Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, August 02, 1805, Image 3

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flowing ft earn of domestic felicity ; but if mutual aff.Tion fubfids. harmony is soon again restored, and their pleasure receiv-.s additional sweets from renewal. The haggard tiru kard, the animated debauchee, or t e emacLtel gamitcr, whose libertine ideas can conceive happi nefs to ex it only in the riotous revelry of the brothel, the poisonous contents of the bowl of interop ranee, or th? smiles of adventitious fortune, will continue to treat the sacred iniluution of motiimohy, asafubj-dt for ridicule, and meriment ; but the wiser, and the btit of men have fought earthly solicitude in the Hill and serene covers, of Hymen, ar] found her abode in the calm feenes of donaeftic har rr.ot'v. The very men, who thus rail again!! matrimonial fitters, and pretend to def pfe wedlock, beaufe it subjects the hufb uiu to the incessant caprice, of a wa man, are themfelv#s the (hamelds (lives of the molt abandoned, proiliiutca, and liable to the capricious humors of the moll fantaftic miftreffG, whose polluting, and iiiercenary embraces they (litre with the meand!, and th; baled of rnandind. To men of this disposition tue labor of the m oralitl will produce no beneficial effect. Callous, and inderated, woeful h (Tons of experience alone will retard their guilty progrtis. Vou.ig men, be wart of the intoxicating draught, whi h vacious pleasure, avraytdia tra .fpatenr, and voluptuous robes, with dec ptious futile holds forth, tager lo fafeinate, that fhc may dedroy—Look to the marriage date, with sentiments of awe and venera tion ; contemplate it as an inftitiv.lon, in its origin'divine, in its effects proinotive of the mod refined felicities of which our nature is fufceptible.—'That diftempereil imagination, which pursues happiness in the de’eterious of p. liution, flioulo be to you as a warning beacon, to guard similar difaders, as mud lutvita bly attend errors. M. 1 ..OS i or MIoL.AID, THE (o’ 1 iff” g i ocs of hard, all auric p table to he late AMBROSE GORDON, Esqr.dec'd. Cd.ied awn by Alexander J'hnfton, dated ‘]t:i may i8 4, payable Ift June, 1804, for 448 and >la<* nd 47 <eri’S —()..e drawn by Green .R = Duke daftd tj'h June, 18 4, payable golays aft 1 cL e,for <Bl dollars s 3 4 berts. (h e drawn by Lemuel K 1- lock, dc/ed 6/b Auguf!, 1804, paya ble 10 days af/er da/e, for 187 dollars 50 cei f s. Oi e drawn by Hugh Ma rt, dj/e ‘ 3J May, 1004, payable 60 j days af er dr'e, so: 5 i dollars 97 cents. Une/ awn by Cranes Linccrgieer, iLf /jd Mny, 1804, payable 3 > dayr after da/e, so 1 .0 dollars. O’ e diawn by Nathan Bed for 100 dollars, bu/ to whom pavable I do nor recoiled, lef/ by Charlts Goodwin, E qr. for collection. ALSO, A teceip/ fir ned by Sir, Thomas Bmifal! of tn.-L r.d for 100 pi.u, <J< iterliiip, to Miss Ann Davits, w(h f veral receip/s on the bad; for /lie in/e rest. Ail persons are food t’ and -y. for the above notes, and /he drawers from paying them to any person tut a the subsc r ;ber, if /hey fli u and nc/ be B found befo re/he next I fe:nr C u r, jj appiica/ion will be made for a reo-w. ii I of them, any person ft d• g ai.d de ij l’veripg/he n/o the fub,C‘ib.