Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 05, 1805, Image 2

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=— : . - •• •. M ‘ iJ‘ IT-IL..1T-IL.. j 7 if SDIYCRIREIIS noti- L tiff public, that having pro tirr.l n sry a:.U commodious i ,: aJi altNy part of the < :fy ; they have a’ tin opened! a piiv ;e fiOSPi 1 1\ L,, an h ipe, from the innumerable 2d- v inragts reiultirg fiom such an inlii. ution, it wTI be iiberaiJv lupporteri—The poor will re ceive Medical Services gratis- J'lovided the him ane citize; * vvi! 1 come fi twar*i and makc ioirr appropriations for tin b sard and nursing of such per ions, winch fin all not exceed fix dollars per week. It is true, as ic is melancholy to relate, tha: thi te fourths of the fcatr.en, bu. nrd ir? ihis place have died s o the want of (unable diet, anti rut fin ,v when fink- lor no 100- per they in iijpoird, chart thr! pro; -fetors f the houses whete’ they board, flow’ the it away in a dole gain t, without pay n at tention either to rleanlintls ct any thing elk , ect (Try for thei; recovery. i Ins evil can now be remedied. Ihe ficlc in re lorting to the hofpical, will fine every < o rifort arul convenience at a moderate expence. The inftiiution is to be o-~- verned by the lubjo’ned rules. 3 ist. White patients ftull be enti ! e Ito one weeks residence and attendance for the lum of i twelve debars and for every ; week a ! ter wards eight dollars. i Neg oes, ten doilars the fir ft { wruc and fix doiiais for every • week die: war s -2’• Mcdic nes, Nursing, di- i e i.-g and beddiQ:-, fhai! be fur-! nib by she joftnution lor the fens above Ipecified, but wlire 1 v/ne is neccllary it mult be! found t ;he expence or the pa - !, orowmr and N'egrces. 3<b i > aciv n■ s ill li be visited | three times a day or ofener if’ necelT ry, by one or both of the 1 inili utois. 4 C -'.. Incafs where impor tant surgical opera 1 ions are n<- cefTry, a moderate addi ional charge Will be made, sh. Seperate apartments and nudes Ihall be provider] far white perbns. As the intUmuon will require a co.ifiderablc advance oi capi lal fir bedding an i daily expen ces, ic is necertary that the /un> fpecified for the firft week’s rr fidenct in the holpital, be paid on admifii >n o ( the patient lo a.> to enable the fubkrib rs to to. tintie the infti ution without loss to themfelv-s, and with advan tage to the community. It is further r.eceflary to 6e unlcrrtood, that nop rfon, white or blaik, will be in tii Hos- ita),unleis fone refponfiolt person will bicone anlWrabh fur the lubfequent charges and pay the fame on the dikh. ‘gr ot the patient. And alfoin caf ot death, the pet foil who affu.m-i the payment of th- weekly char ges, sh 11 in addition to wha may I e due the lnituurion, pas the iXj ence of in ten lieu r, which in rvvry c.i'e lhall be as mode rate as partible. tVppiitat o s to be made In letter or otherwise to ti her u the Subicrihc rs. VI .TER WARD, J l\ikS EVVhLL. Norember i. law. iq li ink tiiils oh katiino i. ur Saje at this CXiicc* t*A < i > T • ft jo. !:t Re ir -/ dm - ,il ( on-ma-ri rin C , -/ of Ibe bkt ■'■■■, to hi excel-eiuy the f.lini.tcr of He i.iat ine and the Co- 1 , lo’iit. four d’Ordrc, 25th Ti-ermidor, year 13. 1 MoNSfiGNEUR—J have the bonce to | ifarm your Excellency, that I ordered I it a line of small craft, under tire orders, captain Moras, composed of 36 gun*: >a’.s. Captain Moras had been appointed to j mmand a division of five praams, two j penal (loops, two jrun vessels of the : tills, I 8 of the imperial trur.rd, and 36 l ■pnacr* with Prulfian howitzers ; it was: tended to make evolutions. 