Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, August 27, 1805, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Inteiligeneer. Vol. 111. No. 91.] S<-< Cottars a \ear, halt in Advance. Bonaventn e. ‘ 5 ‘’ HIS elerant retrerv about 4 mile? firm .X Savannah, on \V x"r river, is offerer on a leaf? f r ‘is or leve r ears, i .>- the bene lit ot .ne lu arfiinor, on t*vm- th?.: will fu tile’’ inclinable topoli fA'aFr 1 a pieci of ground, as wll calculated for health a .for ploauire and nreiit. Apoly to W. STEPHENS, ? ~ N. TURNBULL, J Guaiujians. Angtill 9 96 Marshal’s Sales, WILL be sold at the Court-, louse in Sa vannah, on the first Tuesday) in o ‘■ •li ter next, between 11 and ~ o'clod , 2 T'Uihs and 2 Boss m-rcbindize, es lift of which may h fee a at the Mar (hal' t office. ‘ The above property; lev ‘t or at the property of RuffA Shorter and pain ted cut by T. trillion the p ‘aintijf. Also jOne third of the wharf and fib'es, known as the Coffee Lot and Stores levied on as the'y of 4. Watt, dedd ; to fatisfy fewer al ex-cutlers, obtained in favor of the U, tied States. Conditions CASH, I&N. WALI , M. I). G. Augwftf) ts 96 coffee & molasses LANDING this day from the Schno per Carolina, at the subscribers wharf ■3 5 Hhds. Retailing ivE )LASSES 3 1 R~ > Prim'* COrFFK For file low ir tak;n trom on board, Tliomas Lawrence. Mav ts 7: b 1 sso LutkJn of “eba PAR 1 NERSHIP. THE Copar/ncrflii|> ot F. D PETIT de VILL-ERS and M/u- THURIN RITNGEARD, trading under the firm of Petit & RSiigriaiY, in tins ci/y, was c ffblved by tuna, cor fen;, on Monday the it/!Hnft.— All peifor.s indeb/ed ro /fie laid fir , ar; rt tgied *d to male i;nsisdU/c pa v men/i.rto/he hvn ds of the said M Rtinguard, and to who,r. /hey are u debted, are requested to tail 00 sh fame, who is auth rifd to let tic ail t'.r. affairs of the concern. F. D. Peril dc Villers, M. Reingeard. A u plift ? 97 w, FAC iOK GF. r pHE Ccpartnenl.ip cf PETIT'& REIN GEAIID being this clay d.iTolved by Wiutual content, the fubtcriber takes the op-j portunity of m, rming his frier.ds and the ptlbiic that he continues to occupy the wharf sutd stores of Nicholas Ar.cknix Lie and that If. will be happy to serve them as F\e tor &. Commission’ Merchavt -and #te will cnnftantly keep c h; l a corn) sdTortmei.t of the BEST GlU'-'t •••••;--, • and ether articles, both at whok in : a* dr. a:i. f . I). Pc-Lit de Villers. yjuguft ito St 98 John P. Williamson, RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the )?fe concern cf Wit. jliamsi-N td Morel, that John K. Mc-e!, Esqr. having retired from bu. finei'i, he continues the FAM', OR /IGF y COMMISSION LU6IMISS, oil M- re!b whar',as formerly, and Wi cks a continuance of their favors. Having large fate and convenient ftotes for the recepron of produce, he hopes from his experience in the above bufir-efs, together with n‘ r prompt at tention to their orders, that he ftu:l render the highest fatisLtfHon to air vth’ (hall fsvor h;:n with the r cuiiom. Mav -i ts 75 so Dollars Keward. Fifteen dollars will be paid for apprehend frig ar.d deiive; ir.g to the lubtbrlber in Sa vannah or fecur-.r.g in Jail v. chin the Hate negro boy named Uo, lie is of a black com. plexton, fiender make, (peak- t ev :.le g -d Etigbflt, and about twelve years of age. — An addition of Fifteen Dollars ill be g:\en ftrprocf of his ben. harboured