Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, August 13, 1805, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Vo!. 111. No. 87.3 Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance.] Bona v emu e. THIS elegant retreat about 4 miles fftn Savannah, 011 Walla w river, is • >fi’ • or. aieaie for fix or fieven years, for the bene> fit of the heir, a minor, on terms that Will l'.fi thole inclinable topjllefs fovaluable a piee. of ground, as we.l calcu.atcd for health a for plea fare anil pr fit. Applv to W. STEPHENS, )‘ ’ xr , Z GCAROIANS N. lURXBULL, 3 All vmt 9 96 ■’s aal^s, IVILL be sold at toe Court-House in Si v.innab, on the first Tuesday in Se-tem lt‘r next, between 11 and 3 o'clock, 2 Trunks and 2 Boxes merchandize, A. lift oi which may b seen at the Mar • /hal's office. The abov property levied on a > thepr operty of Ruff el Shorter and join ted out by T. IVslTon toe p. aint Jf 1 t\ ! 0 O One third of the wharf and /7b. er , known as the Coffee Tot and S tores levied on as the p very of A. ‘Volt, dec’ l ; lofjtisjy fever li ex cations, obtained in favor of - the United Stales, Conditions CASH, BeN. iVALL, M. D. G. August 9 ts 96 CO V FRE C 5? iVT )L ASSES. LANDING this day from the Schoo fter Carolina, at the subscribers wharf 25 Hhds. KcUlliOg ‘VL'JLrt.O otS 30 iiajis Prime COFFEE Forfale low if taken irom on board, Tkomas Lawrence. _ M.iy f 71 CURTIS BOL.fO x be C„. “ HAVE received very lately fome additions to their STOCK OP GOODS which makes their afTorrmeut very extensive and is offered by wholesale or retail. They have alio for tale Rhode Illand STONE LIME. June 18 ifit 83 s fax Collector’s Sales, Will be fold, at the Ck urt-houfe, ‘n the/own of Btui Iwick, on .he 17 .. day of August nex/, me follow,, g proper/y in arrears for raxes, or (o much th reof as will la isfy the taxes /hereon, with c.tts for /he yeait. IKO2 and 1803. VIZ ; 251 Acres land returned by H. D, stunc,5 tunc, tax 13d. 30c. For 1803. *9 'jo Acres land re uraed by John Paimer, tax 7>J 37 1-21 1000 Acres land re/urned by Johr M'lntofh tax 56c!. 97 1 21. 28 Acres land re/u.ned bv B it fon Bur kiey, tax 2d. 41 1 4c, 45 Acres land returned Dy Rober/ Powers, /ax 74d. 200 Acres land returned by Geo Till'd, fax 4.years, ad. 44 j-Bc’ 67 q Acres land e .ur.ied oy Jacob C. Parts, tax 2d. 61 1.2 c. 450 Acres land returned by Richd. Ward, tax 41J. 7 1 .zc_ For John Jarrotr, Ward's and Jarrott’s is 4 years 2d 60c. William Gibs one luX house, — tax 6d. 87 1 2. jAMFb POl* ELL, c t. c. c June 16; 83. /s John P. Vv ilhamson, RESPECTbULLY informs tne friends of the late concern of Wil. Liamsi n f A Mr rel, that John H. Morel, Esqr. having r tired from bu fi -els, he continues the FACTORAGE. (A COMMISSION BUSINESS , c . Morel’s wharf, as formerly, and foil cits a continuance of their favor- Having large fafe and convemei s flares for the reception of produce, he hopes from his experience in the aL ve business, together witn his prompt at tention to their orders, that he (ha!, render the highell faiisfaflion to a! who shall favor him with their custom May m ts 7c 50 Hollars ctvvard. Fifteen dollars will be paid f-r apprehenu ing and delivering to the lubfcriber in bu vannah or securing in Jail within the Itaie •niyoboy named 80, He is of a black com plexuri, (lender make, speaks tolerable g ;r > Englilh, and about twelve years of — An addition of Fifiee’ Dollars will be give forproof cf his being harli .ured by a whii. perion. And Twenty Dc/iars rav. anl wii/ l> paid for apprehending anti bringing back c new negro man named Miamto, who left n yard abuot three weeks ago. lie is about feet 4 inches tall of a black complexion fpeakt no EngliOi, (lender made, is about y years of age, had on when he wen. awa) blue jacket and ltriped trowlers It is f u poled he lias ilrolleu ani< ith feme of p country negroes and cannot find hts w home. M. Shearer. J' | *y- tf__ N O 1 1 C b, ALL persons having any demands