Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 22, 1805, Image 1

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ts 1 * v;’ r -vj -a ° rrx 0 .7 * -w. - A.p ci. ki* I-Cl 111 p* C11CCl\ Vol. lv. No. 2.] i x Dollars a Yer.r, half in Advance.] to Charter, . *"* rs V, A Ship o - ;-i :j top. . yez to loaa amidci i or.o o! of!,the Wind vard I.lirai;, t teturH to Baitimoiv, o: two of about tons eacli. Airily ti Mein Mack ay, cV Cos. O r t -b IT , ts f i. u .nI j ■S7sp<£\ TIIE Regular Pallet Bri c fROPi c, “ \i ivrtv- t 3 SOf!Ci ‘r.tx. Master, lr.y ing at Cl •Pn irf, For freight or pa I ,)'ire apply o.t board, where is for sale fcnml .V, E. Rum, Mackerel, Hsrrnws, Cand'os, Ship ami Gnat B>eaJ,Crad err, No. i Cod ton Card;. Hun Onions, Pota.oe.; and Bed Cords. Ot -’ •■■■ ts 11. FKES;d GOOD-). u- ’ receive / IK(1 f>r s-i - l y tbe subscriber, an extensive assortma:! of •• GERMAN GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE, *O4 PLces r Id a Ui', 8 Dj.6 iz 7 q*. Chthr, cl.a . colon 20 D>. Li.J i icifio.r *25 I) >, Cii *cG, >J ftTent color* 20 Do. iirnwn Rolls Jo D >. PaViiLn Gauze 3 I’ .rkagc-'. Ttircsd S-cclr'nr-s 80 D -zsn VYhiie Sheep* Skies J do.J.n.’.'l T- cits for niece* 1 Do, Gobi fiur.t.nj; Watches 3 trunks lihottA.Bc-'.ts Dr Children 4 boxes bhaving coup ‘6 da. Qetmiti Lee’, til q-iali,‘y JO dex. t Playing Cards 6j do Looking Gbiles, dilF:, finer 36 Vit.'irir— 4 uu its Toys 4> doz.a Pocket Handkerchiefs I bo* V’elves *o piece.. Girth Webbing A tew ii c s Shirting Linen ALSO IN STORE, *39 BarisLtriih iupeitine flour 0 pieces iCrri'eymere 4 do. Velvet 36 barrel Slop 3 exd, fiefil 3 qr. casks lit quality Load. Wire 4 pipes Brandy I do. G::i I hrglhead Jamaica Rum I dozen Saddles 1 hogihead i-i-hf Sugar 2 Side Boards 1 Ist Card Tables 36 boxes or/it quality SpanilhSegat Ail of which wiii be f- ! d low tor cash RALPH JACOBS. PcLoV- a. 6t 11 Exchange Brooks &* Dunning, (Bolton’s Wharf) Have Just received, per brig Da as. from i NliW-YoRK, to it-gs Dutch Powder 1 12 ton pate-. t Jhot 112 dills her lead 2 pipes liaVands gin 10 hurt els loaf end lump fig dr 5 chtjli Hyfon 7 eu tj .ate imports'ion 5 pipes it study Cojf.e in h tire's, logs and tierces 12 barrels Maclerel ON HAND. Sweeds and Country u on Plough Moulds g hhds. retailing Mofajfn 20 pun. hig h 4 Jtb proof Jam, Runi 15 barrels rice JirJi quality lo dit o ditto inferior Jit.o I5 hogsheads prune fugues A few hogsheads inf erior ditto 20 batrds prime lees jj 10 ditto cargo ditto 20 half barrels put up forfamily use at re l ... I J indie a Spirits, ) IP ell matured hy f Cogniac^liranjy,\f hage andof a fvpe | Hollands Gin, jrior quality. ; Port, Madeira, Sherry ly arlasa. slim fo.ndcn Rort.r, Uc. if C. p Huguji 2. ts AO i ake jNOIcE, nr'HAT Nine t:i ; i <ke, ) A (pal* msi.e application to the Jafiiess o’ the Inferior court of this co:.n y, for leave u fell the landed propo v otti e folate ol'Jobt Jl. GuarUe;. 1 for t.w “T’lent of creditor ; Bljzu. Mary A. Girardeau. /Jdtr.x. iherty County, March 18 tfiam ry TO LET, FOR at rai of y *ar 5 the prernis ] fes at prefrit occup e ! y ,*•*.