Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 08, 1805, Image 1

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jjcorgia State Intelligencer, Vo!. 111. No. loz.j bix Dollars a Year, half in Advance.] To Hire , A GA, complete V/aflier, 1,-oner, Cok, &c. A,.;! Cap.-.b! s of tah’itg charge oi such DonHeilic Gecunomy, require! i:t a boyl'e For her hottefty, fobnetr, Sc attendol. to haunefs, can produce Satisfactory vtvoui mendauoas if isetp.jirid. apply at tht3 office. October i. 4t. tO oU I‘b.K.iuh CO UK i Lbaibtim County, January Term, iSo?. David Jounfton, 1 Pttitin vs, !cr Robert Wood'ioofe. ! FortiUnire- Lid ON the {jfetk'.r.n of David J-*hnrton praying the rotc-losura ai the Equiy of rcucmcttoTr of a’,l that lot oftand, in the City of Savannah, knoMtii by the number two [2] in J;- ftyl. Tything, Derby Ware, coiurin ing fiery fact in front, and ninrtv f;.: ja depth, mortgaged by tbs Laid Saber Woodfiouii} ft. the laid David joh aftot for (scaring tbs payment cf two seve ral fu>nr. of mousy mentioned ia two £ v*ral Bond* or obligations, bearing cvQd.4te vdth the feid mortgage ; the tns given by the uid Robert Wood houfe to the fa. id David John!}on, and ths ether given by the (aid Robert W oedhoufc and trie George Wooh haafe to the faiJ David Jobation, and uo%jit naotiou <ef Altflis. Davies and iers ien es mjunftl for the y tiitinnt-, It is Qrdcnd , That ehe principal, interests and corL due upon the (aid two Bends or obligations be paid into court within twelve months from tlii,- and ty, and that unless the fame (hail bt fu p.-iri theetjupy of redemption of the faiJ roartgagfd pre.r.iffos will front taenceforth be iForeclofed, and other 7)"0< eedings ak place pursuant to the she ad of the general aflerr.bly, in fuv'h case made sun provided. JnJit is fur.bfr ‘Ordered, In purfu* of the (aid iit that this nils be pi'biithcci in one Ct thepu’die Gasettci us this Rate at lead once ii: evert nranth, utrtii tbs time for the payment of the nancy aforefaid into court, or ferveden the mortgager or ids fpecia) sgent at fix months previous to l e ‘line cf paytienr as aforefaid, Extra?. ft cm the minutes 5 J ft Jar.. 1805. y. Bullock, elk. ram. error. 50 Dollars iiewurd. Fif-ten dollars will be paul f,,r apprehend ing and delivering to the fubfcribcr in S:t tarmah or Securing in Jail within the date a negro bey named Ho, He is of a black com, elexian, (lender make, (peaks tolerable good i>.glifh,>arid about twelve years of are.— /in addition of Ftfieen Dollars \\ ii! lie jrlvcn fori rpur of his being harboured by a \vhi:t jx ‘ion. And Twenty Dcdars raward wii/ be paid fer approhendingand bringing back a kew negro man named Miarnto, who left my 5 ard abubt three weeks ago. 11c is about s fe-t 4 inches tall of a black, complexion, speaks no Eugl-.iti, (lender made, is about to years of age, had on when he went away a bine jacket and Itnped travelers. It is j- I'” fed he lias drolled a wav vith feme of his country negroes and cannot iind ki* , vav Jteme. M. Shearer. J u 'y ?