Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 20, 1805, Image 3

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NEW-ORLE&NS, July 20. The Revenue cutcer Louisia na, which has been here form days repairing, had her guns landed, for the greater expediti on and fatery. On Thursday lad the bank whereon they were loft in the river—although pla ced 20 or 30 yards from the edge of the stream. The crew aboard the cutter which lay dole alhore, about 40 paces from where the guns were, observed the bank giving way, and immediately jumped on Ihore to save them, but were only able to get off two, which was done at great hazard. Capt. Newcomb has been looking for other guns, and we hope he will get fupplicd, as he will in a few days be ready for iea. This is oncof thole unfore ffen accidents, against which there is no guarding.—The na ture of cur riv. r is such, that no property on its margin is fecuie, and we know net the moment wc may he deprived of our best pos lefiions. Salem, Augujl 30. —Arrived, captain Leach, 66 clays from Naples. In the Gut of Gibral- Ter captain L. was boarded, plun dered, and threatened with death, by cue ferocious lavages or a Spanish gun boat. On his hrfnaci ig to deliver up a spy gloss, the fellow who demanded it; drew a long knife and made a pass at him, but the captain of the gun boat had humanity c nough to perry the thrust, and return the glals. BOSTON, August 30. From Lisbon —Capt Hoo per, arrived here yesterday, in 36 clays from Lifbjrn, informs, tha* about five days previous to his fading, a Br tilh frigate from L.ord Nelson’s Iquadron, arrived at Lisbon, and put dispatches 01 board a packet dure est from hit gland, The frigate then pro ceeded up the Mediterranean.— Capt. H. did not learn whether I*is Lofdlliip was gomg up ihc Mediterranean, nor wncrc he was. From Rochelle.— Capt. Jar vis, arrived here, in 43 days from Rochelle, informs, that soon af ter leaving port, and while pi ling off Rochefort, he rr;e: a French squadron, confuting of 7 fail of heavy ships, coming oui of the Roai.s, who brought him to, and orcered him into the Roads, under the cultoJv of a gun-brig ; soon after he had come to anchor in the Roads, (ihe brig bearing about to exe cute lome order at Brittany iJuS jage) the ‘wind favore] his e fca r e, and he failed, tie could not ascertain the txatft force of the squadron; nor their declina tion. NEW-YORK, Sept. 3. Cape. Bernard, who arriv*d yeftertiay from St. Feterfburgh, informs us, that on Saturday, oft the Hook, *he (hip Ocean, Hus fey, from Amllerdarn l or this port, w\is captured by the Cleo patra j on feeing the pilot go along ftcle of the Ocean, imme d atcly ordered him off". Capt. B. alio informs us, that on the 27th uit. he spoke a*fchr. from Bordeaux bound to Nor folk, which had palfed the com bined fleets in the Bay of Bifcav, fleering tor Bayonne. Excharge is no robbery.—Cap tain Roller, of the brig Nympn, arrived ac Newburyporc from Guadaloupe, on the 29th ult. was brought to by one of the bin glifh frigates cruising off oui coatt, and ordered on board with his papers ; had one man im prebed ; but while cap.ain b. war on board; one of the crew o the frigate lecreted him'eir, un dcr cover of the night, m th< bow- of the brig's boat, and ac tuaily male Ins est ape in tha way. He was aScotcrmun, an. had been imprcfTedon board th. fr;_ ate* PHILADELPHIA, An-. 29 Extraift of a letter from a mer chant in Liverpool to his ccrrefponder.t in this city, dated Liverpool July 6th. 1805. “ Our cotton market is very unpleasant and from the contin ued depression in the demand for goods, we fear likely to remain lb ;at lead for lome time. The docks principally center in this place, and the iupplies of fine cottons particularly heavy, and it will be a long time ere they can be reduced, though the hold ers of them do not prels heavy on the market. If there be any chance for improvement it will be in low cottons towards the fall of the year, Upland Georgias fell i6d. a I7d. and lome few prime ones rather higher. Superior Mif fiflippi at 2od. but the middling and inferior qualities can scarce- ly be moved at i~]&. a ißd. and the manufactures prefer good uplands to them. Thus fi uated we flrongly re commend caution in shipments. if, however, prime cotton can be shipped at New-Oileans at 17 a m cents, and at Tcnneffee 14 a 15, we think they may be lent with lafety, Alfb uplands from the Atlantic States, at 15 a 16 but we do not advile purchasers of lira islands. The quality of cotton from