Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 19, 1805, Image 3

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Gm*t.t -Dly t-?, tkc favor of'.’. T. r * : * •’• ?e in :> ,;/i of ai! ■’; r he cau m acceptably * p’ oaclt hij i. ;.1 i h ft-.'t wh :■( naturally coudirtiK t; ‘ roan to love and companion, for to j paiiion* and ’ als f. atUy ar.d pr v ti>, y t fclVw part of the r;-.hcs ** | the polpe). Dear li i- rifts, we believe that tl Loro's goojetefs is tl 1! towards his p-o pi*. $ and t"i t fits language to tli m iti 1 • continues 1 > he finvlar to that which ol old was c- pveyed by the prophet. “ (J that there r.ere Uch a li-sil ;ii turn that they wouldjl fear me, and key* all nn cominannr i.fits al.vays ; tl.rt it might he well woh (hem, and with their ehii*rei {orcv(|r,'‘> Sigurd in and on behalf of t K e tneeti.m, ly JOSEPH GUKNEi, “ r C t:k to the Meeting this y ar. Gcomi a liepu hi:cr n, November, uj, t?o?. 1 HE C ifiice cr tiie GihO E GIA I v KFIIS-, LiCAN will this day be retiiovti l to the second Iron oi ; the houfb adjoining Meffij brinfruade 6c Ai cy, Wood houfe'e How, Pci Tons hav ing bulinefs in the office will find acctf. there to it through a o-ate in the lane, fronting Fir. .1, Gr:fon. —i- (V : ; •/?. ■— I OUISVILLE, (G.) Nov. 4 . On Monday la ft, the LcNlLture cf this ftfite convened at this place, and on the day following, harirg formed a house, th-y proceeded to fie choice of thtir officers, when general ‘Jared Irwin, was circled pr; tkletit of the senate ; Idit. ■iijm Robertson , Esq-. Secretary ; Cob Abraham Jaclftn, fpeaktr of the houfc <■l representatives j and Holt , Efqr. Clerk. His excellency the governor, being notified that both branches of the Le gislature were organi/ed and ready tc receive his comn!iiriic;ition7 bis Secreta ry del veted the following interdliug paper : r l luirfftay both branehre proceeded to the choice of? governor, by bailor, wire n it rj pt.irtJ that his excellency J'-hn MiUedge, had 61 voter, wherein he was declared duly elected. Fd ous C 4 th -ns (J list Ser i/e, nnd cf the hotj'r cf RrpffnlaUxs. A frw recks aritr thin Legiilature had arjnurrrcd in INcmber iaft, I 14- teivu! from the conar.’ffiui ers for open in,v the roiid, between this ft ate, ami the frate of TenntfiVe, tiiroirgh the Cf evo- Its Nation of Indians, a commnrm-atffin rotifymg me that tne road -.vss coin plcattd, so far as this flare had ftlputa ted on her part to perform—and I have liiice bten micrneJ, that the road is coon through* ul, and new uied by the citizens es b< th ftalcq in pnffing anti t pafnag with v. aggons aad oilier carriag es. The dispute refpefting the boundary line, he;war, the Bate of Forth Caroli na, and us, is (till tnifeuied—Oo the 111la of December last, 1 wrote the governor of that llate, and enclcftd him a copy < f the aft of the general AiTeur.oly, pas sed the 10th of that month, entirieo “An aft for appointing oomniiliionciK for afoertainirg and fixing the dividing line, b<twain this ftn'e. and the ilate o. North Caroiir.a, ttquribpf that be would L-y the fame before tfi.e kgiilmure of that ftatr, if in ft ffion, and informing him of n-.y rcadintfa to appoint con-miffioie'-s on the part of this Hate lo run the lino ; In an fiver to my letter I e informed ire, that the lcgiflature of North Carolina was not in It ffion at the time of rcceiv. i- g my letter, with its ciidofuic, but had lifted an aft txtcaiiug the provifiou*) <f an aft pt.ffed in 1803, for afeert.lin ing and fixing the boundary line beUvten that ltate and* Sccth Caiotina, to Goor g I?.