Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 05, 1805, Image 3

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Art. 4 No comimiSoueJ house of d’.'p l ii (ball Uiidcr any pretr/.t w.iatin ev-r, refufe to readme a lecurily(hip when required, without incurring a pen alty from government, the least of which (hail be a revocation of hid letters patent for deposit. Done and decreed at the imperial pal lace of the Cape the lit of August, 1805 f’cond year of the independence of Hay ti and of our reign the afc. DESSALINES, By the emperor The Secretary general JUSTE CHANLATTE. We received yesterday, from our corref pondence at Naflau,.’’ N. P.) via. Ciiarle fton, a regular file of the Royal Gazette to the 25th. September, from which we txti ail the following articles. Balt. Adv. Nassau, Septr. 24. The t'ialof the fchr. Adeline, capt. Strong, feat in for adjucatioi (belonging to Mines Myers, of Norfolk,] comes on in the court of vice admiralty this day. The cargo, (230 boxes of white fugar] It iS supposed, will be condemned. LATEST NEWS. BOSTON, Oftoher u. Yesterday afternoon the (hip Pomona, capt Auen, arrived at this port front Liverpool. By tbit arrival we obtained J.ontloii papers to the 27th of August. The t xpe&aiions ofa continential war ap pear to gain strength daily in Engl.tid. — Bonaparte’s writers have commenced their attacks on Austria and Rujfia. A late Mottiieur observes, that the conduit of Avjlria in keeping up a formidable military force in the Tyrol and ftu'y, is tantamount to r. il.elaration of war. This force, therefore, mull be dirniniflied or hofhlities commence. The French Go verument appears to have abandoned all hopes oi preserving peace with Russia. — V e hear of no meafurc or expedient which ha3 that objeit in view; but of rctloring a good understanding with Aus tria, hopes are iliii entertained, and Tal leyrand is exerting all his “ diplomatic (kill” forth t purpoft. The profpedt of f-ttetfs is faint. The Emperor of Gcr ji ny is prepared for war. Novozilt- Z'.-ff had net reached St. Petersburg!) at the Est dates. Intelligence had been received in Lug ian.i of t lie departure of the Combined ‘Theta from i’rrrz/,on the 13“ hos August. No account, however, had been received ( I il-.cir arrival at Cadiz- A day or two after the fleet & left Ferro!, Ad. Caldsr appeared off these, with a squadron aug mented to 20 fail of the line from Corn tvallis’s fleet. On finding that Gra ■vima and Viilfneuve had failed, it is puiiible Cai.der might lletr for Cadiz. — There were various rumours as to the command which would be given to Lord IC r.n H had faded to the North Sea. The Pans Honitrur , aii might have been -xpeded, has taken the part of the Americans againll the orders lately repor. ted to have been given to tire British lea val Commanders. Och r 5. The Chip Morning-S’ar, car r. Ilopkins, arrived at tats pot yelierday, in 34 clays from Bor deaux. A tontinental war was coi'.fidercd as inevitable. It was rcporied, that the troops were ordered from the ccafts to the frontiers of France ; and that the military eftabliflvment was to be tin'inrnttd with 60,000 con v l'cnpts. We have been favoured with Paris papers to September x, and Bordeaux papers to Septem ber 3, received by captain Hop kita. They mem on the conti nuation of the warlike prepara tions cf Kuflia and Austria j but (late, chat the Emperor has offer ed to ccnfent to the mediation cf a great power (probably Prus fi a), for the continuation of peace. In the event of a war, the neu trality ofDenmark is calculated on. The Swedish Minister has contrdiadted tiie reportot che sass of Pomerania to Rullia. Bona parte was on the coatl at the date of the lalt papers. The French Gazettt s are full of accounts of the celebration of h;> birth-day, ’“ u h-;ut Fr nee, I:a!v, an. ? T.