Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 24, 1805, Image 3

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iiies, and that no other fta'e c*oul 1 properly complain of it. With rdpeft o the Noble Earl’s pa negvrics'upon America, he un fterftood a Noble Earl had late ly dilpofed of his property and pone to that country: perhaps if the Noble Earl opposite to him would follow the fame ex ample, he might, after a short refiner,ce in that country, return home in a better humour with his awn ! The Earl of Lanerlck was of opinion the aniwers given by Min'fters were explicit; and ad verted to the conlideration, how far too great-an indulgence with rcfpedl to the trade of America, would operate injuriously upon the trade of F'pLnd with our Weft India colonics. Ihe Fail of St'jFhl fpeke in support of forne or the pofirions of his Noble French, Lords Hol land and Stanhope. Lord Hawkefbury, the Earl cf Camden, ana the Duke cl Monrrofe, Luke leveraliy in ex planation. liarl Stanhope, in expl tnation Lid it was the duty of a p'-rfon in. his situation to watch over the imereftsand conce. ns of his coun try at home, and not to leave it because he might be out .yf hu mour, at the inifoonducl of weu V, inefficient, a„d incapable Mini- Iters. The Earls of DarnUy and Ca rysjort I poke fuurcly in lupport of the leading arguments of no ble Lords or that fide of rhe Houle. bx>rd Harrow by briefly vird'- dicated the condufb of the Mi ni fters on thefubject in qu ft ton i and h: deemed them fufficiently explicit in their declarations. Lord Ho! and ipoke in reply, and contended that Mi tillers had not been tx,.-licit; the:r de danrions were mere general!'ies; in aliufion to what was Lid o f the errigt at ion of a noble Eat! (Sel kirk) to America, he referred t-, his litre work upon the luhjeft which he legarded as full o! ule ful information, and vindicated the motives which induced that Nob’e Lord to go to that coun try in question. He warmly re prehended the idea of nobit Lords being told, when thej openly and freely declared thei; opinions of the n ifeondudt or in capacity of Ministers, that they Ihculd leave their country if they did not like it. Mo, ir was the dury, as his noble Friend well obfervedef persons in their fitua tion ro fiay in tneir country, watch over its interests, endea vour to refeue it fro a defiruo tion, and to abide its fa e. Such was the duty of Members of that Houle, end they who aflette.: otherwise krew lirte of the du ties f die leg flature. The Duke of Mo Arose fiftd a few voids, in cjnf q tence or what feh ’from Noble Lor. s op pofi e ; he weird n t be dictated to, as to the 1 nc of debate or cudcrvation f.e would purlue. He Awni.d adopt that which he thou, lit n oil 1 kely to con uc.e to hs obj'Ct; it wrs ro: his ■pra&iHe to rebuke others, neither wan'd ne be rebuked, The que ll ion being loudly called for, a div fion took place. For the motion, B—Againlt it, 14— Ma jority, 6. NORFOLK, Sept. 7. Arrived fcnooner Catharine Shepherd, Webb, from Arv igua, via St. Bartholomews, in 20 flays. The supercargo of tiie jh ip Serpent handed capt, Webb the f Mowing, with a request to have it published on his arrival at this place: “ lhatthefliip Serpent, capr. Haves, and the schooner Stiwar rov , Cent. Fiolt, both from Bal tinrore bound to Martinique anr Guadaloupf, were captured o; the 27th ulr. on their way tr Guaoaioupe, by the Ii r inlh floo rt wsr H j pomone, L. Wool comb, co iunander, under the ic vi D m ir.icr, an<J oif he tov. n o F- i?cau, and after putting ; auft-.r and marines o board, ordered them for St. John’s, (Art.) where tiny arrived on the joth ult. Their trial came on the 1 ith August, rhe schooner and cargo were condemned ; on ly Mr. Bacon’s part of the ship’s cargo was