Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 18, 1805, Image 1

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Georgia ligencer. Vo!. IV. No. i.J Sir Dollars a Year, halt’ in Advance.] Wanted to Charter, . A Ship of 350 or 405 tons, ■*: to load lumber for one or *■ wo °f die Wmdwa.rd 111. aids, and to return to Baltimore, or. r7O vessels of about 200 tons each. Apply to Mem Mackay, & Cos. October rt 13 ts IOK bUD 1 Oi\, THE lltgular Packet Brig ?’ R O 1 J I C, **® KS ’*£*“®* Alex. Arsclo Master, lav ing at City’s Wharf, for freight or paflage apply on board, where is for sale Brandy M. E. Burn, Mackerel, Herrings, Candles, Soap, Ship and Groat Bread, Crackers, No. ir> Cot ton Cards, Sun Shovels, Onions, Potatoes and Bed Cords. October 3 ts 13. ~ FKEsH uaUUd. Just receive*!an<! fur sale by the subscriber, on extensive assortment of GERMAN GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE, *O4 Pieces ot LACK 8 Do. 6& 7 q r . Cloths, d.ifc. colors 20 Da. Bed ‘Picking 925 Do. Checks, different colors 20 Do. Brown Rclis lo Da. Pivilian Gauze 3 Packages Thread S ock’ngs 20 D?zeu White Sheeps Skins I do. ftnall Clocks far mantle pieces 1 Do. Gold Hunting Watches 3 trunks ShoesSCioots for Children 4 bozes Shaving Soap 8 da. German Steel, ift quality 30 dozen Playing Cards 6 > do. Looking Glades, difft, sizes 36 Violins— 4 tanks Toys 40 dozen Packet Handkoichiefs t box Velvet 20 pieces Girth Webbing A few pi ces Shirting linen ALSO IN STORE, 139 Barrels frith iudcitiue riuur 6 pieces Kcrfeymere 4 do. Velvet 36 barrel Ship B'ead, frefil 3 qr. calks lit quality Mad. Wine 4 pipes Brandy 2 do. Gin i h. gfhead Jamaica Runs 1 dozen Saddics 1 hogshead Loaf Sugar 2 bide Boards 1 fei Card ‘Babies 36 boxes of ift quality SpsnifhSegar'. Ail of will be fold low for cash. RALPH JACOBS. Oflfr.Vr 4 6t n Ext! ‘avge. Brooks & 1 Dunning, (Bolton’s Wharf) Have just received, per brig Dean from New-Yokk, Jo kegs Dutch powder J I■ 2 ten patentJhat J I-a ditto bur lead 3 pipes Hollands gin JO barrels loaf and lump fag dr 5 chefs ffyfots Tea cj tale importation g pipes h andy Coffee in barrels, lags and tierces 12 barrels Mackerel ON HAND, Saveedt and Country iron Plough Moulds 2 bhds. retailtng Mclajfes 20 pun. high 4 th proof ‘Jam. Rum 1 5 barrels rice frf quality lo dit e ditto inferior ditto 15 hogsheads prime fugart A feau hogsheads inferior ditto 20 barrels prime beef lo ditto cat go ditto 2 half barrets put up for family vfr at re tail Jamaica Spirits, ) Well matured by Ccgnicic Brandy, & > age and of a jupe- HollunJs Gin, yirit quality, fort, Madeira, Shetry & Muscat Wine Leaden Porter, (fc, ifc. ■duguf 2. ts 49 * |\ O l’ IC L, AT the expiration of nine jyj o nths from this date, application made tc the honorable judges, f the Infeiior Court ol Chatham County, for leave to fell, for the benent of the heirs and creditor., that lot tl land known by the number tve (5) Third Tv. thing, Reynods Ward, Savannah, belonging t .theeMaieof John Haupt, Baker, la e o‘ said place, ccntaming lixty feet in front am ninety feet in depth, more or lei's, adjoining a lot of James M’Conky’s. THOMAS DOWELL, Adm’r. ELIZABETH DOWELL, Adm**. iavatuiaU, March at, 1805. ‘jam yrn. TO LET, FOR a term of years, the premis fes at prelent ctcup ed by Mr. VVi lan Chativin as a dwelling house am I Orocerv btorc. A profitable leaf ts /his very valuable Hand, may b had and pcfLffion delivered in aboe 30 days ; lor a tn.idera tt advance 1 c.Hi. For pn/.cuiars a,,p’y to th hufible, JudgeStcphcns or Gui Mircn eil. William Mill;. Auguftm S; Savannah s F tinted far JAMES LYON an'J the of S-VMLJEL MOR.SF JAMEn CARKITTHERS, lias iteeived per the Eliza from Liver pool and Birmingham Packet, from*recnocb a coaifiderable proportion of his fall goods. Confiding of Wsollens, Mancheftrv, Hosiery, Cal.tcces. Oznaburgs and acencral affortuieut of Cutlery & Ironmongery. and expects per the Lucy Jt Elizabeths and Abejna. to have his ;i(lormnent completed. Odober 13 6t NOW LANDING, And for Sale, 60 Barrels Superfine FLOUR (Georgia make) 7 Tons Waggon TI RF, 1 do. Squiie AXE BARS & SHARK MOULDS. 