1 had yiv t Messrs. Viehon, er.feigne fie vaiffean ; j|l Souiihagon, provifignal eafeigr.r, as 1 aversof the ffaff. j in the morning of the 24th : notwt’.L ----j Biding vat-able winds from the s s. w. t north, a Battrian division composed jothe praam !a Ville a- Ger.eve and 53 fil l craft, doubled Cr.p. Grinez and ,jii ed the anchorage of Ambleteufe, ■Jliout the enemy’s fleet, confiding of •Je fltip o ! the line, four frigates, three see-masted iloops, eight brigs and retie culver, daring 10 difputc the padage with it. At eleven o’clock, the wind having set in not tli, captsin Moras got underway with the three praams la Ville de Cam hrai, commanded by the lieutenant de vaiffeau Belville j !a Viile de Cato, by l'cutenant lleslarides, and la Ville de flea encon, by lieutenant Dupont; twoim penial (loops !a Deridee and I’Hcureufe, by the lieutenants Roquebert and Sche ar.vay ; and the tivo gun-brigs NO3. 9 and 60, commanded by the er-ftignes Morin and fine!. l!e (leered to the w. 3, w. beating down upou the Frghih line; then the enemy got under fail and ma -1 ortivre.l to kftp to windward; he had from early in the morning dtferied our position, and (hips were seen rendezvous ing from every point r,f the horizon. A divilion of the enemy’s cruizers, conlinftig of one lliiji of the lute, one frigate and three (locip3, rendezvoused at r.oon, and “hen it was coming to an anchorage, the head of our line was within two contron Ihots of it. j To approach those of the enemy’3 1 vefiels which had remained under fail, I ordered to keep close to the wind and to j ft e, ' r The imperial floopcomman |td by lieutenant Roquebert, was lying j to, iltrhoard to the wind, whiltl the rett o f i-ur line advanced upon the frigates and il.ipps, vvliich, with ail their fails let, were I Hung down before the wind to cut 11s A-tF 1 then made the signal to the two j prints, ‘a Vide dc Majrence and la Ville !de Rouen ; to the division of imperial j hois, and to tl.-c third part of the line of J fmjil craft, under the orders of Mr Mo- I ra t(> under way. Eveiy vefic! w;* soon in movement, and each boit dotu to the place vvJ.ei'e rhe fire was a b"tk to commence'. At the fame instant, by |is Majelly's orders, 1 made to two Batavian praa” sand sixteen gun v Il ls to get under fad, which was quick ly -ctited. I iie pinnaces with Prufiian howitzers, commanded by captain Maisoriblanchc, conknenced the lire within reach of their art sh ry. Captain Moras tacked about, being witlin cannun finot. The enemy not al tcriig his course and flill bearing down Cos is to cut our line, 1 ordered the French praams to haul tipon the fame tack as lie cannon (hot ii.ed by captain Moras tliOA-ed us ttiat he was ready within halt . annon (hot. Keverthelefs, the enemy did not hre yet ; but when I saw hint hear down before the wind ready to haul on the (larboard tack, I made signal to the praams to close :n with the enemy We were then within inufket (hot; the fi r e began on both lides between the earmolt vi fi-ls, our line resumed the sire tack ns the frigates ; aud continued to chafe them in this manner. Ihcadion lailed an hour and a half, daring which time the guit-veffels of the centie, with captain Moras at their heal, attacked, two leagues from the huf, a b mb and two brigs, of the (la ' Etapi-s, which had worded up to wmtiward and were hastening to get away wit!, all the fail they could crowd, the tignd fer bearding them being hoisted, md (he gun-vsflcls having manoeuvred to xrctite it. Bur the enemy’ ltood away wi'h tue utmoit pracipitation. i iits mu aeuvrC was performed two taguesand a halt from the coall, beyond ait protection trom the land batteries, rinchhad no occasion to fire a signal ih ,i. Tie u.uai anchorage of the e cniy was at that moment cur field o/ bat i.c ; he wai forced to go fetk one, a ita*ue fartltr ff Ihore. 1 he lupeaor failing f the enemy’s res fA, v*i >f , ’ f ♦o.t-rrr epo- oc- ii’ n. 1 ■■-ti t,- f. ven v Ah, of w 1 i on. tl.ip of tl.