Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 13, 1805, Image 3

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The readers will fm!V at the pleasant-1 ry, as well a? approve the gom Lnfe, of the following thought on Temperance, taken from the Invalid, by the late ve nerable nonagenarian, the Rev. R Graves . “ It has been obLrved, that all other animals bcfiies men are contented with ore species of food ; (Efh, fifh, or fowls, or vegetables ; and never encroach en that of a different fpecits. “ The lion, thou h invcfted with love, feign power and living in regal ityle, is content with the leg of a calf, or the haunch of a Itag ; never thinks of a se cond course, or of a defect, or even of a lource, cauliflower, or carrot, pickled cucumber, or the like. “ The eagle also, king of the birds, fefifts himfeif & the royal family, the young princes and the infants, on a brace of pheafanta, a turkey, or a dozen p'geons but would not debase himfelf by (looping to a nell of larks or robin red breads, for a second course. “ but man, as lord of the creation, by his prerogative, falls foul on whatever comes in his way, and ransacks the ur.i verfe to gratify his veracious appetite ; the fowls of the air, the fifnes of the sea, the beads of the fertile, with vegetables of r ry genus and every fpecv.cs ; not only the herbs, which were intended for’ the use of man, hut roots, w hich seem re served for the food and the l’nouts of hog3 ; nay, even the excrescences of nature, mufliyooms, and trill-, s, indiverti ble fubfla nets, which, if they were ever intended to be eaten, it mull probably have been by the inhabitants of the infer nal regions. “It temperance, however regulates our use c.f these various articles of food wt'h which providence indulges U3 ; if we killed the animals without ciucltv, and cooked them with plsimufs atid dm pliuty, they might be, what Providence intended them, mftead of what we too often make them, of a blefiirtg, and not a curse. But when wc torture them in taking away their live : , as we often do, and fcairitv, corbonadc, and be devil their fl.fh, not only with pepper & fait, as we do the gizzard of a turkey, hut adding a , nutmeg, a little cinnamon, a blade of mace, with chalot and onions, 6ec. and eat it with oil, vinegar and mus tard ; such an heterogeneous mixture, in ftcad of producing a ledluous chyle, -wr ing through the alimentary canal, like the gentle ft ream ol Arno, mull become a cautlic fluid, rafhing like the fiery torrent ‘ tis V tiuviuj, harrowing up and tearing the vtflcis ; or at lea ft generate lever, cmentuies, and every discafe incident to the human body.” Georgia Republican, SAVANNAH, September 13,180;;. - r rv~- “ in ,1 r r . Forthe Georgia Republican. THE T IMNER. No. VII. -Lock round ’the haabitable ‘world how tCW, ■Knew their own good, or knowing it pur- Joe. Dryden. Periodical writers should arntfc the fancy, and idlruft the mind. Their lu cubrations (hotild Lie like To many diflies, v.Lue each palate can find fcmethii.g drrffVd up and fcafoned to its peculiar tatte. Id■ sign the fubfequeiii tIT y for the benefit of the nfing generation, ard 1 intrtat their serious attention to its contents. For ibe whole of this procuftion 1 cc - that lam mdtbtcd to av. himfical l -nd. with whose char; £kcr br fote long, J (had make my readers better acquain ted. Bob scanty 1„5 home very eccen tric ideas, and is ah've almcit pervevfely opinionated. I, therefore, a way3 assent to the jofitioi s lie may advance know ing that otherv if.;, ironi his pertinacious and irritable disposition, I should in all probability forfeit his future confide nee, and there is no man living, whom I would Ids willingly offend. All pursue happiness, but few attain it. Our employments in life are equal ly promiwuous and various, as the dif pofitir ns cr affe Aicr.s of the mind. Fan taflic imagination rears an air-built prof prdt of future success which by the na tural concatenation of caufi, and cffcdl is readily (offered up as a fare, and saluta ry mean, of