Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 04, 1805, Image 4

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T tvK 1 li.v Njl 1 lukAl IIST EL HOLS CSX. We have rercived the t-rflnwinr account 01 th t ui/h'ratin of Detroit from an audieu tie I'oare-n It will he read with deep inte rest bv nn readers- THE CONFLAGRATION or DETROIT. This event happened on the 11 th of of June last. The flames commenced u'oout 2 o’clock in the morning, and vrithin four hours the whole town was laid in afheo. Only two or three buil dings, of little value, filuated in the borders, were preferred. Abont 300 edifices, of all kinds, were consumed, among which were nearly an hundred dwelling houses, the church, several {lores, the citadel, with ©filer's and fo!- dicr’s ba; racks, contra&or’s tlores, Uai ted States’ flare, Ur. &c The new fort and barracks, called fort Lcrnault, a little back of the town, were not great ly endangered, and an old block house, at the south end, escaped In a word, all that space cncbleJ within picquets, and denominated the town, pr feats no thing but a heap of ruins confiding of naked chi.mnies and cinders. The rapidity of the deftruftion wa3 perhaps unprecedented, but will not appear fupriling to any one previotifly acquainted with the place—The buil ding* were mollly old, all of wood, and dry as tinder—-extremely crouded toge ther, on an arrea of about three acres— the ftrecli very narrow (the widest not exceeding 20 feet) interfering rettan gulary at fmail diflanccs—and every iquare completely covered witfi combus tibles. Tins mode of building tile town originated, not merely from want of Itale in the ancient fettiers, but from the nectlfity of defence in war, as this lettlement has tor a long time been a frontier, peculiarly txpoied to danger from the natives, and far removed from the means of external fuecour. It has bee-H found necessary, till very lately, to keep tlie picquets iuclofing the town iu repair, bdi ic# being under protection of the cannon, of an adjoining fort and block house. The town was funufhed with but one lire engine, which, with the prompt afliltance of the troops for merly fuiioned here, hail been fulHcient to c> tiiigmlh occalionally fires upon their lit it appearance ; but at p ref. at the troops on tins itatiou are few, and the want of aid from that fjuree was fe vcrely felt on the late -occasion. Uy what means the fire was kindled, whether hy accident or deftgn, is uncer tain —there are various conjecture*, but tio*drcidrd opinion. It b-gan in a sta ble near tlie United States’ ltore, on y. v. quartir, a light breeze blowing from ttie louth. iis progress againlt and atuwart it )e wind was artoiulhing, but in the direction of it tlie blaze darted with nearly® Ac celerity ot lightning, and reached the oppofue extremity of the town in a very lew moments. The lire in no part had diminished till the whole was in tbla7,. *" a °“ c iuin;c..r, —-• of flame ivas prclentcd to the eye, hav ing the appearance of proceeding from but one building'of vail extent. due llreeta became impaft-iblc as the fire progressed, being filled from fide to fide with an impenetrable column of smoke and liamc, which wafted by the current of air through the north and south streets, lb earned to a great dillaiice be yond the limits ot the houses. To the ditlant ipedator, and to the wretched inhabitants, who after a short lapie of time eoullbe no more than fpetiatoia, the feene was at once sublime and pain ful, exceeding in awful grandeur perhaps almost an/ fpcCtacle of the kind which has happened fi ice the world began. It waa fortunate that the catastrophe did not trke place in the night, as there mull hsve been a greater dellruclion of goods and tfTcdis, rr.d unqudlionably of fame lives. Nn lives were latl and but one pufcn (a poor wo man) was badly injured. Means have been taken to afeertsin correctly the amount of losses in property, and pro gress has been made so tar as to place it beyond a doubt that they exceed one JvnJrrJ nntl thirty tboufanJ Jo!lnn, pro bably approaching near 150,000. The conflngi.ition took place at a time of Jay that the inhabitants were generally near their homes, and were enabled to save more of moveable effects than could lui*c been expected in so ihort a time as was allowed them, great quantities, how ever, fe.l a laeiific-, anJ individuals, whose 111 ales confided iu buildings, were iu one d\\ induced from eligible circumstances to poverty. There is no cibzen but has iulfered more or let's. At prtfi nt, the people are feat te red up and down the feu lenient, crowding the houles even to overflowing, occupying hovels and every thing haring the shape of an edifice, and several families are en camped in booths upon the public com mon and th; highways. Tlie fuffering* of the people in the enluing winter mull inevitably be great ; wc tremble to anti, cipate them. Hemmed in on every fiJe by th: wildemef., in Home directions in terminable, and in otheis extending too great a dnlance to admit of being p.