Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 29, 1805, Image 1

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T’ J.OffO'f >1 \'%. £*% f i''Vs i - 1 i 1 *■* - w p wf.iii k> .1 iit.C'ls i ; -*; vi ■ • Vo’. IV. No. 4.J *Jv>llai'S aJ. i.j!i !’J ’."] F cr Liverpool, H pllß whl known fift fail ■*■ “R ll: i> U.1.-:\* cap’ A - St K, Y b£ re * d (PlSjrai-^Skcitocammatice in fou r five u is, aatt will m.Tt nnm>?dia*e d'.f j>.i*c;i, hiving a confidersii:e part of her ca. go ready to go on board. for freight o from 3to 400 baleJCotton. Apply oil o it'd, •r to TAYLOR & SCARBROUGH, OThjr : j 8t 2. V anted lo Charter, , -.ft-TH A S! “P rs W 6 S toon - t.’w, ‘ to load !ui i.'or f>r or e I*l L v •'.’two oStb? Windward 1 -lands, yfcp* Y"3’ f< d 1 o rv.u.n to Balum re, cr two veltelsof about 201:0ns each. Applyto Mein Mackey, G’ Cos. O Lori’ u ts hOK BOS i UN, TiK P..*jn!:.r Packet Brio. tMifi * ROp 1c > tJ MS** \ i.e*. Arnold Master, Lav-j ing at City’s Wharf, for freight orpY;V *Pl>!/on hoar.’, whereas for sYc B.a. dv U. R. Rum, Mackerel, Hei r’.-, •,, Cindies, Soap. Ship and C-r )M ILeil, Crackm, I'lo. io Cot ton Cu-ls, Sv.n Shovels, Onions, Potatoes and Bed Cords. Oct L-erß ts it. ~GARDEN SKEDST ‘BKOOKS ts DUNNING, Bo’ton’s Wharf H AVE on board the Rkl-.vs.vicv ; will probably be received tomorrow. —.A freth Ripply confiding ot the follow in? : HladuiA i Cabbage ( . Brown Dutch green f 1 ‘ Cm Id. Sav..-/ J ; Orangr, Q vrot Seek and Onion pPnckley end r. and loaf fpinng •iSalmon, ic -let y ’l urnipand KAQDiall. lic.d a> i blood red bee's Curl u and plain lOr/iev J’arfntjj Ce'ievy Asp, raotis Dwerf Marro fait 1 l.arge ditto . ( pr . ~ Imperial and early / ll “ ls Charlton J . Uatterlea *\ Colhtbur t Bed onion White clhto ) Eaiiy Y ork C * | alLarge e ■.■'/Ycrk , CABBAGE nSugar Loaf Y HP I cimludil (. .rge Sc tts early j) BP October 02 ts 2 ter i _Y E Brooks iff Dunning, ( Holton’s Whaiv) ■law J to.t’ivcd, per hi'in Dsan fro it. New-York, *0 lens Dutch fionodrr Y* 12 tor, p el:, tjhol ii 1-2 okto bur h i {2 pipes Hollands vin . to burr ch loaf uni luv>p fugir 4: 5 obijls of\/'an ‘ Tea oj hits importation If 5 f‘P es h’fitly |i Cojf ein b irre't, b/sgt and tlsrtet #* barrels Mackerel C,v HAND, _Gy Sweeds and Country nos Bk’ Plough Moulds [;V * pads, n cilir.v JrlolojJh P un l’i h 4 r Proof jfcirri’ Ruty 1.. 15 barrels tu. f.r ;J e tee ’sty RtO vtt o oirto inferior ild.o ? 15 bop.heads piles fugurs i Al/- n’ ho b ji. ds inferior ditla |#o Icrr-ls pel Hi 2 L l. j | jo din. ditto to half barttls put up far family vfe at te- Lit jf.mrdca Spirits, f Well matured by Cogfi’iu lit dr.dy, ig! S age end of a sup e | dnllands fin, j tier quality. Kftir/, M dr ire, Merry (J Muscat Wine fdjfsndcn Porter, Lfe. Is'c. @L hd*oL. z l ts 49_ yftOi’i'.iMurt ct.'tia, t ‘ V|Y Ca.