Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 03, 1805, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Aol. IV. No. 12. J Six Dollars a Year, half in Advance.} COFFEE. 5 J lags prime GREEN COFFEE, just uciv. ,7 and fur sale by AUGUST G. OIiMLER. & Cos. Nov. 29. ts H>- i TO RENT, ( FOR one year or more and poß'.iuan g.ven *;t the lirftof Jami.,ry next, a ‘.inn cor.tanil.tig , forty Eve acres of Rice and Cotton Land m I prime order tor paining ; joining J r.feplt I Grants plantation near Sttvarnah, on tlie T. uadi rbolt road, with good plantation buildings thereon far terms apply to Mary Giuis. Nov. 29th ts- PAINTING & GLAZING, THE ?atife ibef V.ts taken the Shop late ly occupied by Mr. Rice the Watch Maker in the Lane as a worhfliop, and three or four doors to the Wcltward of Media Until and WUUon's; Vv’here he carries on the, Tioufe Sign, Painting, Gla zing & Paper Ranging, 6?c. S. H. KEEN. Njvem'er 29 tj 26 j - A Man, vrbe is acuainted with the plant ing-cf RICE, immediately, and Who under Hands the management of Negroes, apply to, GEORGE W. ALLEN Si idaway. November 29 ts 26 SAVANNAH MARINE Hospital & Poor-House The l'u'oicribcr being appointed by t’neit Honors the juJtices of the Inferior Court, overseer of tiie l’onr and file Medical aflift ant to the Poor Hoiti’e and .Seaman's Hospi tal, gives Pubhc Notice, that be is now ready to receive into the Inllitu.ion, any person cr persons belonging to the C- unty ; or lick Seamen, who il.all make application to him for aumifTion. He has to requelt that in future the citizens will not give any rebel to psrfor.s af heir doors, as the arrangements made for their reception is fucii as will lu pevetdethe Neceffuy of their giving Charity in that way ; (botiiii they however, feel dii pol'ed to alibi the institution, any donation w R be thankfully teeeived and faithfully ac counted tor, by MOSES SHEFFTAL. November z: ts 25 THE WIIHRF AND STORES ‘JV’ORMERLY occupied by Meflrs. Wilson X. ti Knox, and i.t prefentbyMr. Andrew K.UOX. The ir p oductive and convenient li tuation is Jo wed known, as to require 110 further explanation. For terms enquire ol R. Waj ne. November 1 19 James Carrathers, HAS Imported per Jlip ABCONA, and nova landing, jtveral cases of Mens fafhionabic LONDON HATS. Halters trimmings, andflat point nails, 4 d. if led. Also, Per TiPPOO SAII3. 150 Tens common SALT, 50 stoved ditto, V Gales elegant cut GLASS, 35.0 Dozen BROWN STOUT, ON HAND, GUNPOWDER, in kegs, Nov. 2* ts 25 * tTo T I C E 7 ALL persons having any demands against the efiate of JOSIAH TATTNALL Junr. elquire are rcquetled to render ther* properly attefled and thole indebted are de- Lred to make payment to Ebenezer Stark Moore’s Wharf, GEORGE JONES, 7 Pv ,„ E. JACKSON. 3 S * Aprilaj A8 NO FloE. Persons who have demands against ths estate of Thomas Green, hte of Tavannih, r!c. are requested to render them properly artefled and /hose in de ted will please make payment to the iubfcribtr immediately. jno. 13. Bennett, Admin Jlrator. OSoher 25. 6l law. 9. Notice. !S hereby given, that af/er the ex’ pira/ion ct inns: months fom the care thereof, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Ccurr for the county of Cam-cn, for leave 10 fd he ■ tal tP.De of James Vince//, we ts thefaid Couti/y dec. for the bene fc of tne heirs and creditors. i iioma, King T > Aclmr's /rclid. Clark. Aug M 17 T omiam. V AN'iLiJ JniiLecliatejy, A Negro woman who is a good Cook, profiler See. Her wages will be paid regularly anJ ilie will iccdve gGod treat r.cnt. Apply to th printers. Nov. 26 A. & S. RICHARDS, (Clays Wharf ) Have received pr. Brigs Lovely Lass and Washington from New York, zo Pipes Cogt.iac BRANDI', 2 Ditto 11 Aland GIN, 2 Hide. Loaf SUGAR, 20 Barrels Ditto. 