the Millilftppi is complained or this year very much, being ge nerally very fofc and deficient i n staple. In fome of the Natehes cottons there arc prime qualities, but mixed, and w'e regret to have co (late iliac in leveral instances, we have ieen cotton with consi derable quantities of feeds; and we mult confirm what we have already so fully dated to our friends, that it will be ruinous 10 their intereds if this is not check ed. Premiums continue very un certain, and it is with difficulty, even at exhorbitant rates, that the underwriter can be prevailed upon to cover veffcls from New-Orleans, which are in .lie .mailed degree out of time. We have accounts of the ar rival of the combined fl e:s at Martinique, but as they had re mained there for lome days, and there is no account of their fail ing, it has given rife to various conjeiftures. The prices of sugar, coffee and produce, may be generally con iidered as uncertain, till fome rhing decisive be known—but cotton cannot be improved, as the islands take off many of our goods, and the depression of the capture of them w ould occafiun, would counteratft any effect from the cLtendon of a part of the lupplies ; and we much doubt whether this would noc eventual ly be the case in other articles of produce.’’ FROM THE GAZETTE. moralist. The great advantage of wealth and power is, that the polfefljrs of them are in a capacity of do ing more good than other men. Happy are those great who employ them for that purpose ; because an open hand procures them certain friends and faithful dependants, secures them found advice in prosperity, and pillars to support, and heads ar.d hands to defend them in adverfKV,— Men value therrfelves, and em ploy their dcligence and fidelity, at the price their patrons put upon them, A prince thac feeds u'eful men only with wind, lays them under the temptation ol hearkening to the next fair bid der to procure thernfelves more lubftantial aliment. Inclination may excite a formal duty ann sffection ; but the befl way to Acute men entirely to princes’ ievotion, is to buy them by ads >f bounty and liberality. Ince eft governs the world, and al noft every man in ic. MARRIAGE. THE mod lerious engage ment that we can poffiblv niter into through life, is that of Mar riage, from its being that on which the greatest (hare of cur happiness or misery will be moll likely to depend ; and yet, if ive look attentively about u>, and confider lerioufly the foundati ons of such engagements,it will be found, that on many of them there hardly appears to have been bellowed even the fmallefl degree of right consideration : where can be our cause for won der, at beholding so many peo pie disappointed in their expect ations of connubial felicity. The Pope, we are told, baptized a child of the new blood royal of France. It were devoutly to be wished, that he w3 now called in to adminiftcr ex treme unction to the Lad of the family. London paper. A corfuhnt Baronet who p’ques him felf upon his agility, exclaimed the other day, in a tone of exultation, to a winy friend, “ It is itrange, Tom, I lliould be so uncommonly a&ive, is it not ?” “It only proves,” drily anfweved the wit, “ that two oppofi c qualities are combin ed, the form of the bear, with the alcit r.efs of the monkey .”— ib. A Lady of about fourfeore, was tint ed by a Geutleman who was brother to Deacon Stone,- the Old Lady miltaking him for his brother, accotfed him by the title ot Deacon ; you are miHaken, mad am (fays a bye Hinder) for this is not Deacon Stone but his brother. Weil replied the Old Lady, there are bricks so muih al-ke that we cannot diilingutfh them apart, and why not Stones.— ib. Georgia Republican, S.iV.vNNArl,September ao, iSop Extratft of a letter from Fre dtrick Degen. Esq. to a gentleman in Bollon, dated, Naples, June 22, ISOS. “ Commodore Barron has rr figned tne command ot the A merican Iquadron to captain Re gers. He (Commodore Rogers) wrote me on the id ot June that ye ice with the Bdhaw of rrpol was finally concluded; and that th j terms were nioh adv.