aval; the eltate of JO.sIAH TATTNAI 1 Junr. etquire are r quelled to render ther properly atteHed and thole indebted are tie Jired t® make payment to Ebenezer Star: Moore’s Wharf GEORCE JONES,) _ , E. JACKSON. < Ex s. April 2 j 6S TO RENT. jp'IIE HOUSE St LOT near Brought A Street, formerly occupied by, iaeon Esqr. apply to lioe ‘Sc Davies. M v 3 _tf 95 n-j r ijtk ‘ A f-f- Persons who have demands aeainft s*. the eltate of JOHN HERB, dec’d. are requeited to render them 111 a.telled hie to law, and thole who are indebted t. the laid eltate are delired to make mvmen to the lubl'eribers. 1 ‘ FREDERICK HERB, Aim'r. CA 1 MARINE HERB, Adm'rx. July 2 6w. 8 - L3S l or MISLAID, THE following of hand, a nade pnabls to he lare AMBRdSi r )RDJN, Esqr. ,Jec’J. (J ,ed awn by A!ex.,uJcr Johnston, la cd 7/1 May 1804, payable /if Juie, j 304, for 448 dollars and 4; en's— .Jue drawn by Green R. ).ik . cL/ed 13th June, 1804, payable 9) days af/er dt c, for 18 i dollars 5 3-4 :e ,/s. -.)ne drawn by Lemuel KT iock, d-i/ed 6.'b Auguit, 1804, paya j!e 10 days a’/er da/e, for 187 dollars 50 ce: :s. drawn by Hugh M*. ee, da/eJ 3J May, 1804, payabl.t 60 Javs af er da/e, for $ dollars 97 vents. )ne drawn by Charles Lindergree , Ja/ed 3 ! May. 1804, payable 30 du\’ ..ttc-r dale, for ieo dollars. O ,e diaw, >y iNi/ii n Beal for 100 dollars, bu/ *o w-iom parable I do not r-coilect, ief/ by Charles Goodwin, Esqr, fur .ollection. ALSO, A receip/ signed by Sir, Thoms’ Bonfall of England for 100 pounds iteriin , to Mils Ann Davies, wi/h fi ve al re, eip/s on the back for /he in/e rest. All persons are foibid t: ad-r for/he notes, and /he dr®wets ffomp..ying /hem ,0 atiy person bu/ the fubfc-ber, if/l ey Ih< uld no/ be found bet re/he nex/1 tenor C ur/, apolica/ion wi 1 be made tor a renew al of th. m,any person fii ding and de li vci ing /hem so the subscriber will be huiidfomely rewarheJ. J HN MEAD. Au ull 2 ts qS City Sheriff's Sale. ON the fitJl Tuesday in September nex win beJoid, at Ure Conrt-houfe in this city’ between the hours of 10 ana 3 o'clock. A negro ooy naueo Uc.i\, icvieu on as tue property of John Harrison. ALSO, A negro worn n named Sylvia, fei xed as me prop-:.- y of Maty fCeira... Likewise, A house in as tbe propeuy Moaa, lat.sfv leveral execuMOns. Upjohn Williams,s.c.s I’Ut-ifi 2 ts 9b KICEJMGND baths. 1 Joseph G. Posner, I RINDING it impolfible togive ptrfonal at tendance ac the Richmond Baths this lea ion, is induced to offer them tor sale, coilful ing of 400 acres of Land, with 11 Frame an. a Log Houses. For the accommodation o purchasers this will be divided if found expe. dient. It is unnecessary to enter into a deferip lion of the above Rrcmifes, as they are we known, and bid fair to become a l'ource of in calculable profit to any one who will purchaie >r leale tlie lame,and is disposed 10 attend t. heir improvement. April 28 (, (J N / 1 il jU ALL Persons tnat have any demands a gainit the ellate of Wm. rvLLEN, ite’u. are requelfed to bring ir. their ac” connts properly attelled—anil thole that are indebted to the said eltate are requelled 1 make immediate payment, otherwise the. will find their accounts in the hands of a utorney fur collection. J. PITTMAN, Adm’r. ’ime cS 6w. 8-5 nIBVAKD TELI AIR, . “ * VS f Al EX. Meim AdmV, P Biillri Equity. W >l. IHM ON. ) T appearing that e defendant in l this caule is cut of the Jurisdiction of thi., are and hath impleaded the complainant on he common law fide of this court, and it 1 “Ceffary for the purpoies of justice that tlie iddefendant appear and anlwer to the bill if the complainant. Therefore Or ered, That the defendant’s an °rne> be lerved with lubpoea in this cause, j copy of this bil , and of this order, and hat notice be published for fix months in one f the Gazettes of the City of Savannah and in one of the Gazettes of Augulla, requiring the defendant to anlwer to the biil of the mp amant on or before the firft day of Ja narv next otherwiletlie said hi 1 will be tu en proconfejjo and thecourt v .