Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, August 02, 1805, Image 4

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BALLAD WHILF. woman, like loft ir.ulic’j charms, Mo f*e'ly biifs difpenlV, Some lavourite part ch fair performs, In concert of the feitfes. Lave, gi-at firlt fiddle in the band, Each paffinn quells and raises, Exploring, wih a mailer’s hand, Nine Modulati .<'s mazes ; Till rhe rap foul, supremely bled, Beams in each feature, And lovdy woman Hands confell, The harmony of na'ure. Hark ! with the p’ dive, in adieiKt, The sprightly h m i’ mingles I The Pruhe’s the flute, and the C;<juette, The live!’ harp that tingle* ! One I old f-.yet; s *he ■ i-iuii g ilrings, W niie i..aintive t’other pra'es it Like Catf’.r, tbtr.tovici ry springs, Like Faijias, ‘hat await* it. With vaneus gifts to make US bled, Love (kill* e.uh charm! ‘g creature; Thor, lovely woman dir.ds confell, 1 he harmony of na’ure. Maids are of virginals the type, Wid ws the grownngtymoal, ?en|il* are the (hrill and perceiving pipe, Flirts are rhe wiry cymbal, And wives piano f rtes are, ‘I he liafe how old maids thump it. The horn are arches fair. An amazon's a trumpet, Thus, with rare gifts to make ns bled, Love (k ds his favourite creature, And ‘hue fvve.t w man ftamis coiifeft, The harmony • f nature. FXTRACT From Alvo>e's “ View of Society ana mr.rt'e* s tn Sw zerland.” Suicide is vciy frequent at G neva. lam told this lias been the call- fvei li ice the deleft peo ple in the republic can remeir bt r ; and is reason to be htve, that ic happens oftener here, in proportion to the num ber of inhabitants, than [in Fng latid or any other country in Eu rope. rhe multiplicity of inOances which has occurred since 1 have denhere is Two that happened very lately are rtr * markable for the peculiar cir cumstances which accompanied them. The firft was occasioned by a fulden and unaccountable fit of despair, which It-izefl the son of the we alt hit'll and molt r spedta ble citizen of the republic. This young gentleman had, in ap* p arance, every reason to be fa risfhd wirh his lot. Hews handsome, and in ihe vigour ot youth, rnariied to a woman of an excellent character, who had hi ought him a great fortune, and by who ti he wa9 the father of a fine child. 1 < the in tilt ot ail tuefe bleffines, luitounded by e very thing winch could inloirea man with an attachment to life he frlc it unsupportable, and with out any obvious caulcof chagrin, determined to ddiroy him I'd f. Having palled fome hours with his mo her, a mold valuable woman, and w th lus wiie and child, he left them in good hu mor, went into another room, ipp ied the muzzle of a mulkec to his foehead, thrult the trigger wi li his toe, and bitw out his brains, in .he hearing of the unfuspedmg company lie nail jail quitted. 1 he litcond inft.incr, is that of a blackfmuh, who, taking the lane la al refoluti *n, and not having any convenient inflru men at hand, charged an old gun ba/tel with a brace of bul lets, and putting one end into th fire of h s torge; tied a firing to the handle of the bellows, by pulling of he could #-tke them play, while he was -t v a convenient dilfance. Kneeling down, he then placed his head near the mouth of c..e barrel, ana moving the bellows by means oi the flung, they blew up the fire, he keeping his head with afton tlhing firmn-ls, and horrible de liber.* ion, in that pomion, till the farther end. of the buird Was Id heated as to kindle the pow der, whose cxplolion inllantly drove the buiic.s through his brains. Though I know that this hap pened literally as I nave related, yet there is something lb extra ordinary, and lntredib.e, in the circumlUnces, that pet haps i should not have men lon ed i , had it not been attellcd, and known to the inhabitants of Gene va, and all iinglifii who a c uc prrient here. Why fun id* is more frequent in Great-Brica.n and Geneva than ellewherc, would be a mat ter ol curious inveil.gation.