• ti. ‘ tJ s. Tiiteen Dollars It? ward. KAN AW AY FROM /he Sulfcrifecr living in Wtirsn Coi?r>y stave of Georgia; A man named 1 abcurTrent/ fix yearr of ace, five Out tine or ten inches hi?!, limys a !il/‘e in walking. Had on when ha w crt awuy a blue sailors e< r; arc* trowfers. lie is an at/fu fellow end lias been accustomed to, going fct water. ii ii sassed he wil mile for feme sea pert from v heave ritempc tu leave /he fh/e ; all cay faint and others are forwarded or c*trying said fcllcvr eff as /he i?:v; will be rigoraufly enforce* agaitrfl fern. Whoever wiil appre bend lekl fellow end deliver him tc /he fahfetiber, *r iecure him in zu Jail of thus irate shall receive five a hove ittrard and ail teafonoble char . ges nai^by. Thomas Dent. A “*i£ll7 I A- . Removal, THE subscriber having takeft i ilx years leaie of ivlr. john Pooler's wharf and dock adjoining Mr. Doi xous Yamactaw wharf, has remover bis unifier yard,and having pr<‘cu rt * Urge and fafe ftcor room, is hope lot of % continuance of pafi (pvjn The dock leaf present occupies i large fafe possesses iheiams adv.r;t . ges as to convenience a* hw f>. mc Liied tl. His emoting room will lr. k-jpfafliis dwelling house adjoining Mr. John f'aigs until one can bo £/- it j up on the wharf. John Mead. Auguii 27 1 NOTICE, \ LL par!r;s hiving any demands again. the eftattof JO.iIAH TATTNALI Junr. et vurc requelkd to render then properly thole indebted are dt ired to fnske jajntent to Kbeneaer Stari __-Jr Moors’s Wharf CEOTbs JONES,? r . , li- J ‘CXSON. S “ 5 * _Apn>aj . 63 ii otici. M gi-cn, r.h.i: after the ex •)-r,n',-<rM7> ii.niiaouths from /is da/ ii?ryf, a|i)iltcai)a will be made ti /ft. nri'Kdbf* the Itferior Court s!v of Cam’jen, for leave to fd •e rea! e'la/e t.f J t in ;s Vtacer/, la;;> cl the fit id Couijry dec. for the bene tof fbe hei-sas) credirors. “1 hoflid'ii ug 0 C Adiiu-'S. Archd. Clark. August. 27; Ottitim. i’o rhITE ft “^ &. IsOT ue?.r former!/ occupied by £dmonj Bacou apply to Hoe & Davies. LOST or M1 31. A ID, THE folbwirg notes of hand, all made piyabbto the late AMBROSE GORDON, Esqr. tiec’cl. One eta .vn by Alexander dated 7/h May 1804, payahla ill. {jiie, 1804, for 448 daiiar* Kid 47 cents —! >nc driven by Green R Dulrr da/sd 13th June, 1802, pavable go days af/erda e, for 181 dollars 734 cen/s. One drawn by Lemuel K.ol lock, da/ed 6/h Augufl, i3co, paya hie 10 days af/cr da/e, for 187 de-liars 53 cer:is. One drawn by Hugh Mh. gee, and ;/ed 3d May, 1804, payable Cos days after di/e, for 51 dollars 97 cen/s. One drawn by Charles Lintlergrce.;, du/ed 3d May,- 1804, payable 30 days after de/c, for 100 dollars. One diawn by Na/hao Beal for mo dollars, bu/ to whom payable i do not recoiled, lc ft by Charles Goed'.vin, Esqr, for colledion. ALSO, A tcc.r/i't sighed by Sir, Thomas Bonfall ot England for mo pounds Uerling, to Mils Ann Davies, wi/h fa. veral rei eipjson the back (or the in/e rest. All petfons are forbid /■‘adinr for /he above hares, and the drawers from paying Asm ro any person but the fuefc-ber. if they lh-iuld not bt Ga-id i>.n -re pe next Inferior Court, aoplici/io.i wii >0 :n u!e lor a re ;ew. -1 of t tv *i!, aii'y pet for. finding and de livering /hem to the >ua-tciib;r will be handsomely rtwarded, JOHN MEAD. A a h? 2 rs G S Richmond baths. Joseph G. Posner, Ii iNDING it inpofibla to give ptrfonal at teiuianc*at the Richmond Baths this sea. . ion, is induced to .offer them for sale, confin ing of 400 yores es Land, with 1; Frame and • 4 I-oj ffoufes. For the accommodation oi purehafers this will he divided if found expe dient. It is urmeceffary to enter mtoa deferip tion of the above l’rermfcs, as they are we l known,and ‘oidihirtw become a source ofin cafcelahfe profit to any nne rr.„ win eb-.