Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 04, 1805, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Vcl. 111. No. 101. J Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance.] SUPERIOR COURT Chatham County. January Term, ifioc. David Johnften, ‘j Petition VS, y for Robert Woedhoufe. J Freclos^ UPON the petition of D;vii Johnftoa praying the Foreclosure o! the Equity of i exemption of all that lot oflane’, in the City of Savannah, known by the number two [2] in Jo ky 1 *1 /thing, Derby Ware, con lain inj fixry feet in franc, and ninety fee ir. ifoptli, mortgages by the fold Ruber Woodhoufetateefaid David joluutor. I for fecurinjr the payment of two fove* ral (urns of money mentioned in two federal Bonds Or obligations, bearing even date with the said mortgage ; ih< rne given by tit* said Robert ‘Wood boufc te the said David johafto * me the other giyen by the said Robert VVoodhuufc and @ll3 George Wood houte to the said David Johnflon, and upon motion vs MefTrs, Davies and Berrien of counsel for the petitioner, It is Ordered, That cnc principal, intcrefiS i-nd coifs due upon the foie two Bonds or obligations be paid iate court withintwelve months from this, day, situ that unless the fame fhali be so paid the equity cf redemption of the laid mortgaged premises will ftwm thenceforth be fcrccicfcd, and ochei proceedings rake place pursuant to the the aet of ths general aflembly, in such case made and provided* Andii is further Ordered, In yu'. fo am c of the (aid a£t that this rule be published in one of the public Gazettes cf this state at least once in every month, until the tune for me payment cf the money aferefaiu into court, 01 ierved on the mortgager ur kis fpcciai agent at Ictfl fix months previous tc the time of payment as aforefaid, EatraS from tic minutes 3 ijl j an. ISOS. J. Bulloch, elk. lam; tspi. Dollars Reward. Fifterr, dollars will bf paid tor anjirehcnd iog and delivering to the fuhfcriber in Sa vannah or teeming in Jail within the Hate a -irjro bo/ named Cos, He ia of a alack com plcxiov, tlender make, ipeaks tolerable jjoed fjijliih, and about twelve yearn of age.— All addition of Fifteen Dollars will be given forproof of his being harboured by a white periort. And Twenty DeHart raw ard tv ilt he paid for apprehending and bringing back a new negro mannamed Mramto, who kit in; yardahuotthree weeks ago. lie is about 5 feet 4 inches tall cf a black complexion, fpeakt no Englith, flcnder made, is about 30 years f age, had on when he v.eut away a blue jacket and llriped trawlers. It is pcl'tci he has llrolled away with fotne cf j,is country negroes and cannot find his V vav home. M. Shearer. July 9. ts. y£. Fifteen Dollars Reward. RAN A WAY FROM me Subscriber living in “WforrentoH, Wane ft County ftaje’ cf Georgia; A negro man named LONDON, about twenty fix jears of age, five feet nine or ten inches high, limps a ii/rie in walking. liaj tin tv hen he wen/ away a blue Jailors tea; and trowfers. lie is an a:/fu fellow and has ban y.ccufioaied to going by water. It is fuppofod he will make for fome lea port from whence a/tempt in leave /he flats} ail captains and others are forwarned harbouring or carrying said rellew ?f, as /he law will be rigortufly enforced agaijift/hem. Whoever will appre hend said fellow and deliver him tc /be fubferiber, or (erure him in any J.