-ilc-, J. *’W October term iCor.j L ‘ Wlb |. - ■ James Muir and bnr ißHean” ‘ fctplma merci'ai; 1 shive i.n da; etit ion 111 th; ■ton liable court lettii.g Urthihat David Cat ■n and Sir,me Meers, late of the town r ■St. <|f try’s merchants, are iedeiued to the: Veen bon 1 or oh igation dated the feveni Jay cl April, in the lurr, of two t , 1 Hnvc hundred and ft.-cn-.y two do ms,-, to for ore the 51 tyrnent of fi<d 11 „ Hpnoney, did mortgage all that divided me Hf of *ot, L'o. 1, in the town of St. War, Jfcrti'. llarly dclcnued arid iVm form ti.t , a „ ■■Jitic'i. m. is therefore orr'ered, rn motim atroviC” David ‘Garvt ;■ id f'.'i y>, into couyt, |:ttitv-i* !e mtercft-, a,. the money so due and v.-ithii moithsircn this true lieitof, or : •■■ill pats armtil the in .rtgaged pit fer Hr pa: meat. ordered thn: this rule be putlidiei of the gaaottes of this fbe, a fß|£ once in every m nth, until th app . r.'ed f r t expires, or 1- , , laid Dav fd In. vi.i it Sur.ud Ms.: previous thereto. I* KiraS from the tiinuies, o ft. 25-/, 180. jK’lfaac Crewv c. s. c. c. c. ~ ts. 3* JAM E > C A k KUrH KM S, _ Has reecvej per die Eliza from i.ivcr poul . in Lira. , .Nvrir. Racket, fromCfreevtoch a confiderabie pn par: ion of his i‘ A Iju GOODS. C.mUiig cf V/ ■ ■:!<••> Mancheftry. Mofiery, ail' of Cutlery &c li onmontrery. and exp ifts per the Lucy St Elizabeths and Abe tin to have !,:* ar.erur.ent tomti'eted. OAober 15 6t ,i ~ i 7.C “l 7 >’ TTAS now compieted his lart.e ard frfo II Ware Ilorlcs on JBarrtu k Gibbon* ‘ Ei.qr’: wharf, v. noie he will receive on iio rage any kimlol produces. Tie continues s heietofore the FACTORAGE & COM MIS h'ION BUSINESS, and Hatters li.:r.:elt tro:r. evpetienre i.i the above line to be able t .Ever wr:d I'j.tif L.knm to thole who may their pioperiy in Lis cate, or favor Vivtn wita tl.eir orders. Andrew Knox. _oi’ her 11 i; ts. EI)WARD TE I.FAIIC j ‘ ‘ Ac cm Tcin Ait at’k. BiH In EqVty.; \7 bit Ta 9 m •) v r. { 1 ‘gs e derenejant j;: R. this QiJ .. is cut oi Die Jtjn.sclj fMcn c.f tki. impleaded the compJ.Ainaiit 0‘? the c • n j ■•n !:i\v i<le nf this c unU i: i iioc.*: . r\T >r the purpolts of jniiu;e that rh- Uid'f f-idin: apptar andanfwer ta the. hi. cf the c ■hplalrini. ThtrtJJfe Ordered T# .t. the defendant’* a‘ - tor i.:y bJdervcd withTubpoena in this caul, t copy Ot tin - nl , end ni this order, ant that notice be publilhed for fix months in otu ot the G is*’ ns cl the City sf ISivannah a*: in one of (Ve sos Augulta, rnuir:n’ the defendant to anfurer to the bill of th’ complainant on or bvl'meths !i, and dnv of (1 unary next :>:huv. tie the laid hi 1 will beta - kcr. prsccnpeft and the court wil piss fur’ further order and (ijc ce 111 thrf caale tvs wit answer the purposes of Jofiice. Extract ft om the Minutes, S RITES C k. AI-v it. T?.