Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 20, 1805, Image 4

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FEVER AT NEW-YORK Many alarming reports being in circulation ®f the yellow fe vex. raging in New-York, We think it proper to publish the following official report of the Board of Health of that city. CJFICE OF THE CF HEALTH. New-Fork, kept. £, 1805. Since the last report of the Board nothing has occured with refped to the heal h of the city, to juftifyalarm, until within three days, during which period, the Board have been aff.cluouflv em ployed, not only jn executing the precautionary powers depo fitrd in their funds, but in ob taining as aeburate an account as possible of the true hate of the marine hospital, anil four deaths. PupuUr tumour has vaflly ex aggerated the number of tales, whereby undue alarm has been excited. The Board are extre mely anx’ous 10 mprels on their fellow citizens the impropriety of l< ving credit to unauckerrfica red reports, as they mar rest as furrd that, as long as the present unfavorable (late ot the pubhc health continue*, a candid undis puifed account of the real fitiia tion of the city shall be regular ly pubhfhed. Confi ‘erable anxiety has pre vailed, rrfpeding the power cf th'“ Board to remove periods ftek of malignant fever. This low er, which has fora long time been exerciftd by the commiflioners of the Health Office, hi’s, in c very instance, been tiled with the utmost delicacy and d.6; retion. Os those patients who were citi zens it has been left entirely at their option to provide recrea s. Others, who have been removed to the Marine Hofpitai, were moflly ftrangeis, friendlcfs and without families, and have been provided with every comfort ar.d convenience. Should the disease continue to prevail, Bellevue Holpital wII be opened. The buildings belonging to this , fta- Jbhlhrr.ent have been recently re paired with conliderable improve ments, and every accommodation has been liberally provided for the lick. The parr of the city which at present af pears to be the princi pal feat of the disease, is Water and Fr nt-ftree<s, between the Fly Market and old steps. DFWITT CLINTON, PresJ. James Hakdie, Sec’ry. FRQM LONDON PAPERS. The L : ght-houfe on the HJI of Howth, on the north fide or the bay ot Dublin, is no lighted by ignited lmoke. A Steffordlhire potter has ob tained a patent for making win dow frames of earthenwate, which, he dates, will be more durable, Icis hew. and more cleanly than Metal or wood. A prize of 500 rubles has been offered by the Academy of Sci once at Peteifburg, for the bed Memoir on the lubjrft of new experiments on light, con fuiered as Matter, on the proper ties that ought to be atrihutes to it, on the affinities which it appe rs to have with other bo dies, and on the modifications and phenomena which appear in thofc iubftanccs in coni, quence of the combinations which the light forms in them. Individu als of every nation may lend thrir Memoir* till the lit. of iv uy 1 b~6. anecdote Some years ago a person re. quelled permifTieu of the bifiiop of SaUbury, to fly <rom the top of the (ptreof that Cathedral.— The good bitbop, with an anxi ous concern lor the ma t’s fpirir ual, as well a* temporal fa.’ety ttdd hirn he was vciy w< icome* todfv to the church, be he would encourage no man to fly from it. Ttf AW Resident Lanu-Holders ts the Stale of Kentucky. FROM the number of TRACKS of LAND exposed to sale by the register for taxes, it would seem that the Non Resident land holders are either ignorar.c of our laws, or consi derably embarrassed for the want of agents, in whom confidence may be placed, and whose fitu at.en and acquaintance with bu siness wdl enable them to dis charge with promptness the du des required of them- That there are fome who for want of information of what our laws require to be done, have buffered their lands to be fold ior the tax, 1 have no doubt, and lor their information, will give a ftior ftatrment of our laws on hat lubjcd. But lam fenfiblc that rruny more have fuffered from a misplaced confidence in r.gents who could not or would not aitend to the duties required of them. Men who live at a di ftancc from Frankfort, where taxes on non-refidents’ land are paid, mull find ic more inconve nient to discharge the duties of an agent than a citizen of the town. Yet it is believed that at least nineteen twentieths of those gentlemen who a<st as agents for non-re fid' nts, live dispersed at eonfiderable diltances from this place. And to this cauk may be attributed a great part of their omiflion and negledt of duty.