eniuing felicity. The ex ptdfed epoch arrives, the mills of delnfi cn vanifti, the gaudy tir.fcl of illusive hope drops from her deceptions form, ar.d the disconsolate mind becomes a wretched vhSim to the corroding influence of de jcdted m:ftry. As pltafure when unex f< died is produdtive of more violent emo tions, so trie accuttnrfs of our fufferings i rendered additionally severe by difap jiointment, Eut is the dignity of hu nature to become pre,Urate, and fc utd ftibrr.iffively dependent on the ca prio’ious imiies of adventitious fortune ? Cont.Vmal success in’ this sublunary Jphere is cot juftlv, or rcafor.ab’.y to be txptclcu. t>o various are our pursuits, io pro mi fco “<us tl e employments, or en gagements of life, that difappointrr.ent and success, joy and furrow intermingled ,ferm the portrait of human life, Happy ii that firm, and colle&ed jnind, (and lueh only support the true and j.rity of human nature) which prepares itu.fto ei j>y ratfonatly, the accumula ted err olu't eft's cf a lucceftful enterprise or .if exert.on is attended by dclear, fup.| orts vtth manly refigr ation the lof fii ccrmng tjesa s.n mipropiCuUS pur iak. Happincfs is attainable only by a rig ed aoheratice to effabhftnd principles, as fixed regulators of human conduit Youth is the spring of life ; the fancy at this eventful period is ardent,’ and waver ing, the spirits gay, and bouyant, and the inclinations fervent, a’.moll irresistible At this season of human ex-denee the fyren, pleasure displays a!! her alluring charms, present, hetfelf in every wanton attitude, and beckons with a deluding smile. Those who follow, fhc deflroys and more infallibly, because (he gives the wound of deilrutlion, unobserved. The slumbering votary of those de ftiuftive pursuits, which modern refine ment has gilded witn the specious name cf pleasures, awake the emaciated viftim of imparing disease, and the vigorous me redian of life, feel the premature decrepi tude of old age. When he attains that period in life, which nature- has peculiar ly adapted for the enjoyments of exitl arce, he will find, is tiis boforn fwtlls, with the sigh of cortrition, that he no longer pofleftesthe power of participation. Whirled in the giidy vortex ot faflii onable pleasure, his whole life exhibits, but one empty and continual routine of pernicious gratificatijns. Iks whole a is absorbed in sensuality the be nevolent difpofiiion of his nature, as a mail, is 101 l in the sordid, and mercenary confederation of felf. The glowing e- 1 motions of heaven-born sympathy havej never found a lodgment in h.s breall, and| he knows not the liappiuefs, which bc-j (I wing relief to diflrtfs affoids, because ! iiuiividur.l grat.ficatian is the tie plus ul-i t;a of his filiifn, and ufelefl exiitence.— j It it be laid I write with rigid feverityj relative to this character, I reply that 1 have difelofed my sentiments with regard ; to such an inutile being with caudi.l (in -1 cerity. Scnlual pleasures are like the Hunt lived corruscations of the vivtd lightning, mo.neiitary ; and like these eph- racial meteors, they are too oitcu fatal. They infallibly deflrov the energies of] the body, and there is such an union, be tween mind and body, that the fixed del-; pendency of the one, has drawn the olh- j tr to the grave, while the txhaufl.d powers of the latter, have deflroyed all the vigor, and flrength ol the former. It (tie adhere to ptinciplcs cltabiifhrd as regulators of our conoudl, and their principles are the legitimate offspring of i deliberate, and rational mediation, we i eniure our felicity here, and lupport that I cclcil/al dignity with which than was ori ginally endowed. This is . iiitau of rendering mankind truly hanpy, and of oblli udtuig the cur rent ol cVits, v. Uich afflict the world. Auguu 28. The following extract of letters from Tripoli and Paris, are peculiarly intti - citing to the relatives of our captive f:a meu, and to our commercial citizens. A letter from Tripoli, dated April 10, 1805, mentions, “By a vdfcls which! Commodore Barron has sent to Tripoli, j with money, clothing, See. Sec. for our j use, we all, this day, receive letters from 1 our friends in America. I'expcdtwej fltall, in a few days, remove to tin; rime-! rican House. The change will be for ! the better; and we cdnltdcr our removal! as a good omen.’