— aud that if I ft-culd thii k proper to procteti in tertr * of that l iw, tic would d-rest the cotnmiiitortrg on the part of Forth -Carolina, to atteua those vhioh ft,cold be r[pointed by date—The aft transmitted comairitd the fame pro v.fion which had heretofore been the tbftacle to the ru’ ting ol tire line. Be hoving that I fl.onid grtat-y depart fiorn the interest of the date, were l to .accede to the preptdiuon North Ca ra'ina, Ia ain wrote the governor or that Hite, endeavourtFj’ to point *--<■ ’* ie :m ----propriety of tire exaftton made by North Carolina on Georgia. My letter? toge ther with ti e at.twer the;cio, arc con tiined in packet no. 1. Out.ages of a violci.t nature have been ccmmilted with in our ltfjipoftd iiinsuiftional litn.ts of Walton County, lo ns to render the au thority of ti e hate lav * of little or no blueing uiflii. nee ;a that quarter. it tiierefore behoves you as early a? poffiole, t<, Gko th ; s fuhjeft under your confide-1 ration If’ vou Ihottld be with me in .cpir-ion that North Ceroiina has no rightful claim to v.hnt lhe require*, per mit me to tugge ft the propriety of ouri celling ca the legislature of that Itate, tc ?g’.ee to a convention bring held by three or more citizens eacu state, to take under eon fide ration the Cubi.ct matt etc of c< ntreveriy aud to ie. rir.ine the U ne—ar.d, in the event ot ‘their not agre-bg, for them to be veiled • v,*l. the p-rt.roi tallotirg-for ot:c or. Biorc perform., not citizens of either hate, decr4-'a ft*®-* h-i txciJnte anri five-. _.w ’ t. r~ 5 . ’ ” .1 j e-X r ‘ I .n a..heis from lie ’ . ‘ IVsUon C ur ty, f-liciii.. ‘•'ll ft not ac c ie to the views if it in mnniiig the line— >>ip -t*rer with c- p e - >f fovea l nffilaviis, “ig t*e outrages above alluded to. In compliarci; with the aft entitled, a i rrt to compel tiefpaffers on the ltd fout h of the Oconee, lately ceded y the Creek I .ftianu, to leturti within ne fritted limits of the ftatr,” 1 iffiled my prociama.i.m bearing date the tween a y Event h day of December la ft, rtqui ing the commanding office-8 of the re gimental diftrifts of militia, opp dite the land, to employ p.. rfons to m-Ke litis of hecitiztn6 ot tiiiaiiaie, who had btcone trefp.fkrs thereon, and of oilier trespas sers not citizens of this Hate, who fltould refufe to abide by the requititionsef that proc'amation, and trar.fmit the fame to . eof file in die executive office, for the pu'pofes contemplated by t he laid ad.— ll’ackci, no, 3, contains a copy of that : proclamation. No lifts having been trantmkted me, on the 15th ot May, 1 wrote by expitfs to the commanding officers of the regiments before mention. cJ—P?ckct,no 4, contains a copy of that letter, wild the anfvvers thereto, which v 11 point out to you that no mca ture, was left undone by me, to have the ad aforefiiid carried Hilly and com picatiy mtoelfect—Vou will find in one 1 stance only has a return of the trcfpas lers been made as the law required 1 but in every calc, where a pcrlon has been named a trclpsffer, and has been alio a icrtunaie drawer in the lottery, I dee med it proper to withhold the grant. The Senate of the United States, having rejeded the treaty, made by the Superintendant of Indian affairs sot the Southern Department, with the Creek Indians, which went to extend cur boun dary to the Oakmulgee river, rendered it unneciffary to convene an extraordina ry meeting of the Legffiature ; I was therefore left to pursue the meafurcs p>inted out by the act entitled, “An aft to make dillribution of 1 lie late celfion of land, obtained from the Creels nation, by the (J. S. Coinmdlioncrv, in a treaty entered into at, or near Fort VV il kitiion, on the iixttenth clay of June, ldoi.” Several of the fnrveyors of the Diftrifts, u'jt makir-g timely