condemned, the re mainder, together with the fliip, was liberated. The plea for con demnation is, that no BritilF fubjetft, although he may havi lived 2 o years in America, and be ertitled to ail the piivileges of an American chizen, if he be found trading and supplying th< enemies of the Britilh Crown with proviflons, &c. his property in that case, is coniidered as a good and lawful prize, for the\ lay that no Biitifh ho-n subj *6l is allowed to throw off his allegi tine c to the Crown of Gieat Bri tain ; and a!! Britilh fubjeffs, though American citizens, that ; are found trading with the ene mies of England, their property will be condemned to all intents and purposes.” Georgia Re j >ub 1 ican, SAV ANN AH, September 24, 1807. WASHINGTON CITY. WEDNESDAY, 'Sept. h. IT is with the livditl pleasure we arr enabled to fay thal our laic captive citi tens in Tripoli are release 1, an 1 a treaty of peace is iva 1 • with the reigning Ba shaw. Ddpatckes Have been received, which announce tliele joy us events, ami place them beyond aii doubt. YVe con gratulata our country mm on these events, equally calculated to gratify their fenfi biiity as men, and their pride as citizens of a‘tec republic. Diipatchra, we unde-ftind, have beer, receiv c, hy the Brig Olio, from C mm, dore J. Rodgers, as late aa the middle of June, Commodore Barron having previ oufly resigned the command ; which Irate that pnvmimry ai tides of peace were signed on the fecor.d of June by Col. 1.-ar and the reig- ing Baftvv.v.— Previously to this time, Tripoli had been pii fled by a vigorous blockade which in terceptcd all luppiy of provifi , a>,ci the city was in a o, nduiou very little h..’t of Itarvlng, * , By difpatchcs received from Mr. Ea ton, and capt. Hull, commander of the Argus, it appears that the army headed •>y Mr. Eaton and tiie ex Bathtw, after enduring fevcrc hardfhlps and surmount ing great difficulties, arts-. k? lon the 27th of April the fortified town of Dernc, which they took after a bloody engage incut, in which Mr. Eaton was wound 1! not dangerouflv, hy a mufkrt ball that truck his left wrist. Tilde opera": *„ were ably aided by the co-Operation of the brig Argus, the schooner Nautilus, and the Hornet, under the command of Capt. Hull, and wl ich had previously turn’fhed supplies for the army. The following letters plsc- s the libera tion of the captives beyond question. Extract of a letter from Robert D nnison. Esq. Secretary to the Ci vmodorc of the Mediterranean fquadrun , dated Malta, I stb ‘June 1805. “ I do mvfelf the pleasure to announce *o you that the peace has been fi.iallj concluded betwixt the United States and the Baftiaw of T.ipoli, and our long captive c- untrymen rcllnrtd to liberty and their friends. Commodore S. Bir ron left this for Sicily about 10 days since, with a view to try the air in the neighbourhood of mount Etna Bainbridge with- feme 01 his officers art gone to join him there.” From the Snhm Regijsr, September 2. THE TRII’O l BAN PEACE. We nave uaderllood that there were on<” hum r.d and fifty Am ream, princi pally volunteers, with Gen. Eaton, upon the expedition which went ffiy land a gainll Tripoli. General Eaton aEtcd under the express command of the go vernment if the United States—He de parted in July, 1804, in the American ! q ladron, from YVmhington, and was landed from one ot the United States’ vHTeliat Alexandria, in Egypt, in the month of December lalt, It is under iiood he was supplied with large sums ol money, ammunition, fieul artillery, camp equipage, mulkets, pikes, &c. for the iroops ; and, in Hurt, with every De cenary for the expedition. Gen. E .ton was accompanied with several America: officers, but we have heard no particular namc3. The Ex-Bafhaw was found in Alexandria, and readily agreed