•, VVi [am Chauvi 1 ao a J wdhng h< use £ Grocery Seme. A n'oficabie leal F cf rh s very v ‘uitle fl..a *, may b 5 b?d and polLfll n an- ivred in atioc 130 days . (sr ain Jc.rale ad/aocs 1 cash. Fo. p a"s a p’y to :1. honb’e, or G:u Mi c cSI. V* i’liam Mill.. itugafl 22 £7 jAM Il> CAKKUfHKRS, Has received per the Eliza from Liver- 1 ;,ml sal Birmingham i'.iTei, iromUreeuoch x c jGriwlct.uMj proper; 10.1 of his FALL GOtJDS. _ Catif.lti.ig- of Wc; dens, Manchellry. i-I ifiery, anrl a genera aiVoriincut of Cu Lry & {ronmon^cry. artd experts per the Lncy to Ehy.abt| ls an ! aV l. n*. 10 Uiive Ids rtinent comj)itcd. October 13 6t j A ” 7H& yJHSLKJBITx~ uAS n ovr completed liis largr; ard f a fe • - L VCai e IT Jules on JF-.rivck Gihbinr. wharf, where he will receive on iio rJijeanv 4i dot produces. He continues a . -n-retofire the FACTORAGE St CO MM IS .V HO’ UNES3, and rtattvrs h. ’..eif troir. o\prtencs m the above line to lm aide ts ; v r £cm ru ir isfa'iion to riioi'e w’.io im co-uiit their ptoperty in his care, or i a vor hnn.wito tiiitv orders. A l. drew Knox. l; t s. ED|VVAiILI T£ Ls A I‘d, 1 - V3 f / A l, ex. Ml-.: if Adm'h. r B,H 1:1 E^iry.; Wm. Thomson. ) f aj>pe iri.ij thv: e mt in Oiif c tir. * is out of thr Jurisdiction of*thi ; pta and luth imp!, ibj the cainplai.wnt on -he >-. ia-.v (He f tills court, and it i ni'cefi iry f.r tiie pu pole.; of i-.iltiee that tin UidfeTeu !.mt appear and aufwer tw ilie bii of the ccr.’.piahi Ttycfon Orterjd. fhal the defend m*-’; ■ toruar be I erod wr.h fitbp ‘ m tins caull a cojy- of bil , and of tins order, a.. that iotico be puldillicd for fix montlia in or ot thJi G.iE .-’-tes ih toe C of .Savannah m - m o,ip oi tin: Ga/etr.-s of Aujpida, requirinr tiie dpio-ulaut to aniv<.i- to die ijill of th cor>i[f:>.in-iiit on or la-i .re ;he i' lr (l a f |a ■urtry next otlier.i if; the laid hi I - vV i!! be ti. kc x pu, con Ego and the c ,art v. i 1 pais f„ - further ont-r aid decree in the eaufu as wd autwer the pui-polla of Juilics. Ex If a 8 /torn the Minute:, SViTE 3 C It. Mu- f. t"".-. ,/t . i ! Ol\ Oxk.LiL AT COST AND CHARGSS. ’ J ‘ l!;: ; 1 ui.ti of a, ftrnv, confiiliiK A ot a ; tat variety if J.)f v y GOul/ and lIIOM aiONGEttV. Notes Vita approved ir.dirlcrs in Saviv nah payable tit. January i'e,t, u-i I 1,, Cvtved a. payment, or produce, l r -, h ci. fo.icroua y. di be rliev,-.). Aciry to iAfVJJiS WAI-i.A’CE. June >7 ts 83 Removal, THE Sublcri.'-er having taken . fix years l=;de of Mr. Jo,in Pi. lcr’ wharf inJ dock adj fining .Vlr. j, ji. tons Yamacraw wharf, has re 1110 vet his lumber yard, ani h iving pruett rad large and fafe floor ,00m, is hope u! oi a con i-’u-nice of pa t I v . ihe dock lie at pr fan cccu ies 1 large fafe poflesses rhe fame advant l>c lice, i- 0:- as ik ior ns ’ •: <*., uitnglo ..• w,l! ‘ ~r t t t ‘•> and si'..: ;• h us- fc.’j , : Ur. John ;,-,J .Jne ua.i ue 1.1 .ei up on the wharf. John Mead. Aufiifl 27 1 or ivli il.ii u, THE fo’l ,’Wing ,ocs of ha'd, . made p~*,able t3 hr !a/e AMBRjS. GORDON, Esqr. dec’d. o;iedrawn by Alexander Johnfl m dated 7/0 May 1 payable if* | June, 1804, for 44b d, liar3 and 4:. <ems —One drawn by Green k Duke deled 1 jth June. 18 2, pay*!.’ 90 daysakerda c.Jor ;?i dinars 5 3 * cer:fs. One drawn by Lemuel KL-..1 !