-s. timSn. I oirsXTE AT COST AND CH :RGtS. ‘T" > 1H;. b i UOKcf a rcuii itore, csiiliftitn X of : great variety ,f DRY GOOD and IRONMONGERY, No*es v.:tii ai-p,t vrd x.dorfers in Srv> nah pavi • ‘it >f. Jantrtry next, will be r > cyiw t it! ■ ir.Cii ~ ‘ir j>rjiiucc, Tor which * generous price wil! b: allowed. Apr'y to .1 AiWixS V AT.t. tCii. Juf-e i- tf_ 8 - Removal, THE subfcrii er bavirg taken ; fix y *rs le.i!c bi :M •, J c n T p 0 |^ r .ve.::? r r.n i tiock n.: j j;pi p,., Ylr, l/C* lons J tirtiuCraw wharf, has jcnitw bis lumber ysr.J, having pmeu red Lrge a :.! !afa itaor ro in, is hope a! oi a continuance of pait favoiv r hc: dock be a t present ocrur-ies i !ar;-c Ais pc Hc’-ises the hams advant • i'*; .:r/>c • a§ Th fornne j ;*: ibj .- untfar ;r> ~. 1 w.|] (>, 1 t■ >: '••• •b’ - H.r h:.u!r .1, j.f •di: Jcottoil one can be l.t lea up oa die wharf. jo’ in Mead. Aewft 27 f > for iviloL.OiT^ THE foil >wiijjg no ts of ha and, a’, rr.i le payable to he. has AMUR- Js) GORDON, Eiqi*. dte’d. One drawn by A’exsnrier Johnston, Ltfd yth May 1804, pay2bla 1'! jiitie, SOO4, f#r 44 S diJiars M i e ents—Oc.e down by Grc.u L Dukedafud i?n'iS- 2 , paysbi. 90 days af/erd.l e,Or fii dollar- 5 y < ■ts-t Ct.c Juwa by Denial ‘Kol otk, dmd 6/ii „u i •, i{J o, pata rde lodaysai/er iwe,f-f iTsy’ dollars 50 cer ts. O-e drawn by Hugh ’EM. i;;c, doled 2 i May, 1804, payable 6c -lays £f;cr dale, ftrr doi!<\rs (f,. ■Ji’.; drawn by Ch.arhs l.ioder ’iee , .l.iU'd 3d iNiay, pysb : e 3 day ,h her i- o dobUrs. Or.e Jtaw •■)’ Nailren i;?..! t;.r loa dol! *r, Bt., o whom pays via Id;. n v t rexoiioci, ft by Cbariet’ Goedtvin, Esqr. so ALSO, A ffceip/fig. he by Sir, Thoma G<;;jlot I.ngland isi ico pcu-cl*. • erlis >, .0 Mil Ann Davier, fa. ■■ r ai u-itij fy on the lor /he irdc ’ ft. All perfoni arc forbid /..d r r/hr nctei, and the drawn::• ! /am paying them re ray pcifon l vr lie fublcr.ber, if fhey Svuld net It uncj brf. tt/he Irfener Cour/, >::plicar:o 1 Wi t be made fr a lenevv. !l cf /litti'rjary pe;for. findirp arid ci*- • vciirg them ta the tubferiber will be lainiletr.tiy rtwarcet 1 . JOHN MEAD. _A *f <j 8 to ri;n r. HOUSL 0. LOT r.?ir Brough tor A formerly occupied by Ldniond 3 aeon Ek? •. apply to . Koe Cc Davies. 95 Savakn/h : Printed for JAMEi LYON and the WIDOvY of SAMUEL MO USE. or Sale. ONE of t\ : moll valuable tr?Ms oi and upon / s A.'fauuha, co; i* p I •Oout eleven hundred acres of Rice J -Swamp in /lie i efit pitch of /ide. This ‘ tr/ct is abou f.v; in ias above the ! own oi Dari;- , w ;.r.ur /o the :c-. vo'utionary vr; , thi ptOpe:fy of th*: 1 lase governor Wight, and ins for •• feulemeir, .at chi c immediately to the .Swamp, o e of the molt btau'i u! anJ tv.aJt civ.:fed h/u > iuns . upon t: i ’ *'~ e • I i J e tons 10 : u Uiaic ih.s property vvi.l alpiy to Edward h:war hreck or W .lutn Mein, l.lqrr. at Savannah, whefe phi/ oi the Land tn s y b“/sen. fVj.