returns, ot thetr l rrvcys into tlie Surveyor General’s office, occaiioned the drawing of the lot tciy to he prolrafted to the- iwetuy fe day of July hit—The fractional par: cf fuiveys, now only remain at the ililpoial of the ilate ; A reviliou us the judiciary lyftc.n will be proper, not only .0 remedy defects which may be found io txift, lnt that Superior Courts may be held within ihc new couulies agreea bly to Ihe ConlLitution. I fiibmit to'the Legifhture vhether a in our penal coue, would not also be proper—in lornc cases it appears to me, that the puniftirnent is too ianguioa ty —the ellect of which has a tendency top often to induce the jury after finding i the prifonev gudty ot the crimes with | which he is charged to recommend him {to Executive clemency, and which never j iaiis to be accompanied by the humane intercciiioii of many of our fellow citi- Tic-es from the neighbourhood, where tilt ! ..fence has beer, commuted —to with. lu.i-i i jai'don under circumhanccS, \ iTjl;ii be to luppo.e lot; cxeeulivt Utvoiu of fenCbility, and regarchfs of his obli gation to Lrciety, ol cau ling justice to be xccuud in mercy—thus the cu-pnt e. capes puiiiihment. In one milanet—the penalty inflifted for fleciiug cattle, 13 derived from an old ! iiutute passed in 1773. *n my opiniou the puuifnment is too severe and not juft ‘y proportioned to the crime.—Sangui nary laws tire not congenial with the na ture if our government, and the preven tion of crime;! dtpenift more on the cer tainty than the ftvtrisy of pumfhments. It would be proper fer you to provide ways ar.d meins v-hereby to dlfcharge the debts due arid owing by the Kate, a llatcrr.cnt cf which was presented to the last Iregifl aturc, by their committee of finance, and entered on the journals; and to 1 heg leave lo refer to you; as soon as tire difference is fettled vrith North Carolina, a revenue may be deriv ed from the fal: cf the lands m Walton county, which remain unlccaled, after the inhabitants fettled thereon at the tirrett was ceded io us by the General goverument, have had lccured to tirem the allotments allowed them Ly the law tor laying out that county.; Relotut-.oiu palled by ti c Legiftators of the itat.lß nt Kentucky and North Carolina, recommending alterations in ihe ledei *l conltitnlion, have been traul milted to me for your concurrence— copits cf-which with copies of Krioiu tii ns vtfftd hy Malldchufctts and fenn* iy'vnr-ia, the former coi.eurring with North Carolina, and the latter with Ken tucky in the proposed amencmcrit will be found in packet No. 5. Allow me to fay ori the fuhjeft of the resolution of the Itate of Kentucky, that lame of our fellow citizens complain of ’.he right of aftion in eaier cogmfable in the Federal court*, being transferable by tiie citizens ol Georgia to the citizens ot other dates,/or tltepurpofe <rl bringinj theniwithin the jurisdiction of the circuit court, which deprive > them ot the bene fit cf a jury cf the neighborhood to which they conceive themlelves entitled, and many of them are compelled to go a diftarcc in attending that court, upwards of one hundred and fifty rniics. That repeated ceiayj ire occasioned by the lengthy pleadings of the Federal pradtice acawncii upon decree is nad, in the circuit court, the diflatufied party tas a nget to a writ of error, trust? bc f-r ’ IVr"?’-‘ j T?e wnnrf, r ’ *. ’■ f ’-c ----. iaims t!i. j'ulii.i- y law of the \ T nitetl Siat-o, m a y hae witliu liv years after the 1. ft •!