— For icapp’ r sverv extraordinary, at men Id be mod inclined . to kill themfcrVes in countries where the bleiTinys of life are heft secured. There must be fome strong and peculiar cause for an effedt (o prepoftcrous. Before coming here, 1 was of opinion, that the frequency of suicide in England, was occafi orved in a great measure by the stormy and unequal climate, which, while it clouds the Iky, throws also a gloom over the minds of the natives—To this cause foreigners generally add, thac of the use of coai, inlteadof wood, for furl. I rested fatisfied with fome vague theory, builton thefetaken together—But neither can ac count for the fame effect at Ge neva, where coal is not used, and where the climate is the fame with that in Switzerland, Savoy, and the neighbouring parts of France, where instances of suicide are much more rare. Without prtfuming to decide what a r e the remote cauhs of this fatal propcnfiiy, it appears evident to me, that no rcafo ing can have ihe fmalfeft forte in preventing it, but what is fun ded upon the soul’s immortal ty and a futui e state. What e(fed can the common arguments have on a man vylio does no* believe that neeefia, y & important doc trine ? He may be told, that he did not give himfelf life, there fore he has no right to take it away—that he is a cenrinel on a poll, and ought to remain till he is relieved—What ;s all this to the man who thinks he is never to be qutftionetj for his violence and delertion ? If you attempt to pick th : s man’s pride, by aiferting, that it is a greater proo* of courage to ro bear the ills of life, than to flee from them j lie will anlwer you from the Roman history, and ask, whether Cato, C a flies, Marcus, and Brutus, were cow ar <ls ? The great legislator of the Jews fteii-.s to have been con vinced, that no law or argument against suicide could have any influence on eke minds of the people who were ignorant of the soul’s immortality ; and, there fore, as he did not rhirk it ne ceflary to inftrOft rht m in’ the one, (for reasons which the Bt fhopof Ghucdier has unfol f ed in his t eatife on the Divine Le gation of Moles,) he a so thought it iuperfluous to give them any express law againfl the other. Those plnlofophtrs, therefore, who have endeavoured to sh ike this great important conviction Horn the minds of men, have thereby opened a door to luicide, s well as to other crim. s. For, whoever reasons againfl that, without founding unon the doc trine of a future slate, will soon fee all his argument overturned. It mull be acknowledged, t deed, that in many cales, this quell ion is decided by men’s feelings, independent of rcafon ings of any kind. Nature has not trusted a mat ter of so great importance entire ly to the failiable rejfbn of manj but has planted in the human bread such a lcve of life, and horror of death, as seldom can be overcome even by the great est misfo But there is a disease [which fomettmes affefts the body, and afterwards communicates its baneful influence to the mind over which it hangs, fucli a cloud of horrors as ♦ renders life ablolutcly miupportable. In th s dreadful dale, every pleasing idea is banished, and all the lburces of comfort ;in life are poilbned. Neither fortune, ho nours, friends, nor family, can afford the fnallefl fafisfa&ion Hope, the last p ilar of the wretched, falls to the ground Delpair hys hold of the aban doned fufFerer—Then all re aton ing becomes vain ; ev. n argu ments of religion h*veno weight and tne poor creature embraces death as his only friend-—which, as he thinks, may terminate, but cannot augment, his tnifery. 1 am, 6cc, THE SAILOR. WHEN on the guned of a ship, Poor Jack was running with fome flip, There came a cruel cannon ball, Which ?hot his foot off, leg and all. Jack saw his expectations croft, Cry’d out., “ D—m me the flip is loft.” ON DEATH. By an unalterable decree of Heaven, “it is appointed to ail men once to die ; and we are daily so surrounded with acci dents out ofthecommon road to the grave, that it is rather a wonder we should live a day, that linger out threescore years.