-r wiii bt I handfonridy rewarded. JOHN LEAD. 3 it° i f t/i fallgoodsT CURTIS BOLTON &Cos. hove just ! recetvtui fr. BARK NIXON from J.irr.kPCCL, a part of their supply oj fall g winter good* j tube ’ ateofje’td ly wholesale or retail, | Cou dry dealers at e doubtless aware oj 9 the advantage of having their goods on j their shelves early in the Fall; FIZ. I Br.izes, FlaniHs, Call S'cel, 1 6 aid 7 4 Cl’ *, cos Cross Cut Saws, it from /uptoSupei- \V ajrgon Boxes, I fines, H. L. Ur ges, Nee i Cassimers.Kose Elan-, I ket;., Knitting Needles, I Feavnaught Clotlis, Brass headed bhcu- Drab and Olfve, vels and ’Longs, [ Lojidcn VlJufie and Pen&Fruuing Knives, Point Blankets, Scythes I Ladies Scarlet Choth Buck handled Knives I Cloaks, and F rks, I Drat: Plains, Swans- Chear Whips, Curry | downs. !c Brufnts, j Negro Clothr, Blue, Rrizors, Gun-Locks, j White and Brown, Silver Thimbles, 8 Mi led White flan-"J Taylors Thimbies, | nei suitable at the y L'-eks, p-esent season forT 5 Calks plain trace Gentlemens Coa >| Chains, tecs, j ,5 do. Twisted do. do. Y.-it K~se, & Gfo\ ea. c Lc. Su pemters, Caliman- t or Lou Pots ; Ovens ; toes, tjheet Lead; 1 Ton S) ahoor.s, Wildbores, Barlead, H fiery. Silk and Cot-3 Tons (hot; Pewter ton Mins &. Gloves, Plates and Batons | Hats in Trunks aster- 2000 Bushels Salt. i ted, ’ ON HAND, :S D z. liens Felt Pipes ot Brartuy and Hats, Gin, 40 do. Pice Sickles, 111 ids. Jamaica Rum, Bice -.fives, Pipes in B xes, Avery complete as- Cuiton Bsggi. g ; sort- ent if Iron T• ir.v, Kougerv, contiil- OmaburghsThreads ; jrg f all mdi ivc- I bread,, ry article utcefiary Wrung and Wraf or- ptai.tat'ci ;. ; ■•■£ Paper, ■ A ‘ Co - per .Carper- Glass. Ware affortc I trrf t>. L ackimtl ‘ in Gales 1 Tools, Copperas, See. £.c. Ut Iv, r Makers Tc -s, j - ■■■. 1 lav e * t)\ j Biank Bianitdls to r Rile ar this c oif. Georgia Republican, SAVANNAH, August 2, 1805. ■ ■ii mniiihiilinn 1 iT’iWnin nmi DIED, on the Morning of the aLh u!t. ir. the aStbj year of his age S AMUE L MOUSE, Attorney at Law. and Editor of the Georgia Republican. IN tlie Death of this amiable man his con nexions, and society have sustained a Di’s which never can be repaired. If to be ot easy temper, good disposition, and honed heart, conditu'.es a Good Mas he was one.— If lo be generous, benevolent, prudent and kinl, onliitute.s a Good Man, he was one.— If to pofTefs tale its, and use them to the bed advantage for the gn~d of himlelf and the public, constitutes \,Cood Man,\ he was one.— He has left behind him a wife and three infant children to oemoan a loss, which time itfelf cannot repair. At fix o’c ock in the af'ernoon his remains ive-e attended to the burying ground by the Chatham Artillery under the command of Lieur. Sates, by a number of his Masonic Brethren, and a numerous and refpeflable concourle of citizens Not'vitbftanding the Death of Mr- Samuel M 1 rfe, this paper will be pub lished as u'ual for the benefit of Mr, faints Lym furvivieg copartner, and the heirs ofthe dec’J. It will at lead be continued in this fitape until Mr. Lyon is heard frpm, who, it is fuppoftd, is now in Kentucky. It is hoped the patrons of the Repub lican will not withdraw their support on account of the decease of its editor, as no ex-rtian, (hall be wanting to give ge neral futisfa&ioa while it is under the dii'e&ion of JOHN F. EVER ITT. A letter from Glasgow fays—‘-T’-ade has been very balk for the lad month ; hands are very scarce, and wages have got up. The manufactures cf this pi ce and Paisley have been exported to a great e tent, ptmiculiar ly from America and the Wtft-I,idles. Mince