— For it may happen that at the time of receiving money it is ou; of their power to pay it im mediately into the Trealury, but they think it shall be done as soon as fit opportunity occurs j n the mean time fome prtfiing occasion or pleafng fpecuiation induces them to make ule of it, whit h they cannot again collect till the lands are fold. But a citizen of the town could always pay over the money on receiving it, which would often lave the costs of advertiting the lands.— And opportunities of transmit ting money to this place are inure fa fe and frequent than to molt other places in the State, as the Post from the Eastward once 1 week; besides private convey ances, which are numerous. If there should be any danger ap prehended from the mail being robbed, the Bilik Bills may be cut into two or more pieces and tranlmitted by different ports,- Thcle among other reasons which might be adduced, have induced me to believe that a person in whom confidence could be pla ced, living at this place, and ac quainted with business, who would take upon himfelfthe pay ment of taxes for Non-Residents on a moderate comm.(lion, would receive encouragement. 1 have therefore determined to offer my lervices to Non-Residents and others who may wild business of the kind done at this place, on the following terms : On being furniihed with mo ney in time, I will aitend the re fpedive offices, pay the Taxes, procure quietuses therefor, and transmit duplicates thereof to the Proprietors of the land, to the nearest poll-office where they reside, for fifty cents on each trad of land, and five per cent, on ch: amount of the tax, &cc. charged thereon. As it will be ntceffary that regular accounts should be kept of the money received and paid away by me, I prelume thele terms will not be though high. For the information of those who msy require it, 1 have sub joined the following Ilatement and certificate. —By the present laws of Kentucky, Non-Ktfidents who claim lands within the fame, are compelled to enter their lands for taxation with the Au ditor of Public Accounts, before the lit day of OdoOer, 1806, or luch claims will become forfeited to the (late. I he entries mult pekribe if poffule the situation and quality of tne land, in whose name it was entered, surveyed and patented*. The Tax laid ou their lands becomes due on the’ ill day jfFebruary, annually, and if not paid by the iff dayoi October following, carries inte relt from that time rill paid, at ten per cent; per annum. The Auditor is diredtedto tranfmicto the Register a lift of such lands as are not paid on (and this he commonly does by the firft day of may annually) and the Regis ter is required to have the fame published three months in the paper of the public printer, before the firft Monday in Novem ber, at which time the sales of luch lands commence, and con tinue from day to day at the door of the State-House, till all are fold that ire not paid on.— Thecoft of advertising is charg ed to ’he proprietor of the land and added to the tax. The lands vhus fold cannot be redeemed without the consent of the pur chaser. Achilles Sneed. Frankfort, Kentuky, July 20, 1805. WE, the Subscribers, being informed by Achilles Sneed, Clerk of the Court of Appeals and resident of the town of Frank fort, and that he wishes to be em ployed on commifiion by Non- RefUenis who claim land in Kentucky, to pay their taxes for them : do hereby certify that our acquaintance with said Sneed induces us to believe that he will transadt such business with ftridf integrity and pundtuality, and will give complete fatisfaftion to all who employ him. Given un der our hands this 6th day of Ju ly, 1805. Wm, Stele, Christopher Greenup, Harry Innes, Caleb Wallace, John Jordan, jn Joseph Crockett, Matthew Walton, Jh fireckemiuge, Jas. Barbour, ofVir. j. Huglxts, A. Colilweil, James Morrilon, John Rowan, J. H. Daveiss, Chrillo. M’Conico, George Johni'on, George Madison, John Logan, H. Taylor, H. MarfhaH, George Clarke, Henry Clay, John Fowler, Thomas Todd, Thomai Carueal, Ceorge Muter, f Thomas Tunstall, Samuel M’DoweL William Hunter. N. B. inquiries into the title, situation, and quality of land will be made, and any other business to be transacted at the public offices of this place, will be done on a moderate compensation. All letters addressed to me on those fubjedts, (post paid) will be duly attended to. A, S. The Printers of the fallowing pa per* ae requested to give the above three insertions ; and transmit their accounts to the FJitor of the Palladium, in Frankfort Kentucky , vix—'The Boston Ccntiuel •• Philadelphia Gazette, and Aurora; Evening Poll, of New-York ; the True American, of Trenton ; the Baltimore Tetegraphe ; The Republican Advocate, of Fredcricktewn, ( Maryland) ; the Nor folk Ledger ; the Inquirer, of Richmond ; the Winchester Centinel j the Raleigh Register; the Charleston Courier ; and the Georgia Republican. Sept. 10 4 , - ■ ... . tiff LOST, or left at the Court Houfe,during the term of the Federal Court held in May last, a Blatter or Day Book, belonging- to Arnold Suites u Co.