— Death mocks and derides the moft pru dent care and forefight of the w'.frft. mor tals that endeavor to avoid it, by hasten ing their ends by the fame means they thought to prevent it. The only way not to be lurprifed by death, is to be always provided to die, for then it never can come too soon. From the Repub'ic in Spy, printed in Northampton, Massachusetts. ANECDOTE. A well known bfaik-coctted politician of this country, in (having himfelf a few Sun dies ago, happened to cut his upper lip ; and h; ving no brown paper handy, cut a small fl and out of newspaper (pre bao’y a democratic one ) on w>ch was printed, ** F dera! lies and stuck it on the wound. Hepp ning to be in one of his abfiratted fits, he forgot to take J it eff, ana wore it to the meeting haufe, j where it i\as read with a great deal ot j aftoiiifnmrnt by eveiy person near him. j A wag obf'-rved that hts reverence only ! imitated the practice of tracers, who put S’gn boards cn their Jb'ipj, on which is in j tcribcd he name of the aniens they deal mjlv\ ; —but tha the parson umu, kiiy I forgoi ir> mention that he told both at wholes,ite and repair l A clergyman efj.ied in a poor laho rer’s parrlcii un b. . hivrt, • tenacious of his tythes, be tx Limed, “ John, so you have got ten hce hives, one 1 cla m as r. cdor of ’ h e parish, fee you bring it to my house.” The man short ya'ter took it, ad, on bis arrival at the rtftor’s, was ordered to carry it into ti e garden : “ No,” fayj be, “ where’s maffr ?” On being fh'wn into the parlor, wbeti the Revere, and D vine lat, “ here,” said lie “ I’ve br ught your beef, but the hive’s mine, for d—n me but 1 -gave two pence for it.” He then (hook out the bees, comb?, kc. from the hive, and carried it off with him ; and left the parson to make the bed he could of the industrious and enraged infetts. London fop. LEE Ilf BEDLAM. When Lee the.poet, vras confined in Bedlam, a friend went to fee him, and finding that he *ould converse reasonably, or at lead reasonably for a poet, imagined that JLee was cured ot hi* madness. The poet offered to shew him Bedlam.— They went over this melancholy medical prison—Lee moralizing philofophic&lly enough all the time, to keep his compa nion perfectly at ease. At length they afeended together to the top of the buil ding, and as they were both looking down from this perilous height, Lee fei zed his friend by the arm—“ Let us im mortalize ourselves,” he exclaimed, “ let us take this leap. We’lljump down to gether this indent.” “ Any man could jump down,” fai l his friend, cooly, “ we fhoulu not immortalize ourselves by that 1 ap ; bu: let us go down, and try if we can jump up again.” Themadman ilruck with tiir idea of a more adomfhixg leap than that which be himfelf had propubd, yielded to th-s new .mpulfe ar.i his friend rejoiced to fee him run down (fairs, full ot anew projett for lecuring immortali y- -1 OH SALE AT COST AND CHARGES. THE STOCK of a retail (lore, confuting of a great variety ,f DRY GOODS and IRONMONGERY. N ues with approved ind rfers in Savan nah payable ift. January next, will be re ceived in payment, or produce, for which a generous price will he allowed. App'v to JAMES WALLACE. June J 7 ts St RICH MOV D BA i HS. Joseph G. Poster, FINDING it impolfible to give p< rfonal at tendance at the Richmond li iths this sea son, is induced to offer them for (ale, confid ing of soo acres of Land, - ith 1 - Frame ant> 4 Log Houles. For the acc mmoda-ion of purchasers this will be divided if sou and expe dient It is unneceffar. t a enter into a deferip tion of the above l’rCmifes, as they are wel known, and bid fair to a lource of in calculable profit to any one who will purchase or leafie the fame, and is difpoied to attend to their imm-ovement. April ->8 69 Marshal’s Sales, On thejirst Tuesday in August next, will be sold at the Court-House in Savannah, 7 Negroes levied on as the property of Thomas Singleton,deceafed, by virtue of se veral executions. 