-iicd by an impovrrithed people, they are res tri&cd to this fettkment, na-row in its extent, with indifferent cultivations, and tlie houses iu bad repair. Not a farm is cultivated one unle from the river bank, nor a building erected. There the wd dcraefs commences which extends to the western ocean. The fettlerucnt up and down the bank of the river is but a few miles in extent, and taken up by farmers, who have no room to spare in thrir dwellings and raise barely a luffi cirney for tlie supply of their own wants. The houicku futferers have little time, mid Hill lrfs means, to provide ;., : f„rthemfcsv^tV ore the approach of’ T h” cold f-'ifT• Provifiofis of every kind arc at an exces fivelv hit'll price. Tinas eiroumflaiiced, what can be before these mifcrable peo ple but a winter of rigorous {offerings ! If credit and charity mould furnifli them with food, yet there cannot be Hielter and covering fufHcient for their comfort. Applications for relief are sent and fen. ding to various parts of the United States, and of Canada, which it :• hoped and believed will not be sent in vain. We have lively expeditions, founded on the tried and known benevolence of the people of both countries towards their fellow citizens in cases of fi-mlar calami ty ; and a more diflrefstul case, it is pr t fumed, has rarely been submitted to their benevolent coriftJeration. In a diilant and remote point of view, the confiagtion of this town may be considered not unlike that which hashap haped to Tome other towns, whose firlt conltruction was unfavorable to conveni ence and health; it may ultimately be be neficiai, although at present so highly af flicting and deplorable. A plan is alrea dy devised and applied to the former (i te of the town, which, by extending it, and widening the streets, giving them different dire&iona, providing public squares, it is conceived will promote the health and convenience of inha bitants, as well as improve the beauty of the place, The plan is nearly that of the city of wafhinglon. BONAPARTE AND THE POPE. L KE MAST EX LIRE MAN. Milan, June 1 —On the 25th ultimo, his e::;eilency the Cardinal Caprara, Arch j bilhop of Milan, Legate-a-lalere ot his Holincfs to his Majesty the Ernoaror of the French, was admited to a private au dience, and delivered to the Emperor the new credentials of the Holy Father, ac crediting him all’o in the fame dignity to Ins Majelly as King of Italy, for the tranfadion of all affairs in which the rioly See it interfiled in that kingdom. Besides these new credentials, his emin ence delivered on the part of his Holincls the following congratulatory to his Majesty ; ;• Pius VI l. to our dear son in Je sus Cliriil: greeting and apotlolieal bcnedi&ions. Your Imperial and Royal Majesty is not acquainted with all the fentiment* with which we are penetrated for you, and with what gratitude we remember the things you have done in France iu fav >r of the Catholic religion, and the proofs of love and refpedt which you gave ui> during our lfay in Paris ; you can then readily comprehend with wtiat interell we have learned that the regal dignity was united in your person to the imperial dignity with which you were already ir.vcfted. The reciprocity of our love, and that paternal tendernef* which we feel towards you, render very dear to ux.whr.te v'r i.l irlurbv'*, f ’- T . r i.iuUkl h ive lent a particular Nuncio to telhfy to you these dispositions ; but, knowing alt your benevolence towards our dear foil, Jeaa Baptifta Caprara, Cardinal Pricll ot the Holy Roman Church, Archbiihop of Milan, we have not hcl'uated to believe that the teftimo nie* on our part could not be better re ceived than when presented by him. We have then charged him to present hmifclf before you, and to impart to you all the fentinaents of our heart, on this occasion, in which you receive anew dignity. It is he who will present to you this letter, and we are sure that the congratulations he will make to you in our name will be