Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 03, 1805, Image 4

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THE liilftHMAN 7 . ’ Tile Savage lovtrn ‘ .i native Ihari-, ‘i'La* niiie tiie foil, and chill the &ir j Well then rnayLuN’s funs adore Their lPc, that nature form’d so fair. What flood reflate* fliore so /’■ u iioync, or |>alio.a. Farm And whoa friend or fne ran m*er, So qer.croui as an hifbman f Jli haiid is rafli, Li-t heart i* wain, Hut fit tniip'e if flill bi* guide , Kone note rcp-nts a deed of liffnt, And nose ioi'vves with n< bier pride He r/..t lx dup’d, but won't be d:u’d: Filter t'o practife than to p un, ]] r ab’] ean t Ids poor reward, And f.jierids it hire an* hsfb.nan. If ll.anpi* ... 3 poor, for y u tie’ll p?y, And guide you where: you faf: may be ; /.re yi u !::> c mrad.*—while you flay, Hu hoijj a jubilee ; His in nun Ion! he will uulu< It ; And if he m;/ your norite lean, Your confident - ; hefa’ t.olo mix) , For faithful t- an Itijh ron. 15 y honor buy-'', in wut or weal, W! ate'ti Hi, b.Os he dares to do ; Tempt him with b ibes. or if you Ail, Try I “min fi'c.aud find him true ; lie f< < k not fafely, let his poit i t, where it ou h, in danger's van And ,f the fir'd of Atm* lie h it, ’ l'wt.l nut be by an Irjhoutn. Heroic aSianff i-n Upper Can da Wo man.— Mrs. Munper, of DulSris’ Crrtk, in the townlhip of Pitcairn, e, milts iron. York, htarin.r her neighbour, Mis. Woodruff, hollow out for help ut.rr.edi btely took down her i.idbauds gua and ran to her aflitt.incf ; v/hen ihe artived ff.c was informed that a vvry large bear bad irkjyi ofF a log into lire buff); his route being flicwn her, this heroine irvt rueiliatcly purified and found the dellrov cr in ti c ad of devaluing the h g, upon •*1 ic-li (lie it lied tier gun on a slump and iliOt Bruin through the Ik ad ; on weigh ing the b proud the larged that Lad been killed in that townlhip. 7CM GiZCttC. HAPPINESS. When we lock a - r um) us and fee t! e Variety es pmfutts that engage the a ten th,n of tnai k',,d, we are ltd to ask the question. In wliat does true hrppincfs conlLt, ? The acfwtr leadily preli m a it ftl r to t Ttry 'reflecting tnind ; it coiifilla in a mind void of guilt, or free front any intuitional errors, ar.d a disposition to cij'. v the good things of this hie, and to fc ,ir with fortitude the evils infeparabie from it. Show me the man that p. fles ie„ this disposition and you show me a happy man, whether he be p; (T il.d e>f tin ulands or earns iiis daily bieau by the sweat of his brow. TANARUS) e almighty disposer cf events has so mixed the ingredients in the cup of life, that no one is ixrnipted by his riches from the evils of it, and no one . puunled by his provertv, from partak itig of its pkaluua. ‘l’he qrcliion for t v-ry man to ark himfelf, bhnll I hr happy ? It his con mi has bien iueh as h- can reconcile to hia own conscience, the answer will be in llie alt mativ* ; if the anlw, r ffi uid > e is the negative, lie ftdl has it in his p w-r by a line of conduct the reverse ol wliat he lus prait.f.-d, to alone in a degreetor patl errors, and is entitled as long as Ins conduit merits it, at Laid to the civility of Irs fellow citizens. AD.