< v n,u ot the <•. ui‘ ■ou t—vhertiw l.anni ui cr.uf.a to <• • O C* 1 length of time when the principal par?hr r.fpoiuiei t may be a l drafl. a.ift only or phans left a? parties ititcrtftcfi locoiuvarv to that cx tc'Unt maxhn, which requires j.iftice to be aelminifteted fpeedity with out delay—To fay nothing of bring com pelled to travel better t!.n fix hundred miles to the fc3t of national government, where that court is held, and the great ex pence in defending a iuit in that high tribunal. Our citizens conctive the grievance to be greater when they know that the (late couits are in every quarter fully and regularly exercised, rud justice brought to the door of every individual. 1 cannot oinit mentioning to you the glori ous intelligence, tliat cur fellow citizens, ivho v ere lately in bondage in Tripoli, are now free—Wlm a fnurce of fatisfxAion nuift. it b to every citizen of the United Stales, to know that ar. soon as the information was received of then misfortune, which made them captives, the energies of our Nation were immediately empiswed for their deliver* ance with, that wifiiont, which we have rea fnn to hope will always be found whenever occasion may require. While this oircuni ftance affords its reason to rejoice, there ts another which, if ivc accredit,the various chan nets of public intelligence, forebodes a rap ture with one es the nations of Europe. This ierves me again to call on the l.egillutttre amply to fnpply the llate with the means of Jefts.ce, aid 1 trull the General Alfembly will not rife from its fclßon, until provdion is made li r the acenmplilhment of fodeEt ahle and important an object. There are oilier ccmfiderations which can r.otbe too often brought before our Legisla ture —inch as making provilion, where it may be required, for the education of our \ outh, on which depends the prefervaJon of dim excellent government; and for the im provement of cur high ways and water couv les, each cf which lias been gteatlv attended to by other (Late::, and for which the jni\ prailesotihe enlightened and intelligent of mankind, brth at a home and abroad have been belt-’- ed upon them. The Militia la .l having veiled the Major Generals cotlef.ively with the power cf the de termining on the uniform for the refpedlive. corps cf Militia, I deemed it p.roper to con vene them at this place*, on the of An guftlall, fur that 0! je£t; I herewith transmit m packet No. 6, the refuil of then- meeting. I.i purfu,nice of a concurred resolution of the iait General Aflembly, certain papers in the Treasury, to wit—Paper Medium, Audi ted Certificates, funded CcrtiHcltvs, Gover nor';. Warratus, President and Speaker's W arrant?, &c. Jic. Were dcilroyed under the infpeflion of tliej’iealhier, Comp-rroller Ge neral, and my fell, having been lirft entered in a book provided for ihat purpose, as the resolution required. On the :7th ofhll month, I had an inter view with the Ihperlntendam of Indian Af fairs, who was 011 his way to the feat of Na tional ftovernment with a deputation of Creek Indians, v ho, lie laid,'were veiled with full power to dispose of the lands to the Oak-.nulgee River.—Having befote received m fubltance the above information, 1 took an early opportunity of writing to the secretary of war, reminding him of the claihis cfour citizen?, for depredations committed by the Indians at tliil'crcitt jiericds, a schedule of which I had before transmitted; a c- ppyof my letter and his answer thereto, are contain ed in packet No. 7, The warrant* which have been drawn on the treasury, during the political year 1 805, you will find in packet No. 3a mounting io the aggregate, to the lum of D 44,364 24 1-2 cents ; I). 37 469 97 cents ot winch were fpeei?lly appro priated by iaw.