<n'a:e ‘iis and honorable to the Udited Sta'es. It appears that Mr Eaton’su* derating has been arended, with fuceef3, Mr DyTon wrote me from Sjracufs that previous to the conciufion of peace general Eaton defeated the B.ihtw’s troops at Derna, and took poffeffon of that town and Gallic, but icceived hin.f-11, during the atft oi, a muikec dio: through the arm.” Ihe intelligence contained in the above letters, is derived through an official; and announces the important fatft that peace is made with Tripoli, and our countrymen are Free. POSTSCRIPT. Thursdty morning, 3 o'clock dug us t 29. [The txprtfs we dispatched ia;e ln.ll evening- to Salem, has this mo me a’ arrived, and furuifhcs the following particulars relative to the before men tioned important news.] From the Salem Register Augujl 29 Yesterday the brig Bclleilir, Captain Leach, ariived here, in 66 days from Napl-s. About 8 days before he failed, news arrived there, that Gen. Eaton, at the head of the fma'il American force *hich had been detached from our Me diterranean squadron, and the troops collcfttd by the rival brother of the lL fhaw of Tripoli, haJ had an engagement with the Tripolmes, at D.-rna—on which fide victory declared, we do not learn ; but it was Lid that Gen. Eaton’s army fuff-red molt severely, and that every A merican was killed, except Mr. Eaton, who was wounded in the shoulder. The effect of the battle, bjwever, was an immediate negociation for peace, to aflilt at which, Col. Lear went from Malta to Tripoli; and two days before C.ipt. L. faded, dispatches were received from Col- Lear at Naples, bringing the important and glorious intelligence, a PEACE highly honourable to the United States had been concluded, and of course the Americans who had been so long fu{hiring in captivity r*leafed. Capt. L. we underfund brings dis patches for our government, so that we may expect shortly to have the official details of the buttle, the negociation, and the terms of peace. The American fqiadron ha-1 not left Malta when thi3 affair took p ace ; and there was no intelligence at Naples of the guii-boats from the United States having joined them. Commodore Bar ron, aider he found the negociation vrc. in a proiniliug train, !ai!;dL for the Uni ted States, on account ofh’s ill flat- of health. Boston Gaa. Mr, Bowdwt in, the American Minider ro vSpa.n arrived at Cos runna in 33 days. He receive, his passports in due time, but was lazed with a lerious ird s pofitiqn, and remained till 8 01 10 da\s. After a conlultaci r of physicians, it was determined ‘hat considering the Hate of tru roads and the duties which would devolve on him it would be very imprudent for him to 1 rroceed to Madrid. On ac count of his bad health, a trip to England was recommended, and h tving obtained every Be coming civility, Mr. Buwdom received pailports for that coun ty- No mention is made of a ny probible rupture between the United States and Spain. B'jij'n Repertory, Th-.- following pertinent extrafts were pubiifhed, in their present form, j in the Peterfburgh Gazette. They ! should be read and remembered by eve- ‘ y Federalilt tu the Hates of New- York : and Pennsylvania : New- York paper. FEDERAUcFs ! “ Troubled on every yet not dis trefled; perplexed but not in defpatr, per j fecutei but not forlaken, calt down but i not destroyed.” “ Let us not furrow like thofo who have no hope.” “ 1 Have seen the wicked great in pow I er, and [preading himfelt like a green bay ; tree, but lie palled away and was not, I fought Inn but he couid not be found.” “ His trull was jn the spider’s web, he leanedion his horde but it would not Hand, he’ held it fall, but would not endure, tlk falhion of the world pallet h away.” ■ | “ God giveth fore travail to t!ie tin ner, he givtth to the man that is good in his light, Wisdom and knowledge, and joy” 1 • “To the wicked there is no peace, they are like the troubled lea wlieu it can not re it, they travail with pain and their day3, trouble and anguilh prevail again it them, sorrows Sukc them atraid ou every fide.” “ I have seen violence and Itrifein the city, mifenief and sorrow are in the nudlt ot it, deceit and guile depart not from the Hrcet.” “ The lip of truth fliall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but tor a moment.” “ L.t us not be weary in well doing, the path of the jufl is as the filming light, that ihmcth more and inorc into Hie per lect uy.” “ Enter then not into the council of the feorncr, walk not in t/ie way with evil men, avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pals away.” “ Keep the path of the righteous.” “ Meddle not with them ttiat aie gi ven to change. ’ “ Every good and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from tile Father ot lights, with whom is no vanablenefs, neither shadow of turning.” “ According to what we now sow we must hereafter leap.” “ No man can serve two inaflctn, for either he will hate the one and love the o tiler, or else he will hold