to affifi n railing the army. What the parii u!ar llipulations on both files wer -. ws. nave yet to learn. We only know at present, that sor 6coo r. ;n were soon collected, and that they marched to the weltward, along the Barbary ffi re, un til they encountered the Tr'poiine force# n the vicinity of Derne, a town on the atlern holders of, and belonging t I’ripjli—Here a viftory was gained b ; he Amen ar. army, ami the place fin nediately lurrendcred. This was know ■1 Malta early in the month of May, an n w {implies of ammunition, &cz. wer mmeiliately sent to Gen. Eaton, in overnffient brig, b lie reigning Baths {Tripoli mult have been feriuufly ala ned. Our ft -et was highly refp-.'Etabk wa. well known, we nad then ncor veenty fa.l oi veiLij of w.r ia tuc 2>i- ‘iterraneau, (with the nine gun-boats’ sent from this country, and fome hired cutters, the number dciliued to attack Tripoli, in July, was thirty vefftls, car rying more than 3000 men, and 500 pieces of heavy cannon.) Could Tripo li hold out againfl a force f<> formidable, under officers exprrienced, alfilled too by a conftderable army on 111 >re ? We cannot ftipoofe that the B.,:huw could expeA to oppose them with luc ctfß—he, therefore, took the wifift course, and opened negociations tor ptae'e. To talk of tribute, under these circum fiances, was nonfcnle ; he had not been able to command it last year. He is then said to have lowered his de mand from a million to a bundled at.d fifty thousand dollars. Alter the gal lant Preble had impended a few thousand dollars worth of powder and flwt, in the difl'rrent attacks on his fleet and forts, his agents at Malta probably informed him what he might foot) expetft to re ceive. His only fafety, th .eforc, was in an immediate peace, and ii is said, he sent a flag of truce to M Ita, to treat on the'terms. Captain Leach cxprefsly dates, that consul Lear was thereupon difpatclied to Tripoli, and that a triaty was soon ncgociated, with cenditiom highly honorable to the United States. The American prisoners were to be re leased from (Every. Ransom or trilute mufl have been out of the queftion— and future tribute, or annual Itthfidies, mnft also have been abandoned for evtr ! If the fleet.had attacked Tripoli in July, as intended, it probably would have fur rendtred, almost upon any conditions. YVe rejoice, however, in the peace as it is.—Gcneial Eaton, and fits brave com panions in arms, are entitled to the thanks of the government, and nation nt large for their unequalled exertions. A march over the (Jeff its of Africa, through an enemy’s country, what an undertaking ! tni3 has been attempted hy Americans—it will remain for future Lnftoriatis to record the fad, to our bou >r. Let Europeans imitatt the glorious example —let the povrniments of Eog l and an t France, and even those of Spain, Portugal Sweden and Di naik. iea-n from us, .that it is better firn ’ - to refi I and; mands ot tribute, in the fi it inflxnce, uni hy a noble conduA such ns ourß. teach toe barbarians of Africa, tbit they a-e nottii wiicu force is applied to iurcc. GENERA 1 EATON. Lately appointed :■ nin<r,der in chief of the forces of tne exiled Trip iiE<* monarch, Hamet Bifha.v, is a G.e Mountain boy. He was appointed a captain in the weftein army oi the U ii ted States, about the year I7yt, and re eruited a comp >y at Ben.iinpton. J our army he rose no higher than th rank ct captain. During the latte- part of the adininiftratinn of Prcfident ‘Vafhiotjton, lie was appointed confui a! Uunis, in which important flarii n h fuppo-ted the interests of his countn with z“a! and ability. When dore Mori ‘s > at Malta, he was applied to by a M iltefe black ftniih of the uam< of Buffi if, llyling hi. ifeif co-jfal and agent of hij excellency StJi Uruct