—Out of the fifteen thouiand dollars appropriated as a con tingent. fond, 1 have drawn to the a omimt of D. 6,894 27 1-2 cent3 of which D. 465 64 3 4 cents were requir ed, by a concurred and approved rtlolu ticn of the iaft general aflembly, to be drawn from that lintd. The only cases if an extraordinary nature with which the contingent funn iias hten made cliargai/ie are for the pay and fubfiftance of a guard in Chatham county, to prevent the spreading of the final! pox —lor the labounoue taiit of ar ranging and tranferibing in alphabetical order the names cf our fellow citizens throughout the fbte, who were entitled to draws in the late Land Lottery—and for the expenccs of three of the cam miffiooers of fatd lottery, while at the feat of government—no special appropri ation having been made in their favor, I thought it but justice to defray their cx penctc, not doubling but that the legis lature will amply reward them for their ferviccj, which were faithfully and fatis fadtorily performed, A lift of Executive appointments made ’ during the recefa ~f the Lcgiflature, is j marked No. 9, and v/ill require your in terference. JOHN AIILI.EDGE. Stale IlaitCc, Louisville, Nov 4 , r SOS. JONH JACKSON. HAS received fr. the ships ELIZA, STOKES, and MARSHALL, L Ut V li A J( , from Liverpool, a General assortment of goods, consisting of the j otlo'wsng FT'. Superfine Broad Cloths and Cassirneres, Do. F. fhionable colors anci La nilla Velvet, Do. do. do. Cord, 4 Bales London Duff. Blanket i. o, Bath Coating and Fearnought, Seamans Great Coats, Fluffing Coats, Cardinals, Blue, l>Jack, Grten, J Red, Brown and lamnet.j White, J Olive Fmlean3, Black,Drab, J -- buff, Olive, l J“'C“1 TU ” White, j tiivmas, r 1. Gr-i* s'vftJ! ‘ T *f f ‘o-r, IHo v or.-r.rib np T - Joi u. n. ( 'hi'dr. iH- D -ijfr, A.aprr fabler Li.i.,s end Na > Fus, Pocked Handle -rvhiHs. Gemfiintps w..lh Leather and Leaver Gloves, Gailys ditto cliito, Uy White Cambtick Mi?*, 13j. Excra Long V r enttian Bc-vei Gloves, 00. do. do, F twn do. Fashionable white Silk M:ts, Sewing Silk, London ail Colors, Whited Brown, _ Latent Nuns, Oz- I 1 HR EA &- n-'.bu-g, J Ribbons^ Cambrick Star Buttons, L-cndyqr. Binding,Bed Ticking, White, and Black Silk, anti Cot ton Coiil Trimming, Eltck I Tod-*, Black Silk Shawls, Black Italian Crape, Blue, Dark and Light, Satin Striped Cotton, Holland, Sheeting Linen, A Hamifome assortment of Furniture, Calico, Printed Cambric, Cambric Muffin and Lapper, Do. do. Open Work’d, Do. do. Spots, Do. do. Hair Card*, Do. Shawls, Romuii, Pullicu-t, A Madrafs Silk, \ HandKfs - Bordered Silk and Cotton Sooses, Liam Silk Mufiins, Checked do. do. Rich Black Silk do. Cotton Chambrays, rurnitu r e, Dimity, Checkered Ginghams, Marieilfis Quilting, Molt Fafli ionabie, Apron and Shirting Check, Black and White Knitting Cot ton, I urkey Red, Twills Cotton, Silk, Cotton and Leather Patent Sufpemicrs, Childrens Red, Black and Green Morocco Caps. Saddlers Spring Webb, Woolen Giovt sand Negro Caps, ALSO. 30 Doz. Call ‘'ted Patent Hoes, do Doz Best Steeled Broad do. i Calk Bioad Axis, Ca pcntr s Adzes, Smiths Slcdgr ami hand Hammers and Files, Smiths Anvils, Iron Wedges, Frying Pans, Befl Steeled Socket Spades, ( looks anci Hinges, Rice Seivts, • 3 Calk Latent and mould i*hoi, and Bar Lead, 50 Kegs belt white Lead, to do Span sh Brown, 20 Tierces brown Stout. Porter 2 Calcs belt Flour of Mullard, 1 do. do. of Sulphur, 3 Casks Refined S Itpettr, 3 FJhds. green Copperas, 1 do Glue. 30 Boxes Pip?s, ;o Boxes 8 by 10 Crown Win dow Glass, 50 Jugs builc-d Lin feed Oil, 70 Kegs, 6d. BJ. lod. and aod. Nails, Iron Pots from 2 to 20 Gallons, Dutch Ovens, various sizes, Kitchen cait iron hire Dogs, Skillets, Sad Irons, Iron 1 timed Tea Kettles, Care Bushes. With a handsome and fxtenfi/e assortment