\l IN mil -1 TO K i SALES. ON the 31st day of Decrm her next, will be fold ac I von 8c McG'S | rirvino; office, a!! rhr personal property of the bftareof fiinti’ 1 M, ife, late of this Citv dereafed, viz One half of tht Printing EftaMilhmcnt of Lyo* & MorlV, including Types prcL bcC. &c. A parce o f lw & other Houf,-hold & K.uhen furniture, A Fuf e and a pair of Piftob; A fmail Houle lately occupied by Mr. Morse as a law office 6’-'. bale will commence at 10 o* clock. Condi i, ns vv.ll be made known cn the day of Sale. CURTIS BOL TON Admimllrator. Nov 19 ts 24 John F. Williamson, RESPECTFULLY informs th friends of the late concern cf Wil liams, n (J M, rel, that John H. Morel, Esqr. having retired from bu ft eis, he continues the FACTORAGE t3 COMMISSION BUSINESS, o Morel’* wharf, as formerly, and fol. cit> a continuance of their favors. Having Urge fate and convenie.w ft**res Rir the re-eption of produce, hs hopes from his experience in the above bufmefs, together with his prompt at tend, to thetr orders, that he fha! render the highest tatisfadfion to at who (ball favor mm with their cuflon luy 1 1 u 7 S D.OCTOR I3ART ’ LhTT havinpt derer mincj on residing in trie Town ship of Savannah, takes this r,ode of informing his irtends .nd the Public } ihit he ptr orms .1! operat ons m Surgery, utring fir the Stone in the ur arv bladder; couching and ex *• adding the Ca arafl, ; s per'ed j faminar to him. Pie proses -s 0 cure Cancers ; of which a ilicy he can exh Hit luffici m est imonials. D :6tor Bart lett has long been a Pradfitijn r is tiv* VVtll-Indies, as well as nAn erica ; and hopes that hi* uteris will warrant in the fieir on, that there is no branch of Medicine, t r Surgery, inclu ding Midwifery, that he is un dtq-.ainced with. Dr. P. has now com -le.t ed a MrbDiCAL WOl<K, wh h will Ihortiy be put to preis, aiculated (*>r the ule of families, in one vo'ume octavo, pages 700. Subs riptioi’s aie recei ved by himlelf, or at tr.c Pnn 1 g Oime. Dr. Bartlett can be fund by inquiring, at tins Oi* fice. Nov.-mb'f 15 lawjw 2^ NOW ‘ A.vUi G. From the flips Birmingham Rachel from Glasgow, dr:-/ Eliza from Liverpool, and for file, 5 trunks amt boxes Irilll I.INENS 4 ditto white and brown I’iatiUaa j bales white H..\ dowlas 1 trunk b tie Komolls 4 calks Copperas 2 ditto Pewter l'lates, Dishes 8c naf-vus 9 li xes Men's Ladle's and Ycuih's Hats 50 piece - belt cotton Bagging 40 dirt’- Flax and tow Oznuuurgs 1 trunks (hop an.l fein twine, white and colored thread 1 do. Men's and women’s cotton hose 3 tons pot metal, ali’ rtcd 3 calks Cutlfrv and Ironmongery afTorted 1 do icoten I'nuiV m half pound bottles 10 bales London and £ rift of uul3e and rose blankets 4 do alt Coatings and b'uc ftrouds 4 do. lupertiiie cloths and Kerie) mere as lorlcd t do. Durants and Huffs do .1 calks Nabs ass rted x trunk tewing liik and twist Andrew Knox. R. Ctlion’s wharf. O'tobcr iS ts 1 IN U i 1 C r'.. NOTICE is hr'cbv giyen that a he expiruiun of nine nton hi from this date, the fntferibers Will apph to the hoaifle. t!iejutt>ces of the Life i ir court of the cou > y nf Ch.tham, or leave to left and and f.iofe of the fol ! owing trails f land belonging to tne ila;s of J hn P. WarJ decealed’ ‘* A1 that tra& or parcel if land “ containing three hundred and sis “ tv atrvs,- be the lame more 01 “ left, late ibep'operty of Georgt “ Baiilie dec’J. litua'td in the coun “ ty of Canden bounded on the “ call by Great Satiila river and “ on all other sides b vacant lands “ at the time of the (urve- thetC’ t “ ALSO one other trail or pr “ cr! of land con aining three hun “ dred acres, be the fame m >re or “ lels, la c the property of George “ Baillie dcc’d. lituarcd in tht “ County ot Camden bounded bi “ tne eait by the said Gccrge Bai “ he’s land and on all other lands hy vacant land at the ii ie r.t “ ihe fu’vey—alfb all that trail of ,v