-. lof this fta/e (lull receive me a •h_-vc icward and ail leafonoble char ges paid by. Thomas Dent. Augufl 27 r Removal, THE tfiibfcriter having taken t fix years lenle of Mr. John Pooler's wharf end dock adjoining Mr. BoL /ons Yamucraw wharf, has removed his lumber yard, and having prucu red !a-ge and fafe floor room, is hope fu! of a continuance of palt favors. The deck he at present occupies ir large fofe poilesses the fame advant - ges as to convenience ash former r-ned'd. Hisc-noting room vrill 6t kept 3/ his dwelling hoofs adjoinin'- Mr. John Eaigsuntil one can cc fir /cd up on the wharf. John Mead. Augui} ?7 j CYFKUa SHINGI.ES, Zc,ccci Bcat-c Sin"!e, for foie by A not ew Knox. Gibsons’* narf Stplr. 20. 7. 4 t. j N C) T I C E, A M l*? on * havi S any demands aff aii! 1 , cate of JObl AH TATTNAI.I junr. etqmre ar requelled to render then proper.y attested and thole indebted arc dc iircil u nia.te payment to Eitenezer Star Moore's Wharf, GEORGE jORES, > ~ . E. JACKSON. j h,!t KS - April 1 5 ,;g Notice, 13 hereby given, /hac af/or the ex* pira/ion o: nine mon-hs from /he da/, hereof,application vyiil be made to t h. honorable /nu Inferior Cour/ for the | county of Cam ecu, for leave to fd he real etta/e of James Vincer/, la:e of the laid Coun/y dee. for the bene t of die hr:rs und citdirors. Thomas King ~) > Admr v s Arc Ixl. Clark. Augu t 27; 1 pmi.rm. ’ “TO KEN J". “ TpHS OUSE LOT near Broughton A Sticct, occupied by Edrno.ul Bauou Eifjr, apply to lloc >Sc Davies. . jL 9 j LOS T cr MISt.AID, THE following no cs of hand, all made [livable t:/ the lare AMBROSE GORDON, Esqr. dec’d. One drawn ay Alexmder Jnhnflon, dated 7/I1 May 1804, payabla 1 if. june, 1804, for 448 dollar* ind 47 rents—One drawn by Green R Duke da/ed 13th June, 1802, payable 90 days af/er and. e, for ib’i dollars 5 3-4 c tuts. One drawn by Lemuel ICv.l lotlc, da/ed 6/h Auguff, iSlo, pya ble 10 days after da/e, for )8“ dollars 50 cents. One drawn by Hugh Ma. gee, ca/ed 3d May, 1804, payaoiu 60 nays after ds/e, for 51 dollars 97 cen/s. One diawn by Chailes Litidergrce , dr.jrcd 3d May, 1804, payable 3"days after fla/e, sor ir-G Qiil:rs, Ore dtaw. by Na/han Brel for 100 dollars, bu/ to whom pavable 1 do not rccdleft, left by Charles Goodwin, E*q ; . foi coliecUon, ALSO, A leceip/ fipned by Sir. Bonfali of England for 100 pounds fieriiny, to Miss Ann Davie::, wuh fj veral reteip/s on the back for /be in/e rest. All persons are forbid /rcJing for /lie above notes, and /he drawers from paying /hem to any pet Ton bur thafubfeiber, if/hey should net hr found before /he ncx/Infer:r Coin/, ippiica/ion vvi:i bs made for a renew, al of /Mai) any per (on finding and dm iiveiitig /hem to the fubferiber will b* bn idfoin el v re vva rde and. JOHN MEAD. Au- aft 2 rs qf, RICHMOND BATHS. Joseph G. Posner, JpINDING it impoflilile toglvo pcrfonal at . tendance at the Richmond Rath* this tea fon, is induced to osier them for tale, confid ing; of 400 acres cf Land, with 12 Frame and 4 Log Houles. For the accommodation oi p'.irchaiers this will be divided if found expe dient. It is unneceifary t o enter into a delcrip tion of the above .Venules, as they are wei known, and bid fair to become a fourcc of in calculable profit to any one v. ho will purcliaft or ieafe the lame,and is difpolcdto attend tc ilieir improvement. A]>nl ;8 69 AT COST AND CHARGES. r I~'HE S TOCK es a retail llore, confiding 1. of a great variety of DRY GOODS and IRONMONGERY. Notes with approved indorfers in Savan nah payable