— Whoever will deliver laid book to George D. Sweet, or Richard F. Williams, thall re ceive a generous reward if required. Sept. 10 ut. 4 THE Subscriber will re ceive proposals until the tyth inst. for the fuppiy of rations, for the crew of the Revenue Cutter, for ftx, nine,or twelve months. Thomas Johnson. Custom Haufe —Sept, jo 4 TO THE PUBLIC. THE Public in general will p'eaieto take notice that their will be an excellent likeness of the Rev. Dr. Richard Furman of the city of Charleston, out in November or December enluing in connection with the Revd. Henry Holcombe and the Revd. Jo seph Clav, one of them is now engraving in Philadelphia by the mod eminent engraver in America from Europe, the public has been informed that there is alikeness of the aforefaid Dr. Furman engraved in Charleston South Carolina, the fnhfcribers who have fubfenbed to the above char afters will take notice that they are not deceived in purcha liwg the one alluded to, the public are also foficited to suspend their judgment until the one executing by the celebrated Mr. Edwin is our, the proprietor afl'ares the pubhc no expencc will be l'p-red to accomplilh them as generally is the case ; the frames for them will be compleatcd hy European Guilders, if the whole work is not compleated equal to I any ever from Europe, a cent will not be de manded. Sep. to ts 4 Received at the Savannah SHOE STORE, pr Brig Short SiAfLt from Boston, an additional afl'ortment of SHOES.—rlio. 6 Hhus. and ;o bbls. N. E. RUM. Pipes Gin. 20 boxes and 30 Kegs HER RINGS. J.& J. WILLY. Sep'eixbe ts 4 Brooks & Dunn in g, (Bolton’s Wharf) Have just received, per brig Dean frog New-York, 10 kegs Dutch powder 1 Id ton patent flat I I- 2 ditto bar lead 1 pipes Hollands gin 10 barrels loaf and lump ft gar 5 chefs Hyfon Tea oj tale importation 5 pipes brandy Cofee in barrels, bags and tiereet 12 barrels Mackerel ON HAND, S weeds and Country iron Plough Moulds 2 hhds. retailing Molafcs 20 pan. high 4th fir oof Jam . Run IJ barrels rice frjl quality IO dit o ditto inferior ditto IJ hogsheads prime sugars A few hogsheads inferior ditto 20 barrels prime beef 10 ditto cargo ditto 2% half barrels put up for family use at re tail Jamaica Spirits, J Wei! matured by Cogniae Brandy, ts 1 page and of a f*pe- Hollands Gin, )r/ar quality. Port, Madeira, Sherry (5* Muscat JVine London Porter, 6 (fe. idle. ■dugnf 2. ts 49 John Jackson. Has just received fer barque Nixon from Liverpool, a handsome addition to his former assortment of Goods, AM’ NG WHICH ARE. Blue, Black, } Corbeau, t Bottled, 3 Suptrfint CLOTHS. Brown, Mixed Cf < Scarlet y Black, white, ) CASSIMERES. ors 3 Worsted Fancy Cord, Drab, blue, ) PLAINS & NE- Brown(jfwhite CGROCLOTHS. Scar'er, yellow, ) Blue, Cor beau, c FLANNELS (S Whi e, green, BAIZES. & Spotted Rofe, s BLANKETS London Duflle > an j And Bristol | Blanketimg. Swansdown and Toilenets Olive, Drab and brown Fcarnaught Cloths and Coatings Blue Sctouds; Suspenders Worsted and Cotton HOSIERY Silk, Worlted, Cotton and Leather Gloves Gentlemen’s Chip, and servants glazed HATS 50 dozen Rice Hooks-—Rice Scives Corn and Coffee Mills COTTON BAGGING. Salt &c. Together with an extensive ASSORTMENT OF Ironmongery, Hardware and Cutlery. Comprising almost every article in general use. Augutt 9 ts 96 Fifteen Dollars Keward. RANAWAY FROM the Subscriber living in Warrenton, Warren County state of Georgia; A negro man named LONDON, abour twenty fix years ot age, five fee/Rine r fen inches high, limps a li//le in walking. Had on when he wen/ away a blue tailors coat and trowfers. He is an ar/fu fellow and has been accustomed to going by water. It is tuppofed he will make for fome sea port from whence a/tempt to leave /he th/e; all cap/ains and others are forwarned harbouring or carrying said fellow off as /he law will be rigorotifly enforced against /hem. Whoever will appre hend said fellow and deliver him to /he fubferiber, orfecurc him in any Jail of this fia/e shall receive /he a bove reward and all reafonoble char ges paid by. Thomas Dent. August 17 I Ten Dollars Reward- STOLEN frsm the tlor* of Mr. Peter M'- Farlane, aftiot gun about t feet 10 inches long in the barrel—the lock has been repair ed. ; the feather spring entirely new—th Steel has been lately faced She