-chaft or Icat'e the lame,and is UTpoled to attend to their improvement. April 28 fnj FOiT SALE AT COST AND CHARGES. TIIE .STOCK of a retail (tore, cenii/iinj of a great variety £ DRY GOODb and IRONMONGERY. Notes with approved indorfers in ?;avail nah payable iK. January next, will be re ceived in payment, or produce, for which a .'tnerous price will be allowed. Apply to JAMES WALE ACE. Jniir 17 ts 83 EDWAHi) TEi J'AIR,h Ai.rx. Jiii y, Ad>Tr. £ Eili 1,1 E.uity. Wli. 1 KHMSO-.-. J • T appearing that e defendant in . this cauls i oct of the JarisdiGion of this rate and hath impleaded the complainant *ll he common iaw fide of this court’, atul it is •ecefTcry for the ptnpcfes •[ jufuc* ’at the aid defendant appear and artfwei- t< tne ittil ,f the complainant. Ihrcjou Oi :crcd, That the defendant's at* ,rntj he terved with lubpoeaa in this critic, 1 copy <if this bit' 1 , and or this ardor, ami hat notice be published Iftf fix months in one fr! e Gazettes of the City of Savannah and none of the Gazette:: of Autulla, requiring he defendant to ar.l aer to the bill f the cnrp sur.aiiton or fccfr rstfis Gift day of Ja. maty next otherwilethc fa id hi,l wiil t ta ten prtceiifejo and the court wi 1 pal's lacb luvtier irSer and decree lie the caule aa wil. .nl'v/tr the purpose . of J utlice. Extraitfrtm the Minutes, Sf I IES C k. Miy :y. 1*0,5. mraC.A. y 5 take HOICK, ’ THAT Nine monilu after this dare, I ft,nil make application to the Jullices o: he Inferior court pf this con y, ior leave to cli tlic Jailed projjfrty of iU of lehr, it Guardeand#cd. Isc the beat tit of creditors Nliza. Mary A. Girardeau. /hirnx. jba.-ry Cpunty, Marsh 18 tfiam ,7 Savannah : Printed for JAMES LYON and the WIDOW of SAMUEL MORSE. N O T 1 C K. NOTICE is hereby given thr.t z> t expiration of nine months from this date, the fnbfcribers will 2p r T to the honble. the juitices of the Irdc "ior court of the counry sf Chatham •>r leave to (tli and difpofr of the fol ■•" wing trails of land belonging to the e&Jte of John P. Ward deceafcd. All that trail cr parcel of land u containing three hundred and fit “ ty acres, fcc the lame more o: “ less, late the property of George “ ILiilie dec’d. situated in the cour.- “ ty of Camden bounded on tlw “earthy Careat Satilla river anb “ on a!! other fu'ts by vacant land “ at the time of the furve* theteo? “ ALSO otW other tract or par w cel of land containing hu:i , “ tired acres, be the fame more c: “ less, laie the property of George “ Bailiie occ’d. liiu.,fcd in t “ County Camden bounded b fi the call by the said George Bit “ he’s land and on all other km'- “ by vacant land at the timjc -. “ the firvey—alio all that trai l 0 *’ land containing five hundrdJ * “ crcs, be the erne more or Id's w originally grunted to Rdhei “ Bailiie situated in t !, e county <v “ M’lntofh bounded l.nith bv tin “ river Alatamaha, aft on land: “ originally granted Catherin “ Douglass, north on lands gran/- < “ to William M’ln/cih and v/ei “ on lands gran/ed to John M’Cu “ lscu” which said three /r-cts c rtnd were (eveially fold at the files < Jon&sczted property andpurchaled b; he la/e Joint P. Ward deed. Tin laid lands arc ir./endeJ to be fold fu die benefit of /he heirs and cicdi/oiio /lie said efta/e. N. S. Bayard, E. Jsa\ard. sfJmiristrator and jidministratrix sa:i estate. Sav. April 1 r/h 1805. ra'wqm fit SUPERIOR COURT, ) Camden Covktv, > Oilltobfr term ioo,j.J WHEREAS James Mair jnd Rchcr’ Means of tli* Cityol’ Chatlellon in J.utli-Ca rolmi ir.erchanffchavs !