38 Barrels Brovin SUGAR, 6 Boxes SADDLERT, 4 Key SALT PENT RE, Yards Negro CLOTH , 10 Kegs bfjl Englijh GUNPOW DER, 300 FI I NTS, A [..SO, on hand 50 Hhds. prime Martinique MO- lit for retailing, all of which t he/” will fell on their usual low terms. Nov. 15 6t jj i\U I'lLh. ’ t N KE Subf.ri v.t intending to be abfentfo -t- fume months h:-.s appointed the Edward Telfair, Charles Oddingftlls and John Laivfon, Esq’rs lus attorney s, who will ran:,ad any bulinelshis, during M atthe \v M ” A11: ft er. April 15. ts Notice , THE fubferiber, tome time fine being on his retur.i fr-sm the India nation, tame up with a JOHN IR VINE (is he calit.d himielf) v><; had in his poficili >n .1 new ne *ro fed ow ; from the countenance and con /erfation cf Irvine, when interrogated from whence ho had come, the man in which he made reply, togethe with ether circumftsnces ol his ton duct confirmed .'he mtifcriber in the be lief that /he negro had been ftolen,- H; therefore demanded of Irvi s i wiiaf way he had come to the poll-.! .'ion of the negro ; to which he it turned an avails atifwer. The fab” feriber told him he had good reaf. 0 believe the negro had been ftolc and was detertnided to /ake /ne ne from him and have him advertif und in tafe no peti*n claimed hi ; wiihin eighteen months would eitlvc return or fell him. Tiiis is therefore to notify a!! prr Tons k’hom it do.h or may concert I'iiat/h: fubferiber has in his pofi';s fun ftid new negro; lie is ab ut live ftcr eiuht inches high, aged be tvveciftwenty five and t'ahty yc.*rs — no nifki c.her than or his back which appear to have fuftcred under the Cow [kin ; speaks iittle or no EngliQ fays he came from Carolina, but does not know whciher from North o South, he indiftir6lly communicate (whenafked in wh t way the mar came by him) that he took him up ii /he road, when on his way to fifh oi fume river or creek nearby. His own er oi owners a. e therefore requelfet to p. ove the proper/y oi the negre pay chaiges and t ake him awav: Win. Neely. Camden Ccu-ty on S/. Mary’s River. Sept, ?o, iamiSm 7. LOST or MISLAID, THE following rotes of hand, a 1 ; made payable to the la/e AMBROSt GORDON, Esqr. dcc’d. One drawn by Alexander Johnftcn, dated 7/h May 1804, ill June, 1804, for 448 dollars and 4; rents —One drawn by Grern R. Duke da/ed 13th June, 1803, payable 90 days after dace,for 181 dollars 53-4 cents. One drawn by Lemuel Kol lock, dated 6/h August, ißco, pava ble to days after date, for 187 dollar 50 cents. Or e drawn by Hugh Ma. gee, dated 3d May, 1804, payable 6c days after date, for 5/ dollars 97 cents One drawn by Cha-ies Lindergree. . dared 3d May, 1804, payable 30 day’ after date, for 100 dollars. One drawi by Nathan Beal for ieo dollars, but ro whom payable I do not recoiled!, left by Charles Goodwin, Esqr, for ccllediion. ALSO, A receipt signed by Sir, Thomss Bonfall o f England for 100 pounds erlirig, to Mils Ann Davies, with se veral receipts on the back for the in re* rest. All persons are forbid trading for the above notes, and the drawers from paying them to any perlon but he fubffiber, if they Die uid net be found before the next Inferior Court, application will be made Ar a renew. Ict them,any person finding and de livering them to the fubferiber will bt hzodfamely rewarded. JOHN MEAD. Au_uft 2 rs 98 Savannah : Printed for JAMES LYON and the WIDOW of SAMUEL MORSE. FOR LIVERPOOL. . THF. Staunch fafl failing tfhip N&S HUDSON, r ANDREW TOMBS M,v rru, Burthened about 620 Bales COTTON, ivill commem e loading To-morrow, and re ceive immediate Dispatch. Tor Freight of twohuudred ami fifty t. three