accepted by you with benevolence. In fine, we doubt not but you will employ all the authority you are invelled with to Retire in your new kingdom all the advantages of religion, which is the column and the support of all kingdoms; and we- have the farther confidence that you w ll continue to give us thole marks of love and filial relpeft which wc have always received from you. In the mean time we give from the bot tom os our heart, the apololical benedic tion to your imperial majesty, in pledge of our paternal benevolence. “ Given at Rome, at Marie Mag giore, under the ring of the fiftier, the 26th May, 1805, 111 tlie sixth year of our Pontificate. “ JOHN, xlrihbijl>"p of Carthage.” From a Utter of a young fuilent in Prince ton to the editor oj the Enquirer. I hare leeu general Moreau. lie ha purehakd a house near Trenton, j (about twelve miles from Princeton) but on .he tide of the Delaware. He intends a* Ron a pellicle to become an Jhnrrican citizrn. Different opini ons arc entertained of the reception which he ought and will meet with from the American prople. For my own put,] think it the grrateft euconium both on him ft If and us that he has chosen this country as his place of reftdeace. “ The chancier and conduct of gen. Moreau furnifh la my mind the cleared elucidation of the good intentions of the original reformers of France. For he was one of tbein. As fbou as he law that no republic exiled iu Europe, he was anxious to leave it. He left his country bee a life it was fuhjeciel to the power of 2 tyrant. He rctufed the com mand of the Spanilh troops, to besiege Gibraltar, becaui’e they were the servants of a dcipot. lie retutad the command i.i chief of the Ruffian army, bccauie they fought for a king, “ General Mortaa r.exu receives com pany, not as you would expect from a compeer of Bonaparte ; but as a citizen of the United States, who has never been elevated above a private ftatioa.” yi/finia Jinqxirtr. nr,’ r - i~r trn f)'n 1 r 1 1 r. t .1 LL, xX'j .x x 1 .lii. THE fubferibers ibr pubiic, th c having procured an airy and commodious houie, in a healthy part of the city •, they have again opened a private HOSPITAL, and hope, from the innumerable advantages re sulting from fucb an inflitution, it will be liberally supported. The poor will receive Medical Services gratis; provided the humane citizens will come for ward and make feme appropria tions for the board and nursing of (uch persons, which fhail nor exceed fix dollars per week. It is true, as it is melancholy, to re late, that three fourths of the Teamen, buried in this place have died for the want of suitable di et, and nursing when Pick. For no sooner arc they indifpoled, than the proprietors of the hous es where they board, flow them away in a close garret, without paying attention either to clean- linefs or any thing else, necessary for their recovery. This evil can non be remedied. The sick in rcorting to the hospital, will find every comfort and con venience at a moderate expence. The infii ution is to be gov erned by the subjoined rules, lit. White patients fhail be en itled to one weeks residence and attendance for the tarn of twelve dollars ind for every week afterwards eight dollars. Negroes, ten dollars the firlt week and fix dollars for every week afterwards. ad. Medicines, Nursing, di eting and bedding, lhall be fur nifhed by the inltuucion for the lums above fpecified, but where wine is necessary it mult be found at the cxpenceofthe patients, or owner cf Negroes. 3d; Patients lhall be visited three times a day or oftener if ne cessary, by one or both of the in fiitucors. 4th. In cases where impor tant targical operations are ne ceffarv, a moderate additional charge will be made. g? h j-* ~ - -* -a and nurses lhall be provided for white persons. As the inflitution will require a considerable advance of capi tal for bedding and daily expen ses, it is necessary that the sum fpecified for the firft week’s resi dence is the Hospital, be paid on admifiion of the patient lb as to enable the fublcribers to con tinue the institution without lol's to themselves, and with advan tage to the community. It is further necessary to be understood, thatnoperfon, white or black, will be received in the Hospital, unless fome responsible person will become anlwerable for the subsequent charges and pay tlie fame on the difeharge of the patient. And r.lfo in case of deach, the person who the payment of the weekly char ges, lhall in addition to what may be due the infiitution, pay