o: CROCKERY WARE both in Sets complete and by the ii.'iglc Piece. deceived Pr. the Two- Friends fi'om Bolton, 500 Pair Negro Shoes, 2 Frunkk mens br.c Si coarse b do. Ladies ar.d MiJie , 1 , Morocco ar.d l_.cailier Slippers, Boxes of Chocolate, Kegi iiumfadtued i'oliacco, Coicon Cards No. 10, and 100 Beit blue •'ret GriadlWs. Mav. i<j jot 25 NOTICE. ALL fy-zlom having dem;m4 tht U‘ p - fcf'-a .i.lViment r,f Lyon L Marie, or <A the ‘.lt of Sarnufl Morlt- ot th:s ti-.y, <J. cj;u<J, Att delireJ to reniitr them to tli Ini. | vih-.r oroperly at't I’" 1 , ntl iholv v-1.0 a--I j. l-.ti L*?! wi Ido a Grv-ire to tli Wi4-ny ai.ii ( i'ii lien oi iiai Morft uy ina'Jng Ijievjy yy- 1 r.-.tnt. Curtis Bolton, A'l n’r. tl- Aid JVlarfW ilte | Apv, 1$ a,. f (I ?iA-> *•” - - I . -ik i r 7 ii ”* . ,y -,*. ‘\jbitl ntt j.„ e,. ■'/ ,>■ t, .if ‘■ n Oj J/at ft: o 1. , i_ j.,f .. 3; : i i,;. -•j J a c nnc 20 half dr. k FJ C (JR 137 Birois Ll-.f BREAD, 1/ Barrel . Loaf SUGAR, to Kegs Maiiufa&urtd TOj B ACC O, 2o KegsFrefß BUTTER, qo idalf Bartels n / CRurK* 5* Kegs > ers, CONDI I IONS, all luins over one hundred dollars, note at 6o *!ays, with improved uidoncrs > adding bink discount. IMMEDIATELY after, faf 12 o clock tefor: tt e Ehusiriuei s AUCTION STORE, io FJhds. & 12 Barrels prime SUGAR, 4 Pipes Cogni ac BRANDY* t Pipe Holialpd GIN, 3 Chells Sousnong TEA, la Firkins BU LTER, 4 Casks Wrought NAILS, i Cask SPIKES, ao barrels Supeifine Phila delphia FLOUR, 8 Barrels BEER, i Cask Vedoncii WiNF, ALSO, i Bale Duffly BLANKETS* 12 Pieces Coarse CLOTHS* 30 Pieces Irish LINEN >, 20 Pieces FLANNELS, 60 Pair Rose SI ACKIIOUbI -, Aud’r. __Nov. 19 24 AUC HON, On Friday tbeitJi.iJ). <wi!t p-fith'eh It J'oU, wi bout the tc,if rfn>t whatever i at my fort. 40 pieces Bed Tickings 64 ditto. Checks various co-* lours 16 do. Linens, 8 do. Superfine Cloths, 40 dozen Linen Handkerchiefs 7 boxes German Steel fir It quality, 6 pieces FT Ilians firfi quality 30 do. Diaper, 10 elegant Clocks for manthi pieces, 16 pieces coarse Browh Linens 20 ditto, fancy S.ufF for Letti coats 19 do. Mufqueto Netting, 50 do. Cambricks, 12 dozen Cotton night Caps, 4 Boxes Calti e Soap, y empty irunks, With a variety of othef Goods. bale to commence at o’clock. Porch .Lrs will do well to at tend this bale, as not an article idvcrtiled, but what will fi<- positively fold to the highest bidder. R. JACOBS, AudV. Nov. icy. N vjTkJJI, I he firft Saturday in December next, being a quarterly c rmmunica-* /10a of tiie Grand Lod r ,e of Georgia, he members will 10 venc ;>t tin o cluck on jhat day at the filature in nis city. j tie ic r pc'6tivc are parti; uhtrly requcltcd to attend by that proper Reprelen'a/ives, being for rhu tlefition of Grand Officers, By or der of the Grand Master. WILLIAM DAVIFS. N’ V.JQ —7 5 Cra*td Ser.rt'etry, A r a meeting of fit Tt ujlitt'a) Tt frfSy* tenun Chut eh, on the jjr/j November t ICj ; The following Rfution nvat ordered le Le publifked . “ l he J tuttecs having takerl a view of the funds of “ Church finds that conlidera “ ble sums of money are due * * c hac the funds now in hand* “ are inadequate to answer toe “ t-e.nands ol the Church, there* ** fore t Re/oivcA, time the p: t* lons who have notes due, btf ‘ rarndtly lulicitei to make im “ mediare payment, and that ref “ ob.aining this desirable objedQ l< an authorifed agent Will call ‘‘ on eacii debtor for the arnounc “ by him or her due, and thert “ it neglected to be paid, the? “ ‘I ruftecs will be under thd “ dilagreeable necessity cf rom “ pilling the coikdtfon of ihe “ ©uiUaudiog notesi by legal means. The ablbluie “ of C(h is the only motive “ moving tl.c TrufUo iu U,i4 “ rii(:.uuir.” Noy, 7 24