-i 1 pais Cud • rther order and decree in the cause as wii mfwer the purpoies ol Julhce. Extras from the Minutes , „ SX’ITEsCk. May j 7. 1805. iam6n.. - 5 Take JNOK L, j~*HAT Nine months after this date, i 1 frail make application to the Jullices ol e Inferior court of this coun y, for leave t ( • e! ! /he landed property of the elta'e of Johi ~ Guardeaudecd. for tlie benefit of credltoi -liza. fYlary t\. Giraidcau. Adrr.x. Libery County, March 18 tf/arn 57 Savannah : Printed lr JAMES LYON and the WIDOW or SAMUEL MORSE. NO'f’ ICE is hereby given that a j t expiration of nine months fror is date, the fnbfcribers will appl t! honble. thejutlices of the Inst lorcourt of the county of Chathan to fell and dispose of the foi oving trails of land belonging to thi /ate of John ?. W ard deceased. c; All that trail or parcel of lane “ containing three hundred and fit “ ty acres, be the fame more 01 “ less, late the property of George “ Baillic dec’d. situated in the coun “ ty of Catnden bounded on the “ cast by Great Satilla river and “ on all ether sides by vacant land “ at the time of the fifrvey thereof “ ALSO one other trail or par “ cel of land containing three hun “ dred acres, be the fame more 0 “ less, late the property of Georg “ Baillie dec’d. iitua/ed in tn “ County of Camden bounded b “ the csll by the said George Bai “ lie’s land and on all other land “ by vacant land at the time c “ ‘he fu vey—alfo all that trail u *’ land containing five hundred a “ cies, be the fame more or lefi “ originally grattted to Robe.’ “ Baillie situated in the county o> “ M’lntofh bounded louth by th- { * river Alatamaha, cast on laud “ originally granted Cathcrin. “ Douglass, nor/h on lands gran/,. “ to William M’ln/cfh and we “ on lands gran/ed to John M’Cu “ loch” which said three /rails c and were severally fold a/ /he sales < -onlnca/ed proper/y and purchafcd b fie la/e John P. Ward deed. Th. aid lands are in/ended to be fold f fie benefir of /he heirs and crcdi/ors ae said elta/e. N. S. Bayard, E. Bayard. Administrator and Administratrix said estate. b'V. April n/h 1805. lawgm. 6 SUPERIOH COURT, 1 Camden County, v Ofttober term 1804. ) WHEREAS James Mair and Robei Means of the cityof Cliarlelton in South-Ca i-olina merclian t: have filedapetit ion in thi hoorabietn/n- retting Vorthuiat David Gat vin and SaEuei Meers, late of the town <,< St. Mary’synercliams, are indebted to tlici m one bonj or ob igation dated tlie seven day of Appl, 1803, in the sum of two thoi laud five liindred and seventy two do whereas tdlecure the payment of the laid fui of money,Hid mortgage all that divided m< ety of lut.jNo. 3, in the town of St. Man partic ilarljr deferibed and Cent for in the la. petition, i Ir is therefore ordered, on mote f Mr. attorney for the petitioner, th. the Said Liavid Garvin and William Met do pay i 111 b court, the principle interells an colt of tliAmoney so due and owing witho twe ve mctiths from this date hereof, or decree wilfpafs agamll the mortgaged prt miles for tie payment. Aifo ordered tha this rule be publifhr irt one of> the gazettes of this ilate, a call once in every month, unril th. time appointed for payment expires, or ferv ed on the said Davfd Garvin & Samuel Meer; fix months previous thereto. Exlrad from the minutes. 08. lyl, 1804 Ilaac Crew?, c. s. c.c. c. uni. ts. 28 Commissioners OF PILOTAGE. Savannah, June 4, 1801. IN coniequence of fieveral persons a<fl ing illegally as P lots. Ordered, That the fecretarv <i publish monthly the names of inch Pilots . poffels Branches or certificates from tin Board. Extraß from the Minutes “I homas Piu, stcrf< ‘ ir > Agreeably tothe order of th* Hoard . hereby give notice, the following perlons a ly, are duly auilioriled to aft as Pilots , Richard Wall, branch Pilo', William Wall, Certificate Pilot ailing uu d'-r him. Thomas Nottage, Branch Pilot. Eli jah