4 Negroes and the glebe Trad near the City of Savannah, Containing 330 acres, more or lets; levied on as the property of William Hobkirk, at the suit of John Miller, he former purchaler not complying with the tales of the ad initant. ALSO, 300 acres inland swamp, in Bryan County ; 1,200 acres pine land in Effingham County ■, 200 acres oak land in Columbia County ; 200 acres land in Burke County, levied on as the property of Oliver Bowen Esq. decealcd. BEN. WALL, M. F) G. J uly 9 ts 8t Slllson LON do n , FOR SALE BY BOLTON. July 8 ts. 1. TA A. COLLECTORS SALES, i WILL be fold at the court hr use i. j the town <a BRUNSWICK on the 17th and y of August next, the following property in arrears for Taxes or so much thereof as will iatisfy <he Taxes due therein, with coils for the yea r s 1802 and 1803. VIZ ; 251 Acres land returned by H. D, Stone, tax 13d- 3° c * For 1803, 2950 Acres land re urned by John Palmer, tax 7i. 37 1-2 c. 1000 Acres land refurntd by Johi iVPlntofh tax 56d. 97 i-2c. 28 Acres land’ returned by B it fon Bunlc’ey, tax 2d. 41 1.4 c, 45 Acres land returned by Robert Powers, /ax 74c. 20 j Acres land returned by Geo. Tillot, /3X 4 years, 2d. 44 i-Bc* 671; Aci-aland relumed by Jacob C. Parts, tax 2d. 61 1.2 c. 450 Acres land returned by Richd, Ward, tax 4d. 7 1.2 c For John Jarrott, Ward’s and Jarrott’s is 4 years 2d. 60c. William Gibs one Ui boufe, — tax 6d 87 1 2. JAMES POWELL, c. r. g. c. • June 18; fs City Sheriff’s Sale. ON the ftrft Tuesday in Augufl next wi! be sold at the Ccurt House m this City betwixt the hours of ten and three o’ciccic one Negro named PUNCH, seized as the pro perty of EPHRAMAM NILES, to satisfy several exccut ons, pointed ou jyoi e of the pLintiff's. Conditions Cash. JNG. WILLIAMS, S. C. S. In 14 ts 82 v/l 1 Y OHLRIFE b BALLS UN he firlt Tuesday in August next will be sold at the Court-House 10 ibis c ty, between the hours or 10 md 30clock, A negro G.rl named iue se.z “and as the prepefty of John lajve to satisfy several executions. John Williams* scs Ju!v I 87 t* CITY SHERIFFS SA.i_.jl. ON the firft T uesday in August next, will be fold a/ the cour/ houle in mis city be/ween /he hours of ten and ta ree o’clock— A two story heufe in Percival Ward, oh part of /he 10/ a/ j efent jeeupied by Rob/. Greer and o/hers, bounding on Bull J/icer; and a lane, e : zrd as /he propety of Henry Lyon , nd poih/ed ou/ h he defendan/, LIKEWISE. That corner /enenien/, oppofir- Saul Simons, on JefFeifon S re t, ficn* ing J. T. Lawance’s buiidini-s, fe rd as the prqpei/y of B. A. M’Ahs* ler. John Williams , /. c. s. June 2S S6. SHERIFF’S SALES, ON the fuff Tuesday, in Sep •eir.ber next will be fold, at the Court-house in Savannah, be tween the hours of ten and three o’clock, All that two llory house or tenement on t he Tything. Reynold’s ward, in the lane op posite John Williams the painter, together with the out houles, sei zed under execution as the pro perty of Mary M’Lallan. John Williams, c. s. s. July 19 qr NOTICE. ALL Persons that have any demands a gainlt the ellate of Wm. ALLEN, dec’d. are re quelled to bring ‘in their ac coniits properly attefted—ana those that are indebted to the fatd eila'e are requeued to make immediate payment, otherwise they will find their accounts ia ihe hands cf an attorney for collection. J. PITTMAN, Aim's. June 18 6w. 86 NOTICE, A LL persons having any demands -igainh aX. the ellate of JOSfAH TATTNALL Junr. esquire are requested to render them .eily attested and those indebted aie de filed ta make payment to Ebenezer Liark Moore’s Wharf, GEORGE JONES, ) F _. a E. JACKSON. j R3 ’ April 25 NOTICE. ALL Persons mho have demands again* the efta'e of JOHN HERS, dec’d. art requeiled to render them m attested agreea ble to aw, and those who arc indebted to thefaid ellate are desired to make payment to the fubferibers- FREDERICK HERB, Aiv'r. CATHARINE HERB, Adm'rx. Julyi 6\v. 87 *** Any person aefirous of purchasing a fehoaner of about iaa tons burther, now budding on the Cumberfand river, to be comp; ted and dcliv.-ed r.e ;t fpnrg. and paid f..r’.ia’.f incafh and half in dry goods, is requeiled to state proposals by the ton cr otherw.fe, to the editor of this pa per June >5 ts 8 : CAUTION ALL P rsnr.s are cautioned againfl pur chahng Lit No. 9 ir. Prince-Street, it b. ing -he moperty of the subscriber only, who i il,. h.le owner *nd proprietor of it Ae of rift to my daughter, being dated prev 11 j to ihe time it -.Vas drew- , isct no effe ct. bzvßAri M’BRIDE, July 86 ts yl L nr 1 rr-M.