Ca ramaiili,the fi and born of Trip.’i, t<- aflid iu placing h's maiUr on tor tiiron occupied by his brot! <r. I’he pro j-if- c was that the United S a'es fn >u!d ad vance 50,000 dollars, 2 0.0 jo ft .mi <-i arms, and a qnimity of gun-, owdr r an ‘ co-operate with their whole orce n th Mediterraneans promising tint r ( u;. cefstul, the n- w B’.fhaW would n -ke peace with the United Sta rs C-rn modore Morris P and not think hin fcl au horiEd to accept tliis p „pofal. correipondence afterwards piifFeu tip : this fibj A between Mr. Eaten, ■ Mr. Ma lilon, secretary of state. M E iton eventually advanced a conft inu. | ble sum of the public money fir t'-n, | ohj A ; but a comtnittee of Gorgrel's j have reported in favor of his genet.d i co duel in his cunfulfh-p. ‘l’he project i lias fret been fanCtioneci by govern me:, t, ; and Mr. Eaton commiflintied to co-j opeiale with the exiled lialhaw. Ftom ihe National lutAligencer. j Letters rcfpe<9ting the Etc occurrences at Tripoli, we underll rid, have been for v. arded io the President, at Mumicello, 1 All the exccu'ive officer*, except tlie Se er: try of War, are ar prefeiu absent frum the feat of govern,meat. We perceive it afferteid in fevera! prints, that our gun boats, taken by the Spani ards, are not yet liberated. Wc find, oil enquiry, that official information has been received on thur liberation. I'orce at present in the hfediterranean em ployed a 3 ainjl TRIPOLI: GUNS. “and President 44 —Com S Ba-ron jcT Contfitution 44 —Capt. J Rogers ~ Constellation 3<3 —Capt. Id. Campbell Congref# 36 —Cap’ S. Decatur 1-’ x 32 Capt. J. Barron John Adams 32 -Cap:. J. Shaw bS >yren i®—Cap- Stewart yy A'gua 18 —Capt. llu’l V;/.ea 14 —C-iot. Sm'th r° Nauti'uf 14— Capt. Dent f. c.:iterpr.z 14—C#pt Rob.nfoa r vo American Bomb-V'effids .. ie mti rican Gun Boa's X’wo Bi no-VJL.s, procured iu the Mf di erran-a i Pi rce Gj t-B >a ?, ditto. () 1 iar i of th 1 fq'jadr.m, there are 3,0 A r..-n—iucluaing olfi.-ers, fcamst’.i inn me*, <4W. In thr above flatement wchnve arrang ed the vrfTcl’ according to their refpeAive force, without regard to the rank ot the commanders. THAT a faction who have so long ’ proclaim-d their inveterate hostility to j rhe pr. (cut adminiflrarion, fliould avail I themfc Ives of every opportunity to cm banafs it in its operations, and dtftroy irs popularity, is no more than night he expeAed ; hut at the fame tiu'f it was prefumrd by many, that on forne jocc h.ins clnertnin feedngs would huv, ! a pu ponderance ov r those -xcitcd by !tha denti nos fnflicn. bbrfovtunatc'v, hmvcvcr, this app.a-s not to be the case ;As a proof ot which, witness the b f and i! iheral attacks on the Pn tident, in jConfi quence of the depr< datiors recently commuted on our commerce : and lik< ‘” ile in coni quence of report that our negociation with Poain had bet n broke oft. Alt ho ’ the dtft’f ve meafurrs ’ which .have been adopt'd by the • xecutive to prevc t a reset lim os those on rag-s w-itch have beencomm-tted on our coo/l nod in our harbors, are well known, and jah bough the report of Mr. Monro,’s j leaving Madri without accomplifliing the ohj. A cf his million, may be with |oot foundation, (hill the ‘■'o[<p-fttin pi jt erj ” have applied the epithet pnJiUanU ‘n-Vr to tlie adminillration, and have n.atged them with au intention to fa jCrtfic! the cleared interests of their coun j tfy, in order to avoid a war, thro’ fear j jtfiat it might render them unpopular. A j brief review, however, of the measures which haye been purfiicd by the admin iftration, as refpecE our external con cerns, wif\, 1 ttud, be fufft ient to convince eVery candid and unpnjodiced per'm, tlial f i far bom evincing a p'fd- I ianiin >us di{poiilion, they have on all! occafions.f/jjpar.v./ with hu-.or and