by a white perion. And Twenty Do/lars raward wu/ b paid for apprehending and bringing back ; jie-c- rt-gv. man ran and, v. ho left m; yard abuotthree veel s ago. He is about •• feet 4 inches tall of a black complexion, *Pi t , noEr.glifh, (lender made, is about yeats of age, button when he w ent away blue jacke* and (irlped trowlers. I, is { u ... posed be has drolled av\ ay with fomt of ),j country negroes and taunt,: f.nd his v . a JlOl M. Shearer. h ts 98. Grand Lodge. THE numbers of the G.Lodge n Go. I :a, am. the rtfjitGlve 1.-, b- the 1 pr ij cr rcpreiemativf s, ait dem< 1 to atttn at the Lodge Room if the Fib” re, the hi) Sa'ii'-iaj in September next, a* • t o’clock i the * . noon, being a Grand Q ...rterl. cor., mi.- icntion. lie order of the Right Worth pfei Gram Sic i .v i‘. Augoft 16 gu. Thh i UIiSCRIBKIiI OF I KRS for l ALL. 38 . one! cons jam. ;:L* .1 tj i j r £ i. u . ( gma.. SaiGsh* IjV iftsw hcflieU of Corn >- ‘•-! Son lin Scgnr, : : it caaih/, L:ip!i jnflihe. it 44. ‘ iL.rk:t tetrt. TO RENT. rHE S r.or near Bronslitc Street, formerly occupied by Edmon. Bacon apply to iioe & Davies. 3’ ts 95 w(r r 1 \ I.L pevions havi? 7 anv demands agaim xV-the elhte of JOSIAH TATTNAI.I ]unr. el'quire are rc quelled to render then pronely atielTd an ! th 1 ' 1 ? indebted are dt tired to make payment to iibu.iezer Star Moore’s Whirl. GEORGE JONSS, 7 , E. J ACKSON. > Lx ,ts ’ April?. 5 /is WDJbT “oTmTsl 7a dT, THE following notes of hand, a! •mde payable to ’he la/e AMBROSii JORDON, Esqr. Lc’J. One drawn by Alexander Johnston, hted 7/1 May ISO 4, payable ill Jura?, 1804, for 448 dollars and 47 , en;?— ’ Me drawn by Green R. i)jk“ ili/:d t jth June, 7804, payable 93 days af/er da e, for jßi dollars 5 j.q in/?. One drawn by 1.,c uucl K 1- loik, da/cd 6/h AuguiT. 7804, paya 10 days utter da/e, t r (S7 dol'ar* 5-) cei a-.. One drawn by Hu h M. , d's, da/ed 3J May", 1804, payable 60 dyys af er <l s /e, for 5: tl iliars 97 ren/s ■ )ne by Charles Linder?iee , dared 3 ! May, 1804, payable 30 dm: after d:\te, in too dollars. O/.e draw >y Na/hin ileal for 100 dollars, hn to whom pat-able I do not recollcdt, lef/ by Charles Good win, Es qr. f, : .oiiection. ALSO, A receipt finned by S'r, Thom?’ Bonfall of England for ico pound fterlin ; >, to Aids Ann Davies, w/h f vetal reieip/s on the bark for /h it,.v raft. All perions are forbid /cadu I for/be nn'es, and /he dr;w‘i ? from paying th<*m >0 arav prii n Lu/ the fublc-.ber, if/! ey fn n'd .:/ 0, found before/he next Inferior Coin/, r.pplicafior, ui.l be ma le for a enew. al of/hena,any person fii dm.) nd de bvet irag/hem to the subscriber will bt handfomcly rewarded. J ‘HN MEAD. An ufi: 2 ts 98 City SheaitL .-LleT* ON the firJl Tuesday in Spte tier next I will befiitd, at the Conrt-houfe in this city, between the hoars of 10 anti 3 o'clock. A negro boy named iii\i\, levied on as the property of John Darrifon. ’ ALSO, A negro womr-.n named Sylvia, fi-i. red as the nrcprry of Vlaiy Ktiran. J J Kb WISE, A houf: in war’, talk as tbs proof ‘ !y of SaUlldciS iviot.a, ic tatiffy feverai executions. JOHN WILLIAMS, s, c. s Auguff 2 ts RICH MO IN O iJA i Hi Joseph G. Posner, TENDING it impcffible to give personal at. i.’ tendance at the Richmond Baths th'l3 fea lon, ir. induced to offer them for sale, cajnfilt lug of 400 ; i res of Land, with 12 Frame and 4 Log