Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 27, 1805, Image 4

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From Pr alt's Gleanings, ANECDOTES. Os the Philanthropic Howard. HOWARD had many Angu larities, but very few affedtations. It was lingular for mere mortal man to go about doing good for the fake of doing it i to devote his fortune and his life to ex plore the mod neglected and the molt forlorn of the wretch ed, and to relieve them accor ding to their several neceflities —to begin the work of benevo lence, where other people’s bounty commonly ends it, in a prison j ail this, I lay, was very fingnlar, but wholly pure of af fettation. Further, it was An gular—deferring that word, in deed, inil'.nuch as in human hi dory, it is without a partdid— to put himlelf to the greatell perfonil inconveniences, and to encounter the dingers, often of life iifclf, to actomplifh the proposed ends of his philan thropy. !lc was Angular in many of the common habits of life—foi inllance, he preferred damp fhcets, linen, and clothes, to dry ones j and both at riling nu gning to bed, swathed himfelf with coarse towels dipt in the coldest water he could get; in th t date he remained half an hour, and then threw them off, frefhened and invigorated, asht said, bryon i ireafuic. He nev er puc on a great coat in the eoldcit countries ; nor had been a ininu f e under or over the time of an appointment, so far as de pended on himfelf, for fix and twenty years. He never conti nued at a pi ice, or with a per son, a day beyond the period fixed for going, in his w’-ole life; and he had not, the iaft sixteen years- f his existence, ate any fifli, fl-. fii, or fowl ; nor fat down to his simple fare of tea, milk, and rufles, all that time. His journirs were continued from prison to prison, from one groupe of wretched beings to another, night and day ; and where he could not go with a carriage, he would ride ; and where that was hazardous, he would walk— fuch a thing as an obftrudtion was out of the question. With refp<-Ct to Mr. How ard’s personal Angularities above deferibed, though they were cer tainly hazardous experiments in the ti ll inftancc, it was not ufe* less for a man, who had previous ly rel dved to let h.s face a gainst winJ and weather and after palling all tons of unheal thy dimes, to defeend into the realms of ducafe and death, to make them- Some days after his fl.-ft re turn from an attempt to mitigate the fury of the plague m Con flantinople, he favored me with a morning vific in London ; tin weather was so very terrible, that I had f rgot ds inveterate exadt urfs, and had yielded up even tie hope, for his own fake, oj expending him. Twelve at r.ojn was the hour, and exatfti) as the clock in mv room llruck if, h- entered j the wet, for it r.utd torrents, dripping from cvciy part of h,s drels, like wa ter from a sheep jufl landed from its w ; .fifing. He would r.ot c ven have attended to his fnuu ti n, having fat himlelf down “i h the utmeft composure, and b*gun converlation, had 1 not made an ester ofjdry clothes. “ Yes,” (aid he, smiling, “ 1 had mv fears as l knocked a: jour door, that we fiiould g C evtr the old business of appre-! henlians, about a little rain wa ter, v* hicn, though it docs not nm tiom off my back as it docs iron* that; ot a duck, goofr, or any ot .tr aquatic bird, does ‘V- as ! ttle itjury ;ai and after a tong drought-, is scarcely Ids re afTure you, a fO ■nking fhowtr is the belt :.r. ‘ tor fctoadcioth in the u* j.’.’ i i-. Yu , like the rc it o; i- v If ends, ihiutt away your pi. l my luppolld hardlhtps with just as much r -afon as ou ] the common bep- i gars, who being familiar with storms and hurricanes, necciuty and nake : nefs, arc a thou fund times, so forcible is habit, less to be compafioned than the Tons and daughters of eafs and luxu ry, who, accustomed to all the enfeebling refinements of fea thers by night, and fires by day. are taugfu so like the puny crea ture ftigmatifed by Pope, ‘ who Ihivered at a breeze.” All this s the work, of art, rry good friend j nature is more indepen dent of external circumstances. \ature is intrepid, hardy, and adventurous ; but it is a prac tice to spoil her with indulgen ces from the moment we come into the world ; a sos: dress and a foft cradle begin our educa inn in luxuries, and we and > not asovj more manly the more we are gratifi-d : on the contrary, our feet rriuft be wrapt in wool or silk, we it, uft tread upon car pets, breathe, as it were, in fire, avoid a tempest which sweetens the air, as we would a blast that purifies it, and