digni ty the dnueiem char.’tier. No foonet had Mr. Jeff, rfon been placed at th- head of government, than it was dctei ntired to cl aft'fi or-eof the barbary powers, who, notwithftaodiug tlic tnluitc which had been paid him by tlie two former administrations, was c-'inmitii-ig depredations on our com mrrce with a view, no doubt, to rx’ort a greater sum from government, than was if’pulatcd bv tr aty. The admyiiflrstion, h wev r, nobly re'ufed th ‘ cemands of - ieie piraics, and to tlie aflomlh ne -t of Europe as well not th-* b-wba y powers an American fqua-Irou soon made i-s ypeara ce in tU* Medile ran an, and a' 1 hough ac.idint threw o e of on ligate* into the hands 01 >h- liafhaw. t our commerce in ’hat sea h.i been •op'y protected, anl we have every - Him to believe from the impofi-ig force ich we nowiave in the Mt di'erran an, -at th's season will termina'e tlie war, ud that too in a manner worthy of our ia lonal charaA-r In tiie fall of 18->2 , rhe Spanish in- ! ‘endnnt at New ‘Orleans refufed out ) re zms the right of at that port, j coutiary ton article of the treaty of * t 7 V>• Yh' 6 unjudifiible art excited nnco agiiation amongst our citiz-us, aIJ aitho’the party in oppr-fition were ror an immediate declaration <-i .vr, ihe prdi lent, supported by the re; tidfii ns, vas (klr rivuned to t> y the eff Ct of ne ociation, before the nation were plunged -to a war. i’he important acqmf ion nj 1 .ouisiana is well known to have been ‘he r-lu!t of this p-‘i llic tneafurc. Spain Iron after this event began to evince an unfriendly disposition towards the United Stdies. Tuis mobably may iiave pro ceeded I rom jealon'y, excited by oui <br lining so large and valuable a p-o ----■nnc■ ns Lou.linn, which fl\e had ft) ret. • 11 1 v been obliged to recede to I • a.".,i which flic always conli lered f v •.■) tne Fi -ridas arid to tYfex'co,: j a-. - fl'n bv no means was desirous i ot . I-, ipdT ffion o‘ a young and j cite ■i a ion B • tins however as 1:t r . is u u3- rflood that f -on a ter Ine ill Int I. .uifi rn t-i the I ’nited j Bta i, n-s Ca ; h -lie M -jefty reftife ) to : rant t!i- co-vtn‘i.) - - 1802, and I kr ! wife disputed our.igli- to Veil Florida, I ’V • which i-.ur government contend is a p.irt of Loufiina. I For (he purpose of ibtaming a-, ami j ! * 4 of thafe important j : pci: 1 s'n C Ultrov , fy, f (ij inrun I ! p ilr /ism. Jit nveft find lulenls was dcpU- I ted !,y tiic cx t o t e court of j j Spain What lia 1 been the reiuit ot j •fiiis miffi mis not p* vet fill'y ifeertsii’cl —if i’ (ia* b,.en u.if lccefsful, -9 rep -r ----t and, let nr (k with what propd'’ vca 1 the executive b • censured ? Is it not an evidence of die ‘flnw.cfs, not t> 1 y of the a'lm milration but I ike wife of the minitier whom they Odette for tni* ne gociation, and n proof tint liiry will niv.r abandon our j id nghtti, how. ever dv(irons they may be to prclt ve peace? if th • negociation has been really hr’ k?n off, thro* the obdiiut y an ; i ,j 1 ii :e of Spain, ihc executive can d> no mo r e than reprtfeit the fam- to congrefo (who will alTe nblc in a lliort tim )a and there can be n> and > ibt but that their patriotism will indn-.e th.-m to r.- .I'.c im n-'d.ate pro>'ili >n for eofor- nig our claims by s 1 n‘p’ 1/ ft asms, ffiould the limns and li 3 ruty of the nation re.i ■er fucii li- ‘i.Luv. jateilcieace fndispeu-’ fably Usee U'V . CATO, Nut. It. The following patav/rapli are from aL i” lon pvg-.r of juyl 4 ; man led his wife an 1 child on Mon . day fe’anight, into the public market, T'uxfo and, in ;*vrk.hir, with halter# tbo t • j thi i’ eetka, and fold them for Jive 1 ! it u%. 1 xaser-*~jr-.t-m~zr.