Houles. For the accommodation o’ purchasers this will be divided if found expe diem. It is unneceffar;. t o enter into a deferip tionofthe above I’ ci tifes, a:; they aie we known,and bid fair to become a source of in calculable profit to any one who will purchase or kale the lame, and is disposed to atte-ui t< . their imnrovemeiir. April ?R fy, foTFsale - AT COST AND CHARGES. * I ‘HE SIOLK of a retail ftoie, ty.nliOin? X of a great variety of DRY GOOi) aid IRONMONGERY. Note-with approved indorfers in Savan nah payable It. January next, will lie re ceivcd ir, payment, or produce, for which a generous price will be allowed. Apply to JAMES WALLACE. June 17 ts 83 SDWARD TELFAIR, j ’ VS 1 Alex. Mein Arv’n. A 8..1 In E*jinty. Wm. Thomson. J iT appearing that c defendant in this caufc is out of the Jumi.V’ir; * f thi . ute and hath impleaded the cbn.plainant oi. he common law lide of this c- uk, and it is I ‘ cellar;, for the purpoles of juHice that the I .aiddefendant appear and answer to the bill of the complainant. T/uiefou Or end, Tint the defendant's at- i orr.e) belerved with lubpoeHain thiscaufe, t copy of this bib, and pi this order, and hat notice be publil/iedfijftfix months in cr.< if the Gazettes of the . 1 .n one oi the Gazettes of Augulla, requiring ’ ie defendant ;to arfvtr to the bill ul th* opip amant on or before the firfl. day of Ja nary next otherwise the said bi I v ‘ll be ta tn pTaionjc{jo and the court v. 11 j.afs inch iurther order and decree in the cauie as wit nfwer the purpefes of Juflice. Exlraftfrom the Minutes, STITES C k. May 17. 18*.f. 75 Take i\(3icii, rHAT Nine months after this date, 1 (hall make application to the Jullices cl he Inferior court ol this coun , t.,r leave t* “and the landed pr").-rt y ot the ( Pate of John i. Guarpeaudccd. for the benelit ct creditor!. Mary A. Girardeau. Admx. Li. arty Comp ar.l. j 8 tfiam 57 Savannah : Printed for JAMES LYON and the WIDO'V or SAMUEL MORSE. ft o r 1 c l. NOTICE i’ brrebv given that a: ; expiration of nine mhmhs fron tis date, the fnblcribets wiil appb 1 the honble. thejuitices cf the Inlc. ior court of the couniy of Chatham or leave to tail ‘.nd difpoft* of the /ol owing tracts of land belonging to tht • flute of Juhn T. VVard dcrcafed. All that trT or parcel of law “ containing three hundred and fit “ tv L-rts, p. the fame tr.orc 01 “ lei’s, late the property of Georg? l< Baillic detx . situated in the coup “ ty of Ciaaden bounded on the “ call by Great. Satilla liver ant “ on all ather files bv vacant lamb “ at the time < f the survey the:c “ A LSO one other tradt or pr “ cel of land containing three hun “ dred acres, be the fame m are 0 ct lets, laic the property of Georg “ Biilltc decV. fitua/ed in th “ County of Camden bounded )> “ the by the laid George Bai ‘I l,e’s land and on all other land “ by vacant land at the ti pc o’ “ the fu-vey—.lib all that trail u land containing five hundred a “ cres, be the fame more or lei’ “ originally granted to Robe “ Batllie situated in the county v “ MTntofli bounded louth by th <l river Aiatamaha, east on lane u originally granted Catlaerin “ Douglass, tior/h on lands graii/i “ so Wilbum M’ln/ofh and we “ on lands gtan/ed r< John Ivi'Cu “ Inc ” which fa id three rtadls C nd we'e fevrtaily iolci it /lie Lies 1 ii.'fasi .red property and purchaled n >e la te Join P. W?rd deed. I 1 ■ J ‘ands a e m/enaed to be fold f < <0 - betivfi/ot the heirs and credi/ois ‘-ae said efta/c. N. S. Bay art), E. Bajard. Administrator and Administratrix r said mate. j h.v, A r ! if/h 1805 ravegm. f S'J PVSUOBC? J AT, ‘V Camoa*, County, C. Olttober term 180 j. ) WHEREAS James Mair and Robe. Medn of tin cityoft b arte Hon in souih-C rdiiia iac •am .: ve 1 - (apt-tit ion in th honorable court feting forththat David G vin and a.mie Meers, Ute of the town < St. Mary’s merchants, art indebted to the in one bond or • big ion dated the fever, r day of April, 1803, in ti e film of two tin • sand live hundreds and (event* two do arc,a vh'r:s to ft rare i im p-.j mi nt of the laid fie of money, did mortgage ..II that divided m ety of bit, No i, in be iivrn of St. Mar mrtic llarly deferibed and sent for in the l'ai, petition. Ir is theres re ordered, on mot’ of Mr. Clan: v.t. rney for the petitioner,it ‘ ... 1 •); \id tiarvt and william Me do pay into court, the principle interelU a coll of the m>n lb due and owing ivi h we ve months from this da c hereof, or decree will pass aguinll the mortgaged pi miles for'he payment, Aiio ordered tha this rule be publilhe. in one of the gaze tes of this Hate, a eafl. one*- in every month, till’d ts time appointed for payment expires, or f. re ed on the fa and David Garvin £4 Samuel Meer fix month:. previous thereto. Extract jr(jm the minutes. Oft. lsd, 180. Iliac Crew-, c. s. c. c. c. ts. 28 Commissioners OF PILOTAGE. Sav.tnnah, June 4, 1801. Ilf cuiilequence ol lcveral nerfoti* ac rt ingillegahy a, P; no Is. fti-i r nF.ii, That the tecretary ti puhlilli monthly the names of such Pilots ; polioi Branches or certificates fr- m thi Board. Extra ft from the Minutes Thomas Pitt, Ucrtlur y Agre- aliiy totbe order of tli e Hoard <f hereby gi. notice, th< following perl'.ns on h, are de l . tuithorifed to aft as Pilots, P iclined ‘.Va.ll, branch Pilot, William Wall, Certiorate Pilot aowrtg un der him, Thomas Nottage, Branch Pilot. Elijah Broughton, do. John Major, aftmg under him George Philips, Ceorge Conner, 1 John Brar.sdy, ! George Morgan, J Cm':ilea's | David Brown, ; j James Brov.-n, | Pilots Afttng I i’e'er Cealaf, J. i fame . Jobrifton, for tltenfelves Ilham Clay, Ja -no:-; eranton, \V illiar.; W_, .ie, Hansford B.uh-y, j Thomas Pitt, Secretary July 1. JSOIILh. r | ‘ Hl’ Snbf’ viber iinen*':r gtobe -! !i • so I tome months has appointed the Hon. Edward Telfair, C'.,:-!es Odduiglti..i and John Eawfon, Esq'rs Iti . ittorne-s, who will ransaci any bulinelsl.i:;, during Matlhew M’AllilLer. April T 5. ts Notice. A 1.1. Tertet.i lisv-og demands againll th* Ml han n: S-cp! *-. Blount late of havar -! nah dictated, are re;v :.c-d to render then i prc,icr);. atteked, and lie indebted to iuh ! iinmra.att payment to . CHAHf.GT T£ S. BLOUNT, Erir’.-. JD; :i ts 75 TUESDAY, Augult 27, 1805. 13 RYAN COUN TY 0p er ior CoutiT April Term 1805. ON the fie i-ion ot joiin Tra 1 ) and Elizabeth Holms A'.imini rator and Adu iniflratix of Ro Fen Holms deed, on behalf 0 he heirs of die fit <1 Robert, ltd mg that the find Robert in hi. ufc time to wit on 1 r about th,. seventh day of April in the ye M of our lord one thotaland (even hundred and ninety five, was it.