guarding every crevice from an unwholefo ue breeze, when it was the rroll elaflic and bracing, lie down up on a bed of feathers, that relax the lyltem more than a night's lodging upon tint flonts. “ You finile,” added Mr. ! Howard, after a pause, ** but 1 j am a living inflancc of the truths jl infilton. A more puny whip iter than myfelf, in the days of my youth, was never leen ; 1 could not walk out an evening, without wrapping up ; if I got wet in the feet a cold fuccecded. J could not wear iny shirt with- i j Out its be ng aired. I was po jl tely enfeebled enough to have I delicate nerves, and was occa sionally troubled with a very genteel hectic. To be serious, 1 am convinced what emascu lates the body, debilitates the mind, ail J render* them unfit for those exertions, which are of such use to mas social beings.— I therefore entered upon a reform of my conflitution, and have lucceeded in fnch a digree, that I have neither had a cough, cold, the vapors, nor any more alarming dilorder, since I sur mounted the seasoning. Prior to this, 1 used to be a miserable dependant on wind and weather a little too much of either would postpone, and frequently prevent, not only my amusements, but my duties ; and every one knows, that a pleasure or a du ty deferred, is often deltroyed. Procrastination you very justly called the chief of time; And if prefTcd by my nccellity of af fairs, 1 did venture forth in def pitc of the elements, the confe rences were equally absurd and incummodious, nor leldom af flictive. 1 muffled up even to my noftiiU; a era k in the glass of my chaise was fufficient to dillrels me. A Hidden slope of the wheels to the right or left, fee me a trembling, ajolt seem ed like uiflocation ; and the light of a bank or precipice, near which my horle or carriage wag to pass, would disorder me so much, that I would order the driver to stop, that I might get out and walk by the difficult places. Mulled wines, l'piri tuous cordials, and great fires were to comfort me, and keep out the cold, as it is called at e very ft age; and it I felt the lead damp in n y feet, or other parts of my body, cry stock ings, linen, fc?c. were to be in ; It. ntly put on ; the perils of the day were to be baffled by some thing taken hoc going to bed ; and before I puriued my jour ney next morning, a dram was to be 1 wallowed down to fortify the stomach. In a word, I liv ed, move 1, and had my being so nru.h by rule, that the slight est deviation was a dil'eafe. “ Every man,” continued Mr. Howard, “ mult in thele cases, be h:s own physician. I did tins by a very simple, buc as jou will think, a very ftvere re- namely by cc ying nv* ie:f a moft every thing m wiiich { had long indulged, fiut as it is always much harder to get rid of a bad habit than to con tr,dt it, I enter and on my reform gradually ; that isto lay, I be gan to dimtnifh my ulual indji gencics by degree*. 1 found that a heavy meal, or a hearty one, as it is termed, and a cheer ful glals, that is o fay, one more than does you good, made me incapable, or, at heft, difincli nrd to any ufieful exertions for lome hours after dinner ; and if the diluting powers of tea as filted the work of a disturbed digestion, so far a* to restore my faculries, a luxurious supper comes so close upon it, that I was fit for nothing but d.ffipa tton until I went to a luxurious bed, where I finifhed the enerva ting pradfices by sleeping eight, ten, and fomertine* a dozen hours on the stretch. You will not wonder that t rofc the next morning with the fulids relaxed, the nerves unstrung, the juices thickened, and the confticution weakened. To remedy all this ‘ ate a little less at every meal tci uced my drink in proportion. 1: is really wonderful to confi dsr how imperceptible a fmgie mouthful of animal food, and a tes-fpoonful of liquor, deducted from the ulual quantity daily, will reftc re the mental fundhons without any injury to the cor poreal j nay, with increase o f yigcr to both, I brought myfelf m die firft instance from dining upon many dilhes, to dining on a fw, and then to being fausfied win one ; in like manner, tn ftead of drinking variety of wines, l made my election of a single fort, and adhered to it a lont. In the next place—-but 1 lhal tire you.”