-he,- ft;. ts. ’ q Nile rift’s Sales. On the Sift Tuffdsy tn Ncveml'.er next, wiH he loldit the C vrt Uottfr in ISuilwict C.ivn county. A negro min mtnirtl Ben, t - pofleifi'in ol John G.: neid.p'intccjcut h> tin plniniti; ’s attorney, a? the pr nct'ij of )tn : i arti i pi. >sv *r, to’Ratisfy an execltion in i • | v r of j lim i) Hon. ‘ / All-..—At the lams time anrl nlccs. O t ■adrße, h-nf atl sen rhc;:s ar.J two cot . ioi.v 1 t nrhy Mm. YVilHou, . s tit \ ropfert’ Jof. ph Willfi n, to fatibfy ans xccutioii ii tavor of John Bolton. I Mfo.— I'vvo negroes, vis. J nta.i natnet 1 Bill.'’ and a wot tin named I)Irhi!I■ in polio 1 fiaii’ sand p intfd cut ir Win! l’.’.gc as tl.i pri petty- of the iliate f Thanhs C -..cs, dec to l.uioiy an ewctitiua in tLvor ol Join Bolton. ‘ ■ J • G. Snead, p. s. and c. _ O-TR-hfv Ti}. 1 aw. tt. i)oii ‘ ; S Rit/k 1; ;i . RA N AY/AY ah'tr 4 jTpnths li ’ce. /* n*gro m<u named 1". I cUI belong, .gto th ‘date of George Haul dec’/. He Is a \ jina ile. carpenter, and well knoivnfor many year .11 *ll i-ctty lie is tail anrall'm. aft've., a.n. ir*lula>id when queflinned closely, he itain ns much. 1# 1 are. wil hep-nl on hi, .lifer to R e Suhfcri ;e*,. rto r e Gna er f’ a.: city, :■ xd fir dollars Ji addition tneret t pr.xi or Itta otir.g liarytiarcd By a wlii e ci ion. J. MACIITN, ExoVfo T’r.a'c, Ge< . c tlailL Oa'he- 15 14 Slit’S Ut 3 S.tlrs, V th; l.vd rx.'.day tn K vemher rca', r ri: hr I• A -| tie G urt-luntfe m rtir.swick, Glynn cdtinfy. Forty two n< ofb, t*■ t ‘i ‘* n‘i ii e?v i.Tuf, H A < xnt dcr Gr. h .ml - Cemge Bull°e. ‘lO ‘*e Itimt I'tr C.itf tlu'Niaetl eight linn, p 1 V and I:xt y eight id- liar; v i*h 10'cicl!. *•’ ‘cii ‘.noitoagc u f.iecioicd pursuant t& law. • ‘ !D (T. S 0 and, D. £, c . C. St. famous, Augnfltj 2 (| ‘• : • he fnl Iy. * - ‘Court hot fc in this 1 it von the fidi ‘ r-fday beir.,. tU ytb ’ y jvov: ri btr in xe, uei\;er lit.c bouts < f to av.ii a o’ck.t ir. ( a- ■>. t L.a and inpri v - ■tl ‘ j’, ti !)W .) ay ‘hr N ls A *ih giun Ward . avat nail. A. L’:o, A np-L FA?! AJ in t n ‘h i id'r r ‘t 1 0 H, .V tl) •i l i ‘j •• s 3. mprcwm ,n. tltcreo , c ‘u.t ‘ii 5 1. ’a?H 50 acrcc mo?*? 01 J'< , difUnt a. t 3 tnilt s Ire,;n stv4,i.,ah, jy l has. Sink > ALSO. 2co aers LAND adj iiniap. S'uhSf • hin a ni-it A Loubv:.::, (R tk> L’omfcr, 1 41- L’aif LOTS in /he Town f h.j> (<t Waiijmg/oi:, (Wcf.hinptn r.unfy,) ‘:500 s cres In Wrflurjttf r, ccuir ?kea in ex’ctt iof, at ‘he fun <■’ ’ J- vs, S tiicn, St ns u -Vimc.f. 11. P. WALf, u, and c. ( del. r U 13 IO IJoIUA S J\.CU i> t , ? *• •/ a Nearer ir*a j r; r.e r ac ii Y kc)uitgmg lathi ” r , fveut nriidt ah; u* 5 ices lie • • cn ukres high, had on viien he vfin,. ay ,1 pair if w,i e wcolen rver i a I'd r. ; •'/ jh*i'vc tv at:. iui, 2; das lc g't nr, fo' oc c.l. .0 ;1s Gr :,■ jv/.i A;k, ir.ay iKobab’y wb] attemi 1 t., go <ft - .R cr;.!a.nsf l