Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 08, 1805, Image 4

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\* ‘ ‘ •C ’ . ;*r c | . , T {q 1 -vs. .so I 111.- „• w.,ih ha* appob.tcd C.e U*.- Edvard T. ; nt, Cl.irits Od Ijiqjf.elU and *. !• 1’ hu attnruf) , *! • v>tl i..u,. : y bcfmelV.iis, during ‘utviibfsixc. Matthew i y i Aim ter. Aid ‘s- ‘f INoricc is iicicoy Uiveu. ’ ‘ t!.c iliaiJ of l’ ire Mailer ’ v/: a 4 -;:u itceivc pi op.‘fa's fro • an) 1 c <>n or pe /on? to Jo the work ! ate” iv ilver/iftd ti be done, ai ti in order r. .ii’ e comradier mav he h.'iy ‘n r tp.m/.d iv.rh t e int- vion and tntair iug'nf toe board of fire matter , u 4i •!• the pofis must be of Cc/ir i ntiy L.:p*, pained ami piloted, as a!fo the rc* f ever /lid lad* tic-s, j-i / fprun, roi l 9 inches on ore It ,e and i3 on the </Ser, and fiv • [> ft to tac.'i Udder :t Raft 10 h<:/ tin: •, ovf ..Ifj to furnish Hocks C.iaii’ H'.m Petes, and to alcei/aii! t. tor the weight i.f >he hooks ai.d ih.uns how made, what the imnwoik. W.h amount to. healed prop? this to this pur,,Ye. Anil be received at my o/fice u../i! the 1 ‘fa day of Novrsilis* next. By t ‘he i.ojid, th; .vias prr r, Uerk. Oiflohe q < 19 Kbit 1 Vi D, By the flip I u y & pli'zabelhs, Cup tan ’jt.ffb Starks, Iron Pot’ fr .111 3 to 10 trillions Camp Ovens Pom 9 to i 2 inches Cafkj of I'M, 2)6 and Scupper Nails ami Pump Turks C .(ks > f *V<edin r H -es, alLr-ed fives B u.*3i Whi/e Plains of tic fctli quality B*’i Canvas been. & : ; c*hi i wine Offcs if Lend,,a botfied IL t:t Trunks ti C-fes of iiilh Linen, from j 2 1 -id to 3.1 J Herling, fit It c„ft. For Sa c by TAYLOR i!t SCARBROUGH. October 16 iff I'< i\O PJoh;. Pcrfons who Lave demands again ft the est a*e of Thomas G een, iaff of vS’av.uinah, rUc. arc riqueftrd vo render thi in propeily a/.efted and nole i:i de-ted will pit,-ft; make payment to the irnmtJ ; #.’ ‘y. Jno J3. Bennetr, /ul ninijlrotor . Olt lu’r ey. (',! 1 i-(i. p. l\ JW Idi ,s G, From the flip ! Birrr.inhan: Pacltt ftm Glasgow, find Eliza J, urn Liverpool, and for file, 5 trunks and busts I-iih I.INENS 4 ilitrd white and brown l’iardlaß 2 bales white flax dtwlas 1 trunk b in; Homalls 4 calks Copperas 2 diuo Pewter Plates, Diffies &. Bafons y buses Men’s Ladle’s r.nd Ycu.h’s Hats jo piece - bell cotton Hanging 40 ditto Flax and tow O/uabargs 2 trunks flop and loin twine, white and colored thread 1 do. Men’s and women’s cotton hei’e ■j tons pot metal, assorted 3 calks Cutlrry and Ironmongery afforitd 1 doicotch limit in halt pound bottles 40 bales London and Briifol duldi and ix> r u blankets 4 do. assorted Coatings and h ue ftreuds 4 do. fupertiue cloths and Kerfcjmcte as sorted 1 Jo. Durants, and fluffs do. li calks Nails StlVorted 1 trm.k i'eWing fdk and twist Andrew Knox. B. Gsbbou's ’wharf. 05oher 18 ts r ) o Li. i, l'k)R a term cf years, the premis. fes at prelt nt occupieJ by Mr. WiL ] an Ch ittvi:t ar a tl A’rll ht use and Gro erv . tcie. t A ptc.fitable leaf? t f lir , very valuable flan i, may be hr.d a .1 p luliion de'ivered in about vo tiays ; for a m tie ad/ance in c;ll. F. pit/.cu ars a. ply to the honbie. or Gen Miccti. til. \\ illiam Mill , Ajff’uft 2 j by Notice. A I.!. Perfens having demands against the B V ellate • ( Stejihen Blount late of Savan rt n dcceale.l, are requeued to revder them pronerly attcite I, and thole indeb.cclto make immediate payment to CHAHLUI TB S. BLOUNT, Extr’x. May at ts 75 N U i 1 c is, A 1,1. pertonj having anv demands against il