-'l _ > * A New. York p-Agf of the ittli iufi. announces an an vil from Liverpool which brings Loudon intelligence to the* 28th of August. ihe parliament had been prorogued to tiie 17111 oi October. Lord Ntlfon haft anired in the V.c tory at Spithead. 1 lie expectation of an invasion had intreafed Twentv fi'-r tiioufand troops were embarked in the Texel fleet. The treaty between England and Puffia is laid to be ratified, and 60,000 eiuii'.an troops had marched on the 30i.i1 July for Brunn. It was reported at Liverpool, that the French frigate Didon, had been cap tured by the British frigate Phenix, after a desperate aeftion of three hours. This news appeared in a London paper of the 20th of August. It is with much fatisfaftion we can inform our readers, f om good authority, that speedy and decisive tneafures are in prepaiation by our government in regard to the marine aggrtffions of a certain so reign power. We do not feel author! fed to be more explicit at prjfent, but ikp&£i the public will shortly ltarn through the ordinary channel the nature cjf these meafure3. Y/e recoiled t!ie policy of Wa filing, ton and AcT&ms on fitnilar occasions and we Stave a perfed confidence that Mr. Jtff.rlon will not b: found inferior in m orgy to either. We cannot suppose that thiscountry will adopt the mad fyHem of luihling (liips of war, which would ferv: the porpoie merely of augmenting the navies of Europe ; but we believe in the jultice and expediency of employing fuck means of annoyance and defence nganft any aggrefibr as may be in our pover, whether of a commercial, finan cial. or military nature ; and we think itqiite probable that at or before the nex ; ctflion of Congress, the disposition f riur adminiltration will be manifefled. “Phi following resolution introduced by Mr. Dayton the 27th of March, pa fled the federal house of representatives in 1794. ‘ Ref i’vr.l. That provision ought to be made by law, for the sequestration of all the debts due from tire citizens of the United States to the fubje&s of th k'ntr of Great Britain. u RrfokeL That provision ought, in like manner, to be rr.cde for Louring the payment of all such debts into the trea fury of the United Stales, there to be field as a pledge for the indemnification of fach of the citizens of the laid Hites, as ftia’.i have fuffered from the Ik!pi ot war, privateers, or from any person, or deferiprion of persons, adiing under tin commiflion or authority of the Btitilh king, in contravention ot the laws of na tions, and in violation of the rig'nt3 ol neutrality.” —Bee E&rafl cf a hit erf tom I Limburg, received in London. * 1 have just f_vn a letter fro r pirm, receive J by th; la ft: mail w i>ch states that the greater par oflionaparte’s council of ft ate continue to be holt tie to the pro jecteft expedition again ft: Eng land. Bonaparte a lie mb led that body previous to his departure for Boulogne, and, upon their endeavouring to dissuade hirr fro n the attempt, he was seized with one of his usual paroxysms of rage, approaching almost te phrenzy. He lavilhed upon his unfortunate counleliors a torrent of the mod abusive epithets, and then announced to them Ins determination to set off inllantlj for Boulogne to superintend the embarkation. The letter des cribes the feene which occurred on this occasion, as exceeding, in point of extravagance, every previous display of the irrafcible temper of the Corlican. He gnashed his teeth, foamed at the mouth, and actually tore the co wer off the chair on which he was feared. The troops in the vici nity of Boulogne are now stated to exceed 150,000 men. They are lorrned in three divisions, which refprft:vely alTune the ti ties