ifi. January next, will be re ceived in pa> meat, or produce, for which a generous price will lie allowed. Apple to JAMES WALLACE. June rj. ts 8^ EDWARD TELFAIR,) VS f Alex. Mtm Abh’k. r Bill In Fruity. Wm. Thom on. j II appearing that e defendant in this tail!a i* cut of tbe Jurisdiction of this ir.'e and hath impleaded the complainant cn . lie common law lido of this: court, ami it is tiecedaryfor the purpolesof jullice that the said defendant appear and aniwer to the hill of the complainant. Tktnjmt Or,.end, That the defendant’s at tomey La; lerved v. i: j i ukpoeaa in this cuuir, e ccpy of this bill, and of this order, and that notice he publiflied for fix montlia in one ;f the Gazettes of the City of Savannah and :n one of tke Gazettes ofAugulla, requiring the defendant to anl'wer to the bill of the comp ainant on or before the fufl day of Ja. uiary next othenvife the said hi,l will be ta ;e” frtanjejie and the court v.i 1 pass such further order and decree in the caule as wii. -tnl'v, cr the pnrpofes of J idhce. ExtrcSfrom tL: A!im//cr, STITES Clk. _May t?. it-ig. iam6ni. 75 Take NOICJt, T'HAT Nine months aft. i this date, I A -'hall xi!:e application to the J ultices ’of he Interior court ci this coun y, £, r leave to rh tae landed property of the eftsfte of John ■T Gtiardeaudecd. for the benefit of creditors ializa. Mary A. Girardeau. I Ad.nx. ‘ lherty County, March iS tfiam 57 Savannah : Printed for JAMES LYON and the WIDOW of SAMCJEL MORSE. ” nrm ■, ■■wirr N O T I C E. NOTICE is hereby given that a* jc expiration of nine months from this date, the fnbfcribers will apply td%ic honble. thejuftiecs of the Infe rior court of the county of Chatham. ‘Ol leave to lcli and dilpefo of the fol lowing trabhof land belonging to the diicc of John P. Ward deceafcd. 4 * All that tra/1 or parcel of land “ containing three hundred and sis “ ty acres, be the fame more or “ lei's, iate the property of Gccrjie “ Baifiie dec’d, situated in the cou.i ----“ ty cf Camden bounded on t!*e 1 “ east by Great Satilla river ami “ on all ctiicr fules by vacant lands “ at the time of the survey thereof “ ALSO one other trail or par* “ ctl of land coniaining three hun “ dred acres, be the fame more or “ less, late the property of George “ Baillie dec'd. fituared in the “ County ff Camden bounded bv (i the east by the said Gtorgc Bsi “ lie’s land and an all other lands “ by vacant lmd at the time o: “ the fu r vey—alfo all that tradtot <v land contaiiing five hundred a “ cres, be tie fame *iore or less “ orijuuHy granted to Rober “ Oailliw situated in the county ©1 “ M’lntofli bounded tuuth by the “ river A'Utamaha, east on land ,s crijinallv granted Catherim ** Douglafi, i.#r/h on lands gran/c-’ “ / William M'in/ufh and wei “ on lands gran/ed t- John fil'Cu “ loch” which fa:d three /radls t. and arere fevcrally fold at /he files 1 ConSscn/edpropc'/y and purchakd b .‘lie lare Jakn I‘. W ..rd deed. Ih’ .au) land.-, me in/eiKled to be fold f •‘lie benefi/of /he heirs j A credi/Ors *tiC fa.a cflr.*c. N. S. J/ayai J, E. iS;i) art!. Administrator and Administratrix 1- said estate. t'V. Aril ir/h 1805 tawg'n SUPERIOR COURT, a Cami-vn County, C O&tober term i?o .. 