3 Boxes SADDLERY alLrted, 20 Bags Green COFFEE, *0 Kegs F.F. GUN-POWDER. *** A General Supply of GROCERIES as uiual, Andw. Knox, Barrack Gibbons’s Wharf, J id l. AUiiSLIUBRK, HAS now completed his large ard faf, Ware Houses on Barrack Gibbons Esqr’s wharf, where lie will receive on ito rage any kind of produces, lie continues at hetetcfoie the FACTORAGE & COMMIE SION BUSINESS, and Hatters h smell iron experience in the above line to be able t< give general lattsfaflion to thole who ma> entrull their ptoperty in his care, or favor him with their orders. Andrew Knox. OtftoHer it 13 ts. for sale’ AT COST AND CHARGES. THE fc'i'OCK. of a retail llore, cufiftin; of a great variety .f IJRV GOOD and IRONMONGERY. Notes with approved ir.d ii fers in Savan nail payable i it. January n?:;-, will be it cetved in payment, or produce, for which genet-us pries will be illawed. Apply ta JAMES WALE ACE. June 17 ts 83 Removal, The Subic ‘iber having taken j fix years Rale of Mr. Jyhn Po ter’i wharf and dock adjoining Mr. iiol tons Yatnacraw wharf, has remove; his lumber yard, and having prucu red large and fafe ftoor ro rn, is hope ful of a continuance of pat t. v as. The dock he at present occupies n large falc poilesses the iam: advant - ges as/o convenience as his former one did. Hsc unting room ft kep/a/ his duelling hrufe adjo nin Mr. John Laigsuntil one can he Hr red up on ike wharf. John Mead. Auyufl 7.7 1 LOST or lid, THE following notes of hand, a! made payable to the la/e AMldß.‘jSi’ GORDON, Esqr. dec'd. Onedrawnby Alexander J ihnfton. dated 7/h May 1804, payable ill June, 1804, fnr 448 dollars and 47 <ents—Oi.e drawn by Green R Duke d/rd 13th June, 180a, payable -90 days af/erda e, for 18 1 dollars 5 3.4 cents. One drawn by Lemael K 1- jlock, da/cd 6/h August, ißco, pava ble 10 days after date, for 187 dollar? 50 cer ts. One drawn by Hugh Ma. gee, da/ed 3d May, 1804, payable 6c days after date, for 51 dollars 97 cents One drawn by Charles Lindergree. . Jared 3d May, 1804, payable 30 day after dare, fur ioe dollars. One duw ny Narhan Ideal for 100 dollars, bu ro Whom payable I do not recolledL est by Chaika Gotidwin, Esqr, fv. oiledtion. ALSO, A receipt signed by Sir, Thome Bonfail o f England for 100 pounds ♦erlinp, to Mils Ann Davies, wi/h f;. veral reteip/s on the back lor /he in/e est. All persons are forbid / fcr /he above notes, and /he drawers from paying /hens to any person lur be fubfc'iber, if they should no/ be round before /he next Inferior Court, ipplica/ion will be made for a renew tl of /hem,any petfon finding and uvciirg /hem to the fubferibcr will be handsomely rewarded. JOHN HEAD. Auoufi 2 ts 9J} “To^liNTr THF. h. LOT near Brough tor Street, formerly oteupied by Edmond iacon f’.jjr. apply to \ Hoe Sc Davies. ts 93 3ILIJ^TIONDOn] FOR SALE ET ji. V 7. BOLTON, id/ (j. ts. FRIDAY, Odcber, if!, Notice is hereby given, that the board of Five Matters, will contrail with anyperlon or perfons,for doing he following work—Viz : Six Fire Hooks and chains to he made, one ladder to be repaired, fome polls to hang the ladders on, and a few hooks to support the ladders—likewise, fomethtng m the na tnte rs a roof to be made over the ladders, topreferve the.iti from rain j reference being had to the report of the committee lodged in mvoffice, will rtore fully appear. The tub. JVfilter will therefore receive sealed proposals for this purpofi until the aSth inllant; the contractor to fini all materials nectllary to complete the fatne. My order of the Beard, Thomas Fitt, elk. Oik >5 , 4 Sheriff’s Sales. On the firft 1 nefday tn November next, svill be laliiat the Court houle in Brttnfwick Glyn county. A negro man named Ben, tn poffie(ltort of John G.Seal,pointed out by the jtlainttiT’s attorney, as Uie propertt <'f ltich ard Hightower, to fatidfy an execution in fa vor of John Bolton. Alio.