Broughton, do. John Major, ailing under him George Philips, Gt orge Conner, J I John Bvansdy, I George Morgan, Certificate I Dai id Brown, ( James Brown, Pilot* Aclirg ! Peier Ceafar, J> J?met. John It oft, fr themfelvts Clay, J antes, crantrm, William Wj ie, Ransft rd Bailey, J I homas Pitt, Secretary Ji>K 2. WO 1 Ik-ih. THE Subscriber intt-r.ding to be absent so fome ino/uhr, has appointed the Hon. Edward Telfair, Charhn fJddmgLUs and j. hn l.awl .n, f.sq’rs hr. attorneys, who wiil i-ansait any bufinef .hiduring hisabfence. Mitthew MGvllilter. April m. ts 1 Notice. ALL Petfons having demands again ft the ellaie jf Stephen Blount late of Savan - nah decealed, are requeited to render the.: pr- pcrly at lifted, and thole indebted to make immediate payment to CHARLOTTES. BLOUNT, Extr’x. j May 21 ts TI ESDA Y, Augufi 13, 1805. BRYAN COUNTY verior L-ihit April Term 1805 ON the petition or John Praj <nd Elizabeth Holms Admin i '-ator and AdminiftratiJ: of Ro ieit Holms deed, on behalf o ‘he heirs of the laid Robert, fU ting that the said Robert in his life time to wit on or about the seventh day of April in the year of our lord one thouland seven hundred and ninety five, was in pofieffion of title deeds for a trad of land on great Ogechet containing by ellemation one Hundred and forty two acres bounded on the nortli by Ogechee and on the eafl by O gechee causway. A copy where of as nearly as the petitioners could obtain is annexed to tht petition now in the clerks offic/ of the Superior Court of the county of Bryan together wit’ in afFedavit purluant to the la. >f 1799 other circuinllantL proff being laid before thecourt It is ordered , That the tit leeds be eftabliflied as diredc >y the laid a£t. The said Job md Elizabeth publilhng a week ly notice in one of the publi Gazettct of the Hate for the fp;u if fix calender months, unlei ood and fufficient caufc b hewn to the contrary within th. e id fix months, or other mat j r shall appear to the court a ,.unft the fame. Ex trail from the minutes. Geo, M. Waters, C. S. C. B. C. April 8. 64; SUPERIOR COURT Chatham County. January Term, 1805. Oavid Johnston, J Petition vs, y for Robert Woodhoufe. J UPON the petition of Divio ihnfton praying the Foreclosure of ic Equity of redemption of all tha> t of land, in the Cily of Savannah nown by the number two [2] in Jc vl Tything, Derby Ward, contau *.g Jixty feet in front, and ninety set • depth, mortgaged by the said Robe; to the said David Johnfloi r securing the payment of two feve and sums of money mentioned in twf veral Bonds or obligations, bcarin, ven date with the said mortgage ; th> ne given by the said Robert Wood 1 <ufe to the said David Johnston, arx ne other given by the said Robe A’oodhoufc and one George Wood ioufe tothe said David Johnston, ai upon motion of Meflrs. Davies an. 3ernen of counsel for the petitioner, It is Ordered, That ehe principal iterefts and costs due upon the fa., vo Bonds or obligations be paid in(- ourt v/i/hin/welve months from thi ay, and that uniefs the fume shall b > paid tbe equity of redemption oft! < id mortgaged premifles will Iron icnreforth lie foreclofed, and otlici occcdings/ake place pursuant toth. ie adt ol the general aflcmbly, in •*ch case made and provided. And it is further Ordered, In purfu nee of the said adl that this rule b< .üblifhed in one of the public Gazette if this flatc at Icaft once in ever , month, un/'.l the time for the payment and the money aforefaid into court, o erved on the mortgager or bis fpecia agent at lead fix mouths previous it he time of payment as aforefaid. Extrail from the minutes 31 st Jan. 1 805. y. Bulloch, elk. ram. rxp/. EDWARD TELFAIR,} V.S [-In Eiy-, T v, W 11.1.1 h m Tuomrso y,j IT appearing rfiat the defendant in ibis caule is out of the jurisdiction of Bus (Utr anil bath unpleailed the com.,laiii’ut i.n •!