive and well seltSfcd as sortment of SCOTCH GOODS, VIZ-. Flaxen Osnaburgs Brown Sheetings and 3-4 7-8 and 4-4 Lines In trunks and boxes assorted 2 Boxes White Platiilas Rovalr White, Blue, and Green, PAVI LION GAUZE Tamboured and Lappet Muslins Fine check’d and lace cambricks Cambrick dimit es Fine corded and fancy Dimities Blue, and pink check’d ginghams Printed calicoes assorted Fine laces and low priced edg ings Coloured laDoet and fprigg’d muflinsx Ladb-, cotton hefe, open docks 3-4 8-4 &5-4 diapers and table cloths Tea towels and table napkins Ounce threads afforied No. o to No. 40 Csnaburg &W.B.thread No. 10 Mens and boys coarse hats as sorted in bpxes Mens plated hats in ditto—do Mens drab hats and green under in ditto 1 Box COTTON TFI READ white and colored 1 Cifk sirth webbing i Bale of br ;wn duck hardwar e and Ironmon - gery> VIZ: iod. i6d. and 2od. nails 2 Inch fpriggs Carolina lioes, broad axes Fuching axes—club axes Digging hoes—grubbing hoes Trace chains (30 Ovens and 200 pots 14 Pair fire dogs and 50 skillets So Boxes to by 12 crown glass 10 Casks Lon on bottled por ter And 20 dozen port wine Gun powder in barrels, half bar rels and quartirs. June 4 ts 79 I’AX COLLECTORS OALE6. WILL be fold at the ccu r t house ini the town of BRUNSWICK on the 17th day of August next, the following properly in arrears for Taxes or so much thereof as will fatisfy /he Taxes due thereon, with costs for the vears 1802 and 1802. VIZ ; 251 land returned by H. D, Stone, tax 13d. 30c. For 1803. 7930 Acres land returned by John Palmer, tax 7 d. 37.1-2 c. tooo Acres land re/urned by Johi .VPlntolh tax 56c. gj 1-2 c, 28 Acres land returned by Cr it - ton Bunk'ey, tax 3d. 41 j-4c, 45 Acres land returned by Rober/ Powers, /ax 74T 20 J Acres land returned by Geo. ni’ot, /ax 4years, 2d. 44 I.Bc 671; Acres iand returned by Jacob CL Farts, tax 2d. 61 Die. 450 Acres land returned by R .cha. Ward, tax 4d. 7 1.2 c For John Jarrorr, Ward’s and: Jarroti’s is 4 years 2d. 60c. William Gibs one U; hou r e,— ’ tax 61, 87 1-2. jAMhS POl* ELL, c. r. c. c JuneiS 83 /<; notice! TIIF. Subscriber intending to be abfert: so forre months his appointed the Hon. Edward Telfair, Charles Oddmgfirlls an??! John I.awfon, Esq'rs his attorneys, who v Till - nsadt any bulinefsh i5, during h.'.abfesce. Matthew M’Allifter. j April 15. -ts jGEORGE IIA (IRA L j Sign of the man end Mortar, j Market Square >’ HAS received ty th; la ;fi atri hvals from Lo don New-Tor k and Jamaica, a very exterftve effrpt ■ mert -f 1 Ifresh drugs, Patent Medicines See. Which he will dispose of by r '.\hole!ale or recall very low for cash ; or his usual credit to punc tual customers. Amongst which arc the following VIZ . 25 Barrels Glauber Salts, IS do. Refined Sak-Petre, 1 2 do. Copperas, io do. Root Ginger, 6 do. Powdered do. 12 Caiks Spirits Tur pentine, 5001 b. Cream of Tartar, 18 doz, Erefh Castor Oil, aßlb. Tujcey Opium, izolb, Refined Camphor, 150'ib. Root Rhubarb, 25doz. Patent Medicines of every kind, 1751 b. Oil of Vitriol, joolb. Best pale, yellow and red Barks, loolb. Magnesia, 21 Hhds. “White and green Englilh phials aflforted, 2 do. Retorts and receive s, 10 do. Shop furniture, tinc ture and specie bottles of all sizes, 1501 b. Frdh arrow root, 561 b. Calomel, 65 Neds, black lead and sand crucibles, 561 b. Sweet spirits nitre, 30 Setts copper fealcs and •weights of all sizes, Bolus and plainer knives, Graduate measures, Jalap, Hippo, Tartar Emetic, Senna, Pearl Barley, Pot Albj Fresh powder’d sago, Cammomile flowers. Peppermint Lozenges, Tolu ditto &c. Surgeons Instruments • Amputating trepanning in ftrumenis, Accouchere intlruments, Small and large sets pocket do* Lancet cales, Spring lancets, Best London crown and common do. Silver and claftic catheters, Elastic and common bougies, Beil and common teeth cirawerS| Surgeons needles in cases, Gum lancet?, Trocars and canula's, Scalpels and feton needle?, Cupping inlirumcnts, Abscess lancets, Eledtrical machines, Tow, lint, and sponge. ALSO, A complete assortment of Confectionary , Perjimury % LAMPS, NIGHT lanthorns, SPICES & PAINTERS COLORS, AjT Medicinechefts for sea and plantations use with direc •iens. June :8 ts 83 City Sheriff's Sale* ON the prft Tuesday in Auoufl text will be sold at the Court House in this Ci;y betwixt the hours of ten and h r ce o’ckclc one man named PUNCH, feizec aa the pro perty of EPHRAMAM NILES, to satisfy several executions, pointed cut Jby ore of the pLinti7 $. Condiiions Calh. JNO. WILLIAMS, S. C. S. J-Jnc 14 is Zz