vci e.Y ate i.crchy can | -0: ;.ri ;ir -.iff uriiirg b;rn a wav /• .t ii w will bt f i.vrrttd iig?.i*ifi any P'-ifon his.beurii'g bin. (n ’ t-mryii-g •lim out t f the fta/v. S I t I ‘hr N ELLIOT T. Oo’r let ii if , Take NO ICR, ’'j' 11 /’ ’ r -e mor.iLs afur this date, I! mxke applicitiaa to the Juiucex ol the Inicrit-r < eurt cf this court y, lor tea-, to ■eii the lai d-1 property of rhe estate ofjose li. Gnardeau deed, for the c.teiit of creditors Oii;:a. Mary f\, Girardeau. /IdViX. ibertr Ceunty,Marjijß tfiam 57 •* UiiSijA.Y, o£li'!)er, 29, 180$ Notice, IS heieby given, /ha t r.f/2r th.“ r i ;>.’r„/iun o n’nc months-.fro rt /be j iicrecf, apj lhcation vcillt e midc/ t /, ; honorable /he Inferior C ur/\ tor ; tuOL.'y of Cam cn, for l*:av< o f : lie real efb-/e of James Vmcr', j?. t i (he laid Ccur>/y cicc. for tie ben: fi toi ii heirs and creditors. 1 horn a, Kino- ~) C AJmr v s Archd. Clark. /.uplift 27. I OfUaTL John P. Wiiliamipr:, RESPECTFUr.LY t L 1 friends of the late CDrcern. *>f Wit • iamjcn PS Morel, tint J ‘in H Viorel, Erqr. havinr; rrti.c-/ Low ?;)<*, i-continues the PdtHTOMJGJi J COMMISSION BVMNHSIi, or, ‘lOrel’s vh ‘!i > as formalv, nd foit its a continuance of their l*v ievinp Life (>J and convenien/ teres Dr the receptiont-f produ- e, hr topesfroa; eitpcVicace in the above •uiin*!;, together will, his prompt at. cr:ion to their crdcis, that i-c fn:.l -rtder if s highest litisfaifTio t to cl! wko ’v i favor hiu’ Vitk their custom. M?y j its 75 TO fcE DISPOSED OF, THE whole or half of thru well fuuatrd FAR.M, within one ind an haT nsilc; of Savannah, extcr.dir.jj in front Ikaftnly on 1 he main thunoeriiolr roajl, with in thiee carters of ?. mile of fa 0 ‘.'■.tv, and oppclite, Mr. Lilli bridcr’s trfl.are, an A South-Weft on the White Bluff road T his Farm con (ills of four h r ty acr-. and dyo five acre t.ots, making ibtjut two hundred and fourteen >*n Half se res of Luiui. On r!r s>iemife:, there is n good dwe!- dtg house and kirchcn, liar ■, I i fit) c~, and other otu limsfc*, <?c U vcßui conveniences attaetei 1 to this valuable pioperiy-fahour ten acres are under feruje ami partly in dm cuitivuioß is a i'*rc • n .end orchard, with a v.:- 1 ir/y of Emit re sand Garde:; plants, of v irious forts. O? in.)Rc’red and fiity aerts of thi:. ;oid Ids never bc’en cultivate, and is now in wood, rhc foil i ‘ nib-, ■nd welt rvlcuiared sot very f|./cies of Kunming arc tek ir.akiuj. 6‘ixty acres was cleired, but not more an tweaty acres has been plan >. ‘ for rear thir y ye?, s j t!i ra’crpcrr of the second gr wer • s n vainriie trees and Shruhbe y ; indeed the whole Woo - .and is of the bed kid and no -1 f. r the [yCt varie.y of Bo anicui Hers and } Idnts, tliat i.i :U r .oral product ion. T!1 is vuluable clt.ur, js j . view of Savannah Lxchangt, hr dock of which c?n he plainly a .