-e line, four (rigatts, eight tl.rce-malli 1 or bomb;-, tirirti cn ; br-gs and a cutter were, hm.v- ver, reach z ivovsed and might have taken part-in the afttotr. j ’ll.r whole fipiadron behaved rer r rf\. !y well; but I particularly remarked the bold maresuvring of the praams la Ville - de Cambiai, la Ville ac Caen, !a Vi le de Befanccn and la Ville Rouen : of the j imperial (loops ia Deridee end I’Keti j n use, and of the gun-vc.TJs KO3. 9 and 1 60. | We have to regret none of our brave fellows, fome balls only cut a part of ur running rigging. Accept, Iprayjou, Monseigneur, the homage of my profound refpefi. L.ACROSSH. Cfmm tn'er in Chief cjthe imperialfjtit'la. LONDON, Ang-4 26. The dispatches brought lad Friday by ! Mr. Elsworth, the n. fferiger, are now I underltccd to be of the l.ighcft itnpor- j tance. —They are Rated to contain not j only the ratification of the treaty between ! this country and the emperor Altxan-! der, but r.n account of the demand by Aufiria of the latter for assistance, and the determination of the court of Peters, burgh to march a confiderabie army into the hereditary dominions, to co-operate against France. Jt is even mentioned ,;n private letters, that 60.00:0 Ruljian | troop? had, on the 3C‘h tilt, commenced j their rcr Bruoii, she fame - J counts add, that his Prufiian Maj.-fly jhaa declared li s unalterable rsfolution to 1 adhere to his favorite system cf neutrali ty, and that llnffia and Austria are r.ct without hopesbf prevailing upon him ultimately to join their confederacy. a gaii:(l Bonapake. In theft ftr.tenr.cnts we cannot butjthink there -is a conii tera ble degree oij exzggerarion. We not only doubt thi sd:t:l march of a Ruffian armiy ; but irt can difeover nothing in the past coiduft of the king of PruiTla, or in the general line of politics to which he is (tracked to warrant the idea that he will hot take part with Fr-nce It is, however, very probable, that the ratification of the tr- aty with Ru. Tia has been received by government. If Rufiiu be determined upon carrying into tlFrCb with vigour and cordiality opera tions again It France, It is tine (he (haul! declare hei fdfin l c ec.s've tone ; but whatever ni2y be tfie conditions of the treaty, it is not at all likely that they will be allowed to ttknfoirc until the mee ting of parliament.. Government was occupied the whole of iaft week and ts jill new employed in taking up a great nkmber of transports. They are probably Intended for the con veyance of Ruffian troops to the Medi terranean or to any other point where their ferviccs rnav b< required ; and we iearn that a Ruffian squadron, of ten fail of the line, is fiiortli txpediedto co-opc rate with us in the Northern leas. The trar.fports are to rendezvous at the Nore. The mod afiive fx:iliocs are making to reinforce our grand fleet, and admiral Cornwallis will (liorlly have thirty Tail of the line under his cummand, euclufive of the twenty difpatchsd with fiir Robert Calder. Admiral Stirling failed on Sa turday in the Giory, of c,o guns, from Plymouth, and five mcie line of battle were nearly ready tfait from Caw land bay. At i'art-mou.h the Vi Gory of too, Bclona, Satn-n, Hero, sod Re pulse, of 74 guns, will fail in the course cf a few ifii ff. We understand that Lord NeHbti v/i’l proceed to Plymouth to hoifl his (leg on board the San’ Jofef, of 112 guns. Hia lordfijip is to resume his command in the Mediterranean, witli unlimited orders. The following letter, with which we were this morning favoured, from an ex perienced officer belonging to cur squad ron off Boulogne, contains several inte refling particulars worthy of notice. It is dated New Romney, Augull 24. “ We arrived last evening Irom eff Boulogne, where every thing remained in ftatuquo, except that the enemy’s vessels under Dutch colours formed a junction with the Boulogne (1 utilla on the 21 it inff. from the eaffward. Several neu trals which we have spoken coiroborate each other in the irport that eight line of battle (hips are ready for sea in thc Texel, and qco tranfporti, with about 20CO cavalry embarked. About 20,000 troops are also ready near Amsterdam and its vicinity. 