—At the fame time and place. One Saddle, half a dozen tbairs and two cots minted out by Mrs. Willfon, -3 the propertt )f Joseph Willfon, to fatisfy an execution ii favor of John Bolton. Alfa..—Two negroes, viz. A man named Billy and a woman named Daphne m pt fil l lion of and pointed out by VVm. I'aga as the property of the tllatc of Thomas Cotes, dec to lattsfy an execution in favor of ‘John Bolton. J. G. Snead, and. s. and t. Oi’Uhf r 11. taw. ts. \ 53 Dolhrs Reward. HAn AWAY ah hi 4 months lince. A negro tnan named PETER, belongingto th< ellate of George Haiil dec’d. He is a valua le carpenter, and well known for many year* ntb is city He is tall and Ann. aftivc, am trtfnl and when questioned clot'ely, be ilant : tiers much, ted .1 ars will be paid 011 his ieltver, to the Sdbfcrilier, ortofne Goa er o’ hit city, and forty dollars in addition thcreo m proof of his being harboured by a whi e jerfon. J.MACHIN, Exo’r to Estate, George llaift Oflober 15 , 4 a Ml.Miff’s Niile>. /ANthe firft Tuesday in November next, r ‘ will be fold at rl e Court-house in tunswick, Glynn county. Forty two ne ces, t.geiher with iheir i*W, mortgaged Alexaider Graham, to George Baill e, to iicvre the him < thoulaad eight bun rda dfixiv eight dollars wtih mieicll. v hich moitg g is {orecloftd pursuant to iW. ‘olin G. Sup and, and. s. c . c. St. Simons, Autill at a M ’rflial’j .°a!es. <■ i I be fold at tie Court licufe in this cil von the fir [f f'urfo’ay being the y h of November ijixt, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock. One J.o if Land and improve lems, Kuowfj by the No. 13, A’.ihi igton Vvlard, Savannah, ALSO, A fnah HARM on rke Thunder olr iO.i, wi/h a 1 the buildings and mprovunents thereon, containing a >out 5 > acres more or Jcfs, difhant a bot 3 m,lts from Savannah, occupiei ay J hus. Smith. ALSO. 200 acres LAND adjoining fvijH’ wi.hin a of Louilville, (Rock Comfor’. ) 4.4 Halt LOTS in rhe Town iliip of Wafhmg/on, (Wafhingtoi. ounfy ) 2500 acres In Wifhmgten county taken in execution, at the suit ot T ? J. Swords vs. Smith, Sons & Anderfcn, R. WALL, m. and. g. C etcher 8 13 10 Dollars Reward, Ranaway a Negro man nrrr.ed CUFFY belonging to rhe Subfcri ?er, flout made about 5 feet nine er cn inches high, h2d cn when he went • way a pair r f wri e woolen over, ills and a red j icker jhe is very art. ful, and as he gat on a former occa. hon as far as New.York, may anc probably will attempt to go est again. All captains of vtiiels are hereby c2u .ioned againff carryirg him away at the law will be enforced against any perfnn ha;bourirg him or carrying him out of the ft?/e. STEPHEN ELLIOTT. Octobcrß ts RICHMOND BA 1 HS. Joseph G. Posner, jP"'INIjING i: impoff.UU at tcndanc# at ihe lUchmoml ba'hsthii. fa ---,r., is induced to (.{Ter them for tale, conlift. rig of 400 acres of Land, with >i Frame and Log Houles. I'.r ‘h. accommodation of Airctiafeis this w ill be divider! if loumi a.<pe iie,it. I. is unneceffaryl o enter into a rlefcrip lauoft'ie above fremiles, as they are wel ‘cnowi.,and hid fair te Ue.omc a source f'm~ -icuia'j'K proht to any one t.'u'i will purchase >r l c *'- c tiie tan.;, -.1:14 it disposed te autinltc .heir nprev*n<nt, Ajrri! it John P. Williamson, RESPECTFULLY iniorms. 