-rci 10 fluke anti with rite as ; Gnc-’ of rt gUi:;, the hour tol :o;n the dial ai any time ofd?.}. ‘he yaril and inclofure r.fffird: ich the buildi.’gs, a romfuria hi ancl j'Jejfing rural r ent ; rht rearer part of the year a lufii :cik head of wnirr can be r aift” y ftoppii.” a it!.’;, thi*t f iim/s end runs thro* ‘his land ta oft i ‘.hfh a G,iil IvTiii or Gotten Ga 1 or plantation Hr. <\c. ALSO, To br fold, from fix to fever le ts of about four acres each. S Ytuate on rhc YVlutr Bluff ro"i. on a level piece of tlrvated pir.t land ; thele lots are i or h.df a a.iie from the city h.-eand v/ell calcui led for gaidcrs or fmail iunr s ; rht le lots aie ir.rerft’Cit r with a wide flreer, for the conve nience of port hafers. For par ticiihu v'pf'y toE) HJjp Mil , [.EDGE or J(JDGE Si E. HHL’.Ni in Savannah. Gdloaer z j zw io [vViMLt Nvmjir qi3. [Twtive and n halt Crrrj ftn^'e. UK.HiV C'ND BaTHs. josepli G. Posner, Jj’INI'B’G il it .; r n'.LU Ir,gß |>. rb-r-jl nt *. tcadnir-e at tli HichmoM Pwh* this l’> i.- n, istmli ced t otter them for l Ip, rci.Ml. i; . I ,1 1 pc res ‘it J,still, v, i'.h t c Frame aiol Log Ht-mlrr. Fnr the accomin .elation liatms this will he divided it ( Vc 1 rxtm usat. It is vnec-lltiury to enter intos (IclcYi,.- onoftl.p alj,.v- j'leniil't-x, sr, iho are wel liown, and ;, 1 fair to l.ecoine a ('nice of in - ■tlculjlilc I'roFi* to anv one wh 1 will ptnchale ■ lent ■ the lamc.aiMi is dTpoii 1 to ifutil hvt- g oet't. Anri I -S (~ 50 Doiljrs aVd.” Fll con 1 .1 .irs will hd pud f'r apprehend- Tg at,;l d.'ltveriny; 10 thn fitlifcrher in Sj nnah or Retiring in jail wiUtin the Hate i \ roho’ named IS ‘, 111 ir, ,*f a cent. • ilcmh.i- make, fp.*ak . tderaWe g -oj. vnglilh, and rhntit tirclve years of at* \n addition >-f F:f ‘tn I) liar.'. \w I hr given tOTpr(”'l of ho; b-'ir.r liarh-.'iivd !r a t. Ittsc pc! lon. And Rweniy I). / • a rao.'irdwit/ he paid l r siiprche’(iingai and bringing hack a new negixi man named Mitmto, who left ntr ’ aiil abti ’. ttr ee weeks g>. lie is about j l-'t .4 inches tall of a black cmuplcsicn, t J -'o K inlilh, fletv'er made, is about ?• ;■ cars 1 T had on when Ita went, sway ‘h'c j'. h’t and lliiptd trowln-H. It j, p,,... pol'ed ha lias fir,>lle.l away ,rhf, mo „f h ' jg •utittry negroes and canaot find hit wa -. litme. 7 M. Shearer. J u ’r_ 9- “.. _ _ 98. iv U i ! C 1., 4 A a - the expiration of nine Months front a- ■*.. -thi; dato, application will l' C m*tle ta the In-nor;,h|. ; judges ) the Info i„r Cour; of Chatham County, for leave to fell, f, r ,v mnont Ot the heirs and creditors that lot of ■ ‘ltd known by the number live (5) Third Tv. Ming, Rcyiuids Ward, Savannah, b,l,.ngi, ir . -H i- vkateot John flaupt, er, laic rs lam place, containing f.xty !ron , and imery k-et ‘"dip;),, more or left, ailjoinn g ■x lot ol James M’Conky'g. ‘ ‘HIOMA.S Dow