1 really think a fleet, ere next month is expired, will come up the channel to give us a little glory, when, probab'y, the craft in Boulogne may a tempt an invasion. There are two or three difficulties however, that the attempt of theirs will muff evidently have Cos contend with, be their attempt m-. !e v- 1 -• ?; m-v, v, f;t rr<o>int ivn, 1 1. not, t'o-t-k ;- 4 , txa.’tly at t!i ir eo-h- j tr.and Ir. th; place we have a seer I tamed t vviihA'i th- ir invention rad cunnioir- tin y cannot bting out more than roo v ff Is from the three harbours of t a g-.e, ct one tide, tp.O from each : ana liiei.’ only a: a spring tide. ‘i'hts t not one third of their in>.Tiber, and via lie open to the attack of our Iquadron from the moment the i-.eond tbv fio.i ot their ft itilla begins to move out.—-Se condly—The tide3 are so various in ttv* channel, felting such different ways, that it is iir.poffiblc they can keep together ; ar.d the attempt of keeping t tgether will be the de-ftruilion o( rnanv ot diem ; add to this ti.e impofiibility of their landing on this (here the fame tide. They mull, therefore, in waiting the opportunity of landing, without a superior nival force to protect them, run the rifle of total jdeftrudtion ere they reach the Brit.ill (hores. “ I have been thus particular, to give I iatisfaciion to tire numerous enquiries of lour friends and to (how yoji that every i e.-tertioo and attention on the part of I government is txerted a gain it the worit jof confcquences 1 -if rr ym, that the ; fqnadrou cn this important poll amount Ito not less than i’eventy vtffcls of vrar, cf different defcripttor.a ” PHILADELPIi A Oft. *6. NotwtthUandmg the acctjutvs we have recently receive! of a relaxation in t-e order of ihe Brir lh councils, rcl iuvc tu A tnerican vefiels trading with e r.nnics colonies, ic wo! he uti ceived by the following ptrncu lars of the deccn f ion of ilje fhio 13 (parch, that our corntinscce tb i, ibid iuojehtto the molt ur,w\.r ----r .ntab.e i.junous t-eprada uOijS. DOVER, August: ?-. Eleven o'clock, a. m. Tie’ Fu riefe Gun brig, and afto'her brig of the fame ritfcnp.ion, from a crude to the weir ward. juil put into thc;e roads with an American fillp, which they detained on fufpicicn of their having enemy’s property on board- j Art American (hip the Dif j patch, of Philadelphia, which ; has been lying ia this liarbor ; hefe thtee weeks pdt.has weigh ed her anchor to proceed on her 1 voyage. This fiv.p put in here in difirefs, having injured her rudder ii striking on Sands oft Ofiend ; She had cleared out from Afinfterdani, bound fior th river of Canton, as the prcprrr . of american merchants ac Th i * delphia. While fine was in th. act c? getting under weigh, a immense crowd covered th. quays, The boatswain, whe v;as a Swede, and the cap ain hid fome dispute about the ‘ormer’s leaveing the veil’ 1 which the latter refufed ; an. upon the boatUain persisting in his purpose, the captain put him in confinement until the hour of failing. The lieu en r.c of tlv Furieufc, a: that moment, came along fide in his boar, and the boatswain entered himfelf into his Majdry’s service. The lieu tenant went on board of the Dispatch and after fume alterca tion, breughe him off ; the rap rain, however, detained his theft on the grounds of his being in debt for two niondis wages, and other turns, which he had