1 friends ol the late concern of Wj. liamson & Morel, that John i Morel, Esqr. having retired from 1.. finds, he continues tne PACTORAU id COMMISSION BUSINESS, c , Morel’s wharf, as formerly, and foil cits a tonti.iuanco of thtir favoi- Having large Case and tjonvenien ft arcs tor the reception of prt du< e, h hopes from his experience in tnc abov: buiinefs, together with his prompt at tention to their orders, that he fh:tl render the highest latisfa<s!i<jn to 31 who (hall favor him with thei^cuftom Msv m ts 7^ lUit DIiU'JoLD vd', THE whole or half of that well situated FARM, within ont and an halt miles of Sava.inah, extending in front Easterly on 1 he main thunderbolt road, with in three qarters of a mile of find iev, and oppolite Mr. Lilli. >ridgi-’s eltaie, and South-Well n the White Bluff road Thii Farm con lilts of four fifty acre nd two five acre Lots, making .bout two hundred and fourteen in half acres of Land. On the iremifes, there is a good dwel ling houfc and kitchen, Barn, itobies, and other out houses, & ftveral conveniences attached to Ins valuable property —about en acres are under feme and partly under cultivation as <, garden and orchard, with a va riety of Fruit trees and Garden plants, of various lbrts. Onr hundred and fifty acres of this iand has never been cultivated and is row in wood, the foil is fertile, and well calculated for every species of Farming anti Brick making. .Sixty acres was originally cleared, but not more than twenty acres has been plan ted for near thir.y yeais j the greater p*rt of the lecond growth is in valuable trees and Shrubbe ry ; indeed the whole Wood Land is of the best kind and no ted for the great variety of Bo tanical trees and plants, that is its natural production. This valuable ellate, is in view of Savannah Exchange, lie clock of which can be plainly card to strike and with the as fifiance of a glals, the hour tola ‘ro.ll the dial at any time of day. .he yard and inclofufe affirds ith the buildings, a comforu •pie and p easing rural feene ; the rcater pait. of the year a luffi :ent head of water can be raised >y flopping a tun, that springs nd runs thro’ this land to dta )lilh z Grist Mill or Cotton Gir. lor plantation use, Ac. ALSO, To be fold, from fix to fevert ofs'of about four acres eaclv ituate on the White Bluff road, on a level piece of elevated pine and ; thele lots are not half ? mile from the city line and well calculated for gardens or final! • hin s ; thele lots are inrerfecteci with a wide flrcer, for the conve nience of purthufrrs. l ; or par ticulars, apply to PHILIP MIL LEDGE or JUDGE STE PHENS in Savannah. October 2 taw to “kTmoval.’ rm: SubOriber lias removed bis VLNDUL & COMMISSION STORE. To the EXCIIANGL. An v buHner- c- m mitted t j tin charge in rhe t)< ve lire, I >t tlia.ukfully received and the liriuclt j.imc tuality obfervrd. I.iljcrai advance. or. property depolited ler Lie. Ralph Jacobs. Who <J[ert for fill, An *Venfive alio, tmeiit of DRY GOODS, frefii imported, confiding ot aimott every ur licit that 13 ufcfol. To Rent, The STORE he formerly occupied, in the Market Iqtiare. Apply as above. Q : T, ... 4 11 Merchants Jbntnts, l or laic at this O/lice, [Whole Number 31^. [Twelve and a half Cents (ingle. 5 0 Dollnrs K r. w ard. Fifteen dollar* will be pnul f.-i- apnrehen I- T.'-uhl debt f nig to the fublcnber’ in :i . M ‘.uli or 1 ciltni.. in J;,ii wi'liin the ft ; . e y.rr, hev named 80, Uv is of a bl irk com. cv 1 • 11 , flendvr make, Ipeaks tolerable i ‘.nglilb, tm.l twelve veurs of s-.’c In addition of F/ieen 1) Min'rs will he K ’ivmi tor proof ot bis being linrbonred by a white K-rl m. And • wentt I) /i.;rs raward >vi!