of army of England, army of bcoil.inrl, and army o r li-t-VA/* Ac Cut! ts .tru received .it N'w- York, (ton M.ttar.ii s, ita lic', h.t. reports were cut rent then-, ■■ the S,).tn guvi-i nintut it;v inj? ceoci! one 1 .:lf of the liTiid >f Cuoa to the F. inch. Thom as J efri:rson, Prefidcnt of the l/ ve.i Stairs j aiul bis predccciior, John’ Adams, ( : ays a! re Loridun j aper, under a lFip'ie date) have been nomina ted Members ot the fjciety ul Sciences oi H.iCile.n. The Drury lane managers (fays a London paper) have en gaged a hoy of 16, from Phila delphia, of the nameoi Fins, at 2.5i. sterling per week—he fills the firfl pans in Tragedy. o(tarxT t J , 'v~.ivr%.f+rnor. vti’ w-'Kwiwr 9* < TCtmpia Rcrnubliirnn, SAVANNAH, November, 7, 1807. Married, ontln-zr ‘ ultimo, at f.:f fctfonvil e. County, Natha niel G. RuthErfori) Kfqr. attorney at law, to the ami able Mils Ann Mo- REAt, daughter cf John Mortil Efqr. dteeafed. Fro s a L rt.iun Paper. No difeoveries are of iroic importance thnn those which 3ie tjoniiect and with the improvement f rgricufime Every ot>c who attends to this ful j 6f, ii acquainted with the (weeping didbudlon which has been occafmned ! y the of the Eruca, or Ca’erpillar. Many counties of this kingdom, cfpecir.lly in the ern diftridf ~ depend, in a gnat measure on the annua! produce of the orchard ; and in theft - tfilliifts r.t lead, it will be of great utility to circulate the intclli n'ence of an experiment for the protedion of fruit-trees ftom the caterpillar, which lias been attended with complete fnciefs. V cio i of earth is moulded round the top of the trunk of the tree ; and this is the whole prucefs. From the hour that this operation i- prifo; ined, even the •’■oft remote ramifi intioii'i, will begin to fall, and the tree will, in a (It )rt time, he wholly freed from this defirudlive in cumbrance. It i true, that the animals will afterwards attempt to rei ew, their depredations; bit as loon as lie ariives it the ring of thj earth, which (houlil m permitted to remain, lie will hafteti down the trunk \f iih much more rapid!* -y than lie attempted to afeend. We ftite this latt wijii confidence, but we leave to the learnA! zoulogill the expla nation of the myflery, A letter from Cadiz, dated Aug. 19, Rates that anew duty of o e dollar per. barrel has been iaipofed on all (lour im ported into the ports of -Spain. SJUP NEWS NEW-YORK, Oflober >4 , Ar lived, The lirig Gayofo, Wooffendale in 20 days fiom Havannah. The Gayofo was captured on her outward pafl.tge Ly the Briiifti privateer, Favorite, captain Petty, and carried into New Providence, where after very ill treatment the brig war, tried and cleared ; but mr.ft of her cargo detained for further proof. The brig Lovely Lass, Arnold in 9 days from Savannah. The Lovely Lais has one man lick- The sloop Polly, of St. Mary’s just airiveu at the quarantine ground. PORT OF SAVANNAH ENTKRFD. Schooner t.genor.a , Bennett, Balt'hnorc. Sloop Kct-j , Bobs, Providence. Polly, J.ightlourn, Hardwick. Ci -FAKED, Btig forms, Vfallote, fa-maica, dive, Rhodes, New-Orleans. Belvedere, Holy, fair aid. Sloop Polly , Clioul'ier, St. N.tryt, Delight, Flagg, Ch irh/icn. SinduriUa , Garrets, Jdauiort. W“77“D, TWO Fi UVD RED baht CGTTo'V, to compltat the J'hip BeVMimcK’s cargo for Liverpool, dor freight of which, or paffige, apply to Capt. IFm. Colleba on board, at Putnam’s I'/harf. November 1 19 The f ft C ;>T r. . -.‘TT’ v A* and df nn ; 1- ... ‘ , ,’vv ‘ ‘lst ,1 M.Ui i’ N , • , c : , :vft f <t.e bwmui ■} ; I ‘>*: A !y* .•c.i l* v • i* f'lmr ttfi 11. u'.Uci iiie Liimmaiid cf ; j,i Wr, wII fi; If and, a f.-e.-i F. ‘, ‘ r*. v Lt nuula ii'a, i •*- • ‘ 1 la ioie t-.r....;. i t Wni. Cos . N n*r. 5 ,t. h( 1 1< eA( !,, tjy Phiniz/ <Sc Barnc.