Louisiana came into the polTcfli -r < f the U nited States cf America, our demands for that Country have incroafed rapidly sand with the importation of raw ma er.als for our mamifaflures. Inch as co.t n, allies, indi g*, &c. Great Quantities of gold and silver species have been imported b th i ere and at Liverpool, London, Ac. ftom Amertct, with in the (aft twelve months; to the anvitnr, it is luppofi and, of hreeor four niihious of dol lars.” — Eultimere paper. FROM THE HAVANNA, June 5 “ At the opening of the port o : Ha vanna to neutrals, the government in po fod a duty of 32 12 per cent, upon all property landtu ; but upon a repn ft il lation by the merchants of the bad poli cy of so exoibitant a tax, the vv r in formed that it must be coi fi i red merely as tempory, and tha* a curifihrab'e re duction wouid t k ■ plate as loon as -the nectffary arrangements cou'd be ma le. An immense number of tifftis arriving from ail parts of the Ufoted States, no thing more was said of ibe ve(T - mrtd early in May ; when folding in con fiquerne of the heavy lnff-s fultzined by the American /hipping, the port was likely to be deserted the government caused it to be intimated to the Rtr chants, that the duties were actually lowered to fifteen per cent, 011 I cpi ns and p: ovilt :n:, ar 21 p.-r cent, on dry good ; that the publicanou oi the our e u. del. yed only until the fettlcmn.t ol a point iii dispute between the governor and collector of the cult ms, relative to the time at which the new regulation fliould commence ; the foimc ii filhtiu, that all veffcls arrived fincc the opening of the port, ought to partake of the ad vantage, and the latter, that only those whose duties were not already paidj, fh.iuld he benefitel. This assurance c-tufed several veffcls to be entered, which w ud otherwise have been sent elfc where, which appeared to be one if the objects of government in this matianvte ; ano ther undoubtedly was that the informa tion should be communicated to the A - merchants, (which was actually done) to induce than to make further shipments. There being no probability of entrapping any more, as there but one arrival from the United States in ten days ; It was found by the pub lication of a printed notification, on the 28th May, that all the protnifo and as sertions of the government, in this af fair, were truly Spauifh, deserving of no faith or credit. By this decree, the du ties are still continued at 32 1 2 per cent, on imports, (exclusive of a mu.iicpal duty on fome articles) and the reduced cou!iftß only in a difference of currency upon which they are calculated—ma king an alteration in fome inst nccs of five or fix percent, in favour of the flip, ptr. The duties 011 exports continue as before.” But. Tel. As our paper was gning to prTs, arti ved the (hip Glory, Haynes, 43 days from Liverpool. At the time cap'sin Haynes failed (18.11 May) there we, a general cmbai-o on ail Entrlifh viffol: fays there it as no Ei.giifk f) t in putiu. of the Toulon and Cadiz flats. C?p:ain H had late Liverpool papers, but we had not th. goodfor unc to get a ny. We a. v told Ley are taken up with dtbat'o in i,.e Cnnfli parliament on C<s holic cmaniiation. ( ’ or jo k llerald ) Vv r e yefter lay (f t 1 tl.e arr a b low of a vcfT.