/ iw p nil for appi eheudingand bringing back a. icw n-gi-o nimi namd Miamt who left my • ar.l abuot three weexi ago. He Is about f <1 4 indies tall of a black complexion, >CAk no Engl ilh, (lender made, is about 1 ears < f age, had on when ho went away a ■ iue jacket an 1 striped trowlers I( j s poled be has tlroilod a.vav withs, mP 6 f , emintry negroes and cannot Snd bu J M. Shearer, L'y ■ tt. .. ■ <A‘- Al. perlbns Jiaving any errands sg tioft the eft.4 e A I'hom ts Lanchelier dq deceased, la c mer chant at Riceuorough— will pltafe cie. liver attested fb/rrirnts thereof, it* ■he fuhfcriber , —with whom thr,f indented ;o that estate are requeflei o fer/le wiitiout dda)\ J olin Couper. Qualified Ex*’r. Senfr to 7 t xecutjrs Salts , at Kiceboro . On rh 31st day of Odober next, will heexpofed ta public fide-at the boufc of Thomas Lancaster, deceafed} T hcpetfona! prt'periy belonging tty is efta/c—Confifting of valuable He roes ; Iloufe and kitchen furniture, )rv Goods, Liquors, a valuable col leElion of Books k-. Sic. Hisdwel mg houfc Stores he. will also then t renred for one r public Vea- Jue. John Oonprr. Qualified'r. Se P lr ’ 20 7 ttsoa. TO THE PUBLIC. THE Public in general will p'ea<rtn t a i ;e notice 1 lut their will !• an evrellent of the Rev. Or Richard Fqimait of the city of Charleston, out in November >t Deceinhi r enfnmg in cinimd on with the Act’d. Usury Holcomhe anil the Revd. Jo leph Cla , one if them m now engmvliife ia Philadelphia hy the tnoft eminent engraver in America from Europe, tins public has been informed ihat there 11 1 likeness of ihe aforefaid I)r Furman engraved in Charleston Smith Carolina, tlie fubfcrihers who have subscribed to ihe above charaaers will take notice that they are not deceived in purcha. ling the one alluded to, the public are alf lolicited to suspend their judgment until ihe me executing by ihe ieh braied Mr. Edwin is out, th proprie-or alfures tit- public no ox pence will bo spared to accompli ft-, them as generally is the cate ; the frames for diem will be compleated by European Guilders, if •he whole work is not compleated f final t* any ever from Europe, a cent willnol be de manded. Se l>- tc 4 ipT A CotiiinirLce c.f ilia GEORGIA MEDICAL SOCIE. 1 Y, appointed to keep correil regia. te'S of the births and deaths in Savun nan, take this method of notifying the inhabitants, that they will go r< u.r/ irot-n time to time, in the Wards to which they havo been refpedlively ap oainted, for the purpose of rollefting he information, nectilary 0 carry mto efff £1 the intention of (ho Socie ty : and confidcrinj the utility of ths ncafu e, it is hoped, that every per iod will willingly aid them in rhe un* dertaking, and be prepared when cal. led on, to furnifh an account of the births and deaths since the Bth June lafl, (She peru.d it is intended the rea ders lliall take data from J which o*ie immediately within their know ledge, In the mean time, 10 pi event the neccfTi'y and trouble of calling at •.very house—the committee will be much eb igtd to those persons who will bo goad enough to fend in wii ting, <*r communicate by an in/elligenr lerviitt, te /he member in v. hr.fe War'd fmh person redder, /he i’forma/ima required-—obferviug to pa /icuiarixe in accounts of /he bii/h, /he fvx and color, and in t'nufc ot /he .Va/h, t'r.s name, a *’ 1 , sex color, c< up./ion and place cf n./ivity <f /he dcccalcd, with /hie difordei ot which he or fce ditd—. ;ud when not a native of Savannah ;/he time r-f his or her redden cc mu. J he W,-rds h.ive been afligned ta /he tnemhe sos /he c; mtnittcc fortG <bt ve | upoles, as follows.—viz, f bcriv ( * )r M snry Bounjuin. ‘jEriinkiiu 5 Dr. Motes Sheftafl. { Dr. Prer Ward. Decker It? ~ . l)aiby 5 Dr. Jim., Eweft. Reym lus le ) „ A,,f,in j Dr - WilhamCjk-e Ctilumbia & ) Gicciiv 5 Ur ofo - V.l'roaon, Warren Walhiugt n J >r ’ “ Far -r, Au fi Jtt f ‘