( COBN, by remit, ,0 fin Ire s <>l up 1 nnfrr (lnu.*, fill ’-7 pu-ces ( o ‘mu Bagging, SUGAH in fiogflveadi [N< v. t A- Ov 1 sEFU, VV an and. \ man v\ itoath liahiis and nr;*i unird to the nuiiiari ment o| ncjr ts. ] : brings will me Dials, of hr iiv-d Soliritty bu will iruct vvihi j> ['cr t* ct by applying* to Win. Min. Ni'ver.ilivr 5 tp 00 1 ducaTToWJ Grateful Tor ifit dilliitf-tighcd 7 tvonaye fie has r.vperiei’Cf.d l::,r,c hie eftabli mmi m S. vaiuiali, Mr Green with d-:hr.-emAi.. irms Ills Ii- ihls amt tin public; that C ‘l l.a.lius I.iuia.'v ielinol, hmU tin- (,rammar and fi unuu i i'l Idn-ofi., are dill rondueted bv. bun on tiie lame exteniive plan, as at thy it cam mem cment. ‘J'lie 1 hi lei f ilie Ichools, in Uidcr. Read it',;, Gramma-, Li curioii anil HliCtOiie. Wei ing n all I*■ e n: till ornamental bands, Ai ilium i, . Book ki ipu.,;, according to Vi ral lln in:'., (,i-. tjrapliy and lie tile, Craw !>•?;• i- pyim; ‘ I’ Maps in dillnri nl pno jfOtions, the 1 lenients el’ Allrnnone, and ihc uli? ol tlie Globes and ‘IT* lllrian lliilory anil Chr ui, I .i- e. In the Mathematical department, Iha pupils \vi I fie l aiclully 111 firi:cted m Ale.tbra l.eiimetiy, Ti ipjonnnie i,, Genic ‘ t.ll as and Fln.vtmis, \ll.h their application to lha btiiinels ot life and the inveltigiiion 1 i it: 1- ence. .Vi.vteen yean: experience in his profe/lion, and a I lertal and unremitiii.;; attenti'iito h’n< ra 5 an-i rea. imprin enicnt 1 hi* ju pils will, In* h ‘pi*'.:, continue to him from a libeial and enlightened ptiiilie, a (bare # I that I: 1 .” r whieh li** ha” hiihertn experienced J’up Is admitted withe,it Entrance, ti;| the lit ni he* enftiirg |inuarv. .“.A Dancino MasiiSr of eminence will a 1 rend the Sehool'J. Navember 5 l' ( J F',K |.W CrA!.(v, “ Have just received pertlie bri,; Eleanor from Bolton, aiul for fate at their ftorc, Smith arid Kourke’u wharf. fi Hhds. retailing Sugars, sjo pair negro Slides. ON HAND. 18 IlhJn N. Rum, 40 Bh.s, Mackarc, 10 bexes Cotton Cards, 2 bales Blankets, 1 do. low priced Broadcloths, 1 trunk 4-4 1 rn'li Sheetings, 1 case 4 4 and 3-4 Irilh linens, 10 Bhls, B .-es, 4 pipes Holland Gin, 3 do. Cogniac Brandy, 20 Bolts Ruffian Duck. Nov. t ts 19 NO PICK. r ’T'’ If fi Subscriber intending to be ai. n 1 To -t Ihinc rpombi: ban appointed tlie Hon. Kilivaid Telfair, Charles o<iditij;feils aotl John 1 awlnu, C'.q’ra his attorm who wilt rjiiaatl ?.ny bufinelshi*, during hisablmce. Matthew M'Allitler. Atiril 15. ts Notice is ileu*by Oivcn. ‘I ha t the Board (A i ire Mafterr wi ! aga n receive prop'Tala fro 1, anv person or persons to do the work late ly id/cr/ifed t> be dune, and 11 orcei 1 1 < t th e com rafter may he fully ac quainted w./h /be intern ion and mean* mg of the hoard of fire mafterr, it is otic /id; that the puffs mult be of Cedar futHcim’.ly large, p'ained and pain.'cd, as a!(o the roof over /hJ lad de s, j fprun, roof 9 inches on one idle and on the ifur, tnd five poftj ti eacn ladder at Jcit f > i :/ long; and also to furniih Hints Ciia.ns ard P iles, a :d l > afer /ain fißin the weight of the ho ki and O chains now made, what the Irmworlc will arnour.t to. Sea’ed proo fib soy th s pur-ofe /.ill he received ../ my o.Sce uii/il the 1 t/h day of Noonber ne/.t. By o der of the boi.d; THOMAS PITT, t l*rk. Oft ‘he- ?o 1 9 p Oiv bAI_E, ‘'Tr''lf Ai’ J’leafaut firmrionJ two mi!o A from Savannah, on thi'svilb.'r J, contain! nr nine; / acre* of I. A 1 1) on which 15 a y/'O il iiiAil’e fee. Any perl n dtlirMit to purch.ifc can know the terms l.f apply in;- C/i.ukti, w| Ai,i.:;::- ui'rljiu ly. OTtob-r ■.’■) ts 1? I'Ul< bAE*-’ A GOOD PiantitionCA xoi n’n i roc r. SH£ 11 c itirtiy New—earn . tight oar., with an OiiviNtf. App 1, to Wm. Vic at!. November jr jt I 19