-.iedaf)tii icn in thi ‘lionorablecourt letting f u ththat David (W vin and Samue Meirs, lat* of the town <.l St. Mary’s merchants, are indebted to then in one bond or obligation da:ed the (event!- day of April, ißog, in the sum of two thou land five hundred and seventy two do nv);,m. whereas to secure the uavment of the laid fur. of money, did mortgaje all that divided moi ety of >ot, No. 3, in the town of St. Mary’ panic llarly delcriked and lent for In tin fair, p dition. I. in therefore ordered, on motion of .Mr. Ciarii aiiomcy for the petitioner, vh:• tiie. S;ud David Garvin and William Meer do pay into court, tha principle interells ami coll of the money lb due and owing within twelve months from this date hereof, or ; decree will pal’s againlt tha pre miles for the payment. Also ordered ti-a this rule be publilhau in ouu of the gaze.ttes of this Rate, a’ call onca in crery month, until’ the time appointed for payment expires, or forv edou the said Davlil Garvin 5i samuel Mer > li e months previous thereto. Extract from the minutes. OH. xyt, 1804 Isaac Crcvvd, c. s. c. c. c. taro- ts- t 8 Commissioners OF PILOTAG3. Savannah, June 4, 1801. IN coni'eipience of fevcral perfens ai mg illegally as I* n ; t. Uiuaasi), That the fecrcary Ui publilh monthly the nauu ?■ of filth IMou a pbtfefs Branches cr certificates from this Hoard. Exit all from the Minutes Thomas Pitt, Suulur > Agreeably tethr order cf t!® Hoard d< hereby give notice, the following perivns *n ly, are duly authorifed to aft is mots , R i bard Wall, branch, William Wall, Cert incite Filv r-sting mn dcr bun. Thomas Nottage, Branch l ot. Elijah Hroughton, do. John Major, aftn g unuur hit* George Ehilipr, George Conner, “J ’ John lirsnsdy, Geoj'f.e ’Tvrgaa, i Certi'outw David Brow 11, Jme*Brown, J l’iiots Admg Enter C afar, Jatr.B!. jo'in:to, Ur ihtnuleivee 111 arn Ciay, James crantnn, William V/y ir, Kaucforci Bailey, J ‘iJiomas Pitt, Secretary July z. THE Subfci'her interding to fie aljfen l f feme months has eppoiwed .lie Han. Edward Tcltair, Charles Odd'r.gfells xr.t* Jr bn Lawfoo, ‘isq’rs his attorney:,, v. ho wit; ranraft any bufinclr.his, tiunag h.iabl'erice. MatLliew MVxihlter. A-priltj. ts Jvjfirirc. A LT. Persons having demznds ajptipft the 1 fi. eiiatc of Ste|,ficn BFunt late of fjavin r.ak daceai'ca, sic reqneHled to rordcr ti er, properly atttfeid, and thofo indtbtcd to make immediate pave ent to CflAllLUi TE S. BLOUNT, Extr’z. llif jj ts yi TUESDAY, Oaober, 8, ißs|. [ TO BE DISPOSED OF, j THE whole or half of that well fituarrd FARM, within one md an half miles of Savannah, xterding in front Eafteriy on :he main thunacrbolr road, with in three carters of a mile of said city, and oppofrte Mr. Lilii bridge’s ellate, and South-Weft t on the White Bluff road This Farm consists Os four fifty acre and two five acre Lots, niaknigl about two hundred and fourteen! an half acres of Land. On tliej premises, there is a good dwel-! i:ng houlft and kitchen, Barn,! I tab e :, and.other out houses, & Fviral conveniences attached to this valuable property —about ten acres are under fence and partly under cultivation as a garden and orchard, with a va riety of Frai-: tiers an J. Garden plains, of various lbrts. One hundred and fifty aeies of thk land has never been cultivatei and i3 now in wood, the foil i* iertlie, and well calculated foi every fpreies of Fanning ar. Brick, making, acres was originally cleared, but not . i rv than twenty a- res has been plan ed for near thirty years ; th-.