* j “ Sir Alexander Bitll, Governor of j Malm, lias sent a liberal present oi wine, 1 porter, chttfe, and other articles, to fume of our pnfontra at Tripoli.” A letter from an American gentleman at Farit, whole -information may be reli ed on, hates, that the diawir.g of bills’ for American claims, had been proceed edin, to the of five millions of livrea, and would be continued until the remaining fifteen nuliiuiiu were drawn for. Mr. Skipwilh was to trai.fmit these bills to their reip dtive proprietors—and! j it has excited iome fut prize, as the letter j is dated on the sth of June, that none of! them have yet come to ExtraS of a lettrr from Bordeaux, to a\ respectable Mercantile House in Boston, j dated June 26. “All merchandize coming to this place n.ut't be accompanied with a certifi cate of or igin. This is to be rigourous ly obi'erve-d. We are much afraid that feverai hogsheads of sugar and coffee snip- j ped by you, which arc not included in! your certificate of origin, will give usaj great deal of trouble. The receiver tells) us the law leaves no fort of diferetion ;i he mull, he fays, seize them, and we may j petition tire Manlier, who will hearken to i us, finee you fiave not had time to know the new law relative to importations.” The Counrt'.l of State for the Batavian Re public* 0 R I) E R S, That all neutral veficls bound to the! port3 of this republic, lhall be provided with a certificate from the commercial a ger.t or commissary of the republic resid ing at the place of landing, or in case no such agents redding, then from the go vernment of the place, containing the name of the velß! and captain, Hating the contents of the cargo, the- number or the ihip’screw, and their names and the destination of the veliel. And that no captain either through neglect or alterati on of Ocftination, nut being provided with the aforementioned certificate, be admit ted into the ports of the republic, except it be with the produce of the territory of the republic or of its citizer.3, and they engagtd to export the fame valueof goods by them imported. (Signed) G. H. CORKINGA. C. C. HULTMAN. Fxfrttff cf ab-Utr from an An-trican Gen tleman at Gibra'tar 3ly to his ft tend in A ew-Tnrl, <1 ted June l 6/A. “ I have ‘be pleasure ot i..forming you that seven of our gun-bouts have arrivec here in 30 days from Sandy Hook.— Three of them, including Mr. Izard ol < ‘harh.flon, left this two days ago for Tn poll, all well, and we (ball folicw then wffh the remainder to-morrow evening The Spaniards, it is said, have at Alge fuas, on the opposite file of the Bay, three hundred gun-boatsand thirty thou sand troops ready to begin the liege of Gibraltar. In the afternoon of ytllcrday the Span 111 gun-boats got under weigh, and manoeuvred a little ; which occafiun. ed the ganifon at the rock to beat to arms, and lay at quarters during the night. We have no late news from our Squadron. Our toilful informs me tha ten days ago a brig left this bay laden with powder from ti e bombardment ot Tripoli. The plague rages with much violence at Couiz and Malaga.” DIED, on Saturday lafl, Mr. Na thantel, Guild, Cabinet Maker, aged 2 7 years, a native of Dedham, M.ifla thufetts. ONW.-dncfday the xithCapt. John Snow of fallow Maflachufetts a ged 34 years, much lamented by his ac quaintance. ; PORT OP SAVANNAH. ENTERED, .1 j I Ruby , Small H (lvftn.ntih> i Schooner aurora IVefl ‘Charhtlon. C L E ARE D. Eeijr Hrpe llclana New Tori. Do si gent Sprog:tt Cuba BOSTON, Augufi. 