-l from tin pity of St Doming , with senge:s, molt of whom are She is thr br g Cipt Like, and h.s on b'jard 4 rrtnch olficers and foldiert, m.t ny of whom are luffer'ng unde vcuiuis received in the late war. fare near this city. One of tfu crew died on the pafTage, under every i dication cf violent Yel low Fever j and the Captain and another hand are now in a vei v low condition with the la r.edis e&fe. 1'! e concern with wl.ich we ha'e these circumflancer, is somewhat mitigated by th? aflur ence which we feel of the vigi ianc'* and zeaf of the Board of Health. We fcrventlv trull that their vvell-mear.t efforts to prtferve our methcopolis from infedtioo will niett wi h the moll ample iu crfs : and we are cer tain that every member of the communiiy will cheerfully co oper te win them in fffedtuacing an chjeft f> pub h . —Philadelphia Gazette. MEDITFRRANEAN AFFaIRC. All the loiCi. to br cmployrd the cn fuing fcafun, in the chastisement of Tri poli, has failed fur its point * t deftina ion. It will be competed as follow - ; SHIPS. CUNS. COMMANDERS. iComnioutm S Bar ron, Csptain Cox, Copftitution 44 Captain !tog\ s Essi x Captain J. Bar-on Constellation 36 \ Cd P tain p- H> 3 Campbell Congress 36 Captain L. Decatur Jdm Adams 3/ Captain Shaw Syren 1X Ca;/t?in Stew art Argus 18 Captain Hull Vixen 16 Capiain Smith Naut.lus [sell.] 1 6 Captain |. lie t Lnterpnzc['Ch]i6 Captain T. U( Hinson. Btfides the above, are two gun-boais, captured front the Tripolitans, carrying one [copper,] 29 pounder, and two l> 1 fs liovvitz each ; ten gun-boats, each car rying two long 32 pounders, cutter tig. j. ed ; two bomb ketches, each carrying one 13 inch mortar and fouv 9 poundets. The rendezvous of this relpt-Aable force is at Malta ; where our officers receive every support and civility in the powvr of the Bntiffi adminillration there. PLUadt'pnu Paper. A gentlemsn of our nrq.nintancc, fmmthe weltward lias furmfhed us wiih the follow. ing anecdote eVb ut five weeks pifl, a flranger of t-ilevs !>!? g’ nteel vppexrance, called on Mr. Wikis L ive, a g'dd Imith, in the town of Richfield, “i the county of Otfego, aid after enjoining i crecy, engaged him to engrave a pla'c for printing ten dul ar bank b;l!s of the Farmer's bank, and advanced Lira 20 dollars, and pro nifed when the plate was delivered to pav hm a Lrgc Inin. At the time fixed for fur niflnrg the p ate, the ftrang*r’ called, but it HO', beilio; l.iViP, l>* frtn/<ln u-l S’- St. iU. vicinity Until it was c mple ed. In >he mean time Mr. II we communicated it to three of his neighb mrs, whametat the ;ime expeiled, and being discovered by hon he flrd vv.-th precipitation, and left in p : ifi.dTi in of Howe, his portmanteau, a press and two kinds of ink. Our inf irmant added that he saw the ar ticles It ft, hut there was nothing b which they con and diocover the ttrangr i1 ame Albany gup r. The following extraordinary cWc m flance, w ■ learn from Hufam, of the 30th tilt, lately occurred at Teiu.ingen : Flic mailer of an Enghfh v.ffcl lying there, was ordered by the captain of the guard sh pto flat k h's cab'-, which he did, till he could fl ik ,n more ; i t was then ordered to cut which te refufed to do, faying, fie would, or could not, : f tlie kog himfelf was there. In cinf q .ncc of this r-ply, the l)-unfii captain a party of mtn 00 board if the IF hlh veffVl, who brotlj bt the maft'r on boar! the Dariiilt (hip, and he was tfore fi g ged foverely, by order of their cap tin. ’File Dane in vindication of ids eo.idoA lays,the master cf the E igl.fh ft’ damned the king of Denme>k , ibis charge has, however, been rtlutcd by a number of witrieffcs who ‘were prelent when the altcrca'i n took place. A p'- tition, praying for redress, signed by a bout fifty English matters of veffcls, has been foot to our ambassador at Copeuha gt n. ( Lou lon Paper.) Curious Dispute. — In one ft reel on Moore, there have lately been no fewer than 25 women in that advanc 'd date of pr’gatvy v.hich r quired tlie speedy affillanc: of the obftretiic tribe. About a week ago,‘two of. these females were delivered c.‘ boys, in th fame li ufc, and within so fliort a jieriod, that the 1 run-midwife hsd lcarcely time to pir rorm los duty with the hne, until he was called on to aflat the other. I’he two childien, were during the confufi m, in advertently put into one Led ; tlie conic quince was, that nobody cou id afterwards afeertain to which mother either belon ged. Neither of the mothers cou! i iben tfy her c.. h child, ?. id both claimed the fojiidfomeft — H. ~7sTjTtJiryuLr 1803. THE Average iirke ofF a'jr aeirtg 12 DglLij iml 50 Cm:, 3arrel, weigh: (A bread iriuft be 12 ‘ cu. io af, 1 lb. 1 2 l 6 A cw. loaf, 14 ia >f which all bakers rr.d >f ui-.aJ tre to take due nc-i - J ERE MI K CUTLER, * C. T. I xtr t sv. tn the n -nutes of S .1. m n’s I ‘)DGF, No. 1, July 27th. 5805. v </, That tliis lodge do-b mod fincereiy regret the untimely death of ils late worthy brother, Samufl Morse, Pail Master, and confider it as an evtnt tq :!ly to he regretted by kis fellow ci t ztns at large. ResoiveJ, That each of the members of this lodge do wear crape on the left a-m lor the space of one month, as a ju t tribute of reaped due to the memo ry of the dereafed—and liiat this rtfoiu tipu be publilhed. CHARLES POPE, Sec'ry 3.1. S r o. 1. MISCELLANEOUS SELECTIONS. AGRICULTURAL. mr f hod to prev'nt f r u* dirnayny with fume remarts on tie culun of the /-"/• I have found that three pecks of feed ! if fuffioi nt for one ant of ground of aM k nils of foil and (Length ; if more be f'lwn on the acre, the ttalks of a great rumberof th-m will not prow to their iutl height, uor the ear to it* pioper *, nor kernel to its fu'l bigness, and the weight will be from 2 to j pounds Icfs io the Hu'V 1 lam ftnfihle many farmers will op- P< f.- ibis pr, dice- but they- will f, e tlie utility of it if they will try it ; for it is matti that land will bear about the fme q> amity yearly, aid if in draw, tht n'tlu k. fuels mull be fewer and fmal -1 r. There is another particular that the fa; m IS fai 111 Vriy rrueh—that is, in ctr ting th ir \Vh:at h fore it is pei fetfl ly dry ; which is aim ff he only reason of the fni 111 (troubling them I com monly let my Wheat, (land longer than my neighbors, and never h ive been trot! bit and with smut, except when I bought, mv feed ; from which I have concluded that it was the time of harvesting that prevented smut from damaging flour. About thirty years since 1 bought a crop on the ground; it proved to he very smutty ; nearly one Bth. I thought to try what would prevent its damaging the flour ; accordingly 1 let it itand till it was quite dry, io that when, cut, in binding, the ground was checker] under the fhcaf. When 1 tlirafhed it there was no smut to be ften. Ever since, by the fame method, have found the fame good effedl. Wheat that is har vefltd after this manner will be as good for feed its ts there had been no smut among it. Farmei3are of opinion if their wheat (hells