4 WHEREAS James i-tair and Uober Meaiif of tha <— -co’ -.i.n , n w. rohna mevenaafshave ion 111 tlr honorable court letting ferththat David Ga vin and Samuel Meers, late of the town <■ St. Mary’s merchants, are indebted to thei in 0r,3 bond or oh igation dated the ('event! day of April, 1803, in the sum of two thou land five hundred and l'eventy two do ars, ai wbo-eas to l'ecui e the payment of the Taid fun cf money, did mortgage all that divided mm tty of *Dt, No. 3, in the town of St. Marv’ panic tlarly difcribeot and lent for in tku fait petition, i f is therefore ordered, on motioi of Mr. dark attorney for the p::itionr,tk> he Said David Garvin and William /.leer do pay into court, die principle lntueds am. coll of the money so due and owing with'n tm ‘4 months from this date hereof, or r decree will pafa agailitl the mortgaged pre miffs for the payment: Also ordered that this rule be publifntd in on* of the gazettes of this Rate, a: call once in every month, until ilm time appointed for payment expires, nr serv ed on the laid Uavfd Garvin L Samuel Meerr fLx months previous thereto. Extras from the Minutet. 08. 1 3 J, iß©x lfaac Crew;, c. s. c. c. c. tain. ts. isl OOM MISSION F. P.S OF PILOTAGE?, Savannah, ‘June 4, isoi. IN confeijuence of Jevcral pevfuns afl ingillegal yas Pilots. Oiuieked, ‘That the fecrotary di puhlith monthly the names of inch Pilots a polltTs Tranches or certificates liora the Board. ExtraS from the Minutet Thomas Pitt, iuuia n Agreeably tothenrder of th* Board dt hereby give notice, the following per fens on ly, are duly antherifed torn as IHlott, , diehard Wall, branch Pilot, William Wail, Certificate l*i!et ailing cn der him. Thomas Nottage, Branch Pilot. Elijah Broughton, do. 1 John Major, ail ir.g uitdei hint. George Philips, George Conner, J John iirai.sdy, George Morgan, Certificate David Brown, Janr-: lirowr,, Pilots Afting Peter Ceair.r, y James Johnllon, for themselves Ifliam Clay, James iraitton, William Wylie, Hans lord Bailey, J Thomas Pitt, Secretary July?. i\o i iujlb THE Subfcrib'.r Mtending to be aidant fn for..c month:, fit s appointed the 11 n Edward Telfair, Charles OddingGlis ant John l.awlua, E <j’rs hit. attorneys, who tviii ran tad* any bufmel-hir, during bisablcnce. Matthew JM'Ailifter. April 15. ts Notice. A 1.1. Petf.ns having demands agrxinft the i-.llatc cl Stephen Jllotint late of havar.- nah, are tequeftril to rei.der ther prtj.erly aPtiled, ;.cJ tbole indebted to ruut.i immediate payment to Cf! A Ri.U'i TE S. I L.OUNT, Bxtr’;;. May 24 ts 5 j 1* RID AY, O&ober, ISOS. TO BE DISPOSED OF, THE whole or half of that wei! lituated FARM, within one dad un half miles of Savannah, extending in front Ealterly on ‘he main thunderbolt road, with in three qarters of a mile of said city, and opposite Mr. Lilli bridge’s citato, and South-Well on the White Bluff road. This Farm conlilts of lour fifty acre and two five acre Lots, making About two hundred and fourteen an half acres of Land. On the premises, there is a good dwel ling houfc and kitchen, Barn, Stables, and other out houses, fevcral conveniences attached to thu valuable property —about ten actcs *re under fence and partly under cultivation as a garden and orchard, with a va riety of Fruit trees and Garden plants, of various forts. One hundred and fifty acres of this ‘tnd nevtr been cultivated and is now in wood, the foil is fertile, ?.nd well calculated foi every species of Farming an<- Brick making. Vixty acres was originally cleared, but not more than twenty acres has been plan ed for near thir r y years ; the greater pare of the second gruvvtl •s in valuable trees and Shrubbe y ; indeed the whole Wood Land is of