hundred ilalis Gution. Apply on board, or to Taylor & Scarbroujrh. FokSale O N BCAKI) Tr. F. SA 1 D hip, One Ton Cordage ASSOUTIiD, M 1 util and P'iot Rolls of Sheet LEAL), Piirdl'eaof HAY. \V r liite Tine Boards and TLAKK, Nov 26 6t. 26 1 ducaTTonT^ Grateful for ;l>e dii’.ipgniilied patronage he has experun etd i.nce his ellablillnneut lit Savannah, Mr Green with (It fcrctict: informs friends and the public, that the Ladies Literary fchool, and the (t rarnntat and .Mat h en.atical lchools, are Hill .conduced by him on the fame extensive plan, as at their co.n mencement. The course of the fcl.ooU, indtules Reacl ufT, Grammar, El'cuiiiit and Rhetoric. Writing in a’l the tslcful oniant;inal hands, Ari'hme ir. Book keeping, according to ('.• veral fj Lents, Geography and tlie tile, •••:rawing copying of Maps m different pro j. flions, tl.e elements of Aftronomr, and •' ; >e ufc of the Globes and To luriatt Hiilory and Chronology. lit the Mathematical department, the •••’;, ,!s wi Ihe carefully mflractcd in Algebr; .'reomety, Trigonometry, Conic Scciioi m 1 Fiux.on ~ witlt tlieir application to tin iitifinels of lile and the tnvefligation offci “r.ce. Sixteen years experience in his profeflion, and a f.tcred and unremitting attention i< he rrorz-is and real improvement of bis j.u pils will, be h .pc, continue to him frun a liberal and enlightened public, a ill are o, hat favor winch lie has hitherto experienced Pupils admitted without Entrance, til! be tit of the enCuing January. /„A Dancing Master cf eminence will attend the Schools. November 5 ;o KO • ir-.K iis A.t is., Have jufl received per the Inf; Eleanor torn Bolton, and tor fate at their itorc, bmitli and ilourke’s wharf 8 Hltda. retailing Sttgarj, 500 pair r-.-gru Shoes. ON FI AND. 18 Ilhds N. Rum, jo Bbls Mackarel, 10 boxes Cotton Cards, 2 bales Blankets, 1 do. low pi iced Broadcloths, 1 trunk 4-4 Irifii Sheeting?, 1 case 4 4 and 3-4 Xrifii linens, 10 Bids. Beef, 4 pipes Holland G‘n, 3 do. Coghiac Btandy, 20 Bolts Ilunian Duck. Nov. 1 ts 19 Lor Sale. ONE of the moft valuable trails of Land upon the Ahamaha, cort/ainirg bout eleven hundred acres of Rite Swamp in the belt pitch of tide. Tim .?£l is about f.v; miles above the own of Darien, was, prior to the re olutionaiy war, the piopccty of (he ate governor Wright, and has for a feUltmerd, attached immediately t< the Swamp, one of Tc molt Ljuti ful and moft elevated ii/uauons upon the river. Petfons wishing to pir chafe this properiy will apply to Edward Swar Neck or William Mein, ilfqri. at Savannah, where a plat of the Lane nay be seen. Obfober 35. rs. q, Bonavenru e. THIS elegant retreat about 4 miles from Savannah, on WafTuvv river, i:> offered ir aleal'e for fix or seven vears, for the be tie rit cf die heir, a minor, on terms that will suit hose inclinable topri’.efi, so valuable a piece f ground, as well caleu.atttl for health as for plea fine prr fit. Apply to W. STEPHENS, } ~ N. TUKNBULI., 5 Guardians. Augult <) 56 10 Dollars Reward, Kara way a Negro man named CUFFY belonging to the Sobfcri •er, stout made about 5 feet nil e < r ten inches high, had on v.hcn he wen; away a pair of wid e woolen over ills and a ted jacket ; he is very a. t ful, and as he got on a fonner occa. fion as far as New.Yc.ik, may anc probably will attempt to go ofl All captains cf vefiels are hereby cau tioned against carrying him away s< the law will be enforced agai: ft any erfon haibourii g him or carrying him cu; of the Hate, STEPHEN ELLIOTT. CenWrV ,f SJ 1 vj K l I\ j . ‘T'HE HOUSE ti LOT ne:ir A Street, formerly occupied by Ltbnontl Bacon E -o.r. apply to Koe <Sc Davies. Vi 95 TUESDAY, December 3, 1805. JOHN JACKSON, 11 .s j:if! received per the 1 •J-oSAI, Boa. n an and ttoau opening, One c.