—l entreated him to go on, until I cither ihew ed ny words or actions that 1 was weary. He procecdeu thut j— *’ My next business was to eat and drink sparingly of that adopted dish and bottle. My cafe,/vivacity, and fpui's aug menjed. My clothing, Sic. underwent a similar reform j the IffeCt of all which is, and has been for many years, that 1 am neither afftdhd by feeing my carriage dragged up a moun tain. or driven down a valley. If any accident happens, I am prepared for it, 1 mean so far as refpeds unneccflary terrors ; anc lam proof against all chan ges in the atmosphere, wet clothes, wet feet, night air, damp beds, damp houses, tran licions from heac to cold, and the long train of hypocondriac affections. He now pulled out his watch, telling me he had an engagement at half past one; that he had a bout three quarters of a mile to walk it. That as he could do this in tweenty minutes, and as it then wanted seven minutes and a half of one, he had exactly time enough to spare to state the obje£t of his vific to me* which is to thank you very fincercly (said he, taking my hand) for the honor you have done me in your verses. I read rhem mere ly as a composition in which the poetical license had been uled to the utmolt. Poets, you know, my dear fir, always succeed belt in fiction. You will fee by this conver lation, that it was about ihe time when the Fnglilfi nation had been emulous of comme morating their refpcS for thij great and good man by eredfing a statute, towards which I had contributed my mite, by devo ting to the fund the piofi sos my l.ttlc poem called the tri umph of benevolence; and wh.le I am touched very fenfi biy with even the recolle&ion o! the public favor which crowned this little work, I am very fin cereiy attrioute 3 great deai of its success to the popularity of a lubjeCt in which every lover of humanity took such an intcrell Brooks Dunnin?, w 1 ( Roltoh’s ■’ harf) Have jufl received, per brig Dias fro g Nw-Yoz, it) i'gt Dutch powder 112 ten pah tJL t 1 I-t ditto lor lead 2 pipes Hollands gin lo bands loaf and lump 5 ihtjh Hyfon Tea of t ate importation J pipes brandy Cost in b srrels, baps and tiercel 12 latrels Mackerel ON HdND, Sweeds and Country iron Plough Moulds 2 b/ids. retailing Mdaffs 20 pun. high yh proof Jam. Rum IJ barrets iicefirjlqua.ity 10 dtt ditto tnjerior JitiO 1 J hogsheads prime sugars A few hogsheads inferior ditto to barrels prime beef 10 ditto cargo ditto 2% half baritls put up forfamily use at re tail Jamaica Spirits, ) Well matured by Cogniae Biandy,td page ar.dof a fupe- Hollands Gin, quality. Port, Madeira, Sherry ipd Muscat Wine London Porter, ts'e. Idc. dugufl 2. ts 4 g John Jackson. Hat just received per barque Ntxox from Litkrpool, a handsome addition to his former assortment of Goods, AM NG WHICH \k£. Clue, Blai k, C CJ&rbeau, * Bottled, 5 SuperfncC LOTHS. Brown, Mixed id < Scarlet 5 Black, white, ) Blue mixrd, ( r 1 iCißrt'Rire and ether colH C/hzIMLRLS. ors y Worsted Corf, Drab, b U e, ) PLAINS & NE- \ H KUCLU l tic. Scar e-, yellow, ) B'ue, Corbeau ( FLANNELS & Whi e, g'een, BAiZES. & Spotted Rose, > Kt -r S Lo don Duffle $ an<l And Bntlol | Blanketing. Swansdown and ‘I odeiiets Olive, D r ab and brown Ftarnaugh: Cloths and 1 Blue VV r orflcti and Cotton KOSIERY Silk, Worked, Cottot and Lcathe’ Gloves GeniEmen’s Chip, andfervants glazeu HATS 50 dozen Rice Hooks—Rice Seives Corn and Ci-ffee Mill* LOTTQN BAGGING. Salt itc. Together with ax extensive ASSORTMENT OF Ironmongery, Hardware and Cutlery. Comprising almost every article in general use. August g ts 96 1 fifteen Dollars Keward. F AN AW AY FROM rhe Subscriber living in Wsrrenton, Warrc n Coun ty state ot Georgia; A negro man named LONDON, abcui/wtr.fy fix years of age, five fee/ nine r /;n inches high, limps a li//!e in walking. Had on when he wen# away a blue Uilors cea t anJ trowfers, He is an ar/ u fellow and has been accultotnei to going by water, it is supposed he will make tor fome sea port whence a/tempt to leave /he fta/e; all cap/ains and others are forwarned harbouring or carrying raid fellow oft as /he law will be rigorcully enforced againlt /nem. Whoevsr will appre hend said fellow and deliver him to /he fuclcrioer, or fccure him in any Jail vs this fta/e shall teceive /he a bove reward and all reafcnoole cha;- ges paid by. Thomas Dent. August 17 I Ten Dollars Kewa> and STOLF.N from the (lore es Mr. Pe-or M’-’ Farlane, a iliot gun about ; feet to inches letig in the barrel—'be lack ha been repair ed ; the feather spring entireiv ne\.