~ <— , ri h 1 1 FORI <JF SAVANNAH-- Entire Scho-ner hornery, Kerr ’s n St. Thomas'i (■’ J. E A R E J). Cchr. ii’ Er,ns, Dough .day X. E. NEW YOB K, Sffi'r 1 her 2. Ihe following ru-ti* it. fru-n captai 1 Bt.r er of the ffiip Au gulta to the etlitut ot the Mer cantile Advertifcr. On the 9 h ii.ft, Sandv ! 1 ok beyriiig N. by W. o.ftan'c 5 leagues, I was buaiue l by h's bruanruc fv-aj ilyN Hoop of Wuf *1 wke, captain i huiiij-fon, \vh:> ■ rJ'ifle i thirteen prjjtiigtrs out ot die Augultj, aac! treated me ia -'fry reiptff witli very greac riitffnefs. Mr. Hughes in par icular n a'e tife of the rroft a busive Lngu.,ge, and threaten ed to take me on board the sloop of v,ar and have me pun— ilhcd vnlds I iuftan.tly prelent ed on deck all n y pafiengers, ofc’ whom 1 lud forrv nine. On 1 lie 3* ft.’ Sandy Hcolc bearing N. N. W. diflanc leagu s, was ! uarded by Bri tunnic Majrfty’s Irigare C!eo patra and iitated politely. 1 he ft) lowing are ihe names of the paffciigers who were im prefFed : John Allan, Edward L-owry, James Davifl >n ; Jenkin Kil',s f Julia I'attfilon, George Weir, rSatiui-| Bfthop, J aines Ch-urb eis, John Crozit, John Beatty, Darnel Campbell, John M’con .go. J AS. D BURGER, NOW LAtNOiNo,"** - yl:td for Sate, 60 Ba ri'is Suaerfint; FLOUX (G-’n-gia ns kc) 7 1 otis VVigi* -n f 1 RP, 1 d>. bqruc AXIf, WARS s<f SH Rh MOULD.Y. 3 B >ves S -YIJDI -FRY ill irted, “O iit-ys (r-rn C ‘Ft'Eh, i ■ K-..S F.F.GUN A -WUERi \ Gt'M'M al Supply of GROG LA I hS as til’u *I, rht -zz; Knox, B) rr ack Gibbons’s Wharf. September 20, 7. flt. .u)i ivE. All ptrlbns i-avinj)’ any demands ag.uii'.t the elf tie of l b -mis l.srcheflcr efiq and. r i*. Id, la e mer chant at RicL rough—will liver 3"creJ fli/rm;nis it.creof, to the f.t r riYe • —vi/fi wh-im those iiilebi'-'d to ttixt cft3'c are Kquellcd :0 fe/tlv without rs-lay, Joim Ooupcr. Qualified Ext’r. Se~tr “rt 7 J <; )<•> xecut >rs S tbs, nt Kiceboro'- On fate 31st 1 ay of Gdt ‘ber next, vtli beex;*-)feJ to public (ab —at the k ufc cf Th -mas La- caffcr, -!e;ea;*i'; File pei fonal property belonging ts is efti/c—•Uoi.fifti g of v -liiaofe nis roe; ; H )ufe and kitch.-n furni ure, Arv G ■ ids, Liqnou, a valuable co ! A siof B ■k: bi . &c. H s divrl ling hnufr Store. &c. will affo th. n b rsi fed fit oi eyeaJ at public Vei.- due* j Jolin Couper. Qjalfied F.xo'r. Septr ■ 20 7 tzyOn. j M csbal’i Sales. WIT.T, 1> *. 1 lil v Oie C Jjy Savan | nnh on ‘.lie :! -IL ‘l'u-aGI in Oofc ber next* 1 ai the ul'uu! h ur, Ou* ili **tl it tin* wb i’T anti b iiMuv/’# J kn wr v. be C ‘flic ii life vvlißif, (he t r* I mcr • uclr l. r 11 •’ C” up . ‘\y wnli „* rfr>l3 j of rule. 13 1-::;. wall, m. and. g. i Sf T3 5 g io:t ;u,} ; V ’ j y ioj the (tov tcfOr h wry, FvV ite l ( 0t cr,U lt V of Cb itbarn j m the Unit i/(j esat !. \\T f HIAS Jrtnt }> Bf\ r, 1 1 V V f*l ■’ , of :*dm u it*A ;i f ;i t!,w ! (*UhUj anil .* re\’. ■[ rh -mj-B Cr et hc, 11 e nf j thr- city of Sir. ir.i'iVi, H •t* Cjrijeiucr, eld |is |#. im ;>.*i crenf it'r. V.U’ re hr j fore ♦</ I c'• t ami ainicoilli ;tii pnd ft .vrul tr the kin it! 1 a>ifl u • liters ‘ f the L. M th-l*u ‘r and, to ; file . he*r •hj• ‘t >lls (if any !:** i ave) in tnv* to<!iiL?*oi >r ht*f <■• [\>n / A th dp >4 (;. ; u-, r n . vlyOt ‘ rvvily IcttCiS “l aum'mifl ration v. ;ii he gran-ed i-m . Giv*n uitH rmv Imr.'i pn-'l ih! in th'; cit’* 1 of Sav u.iH'h iu* 4'h a.v n( in t!e v’ ar oi our Uni if> Aj, and iu iliw* 30th yea* f \ it* ‘*t:c all i r.< i j>e 1 j !. •nt e - bt'ptem >er 1 o im 4 CYIM< U s SMtNG! LS. “ & 0,000 B ated Stiiugle., f<> LI- by Anti c v i\ :i‘ •>:. Gfi bon.-.’* Wharf Srotr. 20. 7. 4t, 1 1 , vip ic.t. ar .hg Cou'T 111 t- .0- :he em ■ f’.bi Federal lo -o ,r dirtd t.i ala/ ten, or ly)’ j iiook, of •’>, •>.; 10 AntU /> neet \ C<— I ,Viioi-vr wti a- ‘ivcr t,.<i to r ee'>r fa -e US” v ,>r Richard ■ Willi in , ftia-i rs~ * v 1 f.ero.u revil'd ii .'C-juire-i. kept. i lat- ♦