-sk. Common, St call ace. Tatent Graf Scy the., do. do do. Strav Kneves, liorfe Bells, open month, powder and B acking. One cask, Containing Japanned Ware, Vie. Nejv invented e iTc 11-ggina, lit cad Uaik.* . Butt t and Giafs Stands, Ladies amt Geutlem ms Drcfl ing Cal'es, Card Racks. Chrcfe Waggons, iCa G.*0.l 1 es. Ll l- liaads, lez i'ea Pots, Round 1* ate Warmers. Ki.ih Trays, Eli gout T--a Trays, various sizes, Segar cases, C'oal Ili ds, and Three Hints. Felt liats, 2', tot. 2fi. by i he hlii]) Marlin 1 just I'rom *’ ivevpooi. The Stibfcrihers have veceit ••! the reroaut. der of their Supply of Fail fc Winter goods, which are ofl'ered for Sale as uluah—They i.'.ve. alio for lale anew buili l'etiiau,..'i r 1 I .ihout <0 ton, Inn,hen, G tnidetely llg> 1- CUR TIS BOLTON Cm N ivemtter 21 ts 2■; ~C OFFER io.coo Wt.—FOR SzfLi'. li'i Jjrooki o’ Dunning. (Bolton’s \\ r u \up.) November ti 2’ 2 ■ OYSTERS fl! ’ THE SUBSCRIBER iniWru. the PUB LIC that liis OYSTE K-MOUbE will b, ,■ .’.l ii. ■iiing: and hopes, by Uriel attention, to < pe t icnce the cncourcgcnr.c-'.t formerly received Fie will also continue to put up pickled OYSTERS as usual for far.tiiie:. in the country and Town and cabin tiles. (L ilcndricksoH.’ Kov’p.tYibef 22 ts ?5 ue MiDscnbui s, HAVING entered into Cep at trier ship un er the Firm of SiiH/lrha iy DkrsoJLK, Offer the Public their services as Facto- KKRS id ACF.NTS. THEY receive and dispose ts all kinds of produce , Houses, lauds, Negroes, or any other sped sos property, on commission. They having a general knowledge of the DRY GOOD y GROCERY BU SINESS, sff.r their services to Country Mcrch,in/s, and in making purchases and for war, ing agreeable to order any articles in that line—and when cJh is deposited with them, they attend .tuitions and buy at the lowijl Rates. M. Shearer, jno. DrysdaJe junr. N. B. V heir Counting Room is ad joining the Post Office, S. E, corner cf the Exchange. Nov. JO ts 24 NOTICE, A LI., l’crfons having any tiemands av.nini the date of John llabfrfiiam dnceafinl. are tequefled to fend them in properly attes irdand thole tvlio are indebted to make pay ment to , Joseph Habersham. Adminiflrator January 10 ts IVJL L BE HOLD AT AUCTION, on the 31st of December next, b/ virtue of a transfer from Jair.cs Lyon t Jacob Gift, one half of the Prin ting eftablifhmen: of the Geor gia Republican ft? State Intelligen cer, intituling the Profs, Types, anti materials a:cached to tfit lame. ALSO, a few books, blank cart’s &c. The sale will commence at 10 o’clock, at the Printing Oliicc of the Georg a Republican, v/luti the conditions will Lc made known. IIAZEN KIMBALL, AciNT FOR JaCOmCiST, Nov, i tj 24 NOTICE. ALL person. havimr tidiia.iil. nj/aii A t"i ■ late eitablihimeiU of 1 yon .MtrlV, or r i -ft eitate of Samuel Morie lete of this if, tie cealed, are defined to render them to the Inb. fcriher properly att< 1 eil, &ltd thole who are indebted wt ldo al’rwire to the widow and cliildreu of laid Moist by n.akinj; lpcicb. pay ment. Curtis Bolton, A drVr. cnlaid <eiUtc, Nov. it/ 24 zi. . To Lcf. The tire proof (tore 01. BoltOl'.’lt"v.'l%r,’ ov occupied Tliomr. aad Hubert ’■••• ell an [execeilent fcatul f>r bufl.ielv. I’ofleflioiican [he bvc days. Apply to ✓ K. &c T. Bolton, Nov. 8. if. 31. [Whole Kt'r.tara 327. [Twelve and a half Cents tingle. F-. NICHOLS, &Cos. TAKE litis opportunity to u.f mi their ricuds and the pub c in general, tlir- liny nave jull receive I :.