■• commuri law fide of this com-, ami it rs nr. ceffary for tbe purpofies of j.ilticc that the said defendant appear and anlwer to the il of the complainai.i. Therefore ordered, That the defendants at torney lie fi-rved with subpoena in this cause c copy c t tins lull, and of tins order, and that nonet he pu!,killed sot fix nv.iitli-. ih one °l .’id Gazetrs r.f Au,-.alia and Savannah re qiliri.ig the 10 anlwer to ‘lie bill of th”- e >mplain:<ut on or before the Hr I *, da- January ne \ oil,; d'e the !'..d bill will < taken proionjcrso, and tbe court will pal'. Inch J fur er ord- ‘- al Je< rei , n rf< cause as v. ill anlwer tlie purpufer of jultice. ExtreM from the Minu'es, Savannah. 17 May, i*,c STI LES, Clk. May 2( iam4,n , [Whole Numjt 277 £ Twelve and n half Cents firgle. I One hundred reward RAN A WAY FRk M ti'c bubs ri.crhis Ri >III R s commonly cal'ed ROBERT tCi.NNIDY. ID h.J on when he siei off a lh irt blue coit and blue overh. lls ad a glazed ‘a r , bou/ rtvfci t ten ’itches high, ft.ait and we!l mi ie. bis m .re /h.m pro bable he will m.kc? for <he up country as Ic was formnly owned hy Mr. b in’s of Augiiffa, The a. ovc rfwaref will be paid to any person who will give in.orma/ion t f his beii'g harbour ed by a white person, or a reward of ‘wer/v dollars lor a, p ehemiir.g hi or and deav'rit g him te the lubf rioer or drp hung him in the c#unry goal. All malt .rs of veil,ls ic cautioned from carryino, the lid fellow ofF. JOHN H MOREL. June 10 tr 8r CITY 5 H LRI FFs SALES.” ON the firft l uesduy, in Sep err.bcr next will be fold, at tiic ourt-houle in Savannah, be ween the hours of ten ami three /clock, All that two llory huuie r tenement on t he l yrhing, Reynold's ward, in the lane op jolite John Williams the pain.< r, ogether with the out houks, fei -cd under execution as tne pro ertyof Mary M’Lallan. John Wii liains, c. s. 5. July >9 ts 9? .* Any perion oelirous purchasing a fchooiier ol about ®o ton® liurtlien, now LuiNfiny on the Cumberland river, to be conipl led and deliveied next Iprmg, and paid tor halt in cafli and half in drygoods, is requelled to Hate propofitl-i by tbe ton or otherwise, to the editor ol tins pi per. * .nine 5 ts 85 lUK SAI.eT Hr* WO Negroes, onfc afiom -8 years old. A good cook in French fclhion ; VVar lanlrd very loher, and ol good do n 1in0,,. 1 lie oilier of 48 to 30, a good baker, bar ber and coachman ; knowing a,|o to ccok warr.-nted lober. Apply a , thii office. Augull9 ia,v3t gt, BILLS ON LONDON. FOR SALE BY r . R-Us. BOLTON. July#*/* If. , c /widen coumrr Superior Court, March Term, 1804. ITm, Jones, attorney in taß for Hays (J Hick- Forectofure cry, *"* Petition for Thadeus Parhifs. Upon the petition of Wm. rones junr. of the iown of St. Mary’s attorney in fa6t for Messrs. Hays be Vickery, letting fort, hat a part of Jot No. 5, in the town of St. Mary’s had been du v mortgaged by one Thadeus Earkifs to the said Messrs. I lay N r Vickery, for the confuleration f sixty-eight dollars and eight enrs, which had never yet been paid, and praying a foreclofurc if the equity of redemption. On motion of Mr. Jackson, it is ordered, That the principal, ititi rest and cofis b~ paid into /ourt within twelve months from ilis cate—and unlels the. fame shall be so paid, the equity ol re demption will from thenceforth it foreclofed.—And ii is further ordered, in purfuancc of said adt that this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this (cate,at leaflonce in every month or served on the mortgager, or, his special agent at Jeafl fix u ondis previous to the time the money is diredted to be paid as afore),fid, Lxtradf from the mi- |nates, this 20th day of March : 1804. ISAACCRhirs, c*s. c. Ap'il 17. 1 ICE, 1 A LI. I’erOina b iving ny (Umands against I L V tbv 1 lute ify,nn lla ,i-rli ,-n il-ccal •’rv re--lelkeil to )>r':l the n in pr .-perly t -fl ai 11 i thole avc indebted to make -n v to 1 ‘ Joseph Habersham. Adminijlrator • January in if ,g Warned to H re. A miff, negro • ian, a good COn|;,wa(h ----.i r an. VVagxu no cbjeff, applv at* yf