laud containing five hundred a “ crcs, be the i*me ntore or less “ originally granted to Robert “ B.iiiiie litua'ed i > the county of w MTntnfb bounded louth by the river Alatamaha, catt on land “ originally grafted Catherine “ D uglafs, t.orrh on lands gra red “ to William M’ln/olh and wcf. “ on lands granred to John M’Cul “ ioc >” winch said three /reds ol land weic feveraliy fold *t rhe Lies ot Confiscated property and purchaled hy ‘he larc John P. Ward deed. Ihe ,aid ‘andsare intended robe fold for rhe benefit of the heirs a..4 crcdirors of he said cltate. N. S. Bayard, E. Ba\ ard. Administrator and Administratrix of said etiase. Sav. April nth 1805. lawqm 65 FOR SALE. THE house at jrefent occu pied -s the Republican Printing • ‘Jfice Lumber or the laoou.- <t a Carpenter will be received ;n payment. For particulars ap ply to EDW. L. DAVIES- No.v. 17 24. t(. SUPERIOR COURT Ckatkam County. January Term, 1805. David Johnston, 1 Fetition vu \ e Jor fobert Woodhoufe. J * ertuoiUT UPON the petition of Dtvii f-'hnffon praying the Foreclosure , he Equity of redemption of ail tht <t of land, in the City of Savanna! ;.nown by the number two [2J in Je kyl Tythinv, Uerby Ward, ccntaii ng hxty feet in front, ann ninety set t n depth, mortgaged by the (aid Ruben Woodhoufe to the said David J ohnftcr ( or securing the paytren’ es two feve ral fuir.r of money men ioned in tw levcra! Bonds or obligations, bearini ven date with the said mortgage j th anc given hy the said Roheit Wood hi.ufe to the said Dvkl Johnston, am the other given by the (aid itobei Woodhoufe and one George Wood* :ou!e to the laid David Johnftor, an< upon motion of Messrs, Davits ant Berrien ol counfcl fer the pc Itioner, It ts Ordered, I iiat site principal iiiterefts and coifs due upon the fai’ two Bunds or obligations be paid inn court within twelve months from thi bay, and that Uulefs the fame ffiall b> so paid t‘ t equity of redemption of tt < (aid mortgaged prermiies will freu tticnccforth be foreclofed, and othe proceedings take place putfuant toth the acl ot ihe general .afiembly, in such case made and provided And it is further Ordered, In puifu ante of the adt thai this tu;e r puhliflitd inor.eof the puolic Gazet e. of ih:s If ate at leatl once in <ve r month, the time for the paytnci.’ cf the money aforefa and into court, o> served on the mortgager or bis Ipecia agent at leaFi fix months prevu us t. the ime of pasmenr is aforefaiC. ExtraS from the minutes 3 1 st ‘Jan. 1805. j* Dutlocb, elk. ?m. r xni. kjLwKOiit, LlSHli D , taper tor Court, March Term, 1805. Cn the petition of John Be! ton, executor of Robert J?olton, praying the foreclofure of the e quity cf redemption of all that lot ol land situate in the town o‘- Sunbury, containing lev nry fee .Font, and one hundred and thii <y feet deep, known in the ori ginal plan bv the number ftven rv-eight (78) which fe. lot o and, with •ne ujutfovcmenr, fiereon, was niortgaged on th ewentitth day of June, one thous tnd Even hundred and ninet) five, by William Hunter Tor rans to the said Robert Bolton iur securing the payment of t!i iurn of forty-two pounds tterhrn quii in value ro or.