- pofleftlon of titic deeds for ttvdl of land on great Ogechee ‘■rontainin;*- Iv/ ellerr.atiiva hundred and forty tvvo 4ats bounded on the north by great Ogechee and on the east by O ;echee causway. A copy whrre >f as nearly as the petitioners ou!d obtain is annexed to th< petition now in the clerics odio >( the Superior Court ot tin :cunty of Bryan together with m affedavdt pursuant to tlie lav •f 1799 cc other circumltanti.o proft'being laid before thecourt. it is ordered, That the tith leeds be cftablifned as diTiftei ay the said a£t. The laid Johi ind Elizabeth pubiifhng a week y notice in one of the publi iazettetof the flare Gr the lpac t fix calender months, urilei ood and fuincienr cause bi hewn to the contrary within thi rid fix months, or other mat r lhail appear to Lhe court a ainft the fame. hxtrabl from the minutes, * Glo, M. Waters, C. S. C. B. C. April 8. 64; iiUft.hlUn tulilvl Chatham County. January Term, 1805. Javiu Johnlton, 1 Fetitm vs. J oberc Woodhoufe. J For ‘ cl “” UPON the petition of Divit hnfton praying the Foreclosure oi ■e Kqui’.y of redemption of all tha t ofland, in the City of Savannah, ■own by the number two [2 J in Je - ! I ything, Ucrby Ward, enntair. u; fixfy feet in front, ami ninety fei . depth, mortgaged by the Lid Robe u i-,dh use to the- fa id David Johnftoi r-securing the paymen t of two feve a! sums of money men ioned in tr /eral Bonds or obligations, bearin c t (late with the said mortgage ; th ie given by the said Robert Wood utc to the said David Johnflon, ant e other given by the laid Robe tVoodlv.'ufe ar.d one Geotge Wood men to the said David Johnflon, an ip'm motion of Meflis, Jjavies am rnen ot cnuniel for the pe itioner, It is Ordered, That the principal r.tereits and coD s due upon the fan •vo Bonds or obligations he paid ini •urc v/kiiin/wtive months from th 1 y, ari-J that u less ihe fame shall bi ■ paid the equity r.f redemption of tin rid mortgaged premiflcs will Iron henceforth be foirclofed, and othei iroc ef'lings oke pirce ;>urfu2nt to the tin- act • the general aflembly, in uch case made and presided And it is further Ordered, In pur fit true of the lad adt thar this rule hr üblifhcd in one of the public Gazette: if this ilatc a ieiut cncc in even nonth,uidiithe time for the payment ,\ the money aferefaid in-o r nrl, in .rvcdr.n the mortgager t-r his fpc- ia /enr at lev ft fix months previous ti •*- ‘uni: of pa’ men/ as-sores :d. Extraftfrom the minutes J f ji Jen. 1805. j. bvilocb , cik. lam. txpi. EDWARD TKMY.II'.-l V.S. C Ik Eurftrr, WtLI.IAI I HM'I'SO.-;, ) JT appearing hai ‘he rfeferidant in the can!” - i -it oi *'"*- jc-riadiftiot <• i this Hate md hath itnpleaded the c* niphuira it <u the lav fide of the. court, and i- 13 rie eeTarr for the pjrp-.fes of Jullice that the t: id c. Im ciam. appear aril 4).f.n-r to the : i (.I compla-nant. Therefore niered, Th t the def—id: r.t* at torney I*:- le.- :t z. li: tebpoe e; in tn-4 i :.nli- X copy of ill* .1.11, if this - -di.-r, and notice be publiCied sot lie mo. • i,5 in one ot t•: Ga . -MU -if All pil’ a and S .an iah 1 • -| i-:e t;-.e (. -lend i-.r ans. -er to the bill of I the •:p.aiu..ii’ on or btl..'e :he 1.t.'l ua. oi January ne ;t, c.-ibc rwi.o *1 •: a'd bill wijlbe ‘ 1. . r":i pfOCOnfe’.'e, ; : r-l *1... .. . - -lip.tsf . 11’ i r. *. 1 a ■ .