advanc ed him previous to their voyage r rom Amsterdam. This veftVl was laden with bale goods to a considerable amount, ar.d had a vafit quantity of dollars on board, which gave rife to the suspicion of her being Dutch property. Two American sailors, irfg to a vessel which lav along fide of her in the harbor, offered to (wear that they failed in her ->n hrr ! tfi vo age home fro . Cm <>s ttd afihrwl mod p n j. iw dv, sh i: to their knaw!et4ge, fne was fold by her originalo vn >rs who were Quaker nterchanra at Eh ladelphia to Dutch mer chants at Ar.fierdam. It is al To ‘u ap t'e-.i, the boatfwa nl gave j hint r o the lieutenant of tlu FurieuT. 7’he cmerai condu fioo is, that ihe mufi be enemy’s property. “ Tvjtlve o'clock, neon— Th c Dispatch has jufi cleared the ha-” bor, an I [lands on her la. board 1 i:t order to haul h wind. The boat vvi h the lieutenan o r ciie Furitufe, is Ring to in the roads, and the laver vcfifel with thr o h* er gun brig and the American which thry detained, are pro ceeding to the Downs. “ Half past twelve,— The lieu tenant of the Fui ieuie has again boarded the Dispatch, and hav ing appeared to examine her jm pers, he has taken to bo,: r . fj is supposed to have fuffeied her to proceed on her voyage ; 1] e is now fianding t.n her course.” “ Two o'clock, p. m. —The Ely Cutter, captain Patridge, v\ho ! left this harbor a few trio.r.ents i before the Di'patch, has hailed j the latter, who lay to for hull; j and the captain of the fiy has lent h s boat oa board. A gun brig which hove in fight about an hour ago, is alio come up with ht?r: the three vefiels lav to for a fit r: time, and upon the return of the cuttocs boat, they a 1 tack d and fiood in for the Downs to that it has been af ertained hm ther e ate good grounds for detaining ti.e American as well as o he s. “ Phis is ‘he third Amf’can ffaip which h. s be-.-n detained un der Itniiar circurifiances, :n f -ht fe Roads, within thrfe hill ten days, We urd :i ft -r and that a very ex’er.five trade has been carried on by the Du; h, in this wav, for a great length of time. “it is univ fitly supposed here, that the uYrnlce e'eftira fion of the ILi patch was the Cape cf Good Hope, & n ;t the river of Canton, and .that the quantity of dollars on board, was Y the payment of the Dutch toops, liat'.oned in that fettle neat. A commercial g?v.-Irman of th:3 city y-fl-r.jf-T poiite-v - vorc-j th-.- cdiior with he (7tis tt? P(jh que ct Crtnmrnia te t* ha it i, printer) a. Cue Francois, from vhic!> in- iollowiag Cccr.v his h en trai.ilai.ccl. J]J t , Am. Imperial 13 ’C'-ee. t j-'CCjy 5 , bv the* prac- ofcoi'flitutfon *t bw ot riic it-1 , fvtii by t* e clan -i (line and fraudulent oepar. ure of the flip Lou -fianis, there refu'ts a coi i’Htra* ble prejudice to the interclU c.f the Hat ; and that it behoves him to c'tvile means to rtprefe fmiilar abuses in tu* ut e, decrees as follows ; so be executed through* out the whole extent of tbe (late, and to date trom the publscatiou cf the present decree. A't. i All foreign captains on tlieir arrival at any of the ports oil the lflaud, (hall be bound to ‘e ftcuri'y for his vefTel, fume commercial hciife Haylim or American, to be ejpitil f comnulliuned for this efftdl, to which the deposit and entrust tne laic of the cargo by him imported. Art. 2. All captains of foreign vcf ic.s who (hall not be consigned toon? if tne hnufes above mentioned, or (liall b.imftlf undertake the falc of his cargo, (hall undergo the entire confiscation of (hip and cargo. Art. 3 Every commercial boufe, depository of a cargo, (hall have his own fecurityffiip rcaflared by two other lioufes of deposit which (haiil be, ami remain perfectly accountable for the en* tre acquital cf all duties due the ftatc by the vefifil thus assured,