the it eof JO >1 AH TA iTN ALL jtinr. cfqui ate reque(ted to render them proper 1 ) ’ -led and thole indebted urc tie iii'ed to make payment to Ebcnezer Stark Moore’s Whirl, CEORCF.JONES,) E _,„ F. JACESON. j Aprils j 6* ‘■ T t r o n T OM HO \ T • ;MLI.J Cit LCUNLPJ ‘ j j FOR BALE BY K. J .7. B'jLJOW. J il> -8-j ts, im u T i G h. NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration cf months from this cate, the f;.tfcribe;s v/ili apply to the honble. thejufiices of the h’fe* rior court of the coen’y es Chatham, lor leave to fei! and lifpofe cf the fol lowing trails of br-i belonging to the efcate r*f John P. Ward decesfed 4 t; Ail that trail ir parcel of lend “ co-r.uining three hundred and sis “ ty acres, be the fame mere cr “ lefs/Ia:: the troperty of George Baiiiic dec’J. situated in the coun “ tv of Camden bounded on the 4 * by Great SatilU river and i “ on all vi’.irer littes by vacant lands “ ai the time of the survey theieof “ ALSO one otter tra£t or par 4 141 c*i of land comaining three hun* “ dred acr:-s, be the fame rm re or “ less, la.e the pioperty of George “ Bailfic c’ec’d. fituared in the “ County cr Camden bounded by “ tlie cad by tbs faiu Georg* Bai “ he’s land and on all other lands “ by vacant land zt the ti ns cf “ rhe fu= vey—-a!fo ail that of *’ land containing five hundred a “ crcs, be the fame more or less, “ originally to Robert “ Baiilk; Gtuated in th county of “ M’lutofh bounded south by the ** river Alatamafca, call n lands 41 digit ally granted Catherine “ Doui/lafs, north on lands granted “ <0 VVilliam M’ln/cfh and weft “ on lands graß/ed to JuhnM’Cul locit’ 4 which Laid three rrutls of bnd were fererally fold at rhe Lies of Confiscated propei ty and purchased by rhe 1 a/e John P. Ward deed. The fa'd lands are intended to be fold for /he Sentfir-of rhe heirs and c.ed.rora cf the Lid efia/c. N. S. Cayard, ‘E. Bayard. Administrator tend Administratrix of 1 aid estate. hsv. Aon! rt/h tawgoi. 65 Georgia, Liserty, Superior Court, March Firm, ISOS. On the peiiticn of John Bol ton, executor of Robert Bolton, praying the iortciolure of die c* quity of rrdetrvption of ail that lot of land situate in the town o! Sunbury, containing fevrnry feci front, atui one hundred andthir* ty feet deep, known in the ori ginal plan by the number seven ty-eight (78) which laid lot of and, with the improvement, thereon, was mortgaged on tin twentieth day of June, one thous and seven hundred and ninety rive, by William Hunter Yor rar.s to the fa id Robert Bolton, for securing the payment of the film cf forty-two pounds Reriirng rqua! in value to one hunded u’ and eighty dollars; with interefl dicreon, due upon a certain bond or obligation from the laid Wil liam to the laid Robert bearing even date with tha laid more BaSc>8 a S c > It is ordered, That the princi pal, interest and cost due on the laid bond be paid into court with in twelve months from this time and uniefs the principal, interest and cod be so paid the equity of redemption of the said mortga ged prea ilTe*, lb all from thence frrth be foreclofecl, and fuc.h other proceedings take place as the law directs. And it is fur shir ordered, That a copy of this rule be published in ore of the Public Gazettes of this llatt at least once in every <nv>nth until the time appointed for payment, or served on the mortgagee, at least fix months previous to such time of pay ment. Extrafl frern the Minutes, This z6(b March 1805. A. Forest elk. c. s. c. l. r. March 28 iam 12c ti $! ■ .h:?