the expences of interment, which in every case be as mode rate as poflible. Applications to be made by letter or othervvife to cither of the lubfcribers. Peter Ward, Janies Ewell. Ocfiobcrt. j 10 EDWARD TELFAIR,} V. S. k lx Equity, William Thompson,} IT Kj'pcirir;; that the (Ufendant in this cauie is out of the jurisdiiJtion of this state and hath intp!eadcd the carnilainn.r.t on tlie common law lide of thi* court, and it u ne cessary for the pirpolcs of jaflice that the laid defendant appear and attl’wer to the ll of th* complainant. Tkcrcfare oriered, That tho defendant at torney feiaed with tVopoena in this cauie ■c copy of tUi bili, aid of this order, and that notice be pilbiiflred for fix mouths ir. one ot the Gazetts of Augulta and Savannah re euiring- the defendant to answer to tlie bill of tne complainant on or before the firft day-of January next, othervvife she said Ifiil xvill e taken prtcctfcMo, rut the court wail pass Inch further order and decree in the cauie as will anfwtrlhe purpoles of jultice. ExtraS from the Minulet. Savannah. 1- Mav, 1805. STH ES Cl Mit st inr'irt BILLS ON LONDON. FOR SALE BY R. & J. BOLTONe July S. £ Pri COTTON 6’ RICE” L.jH'ls, Fof file, by the tablerfber 450 acres on Colonels bland near Guitbury well adopted 10 the cultivation of Cotton ; on the | premises one good dwelling houie Cotton houie and other suitable buildings neceilary on a planta tion ; ficuatetl on a lal: River,and in point of health rnd good water equal to any in the lo.v country. One other traft on Bull-town owamp fix miles from Riceboro’ adjoining lands lately bought by Mefirs. Miller & Currie, contain ing one thou land teres a large body of the Trail is of the firft quality Rice land, one hundred j and fifty acres has been cleared 1 and planted and may be again; fettled to advantage with but j little trouble. Terms will be! rnadeeafy topurchafers by apply ing ro A. May bank. Sunbury, October t. larnqrn. 7 Notice , THE fubferiber, l’oir.e rims firce being on his return fr*tn the India; nation, came up with a JOHN IS.- VINE (as he called himielf) who had in his polleflion anew negro fel low ; liom the ccuntcnance and con versation of Irvine, when interrogated from whence he had come, the man ner in which he made reply, together with other circumstances of his con duA confirmed the fubferiber in the be lief rhat rhe negro had been stolen. He therefore demanded of Irvine in whar way he had come to the pofld (ion of the negro ; to which he re’ turned an avaline answer. The fub feriber told him he had good reason to believe the negro had been stolen and was deternriided to fake /he ne gro from him and have him advertised and in case no peif#n claimed him within eighteen months would eithir return or fell him. This is therefore to notify all per rons whom it cloth or may concern. That /he fubferiber has in his pciles. fion /he said new negro ; he is ibout five feet eight ir.chca high, ageJ be tween twenty five and /hir/y years— no marks other than cr. his back, which appear to have fuffered under the Cowfkin ; speaks little or no English fays he came from Carolina, but does not know whether from Nor/h or i’ou:h,he ifidiftiu&ly communicates (jihftn eJir*A I- mbof tuaji lli a man came by him) that he took him up in /he road, when on hi3 way to fith on rive ror creek nearby. His own er or owners ai e therefore requeued to prove the proper/y of the negro pay charges and take him away: Wm. Neely. Camden Cour/y on fi/ Mary’s River, Sen*, vo 1a mi y. To Hire, A negro Girl, complete VVafiier, Ironer, Cook, &c. And Capable of tak’ng charge of luch Domeltic Oeconomy, required in a house For her honesty, foUriety, & attention to buiinefs, can produce Satisfactory recom mendations if required, appiy at this oflice. October t. 4t. io (L/ 1 LOSI', or le tat the Court House, during the term of the Federal Court held in May last, a Blotter or Day Book, belonging to Arndt S-ncet & Co.