the bell kind and no d for the great variety of Bo mi ai trees and plants, that is s natural production. Phis valuable ellate, is in lew ot Savannah Exchange, he clock cf which can be plainly card to ftrtke and with the as .fiance of a ghfs, the hour told -om the dial at any time of day. lie v-ird and tnrlnfure (fords •th the buildings, a comforta )'e and pleafir.g rural feene ; the /eater part of the year a luffi oent head of water can be raised y Popping a run, that springs md runs thro’ this land to ella olifia a Gbit Mill or Cotton Gin ‘or plantation use, Kc. ALSO, To be fold, from fir to seven lots of about four acres each, iituate on the White Bluff road, m a level piece of elevated pint ;and j tilde lots are not half a mile from the city line snd well calculated fur gardens or fmali farms; these lots are iotcrtedteci with a wide Ereer, for the conve nience of purt hafers. For par ticulars, apply to PHII-Il J MIL LEDGE cr JUDGE STE PHENS in Savannah. Udober 2 law 10 FOR SALE, xo Barrels 1.0 fLF SUGAR, by K. &. J. BOLTON ()t John P. Williamson, RESPECTE ULLY informs the friend* of the late nsncetn of Wil. LIAM SON & MoilEL, that John H. ,'vlore!, Estjr. having reiired from bu„ finds, he cor.'hiucs the FACTORAGE A COiWAIJhSIUN BUSINESS, on Morel's wharf, as formerly, snd foli :it a continuance of their favors. Having Itrge Lie anl convenient fferes for the reception of produce, he hepes ft cm hi® experience in the abotc auiineft, together with his prompt at. tension to their orLts, that he /hall tender the liighcft fatis!a£li*n to ah who fhai! favor him with their t uftciu, May 1 ts 75 Sheriff's Sales. ON tbe firft Tuesday in No vember r.r<t, will be fil'd at the C'urt l.oui'e iu ruitswick, Glynn county. Forty tw o r.a r es, together with their ilitte, mortgaged Aiexa ulrr Graham, to Georg* Bailie, to f.cure tlie liim cl twelve tboulav.d eight hti-.t died tuid f xiy sight dollars with intercfl. Which mortgage ) forxtlolfcd pursuant to law. John G. Snead, and. s. c . c. !S: Simons, Apgufl _i oj ftonavemu- e. , I"* HIS eWgaiit re'reat about 4 n.iles fro nr A Savannah, on V/atiiv river, is c,To rod i .tii aleaie fix or leven year*, Ihr the be r fitcl dir. heir, a minor, on terms that will suit ■ :!ir,ic i.idinafi'.e topilief* so valuable a ptvee :f ground, as well catenated for health at urn pleature and j.i. lit. Apply to W. STEPHENS, > N. TURNBULL, Giausuax. I <J yi [Wholb Number 311. [Twelve r.nd a half Cents single. Received at the Savannah SHOE STORE, pr. Grig Shout Staples Lnm Rollon, uu -ilJitional ufioHmeiK of SHOES. —also. 6 Minis, and .0 bbls. N. E. RUM. * Gin, ;o buys unit 3 , Keg* HER* KINGS. J. & J. WILLY. j Senfe’nhe ts TO THE PUBLIC. r 'pnE l’ublio 111 general will p ease to tak* 1 no;it - Rut their will ho au excellent likeiiet* of the Rev. Dr. ltiduid Futmao of the cry of UiarleUun, out in November o> December enfimg in connedt.on with the Revel. Metier Holcombe anil the Kevd. Jo. Lcj.ii 1 la , one id Rhiii is now cinjrai im- Fliiladelplna l>y the moil eminent’ engraver in America from Europe, the jiuhlic lui been informed Riat them is 1 likeucls of tho a fore la. and Dv. l'urmau engraved 111 Charlellou South Carolina, the iubtenbers who liavft I'ubi'ciibed to the above chxra/lc.s vvill taka notice that the; are not deceived 1.1 pure ha. ling the one alluded to, the public are alia tol/cited tb lufpend the ir judgment until the one executing by the