—ch Steel bas been lately ii ceol She neathe carv.’d*rv the breach with a Tntenac thumb piece. The auove reward will be paid on delivery es the g.m, and an additional reward oftendollars fr the convicting of every thief concerned in dealing her, bv applying to the printers. Overseers and patrois are particn lari) regtsefltd to make llruafyarches in their plan:, tiuns ar.d diftrids. Angult j t s. e . Removal, THE ,9ubfcriler hiving taken a fix years leHeof Mr. John Pooler’s wharf and dock adjoining Mr. 801. rons ‘ amacraw wharf, has rcinovec his lumber yard, and having procu red large and I ale ftoor room, is hope lu! ol a continuance of palt favors. The dock he a/ prefenc occupies is large fafe pollesses the lame aiivant - ges as /o convenience as hi* former one d’d. His counting room will Oe kep/a/ his dwelling fb use adjoin mg Vlr. Jchn Laigsuntil or.e can be fit red up on ihe wharf. John Mead. Augu.l 27 x ’ .*] Sr Edward White C i, 7\v ’ yf tk * Cov.t rs Or Jin.:.-., * . j /Ir the county of Chuti-i.,* in the .tate afot esaid. XIfHEKEAh John 15. lit, .*cn applied VV liv ieitris of adM.i .ftmtiou tit tla oltate and rinus of Thomas Greene, late of the city of Savannah, House Caqientcr, as jtrincipal creditor. Thele are therefore tz cite and admonish r.U ai .t lingular the kin dred and creditors cf the laid deceafcd, t< tile their objections (ts any they have) tum/ office on or before the 4th day of October next, othenvife letters of adniinillrauoit will , he granted him. JjGiven under my hand and seal in the city of Savannah the 4111 day of September in th* year of cur lord 1805, and in tlio joth year of American independence. September :o m 4 Marshal’s Sales. * WILL he fold at the Comt-houfein Savan nah, onthe firllTuefday in October next, at the nlual hour, One third of the wharf and buildings, known as the Coffee house wharf, the for j trier piU'chaler not comp ‘mg with the terxna ! of falc. BEN. V/ALL, M. I). G. j 1 September tj 5 jnoW Landing, And for Sale , j 60 Barrels Superfine F LOUR (Georgia make) 7 Tons Waggon TJ RE, I do. Square A Xb. BARS Si SHARE MOULDS. 3 Boxes SADDLERY afTjrted, 20 Bags Green COFFEE, 20 Kegs F.F. GUN-POWDERa A General Supply of GROCERIES as usual, Anaw. Knox , Barrack Gibbons’s Wharf. September 20. 7 Bt. OLuKGwi, J_.iB£KTV, Superior Court , March Terw t 1805, On the petit ; on ot John BoD ton, executor of Robert solton a | praying the foreclofure of the e quit/ of rederrpticn of all thao !ot of land situate in the town of Sunbury, containing fevtnty feet ront, and one hundred and thir y feet deep, known In the ori ginal plan by the number feven ry-eight (78) which said lot of [and, with the improvement, thereon, was mortgaged on the twentieth day of June, one thous and seven hundred and ninety five, by William Hunter Tor rans to the said Robert Bolton, mr securing the payment of rhe lum of forty-two pounds fterlirng equal in value to one hunded and eighty dollars j with interelt thereon, due upon a certa.n bond or obligation from the said Wil uam to the said Robert bearing even date with the said mutt gage, It is ordered, That the princi pal, interell and coll due on the said bond be paid into court with in twelve months from this time and unlei’s the principal, inter, ft and cort be so paid the equity of redemption of the said mortga ged preir.ifles ffiall from thence forth be forecioled, and such other proceedings take place as the law diredts. And it is further ordered, That a copy of this rule be pubiilhed in one of the Public Gazertes of this state at least once in eveiy month until the time appointed for payment, or lerved on the mortgagee, at least fix months previous to such time of pay ment. Extrafl from the Minutes, This 26th March 1805. A. Forest cik. c. s. c. l. r*’ March 28 ram iat 61 notice! NO f ILL is he:et)) jr that the Suffer btr will at ihe expiration of r.ins months from the da’c, apply io ihe Honorable ihe justices of the Inferior Court of this county fer leave to Icll and difpefe of all that Island or tract cf land generally known and called Burnside, together with all irs appurtenances, contain? ing about two hundred and sixty a cres, of hign lard ar.d a br-dy ot marsh adjoining thereto, lying and “■-eing in this county aid situairo be tween Be wile and Skidawry Islarcij, to be fold as part of the ellate of Ja cob VVa’dburgher deccaled for the benefit cf the said estate. JOHN MU LEDGE. Ex’cr. of said Ells’e April 18 isnr.cjin. fit*. NO T J C'eT 7” AT the expiration of nine Motvhs r r:, this date, application wili be race-- the honorable judges, f the Life irr , if Chatham County, for leave to fell r j c . otneftt of the heirs and creditors .Vat hi f laud known by the nun-ber rive (5) 1 hud Y, - thing, Reyno ds Ward, Savanr-.’ bell : , ‘.e ----0 the eltate of John Hauj.-t, Lai.. :■ r ‘aid place, containing ftxtv fee- -n here v i .ttnety feet in depth, more or ks -1 a lot of James M'C.-r.kv’s, THOMAS DCWELI A - DOW YLL ‘ . avannah, March ai, ißej. *