>•. k, du.Td 6/h /'.ugutf, 1 800, pi-ya )le to days a’/er cia/e, for iby dollar 50 cents. U. e drays nby J-Jugh M<. gc?, da red 3d May, 1804., payable 6c G) s cher date, Or ? 1 dollars 97 i eius One drawn by Charles Linocrjjree Jared 3d May, 1 04 , payab'e 30 day* after Cede, io: n o dollars. One umw •y [\<trfiaii ileal lor too dollars, bin o payable i do ctyt recolltdl. efr by Cluties Goeiwin, Esrjr. so olieclion. ALSO, A ffccipf signed by Sir, Thomas ‘tonfall of England for 100 pound ’critng, to i\!iia Ann Davies, wiih fe vers! receipts on the back io- the ir.te eff. All persons are forbid teM'-r.p or the above noies, and the drawers rom paying tnem ; toy person but • c fubfc'lbsr, if they fhou.d not U ound bc'vte /h next Ir.fetier Court, implication yu.l be made for a renew iE of them,any peifon fi dir.g and de •ivcii gtvt.s! rothefubfCiibcr will be .ar.ciforri'Jy rewarded. JOHN MEAD. Au uft 2 ts gB TO R EN r * rHF. KOI7SE Sc LOT near Erc.ughtor S.rcer, l .rmerly occupied lay Cil.aond rfacsn If.sir. apply to Davies. >e Si Savannah : Printed fir JAMES LYON and the WIDO V or SAMUEL MORSE. Notice i-j hereby ?iven, that theh-ard ot Fire Matters, will c-nrrafl with ar.y person or pcrlons, for doing he following wovk—Vi, : S’\ I-ire tle-oks and . Ivimt, to I-c trade, >r.e I?itiler to be repaired, tome polls to liai'g he ladders on, aid aft v hooks to lupp.-rt he 1.-dtlers—liken He, 1 in tbena line of a roof to he m..dc oierilie ladder. toprelerve them from t- 11 ; reference being’ i had to the report of the cifi.-.mittce ludgt-d ini my office, wiil more fully cjij car. The f'uh- i Icr.lii.r will therefore receivt lealtd prnpofa! li t this puriKil'e, until the fill jnllaut s ilu conti aftor to (ind all mat oral.-; nccdliirv to compute the lame. By order vjihe B ard, 1 liOinas iit.r, elk. OAt. t 5 u - ■- • kin nilL ISdles. j On the li: if Tut-fdav in November rext, ■’ ill be fold at the C nr* iioufe in Bnmlkviek Gin count,. A negro min named Her,, in P IjcTmn ot John G. Snead, pointed out bv the plaintiff’s attornry, as the rioi.r-.ty of Rich- i .ird Hightower, to iatiafy an execution in la v : 1 John Bolton, ,\iio.— die lam* time and place. One Saddle, half a dozen chairs and two poni.ed out by Mrs. Wilifoe, . the proper!. ■ I J l:j,h Willfon, to fat is fy an execution i. I lav-n- ot J )hn Bolton. Alio—i wo negroes, viz. A man named B:il,- m il a. woman named Daphne in 11 ‘0 of tad pointed out by Win. I'.i;;.: as tin prpp*ty ot the t fla.;o of Thomas Coles, dec to t.v-sty an execution in favor of John Holton, [. G. Snivel, and. s. and c. O 1 .her 14. law. ts. 5 J 1 Liii 1 1 3 Ac ward. RAN AWAY alien- j months since. / i-'gri man named PHTCH, belonging to tli l.ccof Georg,l Ha ill lec’d. Heisavalua dc carpenter, and well known for many ye.n 11 th-scity He is tall ind il’in, aflivc, :m;, tr,ful and when queilioud cl ilely, lie itam nets much. ice .l arsLll lie jiaid on hi Liner, to the Subicri -,r, or to tne Goa er >, I.i city, ami i -rit n.da.s in additinii theren n; proof ui his being harboured by a whi t :>ei son. J.MACIIIN, E'.o’r’o F.flate, Geuiec Haiti Ofl-iber 15 , t 1'! ifil ttl J Na |, fhHtUe fird Tuesday m N-ivemher nex "-11 be i'-'-d at the t -.1 it u se in rtmr.wick, G;■ n. count;,. Forty two n t ocv, I. •, -ther wnh their iije A mi-rtcam-d / e.. “ tier i,. V,' ’ to .cure tic mm i-l 1 m elve e.