celebrated Mr. Edwin is out, the jiroji. ietor allures the jmblic n expence will bc spared to accompltth them at generally is the case 1 the frames for them will be compleated by European Guilders, it* the whole work is not compieated equal to any evr froig Europe, a cent will not ue ds. ■Handed, Sep. to ts 4 GEORGIA,I B y Fd ™ ard White Cl:rl t L. S. . ° t H h-ourt of Ordinary, E. White. A r l^e Cbuu, y °I Chatham in the state aforesaid. AS John It Bennett applied r t t>r letters of administration on ih . Hate and ed'eJts of Thomas Greene, late ol! the city ol Savannah, House Carpenter, dec. is principal creditor. Tliel'e are therefore to cite and admonilli all and lingular the kjn lied and creditors of the laid’ uecealect, to t.’C tlicir objections (il-anv they have) mmy Jihce on or before the 4th day of Ocdobir text, oihcnvifc leuers 11 adminlfiratian will be granted hint. (iiven under my hand and Teal in the city cf Savannah the-pii day Os September m tin* year cf OUI - j 3r j ,>j_ st a „d in tlie 30th year Ot” American independence. bt’.pteniber to un 4 Tu LL P, FOR a term of years, the premi*. sos at present occupied by Mr. WiL l atn Cliauvin as a dwelling hc'ufe and Grocery Store. A profitable lease of /his very valuable Hand, may be bid and uoireffion delivered in abuut 30 Rays • f or „ moderate advance in czfn. For pit/.culart apply to tho hnb!e. JudgeStephen* ot Gen Mi ten a ell. William Mill*. August 22 g 7 notice, A L u havl "? y demands again! iV the estate of John Ilahurlham Ueceafe). arc requested to lend them in properly attes ted and thole who are indebted to make uav. meat to 1 / Joseph Habersham. Adminiflrttor. January m ts if} f .1 v A Committee of t| lc GEORGIA MEDICAL socLEj EY, appoitiled to keep corredl regis of the births and deaths in aat, this method cf noiifyjur* jbe it.habitants, that they will po round f f* (!me to timr, in thg Wards to which they have been reflectively ap pairhed, for the puipofc *>( collciStiii>e he information, ncc.fiary to carry nto cfftTt the intention of the Socie -7 : and ccrtfiderinj the utility cf the liaifu.r, it is hoped, that every cic- Icn will willingly aid them in the un. IcriihinT, and be prepared when c*L ed or.', to furnifh an account of the nirths and deaths since the ? t h June laE, fthe period it i interded the ilers fhail teke date from ) which have •meimmediately within their knew edge. Jr, the meau time, (o prevent the neccfTity and trouble of ca'lina; at every hodt—the committee will be tru’cli b!igcd to rhofe persons vhi v?i!i he enough /a fond in wr j. mg, or communica/e l>y an i;:r;lligen/ fefvan‘,<o foe member in whole W ard ■uch pc.fen rcf.dcs, <he irfttrma/icu required—ei'i'eiving to particularize in fcccouutt, of the biOh, the fax and color, and in i hofe of the dea.'ns, tic name, eg", let: color, occupation and p'act ol riot.vity of tiie dccealcd, wt/li /iif dtforder cf which he or five d,cd—• and when nor a native cl Savannah, tiie ii tie of hi* or her rchdcncc in u. J he Wards have been afligned t the members of the committee for t above pupofea, as follows.—via, Libert &> ~ I.lbtriy J i>L Henry Uourquin. Otrleth.ou ) . ~ (3 1 1.1 rvkl 1 n j Dr.Mwi. ShefuU. Hca'l* ”.u i. / , . l’crctval Jo r I’o‘.fci Ward. Diul.r h. ) ~ . I) 1 .by 5 f> r -Jamsstwcll. Reynold* ti ) ~ Anlh,. $ l)r. VV ilham Coke. Culunihia U 1 ~ Greet. a D f Geo. V. l’roait <t. Warren a > Walhingtoii C i,r -William Barker. Av.'iiy v