in binding there is a great loss ; but they are millaken ; there is greater loss in tlireftiing wheat that is ; barvifttd before it is dry than is waded in harvesting when it is over dry (so ter med.) If there is any smut in wheat that Iweats in the les It degree in the moirr \t irill r./rtmniy inf#A th 1c •*• Ij and by that means (mut is propagated, Cutting wheat with a cradle is perni cious, for it cclltdls a great quantity of green weeds, he. which buitre it is dry is put into the mow or tack, and will certainly fwea , and by that m ns the fmut,which is light, will be carrnd with the (learn through the whole mow or tack—btfides, the cradle cuts off that, which if left (landing would t rich the ground. I have but little exp -flrtion that tlufi remarks will at prefeut answer my lv>- tft intentions ; for we find that educa tion and tradition have so bound down people, that there is no moving .hem, let their principles or pra&ice be ever so ahfur h—But as iutereft is the great (punt’ in all our actions, I hope fomc will be induced to pay attention to the expe riments made fo:ty years by a farmer. GRATITUDE. THERE is a fpecic* of grateful re ! mo'fe which lias fnmetimes bom known Ito opi rate forcibly on the minds of ihe ’mo t hardened impudence. All aflnr, ii ;h.brated for miaiicry, was t i have h'en employed by a com c author, to take off the person, the manner, and the ft igular ly r.ukward dfjivery of the ciiciirated Dr. Woodwtril, who was I > be introdu ced on the ft age in ;t very laughable charatt.r. ‘i In mimic dress i! hiinf-lf a<- a countryman, ami waited on the doctor • witL a long catalogue of ailments, which attended on his wife . The doctor Ik- mil with atr; z m. lit, disea ta anti pa ns of the mofftoppoiite nature r, r -itetl an! doubled or, the wretched pain at. fr, as the aft r's wifti was to ke. p Dr. Woodward in his company as long m possible, that he nun t ms ,k- ti e more observations on his gcltures, fie loaded his p ior iina:-i.tary fnoufe wr,h every inlsnnity w’uih nad a 7 (•'•oh rre r ••mt of prolonging ti.e interview. 1 agtl., bcit.g completely oufler of his errand, hr drew f.oin his pu lr a guinea, and wru a forape made an uacouth offer of it. 4 I’m up thy mon-y, poo follow,” soys, the doctor, *• put up l y mon’ y. Ts O j haft iifi-d of ell thy cafli and ail thy pa tie.i!*'. .00, with l ich a bund •’ of Ji .is 'es tied to thy back.” Toe act r te.ur rivd to his employer, and rico'Jn'td tin whole conv tfo.ion, with iurh t:ur /.cl ing of the phyfieian’s character, tha: the author f; with appr >bati >n. Hi; rapf'jres v .‘re, however. Icon cfi ik and, for the mimic told him with the amon t 0, of for.fihility, that fie wou'd 1 • •lie than p'o.titu’.c his ‘.abuts to tc ~'.ei tuch gsnbuie huiiumiy a laugiiiiig-n >t 1. to tiie public. C'.ratituob ii a duty none cm b. exculed from, bceauft it t. aitTCye at ctn own Is J.'.IAaT I’ V i O ANIM l.i> (Prom Southey's travr’s into Spain. J I will relate to you a circumflance which occurred at Aha in Finland, i ou will admire the ik-potic juillce oi the magistrates. A dog, who had been run over by a carriage, crawled to the door of a tanner in that town ; the rrcti’s son, a boy of ii'teen years ot age, lii It ttoiud and then poured a viff l of lioiling water upon the m’f.iable animal, dliis of diabolical cruelly was wit niffed !y one.of the rrag llrates, who thought that f.ich ba.l- tity deftrved to he