-ui jvd eight him ,A’J auii !;.\ y eight ihibrs with inteicll. •Vhich mortgage is f< tcli.lid purluant to R J >n G. Site z!, and. s. c. c. lit. Simons, Augullti 2 rfltii’s Sales. Will hr f ,i.) at the Court house in thi# (ilvon (ht fi-'i; 1 jffcay being the 5' Ii cv n.x, between tiie hours of 1 o atui 3 o’< it :k. D . •-. ,tL id and improve ”•“* *v ii-m by -lie No. J 5, lo'. -gtoii Wi !. Savannah. ■ I,SO, A f iia-i F ARiVI bn /x* Thunder t 01 J, *■ it, a I Hie buildi’ j-s an i.i?(Ovt;n nts th - icon, con’aii-i.,g a ’ t- 5- a res in ri< nr I- f', -J ft nr --t 3m vs trom .Iwaut,Hi, occupied >y 1 h “S, Brni.!’ b f,BO. too acr. s LAN!) a< j inin;’ Siu’"l *’i hin a mile of, (Rock Junif.r’ ) 44. Halt LOTS io /r-e Town hip of W.fbngtuH, (VVafhingun. 1 un-y ) 25 >0 acres to VV fljington coun’ akea <•> ex cutior, rt he suit of J s j. Siao ds va. Smith, St ns fs G uvrf n. B. WALI , m. n. o. Cctol.r 8 1 7, 1 o Idol tars Kcivtv i , Ranaway a Negro man n>mec CUl'b Y belonging to ths Sobfcti •er, flout made a*oi. 5 feet r.i. c 1 en. inches high, h td <• 1 when he wrn way a pkr •( uni e woolen • vet !< 1 i and a redjaiket ;he very nn ul, arid as he gat on a former ccc.s. on <.s far as iilew.Ywk, n,~y am Jtob;.o!y will sttempt to go < ti ft.r,; Alt c: plains cf vefids aie hertf-y cru igainfb cartyn g him sway r. die lw wdi be enforced sy, i,.ii am ~erkn htrbcuiirg him or catrgiu him cut if i .r ft?ie. S rbPH£N T ELLIOT T. Ogr.b- if 1 2 KIG ii ivi ON Id E/i jH o. Josf-p!i G. Posner, I RINDING it irrprnjo!o tntivej>ciTotWLlat teiid&rict! at th Kit ] rnrind Bat* r . thixfca- Imi, isinduce<l to offer them for IV.Jc, r©nfifl n g ( f 40U acres r f Lund, v. ith ii Dam* a fid y Log llou.'cs. For the accormodation oi jiurchafcra tkin will be divided if foil .id e;. r.e. dient. 1. ;s unnecefTary to enter iiitoa dcfcrij/- •ionofthe above Fremifeasmey are wel -vi.owii, and bid fair to become a lource wr in calculahle profit to any one who will purchale .x loafe titc iame,und js disposed to attend to heir improveoxm. April i j Odober, 2 ? 9 i3c<y I John P. Williamson, 1 REKPi CTF LILLY ir.forms tl jfiicm’s of th? late concern of Wll !it am son & Morf.l, that Jehu L j More!, L-qr. l-avii:g retired from hi ! It-cir, hhctHitinii-s the PACT OR. AG • & COMMISSION m/SiNESS, c j JVicrel’s wharf, as formerly, >nd foil led a continuance rs tiieir Lvoiv. Having large fa!e and conveoie-- rteres for the reception t f produce, Ii hopes from his experience in tneabov bufinefs, together with his prompt at tention to their orders, that he sh... -etidcr the highest fatisfacLion to a’ v;h.’ shall favor hint well tneir rutton; Mav f if yq it) gE DißiLJoi [J c.F, THE whole or haif of tha well fj r uattd FARM, within on ind an half miles of Sava jnah extending in front Latterly ( >j, ihe main thunderbolt road, with n three qaiters of a mile of laid ■icy, and oppofue Mr. Fill 1 , bridge’s, and Sou h-Weli n the White Blufr read Thi* Farm ccrditts or tour li r ty acre md two five acre Lot;, making ibour. two hundred and fourteei in half acres of I,.and. Oi th irernifes, there is a good dwd i:ig house and kitchen, Bar- , tab'ci, and other out houses, & trcral conveniences at taclie J tt his valuable property — abou. en acres ftte under fence ant, partly under cultivation as ; g-rden and orclurd, with a v.i riety of Fruit tret s nd Garde.', plants, or various ldus. Oru hundred and lifty actes of this and has never been cultivated and is now in wood, the lull i fertile, end well calculated for “• j ‘1 ‘ • - - B-ick making. 