-jmru-u- f CUR rl3 BOLf O > x • tr AVE received very lately fonv.’ ‘uW; -n, I 1 ro their STOCK OF GuODS a.i I makes their alLrtmeat very exte.iUvs ana u j offered by \vl* defale or retail. They have also for fate Rhode iLana STONE LIME. June i3 __ Cos fF K E & MOLiSSES. LANDING this day from the S:ho° ner Carolina, at the subscribers wharf 25 Hods. Retailing MOLa!jSE3 30 Bags Pi-me COFFEE For Lie low if taken from on board. Thomas Lawrence. May ts 71 ARRIVED, FOUR Boxes cf Carey's Family Bible Subfcrifcers and others can have them by the box or tingle book. Apply at of William Wilton, to j. G. Holcombe. July 19 5’ 9f N_ CORN AND CORN FLOUR. TOR SALE BYTHE SUBSCRIBES. 1500 Bushes Kentucky corn, 90 Barrels kiln dried c> rn flour, in the hiceft order Terms very lew. john P. Williamson. July 19 lit 92 Removal. THE Subfcnl>er has just removed hispre lent it'-ckof goods to his new store on Barrack Gibbons Esqr’s wharf, next below Messrs. I. Caig, and R. Mitc.hels ; where he offeis them for sale, wholelale and retail at his ufnal low prices for calh or on time to those who have been in the habit of paying pur, dual. Hhds. Jam. V/. India, and N. E. rum, Pipes Ho!. Gin, and Cogniac Eran d7 Casks Madeira, TenerifFe, and ry Wines, Do. Pert and Claret, aifo; pr. do. zen, Do. Peach Brandy, and Vinegar Do. Porter, Ale and Cider, 3 doz. each, Do. Loaf, Brown, and Havanna Sugars, Chests Hyfo.i, Hyfonskin and Bohea If eas, Bags Coffee, Pepper, Ginger, and A1 spice, Saddles, caddie bags and bridles, Bars Iron, ar,d sheer moulds, Reams writing and wrapping paper, Boxes mould audits, kegs many. faQurbed tobacco, Also, on consignment, Yellow Nankeens, Umbrella* and parrasols, Blue ftrouds, boxes Chin 2, t And'.v. Knox> July 12 ts 90 PUBLIC NOTICE, THE SUBSCRIBER being legz lv appointed A r signee to the elfate of st. GREEN W JOi\ES late cf this place, he hereby icquefls all those that *re ii deb ed to the iaid eftait to come forward and pay he fame on or before he firft day of Sepiember nexi, other wise their accounts will be placed in the h nds of an Attorney for colltc :icn—and those to whom ihe eflate is i'idsbted ate d.fired to present there accounts ancfleJ. The Sales of the stock in ’rade of she said B. GREEN & JONES, can fi ing of d/y geed , groceries, and crcclcry, will take place on l huj sd.ij the firft day of Au.juft next at ihe (lore of Thomas G’ William Smith precisely at 10 o’clock. T hos. Smith. Tuly ig *z 82 §0 Dollars Heward. Fifteen dollars will be paid for apprehend ing and delivering to the fubferiber in Sa vannah or securing in Jail within the slate a negro boy named 80, Ire is of a black com. plexian, (lender make, speaks tolerable good Enghfh, and about twelve years of age. — An addi'i-m of Fifrean Dollars will be given forproof of his being harboured by a white person. And Twenty Dollars rawardwi!/ be paid for apprehending and bringing back a new negro man named Miamto, who left my yard abuot three weeks ago. He is about 5 feet 4 inches tall of a black complexion, fpeakj no Enghfh, slender made, is about 3 0 years of age, had on when he went away a blue jacket and striped trowfers. It is sup posed lie lias ftroileil awav with feme of his c iuntry negroes and cannot find his way heme. ‘4 M. Shearer. July f. ts. 98. One hundred dollars reward RANAWAY FROM * * v joscriher his nr uiatfo ! fervan/ ROBERT ccmmonlv called ROBERT KENNKDY. He hud on when he cft.i short blue coat and blue ovtrhalls and a glazed ha', .ibouz five feet ten inches high, strait and we’il mi le. liis more /han pro bable he will mike fer ihe up country ,s be was formerly owned by Mr Sim’s us Auu’ifla. The above fewato ■ will b* paid /,> any person who wiii j give ir/ormation of his bei"g harbou ’ ■ -d n a white prtfen, or a reward wtr./v dollars for appiehendir.g hit, rnd oelivc.i.'g bim to tne fuif tiocr o” depc:::ing him in the c#unty goal. All ma i is of veILL are Caut-ooed iioin carrying the fetd feilow off. JOHN H. MOREL, fine 10 ts hi Merchants Entries, or sale at this Cnice.