23. Aattivi-o, brig Hope, John Riflio. i rough, 20 days from Charleston, S. C. J Sailed in company with two American 1 lltips, 3 Enghlh armed Guineamen, 1 | trailfport, and two brigs 5 one of the I cjtiineainen, about 600 tons, mounting ! d ,|r! ’ celled the Jack Paik, of Liver pool, fti ucll. on the bar, ebbtide; (he 1 continued living diltrefs guns until ve I were out es hereing ; from her situation, j moft probably file mull; bilge. Augull I 20, at 5 P. M. in lat. 40, long. 69, | Nantucket ftuith flioal bearing N. W. di'Unt 20 leagu- s, it then beingcalm, was boarded by ttie jolly boat, with a lieuten ant, quarter malter, and 4 men, well ar med, belonging to the {loop of v/ar l)ri ve--, John Thompson, commander, mount ing 18 guns, file being 5 miles diflant from us, and 9 days from Halifax, on a cruize ; prefled 1 man. Atwell Pow< r, an American fiaman, belonging to Paffa maquoddy, without a proteftion, and his orders were to press all hands who had no protection. They took him away ■ iioiwithtlanding the remonftraaces of [ capt, R. that his brig was in difirefs, j having only two men who were able to 1 do duty, and in case of a gale of wind, • ne fliould mod certainly lose the vessel, 1 for want of hands ; he boarded a brig ! then m fight, which he Hid was from Newburyport, bound to Martinico, bad j pressed two men from her ; by the fund -1 mg of the brig after the wind sprang un, ! 't *3 proiiably she bore away for Mew- VOl k for more hands. Captain Spencer, arrived at this port, informs that the biig American, Fray, from Portfmonth, arrived at JDemarara | on the ißih ult.—that when he pafl'ed j over the privateers’ gaug-way he was ffrll famed with a levere flogging, and his pockets rumaged. The eioat whe-n im mediately dispatched to his brig, and plundered of every thing they cotilu lay their hands on. Capt. P's mate was very j severely flogged, and the people abused. Captain Spencer, on the 22d July, in I iat. 8, 17, long. 58, 30, was bro't too Ly | a Spaniih privateer iehooner, and ptrem torily ordered on board with liu papers, ! was received verry roughly, and after j enquiring where from, was told he mull j pay twenty dollars for the extra fhotß ; they tired to bring him too. When capt | S. told them he had no money, they! (aid they mult take what he h’-.d, and! immediately difpatehed a boat on board J the brig, and robbed her of half the five I Itock, (mail stores, liquo.s, Sic. They j refilled to tell the name ot the captain I or vessel, but learned that flic cruifcd from j the Oronolce. The pilot boat schooner j Virginia, of New-York, failed to wind-1 ward the fame day with the Plwabe. j Spoke, Augmt 9, in lat. 27 30, long j 6'j, brig Ontario, troru New Vurk so. 1 I rinidad. I 1 Tiie brig Teletmchus, Poor, 15 clays from Martinique.— i Ballait— ihe Master. bailed the joch ulc. Left a pilot boat febooner belonging to Baltimore, at St. Pierres, name unknown. Tie- ship Clarissa, Rickards, of and for Philadelphia, sailed in co. with them. Left many priva teers, names unknown. On the Bth instant iat. 34, long. 74, ipoke the brig Alex and- ta, of and j from Philadelphia, for Guadeloupe. ! On the 4th inltant, paired a very Urge fleet, in iat. 23, long. 64, a number of them appeared to be snips of the line 2nd frigates, they were ftcering due lbuJi, shewed no colout*, none of them! ’ ‘ttrrnptfci to efinfr the brig.—- rwo and tvs after fpokrr a ship from itia lali'upe for N Coralina, Vho said he run through the* fleet vtrhout being hailed or fp.'ken >v any of them ; the fleet hr (aid -vas upwards of too fail, m >rtiy ■h ps of the line and frigates, a Tw appeared to be transports.- ‘'aw a Drig comming in toe cap< s ‘■hich the pilot fuppofr i to b the brig Sally, Low, of Balti more. New-York, Augufl: 16. Art ived Yesterday. The brig Hetty. Bunker, in 17 days from St. Thomas, w ith Sugar and cociaj to M. White •cad, and J. P. B-own. L ft, the brig Soph!a, Coffin, for Phila delphia, in 4 day 1 ; lehrs. Lewis Lev/is,of New York, uncertain j Amazon, Carman, of do. do ■, Certs, Bk wn, of Perth Amboy, i do. Ciarinda, Paddock, of New- Yo’k, for Porto Rico, to fail in two da;, s ; sloop Romp, Suther- Ind, ot New Yo.k, up for lale; and a number of others not re colledted. On the io inff. in lat. 34, 23, long. 74. lpoke the Ichoaner Hxperiment, 17 days horn A. tigua for ?