6’ixty acres was •triginaiiy clc.irm 1 , bur. nor. more than twenty acres has been plan red for near thu y ycais } the greater par: of the lecond gr wth is in vaitublc trees and bhriP be > y •, indeed the wdiole Wood Land is of the betl kind and no ted fur the great variety ot lio tanical trees and plants, iluc j.’ its natural | rodudion. This valuable cilarr, is in view of Savannah Exchange, he dock of which can be plainly leard to fluke and with the as dt'iancc of a glals, the hour tok rom the dial ut any time of day. Ihe yard and tnc lofure affords ■ ith the buildings, a comforta >lc and pleafingrural Gene j she reater pait of the year a lufli :ient liead of water can be railed ly flop;ding a run, that springs *i and runs thro’ this land to dta /hill aGiilt Mill or Cotton Gin or plantation use, &.c. ALSO, To be fold, from fix to fcvc ois of about four acres each iiuate on the White Bluff road, in a level piece of elevated pirn ar:d ; their- lots arc .nor half ; : iic trom the city line and wei’ aiculatc-d for p.-rdtTS or final tirir s ; the s e lots are ii terfedttc wi’h a wife filrter, for the conve .;* ce of purr has- i*. For par iculars,apply loi'l HLIF MIL LFDGE or JUDGE 31L i’HFNS in Savannah. (. c.loher 7, j Avr jo k moVaL. TTIE SunfcriLcr lu s removed his VI NLilt & COMMISSION STOKE. To the EXCHANGE. Any buAncfs com 'mitted t. Ins charge in the sb .-.e lice, will lie thank!iii!) received and the {’.rifielt punc tuality■ rhlervecl. Liberal advances made or property dep'.lncd lot IVIe. Kulph Jacobs. Win njfat for fate, An ex ter. five ail.,rtmtiit ci DKY GOODS, f reiii imported, c-.i Ailing of almoll every ar ticle chat is ufcful. To Kent, The STORE ho f nsnerly occupied, in the Market Ajuarc. Apply u* aijjvc. October 4 4t n f YttOLE Nu;.:Beic 2]f) , [Twelve and * bait’ Cimls firgle. ‘u’wari!. , r '!!T\ “ 111 be Lr apprehend. ili iivimijj to thc r u :,i' Ci .,; >e *. il; y • 1 ,T ‘■•tirm;; in Jail with,., ,h> •;■’ ‘ “‘ 1, ‘ r Ineaki. tolerable g oil : R . ni, J !"-•>” twelve vein of a* 1 n ‘Li” “, i,| h. fc Ln, ■ to ‘ h|* h-, hy h i h.w ‘"lf’ And ,‘ W, '" t -V lb-/I sirs rawarrt wit/ lid .u-illor a|iju. lieiH.njand brin;.-i„g bark x ‘<y-T- man mm:;,! Aliair.t ,"n > 0 Wt m u, .1 abuot, hi on v. cehs agII, ~ y i “ till ol a complexion ‘IV,. f° is about / ..S"f ago, ,„lon u hen he wcm awilv x übie jacket and llrlpc:( tenw lei's i : L.l 1,.- hu, Itnnleil a wav v ithfome ol j' 1 ;’ -gvoe. anU canuot find hu % oliearer. tf. 9 b. AJ. jrejfons liaving any r ema ‘ 1 he ch-tx ~f ]'h o „,i s Lr ocherterrfq drce.f.-d, L c mrr ‘ ,ant af R cc-i-vough will pl ( i .( c ... liver ft./ no,,is lo ,7 J'T , r ‘~~: Uth wl “™ diefe n -eh ed n that edate arc uqueliei •O ic.tiC wnhuut deity, jf)!iii Couper. n , Qualified F.un’r. JIPJh. ™ ? _ /. 