— Whoever will deliver laid book to George D. Sweet, or Richard F. Williams, fhail re ceive a generous reward if required. Sept. 10 1 at. 4 Brooks & Dunning, ( Eolton’s YVharf) Have just received, per brig Dean fro S New-York, 10 legs Dutch powder I 1-2 ton patentJht 1 I• 2 ditto bar lead 2 pipes Hollands gin IO barrels loaf and lump fsgir 5 chefs Hyfon Tea of late importation 5 pipes brandy Coffee in barrels, lags and tierces 12 barrels Mather el ON HAND, Sweeds and Country iron Plough Moulds 2 hhds. retailing Molasses 20 pun, high 4 th proof Jam. Rum 15 barrels rice frjl quality to ditto ditto inferior ditto 15 hogsheads prime sugars A few hogsheads inferior ditto 20 barrels prime beef IO ditto cargo ditto 2e half barrels put up Jor family use at re tail Jamaica Spirits, ) I'd ell matured by Cognicte Ur andy , Id > age and of a fipe- Hol'iands Gin , Jr/or quality. Port, Madeira, Sherry & Muscat Cine Loudon Porter, Idc. (Ac, Augujl 1. t s 49 ‘NOIj C £, ~ A T the cvp-ratioa of nine Month* from a* this date, application wiii be made to the honorable judges, f the - Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors that lot of land known by the number five (3) Third T. - tiling, Reyno ds Ward, Savannah, belonging t,. the eSate, of John Hattpr, Baker, late of iaid place, containing liw feet in front and ninety feerin depth, more oriels, adjoining a lot of janes M’Coiv .’s. THOM iS DOWELL, Adm’r. ELIZABETH DOWELL, Aditi’J <avannib, AJarch a:,ißcj. *:a.r v ji. Aii pc: funs liaving etna mis .he cllate u * Lancbclfer eiq decesftd, ’ate J [ ’J ch2r.t at Riceborougb—will pieaie csr*J liver actefted ff/smtnts thereof, till he fubferit tt vvi/a whom indebted so that ctlate als rcc|uai*-i | to fe//le wichcut delay. John Couper; Qualified Endr. Sertr- 29 7 /? 5/ iA. Executors Saks, at Riceboro . On/he 31st day of Odtofcer next, J will beexDofed public sale—at the I boufe of Thomas LancaSer, deceafcdj j The personal property belonging to 1 bis efta/e—Confilting of valuable nt>-J groes ; House and kitchen Vurniture,* Dry Goods, Liquors, a valuable cel-* lection of Books &c. &c; His dwt!- m linn; house Stores &c, will a!fo then I be ren/ed for cne yeaj a t public Ven- * due. Jclm Couper. Qualified Eso'r. Septr • 20 7 lOjOS. NOW LAN DIN U/ And for Sale, 6o Barrels Superfine FLCUR (Georgia make) j 7 Tons AVaggon TIRE, I do. Square AXE WARS & j SHARE MOULDS. 1 3 Boxes SADDLERY afferied, 10 Bags Green COFFEE, i 20 Kegs F.F. GUN-POWDER/ *2* A General Supply oF\j GROCERIES as usual, An aw. Knox, ‘ Barrack Gibbons’s Wharf. September 20. 7. Bt. GLUKGIA, l_iil£RTY, Superior Court, March Tert/t, 1805, On the petition ot John Bol* ton, executor of Rplbert praying the foreclotare of the.e quity of redemption of all thac lot of land fituatc in the town o£ Sunbury, containing seventy feet front, unci one hundred and tliir- ( ty feet deep, known in the ori ginal plan by the number feven ty-eighr (78) which said lot ot and, with the improvement, thereon, wm mortgaged on the twentieth day of June, one thous and ieven hundred and ninety-* five, by William Hunter Tor rans to the said Robert Bolton, for securing the payment of the. sum cf forty-two pounds fterlirna equtl in valu# to one hundea and eighty dollars 1 with intcrclt thereon, due upon a certain bond or obligation from the said Wil liam to the laid Robert bearing even date with the said mort gage, It is ordered, That the princi pal, interell and cott clue on tha laid bond be paid into court with in twelve months from this time and unleis the principal, interell and cod be so paid the equity of redemption of the said mortga ged pre.xiffes fhail from thence forth be foreclofed, and such other proceedings take place as the law directs. And :t a further ordered, ThaO a copy of this rule be published in one of the Public Gazettes of this state. at least once in evety month until the time appointed for payment, or ferved* on the j mortgagee, at least fix months j previous to luch time of pay ! ment. Extract from the Minutes , “‘bis ibth March 180.^, A. Forest elk. c. s. c. l. e. March a 3 iam iat 61 “NOTICE. ‘ NO i ILK is hereby given that ■ the SubfcTiber will at the expiration \ of nine months from the date, apply to the Honorable the jufticcs of the Inferior Cjuit of this county for leave to Ml and difpofs of a!! that Island or trail of land generally known and called Burnside, together vitli all its, cental nr ing about two hundred and sixty a cres, cf high land and a body o marlh adjoining thereto, lying and being in this county and situatsu be tween Bewlic and Skidaway Islands, to be fold as part of the eftaie of Ja! cob Wa'dburgher dcceafcd for the benefit cf the said estate. JOHN aMILLEDGE. Ex’or. ofiaid Ei.ate April ra iamqm. t'b. Marchhi’s Sales. ’ ; WILL be foul at the Court-hen Te. in thi* Cit;-. on the firft Tuesdtr in Ottobcr next, between the hours of tenrnd 3'c;ock. 1 LOT in Vfafhington ward, with tbs oufidinys thereon, ALSO, 50 Acre the Thunderbolt road with tne bonding thereon, at present occ. (pieu by . honas Smith. Bun Wall, m. and. g. 2w-