neatlve carped on the breach with aTutenac thumb piece. The above reward will be paid on deliver) f the gun, and an additional reward of ten dollars for the c.nvifting es ever)- thief concerned in Healing her, by applying to the printers. Overseers and patrols are parttcu larlv requested to make flriA fearclie* in their plantations and diftrifts. August 2 ts. 81 Removal, THE Subscriber having taken a fix years leale of Mr. John Pooler’s wharf and dock adjoining Mr. 801. tons Yamacraw wharf, has removed his lumber yard, and having procu red large and iafe floor room, is hope ful of a continuance of part favors. The dock he a/ present occupies is large fafe poflesses the fame advant - ges as to convenience as his former tne dd. His counting room will 6e kept at his dwelling house adjoining Mr. John Caigsuntil one can be fL :ed up on the wnarf. John Mead. August 27 if Georgia, Liberty, Superior Court , Ma rcb Term, ’- 8o J, On the petition ot John Bol ton, executor of Robert itolton, praying the forecloiure of the e quity of redemption of all thae lot of land fituace in the town of Sun bury, containing seventy feec Font, arvd one hundred and thir ty feet deep, known in the ori ginal plan by the number seven ty-eight (78) which said lot of and, with the improvement, thereon, was mortgaged on th'* twentieth day of June, one thoul and seven hundred and ninety live, by William Hunter Tor rans to the said Robert Bolton, for lecuring the payment of the lum of forty-two pounds fterlirng equal in value to one hunded and eighty dollars; with interest thereon, due upon a certain bond or obligation from the said Wil liam to the said Robert bearing even date with the said moit- S a g it is ordered, That the princi pal, interest and cost due on the said bond be paid into court with in twelve months from this time and unlcfs the principal, interest and cost be so paid the equity of redemption of the laid mortga ged prcnr.iffes shall from thence forth be forcclofed, and such other proceedings take place ** the law directs. And it isfuriher\ordered> That a copy of this rule be publilhed in one of the Public Gazettes of this ltate at least once in every month until the time appoiated tor payment, or served on the mortgagee, at least fix month* previous to such time of pay ment. Extrasl from the Minutes , This 2 6th March 1805. A. Forest elk. c. s. c. l. (% March 28 lam I2t 61 ■’ 1 ■■■- Him 1 11 W NOTICE. NO'l ICE is hereby given that the Subfcnber will at the expiration of nine months from the date, apply to the Honorable the jufticcs of the Inferior Court of this county for leave to fell and dispose of all that Island or tra& of land generally known and called Burnside, together with all its appurtenances, contain? ing about two hundred and sixty a cres, of hign land and a body at naarih adjoining thereto, lying and being in this county and situated be tween Bewlic and Skidaway Islands, to be fold as part of the estate of Ja cob Wa’dburgher deccaied for the benefit of the said estate. JOHN MILLEDGE. Ex’or. of said Estate April 18 iamgm. 66. NOTICE, ‘ AT the expiration of nine Months from this date, application will be made t the honorable judges us thelnfeiior Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors that lot f land known by the number five (5) Third Ty ping, Keyno ds Ward, Savannah, belonging to the estate of John Haupt, Baker, late cf said place, containing sixty feet in front and ninety feet in depth, more or lefts, adjoining a lot of James M’Conky’s. THOMAS DOWELL, Adm’r. ELIZABETH DOWELL,Adm'x Savannah, March *l, 1805. *iam9m. SHERIFFS SALES ON the firft Tuesday in October nex/ will be fold at the Courthouse in Brunswick, Glynn County. A man named Ned, in pofleflion of and levied on as the property orCol Jchn M’ln/osh to fa/ilfy an execution in favour of Richard Wayne. J. G. Snead, D. S. C. C. S t Simons, Auguil 21 ts a Sheriff's Sales. ON the firft Tuesday m November n est, will be fold at the Court-house ia ranswick, Glynn county. Forty two ne oes, together with their iflue, mortgaged Alexander Graham, to George Bailfte, t* ftecure the sum of twe ; ve thouland eight bun. ,rired and sixty eight dollars with interest. Which mortgage n fareclofed pursuant t# law. John G. Snead, and. s. c . c. St. Simons, August ai a Notice.] IS hereby given, that af/er the ex piration of nine nr.on hs from /he dare hereof, applltcation will be made to /he honorable /he Inferior Ccur/ for the coun/y of Cam-cn, for leave to fell ,he ieal efta/e of James Vincerf, late cf the said Coun/y dec. for the bene / of the heirs and cieditors. 1 hornas King > Admr’s, Archd. Clark. August 27* 1, 901110,