DLL, Adm’r. eu/ameth Dowell, Adm’x* Sw atinah, March rCcj. • „ m . fO i HE FUBLIC. Ihihlic in general will pra ; to tjtT,e l It'-Ith It their will he ,-.n uvcrllcnt liheref’ -d” the llev Dr IH, hard Ku, man .i , i > ot ( hariefton. nut tn Nov athcr < t ILt t ichcr eoln.rg i., conned on v , j|, ihe j ’ ■ ‘ • Urn rv 11 ,lt oinhe and the Kcvd. Jo. ji -ph Cla ,<* *f 1 hem is now er.gravi; {■ ,q j i’hdr !, Ij.l'.ia ’> v the mofl emit cot en.glvsr ill ica Boin Bin pc, •:. | ;is j lit a.n informed that ther i,, n|, l t , r p, , p ,p e j ali-rr (Hid 1)i Fnrman n.f vd in Cliail ilou S’ -h Carolina, the !u! I n|„ ~. v .!,0 Ime htY trilled to the shove cl nailers v ;|| t.ol< e ■ hit they ;re not fleet; , e,I in pmcha- Img the one aiaidtd in, the public are all > - hetx.d to fuf; c il their jn'lgn.ent until the S y ike <C bi.i.ffj Mr. r.dv.atj isom, he prop:Ye or aflots the pub.ic no ’ i : wol lie fj. - ■ ft! to ace* ,mpl * lit ihrm a.i ./an rally is the case 1 the frame . tor then vrl o, . ’inpleated by F.iirimran Guild, rs> ,f he wlmß work i* not cmt.p c..,ied rqtul’ to r front Luroj-i, at, at vrol not beds. ma dec!# • Cf * ■ *0 ts 4 tA Cotismiiicc ot tiie ji ORCiA MIDICAL SOUIE i > , nppnin ed io kccji correct repna** c s ni t‘c birth* and dea !is in S.v.jn. 4. ( i. fr.trc hi* method i*t no’ifyipg ditr kaMtants, mat they will porutid ‘iro-n tuns io tinv, in the Wards to which they hava been refpedtively a'nttcl, {nr s he pupofe if colled ng he information, i.rc.uny to i:j.*ry ■’ rfl iX ti.e intent on of i|,s ,• < c;e ----y r. ard confid .-in* the utility ui tre mafri'b, it is hoped, that every pcr f-n Will tvi’ling’y aid them m the uru ■ls,-raking, ar and be prepared when ci. ’ ■.I on, to furwfh .n ten in t t.f the nrths and do-.hs /ir.ce the 8 h June ’ -.1'., ( il e porn dit is mrr'.d'd h* regi -1e; s (h'tff take .kite from j winch t avc OBie inirr.-d ste.'y within their JcnC?/ ttdje. In , mean time, a pievtn: ‘hi nfcriiity arrj to u de of ca ling at ;very hemfe—'* committee will hr much r b’igeri /-• rlv>!c rrrfonv h ■'til! ba good enough /o i -;>u i . y ;i . c.r conan.uic-o'e by . . ; •./ icrvsn;,/o /r.i? !.*• itiber in /. . .•. ~ .. > uch y ‘ rfon refuirt, ri.e i •.;ur mute, , ■ ]•- ‘■ rvu.g {,, t , , ; m n- o of /.;e ii ‘/>, u.c ter: a. I color, and in •.‘ids of d^':r; lC .vO, ("X M:r, rctUf.i/100 .'..J f.’.'Ce Os r-of jr.e del Jafcd, w..a rh.j chferder o’ v.h-:h he 01 fise n;co— -•ru! ivscii no/ *-■ n.iav s < f ;.!f: b-u-r.. hi; Her rch.-si cc in r.! IHe Wards ivve k: ,i a&g-cd t l ,- (.1 *<rn . i::,c ( , v abovt puprdes, as vi*. kiv^v.<; j os lr ‘ CI he r; : /#'. r 1 kVi 5 IJr - /; . t ’ - --d-tfu* I :ci:l. ole JV. > ~ ;* v t J Dr. I .lr Wf rd i>CKtr &7 .. . I)tbv 5 Dr. Jacf.s l< <uls *7 _ /.i V. .. r Dr. ./nuaraCifc fai> rr.thi ... f Dr. Gee. V. 7 re< * r# Warrcfi > tV iikinjr n J Pai!.r. A,, v-* v ‘ ‘