to the one and tiefpife the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.” “ If liiiucrs entice thee, conferlt thou not, come out Irom amongst them and be feperate.” “ Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eye-lids look llraight before thee, ponder the path of thy feet, and let all ways be eltablifhcd, turn not to the right nor to the left.” “ 11; not deceived, evil communication corrupt; good manners.” “ Clive not that which is holy unto dogs, neithcrcatt yourpearla before swine, left they trample them under feet, and turn again and rend you.” j PUKI GF F. N T f- R F. />, Schooner Three Brothers Jeffrey Phil'a .] c l e a i< J: n. Do I hit dth J Anno f~erziNctU~Tork. | Captain Sin mo s, who arrived at BMfon, in 35 days from G b* ’ ral ar, informs, tint a n official and detailed account of the Ne gocia ion and Ucacc with Tripo- I ii, La.l been received at that place, & thathe hadbeenpro nifed acopy of the fame, by the America Consul, but beinf* rea ly for fca a favorable breeze Iprin-nDg up, he left the place without it. 11 learnt, however, that the Arne ricans were to re 1 case all Tiipo line prifonen and pay 60,000 dollars for the lebera ion o: thi American captives. Nothing i. laid of provilion for the Lx Ba fluw, but it appears by tiie ha em account, that G"n. Eaton, -vis piivy to the pacific negoc - cion. Cape. Simmons, waj original ‘v from Norfolk fir C ■ ,• it a cir.-o 1) • >y ftv- ral tll arried intis \! >. ‘j. ■ . . 48 days, aiv; • had ..he car..,, ondemned. Ca. .. i,w , “■(lcrs or ihe pnvurers, v,hu.h were o take and fend iu all Ame . lean veff. Is. We [ relume the above men tioned orde.s wi-ic fur the can** sure ot .ill A nrncan v. ffcls ootio 1 into Gibialiar—which, we believe the Sp.mi irds t hode to conlider in a date ot biock uie. N-w j'ork , Sept. ,J. - A Swe dilh Ih.p from the Nlcditcrrancan a.i-i a b ig tro 11 Martinique, bound for this [>ort, were yr'.ttr lay caom ed by (he Br,uih fri gate off Sandy H .ok fine for Haih-ax The 111 ) Miry, captain Nye* of New Bedford, tv:th fait ard j wine for New York, from St* ■ Lucar, was capiured after h. /n-r lout 4b hours, lay a Brilifh man of war, and ordered for G Dial ler. Tne captain and h;s two mates re-took-the vjl cl, and ar rived at New-Bedfurd :n 43 days i passage, with tne prize matter 6c 6 Icamcn. j by Mr. White, the pilot of j the Ihip Medford, we arc infor- I med that the lhip Ocean, capr.- Huliey, from Amtlerdam lor New York, was captured off th Hook on Sunday I tit, by the Bri ilh frigate Cicopa;ra, aid lent off to Ha lttax, iri company / with a Hoop of war. Oar infor mant fuichcr adds, chic eajitan Brresford, in the Cumbrian fri gate was present at the time, arid would 110 c fuller a pilot-boat’s yawl to go along lide tnc Oce an. Captain Barnard of the fiiip Bedford, informs that the 26th of Augait, he spoke a f h tuner 34 days from Bordeaux, the cap tain of inlormcd that julfc after he failed from the Bay of Bilcay, lie lell in with the French md kpanilh Beet, from the Wclh inches, ihs'n Iteering lor Bud AUCTION,’ Lin; f A of drt go ;ns, was to have taken place YESTERDAY, fu,m the miletlcil Hale of thr weather, so pojlponed umil MONDAY the i pi. inlt. Sweet & Nichols , A uch’s. September zo. NOW LANDING, And for Sale, 60 Barrels Superfine FLOUR (Georgia m kc) 7 foiis VVaggon ‘l'l RE, 1 do. Square AXE UA RS Sc SIl/sRE MOULDS. 3 Boxes SADDLERY all,rted, IO Bags Green COFFEE, 20 Kr-gs f.f. gum- powder. *** A General Supply of GROCERIES ns usual, Andw. Knox, Barrack Gibbons's Wharf. September 20. 7 ftr. S Y1 J 1< U.O SillNGi lv>.~ 80,000 Boated Shingles, for LL by Andrew Knox. I Gibbons’s Wharf ! Scpf- 7 4-- JSO. i IC!'. A1 persons having any derma vs ngai.-ft he effee ssh mas |La cheder efq d-.-ce.-.f and, hie rnsr j chan- at R ceooroug I—will pleat; be. | 1 ver atisFcd fb/.m-rUs tt erco , to ! b; fubf-ril-cr ,—-wii.i whi m those j n-Jebtetl -o that etfa'e arc requeued I o fettle Wuhout delay. John Coupbr. tlifiej Ecv'r. S'Ptr 20 7 yCt. I xecutsrs S, Is, at Riccboro’* On the 31st d*) of Oct her r.ext, will be exp ..ed t-> .ciblic LI; —at the lr.iifc of Tlrimas Lancaftc, dc cal and; The personal pr. pcriy belonging to iis cfta/c—Uonliftiog of valuable ne*-> ‘•roe* ; 11 >ufe end kitchen furni u.e, Dry Goods, Liquors, a valuable col ledtion of fj'K.’k'. & . Si:, id s dvcl houfc Stores Lc. will alfj then >•: rented for one yeas a/ public Veu* iuc, .-John Couper* Qualjhd JBxo’r . Stfir- n 7 BILLS ON LONDON. /Oil SAL Z ii { R. U J. BO Lift \\ id * ► /