- greater part of the lecond gr wti 13 in valuable trc;s and Shrubb’ - y ; indeed the whole Woo Land is of file bell kind and no cd for the great variety of Bo ani. al trees and plants, that is s n Rural production. This valuable eftatr, is in view of Savannah Exchange, he clocdi of which can be plainly -oeard to finite and with the as 'itUnce es a gki'r., the hour toltl i o Yi the dial at any time of day. Ihe yard and inclolure affords vith the buildings, a ole and pleasing rural feene the neater part of the year a uifh aient head of water can be railed >y flopping a run, that springs md runs thro’ this land to elta- Ufh a Grist Mil) or Cotton Gin or plantation life,&c, ALSO, To be fold, from fix to fever ots of about four acres each, ituate on the White Bluff road, in a level piece cf elevated pine land i rhcle lots are not half mile from the city line and web calculated for gardens or small .arms; these lots are interfedled with a wide street, for the conve nience ofpurchafers. For par ticulars, apply to PHILIP MIL LEDGE or JUDGE S IE PHEN3 in Savannah. October 2 mw ic FOR SALE, 10 Earrsh LOAF bt.'OAR, bv n. &J. BOI.TON , OftoHcr t John i\ V/iiliamson, RESPECT 1‘ ULLY inarms the riends of the b*e cvr.ccrn of VV; UAMBON W Morei, that Jnfcn 11. More!, Esqr. hEvin,T; retired from bn tine'*, he ooiuinues the I ACTOR AG b A COMMISSION BUSINESS, on Morel'i wharf, as former)y, and fo!i aits a continuarica of ibeir f.vois. Ifavinjj large fafe arid convenient ,*!arcs (or the reccpiicr. of procure, he r.rprsfrcrn his cxpuieirCc in the above oafinef’s, together with his prompt st* tei.tion to their onvei*, that he fiisi! lender the hrghelt fatisfafiion to all v: 'i fttatl fiver him with their cuftcm, May ; 1 ts 75 Sheriff s Saiti,. C'YNthoffrfl Tuesday in November next, J will.Le fold at the Ccurt-licnfo m riir.-v. ck, Glynn com.ty. Ecrty t.vo no oef, t* ge’l-.rr v/itfi then iltue, iri r'g:tg r d Alexericvr Grcfiam, t f i Gecbge Call, t, ro femre the ii:m,of twelve llu ula>d oij-l.t l,ng. died ar-dftxty v’.gfit d/ilais wib iftrerfi Whicfi irxitguge ,v frdr,ted pinluaut to laiv. John G. Sr.fT.iH, and, 3. c . c. 3t. >;rr *■ nt, Aoguft 21 lj boiiuvcntu e. ‘■pins elegant retreat about 4 miles f, ?ir. X bat ,*.,iaii, er Wafliuv river,:, offtrcl or. a r- for it.-, or ir.ven years, *',r tbe !:c. e it of 11, r iic.r, amiutr.cii teriris tluit will tu t iholc iixiiiixD.e topdfirf* l’ovaliutble a piece of ground, a# welt ca ■•.• mated lot healtU a, for pin a furs and profit. Apply to W. 1/1 f (‘HENS, / N.'I'URNiIULIa, j G.. Aunt A.-t.. AugUll y (jZ FWhole Number en. [Twelve nnd a halt Cents'c. I aeceivetl at the Savannah ’ Vm* r‘’Y S 7 WRE ’ ly, 1!i T- s °'” Stapbsl .'* 4 * RUjlUo,ml aflbrlmcut o *’ 6 I'hii-i. .imi hb!x. R. 5 pmj KINGS C ‘ U * 10 UuXCi “ n ' i . 3 ° Kc 3* J. & J. WILLY. Neptfniue tt’ TO THE PUBLIC. T® } l2 “' c 111 B €,l eral will ji e.iaeto tal a A notice 1 .lilt ihcir will be an oxi:,,t.e., C li.ericls cf tV Ksv. Dr. It,chan F.„ m r.. the city nt CharWton, o*t inNvembt-i-or I Decefnbci-Ci.lmng in tm UK -a„m wnhilie nev.l. Henry Holcombe and il ic RevJ. jo i i,? i‘ U ? : ‘ 1 UuJn ,s m, ' v ugraviu{, la j 1 hiliiitelphix by the moll eminent enslaver ; n A '" f ; ica ‘ r< > m the jmbl.c ha. ) been mfyniuV. tint there is a itkeiiti:. if th -RloreUid-Ur. Furman Sngravedin Cliarlafton bmirb Garoliiw. h fubii-.nbw. tvho have tutne-i'-.ed tu >• above . luraJttn W >ll tuk notice that the. are not UiveJ n, purdia. h-rv Uii one ailti.W.lra, ,j, c public alf U'lrcitCLt to impend their judgment t:ntii th* oneexecupng by the itkbraied Mr. Kdwri IS out, tlid proprietor allures the mil,lie na •xpcncc. \-jul be li>arrd to accomplllh them a. tptneraliy [is the rale ; the frames for 11,* m viH be copijileated by European Guilders, ii? he Whole work is not comp eated eij ul t* ray ever llom Europe, a cent will not be Uc iuani'eu. / Sep, to] ts 4 JLORCUeti] J 'T ffaorJ White C/tri, L. S.