-e hundc a d eighty dollars; with tntcrei thereon, due upon a certain bunt or obligation from rhe laid Wii ;am to the laid Rober r bearing even date with the said tnorr g ae > it is ordered, That the princi pal, ip.tereft and colt due on tht laid bond be paid into court with in twelve months from this time and umefsthe pnneipa!, intcrtil and cot! be so paid tne equuy ol •edemj tion of the said mortga ged pren llfes ihall from thence forth be foreclofed, and such o.ficr proceedings take place as cite law dirtdls. And it is further ordered, That a copy o! this rule be published in one of the Public Gazettes 01 his ftatt at least once in every month until the time appointee for payment, or served on the mortgagee, at least fix months prcv.ous to lucn time of pay ment. Eutrail from the Minutes, This 26th March ISOS. A, Forest elk. c. s. c. l. t March 28 tam iar 6* 50 Doll 1 is hew ard. RAW AWAY ab ut 4 months Cnee. A ; negro man named Fr.TuH, belonging to the eitate of George Haiti dsc’U. lie is a valua ble carpenter, and well known for many years in this city He is tali and ilim, a&ive, and artful and when queltioned clofeiy, he Ham mers much. is dal art will he paid on his deliver) to the hubferiuer, or to tne Goiter ot this city, ands r;> dollars in addition thereto on proof of his being harboured by a white perloa. J.M ACHIN', Eitate, George Haiti. CitoScr 15 14 mlTjTo a\ lolNDuln. FOR SALE r.Y r. y j. ejLtqn. J") 8- JONH JACKSON. BAS received fir. the shits ELIZA, STONES, and MARSHALL, BUR KER, from Liverpool, a General asset trr.cnt oj goods, consisting of the oilovstng BIZ. Superfine biuad Cloths anti Cassimeres, Do. F.-ihicnabie colors and La n.ila Velvet, Do. do. do. Cord, 4 Bales London Duff. Blanket u S u ith Coating and Fearnought, Seamans Great Coats, Fluffing Cos t*, Cardinals, Blue, Black, Green, 1 Red, Brown and j>itlannel> White, J O! vi Fudeans, Biack,Diab, J Buff, (JliVr, l I" ICK!ETS AND Wi.itr, j VtIVBTJIN., 3 Cases well u&sortcd Irifii LJner, t Do. Containing Towelling ar... Childrens Diaper, Diaper Taole Clotns and Nan kins, Pocked Handkerchief’s. Geniiernens wlh Leather and Beaver Gloves. Ladvs ditto, Do, White Camb uk Mi’s, Do. Exira Long Venetian Beaver Gloves, Do. do. do. Fwn do. Fashionable white ouk Mils, otwmg bi k, L one on ail Colors, J Whited Brown, \ Nu,,, Oz- t 1 KRIiD n bu g, J haffionatl. Ribbons, a ut;r cl< Star Buttons, London quality Binding, Bed 1 iv king, VVhite, and B ack Silk, and Cct ton Cord Trimming, Black Mod", Bi* k Silkbhawis, ■ Blatk Italian C. Blue, Dark and L ghr, Satin : Striped Cot 0.., Holland, Sheet ng e.,; uen, V Hamllome assortment of Fumiiuie, CaxHO, Tnnteu Camuric, Cambn.’ Muslin and L-ippcr, Do. do. Open VVoik’d, D. do. Spt ts, Do. do. Hair Cards, Do. Shawls, Romall, PullicacM Madiais Silk, j HaN “ ?S - Borde-ed Silk md Cotton Sooscs; F-ain Si k Mullins, Cnee wed do. do. Rah B ack Silk do. Cotton Chair,bi ays,, D micy, Checkered Ginghams, Maiiciif.s Quilting, Molt Faff ionab e, Aprc n and Shirting Check, Biack. and White, Cot ton, Tuikey Red, Twists Ccttoi. Sniping, Silk, Cotton and Leather Paten’ Suspenders, Childrens Red, Black and Green Morocco Caps. Saddleis Spring Webb, Woolen Gloves and Negro Caps ALSO. 50 Doz. Call ‘iteel Patent Hoes, 80 Doz- Belt Steeied Broad du. 1 Calk Bioad Axes, Ca pen.ers Adzes, Smiths Sleog- and hand Hammers and Files. Smiths Anvils, Iron Wedges, Frying Pans, Belt Steeled Socket Spades, Hook: and Hinges, Rice Srives, 13 Calk P-ktent and mould Shot, and Bar Lead, 50 Kegs belt white Lead, so do Span.fb Brown, 20 Tierces brown btouc. Porter 2 Cases belt Flour of Muttard, 1 do. do. of Sulphur, 3 Ct Iks Refined S lr peter, 3 Hxfids. gteen Copperas, 1 do Glue. 30 Boxes Pipes, 20 Boxes S by 10 crown Win dow Glais, S° Jugs boiled Linseed Oil, 70 Kegs, 6d. Bd. iod. aud 2od. N ails, Iron Pots from 2 to 20 Gallons, Dutch Over. 3, various llzes, Mite hen cali iron Fire Dogs, SkTcts, Sad Irons, Iron finned Tea Kettles, Cart Buffes. With a handsome iitid ixtenfive afforcn.ent of ROCKERY WARE both in icts complete and by the single р. eceived Pr. the brig Two- F ‘ends from Boston, 300 Pair Negro Shoes, 2 Trunks mens fine tc coarfc S do. Ladies and Mi lie 3 Morocco and Leather Slippers, Boxes of Chocolate, Kegs munEdlued T obacco, Cotton Cards No. 10, and 100 Bett blue gret Grindßones, M 19 lot 25 ~ NOT ICE, - Ihe fi ft Situ.o.y ia December “exi, b mg .1 qua re ly c.anrru ica t on of ti.