-1 1 c ca-.o a— . I aril er th* pnrp-.E of jj.'tk.c. J'.nirnt’ from the Minutes. | Sava .nah. i 7 May, jgo s I STITEo. C - ’ Mi/ 21 ( . .6,(1 in [Whole Kum*:* 301, [Twelve and a half Cents tingle. Onet timhv/J iF.U : ? reward .RAN A WAY FR’ M t p Hubs rii'trr bis mul’t/O ferva? / ROIR R T c?mmoralv (* ROBERT KKNN) I>Y. He h-d jcn when he v.e:i <lf a short h’;j c c. v .:A | aod blue ovukalls ai,d a ;,1 -;* C I Abouffive ferf/tn ini hes ifiu! > fj ; a j t arid well nude. It 1 nm?c /h in pro* i'able he will m >ke for the up country -s be was formeily owned l v Mr, S'na’s of Aiigufta. The a’vc ruv. rd will be pai !to any p; f< ri wlm vv ;l| give ila erma/ion rs has hting h;.r! our -l! by a while pftf-n, i:r a reward of iwen/y dollars for apprehenling him and delivering !ihn to tlie subs rioer or depofitiog him in the cwutaty goal. All malt rs of vefTrls ?re cautioned hona carrying the laid fellow off. JOHN H. MOREL. June 10 ts 81 U FY SHERIFF s SALES. ON the fii It Tuesday, in Si ja tember next, wi'l be fold, at tlie —ovii't house in Savannah, le* ween the hours often anil tlirre >h lock, All that two ftorv house r tenement on • he Tythrng, Reynold's ward, in the lane op* rofite John Williams the painter, ogether with the out houles, fei :cd under execution as the pro perty of Mary M’Lallan, John Williams, c. r>. s. July 19 f s. 91 Any person ‘efirous <>l purchasing a Iclir.oiiFr ofabotr. a? tuna tnmlici), now kiiilding n tin- Cu beriais.l liver, robe comjil led mil delivered text Ipring, and paid for lialf in ca(h and half in dry goods, is requeued to Hate [ ropofals by tlie ton or otherwile, to tlie editor of tltL r,ai per. June #5 ts 85 TO LET, FOR 3 term ol ypnrs, the premis. Isis :rt |irc(ent occop cii by Mr. VViK liana Chauvita as a dwelling la rjfe are! Grocery Store. A profitable le.tfe f /his very valuable ft and, may be ad and pofTrfficn delivered in about 30 days ; for a m<derate advance na calh. Fo par/icu ars apply to the honb e. JudgcSiephensor Gtn Mircli. ell. illiarn Mill . Augufi ** x- CAMDEN COUNT!', Sur error Court, March Term, 1804, IVm. Jones, attorney in 5 laR for Hays ts Vick- 1 Foreclosure tr h f w. 1 Pet ition for Thadeus Par life. Upon the petition of Wm. [ones junr. of the town of Sc. Vlary*s attorney ir. sud for Messrs. Hays & Vickery, letting fort, iiat a pa-t ot lor. No 5, in the ‘own of St. Mary’s had been du y mortgaged by one Thadens I’arkifs to the said MclTrs. Hay x Vickery, for the confederation if sixty-eight dollars and eight cents, wiiich had never yet been p-'id, and praying a foreclofure of the equity of redemption. On motion of Mr. Jackson, it is ordered, I hat the principal, intereß am;’ coffs b paid into court within twelvemonths from bis.-ate—aid unlcfs the fatrO -'hall be so paid, the eriuity of re iemption v/i)l fiom thenceforth be foreclofed—And it is further ordered, in pursuance of said a<fl that this rule be published i,i one of the public gazettes of this Rate, at leaftoncc in every na nth or fervid on the mortgager, or, his special agent at icaft ti.c iiionihs previous to the time th ; money is directed to he paid as afore!, id, Is ;<tr aft from the u i n-iti-, th s eoth C y ivj .ri! 1804. IS A A., CK Fif'd, C* ;L C. Apr it 17. .nO i 1 A'., A LJ. P.-i-foris mviur ;'i n-|,I #a/ -i * - - .I.*- vn -.'C I'fJ . ‘ H..:.- ; c'b-cyu ; ~ are re*. wH-.i - fu.-Dbe , ~r. r , a thole v uo are indeb .'U to Lav ment to Joseph ii.ibc r,h trn. A Inin:drat sr. January ir, if { j W nt. (i TO .. tc. • . 1 : .-i a,- , ■--- - - / • J