5 et. w o r i c e~ * A T the expiration of nine Month, f rr , m I he UonorabHudS.Tihe I*’ Chatham ? of,he he,V:, and erediuna !ba!'il ind known by the number (, j-f h. rf | -r° htng, Key no da Ward Siv-,,.. 1 “<11)- c"’ J " h ” “l' I ' l ''* lau.",T Fu |*licc contaiuiiirw ii-. r. r , in tic, 1,.mowr nt a lot of Janie:-, A'rConky’l ’ ‘ lll J“ ,n,i, e s UO.MAS DOVVEJ.L, Adm’r ELIZABETH noVVEHI., Adm-x Javan, uh, March ,sc s . Vam , ;m . J U l[jß T'UiilJcT ,>llMic in Rf'eral will p>a ; ;eto ,a| e * qot'VG tlut their will he an “k-m-IV , f the Krv |)r. HichaM FtnS ’ ,hec ."- v “f Llmrlefl-n.rui in No v , mhrr or Deceit,her cnluing m cmiriS on with the ; i vd. iemv riold-mhc and ibe Hcvii. Jo- L'l' 1 * Cla . one < f il„-n, ,s nm- eiiciavinv ,n ri"l a ,!clj)l"a j-y ,he in, tl eminent fnm,,,., u ,11 ii.lormcd that there la like, ilk , f ih c ?.i l- iaiii Dr. Furman < ogravrd in Chari,'(lon Carolina, 1 1 * e luhlcnbent whu have fubl-.rihed 10 ilia al, ,v. charaiSeri, will take tn-iice that they are not deceived in purcha lingiheone alluded to, the public are all. L licited to fut|,c and tl.eir judgment until the executing by the celebrated Mr. F.dwin is out, the proprietor aiTures the public no expeiice will he I'p. ml to accomplill, Hu ma* gnr.erally is the tale ; the frames fo r tl, cin will he conijdeated by Euripran Guildert, ,f he whole work is not comj, cateil iijoal lo any ever front Europe, a cent will not h* do inauded. lo ts 4 (f-T’ A Con.mi,tee of tiie GI ORCIA Ml DfCAL 50CIE. i Y, appointed u> kwncorredt rt.p:s ----t: sos thc births and dea hs j„ ‘Lvan. -ah, rke his melli-d ol tto.ifving thc u-.haoitaots, that they will go rfu and from time to urn-, in the Wards to whi< h they have been refpc-dtive'y ap. .1,1,1td, for ‘he purpt-ie of cclle&mg •he ir formation, neerflary to carry inta the intention i f \he St cie ty : and considering the utility of the ntafu r, it is hoped, that every per son vrdl willingly aid them in the un. ikru kmjr, ar and be prepared when cal. led or., to fnrnifh an account ts ih iirihs 2nd deaths fincc the 8 It June oP, f he pern and it is intended ;hc regi ilcts (had take dale fiotn J wh ch have atne immediately within their knew r-Jfe. in the mean time, to prevent he nertiTiiy and trr u ric of ca ling at very house—tr e committee wilf be much t b iped to /liofc |.erfon* vrh'J will bf< good enniii>h to f-:;d in wri iu2 or communicate by an ir,/e!ligen/ ervan?,/o the mrmber in whole Ward ucli pcifon refidej, /he iiformario.t required—-ftMerving to parricular.ze n accounts of/he hi /b, /!,„ kx and color, and in rhufc of /l.g dcathi, / - name, a;;r, lex color, occupation and p ace < I i,?.t vity of /he, v/ ,ij /he di.'-nic. of v. hich he ot foe djeo—. a na-ive of Savannah, the imerf his or her rrfitlcnc; mu* ‘1 he Wards h.tvc teen niigned to /he i/jrrnl c.s of /he c< runti tee fortm .. rV ‘ f>U ihc ,,: , £> follows. —Viz,, B'.lbtrtSif . ~ j. C lJr Hury Bour^un. O- ; i iii l e 7 , „ Uiunklm Dr. Moses She/uP, I ira’ liccte S > ~ l'ercivai J Dr. I tier Ward. St } . . Da,by 5 r -Jn EtreH. Kc ,in Ida S. 7 t~v A,.An 5 Dr - VV i-iiamC fc Gri ti > $ Dr. Geo. V. p r aw. Warren x > ~ Walhmgt ,n J L,r- “ Harkrr. Augultf