\ yf thc C,,urt J Ordinary, E. Wliitc. \ F ,r th: of Chatham T-T,, , J “ lti,e ofo a aid. W ■‘ M S : B *' ,nb it applies tor/le’ters o. aclimuiAratioil cn tint ■ “ * in 4eircel of Timma* Greene, la e of ~e c ! l .v oG'uvani-.ah, House Carpenter, dec pnneip.-jEen-Jiior. Theln are therefore to ate and aiFnonuh all and fiu h ular the kut hol audce.l.t of the laid deeealed, tn ’V ie ” Olj -iti (,( any they have) m mr “hce on or be tori- the 4th day of Oflober next, ot.Hi.vile letters oi adniiniltrauon tviiL : graneij him. G'v-m uhder my hand and leal in Ihe oitr- Jl the 4th day of Se ptember 1.1 the ul our lord id, 5, and in the ijthyearof n menc *t\ indepentienca. 10 nyj l o Liru ‘ * FOR ja t?rm of yearr, ihe premis. f?* at prjfent occup.eJ liy Mr. WiL I am Cinkvin as a dwelling heufe and Grocery (Store. A Icafe f /his valujLle (l.mJ, o-.ay t-a had and p. (Llfion delivered in about 30 days y for a modera/c u* Cu(h. Fo- parccu'ars apply to that honble. JudgeSwphcHt t,i Gen Mi’c.i, ell. A\ illiam Mill:, Augurt 11 jj-, notice, A I.L Ferfoca having any demand’-. arainA *■ I' 13 ‘? ! L h Habciliiani deceased, are requested to lend them in properly a„c S . tea ar-. thoiu who arc indebted tore.ul tei.ava T3m ta v I Joseph Habersham. oj- ‘JJamary 10 t s y {C3* A I'.’ommiitc<s oP thoi GFORCIA MJ DICAL SOCIE TY, appointed to keep correit rtgis. ers of the biithi and deaths in ti 4 v ri r,. nah, take (his method or notifying the inhabitants, that they will ua ru.j.nJ from linio to time, in tho Wards 17 which they have been an. Minted, for the purpof; of coiieflnU he i,;iar;nat!r,r, nttcjfiiiry to can*/ ints> eff bl tlio intent on of ihc Socie y : aad cordiJei irij; tJ'r utility of tiia .Asafure, it is boned, that every t er- >*” wiil wiliir.dy sid them in the an* Jet tilting, nd i c prepare and whin cal, ;c.i on, to fiirn ft ?n account of this oirtbf and deaths Zinc* the £ f, June i?ft, (''he pcii'.J it is intended the rep lies'* (hall take date from ) which have . nrse immediately within their know- Jhi the mean time, to prevent ‘he nett fitly and trouble of ca;Hn at every hr.ufe—the committee wilf he much cb'.igtd to rhefe ptrihnj who ■Tiii be ;_>otcl enough /<*H'end in wii 'ir (/,cr ;< mmunica/eby an it.reiligenf {en?*nt,/<> t\x s-t ember in tvhofc Ward •uch pc.lrn rdide*, the Uformstint !t qe*:cd~ ebfsrving io [*ar/icu!gr;?,j in <f /he birth, /he sex and color, at..’ in r holt of /nc dca/ns, t\.o name, £*e, f<;x color, o*. ima/ion and p'itc of lunvity *tkhe decided, With /he difcrdcr ot which ite or flic died-... and when r.o/ a nasive of Savahnah /ne timerd his or her rtlidcncc in it, l he Wards have been aflig.ied t* /lie members c f /he c mmittre °for :r above ? u ’ofes, as follows.—via,, !” vit) [ *‘ onr / Bonrrjait 1m 5 Dr. Moses ShcftiS, Hea.ix.uU> , JVrcival ( Pr. Peter Ward. )> ! Or. James EvreH, Ar.i n > Or. Wi/iin Coire. Cviinivjia /: / ~ f,. K?TH . $ Dr. Geo. V ProAvr. W rrre'i •< J „ Vati r.:,->r | or 'WnJia.T* Parker. A V J - : - i