>ioifoik.— Paflengers, Evils, Ltwfon, and 1 family, Mrs- Heitor, and family, Mr, Somerfal!, of Chai'ellon, and captain John Ta\lcr, of Philadelphia. The brig planter, Dcnifon, in 1 5 days from Sr. Croix, witli ru/n and lugar,to Lawrence and VYliirney. The brig Patty, Fgery, in 21 •Jiys from Point Peter, G..uda- W&pe, to Hicks, Jenkins and Cos. tfith sugar and coffee, to James Pidalot. Left, brig , Mar iner, of New-York •, brig Nan gles, Marriner, of do* brig Gen erous friend, L.hamming, do. Experiment, do.; schrs. Puntinr, do. in 6or 8 days; Pearl Living, do. in 5 or 6 : ‘Mer ritt, do. in 3or 4 ; ,La: ting, do. brig Hero, Lulhen, New buryport in 10 or 12 ; brig horsier, eio. brig—, Powers, do. orig— —, Brule.r, Portland, ihip , Green, Rhode I (land lor New-York; Ihip Kliza, Grif fin, New-Orleans, for New-York tn 10 or 12 days j and brig Smi h, just arrived from New ¥ork. Spoke, July 16, off Momfcra , brig Bedey, Graham, of Bjflon, from Martinique i:i lat. 36, on soundings, brig Victory; of Puluiouth, 13 days from Martinique. We learn by capt. Coffin, of the Ju no, from the ]j.U of Frame , that the La Pejeche , Trench frigate of 32 guns, capt. BtKiUZT, has been taken in the bay of Bengal, by the British frigate St. Florcnno ) [rated in Steele’s lift 36 guns,] capt. Batiiukst. The battle laded four hours. The French friga, was d'fmafted, ar.d it was said folk ail Iter officers except the captain, and had 40 men killed and Cos wounded. The liruiflt irigate was much damaged. Briti/h Navy —The great arid rapid increase of men of war of all dcfcnptions, from 120 guns, toacutter ot 10 guns, j within these 1 2 months, proves Itrougly j the exertion of the present Admiralty and those under their orders ; their being own in commifion, ready for sea, nine hun dred and Iwcn'y three sail of vc, actu • l!y employed, for each of which, numeri cal lignals are appointed, from 1 to 923, a,ul from A to Z, to know each other at sea, and to be known at the telegraphs an : signal polls, and by the different Port Admirals. In the above number of 923, arc not included any at men tranfportc, or hired armed tenders, but only Inch lute of bottle Ihipe, frigates, fl.sops, gun-brigs, and cutters, as are command 1 by poll captains, commanders, and lieutenants, of the Royal Navy. lutlic above number, the prilon Hospital, and hospital, and flop (hips in the harbour, are also excluded. Mr. J. B Jarboe, gunner, and Mr, Jame 6 Love,, on board the b ig Jane, of Baltimore, which waa captured! and sent into liarracoa, and arrived at this port in the brig Lear, have tur.iih ed us with the following particulars of I that action.— On the morning of the 2jth July, off} the Plat for: t, ycre engaged by toe, French privateer Superb, captain Jj.jxt- 1 n rjue, niuuiiting 0 go s, wttb 87 men, j completely accoutered with muflceu, &c., The Jane mounted 16 carriagt-gui 3 and at the commencement of tlie action had 44 men, fix or eight of which were ; too lick to Hand the deck ; her co.n-’ mander, capt. Wrn. Kennedy, war k.l-j led early in the action, which hltd a r e boot one hour, when the pnvaterefm n. carded the Ja? hr - mg twice h * heiten oft', in attempt, mg it. O.i b larding the Fr-nclimcu behaved in the mod cruel manner; Mr. Andcrfm the mate, who was Wounded in the arm, and who was the only offl --r I remaining mi deck when they came ot, board was immediate'y cut ,'ovn wtli their fibres, as were also one na 1 and a hoy, who had not secured their rrtreat by running below. Mr Fanning super- cai*qo ol the fehaoner which wjs cajitu f flin company, and who ha-t t. ken jiaf fage iu the brig Gi f-ifety, was thrown o verboaid, and tiitle-avoiLg to swim totlxe pnvateer, was wantonly lh ,t while in the water. The remninder of the crew of the Jane were crtully treated by the pri v..teei amen, and plutnEred of every thing. Ihe following are fffe names, which can be >veollecled, of th'-fe who were killed or vvQundcd on board the Jane Toe wh ;ie number was >7 killed, and