-j Grai and Ledge of Gcorgi?, be membcis w!l o vene af ten o - с. - ck cn rha. dav ar (he Fda*ure m tms <i y. Ihe re'peAive Lodges a.e :<uti u ar’y rrqueited to af end by rheir p - ., iK;r Repreicms-rives, being for /he eledtion of Grand OiUceis. By or der of ;he Grand Master. WILLIAM DAVIES, v 9 y Grand Scere 1 ary t cn YS H R! hi ’.i Sales, ON tht *rf! Tuesday in Dccenter next xeill he ssU st the Court house in this city, hctu/:cm the keurs of ten and three o ilock. A 11 ule in Percivil Ward ab.iut 30 fc*t, long - and iSfettwido, levied oil as ilu, y, perty i,f Walter D ughnrtv. Conditions Cash. John Williams, s. c. s. November 1 ta 19 NGIICt. NOTICE, is hereby given that e Subfcr ber will at the expiration •f n:;-s months from the date, apply o the Honorable the jufiicts of the Inferior C urt of this county for i eave to fail and dispose cf ail that jislaid cr tra/c cf land generally unown arid called Burnside, ?oge ; hcr ‘virh all it*, appurtenances, contain? ii g about two hundred and sixty a, ires, ofhign laid arid a body o* •narfh adjoining thereto, lying zn9 in this county and situateu be tween Bcwhr Ui.d okidavvsy Islands, o be fold as p?ic of the est ate cf j coil Wad burgher decealed for the benefit of the mid estate. JOHN MH LEDGE. Ex'or. of said Eila-® 4, n-1’ t fat, Pnte CUi'l gev jxl Lends y For sale, by the fubferiher 459 cres on Colonels bland near u'bury well adipted to the ulttv tion of Cotton ; on the remifes one good dwelling houfc ‘otton house and other Suitable ’ hidings oeceffary on a planti ton ; fnuated on a <altßiver,and it oint of health and goou water quai to any in the low a untry. One other traift on Bail-town ■ warn;.) fix milts fro n Rictboro* . -joining lands lately bought by Me firs, Miller & Currie, contain ing one thou land acres a large tody of the Trn <sl is of the fi-ft quality Rice land, one hundred .rfid fifty acres has been cle. red and planted and may be again fettled to at’va ; rage with but little trouble. Terms will be nadir easy top UK holers by apply ing r 0 A. May bank, October t. iair>4m. 7 livery btaole iioardintr- House. The fnbfcriber his taken tha Tfoufe ana Stable lately occupied by John GGfs, efq. ( ppoli.e be Court- il ul'e, and will l\t! ffveat ful to bis friends and the public for their patronage. He has provided a quantity o t Fodcer, and allures hem the every attention lha.ll be paid o ihtir Kories. ABRAHAM I. R O3 ARTS. November 114” cj ‘lO XtiU+T, A fmcll Lot of lard utoated on the faits a bout three miles from Savannah, about fif teen acres cleared. Enquire four doors from fne corner of York and Jefferlou llreeis, or of the Printers. November 11 ts c 5 TO CRT, FOR a tenn of years, the premia., fes at present occupied by Mr. Wii. l,am Chaaviti as a dwelling iioufe and CirCtcrv Store- A profitable icafe f this very valuable Hand, may be ned and pofF-ffion delivered in about ‘<o day: ; for a mudera/e advance in cvlh. For pr< cuUrs app’y to ‘be loiib’e. JudgeStepbens or Gen .vlitc ill. William MilL. ! August 22 S7