> 10 q COUF. T Ch ti •> im ! ‘ Kiy. Javti aa v Term, :80,. David Johiulon, J Petition 21 r. 1 1 * r Robert Woodhoufe. j UPON the petifion of D-ivic Johnston praying the Foreclosure ti •.he Equity of redemption of -ill tha’ lot ofland, in the Cuy of Savannah, known by the number two [2] in fe fly] Ty tiling, Derby Ward, contain inp hx'y feet in front, and ninety ftt in depth, mortgaged by the said Robe Wcodhoufe to the said David Johnilc; for securing the payment es two fevc rr.l fains of money men'icned in tw< l’e /cral Bends or obligations, beariii; even date with the fa; J mortgage ; ih one given by the said Robert Wood house to the said David Johnston, and the other given by the said Rooe*. Woodhoufe and one George Wood houfe to the said David Johnston, ana upon motion of MeliiS. Davies anc Berrien of cour.lel for the pedtiober, It is Ordertd , That the principal, interests and costs due upon the fait two Bond; or obligations be paid intr court v/i/hin twelve months from this day, and that uniefs the fame shall be so paid the equity of redemption of the said mortgaged premifles will from thenceforth be foreciofcd, 2nd othei proceedings take place pursuant to the the z£t of the general aflembly, in such raft made and provided. And it is further Ordered, In purfu ante of the said a<fl that this rule be published in one of the public Gazettes of this flats at ieaft once in eves, month, un/il the time for the payment of the money aforefaid into court, or served 011 the mortgager or his fpecia agent at lead fix months previous tc the time of payment as aforefaid. Extraii from the minutes 51 st Jan. iSof. J. Buitoc/j, elk. ram. txpi. Notice , THE fubferiber, fois imc since being cn his return from the Indian nation, came up with i JOHN IR VINE (as he called himlei) whr had in hispofielfion anew negro fel. !o.w ; from the countenance and cCn. vcifation cf Irvine, when interrogated ft o n whence he had come, the man ner in which be made reply, together ivith other ‘•rcu ntfances of his con luifl confirmed /he f&bf'criber in hit be. • its /hat /he negro had been Holers.— He therefo. e demanded of livir-.e in whaf way he had come to the poilri lion of the negro ; to w hich he re* j f urntd an avafie answer. ITe iub~ feriber told him he sud good icafo ■0 believe the negro had been Polen and was deteruiided to /ake /he ne gro from him and have him advertifee and in safe no pe?!n claimed him \vi 1 hin eighteen months vrOuld cither return or fell him. This is therefore lo notify all per 4 ‘ons whom if. doth or may concern. That /he fubferiber has in his posses. fion /lie said new negro ; he is abcut live fiet eife,ht inches high, aged be /ween twenty five and /nir/y years— no marks other than on his back, which appear to have fufflred under the Cowfldn ; speaks little or no English fays he came from Carolina, hut does not know whether from North or b\ uth, he irdiftisflly communicates (when asked in way the man came by him) that he took him up in /he road, when on his way to fi(h on fomr river or creek nearby. His own • er or owners aie therefore requefled to p/cve the proper/y of the nej,ro pay charges and /ke him away; Win. Neely. Camden Coui/y on S/. Mary’s River. Sepf, so. nmiß/n 7. i\o 1 IGF, A LI. Pcrfons havintj any dcnaaHs ag?.!nfl Tl. the estate of John Kaberlham deceased, are requefled to lead them in properly attes ted and these who are indebted te make pay ment 10 Joseph Habersham. Adminijlrator. January o 1 if 33 WAN TED TO H?RF, BY the Month, A good Cook waflier and Ironer. Apply at this office. 