wounded. KILT.ED. Wm. Kennedy, unifier. Mr, Anderson, full mate- Wm. Di xter, boatswain. , Henry Smith, boatfwain’g mate. I Alexander Moulton, carpenter, j Wm. Johnion, Chat. Lewell, Robert V alltant, Jofcpli Pcmbleton, Frnncia Bowen, Wm. Givnell, John Baker, John Cooney— ftamtn. Wounded and in the hofpitsl at Barra*- Co.f Jeremiah P. Davies, second mate, da.igcroiilly. John Jciminga, Thomas Howell, and (j-.drge Davia, Icamen, the cook and hia mate. The schooner Satellite, capt. Hall, of Baltimore, with a cargo of coffee, valued at 14,000 dollars, was also ca itured and lent into B irracoa. Sloop Amelia, Hollister, i, arrived at New i ork, from Snrriuam, and is to proceed io thin port. A worthy pal for of ,* congre gation of High! ride/ s in the well ofScotland, \v 1 lately ad r.ini'tering the Hv sieneal rites to a young couple; the service was performed in E iglilh, lute his vernacular idiom being, Gie iic, whon he came to the wor s j “ You t .vo Ih ill be one fldh.’* he gravely told the lovers— “ You two fli.iil be one pees.” M Tsh il’; Saif’s. U’ll.l, he fold at the Cum hon I',- in nali, on the lirlt TuelUay in OA oer next, at the usual hour, One (hint ot ilia wharf and building’', known as the Collet It tile wharf, the 1 r mer purclialer not <\. 1 p ving with the irrrus 51 Ale. BEN. WALL, fti. I), o. September i r J ult Kcce! ved, 20 Firkins HOG S I, Alt 15. Lc-vVis iossitrnol. Market rouarc. September tt 3 t, 5 TO ill K pQ inicT THE I’lihlicm general will p ease to take notice’ tlut their will he an excellent likencfx of the Rev, Dr. Richard Fl, man ofrlu-city of Charh-lt hi, out inN iveiuhcr r Decemher eniumg in conneAiou ivitii the Hevd. Henry Itolcombe and tHe ltevd. J/• fepli Cl 1 one of them is now engva-'ing in Philadelphia by tlie molt emiiu- r t- 1 .aver m America from Europe, the. nunne ha* been informed ilia- the.rv is a hi. in f, C ’he afore laid Dr. Form *ll engraved in (.'n.ti-leiloit South Carolina, the luhl’crihern who have subscribed to the ah-.v elura-'lvrs will tike notice that theyai not decci veil in purclia* liiiptheoite a ! lu ‘ed;o, ‘he public are lift) t ilicitcd ‘o lulperd “_-ir judgment tin tl the by the tf-lebra.od Mr. K.l viri is out, ‘lie propiietor afl'ares the public no expense will he (pared 1 1 accompblh them a* genera! 1 ;’ is the case ; the fraihe i for them wfil lie compleated by Europe .11 Guilders, if the whole work is note mp'eateil equal 10 any ever from Europe, a cent will not be de manded. Sen. n ts 4 {ifjf LOS i , or ten at I Court lloufc,during the term of the Fe!e ul | Cotir- hei.! iu May, a ijl / . r />r Day 1 Book, belonging to Arnold Sweet & Cos. Whoever will <t liver L:i |> . ... George 1). Sweet, e, Richard F Willi un , liiall re ceive a gc-mauu.. reward if required. iat. 4 1 ii ih Subset iber vviii re- C'lve prop'.lals u.iu! the a , h stall f r the filpp l of rations, fur the crew fthe il-', Cutter, fir ii.v, nine,or twtive m mihs. I humus Johnson. Cuhorn H tide—Sept. p 4 1 deceived at tip- S;.v an id it SHUK 8 l Odd, pr. Brig Shout St apcb from I).non, an additional alfortmcut of shops—a 1 so. 6 llhds. and 20 bids. N. F. HUM. l’ipes Gin, 20 bnxe- and yj h. gs IICR< KINGS. J.& J. WILLY. September t) ts j GEORGIA,'} mueClui, j y [of the L'jiirt of Ormnary* F White f f.” couut y r ’t Chatham j in the italic ufot eiaid. I tiyiICKKAS Jo IK li. I! .■ - .r ■ I applif i j V V I'.r -if. of admmihru. inn On the | e!.u e and en’cctsof I'ltomas Greene, !a:e of j t‘. o’ iah, If xiri Carpenter, dec. las principal creditor. Thele are /beretors to ci‘e and udrnoniih all and tingul'.'.r the k. 1- ! die.! and creditor, if tiie fuid dc a'cd, ‘ 1 j :iV their obj.xVmn* (if any they have) in ruy [ oi!:i:e on or !"t.'ire tiie 4th day of Odiober next, othcrwil'e iatis.u of aiimiuiF.rauon will b” jrau'cl him. Given und. r my hand an i f;j,l i'n the city of iuvar.r.ah the 4'h day of v;-;cm./rr in ti-ft ■j ear of our lord ha tv. 3 30th year of , .imerifun indepo.'.deuee. I September 10 tm 4 BILLS (.);>< LUIn u , Fort SAUi. HE R. id 7. BOLT OI -