• y e-neial i.lfi rtment oi HATS, Am ino which are AMERI CAN BE AVI R, tvh'ch they offer for (ale Wh It-iVTe and Uc ” il. on the moil rvafotiable terms. Nl,v - D 3L 2f, 1 Hi: i<HH !iT WISHING to dir. A their attention to* wards the cell, lion and leitlement f due tr. iliem, (live uoii-e 1..., i, mi the til; day of December tint, key wi'.J Joclina ‘ !. t Retau blifntefs mi <- r .- lit ; J'le delirc the; . hoe that ;■! tk fe iiidvhv.l in them, U. non ... J Hi. Uolton.wili ii . 0.-diau-h make paynv lit cr odietwile futic to their iz'i_- laftion. l > l> ni the Here crlk.flion made these two ytanijull, tin debts to them lu.\-* aeumtu'a ted beyond their will), and they ;m 1 lii iemly rware thatbuf.iicfs cm o’lse'.cd a 1 utit a fnouiie caitin.t fupp.irt i.f, |f. C unis i ‘oiton, c* Cos. Tlieir ro ninjr dock on band which i not intended to be •.nei. afed, v ili be 1". Id by .t 1’ iaii, <.i easy terms * r c;.ll , ! prealuee, or town notes. Nov, 20 -r, ts TcF liFNT; * STORES V ’3.7 aid hi the Exchange Ik 1 let lit, apply ;u my OJSie.. 1 hos. Fitt, SecVy. NtlV. 2,) if. * f, jo ( a Iks London Ihhillvl BROWN SI OUT, : Htcdvcd onconfihjnmcnt, and x Anftrevv Ilnox, Nov.; 17 ts ~y / Up. NiiiiN : UTi'LA, yTaiSIIOW COlHplcTCtl h\i> l.lirr aid f.iTe Y \v iii'f Houle*. • n ILurack Ci!)l>< i.r, 1: qr’i; uli nf, wlu ,i lie w u‘. civ ru nany l.iiid ‘ i prrducHe. coimnu'” as he.etclbre 1 lie FACTORAGE A CDMMiS edON BU.-.INESS, and il.iiteis li ■ ;,-ii ~. m in the above line to be rbh: to give general fatiiYe.'hon to thrdc who 17:1* entrult tlieir picpcr'y in hit, tar, 0. favor him with then orderx. Andrew Knox. O‘V ‘ber 11 j j Ir. liNGUSH'SCH OOf, r l" , IIK SUBSCRIBER intending , ,‘ c i. in tlii. pI.K “, lias ‘ punud it SCIIOIJb Cppofite Gal’T. NEW A 1..; to tr the Cos un lionlV, and w<’ti:d accnntninii&te- a f.-w lm. dents ill addition to tliufe v, !■ . !■ he .■dicin’ , has. Having from experience found it in convenient to teach many branches cl ti km., ty,at the (’•-rr.e time, he pi,,,, n W;i r , present tliahliiltmcnt to a tend to a cnurl'e of Englilh i>.flrin r hon nob Viz, Read, mg,Spelling, Writing, Arithn.etic and Gram mar. Tcrnis will be made known on tq pli cation. William Prince, funr. N. B. ood recommendation can be pro duced. Nov iz Xt s') yor r>/ilc ;n tins a/ Vanity r f Bl> vl AKS unton* •which <2//% Foreijjuand Coafling Manili its, Merchant.-, Entries, Liquor do. Bi hi of Exchange, do. of Lading, dyi. <f Sail ; Powers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Convey uuer, Bonds; Notts of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Infer!-r <!t Mayor's Court,-., Mayor's Ck ur* Exi entions fm b nw, Notices to i.t ditors of lulolvent tk.b’ • -:, Military Summonfeo, E; Es’ eutions, Lc tT-/’ Cards, Itandbuis iAc. lAc. Printed ut a thorl Notice on rcafonabltf ct ms. i\ OtK C. A I.T. IVrfons having demanHii t!r - < IL TANARUS! c,[ A,t:j)!iuu I'Uc ul - duuCLif'irl, are rcijutlud *.n r.x<*•. .’ th 4 rly l, ami thole indulutd to 1 at!u u u:.'* at • payment CIi.YRI.6I IN :i LLOUITT, I; lay ai ts 75 OVi’ RKl’ L’ K, Wan:ed. A man cf Ready habits and aceullt rxt-il the management of ncgrid. If he ,• rji.i . jood icltimonials, of Ins honcdly, 1.,-iuf.r/ and Sobriety ho v.-ili meet v.itiv jroj;.: tn c'.Tirbgentcnt by apply mg to Win. Mein. Mover,dter 5 ts 25 Removal, THE 6’uu'cri cr having taken a fix years le.feof Mr. Jehu Porin'* wharf f ! duck adjoining Mr. fici_ to:is Yam;cmw wharf, has removed his lumber ; ard, and having procu red large and lase floor loom, is hope, ‘u! of a continuance of ja t f.v ihe d uric lea. prefen< ttcu ics is larvc fine p lies'-es (hefame rdv.t.M - gc -a;, to corive; fence as his former me did. Discounting room v/ili fe fceptat his dwelling hrufc ; ioiidt-g Mr. Jc hn C aigs cri;:! cine can lc fit. ted up on the wharf. John Mead. 27 i