0(1. it 13 ts TO RhNT. THF. HOUSE & LOT near Brcf.ghton Stree-, formerly occupied by Edmond Bacon Eser, apply to ivoe 6c Davies. * 9 * !n . ! >• TIF . !;f;‘” AND- fovr.s r*Y!M’ HJ.V 0.'., t.- 1 !,y Vi'i'.i . U’ : at A. .. Na, d■ • pie;,.i,t !>v Mr. A'tdreiy® K:ir.\. : • rif pr-du/live and i ->m eiiimr fi-t ’u;-ion if. we! known, as to require rtur I further explanation. For terms ci.quire ol „ R. Wayne. November 1 \ a tor lITvERPuOU , GrilCx The new ftfl ftilinsj %y*y£ fili P J ’ uc y &Hi 15aleth ca P l ' 4 J°*f h Starke, mil ■er, wii: poli/ive’y c ommence loading on Monday rex*, he 28-. hir ft. acj havirg two 1 u- died bales Cotron of her cargo ready lo go rn beard, will meet immediate dTa ch. For freigh/ of from 300 to 35 a bales co:t n, ap ply to TAYLOR Si SCARBROUGH. C£t ber 26 6 1 18 CITY SHF RIFFS SALKS. ON Ike f.f Tuesday in December n.xt will h sold at the Ceti't home :u this city, d.tuu** thi hours oj /rn and thre; o'clock. A house m Fcrcivti Ward about 30 long and 18 feet wide, levied onus the ■ “s * perty of Walter Dr.ujhartv. Conditions Cash. John Williams, s. c. r i ts 19 tSu i tClk. NOTICE is hcieby given that the Subscriber will at tbs expiration of rine months frem the date, app'y to the Honorable the jufFecs cf the Inferior Court of this courty for Itave to fell and tlifpcfe cf all that irlacd cr tra£i es land gcneiL’ly known and called Burnside, togeiLtr with all it; appurtenances, contain? iog about two hundred and sixty su cres, of high la? and and a body o marfh adjeinit g thereto, lying ar4 . eir.g in this county ard siiuateu be tween Bevvlic and tkidaway Islands, o be fold as p?r: t.f t! e eftale c f Ja cob Wa utiurgher deceased for itc benefit of the /aid eftme. JOHN Mil I EDGE. Ex’or. of laid Eilat* A pH) iS I an. 9,11. 66. Commissioners OF PILOT AGE. Savannah, Juu: 4, 1801. IN cotilVquence of l'everal persons ael* tnj; illegal y as P, i,o ; 5. OatJEiiEn, That the secretary d® puhlifh monthly the names of luch Pilots 1 pnflefs Branches or certilicates from tEi* Board. Frets aS from the Minutes i homas Pitt, ■ kcrrM 6 v Agreeably tothe order of the Board d* hereby give notice, the following, persons on, ly, arc ciut) au horiled to aft as pilots , Richard Wall, branch Pilot, William Wall, Certificate Pilot a&ing ca ller linn. Thttntas Nottag-. Branch Pilot. Elijah Broughton, do. John Major, acting under him George Philips, George Conner, J John Brarsdy, George Morgan, Certificatt* David Brown, James Brown, Pilsts Ailingl Peter Ceai’ar, J. James Johnston, for themfelvea Ifliam Clay, James cranton, William Wylie, Hansford Bailey, Thomas Pitt, ecretary July 2. Prime COTTON o* RJCII Lands , For sale, by the fubferiber 45® acres on Colonels Island near Sunbury well adopted to the cultivation of Cotton ; on the preiniles one good dwelling house Cotton house and other suitable buildings necessary on a plantaw tion ; fuuated on alaltßiveif, . nJ in point of health and gooa water equal to any in the low country,, One other traft on Bull-towxy Swamp fix miles from Riceboro* adjoining lands lately bought by MefTrs. Miller & Currie, contain* ing one thoufar.d acres a larg4 body of the Tra<sl is of the finfe qualiry Rice land, one hundred . and fifty acres has been clearel and planted and may be again . fettled to advantage with bur little trouble. Terms will b. , rradeeafy tQpurchafersbyappry% i ingro A. Maybank* Sunbury, Oilober i, iatr4m. f