publicly noticed. lie therefore in formed the other niagiftrates, who una ntmoufly agreed in condemning the boy to this nent ; —He W'as imprison. ed till the following market day ; then in the preience of all tile people, he was conducted to the place o( tx culion by an officerof jnll le, who read to him lus sentence. “ It.human young man, because you did not nfiill ti animal who implored your t by its c it s, and who .derive his (icing from the fame God who gave you lilt, b eanie you add ‘d to the tortures ot the agonizing biaft, and murdered it, the council of this cry lave sentenced you to wear on youv breait the name you dtferve, and to re c.iv fifty (b'ipes.” I e then hung a black board round h:s neck wiih this inlcription ; “ /V (v.tgc and inhuman young inai !” and ii (1 iting on h' m twenty five ff iprs, he proceeded ; “ nhuman y. 1* 1 ihji, J you have new hit a very I.nail degree of (lit pain with which you tortured a htlplt f-, an m 1 in its In ur of death ! mercy from that god who cua .and all that live, learn hum in, y for tlie future.” lie then ex cuted the remainder of tlie fuitcnee. Brooks Dunning, (Bolton’s Wharf) Have just received, per brig Dean from New-Yor k, 10 hey.’ Dutch powder I 1 2 ton fate tjl t 1 I 2 ditto h,.r lead 2 f iper Hollands yin 10 ban eh loaf ~ nd lump f t> >r 5 ch.Jlt/Jfyfm ‘1 ci oj .ate importation 5 pipes b> an/'y fhjf e in b trrel.', Iys and tierces 12 barrels Matter el OH HAND, Sweeds anti C unity it on Plough Moulds 2 hhds re ading Moh-fTs 20 f'Un. high 4 'h proof Jam Rum 1 5 barrels lit fifl quality 10 dtt 0 ditto tn/etior dit 0 i 5 hogsheads pti ■ e fugirs // frw hogsheads inferior ditto 1 20 batr Is prim beef I <u (lino cat go ditto 20 ht'f ban cs put up for family use at re tail y ‘Kaii a Sp„itt, ) tied mature, Iby Lngninc Brandy, tSt page audof a li ,ll nils Gin, )>ior quality, / rt , M detra, She'tv iyf Muscat lidme London Put ter, Lie. I‘jc. ■'■ugujl 2. ts 94 Canu ro my Pen O'TP > El) be a lira/, a dirk brmiffed O C ,11 ‘■. ed ‘.Vltil 1 l\vall >w f'-rk in one .i .u'd Ipll ■ id Upper liit i., lit otlter, bra i drd tlie tide vnh(C a li.'lt glp.r aid H.) i. her (up with (0. anti ati!b Enquin of BENJAMIN lIAW ’/IO N, Great Oficc.hte. Altjtlff 2 *l l Iji LA Ml. I.V CO UNIT, Superior Court, March Term, IHO4. IVm. janes, attorney iti ! I alt for Hays A Tick- l Faredafure cry, f vr, 1 Petition for Thaleus Pariifs, Upon nc pf tition of Wm. Jo/ic.s pi 1. of til. to vn of Sr. M uy'.-, altorn-y in faclfor Mcfsrs. li.iysbF Vickery, setting fort, th it a parr of lot No. 5, in the C<>wn ol Sc Mdry’s had oecn du- Iv mortgaged by one Thatleus Rarkifs to the fa.*d Me firs. Jlay A’ Vickery, for the confiderarion of !ix;y-eioJ]t. dollars a.nd eight cents, winch 1 ui never ■ t been paid, and puying a fo.eclofurc jf the equity of redtu.ption. On moo in of Mr. Jackson, - is order el, i bat rfoe principal, ■lereft arid C< *t f \ {>sici buo orf within twelvemonths f, om h. 3 ut. — and unlds :ne faine ibiali be lo paid, the equity of re ‘iem /job v/;ll from thenceforth re foreclofr-;!. —And it is further rrdered, in purluincc of fa ij aft hr. th-s rule lie rniMifhed in r'to, the po lic ’ * .ettes of this :i"ut it .11 o": 1-1:5 every ruonth ir 0.1 ihe moitgagoi, or, ‘r • 1 ,/it 1* agoiit at ltuit -ix to the lime the mr.ey 15 <l.retted to lie paid a ; Kefap.i, Extract horn the mi i ‘i'tOis 20th day of tvlarcf HO4. / alcßiL.ys ,c- 5 A f il If, \ - —-